Vacuum abortion: the essence of the method, indications and possible consequences. How to do a vacuum abortion: stages of the procedure and consequences Until what week is the vacuum performed?


There are women in life different situations, and termination of pregnancy occurs for a variety of reasons. One of the most gentle ways is considered to be timely vacuum abortion(aspiration), which must be done early. Experts say that this type of surgical intervention for termination of pregnancy is the safest, since it causes almost no pain or spasms, does not provoke bleeding, and does not affect the woman’s reproductive function.

What is vacuum abortion

According to the disappointing medical statistics Every fifth pregnancy ends in termination. Abortions are traumatic, and the consequences for the woman are sometimes very serious, ranging from inflammatory diseases genitals, ending with complete cessation reproductive function. Vacuum aspiration is recognized as a relatively safe procedure compared to curettage. However, even after a gentle surgical termination of pregnancy, there are certain risks, for example, sometimes parts of the fertilized egg remain in the uterine cavity.


There are no specific indications for a mini-abortion, as well as for surgical curettage. A woman can terminate a pregnancy solely at her own request (by Russian laws up to 12 weeks). There are a number of situations in which a doctor may recommend a mini-abortion, if the timing allows:

Advantages and disadvantages

The sooner you perform a vacuum abortion, the more successful it will be. The advantages of this method of abortion are:

  • minimal trauma to the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • fast recovery after the procedure;
  • lowest risk of complications;
  • the possibility of artificial termination of pregnancy without hospitalization;
  • during aspiration of the fertilized egg, the cervix does not dilate, which reduces discomfort;
  • microabortion can be performed with either local anesthesia, and without anesthesia (if the patient is intolerant to anesthetics or has allergies);
  • The patient’s psychological health does not suffer, since the fetus is not yet formed.

Whatever advantages this gentle method has, it, like other options for terminating pregnancy with surgical instruments, has a risk of undesirable consequences:

  • the danger of incomplete removal of the fetus by vacuum suction, after which it is necessary to bend down to scrape the cavity;
  • possibility of injury to the uterus during manipulation medical instruments;
  • there is a possibility of bleeding or infection of the uterine walls;
  • risk of infertility due to damage to the uterus.

Until when can you do it?

Before looking for a clinic to perform a surgical abortion, you should ask your gynecologist about the period until which vacuum abortion is performed. Since there is an inadmissible period for carrying out safe methods, the antenatal clinic doctor may refer you to regular curettage. The optimal period at which an abortion is performed without the likelihood of complications for the female body is considered to be 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. It is possible to carry out the procedure from 7 to 12 weeks, but in this case there is a risk of damage to the uterine tissue.

How to do a mini-abortion

Gynecological methods of terminating pregnancy are different. Vacuum aspiration is usually performed under local anesthesia using a special pump. We will carry out a mini-abortion in the early stages, while the fertilized egg is not yet firmly entrenched in the uterine cavity. The method is also used as a supplement after regular curettage to ensure that there is no incomplete abortion and to eliminate residual tissue.

Preparatory stage

It doesn’t matter where the procedure is performed and at what price, but without general analysis urine and blood, no doctor will undertake a mini-abortion. Additionally, the woman will need a PCR test for hidden infections, blood type, tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, bacterial culture and smear for flora. An ultrasound is required. If the patient is registered with a cardiologist or other doctor, additional medical examination. The purpose of all tests is to identify problems with a woman’s health and possible contraindications.

Carrying out the operation

After consulting a gynecologist, the woman is sent for vacuum aspiration. Negative pressure is uniformly created in the contents of the uterine cavity. This process facilitates the separation of the fertilized egg without bleeding. To do this, a special instrument is inserted into the uterus - an electric vacuum pump. Cervical dilatation is not required for this abortion. Next, the egg is removed with a special rigid tube and extracted with an electric suction. The operation takes place under local or general anesthesia, which is included in the cost of a vacuum abortion. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes.


A woman needs to carefully choose a clinic where to have a mini-abortion, because if the intervention is incorrect, she may experience negative consequences. The cervix may be damaged by the clamp or the walls of the uterus may be injured by the probe. Such pathologies are accompanied by heavy bleeding. If the patient does not have abdominal pain 1-2 days after the intervention, then the symptoms indicate an accumulation of clots or remnants of fetal tissue. Chills and fever are a consequence of infection.

Discharge after vacuum abortion

Any disposal of unwanted pregnancy (vacuum, medications, cleaning) has its own rehabilitation period. After each procedure (first or repeated), bleeding is a normal process. Discharge after an abortion begins immediately and passes at an average intensity (less than during menstruation). After 2-3 days they end, but after 4-5 days they begin again - this is due to hormonal changes in the woman’s body. Brown discharge after vacuum aspiration it is observed for a week.


