Looks like an ethereal body. The etheric body and spiritual practice

Etheric body located around the physical. It is otherwise called an aura or an electromagnetic field. Sometimes it is called the etheric twin. This name did not appear by chance. The fact is that the etheric body completely repeats the physical body. It seems to be his outline, an exact cast.

The etheric subtle body is a storehouse of energy. All the forces necessary for life are concentrated inside it. physical body. They are responsible for our feelings, thoughts, life itself. Thanks to the etheric body, the flesh receives universal energy, develops, and grows spiritually. Even our illnesses begin, oddly enough, with changes in the aura. And only after they have already been formed at the energetic level, we begin to feel them physically.

Psychics and healers know: if you influence the etheric body correctly, you can change a person’s destiny, cure him of illnesses, and correct negative behavior patterns. Why is this possible? Because the aura is a subtle biofield that passes through the entire body and interacts with other biofields. Finally, it contains the so-called meridians. These are unique channels through which energy from the Universe enters the body.

Ordinary people who are not endowed with supernatural powers cannot see the etheric body. In order to recognize it, it will take years of training, spiritual practices, and also a great desire. The most amazing thing is that the invisible, it turns out, belongs to our physical world. Yes, yes, the etheric body also consists of matter. But why then human eye doesn't see him? The fact is that the frequency at which the aura operates is much higher than the frequencies of matter. That is why we can only sense the etheric body on an intuitive level. Those who have seen the aura describe it as a dense fog that surrounds the flesh at a distance of three to ten centimeters.

The ethereal twin is responsible for transmitting emotions, thoughts, and spiritual information to the body from other subtle bodies. It is his work that is hidden under the concept of “intuition”. Everything that happens in the etheric body is a very subtle and complex process. We can't observe it. To an ordinary person it is only possible to see the consequences of this work. These are the thoughts that appear in his head, the actions that he unconsciously performs, the clues that come to him on an intuitive level.

The etheric body is a conductor of the energy of the sun and earth. The first comes to him through the chakra located in the solar plexus area, the second - through the root chakra. Next, the energy disperses (just like blood through the veins and vessels) through other chakras and meridians and enters the body. Thanks to the combination of the energy of the sun and the earth, the body's cells are able to live and breathe.

Sometimes it turns out that the amount of incoming energy is more than the body needs. In this case, excess energy leaves the flesh through the pores of the skin and chakras. Excess energy does not go into the Universe, it remains in the human aura, creating that same etheric body. The aura is a very powerful energy shield that protects a person from diseases, bacteria, viruses, harmful substances. In addition, it emits energy in environment and interacts with the biofields of other living beings.

Professionals who study the aura have long discovered that a person with a healthy aura cannot contract any disease from the outside. The protective layer simply prevents germs and viruses from entering the body. If the disease does strike, it means that the cause lies within the person himself. These may be negative thoughts leading to insomnia, severe stressful situations, bad habits(drinking, smoking, drug addiction), unhealthy lifestyle. By the way, the disease can even provoke a long-term denial of your body what it wants. In other words, if you really want something sweet, it’s better to forget about diets and eat candy before your body becomes depressed.

All of the above sooner or later leads to a change in the etheric body. The fact is that an exhausted body, under constant stress, requires a huge amount of energy. And he begins to literally suck it out of the etheric body. As a result, the etheric twin becomes thinner and small holes form in it. If you look closely at the energy shield at this moment, you will notice that it has become uneven and distorted. He seems to be unstable, just like his owner. The negative result affects very quickly. Through the resulting gaps, viruses from the outside enter the body, and the negative energy of hostile biofields penetrates.

The worst thing is different. Through disturbed areas of the etheric body, vital energy leaves the body. A person becomes less strong, constantly wants to sleep, and becomes weak. If you notice these leaks in time (and this can only be done by people with special abilities), you can prevent serious illnesses, global (negative) changes in fate.

