Douching with chamomile in gynecology, how to do douching, how to brew a decoction at home. How to properly perform vaginal douching

A syringe is a device used for irrigation with a stream of water. internal cavities bodies for the purpose of cleansing them. Douching is performed for medical or hygienic purposes.

Many women use douches to try to get rid of vaginal odor. They believe that douching helps keep the vagina clean.

Despite the fact that every fifth woman aged 15 to 44 years uses regular douching, according to doctors, such a practice can lead to unpleasant and even dangerous consequences.

  1. Douching is used to wash, rinse or clean any body cavity.
  2. There are alternative and safe methods, which can ensure the health and cleanliness of the vagina.
  3. Douching may mask health problems and thus worsen the condition.

Why is douching used?

The douche is filled with water and inserted into the vagina, after which the water is sprayed

Douching is primarily used to clean a woman's vagina.

Vaginal douching involves filling a douche, bottle or other container with water and then spraying it into the vaginal cavity.

Sometimes women prefer to mix douching water with other liquids, such as vinegar. In some cases, they purchase special douching products that may contain various ingredients such as baking soda, iodine, fragrances and antiseptics.

Women say they use douching for the following reasons:

  • to get rid of unpleasant odor in the vagina;
  • to prevent unwanted pregnancy;
  • to cleanse the vagina of body fluids such as semen or bleeding from;
  • to reduce your chances of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Important! Douching does not achieve any of these goals.

Is douching safe?

In countries with highly developed medicine, including the United States of America, douching is not recommended for women.

Vaginal flora are bacteria that live permanently in the vagina. Flora helps keep the vagina healthy and prevents infections. The female vagina is a self-cleaning organ that is able to maintain a normal pH balance without outside intervention.

During douching, they can be removed from the vagina. beneficial bacteria. Using this method of “cleansing” sometimes changes the pH balance and allows harmful bacteria to multiply, leading to infections, irritations, deterioration of the skin and other more serious complications.

Risks of douching

Douching may do more harm than good. Complications, which can sometimes be quite serious, largely depend on the reasons that prompted the woman to undergo this procedure.


Douching is associated with several risks, including infections and cervicitis

Douching is not an acceptable form of contraception. However, using a douche can make it difficult for a woman to try to conceive.

Additionally, women who douche on a regular basis may have a more difficult pregnancy.

Pregnant women may experience the following:

  • premature birth;
  • increased likelihood of miscarriages;
  • ectopic pregnancy.


There is a common misconception that douching helps prevent or get rid of vaginal infections. The truth is the opposite.

Regular douching increases your chances of developing vaginal infections. Disturbing the natural pH balance in the vagina can lead to yeast infections and.

Women who douche have an increased risk of developing vaginosis compared to those who have never douched.

Using a douche when there is already an infection is highly likely to worsen the condition of the vagina and spread the infection to other organs reproductive system.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs usually result from sexually transmitted infections. PID affects the reproductive organs and can reduce a woman's chances of getting pregnant.

Women who douche regularly increase their risk of developing PID by 73%. This was indicated by research, the results of which were published in 2008 National Center US Biotechnology Information.


Cervicitis is a condition that is characterized by irritation or inflammation of the cervix and can lead to itching, pain, and vaginal discharge. This disease is a consequence of sexually transmitted infections. However, douching may increase the risk of developing cervicitis.

Natural odor and some volumes of discharge are phenomena characteristic of a healthy vagina. Therefore, it is important for women to be aware of the signs and symptoms of serious medical conditions.

These include:

  • vaginal discharge that has a persistent and strong odor;
  • vaginal discharge that is white, yellow or green;
  • vaginal odor that does not go away for several days;
  • pain or discomfort during sexual activity;
  • pain when urinating;
  • redness, swelling, burning sensation, itching in or around the vagina.

Important! If a woman discovers any of the above, she is recommended to seek help from a gynecologist.

Is there a need for douching?

A woman's vagina is a self-cleaning organ that can get rid of sperm, menstrual blood and other body fluids independently. Trying to clean your vagina by douching or any other unsafe methods can cause damage. inner fabrics , which in some cases leads to.

serious consequences Women who are concerned about vaginal odor or abnormal vaginal discharge

, should talk to your doctor about your concerns. Using douching to treat these problems may only lead to masking them and possibly more serious complications, since the underlying cause of the symptoms will not be treated.

