New generation in-ear hearing aid. How to choose a hearing amplification device - an overview of devices with characteristics, functions and prices. Features of hearing aids for children

Decreased hearing acuity leads to mass unpleasant moments. Thus, a person cannot perceive speech, does not perceive sound waves emanating from a TV or radio well, and also often asks again, causing embarrassment for the patient himself. The combination of these factors leads to the fact that the patient ceases to socialize in society.

In order to alleviate a person’s condition, an audiologist prescribes an in-the-ear hearing aid. Before choosing a device, you need to go through some research and decide on the model. This issue must be taken quite seriously, since a hearing aid must be comfortable, practical and ideally suit all the parameters of a person.

Before purchasing modern in-ear Hearing Aids, it is necessary to establish the root cause that caused the hearing loss. Loss of acuity and sensitivity to sound waves and noise may be associated not only with age-related changes, but also for the following reasons.

Frequent exposure to irritating noise, which causes dysfunction of the auditory ossicles. With prolonged irritation of nerve endings, cell death occurs.

Due to this, the person loses his hearing acuity. This sign most often occurs in people whose professional activity associated with club activities or work on a construction site.

If treatment is not started promptly and at the first sign of hearing loss, the patient may lose hearing permanently.

Another cause of hearing loss may be perforation. eardrum . If the integrity is violated, the sound quality is greatly reduced. Among the reasons for the appearance of holes in the membrane, the first place is occupied by ear trauma, as well as diving and active participation in combat sports.

Besides, hearing may be impaired due to infectious inflammation and, which include, arthritis,. This category also includes allergic reactions caused by long-term use of antibiotics or antidepressants.

If treatment for these reasons turned out to be ineffective, and physiotherapeutic exercises did not bring desired result doctors prescribe.

They come in several types and sizes, but most often people choose in-ear devices. They are easy to use and compact.

In addition, they are invisible to people around them, which is of particular importance. Pay attention to the photos of in-ear hearing aids, the prices of which vary, starting from five thousand rubles:

In-the-ear hearing aid

When choosing, you must seek help from doctors, since each device is manufactured individually; the devices must be ideal for the patient and not cause irritation to the skin.

For this purpose, an impression of the external ear canal is initially made., and then the device itself is made from clay or plaster. Typically, the outer part of hearing aids is made of durable plastic material, and a microphone is placed inside the device, which allows you to increase the volume sound waves and a circuit that enhances sound clarity.

Thanks to this structure, in-ear devices are considered the easiest to use, but at the same time high quality and affordable. Therefore, these devices are the most popular.

In addition, in-ear hearing aids support the following features:

  • suppression of strong noises and sounds that interfere with the perception of speech and other signals;
  • increasing the volume of human speech. This is due to the microphone located inside the device;
  • prevent the penetration of extraneous noise.

Patients who use hearing aids for a long time note that these devices differ from others in their use in noisy places, as well as their effectiveness when located close to electromagnetic waves. So, other devices quickly deteriorate at this time and stop working.

How to choose the right device

In-the-ear hearing aid It is easy to use and also effective.

After you have purchased the device, you need to configure the device. To do this, consult your doctor.

It is necessary to configure the device taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Remember that some hearing aids require batteries to be replaced from time to time. Unfortunately, the replacement process itself takes milking time and it must be done almost every 2-3 weeks.

The hearing aid should only be put on after careful hygiene. ear canal and outer ear. For these purposes, purchase special ear drops or three percent hydrogen peroxide.

After cleaning the outer part of the ear organ, wipe each fold with a dry cloth. After these simple procedures are completed, the insertion of an in-ear hearing aid is permitted.

If water gets into your ear, do not put the device on immediately.

So, after a pool or bath, the ear must be dried, as the liquid can negatively affect the operation of the device.

Remember that even the most best device may have its drawbacks.

Usually, with frequent wearing of hearing devices, various inflammatory processes, and eczema and fungi often appear on the outer ear.

Beyond Data unpleasant consequences, patients are warned that the device is unnecessary if you have severe hearing impairment. So, hearing aids will be ineffective in this case.

