Aromatherapy at home. Properties and uses of aromatic oils. A warming blend of essential oils in the spirit of Christmas. Application in practice

In the modern age of industrialization and large-scale computerization, we are increasingly moving away from nature, forgetting about what a storehouse healing powers embedded in it. One has only to lend a hand, and she is ready to generously share with us what she has. But we forget that it is possible to use not artificially synthesized substances, but natural ones.

And the most seemingly simple is to use medicinal plants. Having a difficult chemical composition, they can have a variety of effects on the human body. And one of these healing natural sources are essential oils, the use of which formed the basis of such an unconventional method as aromatherapy. Aromatherapy gained particular popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, although about the beneficial properties essential oils known in ancient times. However, with the development of chemistry, many natural substances began to be replaced by synthetic ones, which also affected the use of natural essential oils.

I must say that we owe their revival to life to the French. More specifically, the French chemist and perfumer René Marie Gattefoss, who suffered a serious burn on his hands while conducting research in the laboratory. In order to somehow remedy the situation, he dipped his hands into a container containing lavender oil. And, to my surprise, I found an instant decrease in pain and a quick, almost traceless healing of burns.

It was this incident that made humanity remember how unique, numerous useful properties have essential oils. And, I must say, very timely. During the First World War, they began to be actively used during operations.

What are essential oils?

The main therapeutic effect of smells is realized due to essential oils - fragrant substances contained in most known plants. Their use in aromatherapy is due to the fact that essential oils are very volatile and can evaporate quickly. At the same time, they are oily to the touch.

Essential oils are highly concentrated substances found in various parts plants. Moreover, each of the 2000 currently known plants containing essential oils has its own exceptional properties. Some of them smell strongly, their aroma lasts for a long time, while others, on the contrary, despite the presence of essential oils, have practically no smell.

It should be remembered that natural essential oils are destroyed by light, so the oils used for aromatherapy should be stored in dark containers, tightly closed, in a dark place.

Essential oils work on three levels:

  1. Pharmacological effects- due to the launch of biochemical changes in the body under the influence of essential oils.
  2. physiological- associated with the individual abilities of essential oils to have certain effects on the human body (for example, exciting or relaxing).
  3. Psychological impact- the emergence of associations associated with certain aromas of essential oils during an aromatherapy session.

The impact of essential oils on a person is a complex process associated with the launch of a cascade of biochemical reactions when the areas of the brain responsible for smell are stimulated, which determines the benefits of aromatherapy. In addition, topical application of essential oils in the form of rubbing, massages or as part of therapeutic baths is effective.

What effect do odors have on the human body?

  • Most essential oils provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial And antiviral impact.
  • Many of them contribute relieve tension, stress, have a calming effect, thereby favorably influencing the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, which makes aromatherapy indispensable in the process of relaxation. In addition, they are able to improve sleep, increase efficiency, normalize blood pressure and fat metabolism.
  • Essential oils are used as an effective radiation protection and for reducing the effects after exposure. They are able to block the negative effect of carcinogens and prevent the occurrence and development of tumor processes.
  • Particular attention must be paid to antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties essential oils, since the substances contained in them are natural and absolutely natural for humans, which allows them to strengthen immune system to slow down the aging process.
  • Because essential oils accelerate regeneration processes, their use is effective for healing wounds, burns, as well as for reducing pain syndrome for rheumatism, arthritis and inflammation.

A more extensive effect can be achieved by using compositions of essential oils with different properties.

Undoubtedly, serious treatment essential oils cannot be replaced. However, if you feel a slight malaise or overwork, you should not immediately resort to chemical drugs. Consider aromatherapy. It will not only benefit your body, but also bring a lot of pleasure.

The effectiveness of essential oils in various conditions and diseases

The benefit of aromatherapy is that each essential oil used has its own unique properties:

  • Yes, effective against inflammation and flu are oils of tea tree, lemon, juniper, chamomile, eucalyptus and thyme, lavender, geranium, basil, lemon balm, mint, rosemary.
  • As antidepressants the use of jasmine, patchouli, ylang-ylang and geranium, bergamot, orange, carnation, rose is recommended.
  • Protect yourself from insects in the summer, or from moths in the house, sage, eucalyptus and lavender, tea tree will help.
  • beautiful painkillers properties are rosemary, chamomile, geranium, peppermint and tea tree.
  • For decrease blood pressure lavender, ylang-ylang, jasmine, lemon balm, geranium, rosemary, marjoram, peppermint, cloves, neroli, fennel are suitable. But for raise- thyme, sage and thyme.
  • Immunostimulating essential oils of anise, basil, lavender, lemon and thyme, clove, fir, pine and bergamot have an effect.
  • For normalization of metabolism patchouli, fennel, ylang-ylang, sage, geranium and chamomile are recommended.
  • Antispasmodic effect have rosemary, lemon, juniper.
  • For lowering blood sugar levels eucalyptus, geranium, rosemary and juniper are used, and for lowering cholesterol- orange, thyme, rosemary and lemon.
  • For potency stimulation showing patchouli, ylang-ylang, geranium and jasmine, orange and carnation, nutmeg, sandalwood, pine, petitgrain.
  • For fortifications nervous system citrus oils, basil, lavender, sage and lemon balm are shown; For relaxation and tranquility- lavender, lemon balm, patchouli, ylang-ylang, basil, chamomile, orange, geranium, anise, oregano, neroli, sandalwood.
  • For stimulation of mental and physical activity mint, fir, orange, bergamot, lavender, cloves, lemon are used.

Thus, depending on the desired effect, it is worth carefully studying the properties of the essential oils that you plan to use for aromatherapy at home.

