Rash near the wings of the nose. Perioral pimples around the mouth. Colloidal oatmeal mask

Update: September 2019

Perioral dermatitis - in medicine it is also called rosacea-like or perioral dermatitis. This rare disease, it occurs in approximately 1% of the population, most often in women 20-40 years old.

With perioral dermatitis, small papules and pimples appear on the skin around the mouth and on the chin, the skin turns red, irritation appears and papules grow over a larger area. This creates considerable aesthetic, physical and psychological discomfort for a person.

This is how most patients describe the onset of the disease - “... recently I noticed that several small red pimples had formed on my chin, I began to use acne cream and wash my face more often, but this only made it worse.

After just a few months, the skin around the mouth and chin became simply red, and when the pimples healed, they left dark spots. Moreover, there is a clear stripe between the lips and the affected areas around the mouth healthy skin no redness..."

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis

If these symptoms appear:

  • Pain, itching, burning, redness, a feeling of skin tightness, and small red pimples appear in the chin and mouth area
  • Pimples may have heads, which discharge when emptied. clear liquid Over time, pimples become ulcers
  • Pimples form colonies, group clusters
  • The skin in the inflamed areas begins to become covered with thin transparent scales, which then fall off

Most likely, this skin inflammation is caused by perioral dermatitis. But to clarify the diagnosis, you should definitely consult a dermatologist, since the appearance of acne and irritation on the face can be due to other reasons:

  • Diffuse
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Acne vulgaris, rosacea, steroid acne.

To isolate the microflora of the lesion site and determine the pathogen, a bacterial culture of the scraping or contents of the rash is carried out.

The skin around the mouth may not be changed and present a normally colored border of up to 2 cm. Usually, the rashes are located on slightly reddened skin or the skin does not change color.

Causes of perioral dermatitis

  • Decreased humoral and cellular immunity
  • Climate change, overexposure ultraviolet radiation
  • Increased sensitivity to bacterial allergens
  • Long-term or even short-term use of topical corticosteroids in the form of creams, ointments (see. full list all hormonal creams and ointments - )
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions, presence of bronchial asthma
  • Enough sensitive skin faces
  • Abundant use of various cosmetics for face
  • Hormonal imbalance in gynecological disorders
  • Use of dentures, toothpastes containing fluoride
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, endocrine system

If dermatitis is caused by cosmetic products, carefully study the composition of all creams, lotions, etc. Here is a list of some ingredients that most often cause perioral dermatitis:

  • Paraffin
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Cinnamon flavors
  • Isopropyl myristate
  • Petrolatum

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

Treatment of this skin disease is quite long, the duration of therapy ranges from 1.5 to 3 months and depends on the severity of the manifestations of perioral dermatitis. Treatment of perioral dermatitis is prescribed by a dermatologist, and the sooner you contact a specialist, the more effective the result will be. Even with proper treatment Recurrences of the disease are possible in the future, but they are much easier and are eliminated faster.

Use of corticosteroids ( hormonal ointments, creams) are contraindicated for perioral dermatitis.

Zero therapy

The first thing that is recommended to be done after diagnosis is called zero therapy. That is, cancel all used ointments, creams, cosmetics, especially with corticosteroid substances, and also change toothpaste to normal. In this case, the condition may worsen for a while, and then after a few weeks it should improve.


At this time it is possible to use antihistamines(Suprastin, etc. see All), sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride.


At oral dermatitis Treatment with antibiotics is quite effective. The administration of Metronidazole gel or cream 0.75% or Erythromycin gel 2% stops the progression of the disease. Apply the product 2 times a day until the rash stops.

The doctor may prescribe an oral antibiotic - this is Minocycline or Doxycillin 100 mg 2 times. per day until the rash goes away, then for a month, 100 mg once a day and another month, 50 mg per day. And also taking Metronidazole orally (this is not an antibiotic, but an antiprotozoal drug).

Or Tetracycline according to a similar regimen, only 500 mg/2 times, then 500 mg/1 time and 250 mg/1 time. After starting the use of antibiotics, deterioration may occur, but after 3 weeks the condition of the skin usually improves noticeably.