Doctors will not perform vacuum aspiration if a woman has an ectopic pregnancy. This dangerous pathology requiring rapid surgical intervention. A contraindication to a mini-abortion is early termination of pregnancy at a later stage, after which six months have not passed. Not prescribed this procedure if a woman has:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • any gynecological inflammation.

Sex life after abortion

The uterus heals after undergoing vacuum intervention within 2-3 weeks. Until complete recovery, a woman is prohibited from having sex. After termination of pregnancy, for the first 1.5 months it is necessary to use condoms during sexual intercourse to protect against infections and a new conception. You need to see a doctor two weeks after surgery.

Pregnancy after abortion

According to women's reviews, conception is possible immediately after a mini-abortion - already on the first menstrual cycle. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to take contraceptives when resuming sexual activity. If there is a desire to have a child, then before conception it is recommended to undergo a therapeutic course to restore hormonal levels to eliminate the risk of miscarriage.


If after the test the result turns out to be positive, and the question arises in your head, how much does a mini-abortion cost, then you need not to delay the deadline. Since vacuum aspiration is recommended for up to 6 weeks, better clinic search immediately. You can reduce the cost of the procedure if you independently buy in an online store (order from a catalog) the medications necessary for the operation. The cost of the operation consists of:

  • gynecologist consultations;
  • necessary examinations and tests;
  • anesthesia;
  • additional research(CPR, histology and others);
  • psychological rehabilitation (optional).

Average cost of vacuum aspiration in clinics and hospitals in Moscow:


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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One of the gentle ways to terminate a short-term pregnancy is a vacuum abortion. Vacuum abortion is prescribed:

  • if the woman was unsuccessful medical abortion;
  • if there are deviations (defects) in the development of the fetus;
  • if the mother is unable to bear a child (chronic diseases);
  • if a woman herself wants to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Description of vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is carried out for short periods (up to three months). How shorter period, the faster and easier the whole procedure goes.

The average duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. After an abortion, the woman remains under the supervision of doctors for some time to ensure the success of the operation.

This method is called gentle because the amount of damage caused to the uterus is insignificant. In the process, only the mucous membrane is damaged.

Who is contraindicated for vacuum abortion?

Like any procedure, the vacuum method of abortion has its own contraindications:

  • The fertilized egg is outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). Abortion by vacuum in this case is simply impossible. After all, it is possible to cause incurable damage to the mother’s body.
  • If a woman is sick (acute infectious diseases). There is a huge risk of infection in the uterine cavity.
  • Physiological characteristics (poor blood clotting).
  • If a woman gave birth less than a year and a half ago.

Pain during vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, no pain is felt during the procedure.

The consequence of such a surgical intervention, as with any type of abortion, is nagging and cramping pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. They last about 2 days until the uterus restores its previous size.

The process of performing a vacuum abortion (mini abortion)

Using an electric vacuum pump, negative pressure is created in the uterus. Under the influence of the apparatus, the fertilized egg is detached from the walls of the uterus and sucked into a prepared container. The process does not use metal dilators, thanks to which the cervix is ​​not injured. The risk of infertility after a vacuum abortion is minimal.

Before starting the process of abortion, a woman undergoes a consultation with a gynecologist and takes a test. necessary tests. Standard blood and urine tests, blood clotting tests, ultrasound, hepatitis and HIV tests are standard.

After a thorough check of the tests, the patient is allowed to have a vacuum abortion. The entire process is carried out by a qualified doctor in a specialized institution (hospital).

The vagina and cervix are treated with an antiseptic, and anesthesia is injected into the cervix. If necessary, in cases where the woman has not given birth before, the cervix is ​​dilated for further insertion of a rigid tube. The fertilized egg is sucked out using a tube.

During the procedure, the woman may feel cramps, which stop immediately when the tube is removed. During the removal of uterine tissue (abortion), symptoms of nausea, weakness and excessive sweating are possible.

The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes, after which the patient rests in the ward where her condition is observed.

Upon discharge, antibiotic treatment is prescribed to prevent inflammation, as well as painkillers if the pain is too intense.

Sex after a vacuum abortion

Intimacy (sexual intercourse) is prohibited for a month after an abortion. During this time, the injured uterine tissue heals, and sex life may cause inflammation. After complete healing of the genital organs, you should begin having sex using condoms.

Consequences of a vacuum mini abortion

Any abortion, even a mini abortion (vacuum) is an invasion of natural process body. Any invasion, especially surgically, has its consequences. This is stress throughout the body, which is clearly expressed by tangible symptoms.

Discharge after vacuum abortion

Bleeding begins immediately after aspiration. This natural reaction body to such intervention. Many women think that these are ordinary periods, but this is not the case.

The duration of bleeding should not exceed 10-14 days. Abundance should decrease with increasing time after abortion.