Doing aromatherapy at home

To fill your home with the enticing aromas of essential oils, here are some easy ways to use them:

  1. To date, widespread aroma lamps(as well as incense burners), especially as aromatherapy for beginners. They are a special device consisting of two parts. Water and 2-8 drops of essential oil are added to the container on top. A candle (or an electric heater) is placed below. When the water is heated, it evaporates along with the essential oil, and the room is filled with an amazing aroma.
  2. Another way is to use mechanical atomizer for spraying a solution of water (50 mg) and essential oil (5 drops).
  3. Can be used vacuum cleaner! It is necessary to moisten a piece of cloth with essential oil and let the vacuum cleaner draw it in. In addition to putting your apartment in order, you will also get the opportunity to fill it with pleasant aroma. A very simple method of aromatherapy at home!
  4. In extreme cases, using moistened with water and essential oil piece of cloth left by you in an inconspicuous place, you can already achieve the desired effect.
  5. And if you want to take bath with essential oil, you must first dilute it in cream, milk or honey, since they do not dissolve in water.
  6. In addition, essential oils can be used for massage by adding it to natural creams.

Aromatherapy during pregnancy and childbirth

pregnancy is very important period in the life of every woman. And, in addition to special care and attention, expectant mothers need pleasant emotions. In addition, it is important to keep general condition women to prevent the development of infectious diseases.

In this regard, the antimicrobial, bactericidal and antifungal effects of essential oils used for aromatherapy, as well as their ability to strengthen the immune system, will certainly be useful.

In addition, the use of essential oils helps to uplift mood, gives positive emotions and relaxation, which the expectant mother needs so much.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy, the sense of smell is greatly aggravated, so the dose of essential oils during aromatherapy should be halved. IN pure form they are also not recommended: it is best to dilute in a ratio of 1:3.

Not recommended during pregnancy, use essential oils of patchouli, rosemary, lemon balm, fennel, nutmeg, cedar wood, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, juniper, basil. Since they can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

During pregnancy can be used chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, eucalyptus, rosewood, lemon, tea tree, petitgrain, orange, neroli.

During pregnancy, women may experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. Oils of eucalyptus, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm will help to cope with it.

Prevent stretch marks you can use massage with patchouli, orange, lemon oils (up to 8 months of pregnancy).

From pulling pains V lumbar compresses with lavender and mint will help (1-2 drops per 0.2 liters of water).

During childbirth, aromatic oils contribute not only to relaxation and relaxation, but also to relieve pain during contractions. To do this, effectively use incense, lavender and jasmine. Activate labor activity rubbing oils of sage and clary sage, verbena, marjoram and myrrh into the sacrum will help. A massage of the abdomen with jasmine oil promotes faster separation of the placenta.

Of course, in our maternity hospitals, the use of aromatherapy during childbirth is a curiosity, so it is necessary to inquire about the possibility of using aroma oils in advance.

Contraindications to the use of aroma oils

People with severe asthma or other respiratory problems, allergies, and pregnant women should use aromatherapy with caution and use it only in the presence of a specialist and with the consent of the attending physician.

Before using essential oils, carefully see their action. So, people with arterial hypertension the use of essential oils of lavender and rosemary, which increase pressure, is contraindicated.

Some essential oils, which contain a large amount of phenols (for example, cinnamon), can cause local skin irritation, so their application and use near the eyes is contraindicated.

Do not take essential oils internally! Some of them have toxic properties, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

In addition, it is necessary to observe certain security measures due to the fact that essential oils are highly flammable. Keep away from open flames and heaters.

For external use, only diluted essential oils can be used, as they can cause burns in concentrated form.

Read the instructions carefully before using aroma oils and use them only in the specified amounts, even during aromatherapy.

Before use, you need to make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance.

Do not forget about what nature gives us, because there can be nothing more useful and natural.

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Aromatherapy is a pleasant and uncomplicated science. Today, the magazine "" will tell you how to properly conduct an aromatherapy session at home and get a lot of positive emotions.

First, let's take a look at it together:

What is aromatherapy?

Most sources define aromatherapy as a kind of art designed to strengthen and harmonize the spiritual and physical health of a person. Aromatherapy activates the innate resources of recovery and healing of the body.

It is believed that aromatherapy is aimed at maintaining human immunity, managing its cognitive and emotional state. In fact, aromatherapy is a universal and “drug-free” method of influencing health.

Experts in the field of aromatherapy (let's call them professional aromatherapists) still do not guarantee a 100% recovery in treatment. serious illnesses. It is important to remember that aromatherapy is not exactly a medical science.

Say more, many doctors deny positive influence fragrances on health and call aromatherapy a pseudoscience based on the placebo effect. Although who in modern world will argue with amazing properties placebo? A man is what he believes in.

But doctors who practice aromatherapy will tell you about ninety percent effectiveness of this method in combination with therapeutic treatment. Such results can be achieved, of course, under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Aromatherapy includes several types of exposure:

"Air diffusion": distribution of aromas in the air through aroma lamps, incense in the room to eliminate unpleasant odors, harmonization of the emotional background, increased libido and even air disinfection;

"Local" application on the skin: rubbing aromatic oils into the skin during massage and other cosmetic and medical procedures(including taking baths);

Inhalation: direct inhalation of aromas with physio-emotional disorders, i.e. emotional exhaustion, depression, fatigue, including some respiratory diseases(ARI, cold, runny nose, cough)

Thus, aromatherapy can be carried out at home and in beauty salons. By the way, many Thai, Indian and Turkish SPA-salons are based on the beneficial effects of aromatherapy.

What to do if you really want to try the effect of aromatherapy on yourself, but you don’t know where to start? Then read on and you will be able to independently conduct an aroma session at home *good*

When Aromatherapy Shouldn't Be Done

First, you need to carefully consider the doctor's recommendations regarding the need for an aroma session. Aroma sessions are strictly contraindicated:

  • persons suffering from any type of allergy ( food allergy, allergy to household chemicals, cosmetics, dust, wool, pollen, fungal/mold spores; allergic rhinitis; rash, urticaria; especially bronchial asthma etc.) and at least once in a lifetime who had Quincke's edema;
  • pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons who have undergone chemotherapy (in this case, aromatherapy is possible ONLY under the supervision of a specialist);
  • persons with high blood pressure;
  • persons suffering from epilepsy.

Choosing the type of aromatherapy

To start an aromatherapy session at home, you will need (optional):

  • oil burner
  • humidifier with aroma oil container
  • electric table lamp/sconce
  • aroma pendant
  • aroma candles
  • aroma sticks
  • aroma stones

No, of course, you do not need to run to the store and buy everything at once. Enough what you like best, or what is on this moment in your apartment.