What alternatives might there be to douching? Keeping your vagina clean is simple. Most easy method

- washing the organ with water while taking a bath or shower. You can use unscented body washes or ones that are specifically formulated for cleaning the intimate area and do not disturb the natural pH balance of the vagina.

There is no need to intensively clean this area of ​​the body while washing and do not allow soap or special detergents to get inside the vagina. When using the latter, a woman should ensure that the detergents are completely rinsed or washed, after which she should gently dry the treated area with a clean towel.

How to get rid of vaginal odor?

Safely reducing odor involves keeping the vagina and surrounding areas dry.

While the vagina has a natural odor, many women find the odor unpleasant.

Every woman's vagina smells different, and different kinds activities such as sex or sports training, may change the smell.

That being said, there are some methods that can safely reduce the strength of vaginal odor. These methods include the following.

  • Hygiene. Keep your vagina clean by regularly washing with water or soap that doesn't contain harsh chemicals.
  • Clothes and underwear. They should be made from breathable fabrics such as cotton and not fit too tightly to the body. A woman should not wear clothes and underwear made of fabrics such as satin, silk and polyester, which restrict air flow to the skin and can promote the growth of bacteria.
  • Drying. It is important to thoroughly dry the vagina and surrounding areas to avoid moisture buildup, which can lead to infections and odor. When using deodorizing agents, you must ensure that they do not get inside the vaginal cavity.
  • Refusal of aggressive cleaning methods. There is no need to use aggressive cleaning methods such as douching. If a woman sticks to of this rule, this will help her not to encounter unpleasant odors in the vagina for a long period of time.

Douching for thrush at home should only be done as prescribed by a gynecologist. Every second woman is familiar with thrush or a fungal infection of the vagina.

Does douching help with candidiasis?

The most common symptoms of thrush are severe. Although the disease has many other symptoms:

  • thick white with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain when urinating;
  • swelling and redness of the vagina;
  • pain and stinging during sexual intercourse.

All of these phenomena may be signs not only of thrush, but also of a sexually transmitted infection or disease genitourinary system. Therefore, self-medication without knowing the exact diagnosis is dangerous to health.

Gynecologists all over the world are against any self-medication, as it is very risky for one’s health. Present in the vagina natural microflora, which delays the infection and prevents it from reaching the uterus and appendages. During douching, both harmful and beneficial microflora, it is better to douche for thrush, combining it with the main therapy - suppositories for thrush, which can be inserted into the vagina at night.

How to do douching for thrush? Typically, douching is done using antiseptic solutions. These include:

  • soda;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilin;
  • boric acid.

What can you douche with?

Is it possible? IN Lately There is a lot of information that baking soda cures almost all diseases, including fungi. Women count soda the best way from thrush. Indeed, fungi cannot reproduce in an alkaline environment. After douching with soda, the itching goes away and the woman begins to feel much better, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Yeast fungus affects the deep layers of the skin and vaginal mucosa, and during douching only the surface layer is irrigated. Since the microflora is disturbed, after some time the symptoms will appear again.

To achieve the effect, a woman must douche every hour soda solution, carrying out the procedure for 2 weeks. But you can do it differently: after using soda, lubricate the vaginal mucosa or Levorin to prevent the infection from spreading.

From th or hydrogen peroxide, the vaginal microflora becomes very dry, and there is also a risk of getting burns.

Therefore, instead of douching, you can use the product in combination, adding it to the water when washing, and insert antifungal suppositories into the vagina at night.

If treatment with potassium permanganate is still carried out, then it is better to adhere to the following scheme: after the end of menstruation, douching for 11 days 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. You cannot skip procedures, because in this case the treatment will be ineffective. The solution for douching for thrush should be pale pink, all manganese crystals should be dissolved, since they cause a burn if they come into contact with the mucous membrane.

Next stage - . For this you will also need Bifidumbacterin. They need to be inserted into the vagina in the morning and evening, 2 (one of each), before the onset of menstruation. You cannot douche during this period.

How to do douching boric acid? This product is a white powder that has antibacterial and antifungal effects. But this substance has a number of contraindications that are important to know about. For those with kidney problems, using boric acid is dangerous. It is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

How to use boric acid correctly? 1 tsp. The powder must be diluted in a glass of boiling water. In this case, you should not douche, but treat the vagina with a tampon soaked in the resulting solution. The procedure should be repeated every 2 hours until the desired result is achieved.

A tampon for insertion into the vagina is prepared as follows: you need to wrap a small piece of cotton wool in a sterile bandage and tie a knot. You need to leave a long cord, which will make it easier to get the tampon. What comes out is something like Tampax.

