Allergies to fabric, synthetics and bedding - symptoms and treatment. Allergy to synthetics: causes, symptoms, treatment


Sensitive skin is one of the factors that causes a person to become allergic to synthetics. The immune system mistakes an external irritant for an enemy, and itching, spots and other signs of an allergic reaction begin to appear in places where the tissue comes into contact with the skin.

Often the body's hostility to synthetic things occurs in women, which is due to the tenderness of the skin and the abundance of clothes in the wardrobe, and synthetics can be found in most of the things. Cotton is considered the safest of all fabrics, but it can cause allergies if chemicals were used in its processing.

Why does the skin not accept synthetic fabrics?

Allergists identify three main groups of factors that cause allergies: mechanical, chemical, psycho-emotional

Allergists identify three main groups of factors that cause allergies to synthetics.

The first group is mechanical factors. This means that the clothes are made of fabric that floats the body, preventing excess moisture from evaporating. Sweat accumulates in synthetic fibers, irritating sensitive skin salt and other substances. The result is itching, swelling, and redness of the skin. If contact with the tissue is eliminated immediately after the onset of adverse symptoms, all signs will begin to disappear.

Second group - chemical factors. If the fabric does not interfere with air exchange, but allergies occur, you need to find out what the clothes are made of. To improve the presentation of fabrics, they are treated with dyes. Prolonged exposure to the irritant is fraught with complications, including anaphylactic shock. New clothes should be washed before first fitting, and if this does not help, they should not be worn.

The third group includes factors that are in a person’s head, these are psycho-emotional reactions. For example, when high degree self-hypnosis against the background of reading articles about the dangers of synthetic fabrics, a person can expect an allergy, the body will display the corresponding symptoms. Even pure cotton can cause such a person negative reaction body.

How does an allergy to synthetic clothing manifest itself?

Redness occurs in places where clothing comes into close contact with the skin - on the neck, abdomen, arms, legs

If an allergy to synthetics is suspected, symptoms include redness of the skin and itching. Redness occurs in places where clothing comes into close contact with the skin - on the neck, abdomen, arms, legs and groin. The brightness of the manifestations depends on the patient’s age and state of health.

To identify the irritant, you need to consult a doctor. A dermatologist or allergist will ask questions, examine the patient and refer for tests. If excessive sensitivity to a type of fabric, dye or other irritant is detected, contact with it should be avoided. Some people prefer not to give up beautiful clothes, and wearing synthetics over cotton clothes, but it doesn’t always help.

If the symptoms are mild, you can do without medications by putting aside the clothes that led to the allergy. If the rash is extensive, blisters and swelling occur, severe itching– the doctor will select an individual treatment regimen. For treatment, antihistamines and ointments are prescribed, sorbents, vitamins and folk remedies are added to them.

Antihistamines for allergies to synthetics

Antihistamines are prescribed for treatment

Suprastin. The drug is prescribed for antibacterial therapy to reduce risk adverse reactions. The drug relieves allergic manifestations, when there are itchy blisters on the skin, a person suffers from rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Fenistil is available in 3 forms - drops, gel and tablets. Drops are prescribed to infants from the age of 6 months, and tablets - after 12 years. The gel relieves itching and red spots on the skin well.

Zyrtec is a 2nd generation allergy medicine that is available in drops and tablets. The product relieves dermatological manifestations well and prevents Quincke's edema. Drops can be taken by infants from 6 months.

Telfast is a 3rd generation antihistamine with a minimum side effects and maximum efficiency. The product has a long-lasting effect on the body. Telfast is prescribed to children after 6 years of age.

Ointments for allergies to synthetics

All allergy ointments that it produces pharmaceutical industry, can be divided into 2 groups: those containing hormones and those without them. Hormonal agents have side effects and contraindications, they are prescribed for a short course only if ordinary ointments do not help.

