Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge). Leucorrhoea - unusual vaginal discharge

What's in the article:

Discharge from a woman’s genitals is a natural defense mechanism of the body. By moisturizing the mucous membranes, the mucous secretion prevents the proliferation of pathogenic pathological microorganisms and bacteria, protects against the development of infections and is a mechanism for self-cleaning of the vagina.

In order not to harm women's health through excessive cleanliness, you need to know what discharge is considered normal in women.

What should be the natural discharge of a healthy woman?

To understand what normal discharge a woman should have, it is important to know what it is.

Normal vaginal discharge is a mixture of:

  • dead epithelial cells of the mucous membranes cervical canal(cervical canal) and woman’s vagina,
  • mucus from the cervical canal,
  • microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, viruses that populate the genitals.

Normal microflora in women of reproductive age is characterized by the presence of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus, Doderlein bacillus), enterobacteria, fungi (Candida, gardnerella), not a large number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, streptococci.

Due to the presence of lactobacilli, vaginal discharge has a normal acidic environment (normal pH = 3.8 - 4.4) and a specific sour odor.

Types of vaginal discharge

A woman’s vaginal secretion is not copious mucus, does not have a sharp unpleasant odor or unnatural color. Normal secretion helps to lubricate and cleanse the mucous membranes of the epithelium from irritation and drying out. After completing healthy woman During menstruation, normal discharge has a colorless liquid consistency. Before a woman ovulates (days 12–16 in a normal 28-day menstrual cycle), they become abundant, cloudy and thicker, more viscous. This means that the egg is ready for fertilization. This time is most favorable for successful conception child.

So, what kind of discharge should a healthy woman have:

  • transparent mucous membranes,
  • colorless, creamy, characteristic of the post-ovulation period,
  • pink with bloody streaks in the pre-ovulation period,
  • colorless, jelly-like, odorless (appears before the onset of menstruation),
  • brownish-brown may appear in the first 2 - 3 weeks of use hormonal contraceptives,
  • thin, light white discharge that does not cause discomfort is typical during pregnancy; as pregnancy progresses, such discharge may intensify,
  • whitish-cloudy (appearing after sexual intercourse).

At different periods, cervical discharge in women can acquire different consistency, smell, and color. And their quantity and quality indicate deviations from the norm, the presence of any disorders, diseases, or inflammations in the reproductive system.

If a woman’s discharge has become abnormal - profuse, with an unpleasant fetid odor and an unusual color (yellowish, green, brown) and irritating the skin of the perineum - this is a sign of a disease. In this case, you must immediately contact a specialist - a gynecologist to take smears for bacterial culture vaginal microflora and exclusion of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), sexually transmitted diseases.

Reasons (norms) for changes in the color of normal discharge in women:

  • pregnancy,
  • menopause,
  • postpartum, during breastfeeding,
  • taking hormonal contraceptives and some types medicines,
  • venereal diseases.

For each of the above reasons for deviations from the norm, there may be various variations in the consistency of these discharges, their color, the appearance or absence of an unpleasant odor and related other signs that indicate a specific reason for the change in the acceptable state. The absence of any cervical discharge may also indicate the presence of pathologies.

What discharge is considered normal in women?

Let’s take a closer look at what discharge is normal and at what period of a woman’s life.


Transparent vaginal secretion is the most harmless and natural type of normal discharge. A similar secretion can appear in the premenstrual period, before the onset of ovulation in a woman, or during the puberty of a teenage girl. Consists of dead epithelial cells, waste products of vaginal microflora, lactic acid fungi and bacteria. A special feature is the complete absence of odor or a very faint sour odor.

Causes for concern and an urgent visit to the doctor are following symptoms(deviations from the norm):

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor,
  • burning and irritation in the external genital area,
  • pain during urination and sexual intercourse,
  • the appearance of flakes or bloody clots in the discharge.

Similar symptoms may indicate diseases such as: endometritis, vaginal dysbiosis(vaginosis), salpingoophoritis, neoplasms in the cervical cavity.

White (white)

In terms of consistency and smell, women should have normal white discharge. Leucorrhoea may appear before the onset of menstruation, ovulation and early stages pregnancy. If their consistency is homogeneous and odorless, and they do not bother the woman, then there is no reason to worry. Changes in quantity, composition (thick, foamy), appearance of white flakes, foul odor (like rotten fish) may indicate diseases such as:

  • fungal infections (candidiasis),
  • vaginitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina),
  • andexit,
  • STDs (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis).

Reasons for changes in leucorrhoea:

  • Improper use of personal hygiene products, poor quality of raw materials used, presence of chemical flavors and fragrances,
  • Frequent douching without a doctor’s prescription, which washes away the beneficial microflora of the cervical canal,
  • Long-term use of certain types of hormonal contraceptives,
  • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity,
  • Failure to comply with daily intimate hygiene.

A sharp increase in the amount of leucorrhoea in the middle of the cycle is due to the onset of ovulation. If an increase in leucorrhoea, the development of unusual symptoms occurs throughout the entire cycle and pregnancy is excluded, then this indicates the development of a pathology or disease.


Color of cervical secretion yellow may be due to natural normal changes in the female body.