You can also douche with herbs. Gynecologists say that herbal decoctions do not have the desired effect. But some women continue to douche in hopes of fighting thrush.

Chamomile is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. This is why they use it. To achieve the full effect of recovery, douching with chamomile should be carried out as follows: additional remedy to the main treatment.

How can you douche with chamomile decoction? The product is prepared in a ratio of 2 tbsp. l. flowers per 1 liter of boiling water, bring the mixture to a boil and cool. The strained and warm broth should be poured into a syringe. The procedure is more effective to carry out in the evening.

The sequence is used for different skin diseases and rashes. Therefore, with thrush, douching in succession will soothe vaginal itching, but douching alone is impossible.

Sage is known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. Thanks to tannins And essential oils A decoction of this plant can heal wounds in the vagina. There is 1 more positive quality The herb is a strong immunostimulant. Together with the main treatment, douching with sage will help get rid of candidiasis.

The serum is contained in fermented milk products, in particular, in . Douching with whey or kefir is, one might say, douching with lactic acid bacteria. The product is brought to body temperature in a water bath and douched 2 times a day for a week.

Douching for candidiasis can be done by adding iodine, chlorhexidine and other antiseptics to the water.

How to do douching?

If a woman has thrush, how to do douching correctly? It's easier to douche over the bathtub. The woman should lean back and take a semi-lying position.

You need to try to relax all the muscles as much as possible so that the tip does not injure the mucous membrane. The stream should be released slowly, as a sharp stream can injure the cervix. After the procedure, you need to lie quietly for about half an hour.

Before starting treatment, you must consult a gynecologist. Modern drugs based on antifungal substances completely destroy the lesion in 1 week, so douching is prescribed as aid as part of complex therapy.

The content of the article:

Douching for thrush is a procedure during which the vagina is washed with decoctions medicinal herbs or drug solutions. It is sent for removal pathogenic microorganisms with mucous membrane. Manipulation is often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of fungal vaginitis and cervicitis caused by candida.

  • Read the capsule review

The benefits of douching for the treatment of thrush

Almost all douching solutions for candidiasis can quickly deal with fungi. They inhibit the growth of fungal colonies and reduce discomfort.

The benefits of vaginal irrigation for candidiasis are as follows:

  • Eliminates burning sensation. Soda solution and medicinal plants reduces the number of microorganisms on the mucous membrane, which helps reduce itching and burning.
  • Eliminates pain during urination. In advanced cases, thrush is often accompanied by pain when trying to pass. Douching removes inflammation and reduces pain.
  • Reduces the number of discharges. Typically, with thrush, a curd-like discharge is observed; it can be very abundant and thick. During douching, all vaginal secretions are washed away along with the solution, and accordingly the growth of bacteria is reduced. The discharge becomes less abundant.

Contraindications to douching for thrush

Douching - not really safe procedure, given that some women perform manipulation after and before each sexual intercourse. Keep in mind that douching is prohibited in some cases, as it can be harmful.

Contraindications to douching are:

  1. Acute inflammation of the genital organs. You should not irrigate if you have cervicitis or endometritis. These ailments are characterized by inflammation of the uterine mucosa and cervical canal.
  2. Erosion and dysplasia. During the procedure, using a strong stream of water or the spout of a syringe can damage the erosion and make it larger. Douching for dysplasia can cause degeneration of the tumor and the appearance of cervical cancer.
  3. Pregnancy. Any interference during this period is prohibited. You can cause some kind of infection or provoke uterine tone.
  4. Period. During menstruation, the cervix is ​​slightly open, so you can get some kind of infection.
  5. Early postpartum period . If 2 months have not passed after delivery, do not rush to douche. There may be episiotomy scars or tears on the cervix. This open wounds through which the infection can enter the body.
  6. After curettage of the uterus. After an abortion, biopsy or hysteroscopy in the uterine cavity, douching can only be done 3 weeks after the operation.

How to do douching for thrush

There are many options for douching. For the procedure, a syringe or Esmarch mug is used. In this case, the procedure for performing the manipulation may differ depending on the solution prescribed by the doctor.