It should be taken into account that The described device is small in size, so people, especially those of advanced age, experience certain difficulties wearing them.

When purchasing a device, keep in mind that small objects are quite difficult to insert into the ear canal, as well as to remove it carefully.

Remember that in-ear devices are fragile and require more complex care than behind-the-ear or pocket devices.

But despite the listed signs, in-ear devices have undoubted advantages in terms of their design and ease of use. In addition, they are distinguished by their power and are best suited for those people who have pronounced problems with picking up sounds.

The service life of these models exceeds that of behind-the-ear or internal ones, as they can withstand various manipulations.

Another undoubted advantage of the device is its aesthetic side. They are invisible to others and do not cause inconvenience to humans.

Price category

Prices for modern in-ear hearing aids vary - from 10 to 80 thousand or more thousand rubles.

It is worth understanding that due to its small size, limited edition and difficult to obtain materials, These devices are not cheap.

The simplest devices cost from 10 thousand rubles, and the maximum price can be about 80 thousand rubles.

The simplest devices have minimal functions, low power and other not the best factors. Therefore, the only advantage of inexpensive devices is their appearance. They are invisible to other people, so a person can feel confident.

Hearing aids from twenty to forty thousand rubles are considered the most popular among the population. They have a more powerful reserve, adapt well, are easy to put on and take off, and among their functions they are noted good magnification low frequencies and noise reduction.

The most expensive devices, the price of which exceeds fifty thousand rubles, are equipped with a large number of functions, practically eliminate noise and extraneous sounds, and improve the quality of audibility of sounds.


When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to many factors. Convenience and comfort depend on your choice. Pay attention to reviews specifically about the device you want to purchase.

Remember that price should not be the basis for your choice. It is important to choose a really good device, since hearing devices are subject to daily use and are designed to improve your life.

The attending physician should help you choose a device, since he is the one who conducts the examinations and knows which device is right for you. fits better. Therefore, do not ignore his advice and choose the ideal device that meets all the rules and requirements modern life.

A child’s hearing is considered normal when he is able to perceive spoken language at a certain distance:

  • low tones (5 – 6 m);
  • high tones (20 m).

If a child hears normal speech at a distance of less than 1 meter, he is recommended to attend a special school designed for the hearing impaired.


Now not everyone is sent to special schools, and the child is assigned a disability. Children who have even much greater hearing loss but have received timely, high-quality hearing care can now study in regular schools.

Hearing testing is carried out in newborns (3 – 5 days from birth). The easiest way to diagnose is to observe a doctor's reaction to sound. If necessary, resort to using the most complicated ways research - the use of a special apparatus, the work of which is to measure the electrical potentials of the baby’s brain.

After detection, you need to contact a specialist such as an audiologist. He also needs to visit a hearing aid office. Experts believe that the child will be better off if he starts using a hearing prosthesis earlier.

Indications for the use of hearing aids in children have expanded significantly. Persistent hearing loss of 25 - 30 dB with a frequency range of 1000 - 4000 Hz can cause speech impairment in a baby. And this over time can provoke a lag in mental development.

The absolute indication for prescribing hearing aid to a child is considered to be significant hearing loss:

A hearing aid can also be prescribed if it is unilateral. Hearing aids sometimes act as an auxiliary temporary method of improving hearing if the child has ear development (middle, outer). These devices are used before the problem is solved surgically.

Features of hearing aids for children

The selection of a hearing aid is carried out taking into account the data that the doctor received during. It is not difficult for a specialist to choose from a wide range at the moment. The doctor must adjust the device settings depending on the results of the pedagogical examination and parental observation.

When choosing a device, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • hearing aid (standard, individual);
  • number of devices (1, 2);
  • shape of the device (in-the-ear, behind-the-ear).

Experts believe that a hearing aid made to suit a child’s individual characteristics is much better than a standard one. Its advantages include comfort, tightness, and reliable fixation. And all these nuances affect the acoustics of the device.

Binary prosthetics are best. Two hearing aids make it possible to clearly hear surrounding sounds and people’s speech. The baby can better navigate in space.

Photos of children with hearing aids

How to choose

To choose and buy for a child, you must first decide on the model. It can be behind the ear or inside the ear. Each of the models has its own advantages.