Elidel Cream (Pimecrolimus)

Pimecrolimus can be used for oral dermatitis only as prescribed by a doctor when other treatments are ineffective.

Elidel is a cream that has long-term adverse effects; the effect of the drug has not yet been fully studied, but it is believed that pimecrolimus suppresses the secondary immune response and there have been cases of the development of skin tumors and lymphomas after its use. Therefore, the use of this remedy should be treated with caution.

Skin care for perioral dermatitis

For this disease, gentle facial skin care is recommended. After washing, you should not wipe your face with a towel, but only blot it. The doctor can select for you indifferent powders, cooling, moisturizing creams that do not contain substances that aggravate the symptoms of the disease. (cm. , )

Herbal infusions

When acute process to relieve symptoms, you can use cooling lotions from chamomile infusion (if you are not allergic) or 1% boric acid, as well as from infusions of St. John's wort and calendula.

Normalization of the general condition of the body

If foci of infection exist, treatment is necessary concomitant diseases, as well as normalization of the endocrine and nervous systems, work gastrointestinal tract. If necessary, general strengthening, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed, medicines normalizing the function of the central nervous system. Monthly courses of vitamin therapy, B vitamins, vitamin C and A, and folic acid are recommended.

Sun protection

During the treatment period, you should protect yourself from direct contact sun rays, since ultraviolet radiation aggravates the symptoms of perioral dermatitis. In summer, you should use sunscreen daily with a protection factor of at least 30.


Perioral dermatitis - inflammatory disease skin around the mouth, causing formation small pimples on the chin, in the nasolabial folds, on the wings of the nose, and in especially unpleasant cases, on the temples, bridge of the nose, lower and upper eyelids.

Not all experts admit that this independent disease. You can find different names for this disease: perioral dermatitis, steroid perioral dermatitis, special case rosacea, and some combine it with seborrheic or allergic dermatitis.

This disease mainly affects girls over the age of 18 and women of childbearing age. Much less often, this disease affects men and children.

The causative agent of this disease is still unknown.

The causes of dermatitis come down to weakening, under the influence unfavorable factors both external and internal.

What do perioral acne look like?

The skin on the affected areas may look like light pink, so Red.

Symmetrical rashes are small nodules filled with liquid, standing alone or in groups of several, which can fester and thereby resemble acne.

For perioral dermatitis rashes have a rough surface, mild itching, flaking and a feeling of tightness of the skin may appear - these symptoms differ from the manifestations of acne and rosacea (rosacea).

Directly around the red border of the lips (rim approximately 3 - 5 mm wide) the skin remains untouched, which is diagnostic sign that distinguishes perioral dermatitis from herpes.

It is necessary to distinguish rashes with perioral dermatitis from acne, herpes and rosacea, since these diseases are treated differently.

If the correct diagnosis is not made in time and treatment is not started correctly, the disease progresses and can spread to new areas of the skin of the face, this will complicate the situation; in addition to the dermatologist, you will also have to visit an ophthalmologist.

Why do pimples appear around the mouth?

There are several reasons for the appearance of rashes around the mouth:

  • hormonal disbalance , illnesses reproductive system among women- the most common reason;
  • usage hormonal drugs containing hydrocortisone or prednisolone, for the treatment of other dermatological diseases, such as eczema, neurodermatitis and the like;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • using fluoride toothpaste, can provoke disease;
  • active use of cleansing and other cosmetics, the skin suffers most from foundation creams;
  • influence of adverse weather factors, such as strong wind and long direct ultraviolet irradiation;
  • allergic bacterial effects of common saprophytes, occurs when the overall resistance of the body decreases. (Saprophytes are microscopic mites that live in upper layers our skin and feeding on its dead particles and sebum);
  • diseases digestive system , and immunity depends directly on the state of this system;
  • presence of chronic infectious disease ;
  • decreased immune status.

Most often, perioral dermatitis is associated with the treatment of other skin diseases due to prolonged use of hormonal ointments and creams. It seems to a person that this particular type of treatment is the best, since these medications quickly relieve inflammation and skin itching.

And then it forms vicious circle! At the same time, they try to treat perioral dermatitis with these means, and even achieve some improvement, but as soon as the so-called treatment is stopped, the condition immediately worsens. It is for this reason that it is imperative to undergo an examination by a dermatologist and establish the correct diagnosis.