Etheric body is not only a source of energy, but also a kind of transmitter of information between the flesh and higher subtle bodies. Thus, our feelings and thoughts, passing through the etheric body, enter the mental and astral bodies. Information and energy also flow from them to the body. When the etheric double is weakened, this connection weakens and is often completely broken. In this case, a person may lose interest in life, he loses the ability to experience sincere feelings. All that remains is the flesh, which mechanically consumes food, moves, and works. At the same time, this flesh has no goals in life.

Psychics have long noticed that etheric bodies are very receptive to thoughts transmitted through mental bodies. That is why they advise people with health problems to work with mantras, mentally formulate positive attitudes towards recovery and repeat them.

Fully admitting that many people know first-hand what the etheric body looks like, I still decided to try to explain in great detail to everyone who wants to see how to see the etheric body with their own eyes at home!

I have already mentioned this in some of my courses, but I think it will not be superfluous if I once again draw your attention to this point.

It is extremely important, before starting any path, to obtain evidence of its correctness. One of the proofs secret knowledge and the ability to see the etheric field of a person is accessible to everyone.

Any object, any living creature on our planet has an etheric field. But further we will talk about the human etheric field.

Surely many people are familiar with the situation when, for example, someone holds a hand above their head, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to determine whether the hand is touching the hair or not. All this happens due to the touch of such a palm to the etheric field of a person.

The ethereal body surrounds everyone, repeating all the curves and details of the physical body.

The etheric body is the intermediate field of the aura, so to speak. The width of its “dense” structure, as a rule, is from 5 mm to 2-3 centimeters; I simply have not seen anything else, although there is an opinion that this figure could be much larger.

The size and density of the etheric body primarily indicate physical health a person, about his reserve of vitality. Here it must be added that the etheric field does not adjoin closely to the physical body, but has a void between the boundaries of the two bodies in the region of 1 to 4 mm. Moreover, this distance is constantly changing, depending on physical activity and energy reserves.

Anyone can calmly see the etheric body; for this you need to have just a little patience and in 2-3 days you will see everything yourself.

Extend your arm and open your palm at a distance of about 30-50 cm. It is better to inner side palms were facing you. Spread your fingers. The hand should be against a uniform dark background, it could be night outside the window, or a black cloth.

Place the light source behind your back so that your body does not cast a shadow on your palm. Change the light intensity. Perhaps you personally need more or less light to see the etheric body. So just experiment.

Having positioned your hand accordingly, you need to direct your gaze to the space between the fingers, you should be calm, your breathing should be even. For the first couple of minutes, you don’t need to try to see anything. Just look into this space. Your task, so to speak, is to bring sharpness to the void between your fingers.

Then smoothly move your gaze to the border of the fingers, and over time, you will notice a kind of grayish haze, a bluish or purple tint. Moreover, if you practice, you will also notice an area of ​​emptiness between the physical body and the ethereal, in which there is nothing. Its dimensions are 1-3 mm.

Continue to look at all the boundaries of your hand, and you will see that the haze follows all the contours of the body. So, this haze is your etheric body.

Attention, if you use a strong light source, look at a motionless palm for several minutes, and sharply remove your hand to the side - you will see a luminous handprint on a dark background. So, this is not an ethereal body, but just a light imprint on your retina.

The etheric body never remains; it is firmly attached to the physical, and repeats all its contours and movements. It is clearly visible, with a bluish haze; if you try to describe it very roughly, it is akin to the evaporation of gasoline. In other words, the subtlety of visibility is somewhat similar.

I say again, 3 days of practice is enough to see everything for yourself and check the existence of the etheric body for own experience! Repeat this exercise and the results will not keep you waiting!

Try it and you will succeed!

Modern science has come to the conclusion that all changes occurring in the muscles, cells or nerves of a living organism are accompanied by electrical phenomena. Always, when electrical phenomena occur, there must be ether; and indeed, the entire human body is permeated ether: not a single particle of physical matter is in contact with another, all particles are surrounded by ether. Etheric body, or the etheric double, of man consists of particles of ether, which penetrates all the solid, liquid and gaseous particles of the physical body, enveloping each particle with etheric matter and representing in general a perfect duplicate of the dense body.