The selected hearing aid must meet a number of requirements:

  • the presence of minimal distortion in the transmitted signal. Considering this criterion, many give preference;
  • there must be a gain margin, which is necessary to compensate for the resonance of the ear canal (external);
  • the ability to accurately adjust the frequency and dynamic characteristics of the amplification. Multichannel devices have an advantage;
  • the ability of the device to transmit speech at different volumes (quiet, loud) without distortion;
  • the presence of adjustment flexibility, which will be needed to adapt the settings to the changing characteristics of the baby’s hearing;
  • presence of VUSL (output sound pressure level) limitation.


Almost invisible in the ear. Such devices are usually made individually for each patient. This takes into account anatomical structure ear. But such a device is more demanding to maintain.

There are also a number of contraindications to its use. It is not recommended if the patient has:

  • copious discharge;
  • tendency to in the area of ​​the outer ear.

A significant disadvantage of such a device is its frequent replacement due to the active growth of the child. A permanent in-the-ear hearing aid can be made after the age of 14, when growth activity slows down significantly.

In-the-ear hearing aid


Can be used by children and adults. They are very easy to use and are used by people with different... They have a very attractive appearance. The price of such devices is lower than that of in-ear devices.

Such devices are often used in children from infancy due to their simplicity and lightness. They do not interfere with cleaning the ear canal.

Sometimes children are embarrassed to wear such devices. But they are recommended for small children starting from infancy due to such characteristics as strength and lightness. The same devices are indicated for children aged 1.5 - 2 years.

BTE hearing aid


Placed inside the external auditory canal. They are quite convenient to use. Their advantage is stealth. Such devices are made from an impression of the ear; they follow every curve of the ear canal.

A person can take off and put on such devices himself. The disadvantage is the power limitation. They can compensate for hearing impairment up to 60 – 80 dB. Another disadvantage is the special care that is required due to the aggressiveness of the environment. Maintenance of the device involves the same actions as when caring for in-ear devices:

  • frequent replacement of sulfur filters;
  • replacement of the housing due to damage or deformation of the ear canal;
  • periodic cleaning of the device;
  • drying the hearing prosthesis.

In-canal hearing aid

How to teach a child

The child should get used to wearing a hearing aid gradually. His habit should include putting on this device in the morning, after sleep, and removing it before bed. In the process of getting used to this device, an important factor is systematicity.

Selecting a hearing aid for a child is not a complete solution to the problem. After purchasing a hearing prosthesis, a new problem arises, which is how the child masters it and gets used to it.

There are times when a child refuses to wear a purchased hearing aid. In this case, you need to find out what the reason is. Perhaps the prosthesis is interfering with something and causing discomfort. Reasons for not wanting to wear a hearing aid may include:

  • the presence of a sharp edge on the product;
  • poor device setup;
  • a defect in the apparatus that causes the sensation.

In order for a child to agree to wear the device, it is necessary to quickly determine and eliminate the reason for refusing to use the device.

Popular video on the topic of hearing impairment and hearing aids in children:

To help your child get used to his hearing aid, you should follow these rules:

  1. You cannot contact your child from afar. from another room.
  2. You need to address the baby from the side on which he wears the prosthesis (if he only has one hearing aid).
  3. When communicating with your child, eliminate any interference (TV, radio, outdoors).
  4. Attend classes with a teacher of the deaf and a speech therapist with your child.
  5. You need to speak clearly and naturally.
  6. You can't shout if...

If you choose the right hearing aid, your child will get used to it very quickly, and over time will completely stop noticing it. It is recommended to wear your hearing aid throughout the day. This contributes to the intelligibility of the baby’s speech and natural perception of the sounds around him.

As for the frequency of changing a hearing aid, it depends on the type of device. For young children, earbuds are changed frequently; the frequency of changes decreases as the child grows. For older children, the inserts are changed about once a year.

When using hearing aids, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. It is prohibited to place the device in water or cleaning agent.
  2. It is recommended to wipe the device daily with a soft cloth.
  3. Avoid dropping the device.
  4. The device requires protection from moisture and heat.
  5. When using hairspray, the device must be removed.
  6. There is a note regarding using the device in electromagnetic fields.

