Fluid from the mammary gland causes. Discharge from the mammary glands in women when pressed is yellow, white, green. Causes before menstruation, during pregnancy, during menopause

Discharge from the mammary glands can mean a woman has a serious illness, inflammation in the area or pregnancy, and so on. If you have white or white fluid coming from your chest light yellow color during the so-called breastfeeding baby, then everything is normal here. However, in cases where discharge appears at the wrong time, you should definitely contact a specialist. Further in the article we will try to understand the causes of this pathology, treatment and much more.

They are an ordinary part female body. We can say that these glands are quite typical. They have a special secretory ability. This is expressed, first of all, in the release of one’s own secret. Quite often, some kind of liquid may be released from a woman’s nipples. This happens either independently or by pressing on the breasts and areola area. These discharges differ depending on the cause of their occurrence. For some women, the fluid has a thicker consistency, while for others, the discharge is much thinner. In addition, it varies. For example, the discharge may be light yellow or even green. Sometimes they contain a large number of blood. It must also be said that at older ages they are much more common similar situations. The presence of such discharge from the mammary glands is also influenced by the number of pregnancies, even those that were interrupted artificially.

If you have any discharge, you should definitely contact a so-called mammologist. This doctor is a specialist in the treatment and diagnosis of breast diseases. First of all, the doctor will interview his patient, find out the complaints and the reason for the woman’s appeal to him. In this situation, everything is important: color, quantity and frequency with which discharge from the mammary glands appears. It is also important whether the breasts have ever been injured in a certain way, whether the lady takes any medicines. All this can also affect the behavior of the body. Surely, it will be important for the mammologist to know whether these discharges were ever accompanied by an increase in body temperature or fever.

After examining his patient, the specialist will send her for further examination. It most often consists of passing ultrasound examination directly to the breast itself, blood tests and mammography. In some cases, a woman will also need ductography, which involves examining all the ducts of each mammary gland. It is worth noting that the appearance of fluid from the nipples may be the norm for a particular representative of the fairer sex. It is for this reason that discharge from the mammary glands is not always a reason for treatment or surgery.

Reasons this process great amount. Duct ectasia is considered one of the most common. from the mammary glands are just characteristic of of this disease. During this process, a duct becomes inflamed and then filled with a dark and thick substance. It stands out if you put a little pressure on the breast or nipple. This disease must be treated with special drugs. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. If the disease is severely advanced, it may be necessary surgery. Most often, women over forty years old suffer from this.

White discharge from the mammary glands with streaks of blood indicates the presence of a so-called papilloma in one of the ducts. This benign education. In addition, this disease has not yet been fully studied by specialists. It remains unclear where and for what reason a tumor appears in the mammary gland. Most often, small lumps in the breast are discovered by accident. To make a more accurate and complete diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination.

If you have received any serious injury to the mammary glands, it is quite possible that discharge from them will appear. In addition, abscess and mastitis should be added to this list of causes of this process. Breast cancer is considered the most serious problem today. A malignant tumor is difficult to completely remove or cure. Breast cancer is common and is accompanied by bleeding from one of the nipples.

Nipple discharge- liquid of any color that is released from the nipples of a non-breastfeeding woman. It flows from the ducts from which breastfeeding mothers usually produce milk. Sometimes there is a one-sided, and sometimes a two-way flow.

Classification of discharge

Nipple discharge can appear on its own, or when a girl/woman puts pressure on her breasts. Selections by color:

  • brownish
  • yellowish
  • dairy
  • transparent
  • greenish
  • changing color
  • with blood, etc.

When you consult a doctor, you will also need to describe the consistency of the existing discharge. She may be:

  • liquid
  • a little thick
  • very thick

The older a woman is, the higher her risk of nipple discharge. This problem is also typical for those who are preparing to give birth or have already given birth to a child.

Norm and pathology

Transparent tone highlights in small quantities are the norm. This doesn't mean you'll have leaky nipples every day. But this can happen if you have injured the mammary gland (one or two). This can happen when:

  • blows
  • falls
  • prolonged compression, etc.

