Caring for the Japanese Chin. Japanese Chin: description of the breed, character, puppies, care. Training and obedience

Japanese Chin It is considered a rather rare, but very popular breed of dog. The Japanese Chin dog breed is also often called the Japanese Spaniel. The name of the breed is translated as “precious dog”. These small and brave animals They are considered family dogs. They love to indulge, fool around, have fun and spend a lot of time with their owner.

A little history

There is still a lot of talk about the history of the appearance of the Japanese Chin breed. unsolved mysteries. In the canine literature you can find a lot of information about these dogs, but most of it consists of simple myths and fiction. However, there is some officially confirmed data that suggests that the ancestors of the breed come from Tibet. Currently, in Tibet there is also one breed that has many similarities with the Japanese spaniel, with the exception of color. This breed is the Tibetan spaniel.

There is quite interesting fact– Pugs and Japanese Chins have a common ancestor – the Tibetan Toy.

The first representatives of the Chin breed came to Japan as a gift to the ruler from Tibetan monks. There is another version that said that the monks were against the export of dogs. However, this version is implausible, since all the breeds that were bred in Tibet are still considered very rare due to conservative export rules.

The first evidence that confirmed the existence of Chin dogs was recorded about 3 thousand years ago. Some scientists say that the breed was born even earlier. There is a controversial point here. Some sources claim that Chins and Pekingese were described as the same breed. Thus, it cannot be said that such a long story describes only the Japanese spaniel.

There is another version, which indicates that the breed belongs exclusively to Japan. Some experts claim that quinines originated and developed exclusively in Japan. And this fact can be confirmed by frescoes that are 3 thousand years old.

Since religion in Japan is very multifaceted, from the point of view of the clergy, Japanese Chins are considered divine dogs.

According to the latest and most interesting version, Japanese spaniels were born as a result of the union of a lion and a monkey. . And such an unusual union was formed thanks to the Buddha's forbearance. One day, the king of beasts complained to Buddha about his unrequited love for a monkey. His complaint was heard. Only now the beast had to pay for his size, since the monkey he loved was from the genus of macaques. Buddha made the lion much smaller in size. The lion confessed his love to his macaque, and soon an unusual baby was born - a Japanese chin. Buddha took care of future life baby. The dog grew up kind and obedient, since she did not have to hunt, and she ate exclusively from the royal table.

Gallery: Japanese Chin (25 photos)

Description of the Japanese Chin breed

Externally quinine- These are decorative dogs with elegance, grace and emotionality, which is characteristic of imperial persons. Chins have a rather wide muzzle, which is decorated with long and shiny hair. As for the character of the Japanese Chin, they are balanced, forgiving, intelligent and good-natured creatures.

The weight and height of the animal are not specified in the basic breed standards, since the main focus is on body composition. As a rule, the average height of an adult dog is 26 cm at the withers. Bitches are a little shorter. The weight of dogs depends on their size and gender. Their weight can range from 1.5 kg to 7 kg.

But how is Japanese different? Spaniel from Pekingese? First of all, it is worth noting that the Japanese Spaniel comes from Japan, and the Pekingese is of Chinese origin. The Chinese Pekingese is smaller in size, their height on average is 15-23 cm, and their weight is 3-6 kg. Japanese Chins are very brave and ready to protect their owner, while Chinese Pekingese are more aristocratic and very passionate about themselves.

Both Japanese Chins and Chinese Pekingese are easy to train. Chins enjoy training , and Chinese Pekingese They obey their teacher only because it is necessary.

The breed standards are as follows:


Japanese Chins can be proud of their luxurious coat, which, as a rule, does not create any particular problems for either the dog or its owner. The body of the animal is covered with very thick hair, which fits tightly to the undercoat. The hair is much longer on the ears, on the upper parts of the forelimbs, on the thighs and on the tail. The muzzle and lower front part of the front and hind legs have shorter hair.

As a rule, the color of the Japanese Chin can be of two options. In this case, the main color is always white, and the secondary color is black or red. There are large red or black spots on the body that are evenly spaced. Dogs with tan spots have brown pigmentation on the nose and light-colored irises.


Each breed has its pros and cons regarding character, and the Japanese Chin is no exception. The disadvantages lie in the specific structure of the muzzle, that is, in the health of the pet.