At proper care a hearing aid will provide your child normal life saturated with high-quality, natural sounds.

A good hearing aid is a complex acoustic device that contains many design elements that allow it to provide the required volume and high quality sound. Just recently, small devices were significantly inferior in all respects to their large counterparts. But the rapid development of electronics makes it possible today to produce a miniature hearing aid that will meet all basic requirements and even take into account individual characteristics user.

Types of miniature devices

Small hearing aids, just like large ones, differ in their design and wearing characteristics. A micro-hearing aid can be implanted in the middle ear and remain there permanently without creating any inconvenience or problems. But this will require surgery associated with certain risks. And the cost of such a device along with its installation is very high. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to slightly larger, but very comfortable models.

  • A mini-behind-the-ear hearing aid is similar to a regular one, but has a very compact size. Such devices are produced by all famous manufacturers, and they are in high demand. Compared to other types of devices, behind-the-ear devices are more stuffed with electronics, which means they provide best quality sound. And only they can compensate for serious losses and are suitable for people with residual hearing.
  • In-ear - placed in the auricle and are very convenient for people leading an active lifestyle. Allows you to compensate for mild to moderate hearing loss. But due to their small size, they are not suitable for those who have problems with coordination of movements or serious visual impairments. They require professional setup, which is also not always convenient.

  • Intracanal - have even smaller sizes and are located near the eardrum. However, they cannot reproduce too loud sounds, therefore they are used only for mild hearing loss. In addition, their body is very fragile and easily damaged, so such devices are usually short-lived. Settings and adjustments are made using special equipment.

When purchasing, you should pay attention first of all to the quality and reliability of the device, which can only be provided by manufacturers with their own laboratories and excellent specialists.

Therefore, it is better to pay a little more, but purchase a device from a company that has a decent reputation. It is also capable of providing full service maintenance, including warranty and post-warranty repairs.

Best models

Modern manufacturers offer the most different models small and very miniature devices. Therefore, there is no need to rush to make a final choice. It is better to first familiarize yourself with all the offers that are interesting to you, and then choose 2-3 best models in your opinion and ask a specialist which one is right for you.

As an example, we present the 5 most popular and in-demand small hearing aids on the market:

Widex CLEAR440 contains a complex system for adjusting and tuning the sound, taking into account all the individual characteristics and personal wishes of users. The relatively high cost is compensated by durability and excellent quality.

  1. Xingma XM-907 is one of the most inexpensive, but at the same time effective and compact behind-the-ear devices for compensating for small and moderate hearing loss. Allows high-quality sound reproduction up to 135 dB. Very light, almost imperceptible when wearing. The simple beige body makes the device completely invisible even with close range. Indispensable when watching TV or everyday communication, as it transmits all sounds quite well and clearly. Easy to set up and maintain and very affordable.

Here we only describe, as an example, a few of the most popular models of miniature hearing aids. There are many more of them on the market, so it won’t be a big problem to choose the best option for yourself. Especially if you seek advice from a specialist.

Some patients are embarrassed to wear hearing aids, believing that they immediately reveal their defect. But what attracts even more attention is the constant absent-mindedness of a hearing-impaired person, and his habit of constantly asking the interlocutor again is very annoying. Not to mention the fact that such people expose themselves to danger, not being able to fully navigate the world around them: in transport, on the street, etc. Therefore, it is better to purchase a miniature hearing aid and solve your hearing problem in this way than to risk your life every day.

One of obvious signs age-related hearing loss is a more difficult perception of female voices. Due to the fact that the female voice has a higher frequency relative to the male one, people with hearing problems stop hearing it. But hearing loss is not always a sign of age; it can be a consequence of past illnesses, rupture of the eardrum, impaired blood flow, etc. A high-quality hearing aid will help restore the sound picture of the world.

What varieties exist depending on the method of fastening? The rating of the best hearing aids of 2018 will help you choose the right device and which company.


price, rub.

Briefly about the main thing

One of the smallest hearing aids on the market and 30% smaller than traditional in-ear hearing aids.