Bleeding is not normal occurrence, If:

  • accompanied by unbearable pain;
  • the abundance of discharge does not decrease;
  • blood clots are present.

If you have such indicators, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain after vacuum abortion

Pain in the lower abdomen is expected after a mini-abortion. Associated with uterine contractions. Lasts about 3-5 days. They are not subject to treatment.

Pain and swelling in the vagina are also normal and disappear after a few days.

Chest pain usually does not bother patients, due to the fact that a mini-abortion is performed for a short period of time. But they can rarely be present; it depends more on the woman’s physiology.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion

It is impossible to say exactly when your period will begin, because this process is individual. From the day of the mini-abortion, about 40 days pass before the start of menstruation.

Full recovery The menstrual cycle depends on whether the woman has given birth before or not. For those who have given birth, this period is shorter (about 3 months). For others, this process can take a long time (up to 6 months).

During the first menstruation, discharge may be scanty. If the menstrual cycle has not returned within a couple of months, you need to consult a gynecologist.

If you don't have your period for a long time after an abortion, take a pregnancy test. The result is positive - the vacuum abortion was not successful or you have an ectopic pregnancy. If the result is negative, you should wait a little longer.

Complications after vacuum abortion

Complications after a vacuum mini-abortion are quite rare, but this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

Perforation of the uterus . With a vacuum abortion, it can only occur due to mechanical expansion of the cervix with a special instrument.

Incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. Manifests in heavy bleeding and persistent pain in the lower abdomen. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

Cervical spasm. The cervix closes quickly and blood remains in the uterine cavity. It causes constant pain and temperature rise. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Ectopic pregnancy. If during the vacuum procedure the pregnancy was in the tubes, then it remains. Symptoms include abdominal pain and pain during intercourse. Surgery required.

A woman after a mini-vacuum abortion should visit special support groups or consult a psychologist. After all, abortion not only causes physical harm, but also emotional harm. It is necessary in any way to prevent the occurrence of depression, which will only slow down the process of recovery of the body.

The video will tell you in more detail about the consequences of abortion.

When a woman decides to terminate a pregnancy, she tries to choose the most safe way. Abortion by vacuum is considered one of the relatively safe ones. But even termination at the earliest stages of gestation has its consequences, so it is worth paying special attention to the choice of termination method.

Planning needs to be taken seriously to avoid misunderstandings

A vacuum mini-abortion is an early abortion procedure using specialized equipment - a vacuum aspirator. This type of abortion has several features.

  • This method of termination is considered the safest for patients, because the risk of developing post-abortion complications such as bleeding, infection or uterine damage during such an operation is minimal.
  • But in terms of complication there is great value, until how many weeks is aspiration performed? As the gestation period increases, the risk of possible post-abortion complications also increases.
  • Until 5 weeks, the embryo and the uterus itself are still too small.
  • If the interruption is carried out using a vacuum abortion, the vessels of the uterus will receive the least possible damage, and therefore the body will be restored as soon as possible.

The use of vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is recognized as the most gentle form of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy, which is why mini-vacuum abortion is so popular among patients. Mini abortion received this name because this procedure is carried out when the size of the embryo and fertilized egg are still very small. But before you have a vacuum abortion, you must undergo an appropriate examination.

Until when do they do it?

Manual vacuum aspiration is performed at a fairly early stage. Already from the second day of the delay, such minimally invasive intervention can be performed. Representatives World Organization Health officials claim that the duration of a vacuum abortion is not limited to 5 weeks of gestation. With specialized equipment, highly qualified specialists will be able to perform a mini-abortion for a gestation period of up to 15 weeks, however, additional expansion of the cervical canal will be required.

But if the vacuum abortion procedure is carried out at 10-15 weeks, then its consequences will be no less serious than after instrumental abortion. Therefore, debates regarding how long it is safe to make a mini-interruption continue among specialists today. In addition, specialists who are ready to take on such a procedure and are able to carry it out on top level in later periods, not so much.

The most optimal time for a mini-abortion is 4-5 weeks of gestation. During this period, the embryo is still weakly attached to the uterine walls, so it is easily sucked out without any complications or adverse consequences in the future.


An examination is required before the procedure.

Each type of interruption has its own indications for implementation, and the aspiration technique is no exception. Usually abortion vacuum aspiration carried out for patients with various types of pathologies in fetal development, oncopathology or disease endocrine system. Also, a mini-abortion is indicated in case of a frozen pregnancy or if there is a threat to pregnancy. women's health and even life, with pathologies of the hematopoietic system, nervous system or disorders of mental origin.

Most indications for vacuum termination are not considered exceptional and can be used for other types of abortion, depending on what stage of gestation the patient is at. After all, some fetal defects are detected already at later when a mini-abortion is not possible.

Pros and cons of mini-abortion

Aspiration interruption has many advantages over other techniques.