Perhaps you are now wondering what is still better to use from this list? To eliminate your doubts on this or that occasion, we will make short review for all of the above devices.

Oil burner

Aroma lamp is the most convenient and effective option. There are many aroma lamps on the market today. The color, shape, material can be chosen for every taste and even in the style of any interior. The aroma lamp consists of two levels: the first level is for a candle-tablet, the second is for a liquid (water, aroma oil).

The aroma lamp is convenient to use for aromatherapy at home. You need to light a candle and pour some water and a couple of drops of aromatic oil into the bowl. And you can enjoy your aromatherapy session. By the way, you can not add water, but in this case the aroma will be more saturated, and the oil will smoke more strongly.

Do not leave even a small light near children, animals, or people with cognitive disabilities. Remember: your safety must come first!


There are a lot of humidifiers, as well as aroma lamps. There is something for every taste and budget. The cost is mainly affected by the number of square meters that the humidifier is able to "irrigate", or, more simply, the volume of the humidifier.

Also pay attention to the number of hours that the humidifier can work uninterruptedly in economy mode. The humidifier is convenient to use for aromatherapy and can be left unattended for a long time. Safe for children and pets.

The benefits of it are twofold: humidification of the air in the room and air diffusion of aroma oil. For the latter function, some humidifiers have a special container where you can pour the aroma oil.

However, you can do without this additional function. It is enough to drop a couple of drops of oil into the water tank itself or directly into the water, which is subsequently poured into the humidifier tank. Here are some tricks. Comfortable, economical and safe home use. But more expensive than aroma lamps.

Electric lamp\sconce

Perhaps the most budget option (though not in terms of energy saving). If you don’t want to spend money on a humidifier and an aroma lamp, then you can drop a couple of drops of your favorite oil directly onto an incandescent lamp (sadly, energy-saving lamps are not suitable for air diffusion of oil).

The effect will be more intense, but not as long as in previous cases. Suitable for quick aromatization of the room.

Aroma pendant

This little thing combines two pluses: a stylish decoration and a personal inhaler. There are a great variety of aroma medallions on the market: from ceramics to precious stones.

Thanks to its elegant form (made in the form of a vase with a narrow neck), the fragrance lasts up to 3 days and has a narrow focus (despite the fact that just 1-3 drops of oil are enough to drop into it).

It can be worn around the neck, hung in the car or in the closet. Just do not forget to periodically bring it to your face - the effect will be more distinct. The pendant can also be useful in creating your own unique fragrance.

This talisman pendant can be used not only for aromatherapy at home, but also at work, on the street and wherever you see fit.

aroma candles

Aroma candles already contain essential oils in their composition, so you won’t have to spend extra money on some kind of oil.

Choose the most pleasant smell, or the one that is recommended to you by a specialist, and light it to your heart's content. Just don't forget about technology fire safety*win*

aroma sticks

The aroma sticks are also impregnated with oils. Choose according to the same principle as aroma candles. The smell of aroma sticks is more intense and persistent.

The stick is set on fire and extinguished, therefore it is safer to use.

aroma stones

Yes, there are also aroma stones. They are made mainly from environmentally friendly porous natural materials: clay, pumice, gypsum and even ... dough!

Therefore, such useful things can be made independently. A couple of free minutes, creativity and imagination will do their creative work

Here is a brief overview of aromatherapy devices at home. We hope our magazine "" helped you decide on the choice of the right "aroma assistant" *yu*

Choosing an essential oil

Now let's talk about essential oils - the quintessence of the intended aroma session. There are many different oils and it is important to know the difference between them. So, read the labels carefully: some jars have the inscription "100% natural essential oil" or "100% essential oil", and some - "cosmetic essential oil" or "100% aromatic", "100% pure", "100 % essential oil”, “100% concentrated”, or even “mineral oil” (and this is no longer a vegetable, but a processed product). The difference is not only in price, but also in content.

cosmetic oil

Cosmetic oil is a product already diluted with base oil. This oil gives a fast, but unsaturated and "quickly volatile" aroma.

Of course, it costs less. This oil is intended for bath procedures: adding to a barrel of water, to a broom in the steam room, to the bath. In general, intended for local application", let's say. The risk of burns with this oil is minimal (but still there!).

natural essential oil

100% natural essential oil is expensive. Just the same it is intended for air diffusion. The effect of this type of oil is persistent, rich and long-lasting. It is dangerous to apply on the skin in its pure form: burns and allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, immediately read the following paragraph about our recommendations for use.

Precautions for using essential oils at home:

  • Categorically it is forbidden to use essential oils internally.
  • Do not use 100% natural essential oil directly on the skin and mucous membranes shells. Oils with a higher phenol content (cinnamon, for example) can irritate the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
  • Aromas are contraindicated for hypertensive patients lavender and rosemary.
  • Read labels carefully instructions for use and purpose of oils.
  • Always follow prescriptions and recommended doses oils to avoid headaches, nausea, vomiting, nervous breakdown.
  • remember, that any essential oil can cause allergic reaction you, your family members, children, animals and all those who are close to you during the aroma session.
  • Do not use oil near open flames due to its high volatility.

Here are the basic rules that you should be guided by if you still decide to try an aromatherapy session at home. Do not spoil your aroma session: take care in advance to eliminate all interfering factors.

Useful properties of oils and aromatherapy recipes

The purpose of aroma oils is different. Each fragrance affects the emotional or cognitive perception. Oils affecting emotional sphere, are able to control your mood, including fatigue, stress, sadness, joy, libido. You can independently create your mood for a specific situation or a minute of life.

The magazine "" presents to your attention aromas that can affect your emotional background:

Insomnia, stress, irritability, anger

They will help you get rid of negative emotions oils of orange, geranium, lavender, cinnamon, rose, chamomile, cloves, lemon balm, frankincense, valerian, basil, cypress, sandalwood.

Aroma recipe for insomnia and stress

An aromatherapy recipe at home will help you calm down: mix 3 drops of oils such as verbena, chamomile, tangerine, grapefruit in an aroma lamp and enjoy a delicate fruity aroma.