Douching solutions for thrush

Can be used for douching pharmaceutical products, traditional methods and decoctions of medicinal herbs. The main task of these remedies is to quickly relieve inflammation and stop the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Types of douching products:

  • Compositions that can be purchased at the pharmacy. The most popular are Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Boric acid, Chlorophyllipt. These drugs are antiseptics local action. They kill both beneficial and harmful microflora in the vagina. You shouldn’t get carried away with these solutions, but use them for prevention. If you use the drugs for more than 10 days, dysbiosis may occur. In this case, the problem will worsen or an additional infection will occur.
  • Home Remedies. Typically, a solution of baking soda, kefir or saline solution. Baking soda makes the vaginal environment alkaline, which contributes to the death of fungi. Kefir is used due to the presence of lactic acid and lactobacilli in it, which inhibit the proliferation of fungi. Gynecologists do not support the use of this method due to the fact that kefir also contains other microorganisms that can cause harm. Often women use saline solution. It does not affect the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in any way. A saline solution can only relieve itching and burning; for treatment you will have to purchase antifungal suppositories.
  • Herbs. To treat thrush, decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, calendula and string are used. This natural antiseptics, which gently cleanse the mucous membrane of secretions and prevent the growth of fungal colonies. Some herbs can be used for thrush and erosion. Calendula is often combined with chamomile and oak bark.

Douching with soda for thrush

This method can be considered “grandmother’s”. The effect of soda is due to the alkalization of the vaginal environment; yeast “loves” an acidic environment, they multiply well in it. When using soda, the pH of the vagina becomes alkaline, which leads to the death of microorganisms. In addition, during the introduction of soda into the vagina, foam is formed, which mechanically cleanses the walls of mucus and microorganisms.

Instructions for douching with soda:

  1. Dissolve 10 g baking soda in 500 ml of boiled water. The solution temperature should be 37-39°C.
  2. Boil Esmarch's syringe or mug and fill it with the resulting solution.
  3. Squat down or lie down with a cushion under your buttocks. It is necessary that the pelvis is slightly raised.
  4. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline or baby cream and insert it into the vagina 5-7 cm.
  5. Gradually release the solution into the vagina, do not be alarmed if you see foam, these are bubbles of carbon dioxide released during the reaction of sodium bicarbonate and vaginal mucus.
  6. The procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening. Doctors recommend combining douching with the use of suppositories or tablets.
  7. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. It is recommended to carry out manipulations from 11 to 19 days of the cycle. During this time, abstain from sexual activity or use condoms.

Douching with chamomile to treat thrush

Chamomile is a medicinal plant that is widely used in folk medicine. The flowers of the plant have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, as they relieve spasms. Chamomile effectively fights thrush, but for complete recovery it is better to combine douching with taking antifungal drugs.

Instructions for douching for thrush with chamomile:

  • Prepare a decoction for irrigating the vagina. Pour 10 g of dried flowers into 1000 ml of boiled water and put on fire.
  • Wait for the broth to boil and cool it to a temperature of 37 °C. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze.
  • Wash yourself, boil the syringe, release the air from it and immerse it in the solution. To carry out the procedure, 500 ml of solution is required.
  • Lie down in the bathtub or sit on the toilet. Insert the nozzle of the syringe into the vagina and release the solution in a thin stream. You can move the syringe spout from one side to the other to completely irrigate the mucous membrane.
  • The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. After irrigation, you can put Livarol, Pimafucin or Clotrimazole suppositories at night. Please note that the flora in the vagina may not be sensitive to a specific antifungal drug, so take a smear to determine antibiotic sensitivity.
  • You can treat with chamomile for no more than 7-10 days.

Douching with peroxide for thrush

Hydrogen peroxide is a common antiseptic used to treat wounds and skin lesions. In addition, the drug is successfully used to treat putrefactive and inflammatory processes in the vagina. It is worth noting that hydrogen peroxide alone cannot cure candidiasis; it is necessary to use douching at home in combination with antifungal drugs.

Instructions for douching with peroxide:

  1. Never use an undiluted solution. Before carrying out the procedure, pour 1000 ml of warm water into the container. Take only boiled water, tap liquid must not be used.
  2. Pour 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into the container. Stir the solution and check its temperature.
  3. It is allowed to douche with a solution at a temperature of 37-40 °C. Draw 0.5 liters of liquid into a syringe or Esmarch mug.
  4. Insert the spout into the vagina, slightly tilting the syringe to the side.
  5. Using gentle pressure, gradually introduce the liquid into the vagina.
  6. It is better to do the procedure over a basin or while lying in an empty bathroom.
  7. You need to release the entire solution (500 ml) in 10-15 minutes.
  8. After the procedure, lie down for a while. Manipulations are carried out twice a day after and before bedtime.
  9. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

Douching with chlorhexidine to combat thrush

Chlorhexidine - antibacterial drug. It is often used in surgery, dentistry and gynecology. You can wash your hands with it if there is no alcohol or other disinfectant solutions. Chlorhexidine is effective for bacterial and fungal vaginosis.