  1. The duration of the procedure usually does not exceed 10 minutes, so on the same day the patient is sent home, where she can live her previous life, i.e. work, study, do household chores, etc.
  2. When interrupted instrumentally, the surgeon scrapes out the uterine walls, separating the embryo manually, so there is always a risk of violating the integrity of the uterine tissue. And when aspiration is performed, the fertilized egg breaks away from the endometrium on its own, under the influence of the pressure created by the pump.
  3. With a mini-abortion, the cervical canal is also practically not affected, because it is not expanded, so trauma can be avoided.
  4. The operation is performed using general or local anesthesia, so patients tolerate the procedure painlessly. Sometimes it happens that pain occurs when moving the aspirator tube through the cervical canal, but after taking antispasmodics, such discomfort quickly passes.
  5. In healthy patients, the abortion procedure proceeds practically without consequences, recovery occurs quickly, because it is possible to interrupt conception in a very short period of time.

These advantages are undeniable, but such uterine procedures also have some disadvantages. Firstly, planning for the next conception can be done only six months after aspiration interruption. The body needs this time for full recovery, and after interruption you need to use contraception. If a woman becomes pregnant earlier, then such pregnancy can be very difficult for the body with a high risk of various abnormalities.

Another disadvantage can be considered the possibility of incomplete abortion, when vacuum aspiration is performed, but gestation still continues, or fetal particles remain inside the uterine body, which in the process of decomposition infect the patient’s body. This is possible if the abortion occurred with incomplete separation of the fertilized egg. In addition, the psychological side of the issue can also be considered a disadvantage; for many patients, interruption is psychologically difficult.

How does the interrupt work?

It will take a lot of effort and time to recover

Aspiration is done using an electric vacuum pump device, which, by creating pressure, sucks out all embryonic tissue from the uterine body. Many girls have doubts about such an interruption, because they do not know whether it hurts to have a mini-abortion. If the intervention takes place under general anesthesia, the procedure causes absolutely no pain. When using local anesthesia during an abortion, minor pain may occur.

The pump creates negative pressure inside the uterine body, which causes the embryo to detach and be excreted along with the blood. In this case, no serious damage to the uterine vessels will occur. During aspiration, the cervical canal is not even widened, so its damage is also excluded. Moreover, a mini-interruption significantly reduces the likelihood of occurrence cervical insufficiency, which often appears after surgical abortion and in the future interferes with the ability to fully bear the baby. But before having an abortion, specialized training is needed.

How to prepare

Before undergoing an abortion procedure, a girl must make an appointment with a gynecologist. During the examination, the specialist assesses the gestation period and refers the woman to the necessary diagnostic studies. Typically the examination involves:

The above studies are mandatory for pre-abortion diagnosis, because their results can reveal or refute the presence of contraindications for a mini-abortion.

Mini-abortion technique

To dispel the doubts of many girls regarding safety, it is worth considering how a vacuum abortion occurs. After passing all the tests, the doctor sets a date for aspiration. The procedure must take place exclusively in a clinic or gynecological department hospitals with the participation of experienced and certified specialists.

Vitamin complexes are taken only as prescribed by a specialist

The patient lies down on the gynecological chair, the nurse treats her genitals antiseptic solution. If the patient has never given birth, then she needs additional expansion of the cervical canal using specialized gynecological instruments. If the girl has already gone through the delivery procedure, then there is no need to use a dilator.

For the purpose of local anesthesia, an anesthetic drug is injected into the wall of the cervical canal. If general anesthesia is expected, then medicine is infused intravenously, and the patient falls soundly asleep. How is a vacuum abortion performed? After the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor inserts the cannula of an electric vacuum aspirator into the uterine body and starts the device. Negative pressure forms inside the uterus. The doctor moves the cannula along the uterine walls so that its tip is in close contact with the mucous membranes. As a result, the fertilized egg is detached, which is released through a special tube into the vessel.

It is difficult to say how long this process lasts, but usually it does not take more than 10 minutes. When all fetal structures are removed, the uterine body will begin to contract, but the woman will no longer feel these sensations immediately after removing the aspirator tip from the uterine body. Some patients, when asked how a mini-abortion is performed, say that they felt some painful tugging in the abdomen, as during menstruation. Patients may also experience nausea, hypersweating or severe weakness, which is considered completely normal.

Post-abortion activities

After the mini-abortion is performed, the patient can rest for about an hour in the medical facility where the aspiration was performed. The doctor will then give the patient necessary recommendations regarding preventive antibiotic therapy, and will also tell you how to deal with spasms and pain. The very next day the girl can return to her previous lifestyle.

After about a couple of weeks, the patient needs to visit the antenatal clinic again to undergo a control ultrasound examination and lab tests, confirming that the unwanted pregnancy was successfully terminated without complications, and the recovery processes are going according to plan.