Which yellow discharge occur normally in women:

  • no odor, discomfort, burning,
  • the color is slightly yellow, muted,
  • The consistency is watery, uniform (without jelly-like clots).

In cases where yellow discharge is accompanied by a sharp increase in its quantity, unpleasant smell(like rotten fish), burning sensation, discomfort, pain when urinating, you should immediately seek help medical assistance and take a smear for flora. Since such symptoms indicate diseases such as: inflammation of the ovaries and their appendages, andexitis, salpingitis, vaginitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.


Green color of cervical discharge - a clear sign pathological genesis. As a rule, it is accompanied by severe itching and irritation. It is a sign of an STD and a serious inflammatory process in the vagina.

Causes of green secretion:

  • Bacterial vaginosis, fungal candidiasis– the nature of the discharge is jelly-like or cheesy,
  • Trichomoniasis,
  • Gonorrhea,
  • Syphilis,
  • Chlamydia, gardnerellosis.

The appearance of greenish discharge is always a sign of pathology (inflammatory process or STD). The key to successful treatment is timely consultation and diagnosis by a specialist - gynecologist.

Bloody (brownish).

Such discharge is recognized as the most dangerous, threatening the life and health of a woman.

A woman should be wary of:

  • Increase in the amount of secretion released,
  • Itching, burning sensation in the external genital area,
  • Unpleasant smell
  • Pain when urinating,
  • Intermenstrual discharge,
  • Foamy discharge mixed with pus and bloody streaks.

The reasons for the appearance of bloody-brownish secretion may be:

  • Abortion,
  • Infection in the genitals,
  • The period of menopause, menopause,
  • Taking inappropriate hormonal contraceptives, incorrect placement intrauterine device,
  • Neoplasms in the vagina (cervix) - warts, polyps, ulcers,
  • Intense rough sexual intercourse, rape.

A bloody-brown secretion can be a symptom of diseases such as:

  • Cervical erosion,
  • Adenomyosis,
  • Endometritis,
  • Tumors and neoplasms (sarcoma, fibroma, fibroids).

If discharge of a similar color is detected, it should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. To exclude serious disorders and make an accurate diagnosis, smears and tests are required.

Having considered the main types of discharge that women should have, we can conclude that normal vaginal discharge is natural process cleansing reproductive system women from pathological microflora. Changes from the norm in the structure, color, consistency, intensity of the secretion, the appearance and intensification of the odor can appear with such normal physiological processes such as: pregnancy, menopause, menopause, postpartum condition, at the onset of ovulation and menstruation, during puberty of a girl.

If the discharge has acquired an unpleasant odor, non-specific consistency, or purulent particles, this is a reason to urgently contact medical institution. Make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment Taking appropriate smears for STDs and cytology, blood tests for certain types of diseases, and conducting cultural studies will help.

A woman’s intimate life largely determines her mood and affects her overall well-being and self-esteem. In moments when something goes wrong, it is difficult to enjoy life or think about a career - first of all, every woman strives to resolve personal issues. What problems can ruin your mood? Most often, the appearance of discharge and the associated unpleasant odor creates an uncomfortable situation.

If you are experiencing such problems, there is no need to panic. Let's try to understand the question: what should be the “correct” and “incorrect” vaginal discharge, and what to do if there are concerns about your health.

If everything's alright

Even the healthiest woman secretes about 1-2 ml of transparent or whitish secretion from the vagina per day. The “medical” composition of these secretions is as follows:

● mucus of the cervical canal and discharge from its cavity (in small quantities);

● secretion of the glands of the vaginal part of the uterus and the vagina itself;

● vaginal transudate (physiological);

● dead epithelial cells and single leukocytes;

● lactobacilli and isolated representatives of the coccal flora.

As you can see, such secretions contain normal microflora, no pus or other impurities. That is why there is no unpleasant odor in physiological secretions. They do not stain laundry and do not irritate the mucous membranes. The microbial flora they contain consists of Doderlein bacilli, a natural component that protects female organs from bacteria and a single coccal flora, sometimes a small number of macrophages are found there.

Microbes "good and bad"

However, things don't always go smoothly. The state of the vaginal flora is affected by many factors that can cause it to change for the worse. This may include:

● unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition, overuse antibiotics, especially without a doctor’s prescription;

● decreased immunity;

● hormonal disorders;

● childbirth, abortion, miscarriages;

frequent shifts sexual partners, “unprotected” sex;

● failure to maintain genital hygiene;

chronic diseases and inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs and urinary system.

Because of all this, instead of Doderlein's rods, a variety of abundant coccal and anaerobic flora (atopobium, mobiluncus and gardnerella) appear in the vagina and bacterial vaginosis (dysbiosis) occurs. The appearance and composition of vaginal discharge changes: it becomes abundant, cloudy, yellowish or grayish in color and takes on the smell of stale fish. Itching and discomfort may occur during sexual intercourse. Sometimes painful cracks appear in the genital mucosa. This is where you need to immediately pay attention to your health, but...