At the pharmacy you can purchase a solution with a concentration of 0.05-5%. Only a 0.05% solution is suitable for douching. If this is not available at the pharmacy, purchase a 0.5% solution and dilute it with warm and boiled water in a ratio of 1:10.

Instructions for douching with chlorhexidine:

  • Place the bottle with the 0.05% solution in a container of warm water. It is necessary for the liquid to warm up a little.
  • Draw 7-10 ml of solution into a syringe or syringe. Insert the douche deep into the vagina.
  • Press the plunger of the syringe or squeeze the syringe, first releasing the air from it.
  • Try to introduce the substance in a thin stream. Lie down after the manipulation for 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening for no more than 5 days.

Now gynecologists do not prescribe douching with chlorhexidine, since, according to some studies, the substance destroys epithelial cells. The pharmacy sells more than convenient form substances - candles. They are prescribed by doctors for vaginitis, vaginosis and candidiasis.

Douching with miramistin for thrush

Miramistin is a new generation antiseptic. Doctors often prescribe it for mixed infections. Miramistin is effective against bacteria, fungi and some viruses. It is worth considering that this remedy, in addition to fungi and pathogenic microorganisms, also kills “beneficial” lactobacilli living in the vagina.

Instructions for using miramistin for douching:

  1. It is best to purchase the solution in syringes. They contain the optimal dose of the drug for one procedure.
  2. It is cheaper to purchase a bottle, but you will have to take the solution with a syringe or syringe.
  3. One procedure requires 10 ml of miramistin.
  4. Disinfect the syringe and fill it with Miramistin. Place the spout into the vagina and slowly release the liquid.
  5. Lie down for 10-15 minutes with your knees bent.
  6. After douching, it is advisable to use suppositories with a probiotic (Vagilak, Gynoflor) at night; they help restore the beneficial flora of the vagina.
  7. The course of treatment with Miramistin is 7 days.

Douching with calendula during thrush

The composition of calendula flowers is very complex. In medicine, marigolds are used to treat bacterial ailments, abscesses, acne and diseases of the female genital organs.

Instructions for douching with calendula:

  • Pour three tablespoons of dry raw material into 400 ml of boiling water and place the solution in a half-liter jar.
  • Close the jar with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Strain the solution and dilute it 1:1.
  • Take 500 ml of the solution into a syringe, after boiling it.
  • Insert the tip into the vagina and squeeze the bulb; liquid should flow out slowly.
  • Do not squeeze the bulb as hard as you can; you risk getting endometritis due to the solution getting into the uterine cavity.
  • Lie down for 15 minutes. Perform manipulations after and before bedtime.
  • The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days. Calendula is used in combination with antifungal drugs.
How to do douching for thrush - watch the video:

Now gynecologists are increasingly less likely to prescribe douching. This is due to the large selection of inexpensive and effective means from candidiasis. One tablet of Fluconazole, Difluzol or Fucis is enough to completely destroy yeast in the vagina.

From my book “Encyclopedia of Women's Health” (in the process of editing and preparing for publication).

About 30% of women in developed countries use douching using solutions prepared at home or purchased in pharmacies. Two thirds of African women douche at least once a month. In a number of countries, including post-Soviet countries, douching is part of medical treatment and is recommended by doctors everywhere. The frequency of douching in these countries reaches high levels, especially among the mature female population of cities (90-97%). Women douche most often after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy, after menstruation to remove residues bloody discharge, as a treatment for a number of vaginal infections, eliminating itching of the external genitalia. The majority of women douche for hygienic purposes, completely unaware of the dangers of douching and the risk to which they expose their health. As data from many extensive surveys of women in different countries world, most of them are not aware that the amount and smell of vaginal discharge changes over the course of menstrual cycle, therefore, they perceive their discharge as abnormal and use douching to get rid of the discharge and odor.
Cultural, social and educational factors influence the use of douching around the world. Traditionally, those women douche more often, where douching is prescribed by doctors as part of healing process. Ethnic factors do not play a big role. The higher the education of a woman (school, institute, university), the less often douching is practiced. A woman’s age also affects the frequency of douching: women of young childbearing age (21-24 years) and women over 40 years of age douche most often. Economic factors influence the frequency of douching: women douche more often (from 50 to 75%) living in poor socio-economic conditions (poverty).

