Alaskan Malamute dog. How to organize proper nutrition Malamute diet

Organize proper nutrition malamute is quite easy today, since dog food companies Lately offer enough quality product, balanced to the needs of specific breeds, ages and characteristics individual dogs. Food from well-known and proven brands among breeders contains everything a dog needs nutrients, vitamins and minerals, except, perhaps, fats. Polyunsaturated fats (one tablespoon) can be added to the diet as a dietary supplement.

If you change food, never do it suddenly. On the contrary, gradually increase the volume of the new food per serving, without stopping giving the old food until the end of the transition period, which should not be less than 2-3 days.

Food from your table is not a suitable diet for a Malamute and should not replace a properly balanced diet. The amount of food needed for a particular dog should be based on size, age and activity level. Young puppies usually eat three times a day, while an adult dog can eat once a day.

Despite their big sizes The Alaskan Malamute needs a moderate diet. Some owners prefer to feed their Malamutes in two feeding sessions to reduce the likelihood of volvulus, a tragedy that affects all large breeds with a deep chest. Provide plenty of fresh water for your Malamute, especially during the warmer months, and remember to wash his food and water bowls daily.

What to feed?

There are 2 main approaches to feeding a Malamute:

  • Feeding with high quality dry food.
  • Natural feeding:

1. We do not use a combination diet and do not recommend it for feeding our dogs.

3. Dry food can be given either dry or together with cold water.

Which brand of food should I choose?

We would like to remind you that for each Malamute you need to select food individually, following the recommendations of your breeder. If for some reason you are unable to use the food recommended by your breeder, consult with him, perhaps they will recommend you a different food.

Some general considerations when choosing food:

  • Choose “natural”, “holistic” or “human-grade” food (indicated on the packaging) with added vitamin E.
  • Give preference to foods that contain protein sources - fish, lamb, beef, chicken - as the first ingredient. Two various types animal proteins will provide the proper balance of amino acids.
  • Avoid foods that have grains first on the ingredient list.

Ideally, it is better to choose a food that contains different kinds proteins (fish, lamb, beef, chicken, etc.). This is especially important when you are not using fresh meat in your dog's diet. If the food you are using does not contain fish meat or fish oil, it is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of canned mackerel or tuna to your food several times a week. Some coat and skin problems in Malamutes are due to nutritional deficiencies, which can be corrected by adding fish and/or fish oil to the dog's diet.

How much and how often should you feed your Alaskan Malamute?

Puppies up to 4 months old should eat three times a day. Starting from four months, you can switch to two meals a day. It is best to feed an adult Malamute twice a day. A single meal can lead to volvulus, and we do not recommend such meals on a regular basis (only in exceptional cases). Always make sure your dog has fresh water. When keeping a puppy in the house, we recommend removing the water bowl two hours before bedtime.

The correct serving size is very important. Always use a measuring cup, otherwise you will constantly overfeed/underfeed your Malamute. When using a combined type of nutrition, make sure the proportions are correct.

Remember, food bags usually indicate daily ration, not the serving size. At the same time, it is designed for breeds with a higher metabolism than Malamutes.

Puppies go through periods rapid growth, and their appetite may change. You should constantly check your Malamute's weight and condition and adjust portion sizes throughout his life. Always use a level on the food measuring cup and monitor the amount of supplemental nutrition your pet receives during the day. If you have given your Malamute meat or vegetables, you should reduce the amount of dry food. We would like to draw your attention to the need to slightly adjust the portion size for each puppy depending on the weather and activity level of the Malamute.

Remember that older dogs need less food because they lead a sedentary lifestyle.


How much should a young puppy weigh?

The average puppy weight is equal to the puppy's age in months multiplied by 4.5 kg. A three-month-old puppy can weigh approximately 13-14 kg, a five-month-old 22-23 kg. Growth slows down at 6-7 months. Desired weight adult dog 34 kg for females, 38.5 kg for males. However, many Malamutes turn out to be significantly larger than standard. When breeding, it is necessary to give preference to slender Malamutes, close to the standard, which are maintained in good physical shape.

How can you tell if your Malamute is overfed?

You should always be able to easily feel your Malamute's ribs and spine as you run your hands over his body. The pelvic bones directly at the tail should also be easily palpable. A thin layer of “flesh” on the bones is acceptable, but no folds of fat. When the dog is wet or shedding, the outline of the ribs should be clearly visible. There should be a narrowing in the lumbar region (“waist”) and a “retracted belly” located between chest and the lower part of the abdominal region. Malamutes are athletic working dogs and should be kept in a moderately lean condition; they will be severely punished in the show ring for being overweight. Overweight dogs during periods of rapid growth may be prone to hip dysplasia and elbow joints and other developmental disorders. Studies have shown that dogs on a strict diet live longer and longer healthy life than an overfed dog. It should be noted that most pets are obese, but veterinarians usually do not comment on this to owners. Breeders, on the contrary, treat this very carefully.

Alaskan Malamutes are the oldest representatives of the breed, bred specifically for harness work. Representatives of the breed were bred in the Eskimo tribe. The Alaskan Malamute dog is strong and large. The dogs easily cover distances of considerable length and are hardy. The family becomes their own “pack” for the dogs, which they protect, communicate and make friends with. Malamutes become loyal friends to their owners.

Description of the breed

This plush dog with a good-natured appearance and a funny name - ancient breed, bred by the Malemute Eskimo tribe. Let's look at the description of the Alaskan Malamute breed.