Under what circumstances is it necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist?

Many people try to treat dermatitis on their own. The disease is not dangerous, has no general effect on the body, and does not cause deterioration in practical health.

True, it signals that there is serious problems With internal organs and about problems in the endocrine system.

Basically, this disease causes psychological discomfort; a person experiences constant stress because of his appearance and this causes him a lot of trouble.

But when self-treatment does not bring the expected result, and the disease worsens:

  • ulcers appear and a secondary infection occurs;
  • the disease spreads to new areas of the skin, the rashes grow and merge;
  • rashes affect the lower and upper eyelids, there is a danger of ophthalmic diseases.

In these cases, you need to urgently contact a dermatologist and ophthalmologist. If you delay a visit to the doctor, you can miss precious time, and then the treatment may take longer than it could have been if you had visited in a timely manner. A dark spots, which form at the site of the rash, if not treated in time, can cause no less trouble than dermatitis itself.


Treatment may be medicinal, but if it concerns a pregnant woman or small child, then you will have to limit yourself application herbal infusions and decoctions.

And also stick to diets, eliminating irritation of the stomach and intestines.

It will be necessary to limit the consumption of: all sour, hot, salty, spicy foods and strong tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks causing a rush of blood to the face.

After determining the cause of the disease, the doctor will recommend stopping the use of cosmetics, synthetic detergents and toothpastes containing fluoride. You will also need to stop using hormonal drugs for external use.

Modern medicinal methods Treatments for perioral dermatitis are based on the use of antibiotics of the tetracycline group in tablets and externally - in the form of ointments and creams, with these antibiotics, accompanied by drugs containing imidazole(a substance that has an effect on protozoan microorganisms).

You should not expect immediate results, at first there may be an exacerbation and only after 4-5 weeks there will be noticeable relief, and you will have to wait at least 12 weeks before complete recovery.

In case of allergic sensitization, it is necessary to take antihistamines, such as Claritin, Erius, and the like.

It is necessary to take care to increase immunity. It is recommended to take vitamins:

  • ascorutin;
  • riboflavin;
  • a nicotinic acid.

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor! Only a specialist can prescribe based on the results of the examination suitable remedy and choose the right dosage.

Self-medication with antibiotics can lead to serious harm body.

When using creams and ointments containing antibiotics of the tetracycline group, it is necessary to take into account the photosensitizing (increasing photosensitivity) effect of these drugs and constantly use light-protective creams SPF 30 - 60. Otherwise, persistent pigment spots may appear on the skin.

Application also shows good results physiotherapeutic procedures. At the last stage of treatment good effect can be achieved using cryomassage with carbonic acid snow.

And to remove the vascular network formed at the site of the rash, you can take several electrolysis sessions.

If it is not possible to use medications, then you can contact traditional methods treatment. For young children, herbal treatment - the best option. And you can successfully combine both methods of treatment.

After the first signs of perioral dermatitis appear, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory phenomena and this can be done with the help of lotions.

They can be prepared from a decoction, linden color, And . It is very effective to wipe sore spots daily with decoctions of flowers and yarrow.

You can use herbal decoctions not only for external use, but also take them internally. For this purpose, a decoction prepared from elecampane root, St. John's wort flowers and peeled chamomile (pharmaceutical) will be very useful. You need to take this decoction 1 glass orally, 3 times a day.

If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, treatment of perioral dermatitis is not particularly difficult. This disease in itself does not cause any severe consequences for the body. There is a chance to be completely cured. You just need to be patient and persistent. Strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and try to follow a gentle diet. It is believed that there is no fear of relapse; this happens very rarely.

For every parent, the most important thing is that the child grows up healthy. But sometimes they happen unpleasant moments, causing anxiety. This also happens when rashes appear under the nose. However, only a specialist can determine their nature.

Causes and mechanisms

The child's skin should be clean. If some kind of rash is visible on it, then first of all you need to determine its nature. In newborns, small transient pimples sometimes appear on the face, associated with hormonal changes in the body (the influence of estrogen received from the mother). These are the so-called milia or white millet-like nodules, which are a sign of a sexual crisis. But such a rash is physiological, goes away on its own and should not cause alarm.