Discharge white may indicate a diagnosis of galactorrhea. This is a pathology that occurs from an excess of a hormone called prolactin. Its role is to ensure that a woman produces milk. If the discharge begins not in those who are expecting a baby, or who are breastfeeding an already born baby (before and after the end of breastfeeding), then this indicates the need accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment.

White nipple discharge may indicate that one of your organs is not working well enough. This may be kidney failure, liver failure, hypothyroidism, pituitary tumor, ovarian pathology. Possible reasons nipple discharge will be discussed below.

Nipple discharge that changes color, may also occur with galactorrhea. They can be white, and then they appear greenish, with a yellow tint or transparent. Possible diagnosis may be fibrocystic. If you have noted purulent discharge, this is a signal of infection. This means that you need qualified treatment very urgently. With the help of a doctor, you need to determine the pathogen, and this will help you choose the right treatment methods and the right, effective medications.


As already noted, there is more than one reason for nipple discharge. Below we will take a closer look at the most common options.

  • ectasia (dilation) of the milk ducts

This reason is often found when patients complain of discharge from the nipples (breasts). In the left or right (and sometimes in two at once) duct occurs inflammatory process. Greenish or black discharge collects in the duct. They are thick and sticky. Mostly this diagnosis They are given to ladies between the ages of 40 and 50, but variations are possible.

This is a discharge from the mammary glands of a girl or woman milk, milk-like fluid or colostrum. The reason is that the level of prolactin in the body has become higher. This may be due to changes in other hormone levels if you have been using oral contraception. In some women, the cause is pituitary tumors called prolactinomas. Another option is poor thyroid function.

  • mastopathy

With this disease, you may notice that nipple discharge:

  • green
  • transparent or
  • yellow

The causes of this pathology may be different, but the pathogenesis is the same. First, an inflammatory process develops, which causes swelling. Edema, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of fibrosis, and then cystic degeneration begins. Treatment aims to interrupt this process and prevent its development in the future.

  • diseases of organs located in the woman’s pelvis

Doctors include the uterus and its appendages among these organs. This group of causes also includes miscarriages and abortions. The discharge may be more or less abundant, depending on the period at which the pregnancy was terminated. If you have an abortion early stages, then cardinal changes will not yet occur in the body, and therefore there will be no discharge (or there will be in small quantities). Bleeding lasts an average of 48 hours, and then less and less is released until it stops completely.

  • closed chest injury

If this is the reason, nipple discharge may be:

  • yellowish
  • transparent
  • with blood

Nipple discharge after injury cannot be treated on your own. Several breasts may begin to develop at the same time. pathological processes, the treatment of which, if you neglect the situation, will be extremely difficult and dangerous.

  • purulent diseases of the mammary glands

If this is the reason, you will need the help of a surgeon and treatment antibacterial drugs, directed at a specific pathogen, or having wide range actions.

The sooner you see a doctor with this problem, the easier the treatment will be. Conservative methods are used on early stages this spicy inflammatory disease. But, if you have “neglected” the disease, you will have to undergo surgery, which is more dangerous.

  • papilloma inside the milk ducts

One of the manifestations of this disease is bloody and thick discharge from the nipples. In all cases they resort to surgical methods treatment. Then the papilloma that was removed is taken for histology. There the doctor determines whether it is malignant or benign, which will affect further treatment.

  • (malignant formation)

You may not know about this disease for the time being, since there may be no symptoms. If fluid with blood is released from one nipple from time to time, and at the same time your breasts have become larger (or you feel nodules in them), you need to urgently run to the doctor. But this is not such a common situation, therefore, when there is discharge from the nipples, you do not need to make the most dire predictions on your own.

This is a specific form of breast cancer. This tumor-like formation concerns the nipple. In this area appear discomfort such as itching or burning. The nipple areola becomes dark or red, and the skin there peels off. One of the symptoms: discharge with blood from the nipple


If you notice discharge from your nipple for at least two days, you need to urgently go to face-to-face consultation to a mammologist. He is a specialist in female mammary glands. You won’t be able to determine the cause on your own because there are a large number of them. And only some of them were described above. The doctor must palpate the affected and visually healthy breast. Visual inspection data is also important. If there is discharge, the doctor also notes its consistency, color and quantity.