If you want to fall asleep, then use a mixture of 3 drops of sage, lemon balm and lavender. Then sweet dreams will not keep you waiting.

Depression, drowsiness, sadness, fatigue, migraine

For all of these ailments, use cinnamon, orange, geranium, rose, bergamot, ginger, ylang-ylang, patchouli, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, lemon, lime, thyme, marjoram, myrrh, nutmeg, neroli, for aromatherapy at home. sage, grapefruit and even... sagebrush(despite the bitter notes, this herb is considered a strong natural antidepressant)!

aroma recipe for depression

This aroma recipe will help you drive away depression, blues and drowsiness: mix 3 drops of rose, orange, cloves and neroli in an aroma lamp. You can use this recipe in the morning, at the very beginning of the day.

natural aphrodisiacs

It is important to think about who you want to help turn on: yourself or your beloved man.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for men

Increase male desire will help sandalwood, ginger, almond, cypress, juniper, cardamom and even you will be surprised lavender.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for women

Jasmine, ylang-ylang, geranium And vanilla increase female libido.

Aphrodisiacs for both

If you want to make both of you "tremble with desire" then use patchouli, nutmeg, sage, neroli, rose, rosemary.

Aroma aphrodisiac recipes

Here are a couple of aromatherapy recipes for you and your man.

For him: combine 2 drops of sage, marjoram, lavender and litsea.

For you: mix 4 drops each of ylang-ylang, jasmine, grapefruit and sandalwood oils.

Aromatherapy for diseases

As for cognitive perception, it is, first of all, your physical condition. Since it is known that it is our brain that controls all vital processes in the body.

Your health depends on your thoughts. Essential oils and recipes for aromatherapy at home will also help dispel the clouds over your health.

Disinfection of the room with aromatic oils

Why did we decide to start with disinfection? Because the air you breathe is very important for your health. And if the air is polluted with bacteria (and viruses - in the presence of "influenza" at home), then it is necessary to clean it.

You will be helped citrus And coniferous oils, and tea tree oil, chamomile, neroli, geranium, eucalyptus, clove, thyme. These oils are great for colds and flu.

The next aroma recipe will save you from a cold

Mix 1 drop each of lavender, thyme, peppermint and tea tree oils in an aroma lamp. Eucalyptus and sage can be substituted for lavender and thyme.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Defeat respiratory diseases, get rid of cough and runny nose will help oils of lemon, lime, tea tree, fir, cedar, lavender, verbena, Chinese magnolia vine, geranium.

Aromatherapy for the respiratory tract

To normalize the work of the respiratory tract, to disinfect the room, a recipe for an aromatherapy mixture at home will help you: mix 2 drops of sage, lemon, pine and rosemary in an aroma lamp.

Temperature drop

It often happens that it is not possible to bring down the temperature of the sick person. In combination with other activities, you can use aromatherapy at home. Help oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender. Chamomile, basil, cypress, rosemary And juniper help induce sweating. Such oils can be used both for air diffusion and for topical application: a couple of drops of oil are added to a container with water, which is subsequently wiped on the patient.

Pain in joints and muscles

Baths with oils will help to calm the pain a little and relieve the created nervous tension. thyme, lemon, lime, rosemary, lavender, marjoram.

Massage with aromatic oils from rheumatism, recipe

There is even an aromatherapy massage recipe for rheumatism: combine 100 ml of base oil (olive, linseed, coconut, cedar, apricot, jojoba, peach, avocado or regular baby cosmetic oil) with 10 drops of pine, juniper and rosemary essential oils. Rub the problem area with the resulting mixture.

Digestive tract disorders

Cope with "gastrointestinal" problems will help peppermint oil And chamomile. Just remember that it is impossible to use essential oil inside without consulting a specialist. Better inhale for your health

Cardiovascular disorders

Relieve "heart pain", restore the work of blood vessels will help rose oil. Even the ancient Greeks noticed that this oil copes well with nervous disorders, excitability and stress.

Also help chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, frankincense. If you have high blood pressure, avoid rosemary, lavender, and "chypre" oils like bergamot, patchouli, sandalwood, and the like.

Aromatherapy and problem skin

In this paragraph, we will not only talk about acne and oily skin. Although we will also touch on them. Problem skin can also be called dry, and withering, and sensitive.

Even wounds and abrasions on the skin can be attributed here. Aromatherapy at home offers recipes for many ailments. We look:

Oily skin

Oily skin, as well as sensitive skin, needs special care. Add a couple of drops to a single portion of your favorite cream lavender oil. However, keep an eye on your skin: some of the ingredients in your cream can react with the oil and cause allergies.

aging skin

Fading and mature skin can also "bloom" from lavender. To do this, you can use the aromatherapy recipe: take 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2-3 drops of lavender oil. Mix everything and apply on prepared skin for 15 minutes. Again, beware of allergies. By the way, lavender is good for abrasions, small wounds, burns.

Pimples and purulent wounds

Tea tree oil(point application) promotes the healing of acne and purulent wounds. For combination skin, tea tree oil is also useful: take 2 teaspoons oatmeal and cosmetic clay, add 2 drops of the above oil and mix with a spoonful of kefir or yogurt. Stir and apply on the prepared face for 15 minutes.

Vascular asterisks

Vascular asterisks on the face can be defeated with bitter orange oil or, in other words, . It must be applied directly to problem areas. The oil is also indicated for eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis and dermatosis.

As you can see, it is very easy to relax, find a good mood and get rid of diseases by immersing yourself in the world of aromas! Enjoy your home aromatherapy sessions with pleasure and benefit!

Aromatherapy is one of the types of alternative medicine, which is based on the impact on the body of aromatic substances found, as a rule, in plants.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy contain biologically active substances in the most concentrated form. Their chemical composition includes aldehydes, alcohols, terpenes, ketones, phenols, ethers and esters, sesquiterpenes.

Aromatherapy has been known for a long time and has been widely used in almost all countries. Ancient Vedic hymns describe natural flavor flowers (aromatherapy) as bringing health and eliminating anxiety and sadness.

