The dog has a dry and warm nose, weakness. What does a dry and warm nose mean in a dog (what is the nose of a healthy dog). How to help your dog if he has a dry nose

It is a mistaken belief that if a dog has a warm and dry nose, then this is necessarily a sign of illness. It is imperative to pay attention to accompanying signs, because... only hot nose It can also happen in a completely healthy animal.

Healthy dog ​​nose

During the day, the dog's nose is usually wet and cool. But also during the day there is periodic and short-term drying and warming.

A dry nose may occur for the following reasons:
  • after significant physical activity and excessive active games, after which the pet is clearly tired or overtired;
  • during the heating season, when the air in the room is warm and dry;
  • when the dog is sleeping, the nose is usually dry (or for a short time after waking up - due to a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in the secretion of moisture);
  • in a moment of fright or nervous overstrain;
  • reaction to sudden changes weather (dogs are especially sensitive to windy weather);
  • at the moment when puppies change teeth from milk to permanent, the condition of the nose periodically changes;
  • period of estrus in a female dog due to hormonal changes;
  • a warm and dry nose in puppies is considered normal even for a long time, if at the same time they look healthy, active, with good appetite and normal frequency of bowel movements Bladder and intestines;
  • After giving birth, a nursing bitch is allowed a dry nose (but not a hot one) in the first day or two;
  • individually slow metabolism and the special structure of the nose can lead to the fact that some individuals have a dry and warm nose almost throughout their entire life.

All of the above reasons are not accompanied by any further symptoms, and warming of the nose is a short-term phenomenon. If the nose is warm for several hours, but the pet’s external condition is alarming and additional symptoms are added, then this may well be a sign of some disease.

Dry nose – when to pay special attention

If the nasal mirror is not wet and warm for a long time (from several hours to several days), then the pet needs increased attention from its owner. Usually this condition is additionally accompanied by other signs of health problems.

Pay attention to your dog if, along with a dry nose, the following is noted:
  • lethargy, apathy, lack of desire to walk and play, no reaction to a nickname;
  • desire to hide – animals that feel unwell very often try to hide in a secluded place;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite; one may also refuse water, or there may be increased thirst (due to dehydration, dryness is observed, because the secretion that makes the surface moist ceases to be produced);
  • with rectal measurement, an increase in body temperature (normal body temperature in a dog: 37.7-39 ° C);
  • hot ears to the touch (a sign of not only ear disease, but also an increase in the temperature of the whole body);
  • signs of a cold: nasal discharge, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing;
  • changes in breathing rate and heartbeat, both towards faster and slower (normally a dog makes 15-30 breathing movements/min, and its heart beats at a frequency of 70-100 beats/min).
If the following obvious signs occur, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible:
  • a sharp jump in body temperature to 40°C and above;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • cloudy, with unpleasant smell nasal discharge;
  • violation of the frequency of bowel movements and urination (normally, the dog walks “smallly” 2-3 times and empties the intestines 1-2 (rarely 3) times);
  • intestinal upset (diarrhea with any impurities, especially bloody);
  • vomit.

Reasons when the nose is dry and feels hot

If all possible physiological causes of drying and warming of the nasal planum have been excluded, then the essence is still a malaise.

All potential causes hot and dry nose in a dog:
  • any internal infections– bacterial, fungal or viral (it is especially important not to miss canine distemper – distemper – and rabies);
  • allergy;
  • colds;
  • any internal or external injuries to any part of the body in which the dog feels pain;
  • bruised nose;
  • autoimmune disease– pemphigus foliaceus;
  • poisoning, especially accompanied by intense vomiting and diarrhea, causing dehydration;
  • immune reaction to the vaccine after vaccination;
  • reaction to tick bites;
  • first few days postoperative period while the anesthesia is removed from the body;
  • helminthic infestations (worms almost always provoke serious intoxication of the body, general malaise, lethargy and a warm, dry nose).

Helping the dog

The first thing the owner should do if he discovers pet warm (hot) and dry nose, this is to observe it. If activity and appetite are maintained, there are no more external signs general malaise of the animal, then you just need to wait until the temperature and humidity of the nose recovers on its own.