But this is only the initial stage of diagnosis, which determines the further strategy. they will do to you ultrasound diagnostics(ultrasound) of one or two mammary glands, a mammography examination will be prescribed. Most often, patients donate blood to check their hormone levels. Other studies may be prescribed if the doctor deems it necessary. Do not consider them superfluous under any circumstances. Research results help to distinguish between very dangerous diseases, which cannot be diagnosed by ordinary palpation.

Sometimes mammologists send the patient to doctors of a different profile, because discharge from the nipples can indicate not only breast pathologies. A consultation with an ophthalmologist and an MRI are indicated if there is a suspicion of a pituitary tumor.


It is better to prevent breast pathologies than to later treat nipple discharge and its cause. Prevention measures are very simple, and women and girls of all ages should know about them.

Feel your breasts every day or at least every week. If nodules or other strange formations appear there, you should consult a mammologist or gynecologist for an in-person consultation.

Rule #2: Never cool your chest and protect it from injury. This also applies to being in a wet swimsuit. Choose bras that dry quickly. If you prefer push-up swimsuits that keep your breasts moist for a long time after swimming, then wear something dry when you get out of the water after swimming. This will help avoid inflammation in the mammary gland.

If you have disturbing symptoms, do not look for solutions on the Internet, immediately make an appointment with a doctor.


Treatment can vary and depends on the causes. These could be the following methods:

  • antibiotics
  • hormonal drugs
  • traditional methods of treatment
  • surgery

Do not ignore such an alarming symptom as. This could even indicate cancer! And it is important to diagnose any oncology on time, because the days count. But cases of breast cancer cannot be called very common. So don't get upset ahead of time.

It is important to maintain breast hygiene. The mammary glands should be washed at least 2 times a day in a warm shower and immediately dried with a towel to ensure dryness. Choose soft bras that do not cause compression of the breasts and allow free access of blood to the mammary glands.

Sometimes, if the cause of nipple discharge is mastopathy, a drug such as is prescribed. It eliminates the causes of the disease and stops painful changes in the chest. The effect of the drug is based on the fact that it relieves swelling, inflammation, etc. It can be combined with other medications for mastopathy.

Remember that with any illness early diagnosis guarantees more easy treatment. If you notice discharge from your nipples, consult a doctor, and don’t sit on forums!

Discharge from the mammary glands is one of the most common complaints with which gynecologists refer their patients to a consultation with a mammologist.

This condition can be the result of either temporary “failures” in the body or a symptom of many diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to draw a line between physiological (normal) discharge from the nipple, which accompanies pregnancy, lactation and other “healthy” periods in a woman’s life, and pathological ones - indicating the presence of a disease.

Physiological secretions

This type of nipple discharge includes the following:

  • Breast discharge during pregnancy, which occurs in both breasts, is cloudy white or yellowish color and are not accompanied by changes in well-being. This is the so-called “training” lactation, which begins in the last trimester and is provoked by the precursors of contractions - painless contractions of the uterus, stimulating discharge from the breast.
  • Lactation after premature termination of pregnancy may look like full-fledged production breast milk, and have the character of minor discharge from the nipples. Usually lasts from several days to a month and depends on the stage of pregnancy at which the termination occurred.
  • Discharge from the breast associated with the start of taking oral contraceptives, which increase the level of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation. Such nipple discharge stops on its own when the drug is changed or discontinued.

Pathological discharge

There are much more discharges from the nipples, which can be classified as pathological, and in each case they indicate the occurrence of some disease.


The most common reason for breast discharge. This disease develops due to hormonal disorders, ovarian diseases, genetic predisposition and other reasons.

The nature of breast discharge with this disease is very variable and differs from woman to woman.

These may be spontaneous and copious discharge from the nipples, which appear without any stimulation, resembling colostrum or a watery fluid colored yellow, brown or greenish. Also, discharge from the nipple can only be observed when the nipples are squeezed - as when expressing milk - and can be thick and of a dense consistency.