The use of essential oils in aromatherapy

According to many naturopathic doctors, using essential oils, aromatherapy can weaken and even completely neutralize the influence of polluted environment, as well as restore the emotional background.

The uses of natural flower oils in aromatherapy are extensive. They are used:

  • For acupressure or daily general massage A. Naturopathic doctors believe that massage with aromatic oils restores immunity. Aromatherapy triggers its own healing mechanisms by increasing lymphatic and blood circulation. For massage, as a rule, use a 1-2% solution of essential oil in neutral oil. Massage oil for face and body can be used as a base for daily makeup;
  • For inhalation, which are recognized not only as an alternative, but also traditional medicine. Aromatherapy is an excellent treatment for colds, especially respiratory problems. Also, this method is used in cosmetology to clean the skin of the face;
  • For compresses. Using aromatherapy at home, you can get rid of headaches, as well as relieve pain from bruises and sprains. To prepare a compress, soak a gauze napkin in a glass of warm water with a few drops (up to five) of essential oil, wring it out and put it on a sore spot, after which the compress is covered with plastic wrap and kept until completely cooled;
  • For baths. Aromatherapy helps to completely relax the muscles and restore the emotional background. Usually, to prepare baths with aromatic oils, 5-10 drops of essential oil are dissolved in one tablespoon of milk or honey and added to a warm bath;
  • For foot baths which help relieve fatigue after heavy physical activity or an emotionally stressful day. To prepare it, pour into a basin hot water with 4-6 drops of oils;
  • For scenting rooms with the help of an evaporator (flavoring), which contributes to the prevention of many diseases and improves mood.

Ayurvedic doctors believe that aromatherapy affects the body like taste:

  • Sweet (rose, sandalwood, cinnamon) - cools, soothes;
  • Sour (wormwood lemon) - soothes, warms;
  • Salty (the smell of the sea, algae) - improves appetite, warms;
  • Acute (the smell of cardamom, black and red pepper) - excites, warms;
  • Bitter (smell of calamus, almonds) - soothes, cools;
  • Astringent (smell of quince, walnut, green apples) - encourages, cools.

Aromatherapy in cosmetology

Aromatherapy is widely used in cosmetology, being beautiful way skin care and effective finish cosmetic procedures. Even at home, aromatherapy helps to solve various skin problems associated with both disease and age.

The use of aromatherapy is effective due to the fact that they provide a deep cleansing effect and have an antimycotic, antibacterial and antiviral effect, and also activate the effect of cosmetic preparations.

Aromatic oils easily penetrate the skin and quickly enter the systemic circulation, facilitating the penetration of many active ingredients found in cosmetics.

The main oils used in aromatherapy for cosmetic purposes are oils of orange, bergamot, oregano, naioli, cajuput, lavender, frankincense, myrrh, lemon, patchouli, juniper, tea tree, thyme,.

Almost all aromatic oils are powerful geroprotectors and slow down the aging process of skin cells.

Aromatherapy is widely used not only for skin care, but also for hair, for which it is recommended to regularly carry out:

  • Nourishing aroma massage, which is carried out when caring for normal hair 1-2 times a week, and when caring for problematic hair - every other day;
  • Aroma rinse, which is recommended after shampooing.

You can also enrich cosmetics with various essential oils.

Aromatherapy at home can be used:

  • For the care of normal and dry hair - with essential oils of orange, rose, ylang-ylang, geranium, jasmine, frankincense, lavender, mandarin, neroli, myrrh, sandalwood, chamomile;
  • For care greasy hair- with essential oils of verbena, geranium, ginger, cypress, patchouli, rose, pine, tea tree, eucalyptus;
  • To eliminate dandruff - with essential oils of orange, jasmine, geranium, lavender, rose, chamomile;
  • To strengthen hair in case of hair loss - with essential oils of calamus, cedar, cypress, lavender, chamomile, pine, clary sage;
  • To restore elasticity, shine, brightness and tone of hair - with essential oils of jasmine, myrrh, patchouli.

The influence of oils in aromatherapy

Depending on the purposes used various oils for aromatherapy, which is based on their properties and effects. So, essential oils in aromatherapy have the following effects:

  • Refreshing - essential oils of fir, spearmint, peppermint, lavender, mandarin, vetiver, lemon and orange;
  • Invigorating, increasing efficiency - jasmine and lemon oil;
  • Antidepressant and antistress - oil of bergamot, galbanum, jasmine, geranium, bigardia, mimosa, lavender and patchouli;
  • Cleansing - oil of lavender, geranium, rose, nutmeg, lemongrass, orange, sage, rosemary, calamus and lemon;
  • Relaxing and soothing - oil of basil, immortelle, ylang-ylang, galbanum, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, mimosa, bigardia, orange, rose, sandalwood, vanilla and cedar;
  • Stimulating - oil of nutmeg, coriander, peppermint, cloves, verbena, juniper, rosemary, hyssop and lemon;
  • Painkiller - oil;
  • Firming - essential oils of angelica, lemon balm, lavender, peppermint, nutmeg, lemon, rosemary, cedar, verbena, vetiver and wormwood.

Aromatherapy Contraindications

Aroma oils should only be used externally. Before you start using aromatherapy, essential oils should be tested for individual tolerance.

Against the background of serious illnesses, for example, epilepsy, as well as during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor before using aromatherapy, since oils such as sage, bay and rosemary cannot be used in these cases.

The essential oil of one plant can be used for various ailments. Aroma oils have been proven to help enhance the applied medications. Let's highlight the main medical properties:

1. Helps fight colds

This fact has been known for a very long time. During the period of terrible epidemics, it was noticed that people who deal with certain plants, such as lavender, are not susceptible to illness. And now essential oils are used to heal colds as well as for prevention purposes.

  • For disinfection of premises

Aroma oils of clove, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, bergamot, marjoram are suitable for disinfecting rooms - they will not only kill the virus, but also prevent it from spreading.

