Some water got into my ear. If water gets into your ear and your ear hurts or is blocked, what should you do? Symptoms: when you need medical help

In the summer, when the season for swimming in lakes or reservoirs opens, water often gets into the ear canal. This factor can also happen during normal hygiene maintenance in the bathroom. If water gets into your ear and does not come out, take Urgent measures, and in extreme cases, consult a doctor.

If the fluid is not eliminated in time, it can stagnate in the ear canal and provoke favorable flora for the development and reproduction of bacteria. Therefore, what to do if water gets into your ears is a serious question. This will absolutely lead to otitis media or other serious ear diseases.

You can understand that water has entered the ear by several factors. Usually at this time patients suffer from congestion, a sharp decline hearing and a feeling of gurgling in the external auditory canal.

If the water is not eliminated immediately, patients will begin to complain later. to sharp and unpleasant sensations in the head, as well as an increase in body temperature and the appearance

At this time, urgent measures must be taken. Hearing aid a person is in close proximity to the brain and other vital organs.

If the ear apparatus is dysfunctional, the patient may experience serious problems with health and adaptation in the modern world.

It is known that liquid from the external passage most often flows out on its own, but if moisture penetrates the ear canal or middle area, there is a serious risk of complications. But such a case can only occur if the eardrum is perforated, and also due to anatomical features body.

In other cases, the water freely leaves the ear apparatus on its own.

How to get rid of water in the ear

How to remove water from the ear at home without harm to health? If the water in the ears cannot leave the ear on its own, you need to do several exercises that will contribute to a favorable outcome.

  1. First, use a dry cloth to wipe the outer part of the ear and ear canal.
  2. Then you need to do deep breath and exhale.
  3. After this, repeat the procedure, only with your mouth closed.

With the correct movements, you will hear a characteristic click in your ears and restore your hearing acuity.

Massage to get rid of moisture

If this method is unsuccessful, tilt your head to the side and make rotational movements with your palm along the outer shell. This will create pressure that will force fluid out of the ear canal.

However, the most the easy way The following method is considered:

  1. Stand on one leg and tilt your head to the side.
  2. Do a few jumps.

An important rule: if there is water in your right ear, jump on your right foot, if you have water in your left, change your foot.

Yawns and other gymnastics

If for some reason you are unable to jump, lie on one side and place a towel under your head.

In this position you need to do imitate chewing and then yawn deeply. With such manipulations, water quickly leaves the ear.

How to extract water from the ear with medications

If the described methods are ineffective, then try the next option. First, you need to tilt your head to the side so that the ear in which the water is present is on top.

You need to warm up a few drops first.

If you don’t have this ingredient at home, replace the drug with medical alcohol.

Place an alcohol-containing substance in your ears and maintain the position for five minutes.

As the alcohol and moisture combine, the water will evaporate within a few minutes.

For an improved effect, after this procedure, insert into the ear, soaked in oil. tea tree. If this ingredient is missing, replace the oil with olive oil.

If, while implementing the described procedures, you feel painful sensations probably formed in the ears sulfur plug. When it comes into contact with water, it swells and fills more than fifty percent of the ear canal.


Don't leave water in your ears long time. Therefore, when planning a beach holiday, take with you turundas soaked in olive oil. Insert them into your ears after every bath.

It is especially important to adhere to this rule when bathing babies, since children dive under water especially often.

With a strong immune system, water in the ears cannot provoke serious complications, but it is better to predict than to undergo long courses of treatment in the future.

Another reason that provokes complications after getting into ears of water, - insufficient ear hygiene. In some patients, water can play a positive role - to wash away wax accumulations, and sometimes the wax is not removed, but swells and blocks the entire ear canal.

It is dangerous for water to flow into the ear after targeted nasal rinsing procedures. The liquid may contain bacteria, which in the course of their activity cause complications and pain in the ear.

Which symptoms are considered normal and which are not?

After careless actions that caused water to enter the ear, you need to carefully consider your condition.

The following conditions are considered normal:

  1. Discomfort not accompanied by severe pain;
  2. Feeling of water in the ear;
  3. Decreased hearing sensitivity in the affected ear;
  4. Yellow discharge from the ear is an indicator of a separated plug.

You should be wary if your temperature rises or pain appears. You need to get ready for a visit to an otolaryngologist if your ears are blocked. Stagnation of water in the ear canal may contribute to the progression of inflammatory process.