Hormonal ointments:

  • Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone - have a weak effect, prescribed for a minor allergic reaction. Among the advantages is a minimal number of side effects, so they are used to treat allergies in pregnant women and children under 2 years of age;
  • Afloderm, Ftorokort are preparations of the 2nd class of ointments that have a moderate effect on the body. They are prescribed for severe skin manifestations of allergies;
  • Galcinonide, Dermovate are potent drugs with equally strong side effects. Rarely prescribed if other medications do not help.

Non-hormonal ointments:

  • Fucidin, Levosin - help with allergic manifestations with associated secondary infection.
  • Radevit, Solcoseryl - agents that promote tissue regeneration.
  • Bepanten, Panthenol - soften the skin, reduce itching and flaking. Soft action funds determines their use for children.

Unlike food allergies, reactions to synthetic fabrics is not considered a dangerous disease, it is not difficult to exclude contact with them. You need to choose high-quality outfits so that your health is not endangered.

To reduce the likelihood of allergies, you need to choose bed sheets neutral color made from natural fabrics. Having established, using laboratory tests, which type of synthetic fibers causes allergies, you need to read the labels on clothes, bedding, napkins, etc.

New items need to be washed and rinsed well first. clean water. These simple recommendations will allow you to reduce your body's risk of allergies.

The phenomenon of allergy to synthetics is a relatively new type of reaction. human body. Serious illnesses, caused by various allergens - external and internal irritants - today are no longer as harmless manifestations as they were several centuries ago.

For example, in the time of Hippocrates, allergies could appear in a small category of people when eating certain foods, and in Ancient Rome The famous doctor Galen noted the appearance of a runny nose caused by the smell of roses. However, these were isolated cases, and the real scope of the epidemic began only with the development of technological progress, the introduction of hazardous production, the creation of food substitutes and flavor enhancers for food, synthetic materials, fabrics, artificial fur and household chemicals.

As analysts note, allergies are a disease directly related to the development of civilization. Ecological problems gradually cause new manifestations of allergies no longer in small quantity people, which is caused by a violation of the natural metabolic process in the environment of living organisms.

Humanity began to seriously think about solving this problem, looking for ways to neutralize and protect against harmful effects and allergization, attracting not only international environmental services, but also entire medical associations.

Allergy to synthetic fabrics

Except allergic reactions for food and household chemicals for last years Allergies to synthetic clothing and shoes have become widespread. In this case, the situation is further aggravated by the fact that specialists have learned to produce fabrics not from pure natural fibers, but to create synthetic materials through chemical experiments.

The list of them is quite large, and every year the range of clothes made from them increases, since they are much cheaper than natural ones. In particular, these include the following:

  • viscose;
  • microfiber;
  • acrylic;
  • fleece;
  • polyamide;
  • Polartek;
  • membrane;
  • elastane, polyester and so on.

Moreover, with regard to aesthetic qualities, synthetics are quite attractive in appearance and have high percent strength. Such fabrics are made on the basis of polymers in specialized workshops, and modern markets and stores are filled with just such clothes. In addition, bedding sets, towels and underwear are made from synthetics. And everything would be fine if people did not react to such products.

It is worth noting that synthetics still create some inconveniences and discomfort when worn: they do not allow air to pass through well enough, are difficult to wash, do not absorb moisture very well, become electrified, and last a long time. bad smell and ultimately causes allergies.

The body begins to develop blisters or rashes, itching, redness and swelling. As a result of the use of synthetics, serious symptoms may begin to develop. Therefore, when making a purchase, you must always pay attention to the composition of the fabric. And if the thing doesn’t fit, then, sad as it may be, it’s better not to wear it. If you are allergic to the fabric from your bed linen, it is better to change it to a natural set.

Contact dermatitis

One of the diseases that appeared against the background of the use of synthetics is contact dermatitis. Usually, at first, the disease makes itself felt when mechanical impact on the skin at the seams and bends of clothing, in the area of ​​the collar and folds. Much depends on the quality of the material, the structure of the fiber itself and the time of wear. With this disease, allergies manifest themselves at a slow pace.