Is douching useful for maintaining or restoring normal vaginal flora?
The claim that douching restores normal vaginal flora are just rumors and myths. The normal flora of the vagina is restored on its own. Frequent douching is associated with inflammation of the reproductive system, especially fallopian tubes and appendages, ectopic pregnancy, worsening bacterial vaginosis, development of precancerous and cancer diseases cervix, infertility and a number of other problems. U healthy women douching increases the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis.
Frequent douching washes out the normal flora of the vagina, which does not have time to recover. Typically, the vaginal microflora is restored within 24-72 hours, however, frequent douching and the use of chemical and antimicrobial solutions can lead to a delayed restoration of normal vaginal flora. When using saline and acidic solutions, opportunistic and pathogenic flora multiply faster than normal flora and suppress the growth of lactobacilli.
A stream of water can introduce vaginal microorganisms retrogradely into the cervical canal, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, which can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs. It has been proven that women suffering vaginal dysbiosis and those who practice douching are more likely to suffer from inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) and fallopian tubes. According to articles published over a 30-year period (1965-1995), douching increases the risk of inflammation of the internal genital organs by 73%, and the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy by 76%.
Douching thins the vaginal contents, making it less viscous, and therefore the cells of the vaginal mucosa become sensitive to the pathogens of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and purulent inflammatory processes. The incidence of chlamydia infection is twice as high in women who douche with antibacterial solutions compared to women who do not douche.
Douching clean water after sexual intercourse does not increase the risk of STIs, and, conversely, douching with solutions containing chemical or organic matter, including soap, increase the risk of developing STIs.

There is no safe frequency of douching. Long-term use of douching at least once a month is a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy.
In teenage girls and young girls, the surface of the cervix is ​​often covered with columnar epithelium (one layer of cells), so douching easily destroys this epithelium, injuring it with a stream of water and tips, which leads to inflammation of the affected areas with the addition of opportunistic microflora and sexually transmitted pathogens way. Constant injury to the cervical epithelium during regular douching can lead to a precancerous condition, especially in the presence of other risk factors for the development of cervical cancer. There is evidence that the incidence of cervical cancer in women who douche is higher than in those who do not douche.
Douching is associated with the occurrence of endometriosis.
About 5% of pregnant women practice douching (in post-Soviet countries these figures are much higher). Frequent douching increases the risk of early miscarriages. Some clinical researches showed that douching increases the risk of premature birth, especially in women suffering from bacterial vaginosis. The more often you douche, the greater the risk of giving birth prematurely. There is also a link between regular douching and low birth weight babies.
In every country in the world, there are several methods of douching, ranging from the use of ready-made solutions in special disposable bottles, to the use of rubber reservoirs (“bulbs”) or bulk plastic containers. The greater the volume of fluid administered, the greater the risk of inflammation of the reproductive system and ectopic pregnancy.

If a woman suffers from vaginal dysbiosis, can she use douching for therapeutic purposes? Most chemical agents and antimicrobials, used for douching by women with vaginal dysbiosis, are very ineffective, so they do more harm than good. Solutions different types vinegar can improve acid-base balance vaginal environment and enhance the growth of beneficial microorganisms (lactobacteria), however, douching with such solutions should be short-term and not frequent. Vinegar solutions do not destroy lactobacilli, therefore they are more gentle compared to other bactericidal preparations. Preparations containing iodine also have a bactericidal effect, but should be used with caution, since frequent and abundant washing of vaginal contents will lead to the growth of pathogens of other infections.

Douching, vaginal flora

In clinical gynecology, there is still no consensus on the benefits, harms and advisability of such a procedure as douching. Many practicing gynecologists are categorically against it, considering it harmful to a woman’s body. Another part of the specialists allows the appointment of this procedure for special indications as an integral part of the treatment regimen for certain diseases.

The feasibility of douching as a hygienic procedure

Experts do not recommend using vaginal douching as a hygienic procedure to cleanse natural secretions. All physiological processes and secretion of fluids are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. You cannot intervene by force in an attempt to get rid of natural odor or discharge. This procedure is not only harmful to women's health, but can also be extremely dangerous.

The proper structure of our body provides for a process of self-purification, which is quite sufficient. Mucus and secretions are eliminated on their own when the body needs to replace them. To maintain normal hygiene, daily washing with detergents no more than 2 times a week is sufficient.