For the clairvoyant, the etheric body is clearly visible, and even experimental science is already beginning to study it; Thus, in the interesting work of Dr. Pogorelsky “Electrophotosthenes and Enertography as proof of the existence of physiological polar energy, or so-called animal magnetism, and their significance for medicine” (St. Petersburg, 1899) one can find a reproduction of a number of photographic images in which One can clearly see both some of the elements that make up the human etheric organism and its radiations. The French doctors Lewis and Baraduc and a number of other researchers, such as Durville, Rocha, Narkevich, Iodko and many others, worked a lot on the study of the etheric body and its radiations.

Etheric body can be considered both as an architect who creates and maintains connections between the physical particles of the body, who distributes and connects physical molecules into certain combinations, and as a conductor of life force, prana.

One of the functions of the etheric part of the spleen is to receive solar energy ( prana), which is diffused in the atmosphere around us; colorless particles of prana introduced into the human body take on a beautiful pink color and, like blood pellets, run through all arteries and veins, and along the nerve plexuses. That this flow of prana is necessary for proper functioning nervous system, can be deduced from the fact that when it is artificially delayed, a complete cessation of sensitivity results. Through magnetic passes it is possible to achieve complete numbness of that part of the body to which the influence of the magnetizer is directed; this numbness is of the same nature as in case of impaired blood circulation, for example, during frostbite; but those who deal with the effects of magnetic currents know that it is not the blood circulation that is disrupted, but the influx of life force, or prana: the nerves remain completely intact, but they cease to serve as a transmission apparatus, since the prana running through them has become dependent on the consciousness of the magnetizer.

To people who have already developed a more subtle inner vision, the etheric body appears grayish-violet; short, pale bluish rays emanate from it in all directions, the so-called aura of health. By the nature of this aura one can judge the state of a person’s health: healthy person the rays are all perpendicular to the surface of the body and parallel to each other; in the patient, they seem to fall down and are confused, especially in the area of ​​​​the body that is affected by the disease. These radiations are not only indicators of good or poor health, but also a means of protection. Since these rays represent, next to purely physical secretions (for example, salts), currents of excess vital force flowing from the body, they, under normal tension, repel invisible pathogenic agents from the surface of the body, resembling a wheel that, with its movement, scatters adhering to particles to him.

Thus, a healthy aura protects a person from infectious diseases. When the body is exhausted and the current weakens, germs of bacteria penetrate freely into the body and cause various diseases. It should be added to this that sometimes a weak organism, deprived of a plentiful influx of prana, unconsciously acts like a sponge, absorbing the excess prana of a healthy person, and sometimes with such energy that it causes temporary exhaustion in a completely healthy person.

During sleep, the person himself, or his immortal principle, is removed from physical organism, giving him the opportunity to restore the expended strength, and only the physical body remains in bed with its etheric double. Both of them thus remain without their master and ruler and are exposed to such influences as best suit the inclinations of the sleeping person. Currents thought-images created by the person himself in the waking state, as well as the thought-images of the people around him, flash through the physical and etheric brain of the sleeper, mixing with the automatic repetitions of vibrations that arose in his brain during the day, and all this produces those confused and broken dreams that are so common during night rest. These distorted dreams are very instructive: they show the true activity of the physical brain at a time when it is completely left to its own forces. He is only capable of repeating scattered fragments of his previous vibrations without internal connection and order, connecting them at random, no matter whether they have meaning or not, content with the kaleidoscope of visions flashing before him.

When you think about this phenomenon, it becomes clear that the physical and etheric brain is nothing more than an instrument of thinking, and not its creator, which is absent during sleep.

At the moment of death, the immortal essence of a person is removed from the physical body in the same way as during sleep, but with the difference that it carries with it the etheric body, which stands out from its dense counterpart and makes further life impossible for the latter. After some time, usually 36 hours after death, a person throws off his etheric double, continuing to live in his astral body, and the etheric double remains close to the corpse he abandoned and also begins to decompose. Often friends and relatives of the deceased see this double, since the strong tension of the nervous system makes it more subtly receptive and this is enough to see the separated etheric double. This is the basis of all the stories of ghosts in cemeteries, where shocked people can actually see etheric bodies over the graves of the dead.