  • The dogs have a large build and are compact at the same time.
  • The coat is long and dense, slightly rough to the touch.
  • The head is wide.
  • The ears resemble a kind of wedge in appearance.
  • Starting from the base of the nose, the muzzle becomes slightly smaller. When the Malamute moves, its muzzle is raised high.
  • Characteristics of the breed - a kind of mask on the face, shaped like a “cap”.
  • The paws are powerful and straight, the pads are slightly lowered, preventing the Malamute from falling into the snow when moving.
  • The back is always straight, slightly sloping from the withers to the croup. To ensure easy, fatigue-free movement, the dog's lower back remains moderately flexible and short.
  • The tail is either always raised or lowered, and does not show a pronounced tight curl.
  • The eyes resemble those of a wolf.

The Malamute dog breed is considered strong and large dog Alaska, designed for transporting heavy loads over long distances. Dogs of this breed make a wonderful companion and friend.

Malamute character

The Alaskan Malamute breed is characterized by high mobility and good nature, and has good intelligence. But the representatives do not have the properties of subordination. Capable of being stubborn. Due to their character traits, they try to take a leading position in any situation.

Dogs vary enormously in character. Among Malamutes there are active, affectionate, playful, touchy, fighters... You can’t list all the possible traits. Let's highlight the common features:

  • Intelligent;
  • Stubborn;
  • Those who love to be in the center of events;
  • Gambling;
  • Friendly;
  • Playful;
  • Self-sufficient.

Malamutes are dogs that need constant and varied physical activity. It is better to keep the dogs in the yard next to the house, providing them with an insulated house for the winter. In the city, the Malamute needs long walks every day.

Security qualities

If in demand guard dog, Malamute will not fit. Dogs were bred for close contact with humans, aggressive dogs They were immediately shot and not allowed to breed.

The Alaskan Malamute will frighten you with its impressive appearance. There are cases when it bites a person:

  1. If the dog was beaten, which is unacceptable;
  2. If the Malamute was disbanded and raised incorrectly, as a result the person did not become an authority for the dog.

The unusual behavior of Malamutes

Malamutes communicate in a way that is extremely unusual for dogs. They do not bark like their relatives, but emit a kind of grumbling that conveys the shades of their mood, and howl. Moreover, they have a hundred shades of sounds and roars. If there is nothing to talk about, the Malamute is silent. Therefore, in case of grumbling, it is impossible to punish, it is better to listen and understand the nature of his conversation, sometimes it is enough to caress and stroke the malamute, and the situation will become clearer.

Malamute puppies

The famous 2009 film about canine devotion and love called “Hachiko” spurred the emerging fashion for Malamute dogs. Malamute puppies have been incredibly popular for five years now. These little teddy bears will forever win your heart at first sight; the kids are kind, affectionate, and are happy to make contact with people. A similar dog More likely to be owned by people who are not interested in the fighting qualities of a dog. Malamutes are a sled breed.

Due to its growing popularity, buyers are interested in what should be considered when choosing and purchasing a puppy.

How to choose the right puppy

As in the process of choosing a puppy of any dog ​​breed, first look at appearance. Healthy baby will remain active, playful, eyes sparkling cheerfully, ears clean and without unpleasant odors, the fur is shiny and fluffy to the touch.

It is better to find and study several Malamute nurseries before choosing a puppy. It is definitely better to give preference to nurseries specializing in a single breed - monobreed nurseries. And choose a nursery that breeds over a large area, and not in a city. Malamutes – active dogs, for good physical development a long, careful walk is required.

When choosing a puppy, it is advisable to see the parents, study the pedigrees, and ask about the characters.

Important advice: do not take a puppy in a hurry, it is better to watch the offered puppies for a while, then make your choice. You choose a friend for many, many years.

If the kennel did not give the puppy a name, decide on a nickname. As a rule, the beginning letter of the puppy's name is suggested, and the entire litter is registered under the specified letter. It is good if the nickname reflects the character or origin of the dog.

The cost of puppies of the breed depends on many factors and varies from $300 to $800 and above, depending on the presence of breed champions, multi- and inter-champions, on the dog’s ability to participate in exhibitions, on the value of the dog in further breeding.

Choosing an Alaskan Malamute puppy will give you the opportunity to purchase loving friend, possessing power and nobility of appearance along with exceptional friendliness and devotion.

Caring for an Alaskan Malamute

Let's look at how to care for an Alaskan Malamute so that your pet feels like a full-fledged member of the family. First of all, take care of the dog's participation in family affairs. It is worth taking into account the independent skills of the breed, and try to provide the opportunity to leave and enter the house when the pet wants. Usually a special door is made. Sometimes your pet desperately needs walks all alone.

The Alaskan Malamute dog breed is widely known for its passion for digging. The skill will remain in the breed forever. The instinct dates back to ancient times, when Malamutes had to tear up the ground to find rodents for food.

The feature can be smoothed out. It is advisable to build a box of sand for your pet and gradually teach it to dig exclusively in a designated area. It is often easy to understand that an Alaskan Malamute dog lives in a house by looking at the dug up yard, which looks more like a field after a bombing.

Alaskan Malamute dogs feel great when on fresh air. Indigenous people of the North, they are not afraid even of severe winter frosts. The ideal place to keep the breed would be a warm booth in a fenced enclosure.