Complications after mini-abortion

Complications sometimes occur during or after the procedure.

  • For example, during an abortion, the uterine wall may be damaged by the tip of a vacuum aspirator or any metal instruments, resulting in perforation of the organ. If the damage also affects organs adjacent to the uterus, then urgent surgical intervention will be required. abdominal cavity. If the perforation is uncomplicated, then the patient is prescribed contractile and antibiotic medications, as well as cold applied to the uterine area.
  • Also, after vacuum aspiration, the patient may develop hematometra, in which the evacuation of blood from the uterine body is impaired, as a result of which it accumulates inside. A hematometra is formed due to the early closure of the cervical canal, which provokes an accumulation. As a result, the uterus enlarges and becomes like a ball, which causes severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Aspiration can also be complicated by incomplete abortion or progressive pregnancy, as mentioned above. Progressive gestation is confirmed by control ultrasound examination. In case of incomplete abortion, fetal parts remain in the uterine cavity, which interfere with the contraction of the uterine body to its original size, cause intractable bleeding, etc.

As for long-term consequences, they come down to cycle disorders or isthmic-cervical insufficiency, cervical dysplasia and fusion, secondary infertility or ectopic, endometriosis, myomatous processes, etc. Also, in many patients after termination of an unwanted pregnancy for a long time psychological trauma may remain.

Sex after a mini-abortion

After vacuum aspiration, the patient cannot have sex for at least 3-4 weeks, and after the period of sexual rest has expired, it is necessary to use barrier contraception, which protects not only from conception, but also from various infections.

If, after interruption, the patient still feels signs of toxicosis such as nausea and gastronomic peculiarities, and testing shows two stripes, then this indicates the continuation of fetal development. IN similar situation You need to urgently go to the gynecologist.

Planning for conception

If a woman, after an abortion through a vacuum abortion, wants to get pregnant again, then planning can begin six months after the interruption. After all, what is abortion? This is an intervention in a natural process, after which the body needs recovery, even if the abortion went smoothly and without complications.

After six months, the patient must undergo gynecological examination to make sure that the abortion did not cause any complications. According to statistics, after a mini-abortion, patients successfully become pregnant and give birth to babies, because such an interruption usually does not damage the reproductive organs.

Who is contraindicated for vacuum abortion?

In some cases, vacuum abortive procedures may be contraindicated. Usually, a mini-abortion is not done for ectopic and bleeding problems, for acute infectious lesions gynecological area or unconfirmed pregnancy. Also, vacuum aspiration is not performed if the birth occurred less than six months ago or the gestation period is more than 6 weeks.

After such an interruption, the menstrual cycle resumes after about 30-40 days. Full restoration of menstruation occurs in approximately 3-6 months. In general, vacuum aspiration, performed by a qualified specialist, is considered a reliable and gentle way to get rid of an unwanted child, but any intervention can have consequences.

Vacuum abortion is one of the types of surgical abortion, which is considered the most gentle possible. It does not require the use of scraping instruments, the woman does not need to stay in the hospital, and the risks are minimal, which is why this type is deservedly popular among those who generally need an abortion.
Of course, it would be better for the female body to do without it altogether. But there are cases when an abortion is necessary medical indications, or leaving the child means dooming him to a half-starved existence with his mother, or, being unwanted, he will not find any warm welcome in the world.

Operating principle of vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion is also called vacuum aspiration, from the Latin words emptiness and inhalation. Its essence is as follows:
  1. The woman is given local or general anesthesia.
  2. A disposable catheter is inserted into the vagina (if the woman has not given birth before, then preliminary dilation with a special instrument is required), with the help of which negative pressure is created in the uterus.
  3. The fertilized egg, which is still loosely attached to the wall (and vacuum mini-abortion is always done only in the early stages), comes off. At the site of its separation, bleeding opens, and the blood literally washes it out.
It is clear that such a procedure is much more gentle than the usual surgical abortion, when the baby is literally scraped out from the inside, causing damage to the uterus. It has several advantages over other types.

Benefits of vacuum abortion

  1. Rapidity. The whole operation takes no more than ten minutes, and is outpatient - that is, after it, the woman is able to walk home on her own feet, and the next day she will go to work, which is important if her work does not require a long absence.
  2. Less injury. It is much easier to damage the wall of the uterus by scraping the fertilized egg from it than when the egg itself simply comes off. In addition, the cervix suffers less, which does not always need to be further dilated for the insertion of a catheter.
  3. Painless. Since the operation is performed under anesthesia, local or general, the woman may not even really remember it. The only pain she is likely to experience will be pain from cervical dilatation, but this is usually no worse than menstrual pain and is relieved by antispasmodics.
  4. Less risks. Like every type of abortion, vacuum abortion also has possible complications, but it is quite difficult to get infertility after it. If the woman is healthy and her body is strong, the operation can be tolerated without any special consequences.
  5. Fast recovery. And the sooner the deadline, the sooner. The body recovers quickly, not at all like after a surgical abortion.
  6. Very early dates. You can have a vacuum abortion on the second day after your missed period.