What symptoms are a reason to contact a specialist:

  • The above symptoms persist for 3 days;
  • The temperature reached 37 degrees;
  • Started in the ear sharp pains, which appear and disappear on their own;
  • Near auricle the tumor is palpable;
  • You cannot touch the ear canal: sharp painful sensations;
  • The most terrible consequence– hearing loss.

You should not rely on your own knowledge and skill: only a specialist who knows the technique of examining the auricle and has an otoscope in his office can conduct a full examination.

If water gets into the middle ear, the listed symptoms may be blurred, and the patient will feel tolerable. Danger in this case will be signaled by discharge from the ear. If inflammation begins, a single leak of fluid is not enough.

Diseases that cause fluid accumulation in the hearing organs

Recurrent ear infections can be caused by a buildup of fluid in the ear.– fluid accumulated in the extravascular space. This condition occurs due to a change in location immune cells. The patient may notice separation of purulent mucus, and swelling forms.

People who have had infectious otitis media know what it is painful condition. The disease may be of an allergic nature, in which case it oozes from the ear. clear liquid. The condition is dangerous when the fluid either stops being released or then bothers the patient again. An experienced specialist will immediately suspect degeneration of the eardrum - tympanosclerosis. It may be a consequence of otitis media suffered at a tender age. A problem such as hearing loss may arise.

How to remove water from your ear

Many people are concerned about what to do if water gets into their ear. You can get rid of the problem at home. Do not use a hair dryer or syringe, and do not use an aspirator. Pressing your hand on your ear is dangerous - you can damage the eardrum and double the existing problems. No complex devices are required for pumping out liquid. The person should stand up, tilt his head to the side (with the sore ear down) and jump.

If a person is unable to perform this action on his own, he can be helped. The child needs to be seated in his arms and guided by shaking his head. The old man should be laid down so that his head is without support. You can help an elderly person by gently shaking his head. Such simple manipulations will help you cope with the problem of “water in the ear” quickly and without any effort.

Some doctors advise warming the problem ear under a lamp. Alcohol or a similar liquid (cologne) will help speed up the drying of the fluid in the ear. A few drops are enough. But this is controversial advice that can aggravate the situation if there is an infection or a “gap” in the eardrum. It is clear that if it does not bear fruit, and the painful sensations persist, it is not advisable to postpone a visit to the ENT specialist.

Can be used boric alcohol, some advise using heated salt instead of a heating pad.

What complications can be caused by water getting into the ears?

What can happen to a person whose ear water causes complications:

  1. Otitisinflammatory reaction in one of the departments. If you do not ignore the disease, otitis media can be quickly cured and no consequences of inflammation will be seen. A careless attitude towards health can lead to a chronic condition.
  2. Sulfur plug. The ingress of water causes swelling of the sulfur secretion, which can block the ear canal. Ear medications will help get rid of the problem.
  3. Eczema can develop if a foreign object gets into the ear and a wound appears.
  4. Rupture of membrane is caused by a strong impact on the membrane between the middle and outer ear.

The best measures to prevent the problem

To avoid wondering what to do if water gets into your ear, you need to be careful.

The following measures are effective:

  • You should not swim in strange bodies of water that have not been checked by the SES.
  • The best accessory for a diver is a special cap that covers the ears. It is useful in swimming pools and open reservoirs. Head diving accompanied by jumping is especially dangerous: barotrauma of the membrane can occur.
  • You should not make special efforts when blowing your nose, and you should not accompany this process with a strong exhalation.
  • Bathing a child should be organized so that the ears are protected from water. Today there are special collars on sale that help cope with this problem. If the water does reach the small ears. You need to carefully tilt your head to the side and try to remove water from the passage, and also observe the child for several days. If he is restless, it is better to seek help from a pediatrician.
  • If water does get into the ear canal, it is worth carrying out the manipulations described in the article to remove it.


Many people face the problem of water getting into their ear canals. Some people quickly cope with the feeling of congestion, but for others, the liquid that enters the body can be dangerous. It is worth keeping an eye on small children who like to jump and dive. For them, exposure to water can be dangerous. Old people should also be supervised.

Usually simple measures They help get rid of water in the ear, but sometimes the noise persists for several days and the temperature rises. You cannot tolerate this condition; you need to tell your otolaryngologist about your problem. He will conduct a high-quality examination and make a verdict: whether the ingress of liquid caused a complication.