Malamutes shed twice a year. The undercoat of dogs is extremely thick and requires careful brushing during the shedding period. If your pet is in an overly warm climate, shedding may take long period time. Malamutes are extremely clean, comparable to cats. You shouldn't wash your dog often. Main dog care comes down to brushing during shedding and periodic nail trimming.

What to feed your pet

Proper care for an Alaskan Malamute is proper nutrition. Today it is easy to choose the optimal dry food for the breed, including all the necessary substances. Malamute feeding is done in two ways:

  1. Combined diet. The dog is offered a diet consisting of half dry food, a quarter raw fresh meat or fish, and a quarter grains, vegetables or fruits.
  2. During the second method, the Malamute’s diet consists of balanced dry food, served with cold water or in dry form. It is possible to add vitamins or nutritional supplements to the feed.


When purchasing a puppy, you will receive the following documents: a puppy card (puppy registration), copies of the pedigrees of both parents, a purchase and sale agreement and, if vaccinations have been completed, a veterinary passport.

Don't forget to exchange your puppy card for the RKF pedigree! This must be done before the puppy is 15 months old. You can exchange it at any kennel club convenient for you (it is not at all necessary to join the club).

Getting ready for the puppy's arrival

Also, be sure to prepare a place for the puppy to live - a place where the puppy can be without harming his life and health... and yours, by the way, too. The fewer fancy wires, antique furniture, and parquet flooring in this place, the more pleasant it will be for both the puppy and you. Remember, a small puppy pees and poops a lot in a wide variety of places.

What you need to prepare for the puppy's arrival home:

1. Non-slippery floors! If a puppy is raised on a slippery floor, his paws will become twisted. Linoleum, laminate, parquet, smooth tiles - slippery coatings. They will need to be covered, for example, with bath mats. At 9 months, the puppy’s ligaments and bones will already be strong enough and slippery floors will not be scary.

2. Bedding - first, lay out a rug for the puppy, which you don’t mind throwing away because... The first few rugs will most likely be torn. There is no point in scolding the puppy for this.

3. Bowls on a stand. Bowls should be at puppy chest level.

4. Food for the first days. Think in advance about what you will feed your puppy: natural food th or dry food.

5. Toys. Choose safe toys designed for dogs. Make a lot of sticks for the puppy with a diameter of 2-5 cm from fresh maple (it does not splinter). When teething begins, the puppy will chew on sticks, not furniture. There should always be objects in the house that the puppy can chew; it is impossible to prohibit everything.


The first two weeks the puppy eats everything and very quickly. The principle of the pack - if you don't eat, your brothers and sisters will eat you. After a couple of weeks, the puppy will realize that you will not eat from his bowl. Then, perhaps, the child will begin to entertain you with whims - “but I’m not eating today.” Don't give in!

An important nuance when feeding: do not leave the puppy alone with food. Always adjust the food in the bowl, stroke the puppy... The puppy must learn from the first days that your hand is giving, not taking away.

  • Acana
  • Orijen
  • Husse
  • Forza

Usually puppies eat a little more than the amount written on the package.

In any case, try to choose hypoallergenic food for dogs of large breeds.

Natural foods are more difficult to balance if you choose natural feeding,

For any type of feeding, vitamins and dietary supplements are necessary. It is necessary to give glucosamine-chondroitin (chondroprotectors) because Malamute is a very fast growing dog.

If the puppy begins to eat moss-soil in large quantities, give Deter 8in1 in a prophylactic dose.

If you have started to lick the tile grout or limestone, you can add calcium to the vitamins.

If you are afraid of overdoing it with vitamins and supplements, donate blood biochemistry. (Don't let doctors shave your paw! They can also get in through the fur. Malamutes have a terribly long shaved coat that takes a long time to grow back.)

Changing the type of feeding or switching from one food to another is carried out no faster than 5-7 days. During this period, give probiotics (probiotics are bacteria for digestion). Probiotic options: lactobifide, lactobifadol - sold in pet stores; bifibum bactrin - in a human pharmacy (used even for infants).

Approximate number of feedings:
Up to 2 months: 3-5 feedings
From 2 to 6 months: 3 feedings
From 6 months: 2 feedings

The weight of a Malamute puppy should ideally be: number of months x 4.5 - 5 kg.

Vaccinations (vaccination)

There are several vaccination schedules. We usually use the following:

The first vaccination is given to the puppy at the age of 6-8 weeks.
2nd vaccination in 2 weeks. Rabies is injected at the same time as the second vaccination.

If you are picking up a puppy with its first vaccinations, then the dates of vaccination and the name of the vaccine are indicated in the veterinary passport. We highly recommend injecting Nobivac, but in any case, the drugs injected the first and second time should be the same.

Anthelmintic (deworming)

The most popular drugs for deworming are Drontal, Kanikvantel (only in dog supermarkets and veterinary pharmacies, these drugs are counterfeited!). Azinox+ is a domestic very good drug. Not faked yet. If there are children at home of the age of “crawl wherever I want and put everything in my mouth,” the dog is wormed 4 times a year. Every season. If everyone in your family already knows how to wash their hands, then treating the dog twice a year is enough. Usually this is spring and autumn.

Treatment for ticks and fleas

A dog walking outside MUST be treated for ticks. We begin treating the dog against ticks from the appearance of the first thawed patches in the spring until the onset of winter. How often to treat your dog depends on the product you buy. Remember, a puppy bitten by a sick tick has practically no chance to survive. And adult dogs are not always pulled out.

It is better to treat with drops on the withers + spray.