Disadvantages of vacuum abortion

  1. Pregnancy. The next pregnancy is possible only six months after the operation, and before that you will have to take hormonal contraceptives, which are the most reliable means of contraception.
  2. Possibility of incomplete abortion. As in the case when a medical abortion is performed, this possibility remains and is very unpleasant - it is possible that the egg will not completely separate, and then the pregnancy will continue.
  3. Possible risk. If the pregnancy is not accurately diagnosed or surgery is performed when an ectopic pregnancy is not detected in time, this creates a huge risk of complications.
In general, this method has practically no disadvantages. It is psychologically uncomfortable, like any abortion, but it simply would not have been possible to do without this point.

Until what time is a vacuum abortion performed?

The initial period is quite early - you can perform a vacuum termination of pregnancy from the second day of absence of menstruation. The final one is called quite approximately, but definitely not later than the 10th week of pregnancy. If you perform surgery afterward, there is a high probability of complications and, most likely, there will not even be a doctor who will take on it.
The optimal period is 4-5 weeks. At this time, the fertilized egg is not attached to the walls of the uterus tightly enough, and its detachment occurs easily and without consequences.

Vacuum abortion has certain risks

  1. Early complications. They begin to manifest themselves immediately after the termination of pregnancy or directly during it. Among them:
    - Bloody issues . They appear in almost all women after an abortion and can continue to occur for up to a month. It is usually weaker in nature than menstrual discharge and is not accompanied by pain. You need to monitor their color, consistency and smell - if they change, you need to see a doctor and check if anything has changed for the worse.
    - Cervical rupture. It is possible if they tried to further expand the uterus with instruments before the abortion, and the surgeon’s hand trembled at the wrong moment. As a rule, this rarely happens, it is more likely to be related to medical negligence, and requires immediate action, otherwise it can lead to infertility.
    - Pain after vacuum abortion. They arise due to the dilatation of the cervix and are similar in nature to pain during menstruation. They can occur both before and after an abortion, but if they appear after some time - after two days, for example - you need to urgently consult a doctor.
    - Incomplete abortion. It occurs when the fertilized egg is not completely removed and leads to the development of a quasi-pregnancy, which must be interrupted in any case, most likely by conventional surgery.
    - Heavy bleeding . It can manifest itself as a result of too strong separation of the fertilized egg or careless actions of the surgeon and can even lead to removal of the uterus, because blood loss usually needs to be stopped at any cost.
    - Symptoms of illness. Dizziness, weakness, fever, headaches - all the symptoms that the body usually rewards a person who has undergone an unpleasant operation.
  2. Late complications. They can occur months or even years later after an abortion - nevertheless, it is quite a strong stress for the body and, in particular, the hormonal system. Flirting with such things can lead to disaster.
    - Menstrual irregularities. May arise as a consequence hormonal disorders or on their own. The cycle changes, the discharge becomes different, or the process itself proceeds with more severe pain. In any case, this is a reason to panic and see a doctor.
    - Hormonal shift. Bringing with it many unpleasant consequences(balding or increased hair growth, pain during menstruation, changes in appetite, weight changes, skin problems, problems with the ability to get pregnant again) it is an indication for going to the doctor and long treatment, otherwise infertility may occur.
    - Infections and inflammation. No matter how small the probability of infection, it still exists. The temperature may rise, pain in the pelvic area may occur, and an abscess or tumor may even develop.
    - Infertility. It occurs not so much as a result of a vacuum abortion (although such cases do occur), but rather as a result of the resulting complications.

Any complications are a reason to urgently visit a doctor. If neglected, they can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

Consequences and complications after vacuum abortion

If the patient is unlucky enough to get complications (the risk is small, but still exists), the consequences can be very serious, including infertility or serious problems with health.
Otherwise, apart from the need to not have sex for three weeks and not get pregnant again for six months, there are no consequences.


Like any medical procedure, vacuum abortion has a list of contraindications - fortunately, not too extensive.
  1. Ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, embryo development occurs directly in fallopian tube and this is very dangerous for the mother, and for the child it is a death sentence. There is no talk of any abortion - the main thing is to save a life.
  2. Infectious pathology. Getting in contact with dirt or infection can lead to inflammatory process and the risks of pathology greatly increase. Vacuum abortion is performed only after it has been eliminated.
  3. Childbirth that occurred in less than six months. In this case, the vacuum abortion method is dangerous to the woman’s health and is not used.
  4. Reduced blood clotting. The blood will flow in any case - a detached fertilized egg leaves behind a bleeding trail - but with reduced coagulation, it may simply not stop and the woman will die from blood loss.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is a contraindication for anesthesia rather than for abortion, but it is no less important. The patient's heart may simply not withstand anesthesia.
  6. Acute allergic reaction on drugs used to give anesthesia. It automatically makes any anesthesia, and therefore surgery, impossible.