An economy-class miniature chip without wireless functions provides a gain of 40 dB.

State-of-the-art adaptive signal processing for a more organized soundscape.

Increases sound by 48 dB. Maximum volume 135 dB.

Design using invisible open prosthetics technology (Invisible Open Technology, IOT).

The first economy class device with audibility range extender and SmartSpeak voice message generator.

Despite their size, they provide more gain than in-ear models.

Analogue for the correction of mild, moderate and moderate-severe hearing loss, including with FUNG.

Digital heavy-duty 8-channel device with automatic switching to a mobile phone.

Convenient and simple with 3 channels of audio processing and the ability to customize.

Heavy-duty for compensation of I-IV degrees of hearing loss.

Types of hearing aids

Today there are 4 main types on sale:

  • Pocket;
  • behind the ear;
  • intra-ear;
  • intracanal.

In turn, pocket and behind-the-ear devices are divided into analog and digital. The choice of a particular device is determined by age, degree of hearing loss and ease of use.


The most inexpensive devices available to almost all pensioners and elderly people. The device consists of an earpiece inserted into the ear canal and a block with control levers. The device does not produce interference, whistling or acoustic feedback.


Simple and reliable, not conspicuous, easy to use. Consists of a microphone with an ear canal and an operating part behind the ear. Operation is not always easy for older people, as you need to move a wheel (analog) to adjust the volume.

It is more convenient to choose a digital model with automatic settings. If your hearing loss is slight, you can choose a device with a remote receiver (RIC), which improves the sound and does not cause acoustic interference.


In-canal and in-ear devices are difficult to use for the elderly due to their miniature size and sensitivity to earwax. These models are more suitable for young people, but with certain limitations - there is no external or otitis media, there is no and there was no rupture of the eardrum.

In-ear ear tips

With the tightest possible fit, the sound of the device is almost identical to natural. Earbuds are made of PVC or silicone; they are standard or made to order based on an ear impression. The impression is made by a hearing therapist using silicone paste and a cotton pad. The procedure is painless and absolutely necessary for the quality functioning of the hearing aid. On average it lasts 3 months.

The devices are the smallest in size among other types of hearing devices. They are very compact and are located quite deep in the ear canal, therefore they are invisible to people around them.


Representative of the new Widex Dream collection. Comfortable in-canal hearing aid with invisable technology - “nothing less can happen.” Compensates for mild to moderate hearing loss. Unique is more discriminating than other hearing aids. Equipped with improved A/D converters to create a wide range of perception, intelligent self-regulation and wind noise reduction system resulting in an improvement in SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) by 8.4 dB. Uses a type 10 battery.


Hearing loss grade I-III, maximum power 118 dB, maximum gain 61 dB. The ultra-compact CALL-DEX device is available as an option for transmitting conversations directly to the hearing aids from a mobile phone.

The latest series of in-ear devices from Phonak (Switzerland). The miniature body, the smallest of all in-ear models, contains powerful technologies for recognizing the surrounding acoustic environment. Virto V instantly changes settings depending on where the person is. The Virto V series features AutoSense OS audio processing algorithm, which copes with speech recognition in loud noise, echo, listening to music.

The Virto series is divided into 4 price categories - Economy, Standard, Business and Premium. They differ in the range of functions, number of channels and programs for recognizing the acoustic environment. Phonak Virto V50-nano is a representative of the economy segment, provides a maximum gain of 40 dB.

Using the AutoSense OS algorithm, Fonak recognizes and adapts to a wide variety of acoustic situations. Reduces typical vehicle broadband noise, facilitating communication and reducing hearing strain. Detects reverberation frequency and reduces gain, eliminating distortion and increasing comfort.

A family of miniature devices with the most complete functionality. Suitable for all types of hearing loss grades 1-4. Oticon Agil digital 15-channel hearing aids offer the latest adaptive signal processing, maximum sound quality with a frequency response of up to 10 kHz and wireless audiology.

Spatial Sound 2.0 is designed specifically to preserve the surround characteristics and naturalness of the input sound. Speech Guard focuses on speech and makes it easier to understand the speaker. The family contains all models from CIC to BTE Power, including two new attractive models: CIC Power (up to 90 dB HL) and the very small RITE model (up to 110 dB HL).