  • Hartz (drops, spray)
  • Bars (drops, spray)
  • Bolfo - spray

A small puppy (up to six months old) can only be treated with sprays. Drops are not allowed. So for the puppy - sprays Bars, Bolfo.

What to do if you remove a tick from a dog - the first and most important thing is not to panic. We carefully observe the dog at the first signs of illness, and this is lethargy, refusal to feed, temperature 40, brown urine (about temperature and urine - these are not the first signs, of course, but it also happens that this is the only external manifestation illness...) - run to the veterinary clinic. We get tested for piroplasmosis. At positive analysis- we are being treated.


A puppy up to about 4 months old will simply physically not be able to tolerate 2-3 walks a day... And there is no point in scolding him for small accidents. From this bladder will not grow to adult size... Therefore, I wish you patience! And courage! This will stop soon!

Approximate calculation of walks - there should be as many walks as there are feedings. Optimal time The “patience” of an adult dog is 8 hours. It’s clear that the dog will adapt to your regime, but it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the rules.

An approximate scheme of walks - in the morning at 8.00 (we walk for an hour), in the afternoon at 15.00 we go out for 15 minutes and in the evening at 22.00 we walk for an hour. To quickly toilet train your puppy, you should strictly observe the walking time. The more precise you are in timing, the faster the puppy will learn to endure and wait for a walk. The clearer the mode, the fewer puddles at home.

The pleasant thing is that adult dogs are already people - they don’t like to get up early, they hate alarm clocks, and in bad weather they’re also not particularly eager to go outside... And they don’t respect routines.

A puppy should walk less than an adult dog. If the puppy gets tired and lies down during a walk, let him rest. If, God forbid, you overload your Malamute in childhood, he may have problems with his paws in the future. A clear walking time is important for the puppy.

On a leash or without a leash - that is the question.

The most sensible option is to walk on a leash to the walking area (park, outskirts) and then release the puppy from the leash. And a free walk. How to achieve this? It’s easy - the puppy is at your home - walk this way from the first days. At the same time, you are learning the main Malamute command - “come to me”. A small puppy will not gallop off to the prairie if he has lived with you for at least a couple of days. He knows you, but is careful with the rest of the world. However, off-leash walking is best done in places where there is no risk of the puppy getting hit by a car, etc.

If the Malamute has grown up and you have not been able to adjust its relationship with other dogs of the same sex, you know that there may be fights, it is better not to let the dog off the leash. At least in places where you might encounter potential enemies.

Sledding training

Sled sport is very beneficial for Malamutes. For good trained dog running is a great joy, especially in competitions!

You can start learning commands as early as 3-4 months. Turn commands are learned on walks (when turning, tell the puppy the command “Right” or “Left”). The forward command can already be taught on a puppy harness, running 100-500 meters.

Loads of approximately 3-4 kilometers can be introduced no earlier than 6-8 months. Again, Malamutes are heavy, fast-growing dogs. If you overwork your puppy, you may develop paw problems in the future.

Starting from 9-12 months, you can start carrying a tire or sled a little at a time.

From 10-15 months you can start seriously running 10-20 kilometers.

Naturally, all loads are introduced gradually. Any load should be a joy for you and your dog! If the dog is bored or hard to work at the very beginning of training, then later on it will not work at all.


DO NOT ALLOW YOUR PUPPY TO PULL ON THE COLLAR!!! This rule is introduced from the very first walk!
Sew a small harness and use it to teach the “Forward” command.
The puppy must understand: Harness = work, COLLAR = walk.
If you don’t explain this to the puppy right away, then it will be very difficult to walk with a 40-50 kg dog...

All commands with a puppy are studied out of interest and for a reward. Kicking and tugging are not useful for training until the age of 4-6 months.

The first and most important after learning the name is the “come to me” command, learned exclusively for a piece of tasty food. You called - the puppy came up - you give him something tasty. You start learning this command at home, then continue on the street.

Command “fu!”……. forget it! There is nothing more nasty than the owner’s passion for “fucking”….. The command “fu” is a ban on everything. At this command, the dog stops ANY activity. This is an emergency team. Rare. To a dog, it should be understood as “freeze, otherwise you’ll get screwed!” Did your puppy pick up something nasty on the street? - not “ugh!”, but “come to me!” The puppy came up, you praised him and exchanged the nasty for something tasty or a toy.

"Fu" is when a dog rushes at cruising speed under a car that it does not see...... The "fu" command is FOR EXCEPTIONAL CASES, otherwise it does not work. For local prohibitions, come up with something else, such as “not allowed.”

In any case, raising a dog is not very different in essence from raising a child. Only everything happens much faster. And dogs, unlike people, do not have punishments. Absolutely not. There are warnings, sometimes very harsh, with the use of force. No one will take it out on an individual who has stopped unwanted behavior. The puppy tears off his father's tail; at the moment the tail is torn off, they may bark at him. During the action - but not after. Is your puppy grabbing your hands? And the teeth are sharp... don’t “ugh”, don’t “in the eye” - give the imp a toy, a bone... switch.

Puppy who bites

When purchasing a puppy, it is very difficult to get used to the idea that he is not a small fluffy toy, but an animal that has sharp teeth and claws. He has innate instincts that we simply do not understand. They are given to him by nature to live in natural conditions, independently developing. While playing with a puppy, we suddenly begin to notice with horror that he is trying to bite our hand, take the toy from us, happily shaking it in his teeth. Losing interest in the toy, he again begins to grab our hands with his teeth. The question inevitably arises, what will happen next?