If recovery does not occur and there are still signs that the pet is sick, the owner needs to measure the body temperature rectally. If the indicator increases critically (more than 40°C), you should try to reduce the levels by physical means- desoldering with water, wet the wool, lay in a cool place and apply cold to the groin and armpits. After the temperature drops, the dog is taken to the veterinarian. If the temperature is slightly elevated, then you can go to the clinic immediately, without wasting time on knocking down. You cannot give any antipyretics on your own!

If the nose is cracked, you can use calendula ointment to soften and moisturize the surface. A visit to a specialist is still required, because... Sometimes fissures need to be treated not symptomatically, but as a global primary disease.

What does a veterinarian do?
  1. The veterinarian will carefully examine the sick animal and interview the owner about the circumstances under which the nose was discovered to be dry and hot.
  2. If the clinic confirms the presence of any infection, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy and develop antiviral or antifungal treatment regimens.
  3. If an allergy is detected, the diet will be adjusted and antihistamines will be prescribed orally and locally. It will also be recommended to replace the bowls from which the animal eats. Allergies are often caused by low-quality plastic feeding utensils.
  4. If your dry nose is caused by injury or pain syndrome, the correct pain relief and treatment of injuries will be selected.
  5. Medical deworming will be carried out if helminthic infection is confirmed and, if necessary, detoxification.
  6. A course of rehydration drips is required if there are signs of dehydration due to any underlying pathology.
  7. Impact on the immune system when pemphigus foliaceus (an autoimmune disease) is confirmed.

A warm (hot) and dry nose is not always a sign of pathology. Just like wet cold nose- a sign of health. It is important to be attentive to your pet and notice additional accompanying signs in time.

Question answer

Nose is dry and cracked

Vitamin deficiency, allergies, injury, poor diet or autoimmune disease (pemphigus foliaceus). For these reasons, bubbles form on the surface of the nose, which burst, dry out, and crusts form. Each cause requires an individual approach to eliminate symptoms. The main thing to remember is that the tip of a dog’s nose is a mucous surface, so no iodine, brilliant green or other similar irritating substances should be applied to it! Self-medication without establishing the exact cause is also not advisable.

Hot, dry nose with discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, vomiting and diarrhea

Classic signs of canine distemper - very serious viral disease, in which the survival rate of pets is directly proportional to the speed of their delivery to a specialist. The disease is popularly called plague.

Icy nose and cold ears

In this condition, hypothermia is excluded. It is necessary to immediately measure the body temperature and, if it is low, the dog should be wrapped in a warm blanket and taken to the clinic. Usually this condition is also accompanied by pallor of the mucous membranes and drooping, sunken eyes. Trembling may occur.

What does it mean if a dog has a dry nose?

There are a lot of options: the animal was sleeping, ran/jumped for a long time and actively, overheated in the sun or in a warm room, got scared or really got sick. But the disease is necessarily accompanied by some other additional signs, which the veterinarian will use to make an accurate diagnosis.

Nose is cold but dry

Perhaps the body lacks vitamins D and A. It is enough to lubricate it with panthenol and introduce it into the diet vegetable oil to enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. If small furrows begin to appear (the nose is cracking), it is good to use calendula ointment. Also, a cold and dry nose is most often observed with allergies (much more often than a hot and not wet nose).

Along with a warm nose, the dog’s eyes become watery and clear snot comes out.

There is a high chance that your pet has developed an allergic reaction to something. But to find out a more precise reason, it is better to show your pet to a veterinarian to rule out infections and colds.

Warm nasal planum, semi-consciousness and heavy breathing

The condition resembles heatstroke (sunstroke). It is advisable to provide first aid if the owner is sure that the dog has overheated in the sun or has been long time in a stuffy room. The pet moves to any cool place, cool water (not cold) is drunk a little at a time, the fur is wetted, and cold is applied to hairless areas of the body (groin and armpits). In all other cases, this is a reason to immediately visit a veterinarian.

Nose is hot (warm) but wet

When the nose returns to its normal moist state after any physiological reason, it is first humidified and then cooled. You can catch the moment when warmth combines with “wetness”.