It’s better not to ignore your doctor’s advice, as ear diseases can serious consequences. A careless patient may lose hearing, which is not always possible to restore. There are simple precautions you can take to help protect your ears from harsh conditions.

Water in the ear causes great discomfort. A person has a desire to immediately get rid of it. But only one unpleasant sensations this problem is not limited to. Water that gets into the ear can trigger the development of an inflammatory process that can lead to complications.

Ear diseases that occur due to water entering the hearing organ do not always appear due to a cold. We must not forget that the liquid contains a lot pathogenic microorganisms, which are causative agents of dangerous diseases.

Signs of water in the ears

Finding out that there is water in the ear is not so difficult. This is indicated by the following signs:

  • Feeling of discomfort inside the organ.
  • Gurgling and transfusion in the ear. It can also be felt inside the head.
  • Organ congestion.
  • Earache.

It is necessary to quickly remove water from the ear that has flowed there during bathing. To protect yourself from inflammatory and infectious diseases, you need to know what to do in such a situation. The problem should be solved in short time, since a wet ear can easily catch a cold. And its treatment takes quite a long time. In addition, this is a rather painful process.

First aid

Every person should be familiar with first aid methods for someone who has water in their ears. First of all, you need to try to shake it out of your hearing organ using any available and in a safe way. This action should be carried out before going into the pool or body of water again. The easiest way to get rid of water is by actively jumping and wiping your ear with the rolled edge of a clean towel. If a child has a problem, then he should use a handkerchief.

If water gets into the hearing organ and does not come out of it, you should try to remove it with a regular cotton swab. However, in this case, precautions must be taken. It is very easy to damage the ear tissue with a cotton swab. Therefore, its movements should be slow and smooth. Avoid placing objects deep into the ear canal. This action may cause it to become blocked by a plug of accumulated wax. Under such circumstances, water will definitely not leak out.

Simple ways to solve the problem

Every person can remove water from the ear at home. To eliminate the problem and prevent complications, it is worth carrying out the following manipulations:

It is worth remembering these methods for removing water from the ear for those who often swim in the pool or in open water. They also help relieve discomfort while showering. After all, even when swimming, you can accidentally flood your hearing organ with water.

Removing water from a small child's ear

The most difficult thing to remove is water that gets into the ear. small child. If it does not flow out of there on its own, you need to provoke it to perform this action, and thereby get rid of the problem.

First of all, parents should try to find out which ear the baby got into when they were washed or bathed. If the child has not had otitis media before, then there is no need to worry too much. But in any case, measures need to be taken to save the baby from unpleasant sensations.

To ensure that water drains out of the ear in a timely manner, you should lay the baby on one side immediately after bathing. After a few minutes it needs to be turned over to another. This in a simple way It will be possible to free the baby’s hearing organs from the water that has entered them.

If your baby doesn't want to lie still and starts crying, you can try cleaning his ears while breastfeeding. To do this, just lay it side down. It is required to alternate sides. During feeding, you should try a vacuum massage with a warm palm.

After all water procedures Experts advise putting a comfortable cap on your baby. This measure should not be neglected if the baby is in a cold room. The cap will protect his ears from drafts and hypothermia. For older children, it is better to use a light scarf.

Special cotton wool will help free your baby's ears from water. Standard sticks cannot be used, as they can easily injure the ear canals. Don't forget to take these devices with you to the pool.

A small flagellum should be carefully inserted into the baby's ear and tilted in the desired direction. Water that gets into the organ will quickly be absorbed into the cotton wool device. It is advisable to repeat this procedure until the used flagellum remains completely dry.

Instillation of the hearing organ

If simple methods do not work, you should try to remove water from your ears using pharmaceutical drops. Boric alcohol is ideal for such purposes. Place a couple of drops into each ear canal for about 5 minutes. You can replace boric alcohol with regular medical alcohol if you don’t have it on hand. Water and alcohol quickly combine and dissolve. Thanks to this, the ears are cleaned.

If a person experiences pain during instillation, then there is a possibility that there is a cerumen plug in the ear. It prevents water from leaving the ear canal in a timely manner. With this problem in mandatory you need to contact a specialist. Otherwise, this problem will happen during every bath.

Instillation of an ear that is blocked due to water can be done with the following drops:

  1. "Otinum."
  2. "Otipax".
  3. "Taufon".

It is necessary to choose drops that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. They are instilled into the problematic ear in an amount of up to 3 drops. Within 15 minutes after the procedure, a person will feel relief, the pain in the hearing organ will subside. If pain syndrome too strong, it is recommended to additionally take an anesthetic tablet, for example, Ibuprom or Analgin.