My own gynecologist

For some reason, many women, despite such pronounced symptoms, do not understand the essence of the issue and diagnose themselves, usually believing that it is thrush. But with thrush, completely different symptoms are observed. In this case, the discharge is also abundant, but it is white and cheesy (hence the name of the disease) and does not smell like rotten fish. As a result, women prescribe treatment for themselves and struggle for a long time with a non-existent illness, while the vaginal environment worsens even more and dysbiosis increases, which, as it progresses, can cause unpleasant consequences:

● increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections;

● ectopic pregnancy;

● infertility;

● the likelihood of complications after various gynecological operations increases;

● endometritis (after abortion, cesarean section, childbirth);

● pathological uterine bleeding;

● spontaneous abortions, late miscarriages, premature births in pregnant women;

● intrauterine infection and, as a consequence, intrauterine growth retardation, the birth of a baby with a body weight below normal.

What to do?

Not every woman, due to her workload and other reasons, can visit a gynecologist, but before prescribing any medicine for herself, she needs to at least understand the problem. You can find out what happened by passing a simple test, based on the results of which you can already understand the cause of your “female” problem. If the test results reveal that you may be suffering from some kind of disease of the female genital area, you need to consult a doctor to clarify diagnosis and take smears for flora. Only after the tests are ready will it be possible to make a definitive diagnosis.

Sometimes even simply taking smears does not give results and you have to resort to PCR (DNA diagnostics), which allows you to detect even a small amount of the pathogen. If your doctor has prescribed such a procedure, be sure to undergo it. By identifying the pathogen, you can cure the disease as quickly as possible.

How to prevent vaginosis

● It is known that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, when prescribing antibiotics, “protect” your microflora by using Lactagel. This product is very convenient, as it is available in special syringe tubes, and any woman can insert it into her vagina without the participation of a doctor.

● During menstruation, the pH value of the vagina changes noticeably. In the first days (2-3 days), the environment in it is almost neutral, pH 7.0. In the next 3 days, in healthy women it sharply becomes more acidic 4.0-4.5 and remains in this state until the next critical days. Development risk bacterial vaginosis increases during menstruation. The disease can be easily avoided by using Lactagel in the first days after the end of menstruation as a prophylactic agent.

● If you have intestinal dysbiosis, which threatens the occurrence of dysbiosis in the vagina, in a great way To avoid problems in the sexual sphere, use 1-2 tubes of Lactagel per week. This is done for preventive purposes.

● If dysbiosis does appear, then Lactagel will be a reliable assistant in the fight against it. It will help eliminate unpleasant odor and speed up the healing process.

● This product is not an antibiotic, is not addictive and can be taken for any period of time without any consequences.

However, it is worth remembering that even such a wonderful remedy will not replace visiting a doctor and taking the medications prescribed by him. If you still have questions, ask them to a specialist via the contact form. Answers to all questions here can be obtained absolutely free of charge.

Unusual vaginal discharge includes:
bloody brown discharge, green, white, yellow, smelly, foamy or thin discharge.

A certain amount of fluid that flows from a woman's genitals is normal. The walls of the vagina and cervix contain glands that produce a small amount of secretion, which irrigates and cleanses the vagina and prevents infection. This is normal discharge and is usually clear or slightly cloudy, slimy or watery, and does not have an unpleasant odor. Vaginal discharge occurs in all healthy women and is normal.

Signs of normal, healthy vaginal discharge:

  • They are liquid, transparent (mucus, jelly-like)
  • The amount of discharge is insignificant
  • No noticeable odor
  • They do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs and are not accompanied by any symptoms of the disease (itching, temperature, pain, discomfort in the genital area).

The amount of normal vaginal discharge and its consistency may vary depending on the phase menstrual cycle and the condition of a woman. Vaginal secretions increase at certain times of the menstrual cycle (around the middle of the cycle, at the time of ovulation), during breastfeeding, or during sexual arousal. An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge in healthy women can be observed due to stress, due to changes in climatic conditions or taking certain medications (such as hormonal contraceptives).

An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge (more abundant and thin) is observed during pregnancy and gradually increases towards the end of pregnancy. The intensification of vaginal discharge in pregnant women is explained by an increase in the concentration of sex hormones during this period.

An increase in the amount of secretion, an abnormal odor or change in consistency, or pain, itching or burning that accompanies vaginal discharge may be signs of infection or other more serious conditions.

Beli - excessive or unusual in nature (smell, color, consistency, quantity) discharge (profuse milky-white, yellow-green, bloody, liquid or thick, smelling, etc.), causing itching, burning and constant feeling of wetness.

Pathological vaginal discharge - leucorrhoea - can be very diverse in color (red-bloody, brown, gray, black, whitish, greenish, yellowish, pink), consistency (jelly-like, curdled, foamy) with or without odor. Leucorrhoea may be accompanied by other symptoms (itching, irritation, pain) or may be the only symptom diseases.

Unlike leucorrhoea, physiological vaginal discharge is light and light. Usually they do not cause irritation to the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs; their number increases slightly before menstruation, during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and in girls - during puberty. The total amount of secretion that accumulates in the vagina during the day does not normally exceed 1 ml and is not felt.

The main causes of vaginal discharge and diseases that cause leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is one of the most common symptoms gynecological diseases, associated with a quantitative or qualitative change in the secretion of the genital organs.