In addition, mastopathy is accompanied by discomfort, often described as “heaviness,” an aching feeling in the chest. These symptoms worsen after physical activity, stress.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy

More often pathological discharge from the nipples in pregnant women develop due to inflammatory and infectious processes in breast tissue. But this condition can also be a symptom of the presence of a benign or malignant tumor, which existed even before pregnancy and the growth of which is provoked by hormonal changes in the body.

Such nipple discharge is obviously “abnormal” in nature, which is quite easy to notice even for a non-specialist:

Except stated reasons– the presence of a tumor and infectious/inflammatory disease of the mammary glands, discharge during pregnancy can be caused by pathology of fetal development and exacerbation chronic diseases, present before pregnancy.

Hormonal disorders

For diseases thyroid gland and pituitary gland, discharge from the breast may be observed, since these endocrine glands take part in the regulation and stabilization hormonal levels, including the concentration of prolactin in the blood (the hormone responsible for lactation).

Discharge from the nipples due to thyroid dysfunction or prolactinoma (pituitary adenoma) is fully consistent with normal lactation - there is a discharge of milk or milk-like fluid without the inclusion of blood or pigments.

In addition to lactation, irregularities in the menstrual cycle are observed, up to its complete cessation.

Sustainable endocrine disorders may be provoked bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, long-term use medicines affecting hormonal status, frequent viral infections etc.

Tumor diseases of the mammary glands

For discharge from the breast caused by neoplasms, associated symptoms can vary significantly depending on the type of tumor, its location and other factors:

Tumor diseases (cysts, adenomas, oncological tumors, etc.) can develop for many reasons. Today, the main one is considered genetic predisposition To cancer diseases and the presence of risk factors.

These include:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • unfavorable environmental conditions (working in hazardous industries, living in industrial zones, etc.);
  • unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep and rest, unbalanced diet, physical inactivity, etc.);
  • past abortions.

Treatment of breast discharge

If you have discharge from the breast that is not associated with pregnancy and lactation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Early diagnosis of tumor and other diseases of the mammary glands significantly increases the chances of recovery and reduces the risk of complications.

Diagnosis is carried out using laboratory and instrumental methods examinations:

Treatment of breast discharge is prescribed in accordance with the reasons that provoked this condition.

  • Endocrine disorders require correction of a woman’s hormonal status, which is carried out using a wide range of drugs, including hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and ovaries.
  • Treatment of pathological breast discharge during pregnancy can be postponed until the postpartum period, and before that, maintenance therapy is prescribed to eliminate risks to the fetus. In some cases, termination of pregnancy may be necessary if the doctor has reason to believe there is a threat to the woman’s health and life if treatment is postponed to a later period.
  • Tumor diseases of the mammary glands are pathologies for the treatment of which a very wide range of methods and means are used. In each individual case, treatment requires an individual approach and taking into account the nature of the tumor (cyst, adenoma, malignancy, etc.), the age and health of the patient and other factors. Treatment may include conservative methods using medications(including chemotherapy), radiological treatment (so-called radiation) and surgical intervention, during which part of the breast or the entire mammary gland is removed. Combination treatment, in which the prescription includes several areas, is considered the most effective today.

Any gland is an organ that produces and then secretes specific substances. The same functions are performed by the mammary glands. Their main purpose is to produce milk, but even during normal periods they contain a certain amount of secretion that comes out. It is usually a colorless, odorless liquid.

What nipple discharge is considered normal?

The secretion can be released from only one breast or from both at the same time. It can come out on its own or with pressure. Normally, this should happen rarely and in small quantities. A cause for concern should be an increase in the amount of discharge from the nipples, a change in color or consistency, especially if this is accompanied by fever, chest pain and headache.

Sometimes an increase in secretion volume or clear discharge from the nipples is considered normal. This can be caused by:

  • hormone therapy;
  • performing mammography;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • mechanical impact on the chest;
  • decrease in pressure.

What can the color of the discharge indicate?

Often the discharge from the nipples of the breast differs in color. Their shade may indicate the presence of pathological processes.

White discharge

If white discharge from the nipples is not associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding, or continues for more than five months after the end of breastfeeding, this may indicate the presence of galactorrhea. The disease occurs when the body produces excessively the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. White, less often brownish or yellow discharge from the breast, in addition to galactorrhea, can cause malfunction of some organs, kidneys or liver, diseases of the ovaries and thyroid gland, hypothyroidism and pituitary tumors.