The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of irritation in certain areas of the skin that are exposed to direct contact with the allergen. Moreover, manifestations can appear even some time after wearing synthetic clothing or using inappropriate underwear. Characteristic features is redness of the skin, the appearance of bubbles filled with a transparent liquid composition, the presence of swelling in the contact area and itching. Bubbles should not be touched to avoid infection. Gradually, as they disappear, ulcers appear instead, and when the inflammation process subsides, crusts remain on the skin for some time.

Contact dermatitis is treated by local impact special ointments and creams. For example, such as Advantan, Elidel, Zyrtec, Erius and Lokoid. Apply medicinal products It is recommended twice a day, while the course itself lasts two weeks. For more severe lesions, the use of special diet therapy is recommended, and corticosteroid drugs are prescribed for oral use.

Allergic dermatitis

One more characteristic disease is, which occurs in the form of a peculiar reaction of the body to the effects of synthetics and other possible irritants. Like contact dermatitis, this type pathology develops slowly.

In order for the first signs of the disease to appear, direct interaction with the allergen must be quite long. In this case, it is not antibodies that take part in the reaction, but immune cells, mostly lymphocytes. Clinical picture characterized by symptoms reminiscent of the development of eczema. Large red spots appear on the affected areas of the skin, after which small bubbles form in their place, which begin to become wet, and subsequently noticeable defects remain on the surface of the epidermis. Crusts and scales appear.

The lesions are initially those places that had contact with synthetic fabric. Each allergy gradually begins to affect not only separate plot, but on the entire body as a whole, affecting organs even from the inside. External manifestations are only evidence of the presence of allergic dermatitis. And of course, the indisputable fact is that it is advisable to stop the disease at the very beginning of its development.

Clarifying the diagnosis of this disease for specialists it is not particularly difficult. Direct questioning of patients and careful visual inspection help with this. skin lesions. Allergic dermatitis has quite characteristic specific manifestations, and modern methods In addition, they allow you to confirm the diagnosis using special ones. This technique makes it possible not only to verify the correct diagnosis, but also to specify the direct source - the allergen. The essence of the procedure is that a small scratch and the substance that is supposed to be the irritant are applied to the skin with a needle. After some time, at the site of the test, if there is a source, a slight inflammation appears in the form of a spot and swelling. The main condition for conducting the test is complete absence other skin diseases.


Treatment of this disease, like any other allergy to synthetics, especially in an advanced stage, is not an easy process. First, you should completely avoid clothing made from a certain material.

It is best to use natural fabrics such as linen and cotton.

As for wool sweaters, they can cause negative effects to no less extent. Therefore, they should be worn over cotton shirts. Further symptoms are relieved with antihistamines medicines, which are produced in the form of drops and are prescribed for oral administration. There are also a number of drying antiallergic agents in the form of ointments and gels.

Allergy today is one of the dangerous diseases fraught with serious pathological consequences. Therefore, its neutralization is a necessary measure. And the sooner treatment is started, the better.

Contact with synthetic fabrics adversely affects the health of people with hypersensitivity. Allergic reactions not only create serious discomfort, but are also alarm signal which is dangerous to ignore. It is best to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment in a clinical setting.

If synthetic materials are an allergen, you should change your wardrobe to clothes made from natural fabrics. Please note that the composition indicated on the label cannot always be trusted.

Modern textile production technologies include chemical processing of plant fibers.

Sometimes a thorough wash of a new product helps solve the problem, after which it becomes harmless for sensitive skin.

Allergic reactions to synthetic fibers and inclusions are the price to pay for the rich color and durability of textile products.

Causes of allergies to synthetics

In infants and children

Literally in the first moments a newborn falls into into the world of polymers and synthetics:

  • Bath;
  • Towel;
  • Cover;
  • Furniture;
  • Toys;
  • Dishes;
  • The children's interior is made of artificial materials.

According to WHO statistics, about 40% of children suffer from allergic reactions to synthetics.

The unfavorable environmental situation is aggravated by artificial feeding and taking pharmaceuticals.