As for the dog’s character, only positive aspects can be highlighted here. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that that wrong upbringing may cause defects.

The main characteristics mean correctly well-mannered dog with an imperial disposition. At proper education, the chins are becoming good friends, very patient with small children . Animals love walks, they simply vitally need socialization - communication with the outside world.

Japanese Chins are decorative breed, which is intended for indoor living only. The animal will feel more comfortable in a small home.

At first glance, it might seem that the content of quin is a very troublesome matter, but this is absolutely not the case.

The dog needs to be brushed periodically. During the shedding season, Chins should be brushed every day until the undercoat is completely removed. Bitches tend to shed more hair and the cables remain fluffy even in the summer months.

In addition to wool, you need to pay attention to:

  • Eyes and ears on a daily basis;
  • Eyelids and areas around the eyes that often water;
  • Cleaning your ears a couple of times a month;
  • Brushing your teeth if necessary and for preventive purposes;
  • Nail trimming.


Feeding chins should be balanced. The diet should include mandatory proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements are present. There are three types of feeding:

If the puppy has just moved to new house, then for the first 2 weeks you cannot change the type of food, as well as the feeding schedule.

The amazing character of the “not quite dogs” of the chin is due to the rich history of its formation. The first mention of similar dogs living in Japan dates back to the 3rd century. Although the pug, chin and Pekingese definitely have a common ancestor, which means the roots of the breed are much more ancient. Already in the 14th century, breeders kept stud books, purposefully securing a certain type of appearance and disposition.

They were always kept exclusively as decorative companions, and their distant ancestors lived only in imperial families. Elevated to the rank of sacred animals, it was impossible to export them from the country, so they came to Europe only in 1853.

The most common, “classic” black and white coloring of the Japanese Chin (in the photo - male Ishimitsu from the Yarushi clan, Volgograd, 2015)


Compact, almost square in format, elegant decorative dog about 25 cm tall. Light and graceful in movement - the skeleton is of natural proportions, the legs are not shortened. A typical brachycephalic: the neck is short, the skull is rounded and wide, the muzzle is flat. The eyes are very beautiful - black, round, quite large. It is important that the eyeballs are not bulging. White visible in the corners of the eyes is acceptable, but no more than a third.

The Japanese Chin's coat is straight and silky, with a light, plump undercoat. Luxurious on ears, neck, tail and paws long wool; on the muzzle, head and body the “fur coat” is shorter. The color is white-black or white-red (any shade), the colored spots occupy a smaller area and are symmetrical. There is a V-shaped mark on the forehead, the muzzle is also often white - this creates a “mask”, the presence of which is highly desirable for a show dog.

The red version looks brighter and more elegant.

Character and characteristics of education

The character of the Japanese Chin, according to reviews from its owners, is reminiscent of the Pekingese; it also requires respect and polite treatment. The main thing in education is not to “turn on the leader” for any reason. These are non-dominant dogs (with rare exceptions), they do not need to be “broken” or “crushed” under you. The maximum permissible punishment is to grab the skin on the withers and shake lightly (imitating the behavior of the mother). But more often, a gentle but firm “roar”, ignoring or condemning tone is enough.

Nervousness, force and rudeness in relationships lead to an instant loss of trust: the stubborn person will either withdraw into himself or openly show aggression. This can become a serious problem, since it is difficult to establish a lost connection - the response to the owner’s unpredictable behavior and irritation will be to withdraw into oneself.

But you can’t indulge your whims, otherwise the baby will turn into a nervous bully with a bad character - biting, peeing, completely ignoring commands. The puppy must be raised persistently and calmly, with cunning, through play and encouragement.

The breed's temperament is well shown in the video from our channel:

Here the baby plays happily with the owner, but does not go beyond control, does not become hysterical, and does not burst into barking.

Attitude towards people

Unlike Pekingese, Japanese Chins are more demanding of attention from the owner. However, without obsession or painful dependence. Depending on the mood, the pet can follow a person from room to room or, on the contrary, not notice his departure. But all the reviews say that he doesn’t like to be alone for a long time - he gets bored without his family.