In other cases, most likely, you need to look for some kind of disorder in the child’s body. They can be provoked by external or internal factors which one way or another require elimination. Among the causes of a rash under a child’s nose, the following should be noted:

  • Allergy to food products, cosmetics, animal hair, plant pollen, medicines, etc.
  • Heat rash due to overheating.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Insufficient hygiene.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Infectious diseases.

The last group is the most extensive, because it can include many diseases childhood. Scarlet fever, measles, rubella, chicken pox– all these diseases can be accompanied by rashes on the body, but in such cases they will be not only near the nose, but also in other areas (neck and head, torso and limbs).

In adults, the rash under the nose has a different origin. Very often, it hides herpes simplex, which infects most people. Long time it is in a latent state, but is activated under certain conditions:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Respiratory disease.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Hormonal changes (for example, in girls during menstruation).
  • Immunodeficiency.

In men, a pustular rash in the mustache and beard area may turn out to be ostiofolliculitis or sycosis, which develop due to constant microtrauma during shaving and bacterial infection (staphylo- or streptococci, fungi). Endocrine and metabolic disorders may contribute to this. As we can see, the spectrum of possible pathology is quite wide, which makes differential diagnosis extremely important.

A rash near the nose in a child or adult has very diverse causes. And without the intervention of a doctor, it is impossible to determine the source of the violations.


Regardless of who suffered from the rash, the doctor’s tactics at the initial stage are the same: first find out complaints and medical history, and then conduct a physical examination. It is necessary to analyze the information received and determine the nature of skin manifestations:

  • Appearance (spots, nodules, blisters).
  • Localization (near the nose, on the cheeks, chin, scalp, in the area of ​​natural folds of the skin or on other parts of the body).
  • Abundance (single elements or extensive drainage foci).
  • Periodicity (appears occasionally or persists almost constantly).
  • Connection with certain factors (eating foods, taking medications, using cosmetics, etc.).

Every “little thing” can be useful, so the doctor pays attention to all manifestations, detailing each complaint and continuing the diagnostic search in various directions. Along with facial rashes, children may also have other symptoms:

  • Crusts on the scalp (gneiss).
  • Sneezing, sore throat, watery eyes, itching.
  • Bloating, rumbling, unsteady stool.
  • Fever and intoxication.

Having understood the symptoms, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. But it also requires further confirmation.

Additional diagnostics

You can accurately determine the condition that caused the rash under your baby’s nose based on the results additional research. After a clinical examination, the doctor will refer the patient for laboratory procedures:

  1. General blood and urine analysis.
  2. Blood biochemistry (hormonal spectrum, glucose).
  3. Serological tests (antibodies to infections and helminths).
  4. Allergy tests (skin tests, scarification tests, injection tests).
  5. A smear of rash elements, skin washes (cytology and culture).
  6. Coprogram and stool analysis for worm eggs.

If necessary, an ultrasound of the organs is also performed. abdominal cavity. results comprehensive examination will show what changes are observed in the body and where their source is hidden. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the diagnosis. And for parents who want to eliminate a rash under the child’s nose, it is important to rely on the doctor in everything and strictly follow his recommendations. rash under the child’s nose

Almost every person of any age has encountered such a nuisance as a rash on the chin. Of course, the presence of small rashes does not look quite aesthetically pleasing, which is why urgency in eliminating the existing problem. It is important to understand the reasons for its occurrence and only then begin treatment.

Symptoms of rashes on the chin

The term “perioral dermatitis” in medicine refers to a skin disease that is characterized by inflammation and small rashes (papules) in the mouth and chin area.

The term “perioral dermatitis” in medicine refers to a skin disease that is characterized by inflammation and small rashes (papules) in the mouth and chin. This disease occurs most often in women, and much less often in children and men.

If you have a prioral one, then it is characterized by following symptoms:
or on the skin around the eyes;
skin around the pimples are inflamed and irritated, red in color;
upon close examination of the skin around the mouth, you will see that although it has spread to the skin around the mouth and lips (namely, a small strip has appeared, several millimeters wide), the skin looks healthy, i.e. it is of normal color and without rashes. There seems to be a clear boundary between non-inflamed and inflamed skin.