In hospitals, ears that contain water are washed using solutions based on the following drugs:

  • "Albucid".
  • "Furacilin".
  • "Salicylic alcohol".
  • "Protargol".

These solutions can also be used at home.

Middle ear cleansing

If water gets into the middle ear, there is a possibility of serious damage to the eardrum. This kind of trouble usually happens to diving enthusiasts when diving to a fairly large depth.

The fact that there is water in the middle ear is indicated by painful sensations that shoot from time to time in the damaged organ of hearing. Because of it, otitis media caused by infection can develop.

To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to make several swallowing movements. A compress made from boric alcohol will help remove all fluid from the organ. To carry out this manipulation, you must perform the following steps:

  • Clean cotton wool is moistened in boric alcohol.
  • The cotton wool is placed in the auricle.
  • The hearing organ is wrapped in a woolen scarf or scarf. Additionally, you should take a painkiller tablet if the pain is too severe.

Now all that remains is to wait for the compress to take effect. It is advisable to immediately make an appointment with a specialist after receiving first aid.

In some cases, simple manipulations are very difficult to do. In such situations, doctors perform a minor operation on the patient. During the procedure, the specialist makes an incision in the membrane and inserts a sterile tube through which water will be removed.

Prevention measures

In order not to search for a method of removing water from your ears, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant situation. Prevention measures recommended by ENT doctors will help in this matter.

The following preventive measures will help protect yourself from problems that water entering the hearing organs can create:

  1. It is necessary to promptly treat ear diseases and remove wax plugs.
  2. When swimming, you should wear a cap and use earplugs.
  3. Instead of silicone plugs, you can use earplugs that tightly close the passages and prevent water from penetrating into them.

If desired, you can easily make a plug with your own hands from cotton wool and Vaseline.


If water gets into your ears, you must remove it immediately. It is very important to follow the rules for bathing babies. If an infant or adult has severe the immune system, then the temporary presence of water in the organ of hearing will not bring them great harm. If protective functions the body is too weakened, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid serious complications.

Almost everyone has encountered the problem of water getting into their ears at some time in their life. Water entering the ear canal and/or middle ear causes irritation and discomfort. The presence of sulfur can make the situation worse as it traps moisture and allows it to remain there for a longer period of time.

Children, adults and the elderly can suffer from water getting into their ears. Often this trouble occurs after taking a bath or shower, especially if you tilt your head in such a way that water can easily penetrate inside or after swimming in a lake, river, pool, sea, especially if you swim underwater.

Water may be in one ear or both ears at once and can be bothersome for one, two, three, four or five days or longer periods if left untreated. Some people have reported having water in their ears for weeks or months. Such a long-term presence of a feeling of ear congestion cannot be ignored, since it may be an infection, not just water.

Symptoms and signs

In addition to discomfort and irritation, some of the common symptoms may include pain, hearing impairment (“water in the ear reduces hearing and causes a foreign sensation”) and inflammation of the ear canal if it does not come out within a few days or develops infections. You may also experience cracking or ringing, pressure behind the ears, pain in the jaw or ear, itching, dizziness, headache caused by pressure and other symptoms.

If blood or pus is released, it may be a sign of infection or injury. You should immediately consult a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.


Having water in the ears is not a life-threatening condition, but “uncontrolled, excess moisture can lead to infection and pain.” One of the common causes of infection in swimmers is ignoring the ingress of water from the pool, ocean, lake, river, which may be contaminated with fungi, bacteria or viruses.

Additionally, neglecting the problem for weeks or months or ignoring some of the symptoms can lead to permanent damage or permanent hearing loss, as well as eardrum inflammation, cyst formation, and other complications.

Means and methods for removing water

Most of the methods can be used at home. It should be remembered that not every method recommended online is safe, as it can damage sensitive structures inner ear.

1. Ways to remove water immediately after swimming

2. Add water

Lie on your side with the affected ear up, ask someone to add a few more drops clean water room temperature to avoid dizziness, and immediately turn to the opposite side.

3. Chewing gum

Another simple way to cleanse is chewing gum. It causes the temporomandibular joint to move, which creates pressure on the middle ear and the ear canal stretches.

4. Use alcohol

This approach can also help kill bacteria and prevent infections.

Tilt your head, add a few drops of alcohol, wait about 30 seconds. Then turn your head in the opposite direction so that the remaining alcohol and water flow out.