Where can I get a vacuum abortion?

It is enough to contact the state or private clinic to a gynecologist to find out if they have such a service, or if they only do surgical operations. After this, examinations begin.

Preparing for surgery

  1. The gynecologist examines the woman and collects her medical history to get an idea of individual characteristics her body, which will have to be taken into account in the future.
  2. After this, he gives her directions for tests that need to be completed as soon as possible:
    - General blood analysis.
    - General urine analysis.
    - Analysis that determines the level hCG hormone.
    - Vaginal smear for microflora.
    - Ultrasound, which will help determine the exact duration of pregnancy and whether it exists at all - having an abortion with an unconfirmed pregnancy is not only pointless, but dangerous for the patient’s health.
    - Test for blood clotting reaction.
    - Tests for sexual diseases, hepatitis, HIV.
After this, the woman is given an information sheet on which all possible risks are indicated, and is asked to sign a document stating that she agrees to medical intervention, is aware of the risks and will not make any claims if anything happens.

Operation stages

  1. The patient is placed in a gynecological chair and her legs are fixed so that they do not slip.
  2. The entrance to the vagina and its internal walls treated with antiseptics.
  3. The vagina, if the woman has not given birth, is expanded with a special instrument.
  4. An anesthetic solution is injected into it.
  5. When the required time has passed and the solution begins to act, a catheter is inserted inside, in which a pressure of half an atmosphere is created using a small electric pump. Since the anesthesia has already been administered, it does not cause discomfort.
  6. Using an oval suction cup at the end of the catheter, the doctor circles the walls of the uterus, creating pressure inside. The fertilized egg is detached and comes out and is sucked out with the same catheter.

How to take care of yourself after a vacuum abortion

After the vacuum abortion is completed, the patient remains in the clinic for half an hour to two hours, depending on her condition. During this time, she should recover from anesthesia and generally come to her senses, and she will also be given antibiotics to stop the development of a possible infection. The next day she may well go to work, but in the next six months she will need to remember to follow simple rules.
  1. When two weeks have passed after the vacuum abortion was performed, the woman should come to the clinic, where she will have an ultrasound, which will make sure that the pregnancy was terminated correctly.
  2. Sex after a vacuum abortion is undesirable for another three weeks.
  3. Condoms should be used for another six months, because pregnancy during this period will have an extremely negative impact on the body.
  4. It is worth taking care of yourself and at the slightest sign of complications, going to the doctor.
  5. You shouldn’t strain yourself too much, go to swimming pools and saunas, carry heavy weights and be nervous. Despite the fact that vacuum abortion is a fairly gentle operation, it still requires some rest.

Pregnancy after vacuum abortion

When six months have passed after the procedure, nothing can stop the woman from becoming pregnant if she wants. However, it is important to remember that despite its gentle nature, vacuum abortion still leaves traces, and before becoming pregnant, the pregnancy should be planned.
Visit a gynecologist to find out if complications are expected.
Preparing for the future birth of a child is not just by doing unprotected sex, but also preoccupied with books on child psychology and parenting, as well as obtaining living space.
The child should be happy.

How much does vacuum abortion cost?

The most budget vacuum abortion will cost 2,500, the most expensive – 7,000. It depends on the region, the clinic and even the doctor, and the main catch is in the answer to the question “How much does a vacuum abortion cost?” this is that the cost also depends on whether the patient feels that she is able to stand all the necessary queues, or whether she wants to receive the service promptly and without unnecessary nerves.

Many pregnant women experience the loss of a child. In such cases, the dead fetus threatens the life of the mother and such measures must be resorted to. unpleasant procedure, like removing a fetus from the uterus. If the embryo is removed by aspiration, then vacuum abortion must be considered. There are other clinical cases when you have to part with your blood.

This method is used exclusively before the six-week period of fetal development. This is the optimal time frame. As it increases, the risk of various complications increases.

Many women are interested in the question “ How painful are vacuum abortions?" Based on the fact that the entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia, it causes virtually no pain, and therefore practically does not hurt. However, pain may occur after this operation.

Cases of uterine contractions are not uncommon, causing pain to many women.

However, the gynecologist prescribes along with antibacterial therapy additionally and painkillers. It is also necessary to clarify that in rare cases this operation can be performed under general anesthesia. Naturally Oh, it won’t hurt during this period. Relatively discomfort when a vacuum abortion is performed, it is worth noting only the discomfort when opening the cervix, but nothing more.

Despite the fact that this abortion is vacuum, it is also surgical intervention into the body, therefore the postoperative period may be accompanied by the presence nagging pain in the lower abdomen. However, pronounced pain symptoms are not felt.