Pimples can appear in groups, and very large clusters form. Upon careful examination, you can see on the inflamed areas of the skin of the face.

People who develop perioral dermatitis report burning, itching, or even pain in the affected areas of the skin.

Causes of chin rash

To get rid of rashes on the face, you need to find out the nature of their appearance.

The first thing you need to do in order to get rid of unbearable ones is to find out the nature of their appearance.

Indeed, in the presence of such a phenomenon as a rash on the chin, the reasons can be very diverse:
● weak the immune system;
● predisposition to;
● change climatic conditions;
● disruptions in the hormonal system;
● disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
● unbalanced diet or deficiency.

Excessive use of decorative cosmetics, especially low quality ones, can provoke the appearance of a rash. The hereditary factor also has an influence, because if one of the parents often had a similar rash, then there is a high probability of its occurrence in the next generation.

The appearance of a rash in children

Rashes in the chin area can affect not only adults, but also children

However, small rashes in the chin area can affect not only adults, but also children.

Infants, whose skin is just beginning to adapt to the environment, are especially susceptible to this.

According to medical terminology, the presence of a rash on the chin, particularly around the mouth, in babies is called oral dermatitis.

Basically, a rash on a child’s chin occurs due to one of the following reasons:
profuse salivation;
● allergy to complementary foods;
● chapping of the skin;
● infectious diseases.

In any case, at the first signs of a rash, you should consult a doctor who can accurately determine the factor that led to its formation and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of rash in the chin area

To begin treatment for a chin rash, you need to undergo a series of tests, after which you can begin to eliminate the problem that has arisen.

In order to begin treatment of the rash and, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests, the list of which is prescribed by the therapist purely individually. Only after this is it possible to begin eliminating the problem that has arisen, called a rash on the chin.

There are several effective ways treatments for this problem, which are actively practiced in modern medicine.
1.Zero therapy– stop using any cosmetic products for facial care, taking medicines is also cancelled, especially those containing corticosteroids.
2.Application antihistamines – after clarifying the individual diagnosis, it is possible to prescribe drugs such as Cetrin, Suprastin.
3.Prescription of antibiotics– medications that kill pathogenic flora or creams that contain antibiotics are prescribed.
4.Use of special creams– in cases where other methods have not given full results, a special cream, Elidel or Pimecrolimus, may be prescribed.

It should be remembered that any remedy should be used only after a doctor’s prescription.

Traditional methods for eliminating rashes

It is best to approach the issue of treating minor rashes in the chin area comprehensively, combining drug treatment and traditional methods

It is best to approach the issue of treating minor rashes in the chin area comprehensively, combining drug treatment and auxiliary methods.

At home, you can prepare many remedies that are designed to complement the treatment. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory decoctions are well suited, which are preferably used in the form of compresses, lotions, steam baths and washes.

It should be remembered that inflammation on the face should never be squeezed out. In order to quickly get rid of such a nuisance as a rash on the chin, it is best to combine drug treatment and folk remedies. However, before using any of the home recipes, it is better to consult your doctor.


Elvira, 27 years old:
- Tell me, can the accumulation of toxins cause rashes in the chin area?

The causes of a rash under the nose can be different. One of them is perioral dermatitis. This disease does not occur often, mainly in women. It manifests itself by the appearance of small reddish pimples on the skin of the face, in the area of ​​the mouth and nose.

Other causes of such a rash can be: lack of skin care, allergic reactions, infection with the herpes virus, etc.

Rash under the nose: causes

The appearance of a rash under the nose may be associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, a decrease in immune properties body, hypersensitivity to allergens, the use of various creams and ointments, high sensitivity facial skin to negative factors. In addition, it is possible internal reasons rash formations, such as pathologies of the digestive organs, disorders normal operation endocrine system, nervous overstrain and stress.