Repeat the process several times until you reach desired result. During this procedure, the presence of crackling and crunching sounds is normal.

5. Dry your ear

You can try drying your ear with a hairdryer using non-hot air, holding it at a distance of about 30 centimeters. This will help the liquid escape as steam. To increase the efficiency of the process, gently pull the earlobe down. Precautions must be taken to avoid burns.

6. Solutions

If the eardrum is not damaged, a few drops of a mixture of alcohol and vinegar, a solution of salt water, or a mixture of garlic and olive oil will help. They should be adjusted to your body temperature to avoid dizziness.

Alcohol and vinegar

Mix in equal quantities. The mixture helps remove water and limit bacterial growth, preventing infections.

Salt solution

Salt water (a quarter teaspoon of salt added to a glass of warm water) fights infections well. You need to pour the solution into your ears using a syringe or pipette.

Olive oil and garlic mixture

Garlic is antibacterial, and olive oil is antiseptic properties and reduces discomfort. You need to crush some garlic, add a small amount of olive oil, heat and strain the mixture. Place a few drops in the ear, wait a little and, tilting your head, let the liquid come out. The oil can also be used separately.

7. Steam inhalation or hot compress

A hot ear compress can help get rid of water in the ear.

Another simple one, but effective method- is the use of steam. Should be placed hot water into a large container, cover with a towel and slowly inhale the steam for about 5-10 minutes, then tilt your head to let the water flow out. A hot ear compress has a similar effect.

8. Drops for cleaning ears

There are many types in pharmacies ear drops containing alcohol, which help in removing water as alcohol evaporates quickly.

9. Hydrogen peroxide

A few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide will help soften earwax, which can collect drops of moisture. This remedy will also prevent the development of infection.

Precautionary measures

  • “Never try to use cotton swabs to dry or remove anything from your ears,” as this can damage the eardrum and ear canal.
  • Do not insert anything into the ear, including keys, pens, fingers, etc., as this may cause infection and injury.
  • Dry your ears after leaving the water using a soft towel or cloth.
  • Call your doctor if there is swelling, redness, hearing loss, itching, or pus discharge.
  • Do not use the headphones until all liquid has been removed.
  • Water removers that do not include alcohol are ideal for low amounts of earwax.

One of the best ways protection - use earplugs for swimming. You can purchase them from many online stores. There are different brands and types for adults and children. They often come complete with a nose clip.

Water in the middle ear

This problem can affect people who have undergone a myringotomy, a surgical procedure in which “an incision is made in the eardrum to help drain fluid and thus balance the pressure outside and inside the ear,” to correct eustachian tube dysfunction or perforated eardrums. They can get water into the middle ear, that is, it is located behind the eardrum.

This often happens after swimming, diving or showering, and can cause pain, dizziness (as the middle ear helps in maintaining body balance), hearing impairment, etc.

Sometimes otitis media, especially with effusion, can result in "thick or sticky fluid behind the eardrum in the middle ear" that feels almost like having water in the middle ear. Otitis media with effusion is more common in young children because their eustachian tubes are shorter, have smaller openings, and they are more likely to catch colds.

To treat or remove water from the middle ear, you must visit a doctor. Doing this yourself can lead to complications.

Water in ear with pain

If water ingress is accompanied by pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a diagnosis, as there is a risk of deformation of the eardrum or infection.

Is it possible for water to get into the inner ear?

The ear is divided into three parts: the outer one, which ends at eardrums, middle and inner. Fluid cannot enter the inner ear.

Why does it feel like there is water in my ear?

If the presence of fluid is felt, accompanied by a ringing or crackling sound, this often happens when waking up and none of the removal methods brings results, then it may be congestion caused by for various reasons(infection, wax plug, allergies, changes in air pressure, some diseases). This problem may persist for weeks or months and return from time to time.

Another common symptom of blocked ears is hearing loss. This occurs when the eustachian tube becomes blocked and/or the ear canal becomes clogged with earwax. You may also feel like you are underwater and feel dizzy.

Have you once again taken a bath or swam in an open pond? Water is a beautiful element; swimming is a pleasure for many. However, water procedures often end in such a nuisance as fluid accumulation in the ear. In professional formulation it sounds like “Swimmer's ear”. This is how doctors refer to the accumulation of fluid in the ear canal when a person cannot get rid of this water on his own. This is often accompanied by gurgling in the ear, a feeling of discomfort, and a deterioration in hearing acuity. If measures are not taken in time, water can enter the middle ear and cause inflammation. In this article we’ll talk about what to do if water gets into the ear, how to get rid of water in a child’s ear, and what to do to prevent the situation from happening again.