The main purpose for which dogs use their teeth is protection, tearing meat and crushing bones. Up to 4 months, puppies have very weak muscles jaws and they use their baby teeth to play. During this period of time, they learn to regulate the force of their bite and communicate with their relatives, tearing and gnawing prey. Also, with the help of biting and power games, puppies learn to establish hierarchical relationships within the pack.

If a puppy bites his brother too hard, he usually hears a very loud, unpleasant squeal in response and realizes that the bite hurt too much. As a rule, next time, he bites weaker or does not bite at all.

Separated from other dogs, the puppy ends up in a home with people already with its own life experience and the habit of biting during play and communication.

Usually, when a puppy wants to play with its owner, it runs up and begins to quietly bite him.

In response, the person either pushes the puppy away, which he in turn perceives as a continuation of the game and begins to bite more painfully, or the person encourages this behavior by starting to play with the puppy or persuading him not to bite. The puppy loves it and bites harder and harder, causing pain to its owner. If the problem is not solved, then playful biting can develop into aggression towards the owner, then the puppy may begin to growl and bite with anger. This behavior is quite rare, but it is still worth keeping in mind.

Therefore, it is advisable to correct this problem as early as possible.

To do this you need to do the following:

Try to avoid any games in which the puppy tries to bite you. If during communication, the puppy bites you, instead of scolding for it, spanking or grabbing your nose, it is better to react to the bite as another puppy would react, namely, yelp loudly and unpleasantly. Then get up and move away, the puppy will understand that he hurt you, and therefore the game has stopped. You will soon notice that the puppy does not bite as hard and much less often. If you use this exercise daily, you can stop your dog from biting. We recommend using this method for puppies under 4.5 months. Later, usually, the dog develops permanent teeth, and the meaning of the bites changes. If a puppy bites its owner after 4.5 months, this usually indicates a dominance problem (when the puppy believes that he is the head of the family), this can be dealt with by lowering the hierarchical rank of the animal.

From 6 months, your puppy will be happy to take part in a general training course (GTC). Teach your puppy either under the guidance of an instructor, or yourself, using books. The main thing is to learn!

Try to avoid senseless terror. I repeat - a dog is raised the same way as a child. Basic principles of Malamute training: SOFT-CLEAR-CONSISTENT. If you can’t, then you can’t always, the command is given, it must be 100% carried out (not necessarily quickly, the main thing is done), you need to force the dog to do what you need, gently but persistently. You can always outwit the dog and make sure that your desires with the dog coincide, then obedience will be perfect.

Useful telephone numbers (in Kaliningrad)


7 - 963-738-22-55 Yuri Vasiliev (animal psychologist)

Handlers (preparation for exhibitions)

7-952-053-18-21 Natalia Slizh

I kindly ask all the owners of our puppies not to disappear and send us photos of their children. I really want to see how our puppies grow up. the best photos I will be happy to place your puppy in the album on my website.

Organizing proper nutrition for a Malamute today is quite easy, since companies producing dog food have recently offered a fairly high-quality product, balanced to the needs of specific breeds, ages and characteristics of individual dogs. Food from well-known brands that have proven themselves among breeders contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals a dog needs, except, perhaps, fats. Polyunsaturated fats (one tablespoon) can be added to the diet as a dietary supplement.

If you change food, never do it suddenly.. On the contrary, gradually increase the volume of the new food per serving, without stopping giving the old food until the end of the transition period, which should not be less than 2-3 days.

Food from your table is not a suitable diet for a Malamute and should not replace a properly balanced diet. The amount of food needed for a particular dog should be based on size, age and activity level. Young puppies usually eat three times a day, while an adult dog can eat once a day.

Despite its large size, the Alaskan Malamute requires a moderate diet. Some owners choose to feed their Malamutes in two feeding sessions to reduce the likelihood of volvulus, a tragedy that affects all large, deep-chested breeds. Provide plenty of fresh water for your Malamute, especially during the warmer months, and remember to wash his food and water bowls daily.

What to feed?

There are two main approaches to feeding a Malamute:

Feeding with high quality dry food.

Combined diet: ½ dry food “Super-Premium/Premium” class + ¼ fresh meat/fish + ¼ additives: grains, vegetables, fruits.

Which brand should you choose?

Some general considerations when choosing food:
Choose “natural”, “holistic” or “human-grade” food (indicated on the packaging) with added vitamin E.
Give preference to foods that contain protein sources - fish, lamb, beef, chicken - as the first ingredient. Two different types of animal proteins will provide the proper balance of amino acids.
Avoid foods that have grains first on the ingredient list.
Ideally, it is better to choose a food that contains different types of proteins (fish, lamb, beef, chicken, etc.). This is especially important when you are not using fresh meat in your dog's diet. If the food you are using does not contain fish meat or fish oil, it is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of canned mackerel or tuna to your food several times a week. Some coat and skin problems in Malamutes are due to nutritional deficiencies, which can be corrected by adding fish and/or fish oil to the dog's diet.

How much and how often should you feed your Alaskan Malamute?

Puppies up to 4 months old should eat three times a day. Starting from four months, you can switch to two meals a day. It is best to feed an adult Malamute twice a day. A single meal can lead to volvulus, and we do not recommend such meals on a regular basis (only in exceptional cases). Always make sure your dog has fresh water. When keeping a puppy in the house, we recommend removing the water bowl two hours before bedtime.