Causes of discharge: inflammatory processes, infections, injuries, tumors various localizations. The nature of leucorrhoea is determined by its origin (tubal, uterine and vaginal leucorrhoea is liquid, cervical leucorrhoea is mucous). An admixture of pus usually indicates an inflammatory process, and blood - the development of a tumor.

Leucorrhoea often appears with various gynecological (for example, adnexitis, vaginitis, colpitis) and other diseases. Abnormal discharge can occur due to prolapse of the vaginal walls, ruptures of the perineum, douching with concentrated antiseptic solutions, long-term use of chemical contraceptives, congestion in the pelvic organs caused by constipation and a sedentary lifestyle, and violation of personal hygiene rules.

Pathological discharge from the female genital organs - characteristic symptom diseases of the reproductive system or general illness body.

Tentatively, leucorrhoea may indicate the nature of the pathological process, for example:

  • yellow, yellow-green discharge occurs with gonorrhea;
  • liquid yellow, foamy - with trichomoniasis;
  • white, crumbly - with thrush.

Most common reasons secretion disorders are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, tumors of the genital organs, foreign bodies in the vagina, tendrils of intrauterine devices, contraceptive caps, pessaries, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual dysfunction, interrupted coitus, masturbation, diabetes mellitus, diseases of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, cystitis, urethritis, long-term use of chemical contraception, a sedentary lifestyle that causes congestion in the pelvic organs, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially genital hygiene, etc. Leucorrhoea, regardless of the individual reaction to it, negatively affects a woman’s nervous system , lead to maceration of oozing, decreased libido, and sometimes to infertility.

Changes in the color, clarity, consistency, or odor of vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of certain diseases or conditions:

Red, bloody, brown vaginal discharge

Red vaginal discharge indicate the presence of blood in the secretion. Most often, they appear a few days before menstruation (then turn into heavy discharge characteristic of menstruation) and can persist for several days after the cessation of menstruation. If the bleeding is not heavy and approximately coincides with menstruation, then there is no need to worry. In women wearing an IUD, every month, a few days before menstruation, light spotting may appear from the vagina.

Often, bloody leucorrhoea has a brown or even blackish tint, the occurrence of which is associated with the oxidation and destruction of blood in the vagina.

If there is very little blood in the discharge, then it acquires a pink or brownish tint (spotting). Usually normal (perimenstrual spotting) does not have an unpleasant odor.

Rarely, slight vaginal bleeding may occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle (bleeding during ovulation) or in women wearing the IUD or taking oral contraceptives (the lower the dose of estrogen hormones, the more bleeding). If blood appears while taking contraceptives or wearing an intrauterine device, you should consult a gynecologist.

More or less profuse bloody leucorrhoea, not associated with menstruation, almost always indicates the presence of disease. Most often, red discharge is observed when:

  • Cervical erosions or cancer (red or pink discharge that gets worse after intercourse)
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Adenomyosis (endometriosis)

If bloody discharge from the vagina not related to menstruation, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

More abundant single (and sudden) bleeding can be caused by spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy. With an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding can be very heavy and prolonged, and it can be confused with menstruation. If against the background of bloody discharge and possible signs pregnancy, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Whitish, white, or yellow vaginal discharge

Whitish or yellow vaginal discharge is characteristic of various infections genital tract. Whitish or yellow color (less often green or grey colour) leukorrhea is usually associated with the presence of a large number of microbes and leukocytes ( purulent discharge).

Purulent (white, gray, greenish) vaginal discharge

Purulent (white, gray, greenish) leucorrhoea is observed with trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, thrush and some other infections. Typically, purulent discharge from the genital tract is accompanied by more or less severe itching and a feeling of discomfort in the genital area. Often the discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

In pregnant women, normal vaginal discharge towards the end of pregnancy may become quite viscous and whitish in color - this is normal, and there is no need to worry if there are no other signs of illness.

Foamy, curdled, thick vaginal discharge

A change in the consistency of vaginal secretions is also a sign of illness. Normal vaginal discharge, as mentioned above, should be quite thin and mucus-like. Foamy or white, curdled leucorrhoea is most often a sign of infection.

Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor

The appearance of an unpleasant odor (most often such discharge is purulent or cheesy) is also a sign of infection. Unpleasant odor (fishy odor, rotten odor, sour odor) is associated with the activity of pathogenic microbes that decompose nutrients and release gases with an unpleasant odor.

Vaginal discharge before and after sex

When sexually aroused, the glands of the vaginal vestibule in women begin to actively produce so-called vaginal lubrication. Therefore, the presence of liquid transparent discharge immediately before or during sex is normal.

Appearance thick heavy discharge (possibly with an unpleasant odor) immediately after sex (or on the second day) may be associated with cleansing the vagina of sperm (this is possible if sexual intercourse was complete, the man had an orgasm and did not use a condom). As a rule, such discharge stops quickly.

Appearance bloody vaginal discharge during sexual intercourse or immediately after it may indicate the presence of cervical erosion.

Appearance white, yellow, greenish gray or purulent leucorrhoea a few days or weeks after sex may indicate the development of an infection.

Leucorrhoea in infectious diseases

Vaginal discharge is general symptom for several diseases of the genital area in women, most of which are sexually transmitted infections (STDs).