How to get rid of water in the ear

Usually a person very clearly understands that water has got into his ear, he feels which ear is affected, and sometimes he even feels and hears this liquid. This often happens after total immersion with your head in the water. How to react to water getting into your ear? First, you should try sticking the tip of a towel into your ear canal to absorb any unnecessary moisture. If this doesn't help get rid of the water, try our next tips.

  1. The simplest and known method To get rid of water in the ear is to hop on the toes of one foot. And on the side on which the water got stuck. That is, if water gets into right ear, you need to jump on your toes right leg, tilting your head as far as possible to the right. With each jump, during landing, try to swing your head so that the amplitude is maximum. But do not forget to hold on to the wall or edge of the table with your hands so as not to fall. With intense movements, after 2-3 jumps the water will be removed.
  2. You can remove water without making any special efforts. You need to lie on your back and slowly turn your head towards the ear in which the water is stuck. Keyword- slowly. The physiology of the ear space is such that water will simply pour out slowly with smooth movements - you will feel it.
  3. Do you know how the body removes wax from the ears? That's right, due to chewing and swallowing movements. Lie down on a horizontal plane and start chewing gum. Can be imitated chewing movements or just drink water. Since the process is complicated by the fact that you are lying down, you can drink through a straw - this is much more convenient.
  4. Inhale the air and try to exhale it with a strong jerk, while closing your mouth and nose. The air will create pressure on the membrane, it will bend and push some of the water out of the ear canal. This technique is often used on airplanes to relieve the feeling of stuffiness in the ears.
  5. Press your palm firmly against your ear so that a vacuum is formed there. Then sharply remove your palm from your head. The thin air will help you push the water out of your ear.
  6. Place a few drops of boric alcohol into your ear. It will not only disinfect the ear canal (this is important if water gets into the ear from a pond), but will also help get rid of moisture. The fact is that boric alcohol evaporates very quickly. It will mix with ordinary water and simply evaporate into the air.
  7. You can get rid of water in the ear using the same water. Pour water into your ear in a strong stream using a bulb or syringe. This water will help get rid of the air lock, which often prevents the removal of excess liquid.

These simple tips will help you get rid of water that got into your ear due to negligence. But what to do when the baby has a problem?

What to do if a child suffers from water in the ear

If the baby already knows how to jump on one leg, you can explain to him what head movements he should make so that the water comes out. But what should you do if water gets into your baby’s ear while bathing? And how can you understand that something wrong has happened to your baby? If a baby has water stuck in his ear, he will show it with his whims, tearfulness, and anxiety. Children often put their hands to their ears, which can make them hear worse. If such symptoms begin after water procedures, it can be assumed that water in the ears is to blame.

You need to make a turunda out of cotton wool - twist a thin flagellum and carefully insert one end into the baby’s ear. Never use hard objects such as cotton swab. It can damage the delicate parts of your baby's inner ear or push the wax closer to the eardrum, preventing it from coming out naturally. And the flagellum will safely absorb excess moisture, relieving the baby’s ears from the feeling of fullness.

If this does not help, just try feeding the baby in a lying position - first on one side, and then on the other. Swallowing movements will help expel the water naturally.

How to protect your ears from water getting into them

Preventative measures are the main defense against water getting into your ears. Be sure to wear swimming caps in the pool and open water, especially if you like to dive and immerse yourself in water. Professional swimmers are recommended to wear special earplugs for swimming, which prevent water from entering the ear cavity. If your child doesn't like wearing earplugs or a swimming cap, you can simply lubricate the ear canal with a rich cream before swimming. This, of course, will not completely protect the ear from water, but it will reduce the risk of liquid getting into the ear canal, since fat tends to repel water molecules.

Water in the ear is not just a discomfort. If, for example, you go outside in winter after swimming in the pool, the water can cause otitis media. Be sure to clean your child’s ears after water procedures, because soaked wax can cause pain, discomfort, and a feeling of pressure in the ears, as it swells in a humid environment and puts pressure on the membrane. If you cannot get rid of water in your ear on your own, be sure to visit an otolaryngologist. It will help you solve the problem in seconds. Take care of your ears and clean them of water in a timely manner.

Video: how to remove water from your ear