The correct serving size is very important. Always use a measuring cup, otherwise you will constantly overfeed/underfeed your Malamute. When using a combined type of nutrition, make sure the proportions are correct.

Remember, food bags usually list the daily ration, not the serving size. At the same time, it is designed for breeds with a higher metabolism than Malamutes.

Puppies go through periods of rapid growth and their appetite may change. You should constantly check your Malamute's weight and condition and adjust portion sizes throughout his life. Always use a level on the food measuring cup and monitor the amount of supplemental nutrition your pet receives during the day. If you have given your Malamute meat or vegetables, you should reduce the amount of dry food. We would like to draw your attention to the need to slightly adjust the portion size for each puppy depending on the weather and activity level of the Malamute.

Remember that older dogs need less food because they lead a sedentary lifestyle.


How much should a young puppy weigh?

The average puppy weight is equal to the puppy's age in months multiplied by 4.5 kg. A three-month-old puppy can weigh approximately 13-14 kg, a five-month-old 22-23 kg. Growth slows down at 6-7 months. The desired weight for an adult dog is 34 kg for females, 38.5 kg for males. However, many Malamutes turn out to be significantly larger than the standard. When breeding, it is necessary to give preference to slender Malamutes, close to the standard, which are maintained in good physical shape.

How can you tell if your Malamute is overfed?

You should always be able to easily feel your Malamute's ribs and spine as you run your hands over his body. The pelvic bones directly at the tail should also be easily palpable. A thin layer of “flesh” on the bones is acceptable, but no folds of fat. When the dog is wet or shedding, the outline of the ribs should be clearly visible. There should be a narrowing in the lower back area (“waist”) and a “sucked in belly” located between the chest and lower abdomen. Malamutes are athletic working dogs and should be kept in a moderately lean condition; they will be severely punished in the show ring for being overweight. Overweight dogs during periods of rapid growth may be prone to hip and elbow dysplasia and other developmental disorders. Research has shown that dogs on a strict diet live longer and healthier lives than an overfed dog. It should be noted that most pets are obese, but veterinarians usually do not comment on this to owners. Breeders, on the contrary, treat this very carefully.

Economic product (low quality)
Economic line feeds are characterized by low quality raw materials (usually waste from human food production) and, therefore, low prices. This category of feed includes:
1. Chappi (Chappy)
2. Bosch (Bosch) - Germany,
3. Purina Darling (Purina Darling) - Hungary
4. Dog relish –
5. Woof! - Ukraine Lviv.
These foods are not recommended for continuous use., since they do not contain all the nutrients necessary for proper nutrition. If you still decide to feed your dog only economical food, you need to take a course of vitamins and minerals regularly, 2 times a year.

Premium product.
Average quality food is higher quality and more expensive and takes into account the age of the animal and its activity.
Offal is used as a meat nutrient. The need for various nutrients is supplemented by the introduction of high-quality vitamin and mineral preparations, protein supplements, etc. This category of products includes:
1. Friskies
2. Purina (Purina)
3. DOG chow (Dog chow) - Hungary
4. Sunshine (Sunshine) - USA
5. Club 4 paws – Ukraine, Lviv, etc.

Super premium product.
These feeds are made from selected raw materials that undergo mandatory certification. A highly complex technological process ensures that the composition of the feed corresponds to that indicated on the label, and a special type of packaging ensures long-term preservation of the taste and nutritional qualities of the product. Laboratory studies of the components make it possible to determine the exact content of all the necessary elements in them and, thus, determine the proportions when mixing. Feed digestibility is 80-90%.
Super premium - products take into account the nutritional needs of animals at different stages of life, animal size, age, activity. There are special dietary super-premium products that allow you to minimize digestive and skin problems. This category includes food:
1. Eukanuba (Eukanuba) - Holland
2. Pro Plan (Pro Plan) - France
3. Purina (Purina)
4. 1st choice (Fest choice)
5. Pronature - Canada
6. Pro Formance - USA, etc.

Of course, the higher the category of food, the more expensive it is. But on the other hand, with an increase in the nutritional value of the feed, its consumption decreases and the percentage of digestibility by the body increases.
Premium and super premium feeds do not require any additives. In some cases, the food can be diluted with kefir.
There should always be fresh water next to the food.
When feeding dry food, it is not recommended to mix it with natural food (meat, cereals), as the balance is upset and metabolic problems may arise.
When choosing dry food, remember that by saving on it, you will save not on your budget, but on the health of your pet. After all, curing a dog from the consequences of poor nutrition is much more expensive than feeding it!


From 1 to 4 months - 4 feedings a day (9.00 - 13.00 - 17.00 - 20.00)

From 4 to 9 months - 3 feedings a day (9.00 – 15.00 – 20.00)

From 9 to 1.5 years - 2 feedings a day (9.00 - 20.00) After 1.5 years - we continue feeding twice a day.

The diet consists of meat and dairy feeding (options at your discretion). It is better to start the day with dairy food to stimulate the stomach, and before bed it is advisable to give a meat dish - the puppy should fall asleep full. It must be remembered that the Alaskan Malamute has a protein-fat metabolism, which means the absorption of proteins and fats to a greater extent, and carbohydrates to a lesser extent. Thus, fatty meat trimmings and high-fat cottage cheese are better absorbed than vegetables. Raw carrots, sunflower oil and potatoes are not digestible (but vegetables can be chewed like a toy). The amount of food should be given at the rate of 3% of your dog’s weight per day. Based on this 3%, the food should consist of: 70% meat (chicken, lamb, lamb) and 30% porridge and some vegetables (salad greens). The puppy should not look fat and overfed if the height muscle mass will outpace growth bone tissue, ligaments and tendons, abnormal development of the limbs is possible. The puppy should be moderately well-fed and active.