Children under 6-8 years old may find the breed uninteresting - the Japanese Chin is moderately playful, does not tolerate coercion and rudeness, and suffers from constant noise in the house. A child who is too persistent can spoil the dog's character, unintentionally cultivating in him a tendency towards cowardice or aggression.

This is more of a one-owner breed, but the favor of all households is important for the feeling of a full-fledged strong flock. The attitude towards strangers is indifferent, sometimes reservedly curious. Aggression is atypical, although it is possible with the annoying attention of a stranger.

The Japanese Chin is not suitable for you if

  1. Someone in the family is against the dog. He will definitely feel hostility, which will result in aggression, puddles on the sofa and constant demonstration of his “finess”.
  2. There is a nervous atmosphere in the family. These are not pampered, cowardly dogs, but they feel truly at home only next to balanced people.
  3. The owner wants to see a “hugger and kisser” nearby. The Chin is prone to mood swings. He is not always ready for affection here and now, and perceives excessive expression of emotions as an encroachment on personal space.
  4. Family members assert themselves through dominance over the animal. In this case, constant conflict is inevitable.
  5. They plan to buy it as a glamorous accessory. Despite its miniature size, it is absolutely not suitable as a toy for a fashionable lady.

Older children will be able to establish relationships built on mutual trust and respect.

Walking and socialization

Training a Japanese Chin puppy is easy. But when he knows how to do this, he becomes simply too lazy to go for a walk. In this case, problems are inevitable - the little ones quickly turn into homebodies who experience difficulties when changing the environment. The situation is aggravated by a wayward character: until recently, an affectionate and sociable pet begins to bark at passers-by, shakes with fear at a veterinarian’s appointment, runs away at the sight of dogs, and becomes more and more withdrawn.

Therefore, your pet must be walked regularly, ideally three times a day, as usual. It's quite strong and sporting breed: you can successfully engage in agility, hiking, swimming - you shouldn’t physically overload, but moderate exercise will be a joy.

  • In summer, you cannot stay in the open sun for a long time, as the dog quickly overheats due to its short muzzle. Chins tolerate heat better than Pekingese and Pugs, but excessive exposure to the sun and training in hot weather not worth it;
  • when the temperature drops below -15, you need a pet. The undercoat is poorly developed - the fur coat does not retain heat well;
  • Only perfectly trained chins can be walked without a leash and only in a safe area. Young, headstrong pets forget commands at the most inopportune moments.

Read more about how to properly walk your dog.

Regular walks are necessary not only for health, but also for social adaptation your little one.


Caring for the Japanese Chin is simple, but it must be done regularly. If you neglect the wool, it will not be easy to put it in order later.

Mats form behind the ears, on the neck and under the tail; these places are combed at least once every three days. It is enough to comb it completely twice a month, using conditioner. First, with a massage brush without “droplets” on the teeth, and then with a single-row comb. If the dog is not a show dog, there is hair around anus It's better to shorten it.

Wool sheds seasonally, in spring and autumn, so you need to be prepared for this and comb it daily during these periods.

They bathe once every three weeks, less often in winter. Human shampoos It is not recommended to wash the Chin - the coat can become dull and brittle, and in particularly severe cases, it can become very thin. If the white hairs have turned yellow, use a whitening shampoo.

After bathing, when necessary, you need to pluck the hair from the ears - hanging ears and an abundance of fluff in the ears. ear canal often provoke otitis due to the accumulation of sulfur. Moisture and dirt accumulated on the face (in the folds) are removed with a napkin ().

This photo shows an example of a hygienic grooming of the Japanese Chin, which can be done outside the show season.

The eyes of the Japanese Chin require special attention. Round and slightly convex eyeballs are easily injured. Dust and hairs in the eyes often cause tearing. Dirt from the corners of the eyes is removed with a gauze swab dipped in warm water. boiled water. Use any eye drops This is possible only after consulting a veterinarian - many substances that irritate the conjunctiva aggravate the problem. Traces of leaks are removed with a swab soaked in a product specially designed for removing tear tracks (read about lacrimation).

The nose sometimes becomes dry, as in other breeds with a shortened skull. To avoid the appearance of cracks and excessive peeling, the lobe is lubricated with Vaseline or rich baby cream (a thin layer). They do this as needed, noticing that the skin on the nose is not sufficiently moisturized.