  • To alleviate the course of the disease

The following oils will help alleviate the course of the disease: peppermint, lavender or lily of the valley will remove headache, and if you add bergamot and eucalyptus to them, you can lower your body temperature. Fir oil will help to overcome a sore throat.
To strengthen the body's defenses during the period viral epidemics- use citrus oils.

2. Help to cope with nervous disorders, calm down

Our lives are filled with constant stress. Instead of drinking expensive drugs, by the way, usually also on herbs, we advise you to use the soothing oils of ylang-ylang, bergamot, rose, orange, chamomile or sage.

3. Stand guard over beauty

Rose will tighten the skin, jojoba or neroli will also help with this. A few drops of these oils in a jar of cream are enough. Cypress oil is indicated for the care of sensitive skin. For beautiful hair, add jojoba, eucalyptus or lavender oil to your shampoo or mask. Grapeseed oil will perfectly help hair prone to oiliness, it will also cope with flabbiness of the skin. An excellent antioxidant is wheat germ oil.
If you want to lose weight, use the oils of cypress, cinnamon, green apple - they tend to reduce appetite.

4. Help with varicose veins

Schisandra chinensis and cypress added to the massage cream will help in the treatment.

5. Treatment of injuries

Tangerine, lemon, peppermint and sage oil will help - they have analgesic properties. And lavender oil will relieve redness, in addition, it is an excellent antiseptic.

6. Beneficial effect on body systems

Aroma oils have a beneficial effect both on the entire systems of our body and on the work of certain organs.

  • Parsley oil - urinary system;
  • Lemon, peppermint - digestive system,
  • Lemon, orange, lemon balm oil - has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Ways to use aroma oils

In order for the essential oil to help as much as possible in the treatment of the disease, you need to learn how to use it correctly. Let's look at the main ways to use aromatherapy at home.

  • Use in aroma lamps

The aroma lamp helps to get into the air smallest particles oil dissolved in water. The dosage is as follows: 6 drops of oil per 15 square meters. It is used for disinfection of the premises, the fight against stress, respiratory diseases.

  • Inhalations

Can be used hot and cold. When cold, you inhale the undiluted oil using an aroma pendant, sachet, or applied to bed sheets(for example, for the treatment of sleep disorders). Hot inhalation consists in the fact that you dissolve the required dosage of drops in water and, after boiling, inhale the steam. This usually happens with the help of devices, inhalers.

  • Aroma massage

It can be the most diverse: from relaxing, reducing stress, to healing.

  • Aroma baths

Very affordable way aromatherapy, because it does not require special skills and devices. It is enough to add a little oil to the typed bath and lie down for 20 minutes.

The oil is dissolved in water, which is poured over the heater.

  • Compresses and rubbing

They are used to disinfect a wound or relieve pain after injuries.

  • Oil enrichment of creams and shampoos
  • Ingestion

The method should be used only under the supervision of a physician and on his recommendation.

Aromatherapy at home: recipes

1. You should buy oils in pharmacies or specialized stores.
2. Make sure that the aroma oil is not expired.
3. Store aroma oil in the refrigerator, it should be protected from light by a dark glass vial.
4. Before using aroma oil, find out if you are allergic to it. This is especially true of oils that are added to creams.
5. Correct dosage is important. Remember that for children it should be reduced by 2 times.
6. When taking a bath with aroma oil, add it to the already drawn water, dissolving it in kefir, milk, honey or sea ​​salt. You can’t wash in the aroma bath - take a shower in advance.
7. Five components is the maximum when mixing oils.

Recipes for home aromatherapy:

  • With a cold

To disinfect the room where the patient is located, take 3-5 drops of pine, juniper, tea tree and bergamot oils, dissolve them in half a liter of warm water and wipe household items, furniture, floor. Do this as often as possible. And you can add the composition to the aroma lamp.

  • To lower the temperature

To lower the temperature, wipe the body with a mixture of lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot and peppermint oils dissolved in water. You should take 1-2 drops per glass and wipe with lukewarm water.

  • Oils for colds

Thyme, tea tree and eucalyptus will help cure a runny nose. It is enough just to make an aroma lamp with a mixture of these oils.

Cough can be defeated with inhalation: chamomile oil, eucalyptus or mint, drop into a glass of boiling water (2 drops) and breathe, covered with a towel.

  • For headache

Take marjoram, lavender and mint oils, two drops each. Mix, soak in a sachet, aroma pendant or handkerchief and inhale.

Take five drops of lavender oil dissolved in a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rub into the temples and the back of the head with massage movements.

A compress for a headache is prepared as follows: lemon, chamomile and lavender oils are dripped onto a teaspoon of salt in proportions of 1: 2: 3. Dissolve salt in water, moisten a cloth or towel with it and put it on your forehead.

  • At elevated pressure

Twice a day, oil massage based on essential oils is useful: geranium, sage, lavender, marjoram. It is enough to add 2 drops of these oils to vegetable oil. Please note that in case of hypertension, relying only on aromatherapy is not worth it, do not forget to take the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

  • In stressful situations

You can overcome stress and relieve fatigue in the following way: take a bath with ylang-ylang, mint and pine oils, as well as any citrus. It is enough to dissolve 2 drops of any of them listed in kefir, milk or sea salt and add 36 degrees to warm water.

Essential oils can protect us from disease. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly. Aromatherapy can and should be carried out at home, it requires a little: knowledge of the properties of oils and the principles of their use, quality ingredients and common sense.

The benefits of aromatherapy for children and adults, how to use it correctly, what are the contraindications. Selection of essential oils for procedures.

What is aromatherapy

Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils to treat physical illnesses and correct psycho-emotional states. Microparticles penetrate the human body at the molecular level, entering into chemical reactions, they contribute to positive changes in the functioning of organs and improve vital processes in general.

Aromatherapy is based on the benefits of plants and flowers, its difference from herbal medicine is that essential oils are used for the procedure, which are obtained by steam distillation. They contain substances related to the body, such as hormones, vitamins, trace elements, so there are practically no side effects from the treatment.

Quality product colorless or may be slightly yellowish. The ethers of different plants may differ in consistency: some are thicker, others are more liquid. By the way, the resulting oil does not always smell like the usual smell of the plant from which it was extracted.