Vaginal discharge due to trichomoniasis

Vaginitis with trichomoniasis manifests itself copious foamy leucorrhoea, often with an unpleasant odor. Long-term (chronic) vaginitis is accompanied by thick white or yellow leucorrhoea. As a rule, discharge from urogenital trichomoniasis is combined with unbearable itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia. The diagnosis of urogenital trichomoniasis is never made on the basis of symptoms alone; to make a diagnosis of trichomoniasis, the following studies must be performed:

Examination under a microscope of a native (unstained) vaginal smear
Examination under a microscope of a vaginal smear stained with special dyes
The cultural method of research is the cultivation of colonies of microorganisms obtained from the vagina on special nutrient media with subsequent study of the resulting cultures.
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a research method based on the study of the genetic material of Trichomonas vaginalis.

Vaginal discharge due to bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common disease causing the appearance discharge with an unpleasant odor. The cause of the development of bacterial vaginosis is the excessive growth of bacteria on the vaginal mucosa, which are normally present inside in small quantities (synonymous with vaginal dysbiosis). These bacteria include: Gardenerella vaginalis, Bacteroides, Peptococci, etc.
Women with bacterial vaginosis develop white discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor (fishy smell). As with trichomoniasis, the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis cannot be made based on symptoms alone. Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is based on following methods research:

pH-metry. Normally, the vagina has an acidic environment, while with bacterial vaginosis the environment becomes alkaline.
Microscopic examination of unstained vaginal smears
Examination under a microscope of vaginal smears stained with special dyes
When a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is made, the attending physician prescribes treatment.

Vaginal discharge due to vaginal candidiasis (thrush)

Urogenital candidiasis (thrush) is inflammatory disease genital organs in women and men, the causative agents of which are fungi of the genus Candida. Women with candidiasis (thrush) develop thick white vaginal discharge (specific curdled discharge) with sour smell or the smell of bread. Other symptoms of urogenital candidiasis in women are discomfort and itching in the genital area, often accompanied by cramps and pain when urinating. Diagnosis of thrush is carried out on the basis of the following studies:

Examination of native (unstained) vaginal smears under a microscope
Microscopic examination of stained vaginal smears
Mycological examination - identifying the type of fungus that causes thrush.

Self-medication of the above infectious diseases of the genital area is not recommended. Often Leucorrhoea can be caused by several infections at once, for example, a combination of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. In such cases, treatment should be carried out according to special schemes and determined only by the attending physician based on the test results obtained.

Discharge before and after menstruation

Normally, discharge before menstruation intensifies, becomes thicker, and may acquire a yellowish tint. Brown discharge is also normal a day or two before menstruation and immediately after the end of menstruation, if this discharge is associated with menstruation. Excessive brown leucorrhoea long before or after menstruation can be associated with diseases such as endometriosis, endometritis, endocervicitis, etc.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge in early pregnancy

Vaginal discharge may be heavier than usual in early pregnancy, but this is normal as long as it remains clear, does not have an unpleasant odor, and is not accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or pain in the genital area.

Appearance brown or bloody Vaginal discharge in early pregnancy may indicate spontaneous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Purulent or whitish, white Vaginal discharge in early pregnancy may indicate an infection.

Vaginal discharge in late pregnancy

In the middle of pregnancy later Normal discharge may become more viscous and thick. Suddenly appeared brown or bloody discharge may indicate an incipient miscarriage or premature birth, so immediately if blood is detected, you should seek help from a doctor. Brown discharge from the vagina during pregnancy may indicate slight bleeding from the vessels of the cervix and also require examination by a doctor.

Discharge after childbirth

Within a week after birth, regardless of whether the birth occurred naturally or C-section, there is abundant bloody discharge similar to menstruation - lochia -, over time their amount decreases, there may be an admixture of ichor in the blood - this is normal if they do not have an unpleasant odor and no severe pain in a stomach. Normally, lochia persists for up to 3 weeks, maximum 4 weeks after birth. For longer discharge, you should consult a gynecologist.

Treatment for vaginal discharge

Treatment of leucorrhoea with folk remedies

Only a few folk remedies are applicable in the treatment of vaginal discharge, but only in combination with traditional medicines. Thus, in the treatment of recurrent (repeating repeatedly) candidiasis (thrush), an infusion of calendula officinalis (marigold) is used for douching between the use of vaginal tablets or suppositories.

Treatment of leucorrhoea with folk remedies according to folk recipes is dangerous because the undiagnosed (undefined) disease that caused this discharge becomes chronic, its symptoms are erased, diagnosis of the disease becomes very difficult, and treatment becomes more complicated (treatment is longer and requires the use of more stronger drugs).

Before prescribing any folk recipes it is necessary to know your exact diagnosis and take into account the contraindications of the folk remedies used.

Which doctor should I contact if I have unusual vaginal discharge?

If leucorrhoea appears from the genitals, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Vaginal discharge may occur due to various reasons. They are divided into physiological, that is, normal, and pathological, which arise due to various diseases. A diagnosis cannot be made based on this symptom, so you should contact a gynecologist for an examination. Normally, the discharge contains mucus, epithelial cells, glycogen, bacteria that are normally found in the vagina and secretion from the Bartholin glands. Normally, their color is either transparent or whitish, and their consistency is slightly viscous; sometimes small lumps may appear in them. There is no smell in the absence of pathology, and the normal volume is considered to be up to 5 ml per day.