Teeth are another “problem” place. Due to the altered shape of the jaws, the dentition is incomplete; some dogs have crooked teeth and quickly fall out due to gum inflammation. Once a week, the pet needs to brush its teeth, and once every six months, visit the veterinarian for sanitation.

Accustom your Japanese Chin to everyone hygiene procedures necessarily from a very early age, even if some actions are not yet necessary. Taking into account the difficult nature of the breed, it will be extremely difficult to force an adult to calmly endure these manipulations.

Accustoming to bath procedures from puppyhood - the key to calm behavior when bathing throughout life.


A flat muzzle always means difficulties with breathing and digestion. Many chins wheeze and pant after running. Light snoring at night does not threaten your health, but you need to constantly monitor your pet’s breathing. When buying a puppy, it is important to pay attention to the nostrils - they should be well open, not flattened.

It is risky to purchase a puppy with a frank malocclusion, a skewed jaw or missing teeth (the absence of a couple of teeth is not critical). Such dogs at the age of 3-5 years appear serious problems with digestion, smoothly turning into a bouquet of chronic diseases.

Small bitches have problems with childbirth due to the large size of the fetus. In addition, many bitches have weak contractions - they have to be stimulated with medications or manually. The wide skull of puppies also does not add ease to the breeding process. However, quinines give birth more often naturally– Caesarean sections are resorted to less often than in the case of other brachycephalics.

Breed diseases

  • hereditary cataract;
  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • necrosis of the femoral head;
  • dislocation kneecap.

And this is far from full list. The owner must closely monitor the condition of the pet, without ignoring changes.

That is why a Japanese Chin on or on the market can cost 30, or even 20 thousand rubles. - Having seen such a price, the buyer must understand that he will not find a well-bred, healthy and purebred puppy there.

In the photo - Japanese Chin puppies at the age of 2 weeks (Yamatori kennel, St. Petersburg)

To reduce risks, it is important to purchase a puppy only from a reputable nursery - a competent breeder will never include genetically problematic dogs in the breeding program. However, the cost here starts from 60 thousand rubles. About how to choose the right puppy.

Breed decorative dogs, also known as the Japanese Spaniel. Its country of origin is Japan and the attitude towards this breed in its homeland is contained in the very name of the breed. Hin is translated from Japanese language like a jewel.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

Photo: Japanese Chin

Ancient legends say that this dog came from the union of a lion and a monkey, so he can talk, meow and behave like a cat.

It is assumed that they were brought to Japan by Chinese monks back in the 6th century and since they were not crossed with other breeds, they retained their original appearance for many centuries. They arrived in Europe only in the 19th century, when the American Commodore Perry presented Queen Victoria of England with a pair of chins he had brought from Japan.

Description and sizes of the Japanese Chin

It is of a delicate constitution and square format, up to 25 cm tall. There are two weight categories for this breed. From 1.8 to 3 kg and 3-3.5 kg. If a dog belongs to the first category, then according to the standard its miniature size is welcomed.

Photo of the Japanese Chin breed

The breed has two standard colors: white with black spots and white-red of any shade: from dark chocolate to light lemon. However, dogs with a dark chocolate color are not bred, since bitches of this color can give birth to dead puppies or disabled puppies, etc.

The Chin's muzzle is short, upturned, the forehead is convex, the eyes are large, round, dark, set wide and straight. The nose is flattened. The tail is curled into a ring over the back and covered long hair, crumbling in the form of a fan. The paws are low with clenched toes, between which long tufts of hair are visible.

The Chin's coat is of medium length. The hair on the neck, ears and tail is longer than on the rest of the body, and a lush “collar” grows on the neck. It feels like silk to the touch and does not tend to fall into tangles. Shedding is seasonal and moderate; in bitches, hair falls out most intensively.

The hin has a special gait. He raises his paws high and proudly carries his bushy tail thrown back over his back.

Character of the breed

Despite their proud appearance, most Japanese Chins are distinguished by their easy-going nature, although sometimes wayward dogs are also found.

Basically, these are easy-going, very sociable, obedient, quiet and low-emotional dogs. They bark little and never bite, but they loyally and fearlessly protect their owners in any situation. dangerous situations like a real samurai. These dogs are not afraid of anything loud sounds, nor . But at home they get along well with other dogs and animals.