Meat feeding:

1st option: chopped pieces raw meat(if you are not sure about the quality of meat, then scald it) + kefir or yogurt for better digestibility of meat + calcium-containing preparation (vitamins or processed egg shells). You can add 1 hour. l. fish oil.

2nd option: Warm liquid meat “pottage” or jellied meat, cooked from meat (chicken, turkey, beef or lamb, red fish, offal) with the addition of cereals (rice and buckwheat). Based on 70% meat and 30% cereals and some greens. Note: (Liver can only be given scalded, because raw will weaken the stomach. Pearl barley is poorly absorbed by the dog’s body, rolled oats weaken the stomach).

3rd option: fresh frozen raw fish cod family, one carcass per feeding (blue whiting, pollock can be used)

4th option: chopped pieces of raw meat (if you are not sure about the quality of the meat, then scald it) + cereal (rice and buckwheat) pre-steamed in a thermos.

Example: for a dog weighing 35 kg. 1.05 kg required. feed per day: 0.7 kg. meat + 0.3 kg. porridge.

Milk feeding:

1st option: thick porridge from assorted rice and buckwheat, cooked in water (1/2 of the volume of porridge per day)+ fermented milk product: kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk + 1 hard-boiled egg (or raw yolk) + 1 tbsp. l. honey (or 1 ampoule of glucose) + calcium-containing preparation. You can add fish fat.

2nd option: cottage cheese of any fat content (0.25g) + 1 hard-boiled egg (or raw yolk) + 1 tbsp. l. honey (or 1 ampoule of glucose) + calcium-containing preparation. You can add fish oil.


With the right and balanced diet Your puppy will receive all the micro and macro elements necessary for growth and functioning. But, often, it is advisable to help the baby’s body, especially if he has massive, large bones or if he is kept indoors. Which vitamins to buy depends on your desire and your capabilities. There are high-quality vitamins from natural derivatives from Canina, produced in Germany, which you can order through our nursery. You can use vitamins from synthetic derivatives of the company "8 in 1" made in the USA, which are available for free sale in pet stores.

The main thing is that you satisfy the puppy’s body’s need for the necessary things: calcium - for the growth of bones and teeth, glucosamines - for the formation of joints and biotin - for strengthening and growth of hair, a complex of vitamins and minerals - necessary for metabolism in the body.

I will add links about nutrition here:

Remember! The beautiful appearance and health of your dog depend 50% on proper feeding and care.

Many years ago, when a Malamute, a fluffy dog, appeared in distant Alaska, no one suspected that it would become a person’s favorite and the Internet would be full of advertisements about where to buy a Malamute. People who are planning to have one purebred dog They probably don’t suspect that she will require a certain feeding option. The Malamute does not eat a lot of food, but is ready to eat a lot at any time of the day. Therefore, the owner’s main task is not to overfeed the pet.

From correspondence

Here are some letters on online forums:

  1. The young man admires the beauty of this breed and does not believe that such huge dog they feed once a day, while small poodles (the author of the letter has four of them) eat four times a day.
  2. The owner answers. The Malamute is not one of those dogs that is called "beggars". This serious dog will never ask for a tidbit. A netizen says that he found information that it is better to feed a Malamute once a day in the stories of the famous Jack London. He gradually transferred the dog to a one-time meal, “did not report” the food in the morning, and transferred it to the evening norm. Before this, his pet had stomach problems. He would “spit out food,” especially after increasing exercise in the morning.

The owner’s letter can be confirmed: the dogs of the North are distinguished by their protein-fat metabolism. Their main food is meat, herbal ingredients very little is required

Features of the breed: nutrition

A representative of the Malamute breed can be immediately distinguished from representatives of other species. This is very big dog. The first question a casual viewer will ask will be: “How much food does such a huge dog need?” The curious one needs to be reassured: the dog is big, but eats very little. The main thing is to follow the correct diet, which the dog is taught to early age. Therefore, a few tips for novice dog breeders:

  1. Before picking up a purchased puppy, you need to inquire about the feeding schedule that the breeder used.
  2. For the puppy, you need to have a specific bowl and feed him three times a day, at the same time.
  3. Until the age of one and a half years, the Alaskan Malamute is considered small; all of its “whims,” especially regarding food, should not be fulfilled.

An adult dog should be fed twice a day, although one meal is acceptable. She needs to receive 75 calories per kilogram of body weight, so it is better to use dry food that contains the necessary microelements. This food should be given to the dog in doses, because it will not leave the cup until it has eaten everything. The dog gets used to a certain type of food; a sudden change can cause “dog problems”. The food that one pet eats with pleasure may not be liked by another. High-calorie foods are not suitable for an aging dog.

What else could I give you, “Balamut”?

This is what many owners think when they look at a frolicking fluffy puppy. They should be warned:

  1. The little spoiled one does not understand that he is full, so he constantly asks for food; for the sake of a delicacy, he may refuse his portion.
  2. Prohibited food for this breed is the remains of borscht and soup, because the salt content in them exceeds the norm; sausage has a negative effect on the animal’s liver, so it is better for him to eat a small piece of meat, salty fish will invariably cause stomach upset.
  3. A delicacy for a Malamute will not be sweet candies, but biscuits or a piece of boiled meat.
  4. Free feeding is prohibited for this species.