Whites are physiological secretions, but are often abundant and have an atypical odor. Because of them, a woman feels wetness and itching in the perineal area. The cause of such discharge may be various diseases pelvic organs, such as adnexitis, or genital infections. They can also occur due to allergies to contraceptives or personal hygiene items.

The origin of leucorrhoea can be uterine, tubal or cervical. In the first two cases, they are more liquid in nature and there are many of them. Cervical leucorrhoea is thicker and there are significantly fewer of them.

The appearance of pus in the leucorrhoea indicates the development of an inflammatory process. If streaks of blood or red discharge from the vagina appear, you should think about a tumor. A curdled leucorrhoea is characteristic of a fungal infection, and a putrid odor appears with sexually transmitted infections.

Leucorrhoea becomes profuse when taking contraceptives, with severe physical inactivity and constipation. With these phenomena, pronounced congestion develops in the pelvic organs, which contributes to the formation of vaginal discharge similar to leucorrhoea.

Mucus discharge

Mucous discharge is observed in the first month after birth, which is associated with hormonal dependence on the maternal body. They form again at about 10 years of age. The mucus discharge is periodic; its consistency is similar to egg white.

During puberty, women begin to have periods, which are cyclical. In the first half (from the first day of menstruation until the moment of ovulation) they are mucous and homogeneous, they can be transparent or white. In the middle of the cycle they thicken a little and turn brown. After ovulation has passed, they become jelly-like and acquire a sour smell due to lactobacilli. This is how the vagina naturally protects itself from infection. Vaginal discharge increases before menstruation.

During pregnancy, women's discharge is watery, sometimes copious. Before the onset of labor, the cervical plug comes out, which looks like a mucous clot; sometimes blood streaks may be noted in it. Very often this moment coincides with the beginning of contractions. If liquid discharge appears, you should consult a gynecologist, as excessive amounts of water may leak.

When red leucorrhoea appears, a threatened miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, or other pregnancy pathologies can be suspected. The right decision would be to call an ambulance and hospital treatment in gynecology.

White discharge

During puberty, white vaginal discharge often indicates inflammatory processes in the intestines or pelvis. They are often accompanied by pain when urinating or nagging pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. Hyperthermia may accompany, and signs of inflammation will appear in the blood.

About a year before your period starts female body begins hormonal changes. Appear heavy discharge, liquid in consistency, white in color with a sour odor. If no complaints are noted, then this condition should not be treated.

With the onset of sexual activity, vaginal discharge also changes; the reasons for this are due to the addition of the man’s microflora, which differs in composition from the vaginal one. After the adaptation period has passed, everything returns to normal, but until it passes, the following changes occur:

  • more liquid discharge appears;
  • The discharge may become white or yellow in color.

Such changes occur when changing sexual partners. If a woman uses contraceptives or breastfeeds, the vaginal discharge becomes scarcer and thickens, which is associated with a decrease in the secretion of female hormones.


With candidiasis, or as it is popularly called thrush, the vaginal discharge appears cheesy with a very characteristic sour odor. They are usually white in color. The disease also causes itching and swelling of the genitals, and irritation of the skin in the perineum. Thrush may be a marker of decreased immunity. Quite often, candidiasis is accompanied by HIV or sexually transmitted infections.

Green and yellow discharge

Yellow and green discharge may appear with STIs, gardnerellosis, or with genital inflammatory processes of a nonspecific nature. In the first case, there will always be itching and pain when urinating.

Yellow, green, and foamy discharge occurs with chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis. They are not always plentiful, but they are often foamy in nature. Such diseases should always be treated as they can lead to infertility.

Gray discharge accompanies gardnerellosis. Very often they have the smell of rotten fish. The pathology does not always need to be treated, since its pathogens normally live in the vagina, but if the amount of discharge has increased, they have acquired a yellowish-green color and become sticky, then it’s time to see a gynecologist.

With colpitis, leucorrhoea is the main symptom. If the disease worsens, the discharge becomes stretchy, its quantity increases, turbidity appears, and sometimes pus streaked with blood appears. Sometimes there is a rotten smell.

In inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes(salpingitis and adnexitis) leucorrhoea is accompanied by abdominal pain. When the process worsens, the pain is severe and may be cramping. As the disease becomes chronic, the pain becomes dull and nagging. These diseases usually occur due to STIs, therefore, the discharge is of the same nature.

So, the main reasons for green-yellow discharge may be:

  • STIs in case of foamy discharge;
  • colpitis, adnexitis in acute period in the case of copious separations;
  • adnexitis, salpingitis in the chronic period in case of minor discharge.

Brown and pink discharge

This color of vaginal discharge is associated with the presence of blood in it. There are physiological and pathological reasons.


  1. Ovulation. The secreted secretion is not visible on the underwear; it can only be detected on a napkin. Their number is very small.
  2. The end of menstruation, the rejection of the old endometrium and the growth of a new one. The color is pinkish brown.
  3. Taking hormonal drugs. Bloody discharge. If such discharge continues for more than three months, the drug must be replaced.
  4. Before childbirth. Cervical mucus mixed with blood is released.