This is an intelligent and serious animal, intelligent and well trained, and is distinguished by great mobility. They become excellent companions for both children and adults, they are attached to all family members, but prefer narrow circle communication.

It is important to pay enough attention to these dogs, otherwise the character of a representative of this breed may become irritable and jealous. If you give him enough love, the Japanese Chin becomes an obedient and loving pet.

Chins also love to perform various tricks and are well trained.

Caring for the Japanese Chin

Since this is the case, you need to keep her in the house, especially since she is calm and rarely barks.

He does not need heavy loads during walks. However, you should walk with her regularly and give her the opportunity to throw out excess energy. Although in particularly unfavorable weather it can calmly walk in the arms of its owner. It makes sense to accustom him to the litter tray.

The coat of representatives of this breed requires daily care in the form of thorough combing with a special brush. You can bathe them only with special shampoos and only as needed when they are heavily soiled.

As for, Japanese Chins are prone to problems with the eyes (including injuries due to their bulge), as well as with breathing and circulatory system due to impatience with the heat. May snore and wheeze due to a flat nose. Representatives of this breed live on average up to 12 years.

Photo of the Japanese Chin breed

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The Japanese Chin is a rare but sought-after dog breed. They are also called Japanese Spaniels and are a breed native to Asia. Despite their compact dimensions, dogs have a strong and courageous character, which makes them reliable friends and companions. Truly family pets due to their increased attachment to people. They love to have fun and frolic, preferring to spend all their time next to the owner. Despite the rich fur coat, are especially easy to care for.

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    History of the origin of the breed

    The Japanese Chin still remains a mysterious dog breed in terms of the history of its origin. According to some data, the roots of the breed stretch from Tibet. Due to the external similarity of pugs and chins, they are credited with the same ancestors - Tibetan toys.

    The first representatives were presented by Tibetan monks to the leader of Japan. Many experts believe that these funny snub-nosed dogs appeared about 3 thousand years ago.

    In China and Japan, Chins are considered divine dogs. According to religious treatises, they appeared as a result of the union of a lion and a monkey. One day, the king of beasts told Buddha about his unrequited love for a monkey. As a result, the saint took pity and helped the beast, reducing it in size. Then the loving couple was able to reunite and an unusual creature was born - the Japanese Chin.

    In Tsarist Russia, quinines were not particularly popular. Breeding began in earnest at the turn of the 50s and 60s. XX century. Initially, they were crossed with individuals similar to Pekingese. In the 70s Several purebred specimens were brought from Germany, which gave birth to offspring. The standard was officially registered on August 9, 1977.

    Description, standard

    Japanese Chins are compact toy dogs with an elegant exterior. Compared to their counterparts, they have a wider muzzle, framed by long and shiny hair. The height and weight of the dog are not specified by the standard, since the emphasis is on the physique. On average, males grow up to 27 cm at the withers, females are usually shorter. Weight depends on the overall dimensions and gender: it ranges from 1.5–6.5 kg.

    Characteristics of quins according to the standard:

    HeadLarge, with a rounded and wide forehead. The bridge of the nose is slightly depressed
    NoseShort, upturned, so the lobe is at eye level
    TeethSmooth, proportional. A straight bite is preferred, but a scissor bite is also acceptable.
    EyesRound, not sunken or convex, expressive. Iris color brown, with varying degrees saturation. Eyelids are thin, pigmented to match the nose
    EarsTriangular in shape, large, widely spaced and pendulous. Framed with silky long hair
    BodyAs close as possible to the shape of a square, in bitches it may be slightly elongated
    NeckShort, vertical
    Rib cageVoluminous, slightly stretched. Viewed from the side - oval
    WithersWithout obvious projection, the back is short and strong. The croup is slightly sloping. The groin is tight, invisible under the fur.
    LimbsSmooth, thin. The rear ones are spaced further apart than the front ones. Forearms straight, shoulder blades inclined. The thighs are muscular. Paw pads are small, oval in shape, with tufts of hair emerging between the toes
    TailMiddle length. In adults, it is decorated with flowing hair.
    WoolThick structure and dense undercoat. Greater elongation is observed on the ears, front legs, hips and tail. The hair on the muzzle, lower parts of the front and hind legs is short. The color is strictly specified by the standard - the main background is always white, with the inclusion of red or black. Dogs with red spots are described as having brown nose And light eyes. A white stripe in the center of the forehead is considered a breed characteristic