During pregnancy

The response to undesirable factors, including synthetics, begins to form even before birth - in the womb. It is no coincidence that it is during pregnancy that allergies make themselves felt for the first time in a woman’s life.

Many expectant mothers encounter its mild form.: familiar synthetic things begin to deliver unpleasant tactile sensations and fall into the unloved category; the taste of the previously adored cola seems disgusting.

"Pregnancy quirks" have unfairly become the butt of jokes. But these are actually signals that should be taken seriously.

Remember that the prenatal period and the first year of life largely determine the future fate and health of the child.

Symptoms of an allergy to synthetics

Dermatitis - skin irritation accompanied by itching - is the most common sign of intolerance to synthetic fabrics. This is not the only one and far from the most dangerous symptom which appears when you are allergic to synthetics.

If measures are not taken and the allergen is not eliminated, then the following may follow:

  • Redness of large areas of the skin;
  • Peeling;
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes;
  • Severe runny nose;
  • Tearing.

Irritation under the armpit Itching Rash Rash

Having reached respiratory tract, microparticles of synthetic fabrics can provoke attacks of suffocation similar to asthmatic ones, and a critical reaction - anaphylactic shock.

In children

In infants and older children, the skin of the legs is the most vulnerable; examination of this part of the body should be given Special attention.

Typical symptoms are:

  • Slight redness causing itching, as evidenced by the baby’s restless behavior;
  • Sneezing without visible reasons may indicate that synthetic dust particles have entered the nose. The nature of this runny nose has nothing to do with a respiratory infection.

To solve the problem, it is enough to identify and remove the irritant. Instead, the child is unknowingly given drugs, further weakening his body’s resistance.

Peeling Rash Irritation Rash

The longer this “treatment” continues against the background of contact with the allergen, the higher the likelihood that the disease will develop chronic form. Timely diagnosis can be done at home.

Pay attention to how your skin reacts to contact with clothing made from different materials. The most sensitive are the legs, especially the knees, hands, stomach, and neck at the point of contact with the collar.

In pregnant women

Often allergies make themselves felt exclusively during pregnancy as a kind of reminder that this moment A woman is responsible not only for her own health. It is for this reason that it is very desirable to minimize all negative contacts.

If synthetic clothing turns into an allergen, it is recommended to avoid artificial underwear and other close-fitting clothing items for nine months. They should be replaced with analogues made from materials that are pleasant to the touch.

The occurrence of allergic reactions to synthetics must be reported to the supervising doctor.. This fact is always taken into account when prescribing medications. If necessary, the doctor will recommend medications to treat the allergic disease.

Treatment and prevention of allergies to synthetics

U allergic diseases There are two main stages And:

  • Temporary;
  • Chronic.

Treatment begins with determining which of them the patient is in.

The next step is to identify and eliminate the source of the allergy. It can be either a piece of clothing, a sofa bedspread, a towel or even a curtain.

At mild form If you are allergic to synthetic fabric, it is permissible to wear synthetic items as outerwear, provided that only natural fabrics come into contact with the body.

Medical supplies

Pharmaceutical products should only be used as prescribed by a doctor who specializes in allergic or skin diseases.

The occurrence of allergic reactions when the body interacts with certain types of tissues is quite rare, but still occurs. The cause of a reaction such as an allergy to fabric can be an increased sensitivity of the skin to products with fine pile or to material with a rough surface. Allergic reactions on the skin can also occur due to intolerance to certain chemicals applied to fabric. It should be noted that allergies can be caused not only by synthetic fabric, but also by fabric with a natural composition.

Are all fabric components natural?

The inscription “Composition: 100% cotton” does not mean that the product consists only of natural components. Until it reached the shelves retail outlets, to give fabrics a wide variety of properties, its fibers had to go through a huge number of various treatments. For example, creating: beautiful coloring, great strength and good smoothness, increased stability when washing and squeezing, etc.