The dog is lethargic, dry nose, no appetite

Lethargy with a dry nose and lack of desire to eat even your favorite treat is always a sign of ill health. You need to take a close look at your pet so as not to miss other symptoms that will help determine what is wrong with him. Possible overheating, infection or poisoning. Be sure to show it to a specialist.

Puppy has a dry nose

If it is dry, but not hot, and the puppy feels great, then this phenomenon is considered as an option. physiological norm. Puppies are active and have a different metabolism from adult dogs, so warm and dry noses are more common.

Pets are unable to communicate when they feel unwell. But a caring owner can always notice this himself different signs. One of the main indicators of a dog’s well-being is the condition of the nasal mucosa.

The mucous membrane can be dry or moist, hot, warm or cool, clean, with ulcers or wounds. All violations indicate that the functions of this organ are not fully performed, and the reason may lie in both pathology and external conditions.

In dogs, unlike humans, the mucous membrane is located not only inside the nostrils, but also on the surface of the olfactory organ. It contains a large number of small glands that constantly secrete a mucous secretion. This lubricant performs important function: it contributes to the perception and enhancement of all odors that surround the animal. As you know, for a dog, smell plays the role of the most important sense with which the pet navigates the surrounding world, so the loss of this ability is reflected in general behavior.

In order for the humidity to be maintained at the desired level, the nose should be moderately cool. When its temperature rises, the mucous membrane dries out faster than a new secretion can be produced.

Exceptions to the rules

Despite the fact that a moist and cool nose is considered normal, there are cases when temporary dryness does not indicate a possible serious illness.

If dryness appears for the first time, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • After a long sleep, the earlobe is often warmer and drier than usual. It goes away within a few minutes of waking up.
  • Allergy. Most common cause allergic reactions Pet dogs get a feeder made of plastic or other materials. The best option is a stainless steel bowl, which almost never causes allergies.
  • On the hottest days, the air becomes too dry, which affects both the mucous membranes of dogs and people. Unpleasant feeling will go away quickly after treating the earlobe with water or a weak solution of calendula.
  • Insufficient hydration sometimes appears due to injury. It does not necessarily manifest itself externally, but if a dog hits its nose, the functioning of the glands may be disrupted for a short time, after which it will recover on its own.
  • After severe physical fatigue, the condition of the mucous membrane may worsen, but as soon as the animal rests, all indicators will return to normal.
  • Moral worries and stress affect dogs no less than their owners. The cause of a dry nose is often fear, separation from someone in the household, or other dog troubles. When moving a puppy to new house This picture is considered typical. Everything will be restored as soon as it's over adaptation period, and the pet will get used to its new place of residence.

In all of the above cases, healthy dog the condition of the nose becomes normal in a short time after the irritating factor has been eliminated.

Cold nose

A too cold surface of the lobe may be a sign of a significant decrease in the animal’s body temperature. The rest of the body is covered with fur, so it is the nose that gives an idea of ​​the coolness of the skin.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • hypothermia;
  • colds or viruses;
  • serious malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.

In this case, the main signals indicating that the dog urgently needs to be shown to a specialist are:

  • dull or watery eyes;
  • bloodless gums;
  • cold surface of the ears;
  • wheezing.

Hot and dry

Too high a temperature in the nasal mucosa is almost always combined with dryness. This symptom always indicates a disease that causes fever. The reasons for this are infectious pathology or significant injury, and inflammatory process. First of all, it is important to make sure that the dog is not experiencing heatstroke.

Immediate contact with a veterinarian is necessary in cases where a hot and dry nose is combined with the following symptoms:

  • weakness, lethargy and sleeping longer than usual;
  • constant desire drink;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased irritability and aggression;
  • the dog tries to hide in a secluded place where no one will disturb him;
  • obvious intestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting);
  • swelling of the nose;
  • blisters and peeling on the mucous membrane;
  • frequent sneezing And paroxysmal cough, runny nose;
  • hoarse voice.

It's good if the dog can measure the temperature. The meaning of this parameter is different for dogs of different ages and size, and also change in pregnant or lactating bitches.