The douching method can only be used in medicinal purposes or as prevention of STDs after casual sex. In other cases, if there are no alarming symptoms, for example, a nasty odor, green discharge, douching is not recommended.

But even the appearance unpleasant symptoms should be a reason to visit a gynecologist rather than immediately douche. Since it is necessary to first establish the cause, select the right means therapy, and only then begin treatment procedures.

Douching and rules of implementation

Douching is a procedure in which an aqueous or medicinal solution is introduced under pressure into the vaginal cavity using a pharmaceutical bulb, rubber syringe or Esmarch mug. Unfortunately, not all women know how to douche, and often use a regular 20-cc syringe without a needle to administer the medicine. However, there are strict rules performing this procedure, making it as safe and effective as possible.

Basic principles of douching

Liquid temperature. The solution that is drawn into the syringe must be at a comfortable temperature. Neither cold nor hot solution is allowed to be administered. Neither water nor medicinal liquids should cause discomfort during administration.

Course duration. Douching can be performed for no more than 5 days in a row for medicinal purposes, and in no case should this procedure be done constantly. The problem is that after douching, part of the important microflora is washed out, and daily procedures forcefully exfoliate glycogen-rich epithelial cells, which can lead to vaginal dysbiosis.

Duration and frequency of the procedure. No more than 3 injections of the solution can be performed at a time, which takes about 10 minutes. The frequency of douching is always discussed separately by the doctor. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to perform the manipulation once a day. And to receive therapeutic effect At the beginning of the course, two procedures are done per day, then they switch to a single dose of medication.

Pressure level. When introducing liquid into the vagina, under no circumstances should you force it strong pressure. Water coming from great strength may flow beyond the cervix and uterus, which increases the risk of tissue inflammation. Therefore, gynecologists recommend for douching not to take a medical bulb or syringe, but to use an Esmarch mug. Only in the Esmarch system is it possible to regulate the pressure level and inject the solution without the risk of harm. While using a bulb or syringe, it is very difficult to regulate the pressure.

Special devices. Douching at home should be carried out only with devices specially designed for this purpose. Under no circumstances should you use a bulb that was used for an enema. And it is not recommended to administer solutions using a syringe. Medical pears, as well as Esmarch’s systems, are available for sale in all pharmacies, and their price is affordable for everyone.

Posture during insertion. It is most convenient to carry out such a procedure in the bathroom or restroom. In the bathroom you need to lie on your back with your feet on the edges. Keep Esmarch's mug level with the sides of the bathroom. Under such conditions, the solution will gradually flow into the vaginal cavity and flow out easily without causing harm. In the restroom, you need to sit comfortably on the toilet, insert the tip into the vagina, and hold the mug slightly above your waist. Such techniques will prevent the solution from flowing into the cervix and uterine cavity.

Warning. Douching should not cause any discomfort, much less pain. The tip is inserted slowly and very carefully, so as not to injure the vaginal mucosa. The fluid supply must also be carried out with great care, and if discomfort administration must be stopped immediately. Forceful deep insertion of the tip can injure not only the walls of the vagina, but also the bladder.

Features of preparing solutions. Medicinal solutions for douching are prepared in strict accordance with accepted concentration standards. The dry substances are diluted in advance in a separate container, filtered, and only after that they are drawn into a syringe or poured into an Esmarch mug. This avoids the penetration of undissolved particles that can damage the mucosa. Douching with soda, potassium permanganate, boric acid or hydrogen peroxide should be carried out only with diluted solutions.

Using botanicals for the procedure medicines requires the use of only freshly prepared decoctions. It is not allowed to use yesterday's solution. Douching with chamomile, celandine, calendula, string and other plants must be carried out taking into account all precautions. Plants must be harvested according to all the rules that preserve them medicinal properties, or buy ready-made ones only in trusted pharmacies from well-known suppliers.

The dangers of frequent douching

Any unnatural manipulation, be it an enema or douching, has a number of negative side effects that must always be remembered. So, when douching:

  • The layer of protective lubricant is washed off, the normal pH level changes, the balance of the vaginal flora is disrupted, bringing pathogenic bacteria into activity. In terms of the harm caused, such an action can only be compared with the uncontrolled, illiterate use of antibiotics.
  • Regular removal of the natural protective layer ultimately leads to frequent occurrence allergic reactions.
  • Chronic use of a douche can eventually cause injury to the vaginal walls, cervix or bladder.