Rash under a child's nose

In children, the appearance of pimples in most cases indicates the presence of dermatitis. In such cases, you should contact your pediatrician and visit a dermatologist, especially if the child is less than three years old. You cannot give your baby any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Non-pathological causes of a rash under the nose in children can be:

  • dirt . Children often touch their faces with dirty hands and put various objects into their mouths. This may lead to rashes. If, apart from the rash, there are no symptoms of the disease, then you need to strengthen control over the baby’s hygiene, and lubricate problem areas with baby cream;
  • weather conditions. Often, after a walk in windy or frosty weather, a child may develop small pimples or areas of damaged skin. You can cope with them with the help of baby cream, Bepanten, Summed and other similar products.

Rash under the nose in adults

Rashes under the nose, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, are often found in adults. The reason of that - increased activity fat glands in this area. When bacteria enter the pores of the glands, it can begin inflammatory process, which leads to the formation of pimples, blackheads and rashes. However, the causes of a rash under the nose can be not only local; some serious diseases can provoke such a reaction.

Most common cause the appearance of acne and rashes near the nose is due to insufficient hygiene. If you are prone to developing a rash, you should use by special means, reducing skin oiliness, having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Of the common factors leading to rashes under the nose and on the skin of the face, hormonal imbalance is considered the most common. In women, pimples can occur during pregnancy or during menstruation. Pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems can also cause a similar reaction.

Types of acne under the nose

There are several types of rashes under the nose. They differ in size, appearance, quantity and reasons for appearance. Thus, small white pimples and blackheads usually occur due to lack of care. They are sebum or dirt particles trapped in the pores. Pimples white are formed when a pore is clogged, subsequently they often become purulent and significantly increase in size, drawing surrounding tissues into the inflammatory process.

Small red rash under the nose

Various dermatitis appear as small red rashes on the face. They may arise as a result allergic reaction on ointments and creams, detergents or cosmetics used for treatment.

Rashes with dermatitis appear gradually, first the skin turns red, and then small nodules or pimples form on it. They may merge with each other, spread to other areas, but the lips and skin around them remain free of the rash. Itching and discomfort more often absent. Treatment of such rashes consists, first of all, in eliminating the cause of the allergy, and also includes a gentle diet and skin care.

Acne under the nose

Before the appearance acne Usually there is redness of the skin and the formation of several small pustules. Such rashes are accompanied by itching and pain. Acne under the nose can have several causes:

  1. Insufficient care.
  2. Hormonal disruptions and changes. Acne often occurs in teenagers adolescence, women expecting a child or who have recently given birth.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Allergies to medications, food or household chemicals.
  5. Stressful situations.
  6. Hot weather or elevated physical exercise which are accompanied by profuse sweating.
  7. Internal problems of the body.

Pimples under the nose

Purulent pimples under the nose are often isolated, less often massive. The reasons for their appearance are similar to the reasons for the formation of acne. Often such rashes occur due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, weakened immunity and internal diseases. From external reasons the most common are: Not proper care facial skin care, poorly selected diet, exposure to adverse factors, etc.

Subcutaneous acne

Subcutaneous acne outwardly not as noticeable as purulent ones. They may appear as a bump of skin with no change in color, but may be reddish or pink. Such rashes are usually accompanied by severe pain. The reasons for their appearance can be various microorganisms, hypothermia, skin contamination and other factors. Subcutaneous pimples often become inflamed and purulent.

Preventing rashes under the nose

Preventing a rash under the nose involves changing your diet and lifestyle. It includes:

  • A complete proper diet;
  • Refusal of drugs that cause an allergic reaction;
  • Regular facial skin care, including mandatory cleansing;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Full, restful sleep;
  • To give up smoking;
  • Taking vitamin complexes;
  • Nourishing facial masks and peelings.

Treatment of rash under the nose

Treatment of a rash under the nose includes, first of all, proper facial care. You should not squeeze out the pimples that have formed or try to hide them under a thick layer of cosmetics. Problem areas should be cleaned twice a day using special lotions; these areas should also be treated with hydrogen peroxide and ointments that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects should be applied to them. It is better to avoid decorative cosmetics during treatment.

From folk remedies in such cases, compresses and rubbing with herbal decoctions (sage, yarrow, chamomile, calendula and others), treating the affected area with oil help tea tree, aloe juice, birch decoction, calendula tincture. You can also conduct a course of steam baths with mint, chamomile, burdock and other herbs.