To find out if you are overfed pet, you need to run your hands along your back and sides: your hand should feel the ribs. If this is not observed, then such a pet should not be in the exhibition hall. After all, real “medalists” are athletically built and have a lean appearance. It has been proven that malamutes that are “kept on a diet” live longer than their fed counterparts. Breeders are especially concerned about “the dog’s figure”: the main thing for them is to preserve all the characteristics of the Malamute breed.

About feeding puppies

For about a month of its life, the little lump feeds on its mother’s milk; if there is a shortage, it is fed with goat’s milk. If you don’t have the one mentioned above, you can take a dry unsweetened mixture for baby food. Dairy products can be given to Maalamut for only two months.

After the puppy has grown up, his diet changes: porridge with milk, cottage cheese, boiled fruits and vegetables, as well as chopped raw meat, boiled fish without bones. To ensure that your puppy does not lag behind in growth, he needs vitamin supplements. Here are some more tips and instructions:

  1. Be sure to withstand daily norm, it should be increased as the pet grows.
  2. In the first months the dog needs boiled water, which is subsequently replaced by a simple one.
  3. You should not get carried away with dry food alone: ​​it is better to organize combined feeding.
  4. Any New Product must be given carefully.
  5. A small dog needs all kinds of vitamins, you can also try natural fruits.

An attentive owner will immediately notice that the puppy has an upset stomach. In such cases it is necessary:

  • reduce food intake by half;
  • raw water is replaced with boiled water
  • Try to give your pet only dry food.

If after three days the puppy’s health has not improved, he should be shown to a veterinarian.

On dog breeders forums

Feeding a Malamute is a hot topic discussed on Internet sites. The owners of these fluffy dogs You should not neglect the advice, because they are all tested by experience:

  1. Amateur car enthusiasts live with a large Malamute. They advise feeding him in the evening: the “passenger” of the car cannot bear the load on his stomach.
  2. Many people try not to give their pet cereal porridge, as it causes intestinal dysbiosis. If a dog eats only dry food rich in grains, then “stomach problems” will gradually overtake him.
  3. But here is a cry for help: the pet refuses to eat dry food and is losing weight before our eyes. This letter is answered by the dog's owner Albina, who writes that any dry food causes her dog to develop allergic reaction– the fur “comes out” in clumps, so she keeps her Malamute on natural food. With this approach, the “dog menu” should include:
  • Beef or chicken meat, pork is not suitable6 it is a fatty product;
  • The pet will not refuse offal, which, by the way, is cheaper.
  • You can make oatmeal or buckwheat porridge on water, add some meat to it.
  1. The controversy regarding dry food continues. Veterinarians advise choosing premium food that contains natural vitamin E. It is preferable to choose food prepared with lamb, chicken, fish; if such food is not available, you should add a little to your pet’s food several times a week. canned fish. There is no need to stock up on food in which cereals come first.

Preparing food for your pet

The first malamutes appeared in distant Alaska many centuries ago. Then the Eskimos did not think about the diet for the sled dog and fed it fish. Gradually digestive system representatives of this breed have adapted their diet to a fish menu. Modern experts claim that fish oil and phosphorus help the dog have a long, thick “fur coat” and advise alternating fish and meat days. Due to their rich fur, dogs have enhanced heat regulation, and therefore they need constant water.

Special conversation about " fish dishes"for a pet. There is no need to experiment and give your dog frozen fish. Not just any fish is suitable for your pet malamute. Thus, cod and navaga contain substances that disrupt hemoglobin metabolism, which leads to slow growth and exhaustion of the dog. Other types of fish, for example, herring, Baltic herring, destroy vitamins, causing muscle weakness. In order for the puppy to avoid all these troubles, his food must be varied. ABOUT proper feeding The weight of the puppy indicates: a three-month-old creature should weigh about thirteen kilograms, while an adult dog weighs from 30 to 40 kilograms.

A few more words

A large dog such as a Malamute is quite easy to feed today because there are many companies producing high-calorie pet foods. When looking at bright packaging, it is important to take a product marked “natural”, “holistic”, “human-grade”, in which high content vitamin E, necessary for the growth of the dog. When studying the label of the box, you need to understand that it indicates the daily ration for the four-legged animal, and not the amount of one “lunch”. The food should be poured into a measuring cup, because the Malamute cannot be overfed and cannot be underfed.

You can use two methods:

  • Combined feeding: dry food is used along with fresh meat and grain, vegetable, and fruit supplements. The amount of dry porridge is half required mass, and the second half is evenly distributed among two or three ingredients.
  • Feeding with dry formulas.

Dry food is divided into three groups:

  1. The economic line, Chappie, Bosch, is made from low quality raw materials, which means they don’t have everything necessary for a dog substances. Such bags can be fed, but vitamin supplements are required.
  2. Better quality, and therefore much more expensive, is a premium product supplemented with vitamin and mineral components. There are many companies producing second-line food. There are also domestic manufacturers - “Club 4 Paws”.
  3. Super-premium food must be certified and laboratory research, which determine the exact content of components. When using such cereals, the dog does not need vitamin supplements.

Experts advise feeding your puppy the highest quality food, but any option is acceptable if four-legged friend cheerful and feeling great.

Thus, feeding a Malamute is a whole science that needs to be understood by the owner of a puppy who dreams of having a beautiful and healthy dog.