U normal person this is the department etheric body from the physical occurs only after death, but in mediumistic people a partial release of the etheric body can occur during life, a phenomenon extremely harmful to the health of the medium, since it always causes nervous disorders of various nature. Any partial release of the etheric body (all of it cannot be released without causing death to the person) plunges the physical body into a lethargic and even cataleptic state, followed by extremely severe exhaustion of the medium. Most of the phenomena in séances arise from other causes, but some mediums, such as Eglinton and Madame Esperance, had this dangerous property etheric body. All the witnesses who saw these mediums during the separation of the etheric body claim that the consequence of such separation was each time a decrease, a shrinking of the physical body.

Speaking about the physical body, we mentioned prana. Ancient wisdom teaches that the entire Universe with all its worlds, people, animals, plants, minerals and atoms is immersed in the great ocean of Life, eternal and unchanging. The ancient Hindus called this great ocean of Life Jiva and argued that the entire Universe is only the manifested Jiva, which has become objective, closed in limited forms. They taught that every organism, from the smallest molecule to the greatest planet, appropriates to itself a particle of the Jiva or universal Life, and this particle becomes its own life. Imagine a living sponge immersed in ocean water that surrounds and permeates it all. Ocean water circulates throughout the sponge, filling every pore, and we can imagine both the entire ocean and the part of it that has penetrated into the sponge if we mentally separate the part from the whole and take both separately. Each organism can be compared to such a sponge, immersed in the ocean of Jiva and containing a particle of this ocean, which has become its “breath of life”.

In Theosophy, this particle of universal Life contained in man is called prana and, together with the etheric body, constitutes the second principle human body. That which in the Hebrew Scriptures is called Nephesh, the “breath of life,” breathed into the nostrils of Adam, is not prana alone, but prana in conjunction with the third, astral, principle of man, the beginning of passion and desire. These two principles together constitute what in esotericism is called the “Spark of Life.”

The Secret Doctrine says that the lowest manifestation of prana has as its conductors the infinitesimal builders of the human physical body. Science guesses about their existence, but sees them only as random visitors human body, source various diseases. The occultist, who recognizes the same life in every atom, and in air, and in fire, and in water, asserts that our whole body consists of similar “infinitesimal lives.” The highest type of prana is called in occultism “fiery lives”; it can be called the “creative energy of life”; it is precisely this that guides and guides the infinitesimal builders of our body.

Based on materials from the book " Man and his visible and invisible composition".

The etheric body is of great importance in the spiritual development of man. The life force of the second body is important for the growth of kundalini energy and the practice of out-of-body experiences.

The etheric body always goes in conjunction with sexual (vital) energy. This coin, on one side of which is our second body, on the other is life force. They are always together. You need to know this in order to achieve results in the development of your spirit.

Explanation. The development of the etheric (energy body) without loss of sexual energy is the only way to achieve highest state its evolution. All other techniques and meditations come only as an add-on.

If you take various books on spiritual development (meditation) and out-of-body experiences, you will notice that many authors avoid this topic (probably so as not to scare off the reader). Although this is important for spiritual practice.

The only enlightened master of our time, OSHO, explained this important point. Apparently this is why, unlike other teachers, they began to call him a “sex guru”, although he did not engage in any propaganda. He only explained the role of sexual energy in the spiritual development of a person.

If you have read his books, then it is quite possible that information on this topic may have passed you by, since OSHO has more than six hundred books.

The etheric body and love

If you are interested in spiritual practice (meditation) and out-of-body experiences (OBE), then you have probably already received enough information about the subtle human bodies, kundalini and chakras. Many publications are devoted to this. Therefore, I will not repeat what has already been written and said a lot.

I'll tell you about the most important thing. A person has a second (after the physical) etheric body (subtle or energetic). In the east it is also called sukshma sarira. The chakras are located in it, and not in the physical body.

When doing meditation, the energy of the second body grows and is easy to feel. (For this you need to practice regularly).

But there is one very important point that the meditator must know in order for the development of kundalini energy to become a reality.

It is necessary to stop losing vital energy. When making love (sex), you need to exclude physical orgasm.