Black, dark brown or green nipple discharge

Such discharge from the mammary glands is observed in women after 40 years of age. They are caused by ectasia. The condition occurs due to inflammation of the milk ducts, resulting in the formation of a thick substance that is brown or even black or dark green in color.

A common reason for visiting a mammologist is discharge from the mammary glands, different color and consistency. They can appear from one or two glands at once, which is considered an alarming sign and indicates serious pathology. Why is this happening? How is this disease diagnosed and treated?

Causes of pathology

Discharge from the nipples may be physiological in nature. There are two situations where this is considered normal. The first is related to menstrual cycle(fluid appears two days before the start of menstruation). The second reason is due to stimulation of the nipples, sexual arousal and orgasm. Under the influence of oxytocin, the milk ducts contract and 1-2 drops of liquid are released.

Besides natural causes, there are also pathological ones - intraductal papilloma, galactorrhea, ectasia of the milk ducts, trauma, abscess, fibrocystic mastopathy, breast cancer, Paget's disease.

Intraductal papilloma is a small, usually benign neoplasm that appears in the milk duct closer to the nipple. Most often it is diagnosed in women 35-55 years old. In this case, the discharge can be bloody, have a thick consistency and is secreted from one duct during nipple stimulation.

Galactorrhea - discharge is clear or white, less often green or yellow (from one or both nipples). The development of galactorrhea is associated with an increase in the content of prolactin in the body (a hormone that stimulates milk production after the birth of a baby). The reasons for such changes may be different: decreased thyroid function, intake contraceptive drugs, chronic nipple stimulation, pituitary tumor (prolactinoma), etc.

Ectasia of the milk ducts - an inflammatory process begins in one or more ducts, it becomes clogged with sticky, thick black or green discharge. Often this disease occurs in women aged 40-50 years.

Trauma to the mammary gland can also cause clear, bloody, or yellow discharge from the mammary glands. In this case, fluid flow occurs spontaneously, without stimulation.

An abscess (a collection of pus) usually develops in nursing mothers. Bacteria get into the cracks in the nipples and cause inflammation. The breasts increase in size, become hot and painful, and an admixture of pus appears in the discharge.

Fibrocystic mastopathy. This condition may cause clear, green, or yellow discharge from the breasts. This disease is extremely common - it affects up to 50% of all women.

Mammary cancer. At invasive cancer(the tumor spreads to the lymph nodes and other organs) or intraductal neoplasm, discharge from the nipples may also be observed. Alarming symptom– spontaneous discharge of bloody fluid from only one breast.

Paget's disease is a form of breast cancer that is detected in 1-4% of cases. Signs of the pathology are as follows: redness, itching, burning, peeling of the skin of the areola and nipple. Bloody discharge may occur, and the nipple itself may “retract” inward.

Examination and treatment

Diagnosis of discharge from the milk ducts includes taking a medical history, lab tests and conducting hardware research methods. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • External inspection - performed from different angles and involves assessing condition and color skin, nearby lymph nodes, availability of extension blood vessels under the skin and asymmetry of breast contours.
  • Palpation method - feeling the breast for deformations, compactions or swelling of the tissue.
  • Ductography – is prescribed to identify intraductal pathology (for example, papillomas, ectasia) and provides X-ray diagnostics with the introduction of a contrast agent into the examined milk canal.
  • Biopsy - performed when tumor-like formations and lumps are detected in the breast in order to determine their benignity.
  • Thermography - allows you to determine the presence of neoplasms in the mammary glands.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics is a fairly informative and frequently used research method that complements the X-ray picture.
  • Mammography is an X-ray of the mammary glands that helps exclude the development of malignant tumors.

Therapy for discharge from the mammary glands depends on the immediate causes that caused these symptoms. Usually the disease is treated either conservatively (taking antibiotics, antibacterial, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs), or surgically(opening, draining and washing the purulent focus, removing the breast). Radiation and chemotherapy may also be prescribed.