In order for aromatherapy to be beneficial, it is important to use only natural substances that are purchased from trusted sellers, pharmacies and, preferably, on the recommendation of those who have successfully used them.

Substances enter the body not only through Airways, but also through the skin, so that aromatherapy includes procedures such as inhalation with essential oils, spraying, air saturation with an aroma lamp, enrichment of cosmetics, aromatic baths. They also practice the use of ethers during massage and for masks for the face and body, for body wraps.

Properties of essential oils in aromatherapy

Today there are a huge number of essential oils. However, they are not used in their pure form, since the body is only able to absorb them dissolved in transport oils, such as grape seed, wheat germ, olive, coconut, shea, cocoa, jojoba, apricot, almond, etc.

Useful properties of aromatherapy

At correct dosage and the correct use of aroma oil will help get rid of many ailments. Each of them has several properties, which can be found on the packaging. You should carefully read the instructions so as not to get an overdose or the opposite effect.

The benefits of essential oils are:

  • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They contain substances such as terpenes and ferols, alcohols and aldehydes. They are better suited for antiseptic treatment than the usual antiseptics, since microbes cannot get used to and adapt to the substances contained in oils, and those, in turn, do not harm the skin if there is no individual intolerance. These include essential oils of pine, cedar, juniper, geranium, tea tree.
  • Antiviral properties. Thanks to phytoncides, which are effective in combating bacteria and viruses, they are often used to treat and prevent acute respiratory infections and influenza. Effective oils such as cedar, juniper, geranium, tea tree, lemon, pine.
  • Strengthen immunity. Regularly inhaling essential oils such as lemon, lavender, chamomile, rose, grapefruit, you will strengthen your immune system.
  • Improve appetite and digestion. By filling the room with the aroma of essential oils, you can awaken your appetite. Such properties are possessed by oils of orange, cinnamon, bergamot, calamus.
  • Relax and relieve stress. They help get rid of nervous tension, improve mood, get out of stress.
    Powerful antidepressants are lavender oil, orange, ylang-ylang, frankincense, chamomile, cedar, patchouli, neroli.
  • Invigorate and energize. The aroma of ethers helps to cheer up, concentrate and improve mood. Best of all, bergamot, basil, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, thyme oils will cope with this task.
  • Reduce the temperature. They contain trace elements that help the body fight germs and viruses.
    For these purposes, use bergamot, mint, eucalyptus and lavender oils.
  • carminative action. By adding etherols to your drink, you will reduce gas formation in the intestines, namely, fennel and dill oils will help.
  • Diuretic properties. Such aromatic products display excess liquid. This will help oils of eucalyptus, lemon, sage, pine.
  • Improve blood circulation. Oils help increase blood flow in the tissues, and therefore improve metabolism. Such properties are possessed by ethers of sage, lemon, geranium, eucalyptus.
  • Increase sex drive. They act on certain receptors, thus causing sexual arousal in humans. For aromatherapy, oils of bergamot, geranium, jasmine, cinnamon, myrrh, ylang-ylang, vanilla, ginger and clove are used.
  • Cholagogue properties. They prevent the formation of stones and stagnation of bile. Camomile, fennel, rose, orange, rosemary oils will help.
  • Help with cardiovascular diseases . Oils help reduce the number of heart contractions, increase vascular tone, lower blood pressure, and improve myocardial function. These include essential oils of hyssop, rosemary, geranium, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, mint, parsley, rose.
  • Anesthetize. When applied to a sore spot, they reduce pain warm and relaxing. Painkillers are basil oil, mint, lavender, tea tree.

Harm of aromatherapy with essential oils

However, aromatic oils can be harmful to health. First of all, this applies to truly harmful ethers, which include substances obtained from poisonous, narcotic plants or, as a result of processing, turn into poisons. Their use may lead to serious consequences such as miscarriage, skin burn, seizure, or even death.

Such aromatic oils include ethers of arnica, ambrosia, calamus cane, bitter almond, bitter wormwood, boldo, camphor, sweet dill, cassia, thuja western, Cossack juniper, mustard, oregano, marsh mint, cedar pine, fragrant rue, garden savory, savory mountain, sage, horseradish, elecampane, tansy.

Essential oils of citrus increase the photosensitivity of the skin. After applying them to the body, you should not be in open sunlight, as you can get a serious burn. skin.

In addition, lemon, orange, basil, cedar, eucalyptus, fennel, nutmeg, thyme oils cannot be used inside, otherwise you can get poisoned.

And ethers such as orange, cinnamon, lemon, peppermint, clove and citronella, nutmeg cause skin irritation, therefore, if the dose is exceeded, they can cause severe skin burns, especially cinnamon. For procedures it is not recommended to use more than 1-2 drops.

Thus, be careful in applying essential oils, before using them, consult an aromatherapist.

Aromatherapy contraindications

Before the first use, be sure to test for sensitivity: to do this, apply a drop of the product on your wrist and wait about an hour, if there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, redness, headache, nausea), then you can use it.

There are a number of contraindications for completely safe substances:

  • Do not use etherols in the presence of individual intolerance and allergies, as it can happen anaphylactic shock, which will lead to serious problems with health.
  • With great care, aromatherapy should be used by pregnant women, since during this period it is very difficult to predict the body's reaction to a particular substance. Allergies can happen. And all the unfavorable conditions of the mother immediately affect the unborn baby. The use of oils such as anise, arnica, basil, black pepper, camphor, chamomile, cinnamon, rosemary, sage, cloves, geranium, cedar, juniper, mint, marjoram, mustard, jasmine, it is better to exclude altogether during pregnancy and during feeding breast.
  • People suffering from epilepsy should refrain from using rosemary, fennel and hyssop oils.
  • You can not add etherols to the drink without consulting a specialist, as these are very potent substances and can cause poisoning or harm the intestinal microflora.
  • Do not use lavender essential oil while taking iron- and iodine-containing drugs due to incompatibility of substances.
  • Oils of cedar, sage and thyme should not be used together with alcohol, as they have a strong relaxing effect.
  • In the treatment of homeopathy, the use of black pepper, camphor, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus oils is prohibited, as they strongly affect the respiratory system.