Why is this so? Let's figure it out.

Kundalini and sexual energy

Sex plays important role In human life. It is associated with relationships between the sexes. We come to this world from the world of spirit to grow and develop ourselves spiritually (not all). We are spiritual beings and our physical shell is just a temporary phenomenon. To develop our spiritual being, there are many tasks that we must complete and overcome. Sex is one of them.

All enlightened masters past, from Gautama Buddha to Patanjali, as well as our time - OSHO, spoke about the importance of not losing vitality(through sex) if the seeker is engaged in spiritual practice. This information was given, first of all, to achieve complete liberation (internal self-realization).

If the meditator does not lose his vital energy, then as a result of the practice of meditation and the development of his etheric body, Enlightenment occurs. What is the end point of human evolution.

Ninety percent of meditators achieved Enlightenment through the etheric body - by ceasing to waste sexual energy.

Enlightenment is a rare phenomenon. Only those who have worked on themselves for many lifetimes achieve it. How can this help if the seeker (practitioner) has just embarked on the path of self-realization? And primarily interested in the development of kundalini, OBE and OS.

Everything is very simple. If life force is constantly lost, then there will be no growth of kundalini energy and development of the etheric body. And if this does not happen, then the results of meditation (OBE, astral projection and even lucid dreams) will never suit you.

Some practitioners may experience an OBE and at the same time easily lose vitality. This does not mean that you can spend your life energy through sex without problems. Just have this person the etheric (energy) body has already been developed and if he stops wasting his energy during physical intimacy, then his spiritual development can achieve the maximum possible.

Everyone else who has energy body not yet developed, they will mark time, trying to sit on two chairs. By doing meditation and creating energy, and then spending it through sex. The energy of the subtle body is very important for out-of-body experience because, being outside the physical shell, we use it. If you constantly lose vitality, then the etheric body stops growing and developing. And a practice that was successful in the beginning may fade away over time.

For the development of the energy body, proper nutrition is also very important. healthy sleep. Having slept well in the morning, we feel a surge of vital energy, primarily due to the restoration of our etheric body.

A comment. This is why morning trance exit techniques are so easy to use. Leave your body in the morning or experience lucid dreaming It’s easier when the subtle body has been charged with vital force overnight.

How to speed up your development

In the east there is a whole tradition of brahmacharya (sexual abstinence) and celibacy (celibacy). Meditators use them to accelerate their spiritual growth. Tantra also has a powerful technique for developing kundalini energy. This is tantric (energy) sex.

Every seeker must experience this state. You need to spend at least several months (at least two) doing meditation, OBE and OS practice not to lose your vitality. To make sure this is suitable for him and whether it is beneficial for the development of the spirit.

You can then compare the two states. The first is when there is periodic loss of energy through sex. And secondly, when energy is not lost, but accumulated (accumulated). If you take this issue seriously, you yourself will understand the advantage when energy is not lost.

What happens if you don't lose vitality?

What benefits will a practitioner receive if he stops losing vitality? You will finally feel your etheric body constantly during your meditation practice.

Out-of-body experiences and lucid dreams will become longer. This state (outside the body), according to internal sensations, will last “hours”, and not minutes as before. Sometimes when you're in subtle body, you even begin to get scared whether you will be able to return back. The experience takes so long.

This is just the beginning of what will begin to happen. The physical body will have more energy for everyday activities (this is as it should be, since the energy body is constantly growing and developing). Vital energy will overwhelm you. You will forget about lethargy, apathy and bad mood.

The development of the etheric body, in addition to out-of-body experience, has its own bonuses. The kundalini energy will begin to rise, and with it all other spiritual powers (siddhis) will develop.

One of the first manifestations of this will be the discovery heart center. When you wake up in the morning (at this time the energy body is most charged) you experience a feeling of love. This feeling of love is not directed at anyone, but simply exists, like the air you breathe. This state is surprising, because in order to experience love, you always need someone.

When you first begin to experience this state of love, you no longer need to believe in the existence of kundalini. You already feel it yourself.

The etheric body and spiritual practice