AGIL CIC is a premium programmable hearing aid with binaural Dynamic Feedback Cancellation 2 (DFC2), increased bass, music expansion and 3-level noise control.

In-the-ear devices are not suitable for hearing loss greater than 70 dB, while behind-the-ear models are suitable for hearing loss greater than 120 dB. The choice of device should be appropriate to the degree of hearing loss. For the first degree of hearing loss, with a hearing threshold of 40 dB, any models are suitable, including intra-canal and in-ear, if there are no problems with their installation in the ear canal.

Axon K-82

Boosts sound by 48 dB. The set includes 3 ear pads (attachments) for different ear sizes, so you can easily choose the optimal ear size. Sound quality is checked at medium volume.

The Ahon device is powered by a battery, which lasts for 12 days of continuous operation. Stored in a special hard case complete with attachments.

The package includes the device itself, 3 attachments of different sizes and a storage case. The body is made of plastic, maximum volume: 135 dB, sensitivity above 50 dB. Color body-beige, weight 3 g.

Digital channel in-ear with wireless technologies. Developed on the latest primax and pure platform. The innovative SpeechMaster function activates all functions, including binaural, according to environmental changes to highlight the speaker's voice and reduce listener effort in every listening situation.

This is achieved using three key technologies:

  • Noise reduction - suppresses ambient noise.
  • Directionality - Focuses in the direction of the speaker.
  • Amplification - amplifies the speaker's voice compared to environmental noise.

All Insio primax models can be controlled remotely. There are 48 signal processing channels, 6 acoustic programs, 2 directional microphones, extended bandwidth, adaptive streaming control and feedback suppression. Recognizes and highlights speech at a distance of 3 steps.

An in-ear gadget made on the basis of invisible open prosthetics technology (Invisible Open Technology, IOT). Patented remote microphone technology - its location provides complete protection from wind noise and speech intelligibility in all sound situations. The device is fully automatic - no settings need to be adjusted manually.

There are natural vents, which allows you to naturally hear your own voice and avoid the feeling of ear congestion. The system, which clearly determines the presence of speech in the signal, works individually in each channel. Noise is suppressed without affecting speech.

Most often, older people are prescribed behind-the-ear hearing aids. They are quite simple to put on and use, and you can achieve maximum purity of sounds. In this case, it is imperative that the earmold matches anatomical features ear and did not cause problems, pain or discomfort when worn.

Widex Mind 220

The Widex Mind™ 220 series of devices is designed according to innovative technology Audibility Extender and SmartSpeak for improved sound quality and wearing comfort.

Audibility Extender (frequency transposition) makes high frequency sounds audible again. For example, speech such as children's voices, birdsong, etc. The operating principle is based on the transfer of inaudible high-frequency sounds to a lower frequency region, where they are perceived by cochlear cells.

SmartSpeak uses actual speech to indicate functionality. For example, the system will warn that the batteries are running low, that a particular program has been selected, etc.

Custom BTE and in-ear models are available.

Economy-class BTE devices, characterized by high-quality sound, elegant appearance and reliable technologies. Suitable for patients with 1-2 degrees of hearing loss. They are configured using special software based on the audiogram results.

It is powered by 13 type batteries. Oticon Get BTE has 4 channels and 4 programs. Advantages include high-quality audio processing on the RISE platform, 100% feedback protection, fast and intuitive setup, direct audio input (DAI), FM compatibility and program switching indicator.

Analogue hearing aid in a miniature case for the correction of mild, moderate and moderate-severe hearing loss, including with FUNG. Manufacturer Istok-Audio (Russia). Body type: behind-the-ear (BTE). Average level power.

Provides high degree speech intelligibility, maintaining the natural ratio of sounds of different volumes. Due to surface mounting technology, it is reliable in operation, simple, objective, there is nothing to break. The sensitive telecoil provides greater volume and clarity when talking on the phone.

Compact sound amplification device to help people with hearing impairments. It has a microphone for capturing external sounds and encoding them into digital form, a microprocessor (amplifying and processing the digital signal), a miniature loudspeaker that transmits sound directly into the ear canal, and a battery.