Among pathological reasons In this condition, sexually transmitted diseases, precancers and oncological processes, as well as cervical erosion, are noted.

At venereal diseases, in particular, with gonorrhea, pathogens affect the ovaries and fallopian tubes. When streaks of blood appear with pus in the mucus, and bleeding develops outside of menstruation, there is a high probability of gonorrhea, which progresses.

With inflammation of the endometrium, that is, with endometritis, brown discharge may occur before or after menstruation. Sometimes they also happen in the middle of the cycle. Endometritis is often accompanied by proliferation of the endometrium, as well as a shortening of the cycle. This can lead to hemorrhagic anemia, hemoglobin can decrease to 50 g/l. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, dizziness and increasing shortness of breath. It should be noted that the growth of the endometrium is an obligate precancer, that is, with a high degree of probability it can provoke cancer.

In order to eliminate inflammation, long courses of antibiotics are prescribed, which last about 3 months.

Endometriosis is a pathology in which the endometrium grows in muscle layer the uterus, its cervix, as well as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Very often the endometrium grows in abdominal cavity. Its cells can be transported to unusual places during childbirth, abortion, or instrumental examination. A common complication disease is adhesive disease and infertility.

The symptoms of this disease are painful sensations during menstruation, as well as constant bloody discharge from the vagina, as well as from all places where the endometrium accumulates. Colposcopy reveals small cysts and nodules, as well as red, bluish and sometimes white stripes. After menstruation, the amount of discharge decreases and becomes brownish in color. By the next month the amount increases again.

Discharges during oncological processes

Vaginal discharge due to cancer is a fairly common situation. Most often they appear due to endometrial hyperplasia, as mentioned above, as well as due to polyps and tumors.

Polyps are formations from the endometrium that are somewhat elongated above it. One of the most common symptoms of polyposis is the appearance of brown discharge and bleeding in the postmenopausal period. During sex, a woman experiences severe discomfort, and after it, spotting may appear.

Polyps can appear due to hormonal imbalance, as well as due to inflammatory processes. The main complication is infertility.

For tumors with uterine localization, uterine bleeding occurs in the later stages. In the early stages, there may sometimes be spotting with a brown tint. Neoplasms are divided into benign, which include the above polyps, fibroids and fibroids, as well as malignant - endometrial cancer, cervical cancer and others.

If leucorrhoea appears with a fetid odor and blood, this may be a sign of tumor decay. It should be borne in mind that oncological processes of the uterus give metastases very quickly, so this pathology must be operated on as quickly as possible.


There are many causes of vaginal discharge. They can be physiological or pathological. Every woman should monitor her discharge, then it will be easier for her to notice any changes that may alert her. If the amount of such discharge has changed dramatically, its color, smell, or consistency have changed, this should be a reason to visit a gynecologist. It must be remembered that a large number of pathologies are easier to prevent than to treat.

Every woman of childbearing age experiences white mucous discharge. IN different periods During the menstrual cycle, such discharge may have a certain consistency and color. This is a normal process, but you need to know which are normal and which indicate various pathologies (they are called leucorrhoea). In the second case, it is useful to familiarize yourself with information on how to treat discharge in women at home.

About the nature of the discharge

When visiting a gynecologist, many people complain of white vaginal discharge. Typically, such discharge should occur in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs (the maturation and release of the egg), as well as just before the start of menstruation. The presence of white discharge is normal, but it should not be copious, have an unpleasant odor, be streaked with blood, or have streaks of a different color.

Important! Normally, every woman experiences discharge immediately after menstruation. They are pale milk. The amount of mucus increases towards ovulation, and the discharge acquires the consistency of egg white. And by the end of menstruation, they become like a viscous liquid and have a slightly brown tint.

As for the secretion of clear mucus, this is also a natural process in women, especially during sexual arousal or pregnancy. If the discharge is of the described nature and does not bother you, then, most likely, no problems are occurring in the body. pathological processes(Only a doctor can accurately exclude the development of diseases).

What causes excessive leucorrhoea:

Important! It will be quite difficult to distinguish leucorrhoea from normal discharge on your own. They are often accompanied unpleasant sensations in the genital area. Often pathological discharge acquire a green or yellow tint, have a cheesy consistency, and an unpleasant odor.

We distinguish discharge by color and smell

Yellow discharge in women

An accurate diagnosis cannot be determined by the color of the discharge, so you need to see a doctor and get tested. The only thing that can be said in response to how to treat yellow discharge is that a healthy woman should not have whiteness of this color. Determining the nature of the symptom that appears helps to more accurately and correctly select treatment, which is also based on individual characteristics body. With such signs, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, so as not to distort the entire medical history.

Cause of discharge yellow color may be:

  • adnexitis;
  • colpitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • allergy;
  • salpingitis;
  • erosion;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea.

Green discharge

Green discharge most often indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary or reproductive system. Discharge of this color requires immediate examination by a gynecologist. The causes of these types of symptoms can be diseases:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • vaginosis;
  • low immunity;
  • stress;
  • medical supplies;
  • pregnancy.

The discharge is accompanied by itching, burning, and pain. It is necessary to undergo tests: first of all, a smear, which can determine the reaction, the nature of the symptom. If you do not react in time and do not get rid of the discharge, the disease will develop into chronic form. In this case, long-term treatment will be required.