First aid

If a hot and dry nose is detected in an animal, it is necessary to identify the underlying cause. This can be done professionally in veterinary clinic. It is possible that in addition to a visual examination, you will have to undergo tests.

But until the dog is taken to the clinic, its condition can be alleviated using basic techniques. To do this you need to follow these tips:

  • provide your pet with constant access to water;
  • in case of allergies, remove all flowering plants from the apartment;
  • V winter time lubricate the nasal mucosa with cotton wool soaked in water or a weak saline solution;
  • treat the earlobe with an ointment based on calendula extract or fresh juice aloe.

The owner must remember that it is impossible to give the animal any medications before examination by a specialist: this may interfere with big picture disease or affect the tests that will be ordered to find the cause.

The condition of the nose is the main parameter by which it is easy to monitor changes occurring in the dog, so it needs to be monitored periodically, comparing it with the norm in a healthy dog. By monitoring it, you can quickly detect the onset of pathological processes and provide your pet with first aid in a timely manner.

A pet cannot tell its owner how it is feeling. However, you can determine the cause of an animal’s concern, for example, by its nose. In today's article we will talk about what kind of nose a healthy dog ​​should have.

The dog's nose is almost always wet and cool. The famous zoologist Knut Schmidt-Nielsen put forward his theory why dogs wet nose. He claims that our four-legged friends do not have sweat glands, and a wet nose saves them from overheating.

During rapid breathing in extreme heat, the dog sticks out its tongue, thus increasing cooling. At this time, the nose takes an active part in heat exchange. The mucus that is constantly secreted helps a moist nose to detect odors. Therefore, it is the dog that has an excellent sense of smell, thanks to which it orients itself in space. Naturally, the loss of this opportunity will affect the dog’s behavior.

Video “Causes of a dry nose in a dog”

In this video, your veterinarian will explain why your dog may have a dry nose.

Normal condition

IN healthy condition the nose should be cool, because when the temperature rises, the mucous membrane quickly dries out and cannot produce secretions. There is an opinion that if a dog’s nose is hot, and not cold and wet, then the pet is not entirely healthy. However similar condition does not necessarily indicate the presence of malaise.

Why under some circumstances the nose can be dry - you will learn about this further.

So, puppies have a dry nose both after active pastime and after sleep. Some time after waking up, the nose becomes wet. It happens that a dog encounters something and the secretion production is disrupted, as a result - the nose becomes dry. After a while, secretion production resumes and the condition of the nose will become normal. If the animal is tired, the condition of the mucous membrane worsens. After rest, everything returns to normal.

A high temperature of the mucous membrane indicates that the animal has a fever. This could be a viral infection, injury, or an inflammatory process in one of the organs. If the pet is lethargic, constantly drinks, does not want to eat, is irritable, and is looking for a secluded place so that everyone will leave him alone, this is alarm signal. The dog is sick and needs hospitalization. Try taking your temperature. U different breeds dogs, normal parameters may not be the same.

Before visiting a veterinary hospital, your pet's condition can be improved. Constant access to water must be provided. During viral infections the animal must drink a lot. In winter, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in water or saline solution to your nose. Good effect Treating your nose with fresh aloe juice will help.

On the eve of the veterinarian's examination, you should not give your dog any medications, as it will smear clinical picture diseases.

During allergic reactions, the nose may also be dry. One possible reason is a plastic feeding bowl. It is best to buy a stainless steel bowl for your pets. Flowering can also cause a reaction indoor plants– in this case, the plant should be taken out of the apartment.

If a dog has a cold nose, then its moisture indicates its good health. This is quite natural. The sense of smell is the dog’s main receptor, with the help of which it navigates the world around it. It is so strong that the animal can easily detect even a faint odor at a distance of more than 100 meters. Thus, a four-legged pet becomes an excellent assistant for humans, for example, in searching for explosive substances or drugs. The dog's nose simultaneously acts as a respiratory and olfactory organ. In addition, it is a “barometer” in determining the healthy state of the animal.

Why is my dog's nose wet and cold?

The dog's nose has a rather complex and interesting structure, which consists of a top, back, side parts and root. It is on that part of the nose (the apex) where there is no hair that the serous glands are located, thanks to which the surface of the earlobe is cold and wet to the touch.