The dangers of vacuum abortion

Despite the fact that a vacuum abortion, or as it is often called a mini-abortion, is carried out using painkillers, and quite often general anesthesia, there is always present, even in the smallest fraction of probability, the danger of manifestation anaphylactic shock, which in turn can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and liver. However, this is not all the consequences that await a woman during a mini-abortion.

During pregnancy female body is being produced certain number hormones, the number of which is quite large. They are necessary to maintain the viability of the fetus, and also create certain conditions for the body during pregnancy.

A vacuum abortion performed by a gynecologist terminates the pregnancy and provokes a sharp hormonal crisis, the consequences of which can greatly affect women’s health.

When a gynecologist performs an abortion using a vacuum, other consequences are possible. In particular, subsequent infertility due to ovarian dysfunction. Also, after this procedure you may experience:

If a woman has never given birth before this procedure, there will be a risk of damage to the narrow tubule of the cervix. Also, a vacuum abortion does not exclude bleeding, because no one is immune from damage large vessels. If it cannot be stopped in time, then to prevent critical blood loss, the gynecologist will have to completely remove the uterus. In this case, the consequences threaten absolute infertility.

For every pregnant woman, any abortion is dangerous; a vacuum is much safer than a scalpel; however, even when using such high technologies, there is a risk of incomplete abortion. In gynecology, it represents one of the most dangerous complications. An incomplete abortion must be understood as the partial removal of all parts of the fertilized egg. In this case, the residues will provoke infection, which, in turn, will cause, if not sepsis, then infectious-toxic shock. More details about the consequences of abortion in the following video story.

Carrying out the operation step by step

A vacuum abortion is performed by using a special electric vacuum pump, with the help of which the contents of the uterus are extracted. This process can be observed on video. This is not painful at all, since the entire procedure is carried out, if not under local anesthesia, then with the use of general anesthesia.

In the uterine cavity, this pump creates a vacuum, or more precisely, negative uniform pressure, which provokes exfoliation and suction of the fertilized egg.

When vacuum aspiration of the fertilized egg is used, the vessels of the uterus, as a rule, do not suffer from this. Also, metal dilators are not used, which avoids injury to the cervix. The procedure is well shown in the photo. In turn, vacuum abortions significantly reduce the likelihood of developing so-called cervical insufficiency, which in the future can prevent pregnancy.

Step one "Preparatory"

Before a patient undergoes a mini-abortion, she must undergo a consultation with her leading gynecologist. During the consultation, the duration of pregnancy will be determined, and the necessary preliminary tests will be prescribed. The recommended list consists of:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • analysis to determine the level of the hCG hormone;
  • vaginal smear for microflora;
  • blood clotting test;
  • polymer chain reaction analysis to identify diseases of the genital area;
  • blood tests for hepatitis and HIV;

Based on the results of the analyzes performed, it becomes clear possible contraindications to perform such an abortion, and also establish the characteristics of the patient.

Step two “Day of surgery”

A direct vacuum abortion is carried out only after all necessary measures. The operation or mini-aspiration occurs within the walls medical institution. The patient goes home several hours after its completion.

Since so many readers are interested in how a vacuum abortion or mini-abortion is performed, and how painful it all can be, we decided to describe the entire procedure in detail:

Based on the fact that in this case the uterine tissue is removed, it can contract. Some women experienced cramping while undergoing mini-aspiration, which stopped after the procedure was completed. In other words, after the tube is removed from the uterus.

It is not uncommon for patients to experience sweating, nausea and weakness during such a procedure.

All of the above symptoms are within normal limits.

Step three “When the abortion is completed”

The entire procedure takes no more than five minutes. After the vacuum abortion is completed, the patient will need to rest for an hour or more. Such a condition will be provided to her in the same medical institution. As a result, the gynecologist will give the patient the necessary course of antibiotics, which are necessary to prevent a possible infection, as well as, if necessary, painkillers if random contractions occur. In this case, the woman will feel a little pain.

After this procedure, at home you need to completely devote yourself to rest.

A woman can return to normal activities the very next day, but provided that no symptoms appear. Negative consequences which were discussed in the video. After 2-3 weeks from the moment the mini-abortion was performed, the patient is again sent to the antenatal clinic for examination, an ultrasound scan and the necessary tests.

Pregnancy and sex life after aspiration

Definitely, a recently performed vacuum abortion will not allow you to have sex for at least 2-3 weeks. In the first 1.5 months, it is necessary to use condoms, which will help not only protect against infection, but also against unwanted pregnancy. If after this operation the test still shows positive result, then this will indicate incomplete or insufficient suction of the placenta and fetus.

After such an operation, a woman may experience signs of pregnancy:

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • toxicosis, etc.

Contact a gynecologist should be immediate.