    Two main colors of the breed

    Pros and cons of the breed:

    Advantages Flaws
    • Suitable for keeping in small apartments.
    • Easily trained to use the litter box.
    • Endowed with a stable psyche.
    • They do not have a tendency to dominate.
    • Affectionate and friendly.
    • Endowed with guard qualities.
    • They love children.
    • They bark a little.
    • They don't shed.
    • Get along with dogs and cats without problems
    • They do not require constant coat and eye care.
    • They do not tolerate loneliness and prolonged separation from their owner well.
    • Need daily walks in the fresh air.
    • It is difficult to adapt to a new environment.
    • If they lack attention, they begin to get sick and their character deteriorates.
    • Sensitive to heat and frost.
    • Without proper upbringing, they grow up willful and capricious.


    The Japanese Chin is endowed with cat-like habits: it loves to climb on furniture, jumps high, and washes itself. Like all dogs, they sincerely rejoice at the arrival of their owner, wagging their tail. The Chin is a true family dog, preferring to spend more time with family members.

    A puppy, deprived of attention, turns into a real destroyer: it spoils furniture and things. Despite its small size, the damage can be significant. Adult dogs that are not obediently trained often run away and have a quarrelsome nature.

    In general, Chins are distinguished by their balance and calmness, and do not make noise without reason. Nevertheless, they are quite mobile and are not averse to playing and frolicking once again. Compared to other purebred representatives, they have a stable psyche, without signs of aggression.

    They are patient with children, allowing themselves to be squeezed. If they are very annoying, they will not bite, they will simply hide somewhere. They are boundlessly attached to the owner and are ready to constantly be with him, but they will not impose themselves. They feel shy in front of strangers and try to immediately hide. But after getting to know each other better, they become friendly and ready to play.

    The breed does not require regular physical activity, so it is suitable for people who do not lead a very active lifestyle. Nevertheless, they love daily walks outside together. After them, the dog is always in a good mood. If this is not done, your pet may develop depression. Also, dogs should not be left alone for a long time, as this can lead to serious psychological trauma.

    Chins are able to adapt not only to living conditions, but also to the emotional background in the house. In a closed and silent family, an equally unsociable animal grows up. In a cheerful family, the dog is charged with positivity and energy. Such pets were introduced specifically to accompany humans, so they intuitively sense the mood of the people around them. They are not prone to leadership; they always put the owner above themselves.

    The breed is intended to be kept exclusively at home. But chins need to be walked daily. The coat does not tangle and just brushing it once a day is enough to keep it looking beautiful. During molting, comb out more thoroughly.

    Bitches lose more hair, but males remain equally fluffy all year round.

    It is recommended to take chins out for walks in cold weather in special clothing, which will serve as protection for the skin. They bathe no more than three times a year. They use 2 types of shampoo: cleansing and maintaining structure. To prevent hard water from damaging your hair, dilute it acetic acid. Drying can be done with a hairdryer. IN winter period and before exhibitions it is more appropriate to use dry shampoos.

    Grooming is done only in the summer and for those dogs that do not take part in exhibition shows. Show pets have their hair shortened between the toes and in groin area. The hair in the ears is trimmed.

    Regularly inspect the eyes and ears for dirt and discharge, which are removed wet wipe. Japanese Chins often exhibit tearfulness. Ears Thoroughly cleaned 1-2 times a month. If necessary, preventive teeth cleaning is carried out, and special soaked bones are additionally given to chew. Older individuals may develop tartar, which can only be removed in a clinic. Claws are trimmed as they grow.


    If the dog is healthy and not prone to allergies, then it is not picky about its diet. When drawing up a regimen, one should take into account the unbridled appetite of chins.

    • at the age of 1.5 to 3 months - 4–5 times a day;
    • from 4 to 12 months - 3–4 times;
    • after a year, two meals a day are prescribed.

    The volume of a single serving is determined depending on the weight and needs of the pet. Rational ratio of protein and plant components: for puppies - 3:1, for adults - 2:1. The food should have a dense consistency.