Studies have shown that there are many receptors in a dog’s nose, with the help of which the animal is able to accurately determine the smell and its place of origin. The mucus on the nose can trap some odors so that others can get into the depths of the nose.

Also, the humidity of the nose is necessary in order to determine the direction of movement of air that carries odors. Even a person, having wet his finger and raising it up, uses this method to determine the direction of the wind. Signs of a healthy pet:

  1. Thick and richly colored coat. The dog sheds twice a year for one month;
  2. No pus or redness in the eyes;
  3. Wet and cold nose. After the dog has awakened from sleep, the nose may be slightly dry and warm. This happens because the animal's body temperature rises during sleep. Many novice dog breeders are not used to thinking about why the dog’s nose is cold and wet. The reason for this is the almost complete absence of sweat glands, which are located only on the surface of the nose and in oral cavity. Thanks to these glands, the dog cools its body and body;
  4. Changes in the color of the tongue and mouth indicate health problems;
  5. Smooth breathing. In a healthy state, the dog takes approximately 15 - 25 breaths in and out for one minute. The exceptions are small breeds, puppies, pregnant women. No hoarseness or cough;
  6. A dog's normal body temperature is 37 - 39 degrees.

Why is the dog's nose so cold, given the animal's high temperature? This is because the sweat released during evaporation cools the tip of the nose, thereby helping to maintain normal temperature of the whole body.

To measure your pet's temperature, use a thermometer, which is inserted into anus. Three minutes is enough for this.

Causes of a dry nose in a pet

We have found that a dog's cold nose indicates good health. But a dry nose can be a sign of illness. Possible reasons this phenomenon The following circumstances may occur:

  1. Cold. In addition to a dry nose, other signs of illness may appear. Among them: coughing, sneezing.
  2. After complete recovery, the dog's nose will return to its normal moist state;
  3. Allergy. A variety of objects and factors can act as irritants, ranging from lilac blossoms to plastic eating utensils. To determine the allergen, you should carefully monitor your pet's behavior and gradually eliminate possible pathogens. There are also tests to solve this problem;
  4. Nose injury. You can determine it yourself, but it’s better to consult a specialist;
    Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease. Signs of the disease are the appearance of small blisters not only on the nose, but sometimes on other parts of the body. After they burst, a characteristic crust begins to form on the surface of the nose. Histology can confirm this disease.
  5. A dry nose can be a consequence of dehydration. So make sure to refill your pet's water bowl regularly.
  6. Weather factors (extreme heat, frost, dry air) can affect the condition of the dog’s nose.

What measures should you take if your nose is dry?

If you use a plastic feeding bowl, it must be replaced with a metal or glass one. Keep utensils clean;

  • In spring, avoid flowering plants while walking.
  • At high temperature do not delay visiting the veterinarian;
  • For preventive purposes, you can sometimes lubricate your nose with calendula.
  • Experts recommend that pet owners pay attention to and monitor the behavior of their pet.
  • Changes in his habits can provide a good clue to recognizing the disease.

Serious problems can arise when a dog's nose becomes not only dry, but also hot. This means that the animal has a fever. Other symptoms may also appear: weakness, thirst, lethargy, indifference to food. The situation can be especially dangerous if your pet is still just a puppy. It is necessary to immediately seek help from a veterinarian and take measures to recover your dog. It is not uncommon that the disease can lead to fatal outcome. If no additional symptoms are observed, then the pet may have overheated in the sun.

What does a dog's very cold nose indicate?

If your pet's nose is icy and wet to the touch, then this is a clear sign low temperature of the whole body.

The reasons can be varied: normal hypothermia, illness. Examine your pet carefully. If any abnormalities are detected (dull eyes, cold ears, pale gums), immediately seek help from a specialist. There is a possibility of a malfunction in the functioning of the dog’s organs.

Based on the above, now you know why a dog’s nose is so wet and cold, and what needs to be done if its usual state changes. Of course, it is impossible to determine by the nose what your pet is sick with, but this greatly helps prevent possible serious illnesses. Most importantly, do not forget to keep an eye on your four-legged friend.

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