The content of harmful chemical components in fabrics that do not have additional environmental certificates usually reaches at least 20%. Most often, allergic reactions in many people are caused by treatment of the product with formaldehyde (for wrinkle resistance). It turns out that many components of natural products, which seem to improve their consumer properties, become very dangerous for those who have skin that is quite susceptible to allergies.

How do allergy symptoms appear?

Expiratory suffocation;
allergic runny nose;
inflammation of the mucous membrane eye shell;
skin rashes and redness;
contact dermatitis;
anaphylactic shock, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness, spasms and other signs that are life-threatening.

What is the difference between some types of skin diseases and a simple allergic reaction to a particular tissue?

  • The special sensitivity of the skin to certain types of tissue should not be confused with, for example, a disease such as eczema.
  • Allergy to fabric, the symptoms of which are: atonic dermatitis, urticaria, skin rash and, suffocation and runny nose, may stop their manifestations as soon as contact with certain types of tissue disappears. It remains only to determine which of them causes allergic dependence.
  • If the base of the fabric is natural, then perhaps your skin is very sensitive to some types of processing of this product (dye or improver).
  • If the fabric has a synthetic composition, then it is much more complicated, since the fabric itself is a primary allergen, in addition to the fact that it has also undergone all kinds of chemical treatments.
  • Conducting a special test in a clinical setting is the best way to determine the cause of your disease.

What to do?

  1. In case of pronounced sensitivity to one type of tissue, it is necessary to minimize possible contact with it.
  2. If bedding made from fabrics of natural origin causes you an allergic reaction, then the reason may be the dye contained in the fabric. In this case, it is worth replacing your colored sheets and pillowcases with plain white ones.
  3. Clothing made of synthetic fabric should not come into direct contact with the body.
  4. If possible, use cotton underwear (T-shirts, tops, T-shirts or shirts) under sweaters and cardigans made of wool or synthetics.
  5. It has been noted that people with special sensitivity to wool and fur are not allergic to astrakhan fur products. This is explained by the fact that the fur of a newly born lamb does not contain a specific protein that could cause an allergy.

Methods for treating allergic reactions to fabrics

  • The main drugs for treating allergies are antihistamines, which block the action of allergens.
  • In addition, it implies the use of health measures that can strengthen the body’s immunity, as well as the exclusion of contact with tissues that cause an unpleasant reaction.
  • Treatment of allergies with medications is carried out with drugs that significantly reduce the symptoms.
  • They are usually used during acute exacerbations of the disease as first aid.
  • These include anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, corticosteroids and antileukotrienes, as well as external preparations containing steroids.
  • In addition, mast cell stabilizers, bronchodilators and immunomodulators are used to treat and prevent allergies.

What drugs can be used?

Everyone who suffers from a disease such as allergies knows how to relieve the symptoms that appear. But systematic examination by specialists and the use of medications prescribed by a doctor, which are improving every day, are a reliable guarantee of timely assistance and prevention of this disease.
The most popular medications today for all types of allergies are antihistamines:

  • loragexal(),
  • clarotadine (loratadine),
  • azelastine (allergodil),
  • ebastine (kestin),
  • acrivasten (semprex),
  • dimethenden (fenistil), etc.

Treating allergies using popular remedies

A person suffering from allergic dependence needs to effective treatment use of alternative medicine:

  1. Using fresh infusion of calendula officinalis instead of tea and coffee will help relieve any allergy symptoms. Preparation: pour a tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour, then strain. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times during the day.
  2. Make a decoction of chamomile. To do this, pour 200 g of boiling water over a tablespoon of inflorescences and leave for about 60 minutes after boiling for half an hour. After carefully straining, drink the prepared broth one tablespoon at a time 5-6 times during the day.

Allergy is a disease that affects millions of people around the world, not only adults, but also children. Even an experienced specialist would probably find it difficult to say how many varieties of this disease there are - due to pollen from flowering plants and exposure to the sun, to certain foods and low temperatures, detergents and animal hair. It seems that this list can be continued endlessly.