    Approximate diet:

    • raw lean beef;
    • offal, poultry, boiled sea fish;
    • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir;
    • milk (up to 5 months);
    • boiled chicken yolk(adults only - 1–2 times a week);
    • porridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
    • stewed, boiled or fresh vegetables (grated and flavored with vegetable oil);
    • fruits, with the exception of figs, grapes, persimmons.

    Sometimes you can give honey. Vegetable and animal fats, as well as mineral and vitamin complexes, must be included in the menu. Food is served only at room temperature.

    The following products are prohibited:

    • fatty broths;
    • pork;
    • smoked, salted and fried foods;
    • sweets and sugar;
    • sausages;
    • baked goods, pasta;
    • sour cream, cream and cheese;
    • egg white;
    • potato;
    • legumes;
    • bones.

    You cannot feed your pet from the table. After feeding, the bowls are washed. Clean drinking water should always be available.

    You can only feed industrial dry and wet food. A mixed diet is also acceptable, when given once a day natural food, and the second is ready-made food.


    In Japanese chins average duration life is 10–12 years. Dogs are quite strong by nature. Most health problems are associated with the specific structure of the muzzle and compact dimensions.

    It is important to vaccinate puppies on time against all viral diseases, as there is no cure for most of them.

    Inherent diseases:

    • Patella luxation - congenital pathology. Outwardly, the animal looks healthy, but there is a tendency to dislocations. In the acute stage, it is painful for the dog to lean on injured leg. The problem is solved by reduction or surgery followed by treatment.
    • Joint disorders- usually occur in older dogs. Arthritis often develops for no apparent reason. The development of the disease begins with the elbows and hip joints.
    • Spinal problems- typical for dogs over 6 years old. For prevention, vitamins and chondroprotectors are given.
    • Dislocation eyeball - occurs as a result of head injury or excessive pressure on the neck. To restore vision it is necessary surgical intervention. The first time, vision can be completely restored; in repeated cases, the chances are minimal.
    • Cataract- observed in older pets. Characterized by clouding of the lens of the eye. Treatment is selected depending on the degree and intensity of disease progression.
    • Glaucoma- increased intraocular pressure, which occurs after injury or prolonged exposure to the sun.

    Due to the depressed bridge of the nose, Chins tend to snore. Other breathing problems are also associated with this: sneezing, sniffling, coughing.

    Possible due to poor nutrition allergic reaction, which manifests itself with a number of symptoms: scratching, hair loss, skin rashes, heavy discharge from the eyes. Then they review the animal’s menu and exclude the allergen.


    Due to their small size, chins require training. Knowledge of the simplest commands and obedience allows you to protect the animal itself from a number of dangers in everyday life. The process of working with a pet is not difficult, but dogs can sometimes be wayward. If they get bored, they refuse to follow commands. Another feature of pets is their tendency to think for a long time. They understand what is required of them immediately, but are in no hurry to do it.

    The main thing is to be patient and not resort to rudeness. During classes, only praise and positive emotions. Various sweets are used as encouragement.

    In comparison with others small dogs, Chins are more trainable. At 2 months the animal should already respond to its name. They work with the pet daily, using different exercises, so that the student does not get bored with the training. After mastering the basic commands, they move on to tricks. The simplest thing a dog should know is: “to me”, “to sit”, “not allowed”, “next to me”. Chins often forget the material they have covered, so it is important to review it regularly.

    Representatives of this breed are smart and receptive on an intuitive level, so they are easy to raise. For any offense, a severe reprimand is sufficient. You can’t physically punish, at most you can slam a newspaper nearby. It is not permissible to poke a puppy’s nose into a puddle or pile left in an inappropriate place. Socialization is necessary from an early age: you should go out with him in public more often.

    Choosing and purchasing a puppy

    Before buying a puppy, first of all, determine its purpose: for the home, as a breeder or for participation in exhibitions. Pet It’s easier and less costly to buy. Exhibition representatives are more difficult to acquire and are more expensive. In general, puppies are divided into 3 classes:

    • Pet- kids who do not aspire to breeding work or a show career. They are usually sold already sterilized.
    • Breed- purebred dogs, but with some deviations from the standard. They are suitable for breeding and are capable of producing quite high-quality litters, with individual show-class specimens.
    • Show- ideal individuals in terms of exterior.