Unitron 360+

Digital ultra-powerful 8-channel hearing aid with 2 automatic and 3 manual listening programs, adaptive directional microphone. Among the advantages are AntiShock impulse noise suppression, feedback suppression, wind noise, and acoustic interference. Automatically switches to the phone.

IN digital devices AX 360 uses an 8-channel sound processing system, automatically adapting to the surrounding sound environment. The speech selection function has been implemented. The devices are equipped with a program switch and volume control. The new housing design protects against water penetration.

Widex Menu ME-9

Digital, easily customizable to individual patient needs. It is sold in a convenient plastic case. The case is durable, so it is unlikely that you will accidentally damage the device inside it. Frequency range 100-7500 Hz, recommended for 1-3 degrees of hearing loss. Operating time without battery replacement is 325 hours.

The device itself consists of a behind-the-ear part in a plastic case and silicone elements, including an earbud. The size is small, and the part behind the ear is not thick, slightly widening towards the end for better fixation on the auricle. The silicone earmold is made individually for the patient's specific ear. It takes a week to make. That is, the selection of a hearing aid is carried out in two stages: a hearing test and selection of a model at the first appointment, and at the second appointment the doctor will give you a completely finished hearing aid and adjust it.

Heavy-duty digital BTE hearing aid of the Standard class, developed on the Venture platform. Designed to compensate for I-IV degrees of hearing loss, including for the deaf. Powered by 13 battery. Manufacturer Phonak (Switzerland), 12 channels with the most comprehensive noise reduction system. Advantages include wireless functions, FM compatibility and nano-coating.

The new 2018 model includes the AutoSense OS algorithm for recognizing the acoustic environment (situation options: quiet situation, speech in noise, comfort in noise). The Bolero family is considered the most thoughtful among its analogues. Developed using the latest technologies based on the high-speed Quest processor for people with different hearing losses, including the most severe, and lifestyles.

In the series of behind-the-ear digital devices, we can note Siemens Motion Primax and SX with a rechargeable battery (price from 65 to 150 thousand rubles).

VIDEO: How a hearing aid works

Modern technologies are bringing more and more comfort into our lives. The latest in-the-ear hearing aid is designed specifically for people who value the opportunity to enjoy the abundance of sounds from the world around them. The in-ear hearing aid is small in size and can be easily placed inside auricle. Advanced advances in the field of digital technology have made it possible to make in-ear hearing aids as miniature as possible, and also without the need for additional wires.

Until relatively recently, it was impossible to buy an in-the-ear hearing aid, and even if it was available, the prices were very high. In addition, hearing aids were useless for people who were completely deaf or severely deaf. Today, in-ear hearing aids help people with hearing loss of even 80 decibels. The devices are also actively used as prostheses for children. Since there are no wires, the hearing aid is completely invisible and can be used from the age of 14. The child will not be subject to ridicule from peers, and this is very important for normal mental development.

How to choose an in-the-ear hearing aid

There are several important details to consider when purchasing an ITE hearing aid:

  • Today, various manufacturers provide a wide range of various devices for your choice. Consider the fact that in-the-ear hearing aids have a variety of built-in functions. Naturally, the more of these functions, the higher the price of the device.
  • Rely on the requirements of your doctor when choosing an in-the-ear hearing aid. There are many devices, the functions that are available in various devices may turn out to be absolutely useless for you. When choosing an in-ear hearing aid, base it on what you absolutely need.
  • Basically, an in-ear hearing aid is selected individually for the conditions of a particular person. You may need one device or another depending on different medical indications, such as the depth of the ear canal and the degree of hearing loss.

Advantages of the Zinbest in-ear hearing aid

The Zinbest company in Moscow provides its customers wide choose their hearing aids, the prices of which are significantly lower than in other companies. Each in-the-ear hearing aid is equipped with various functions and is suitable for various degrees hearing loss. Our catalog will allow you to make the right choice by familiarizing yourself with the appearance of the products, their price and quality characteristics. From us you can purchase in-ear hearing amplifiers on the most favorable terms in Moscow.