Is it possible to be allergic to synthetics? Yes, unfortunately, this type of disease is widespread. This is what we will talk about today. You will learn what causes the disease, how it manifests itself, how to deal with it and whether there are ways to prevent it. Photos of allergy symptoms to synthetics are often published in medical publications. Allergies occur in people who are hypersensitive to many external irritants. The disease causes patients not only physical but also psychological discomfort.

Synthetic materials are mostly the strongest allergens, so the reaction to them in people predisposed to the disease resembles the symptoms of dermatitis - swelling of the skin, itchy red spots. Most often in the bikini area, on the stomach, décolleté, legs, and back. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the disease may become chronic.

Common synthetic fibers

It's no secret that today it is almost impossible to buy clothes made entirely from natural fabrics. And this is understandable: synthetic fabrics are durable, lightweight and easy to care for. Clothes made from them wear well and retain their shape and color well. The cost of such items is significantly lower than that of clothing made from natural fabrics.

Such advantages make synthetics very popular, but only until allergies appear. Popular synthetic fabrics to which allergies most often occur:

  • fleece is a synthetic knitwear made from polyester and used for sewing insulated clothing;
  • taslan is an innovative fabric, in some cases it has a breathable structure;
  • lavsan is an affordable fabric, which is a type of polyester and is produced during oil refining;
  • perlon - artificial silk;
  • Meryl is a lightweight but durable material, very pleasant to the body;
  • Velsoft is an ultra-thin new synthetic material called new generation synthetics (microfiber).

Before purchasing fabrics or items, allergy sufferers should make sure that they do not contain synthetic fibers. They come in several types:

  • polyurethane (spandex, elastane);
  • carbon chain - containing carbon atoms;
  • polyester (lavsan, vikron);
  • polyamide (nylon, nylon).

Heterochain - containing carbon atoms and other elements:

  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • polyolefin;
  • polyacrylonitrile (cashmilon, acrylic, orlon);
  • polyvinyl chloride.

Causes of allergies to synthetics

Experts identify several main reasons that can cause synthetics.

  • Mechanical

The disease is caused by textiles that retain moisture during sweating, when the body gets rid of salts. When wearing synthetic clothing, they interact with the skin and cause irritation, manifested by redness, swelling, itching and burning. In addition, an allergy to synthetics occurs if coarse threads and lint were used in sewing clothes. As a rule, after stopping contact with the allergen, allergic symptoms disappear.

  • Chemical

Sometimes clothing has good breathability, but the symptoms of the disease only increase. In this case, check out chemical composition the material used. Manufacturers often add dyes to synthetics to give them a marketable appearance and improve the quality of things. Sometimes they have a pungent odor and even leave marks on the skin. In contact with it, such tissues cause not only contact dermatitis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis and allergic cough, but can also provoke a rapid allergy to synthetics with Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

People who are prone to this type of allergic reaction should wash in neutral detergents and thoroughly iron clothing containing synthetic fibers before first use. If symptoms persist, it is better to avoid such things.

  • Psychological

Quite often, an allergy to synthetics in adults is of a psychological nature, when a person perceives synthetics as a material that can harm him. As a result, he develops a fear of using polymer and synthetic products. In this case, if the slightest redness appears, mild itching, a pimple, he panics and perceives such symptoms as the beginning of the disease. It is interesting that in such situations even pure cotton leads to a psychological reaction, so a person who suffers from such a phobia needs to consult a psychologist.

Photos showing allergy symptoms make it clear that people suffering from this disease have a hard time. the use of synthetic materials causes contact dermatitis and manifests itself the following symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • skin redness;
  • peeling and the appearance of ulcers.

You need to know that erosive formations can get infected when scratching, and this will lead to inflammation of the skin. Therefore, try not to scratch the rash, but seek help from a dermatologist in a timely manner. In addition to skin rashes, symptoms of an allergy to synthetics can be expressed by the following signs:

  • runny nose with dry congestion or mucous discharge from the nose;
  • conjunctivitis with photophobia and lacrimation.