    It should be noted that to distinguish a breed from a show in early age not easy. Therefore, it is recommended to take babies for screenings at 5 months, when the chances of an adequate assessment appearance increase significantly.

    When choosing a puppy, they are guided by a number of external factors:

    • Correspondence of dog development to age.
    • A little fat is preferable to being thin.
    • Having a shiny and healthy coat.
    • Absence of any damage or rashes on the skin: the puppy should not itch.
    • Neutral scent for babies and mother.
    • The eyelids fit tightly to clear and shiny eyes.
    • Clean ears, no smell.

    A bloated stomach indicates the presence of worms or impaired digestion. Warning signs are diarrhea and vomiting.

    In one litter it is possible to meet puppies of different temperaments, but all of them should not be cowardly or depressed. It is advisable to purchase pet from 3 months of age. By this time they have already been vaccinated, toilet trained and are not afraid of people.

Another name for Japanese Spaniel. The “sofa” dog comes from Japan. For a long time, only a select few could afford to have such a pet.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Chin came to Japan from China. The monks of Tibet created a decorative dog, whose purpose was to entertain the court nobility. Ordinary people were forbidden to have an elite pet, and they were inaccessible. Hin means jewel. They were given as gifts and used as payment, or sold. It is believed that the baby came to Japan in 732, as a gift from the Chinese emperor to the Japanese.

After the formation of trade relations with Japan, the ports became open. The sailors bought or simply stole the “overseas miracle” and took it home. Many dogs died, unable to withstand the long journey on the ship. But those that made it to Europe were in incredible demand among representatives high society. But some dogs settled in the families of sailors.

By the mid-19th century, the Japanese Chin became the most sought after breed in Europe and America. At that time they were called Japanese spaniels, although they are not related.


According to the ICF classification, “Japanese” belong to the Toi and Companion group.

A small dog, square in size, body length should be equal to the height at the withers. The baby's height is 20-27 cm. Weight can range from 1.4 kg to 6.0 kg. But on average, the optimal weight is 4 kg. Frail physique.

The head is round and looks disproportionately small compared to the body. The muzzle is short, brachycephalic.

The coat is long and straight, silky to the touch. Has no undercoat. Characteristic feathering forms on the neck, tail and ears.

The tail is wrapped in a ring and inclined to one side. Most dogs are black -white color, but red spots are also acceptable.

The paws are “hare” with hair between the toes, this gives the limbs an elongated shape.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Japanese Chin shows tongue.


The dog, which has served as decoration since time immemorial, is very attached to humans. Doesn't tolerate loneliness well. From lack of attention, she can withdraw into herself and become nervous and capricious. Little ones who are averse to leadership. Punishment of chins is unacceptable; the maximum that can be done is to imitate the behavior of the mother and shake him by the withers. An affectionate little one with a soft, easy-going character, well suited as a first dog. This is the only dog ​​that washes itself with its paw, like a cat. She loves to lie on the high backs of the sofa.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Content Features

Due to the lack of undercoat, the dog hardly sheds. But grooming should be daily. Brushing with a single-row comb will protect your pet from tangles. Wash only when necessary.

IN special care the dog's eyes and nasal fold are needed. Without proper attention, the bulging eyes begin to fester and the muzzle begins to ooze bad smell. It's good to clean your ears cotton swab with peroxide and ventilate from time to time. To do this, you just need to wrap your ears for a few minutes. Nails are trimmed once or twice a month, or as needed. The Japanese Chin makes an ideal companion for older people. He does not require active walks and will be happy to accompany you on leisurely walks. Not recommended for families with children under 4 years old. Not because a dog can bite a baby, but quite the opposite. A child through negligence can cause serious injuries to a baby.

Young Japanese Chin.

Japanese Chin girl with puppies.

Japanese Chin champion.


On average, Japanese Chins live 10-12 years. But they are not distinguished by enviable health. They are characterized by diseases of all decorative dogs and breeds with a brachycephalic appearance.

  • Exposure heatstroke;
  • Cataract;
  • Turn of the century;
  • Retinal atrophy;
  • Dislocated knee;
  • Possible heart problems.

To reduce the risk of a dog getting sick, a puppy should be purchased only from proven and reliable nurseries. A responsible breeder will never breed a genetically problematic dog.