The International Association of Gynecologists, after conducting numerous studies, has established an irrefutable link between frequent douching and an increase in the number of diseases reproductive organs inflammatory in nature.

In women who constantly use douching as hygiene procedure, pathologies such as:

  • endometritis,
  • endometriosis.

Contraindications to douching

There are a number of contraindications when the procedure is strictly prohibited, these are:

  • Douching to forcefully remove mucus.
  • Choose solutions for solutions independently, without the knowledge of a doctor. Incorrect selection of medicinal plants or medications can only lead to aggravation of the situation and cause allergic reaction or hurricane development of the disease.
  • Douching on the eve of a gynecological examination is prohibited - this can distort test results and cause additional discomfort during the examination.
  • It is strictly forbidden to perform this procedure during an exacerbation. inflammatory diseases, such as endometritis, adnexitis, and other types of diseases (see).
  • It is contraindicated to resort to this procedure on the days of menstruation, throughout the entire period of pregnancy,) for a month.

Douching and pregnancy

The opinion of doctors, both gynecologists and obstetricians, is unanimous on this issue. All clinicians are categorically against douching throughout pregnancy and for a month after birth. There are a number of serious reasons for this:

  • During pregnancy inner shell the uterus is covered with new ones blood vessels, formed with its growth. When douching, there is a high risk of air bubbles getting into the newly formed vessel.
  • Through the cervix, substances used for douching can penetrate the uterine cavity and cause irreparable harm to the fetus, disrupting the normal course of its development. In addition, the amniotic sac may be damaged, which will create a risk of miscarriage.
  • By the time the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, a mucous plug forms at the inlet of the cervix, protecting the contents of the uterus from negative effects. By washing away this plug during douching, the woman leaves an open passage for infectious agents. Diseases such as bacterial vaginosis(see), herdnerellosis, can cause serious harm the fetus from spontaneous miscarriage to intrauterine fetal death.

Douching as a prevention of STD infection or contraception

Use douching to prevent unwanted pregnancy useless and irrational. After ejaculation, sperm reach the uterine cavity in a matter of seconds, and no matter how hard a woman tries to get ahead of them by running to the bathroom immediately after the act, she will not be able to get ahead of the sperm. And the use of acidic solutions, such as vinegar, citric acid, mineral water They will only have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, but will not be able to reach those sperm that are already hidden in the uterus.

The point of carrying out such a procedure is justified only in the first hour after questionable sexual intercourse with preliminary careful toileting of the external genitalia and inner surface hips It is advisable to repeat this procedure several times with a pause of one hour. At the same time, knowing that this does not give an exact guarantee, one should not calm down, and if any warning signs It is advisable to undergo an examination immediately. Most experts call the most effective way high-quality condoms to protect against infection. To date, no product provides a greater guarantee.

Douching for infectious diseases of the genital organs

The douching procedure is often included in the treatment regimen for various infections, such as local impact on pathogens. But use douching as the only therapeutic method ineffective and unsafe.

Most causative agents of diseases such as:

  • ureaplasmosis,
  • mycoplasmosis,

The misconception of many women who consider douching to be an excellent alternative to taking systemic antibiotics can ultimately lead to the progression of the disease and transition to chronic form or widespread distribution throughout the body.

Medicines local application works well to prevent relapse similar diseases, their efficiency reaches 70%. But, unfortunately, they cannot be used constantly without the risk of causing serious harm to the body.

Uterine fibroids

Myoma is a hormone-dependent tumor. Its origin and development depend solely on the body’s synthesis of certain hormones. Therefore, the use of douching can in no way affect the course of the disease (see).


Pathology also refers to hormone-dependent problems. Therapeutic measures are aimed, first of all, at stabilizing the production of hormones. And treatment with douching using medicinal plants or other natural recipes is absolutely useless. In addition, it may even be harmful, since the flow of fluid under pressure contributes to the spread of the pathological endometrium and the formation of new lesions.

Douching for pregnancy

This dangerous misconception has no scientific basis. By forcibly administering alkaline solutions, there is no way to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Only habitat The vagina is the most favorable for the life and movement of sperm. Therefore, douching for conception does not justify itself in any way, but only aggravates the situation, destroying the normal flora.

Douching on your period

During the flow of menstrual blood, douching is the most dangerous procedure. These days, the cervix opens slightly, allowing the free exit of obsolete epithelium. Therefore, by carrying out such a procedure, which many ladies consider hygienic, they only increase the risk of infection and the onset of an inflammatory process.