Complicated symptoms are dangerous: attacks of nausea, anaphylaxis with symptoms of hypertension, dizziness, tachycardia, and suffocation. When the first signs of an immediate allergy appear, immediately take an antihistamine and call " Ambulance".

Affected areas

Symptoms of an allergy to synthetics in adults (we posted the photo in this article) most often appear on areas of the skin in contact with clothing:

  • neck and décolleté;
  • elbow bend;
  • wrists;
  • groin area;
  • abdominal area.

This type of allergy often occurs during pregnancy due to the weakened immunity of the expectant mother. If synthetics cause an allergic reaction, avoid synthetic underwear, as they, being close to the body, can provoke unwanted symptoms. Try to replace synthetic clothes with cotton ones. It should be pleasant to the touch and not cause allergic symptoms.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any allergies, since not all medications can be used for treatment during pregnancy. The doctor selects medications taking into account individual characteristics the patient and the duration of her pregnancy.

Allergies in children

More than 40% of children worldwide, according to WHO, are allergic to synthetics. From birth, modern children are surrounded by synthetic and polymer materials: bathing products, baths, pacifiers, toys - all this is made from synthetic materials. Parents should be aware that children breastfeeding much less susceptible to allergic reactions. It has been established that breast milk contains immune cells that protect the baby from adverse effects. environment. In addition, infants are less likely to get sick.

An allergy to synthetics in a child most often manifests itself in the form of rashes on the legs, so when diagnosing this part of the body, special attention should be paid.

Allergy treatment

Unfortunately, it is completely impossible to get rid of an allergy to synthetics, but depending on the symptoms and individual characteristics of the body, dermatologists and allergists prescribe complex therapy. It involves the use of local and oral medications, funds traditional medicine.

Treatment of this disease is most effective only after eliminating contact with the allergen.

Antihistamine treatment

Antihistamines different generations are prescribed depending on the symptoms. To the most effective drugs include:

  • Telfast.
  • "Suprastin".
  • "Desloratadine."
  • "Cetrin".
  • Zyrtec.

These medicines sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, you should not self-medicate. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor in accordance with individual indications.

Local treatment

The allergist will prescribe and local therapy taking into account the severity of the patient's condition. For minor manifestations of allergies to synthetics, non-hormonal ointments are first prescribed:

  • "Levosin", "Fucidin" - drugs that help fight allergies aggravated by secondary infection.
  • “Solcoseryl”, “Radevit” are drugs that promote the healing of damaged skin.
  • “Panthenol”, “Bepanten” - moisturize and soften the skin, reduce flaking and itching.

Depending on hormonal activity, glucocorticosteroids are divided into three groups:

  • for mild cases of the disease, weakly active corticosteroid ointments are prescribed - Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone;
  • in case of severe allergies, drugs with a moderate effect are prescribed - “Ftorokort”, “Afloderm”;
  • in case of severe allergic reactions, when other drugs have not brought the desired result, highly active glucocorticoids are used - Galcinokid, Dermovate.

Folk remedies

You should not count on the fact that traditional medicine will help you get rid of allergies to synthetics completely, but they will reduce the symptoms and alleviate the condition:

  • Chamomile and mint decoctions soothe the skin, reduce burning and itching. To do this, you need to make ice cubes from the decoctions and lubricate the skin with them during attacks of itching.
  • Skin rashes will help remove chamomile decoction with a string. Wash the affected skin with it three times a day.
  • Baths, compresses and lotions made from decoction are effective bay leaf and sequences.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures methods to prevent allergies to synthetics are much simpler than for other types of this disease.

  1. Completely eliminate contact with the allergen, give preference to clothes made of cotton and linen.
  2. To reduce the risk of allergic reactions, carefully choose bedding by studying the composition of the textiles.
  3. Be sure to wash new items using the extra rinse cycle.
  4. Newborns and infants buy only cotton diapers, baby vests, and rompers. If it is discovered that your child is allergic, regularly consult with specialists to monitor his condition. To boost your baby's immunity, don't give up breastfeeding.