How to choose aromatherapy oils

To not hurt yourself and get maximum benefit From aromatherapy, it is important to choose the right essential oils.

To do this, follow these rules:

  1. Clearly identify the problem that needs to be worked on, and according to this problem, select etherols with properties aimed at solving it.
  2. When buying a product, always pay attention to the expiration date. Essential oils are good for no more than three years.
  3. Purchase only from trusted sellers, well packaged, in dark glass containers.
  4. First of all, you should like the essential oil for its aroma, if you have any discomfort or associations, then you should not use it. Therefore, even in the store you can ask to let you smell the ether. Many of them are so odorous that you can even hear them through the packaging.

How to do aromatherapy at home

Aromatherapy will help restore mental and physical health, enhance the effect of cosmetic care products. Since essential oils are easy to use and practically safe, anyone can learn how to use them at home.

Aromatherapy at home against viral diseases

Essential oils in the air have a beneficial effect on respiratory organs, destroy bacteria and viruses, soften mucous membranes and reduce their dryness. Special compositions of etherols have a therapeutic effect.

To combat viral diseases and their prevention, inhalations, aromatic baths and massage are used.

Features of using essential oils for the treatment of colds:

  • Aromavanna. Dilute tea tree and pine oils a couple of drops, lavender and mint 1 drop each in half a glass of liquid natural honey and pour into a bath at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. Take 15-20 minutes, then wrap yourself warmly in a blanket and drink hot tea or herbal infusions.
  • Oil burner. For inhalation use an aroma lamp or a diffuser. Oil is dripped into the water, based on the calculation of a couple of drops per 5 m 2 of the room. You can carry out the procedure for no more than two hours in a row, then you need to take a break. In total, inhalation can be done no more than eight hours a day. First you need to ventilate the room well, and then close the windows and doors so that the microparticles of oils do not evaporate outside the room. Mixtures for the aroma lamp: lavender oil (5 drops), eucalyptus (3 drops) and mint (2 drops); eucalyptus oil (5 drops), tea tree and pine 3 drops each.
  • Cough massage. Dissolve in base oil (wheat germ, apricot, grape seed, olive) 5 drops of chamomile and lavender oils, eucalyptus - 8 drops.

Home aromatherapy to relieve fatigue

Essential oils improve emotional and mental condition man, relieve stress and anxiety. For relaxation, inhalations, saturation with aromas of the air in the room, massage and baths with ethers and mixtures of them are used.

To relieve tension and drive away depressive thoughts, compose the following compositions:

  1. For inhalation. Dilute 2 drops of grapefruit and lavender oils, 1 drop of lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and cypress oils in water at 50-60 degrees and breathe covered with a towel for 10 minutes.
  2. For aroma lamp. Prepare a mixture of 10 drops of grapefruit oil, 8 drops of basil oil, 6 drops of lavender and rosemary oils. Do an aromatherapy session for an hour.
  3. For a soothing massage. Enrich your massage oil or cream with 3 drops of sage and bergamot essential oils. Massage for 15-20 minutes.
  4. For a relaxing bath. 1 drop each of orange and rose oils plus 3 drops of sandalwood or 3 drops of grapefruit and a drop of lavender and ylang-ylang, dilute in vehicle(honey, sea salt solution or milk), add to hot water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Then take a shower.

The use of aromatherapy for inflammation of the joints

Essential oils are also useful for more serious diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and others. inflammatory processes in the joints. Of course, aromatherapy in this case cannot be the only salvation, but as an additional measure it will do its job very well. Esthers relieve pain and inflammation.

Aroma oils for the treatment of joint inflammation are used in aroma baths, for compresses and applications, rubbing and massage.

Features of the use of ethers for inflammation of the joints:

  • Aromavanna. To relieve pain and inflammation, prepare a warm bath at least 37-38 degrees. Dilute 2 drops each of peppermint, rosemary and basil oils in a sea salt solution and add this mixture to your bath. Take it for no more than 20 minutes, then keep the sore spot warm for about an hour.
  • Compresses. To reduce swelling and inflammation, make hot compresses and applications with a mixture of peppermint, marjoram and lavender oils. To do this, dissolve them in transport oils, such as olive, grape seed and others, which need to be heated to a comfortable temperature and only then add etherols to them. Aromatic oils are very volatile, so when heated, they will evaporate and lose their healing properties. Keep compresses for at least half an hour, but the longer the better.
  • Massage. With arthritis, massage of the diseased joint with eucalyptus essential oil is effective. For every 10 ml of massage oil or cream, use a drop of essential oil. It thins the blood, which means it improves blood circulation in diseased tissues, improves metabolism.

Aromatherapy for children

Essential oils will become good helper in baby care. Basically, aromatherapy for children is used to relax and set the mood for sleep. Today you can find ready-made compositions for the child or prepare your own.

It is not worth using aroma oils before the age of 2-3 weeks, since the child has not yet adapted to the world around him. Starting from the age of one month, you can use the safest ethers: roses, chamomile and lavender. Starting from three months, essential oils of bergamot, fennel and sandalwood are usually used. All of them have relaxing, soothing properties. Lavender oil is considered the most versatile and safe.

As a rule, for children under three years of age, essential oils are used to add to bath water, to care products. As for the aroma lamp and inhalations, the use is undesirable, unless for an older child. It can be installed in the room while getting ready for bed or reading a fairy tale.

Ways to use ethers for children:

  1. Bath. In the absence of allergies, they are added to the bath during the evening bath, so that the child calms down and tunes in to rest. When bathing, to avoid direct contact with the skin, the oil must be diluted in a base, which will be milk, honey or sea salt solution. Children's skin is still too delicate, and pure essential oil can lead to allergies, burns and irritation. Add 1-2 drops.
  2. Massage. For a relaxing massage, you can use no more than 1 drop per 30 ml of foundation. And, of course, before the first use, be sure to test for allergies.
What is aromatherapy - look at the video:

Aromatherapy is a great help in the fight against various ailments and contributes to the creation Have a good mood. It has been known to mankind for more than a millennium, but right now it is becoming more and more popular.