Sour odor in discharge

Such discharge may be accompanied by itching and burning. Most often, this confirms inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Smell what the discharge smells like. White discharge with a sour odor may indicate thrush. Such symptoms require examination by a gynecologist. The doctor must take a smear, which will determine the cause, and based on this, treatment will be prescribed. Usually prescribed antifungal drugs, and complemented by traditional medicine: douching, washing. In advanced forms, antibiotics are prescribed; both partners need to be treated.

Important! Pinkish discharge may indicate the development of erosion, dysplasia, different types tumors.

Curdled discharge

The curdled consistency of the leucorrhoea indicates the presence of fungal infections, which lead to itching. May cause itching in women and odorless discharge. The appearance of such a fungus is called thrush. It is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and interferes with leading a full life.

To cure the problem, suppositories, tablets, and capsules are used. Medicines for leucorrhoea in women that a doctor can prescribe:

  • Miconazole;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Ketaconozole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Flucanazole;
  • Nystatin.

Treatment requires diet. Here is an approximate diet for leucorrhoea in women, which prohibits the consumption of the following foods:

  • coffee and carbonated drinks;
  • dairy products;
  • alcoholic drinks, low alcohol drinks, beer;
  • spicy dishes, sweets, sweet fruits;
  • yeast baked goods.

During treatment it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity.

Purulent discharge

The main factors that influenced the appearance of this symptom are:

  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • adnexitis;
  • colpitis, vulvovaginitis.

The appearance of purulent discharge suggests the presence of the following diseases in these organs:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • vaginitis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries.

Treatment is prescribed after testing and determining the cause of the symptom; this is done by a specialist - a gynecologist. If purulent discharge is accompanied by vomiting, high temperature, then inpatient treatment is necessary.

Most often, for such symptoms, antibacterial drugs, antiviral drugs and suppositories with herbal extracts are prescribed.

Fishy-smelling discharge

The appearance of such a symptom indicates the presence of bacteria and fungus. In this case, the microflora in the vagina is disrupted, and gardnerellosis subsequently develops. This disease is not sexually transmitted, but can be transmitted sexually.

Causes of gardnarellosis:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal disorders, abortion;
  • pregnancy, postpartum period;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • change of sexual partners;
  • contraceptives;
  • antibiotics;
  • cyst, polyps;
  • foreign bodies;
  • consequence of surgery.

Discharge from the urethra

Such discharge most often occurs in women with urethritis. After diagnosis, treatment begins. It is recommended to take antibiotics that will be more sensitive to microflora:

  • Fluoroquinols include Ofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin;
  • from the group of macrolides – Azithromycin;
  • when prescribing semisynthetic penicillins, use Augmentin, Amoxiclav;
  • if necessary, cephalosparins - Ceftriaxone.

Important! Brown discharge with a strong unpleasant odor is a reason to immediately consult a doctor!

Treatment at home

How to cure leucorrhoea? Treatment of discharge in women at home must be approached using comprehensive methods. Both traditional medicine and drug treatment together with correction of your diet and lifestyle.

Normalization of nutrition

The first step in how to treat discharge in women at home is to normalize your diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods and canned foods. During treatment you should lean on fresh juices from celery and carrots, parsley, spinach and sorrel. The diet should include strawberries, blueberries, viburnum berries and barberries.

Hygiene of intimate places

Compliance with the rules of genital hygiene will help normalize the condition and prevent many women's problems. Needs support natural microflora vagina, which itself can protect against many bacteria and fungi. You should wash twice a day (no more), using by special means for hygiene of intimate places (it’s good if the composition contains lactic acid).

  1. Drink fresh juices from carrots, celery, spinach, other greens and green vegetables.
  2. Drink plain water with lemon juice.
  3. Rinse the external genitalia in warm water. You need to fill a basin with water and sit there for about 20 minutes.
  4. You can also make warm baths with pine or pine extracts added to the water. To prepare the extract, you need to pour three liters of water into 150 grams of dry pine. Boil for 40 minutes over low heat, strain.
  5. If the discharge is heavy (as well as during painful periods), you can drink ordinary nettle juice three times a day in the amount of a dessert spoon.

The following tools are also used:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried blueberry leaves into a glass of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, cool and strain the broth, douche the vagina before bed.
  2. You can add two liters of boiling water to three tablespoons of dry St. John's wort. Boil for thirty minutes over low heat, cool and strain through cheesecloth, use for douching twice a day.
  3. Add a mug of boiling water to a tablespoon of immortal sandstone flowers. Cook for 10 minutes, leave for another 30 minutes. Take the decoction 50 ml orally before meals.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

How douching can help?

Therapeutic effect for leucorrhoea different types can be achieved by periodically douching. The material already indicates several decoctions that are suitable for these purposes. You can also use a decoction of dry mistletoe leaves for douching (pour 500 ml of water over a large spoonful of leaves, cook for 15 minutes, cool and strain).

Oak bark

For discharge, oak bark is excellent as a decoction for vaginal douching. Pour a liter of boiling water into a tablespoon of dry bark and cook for 20 minutes. Use by straining when the broth has cooled well.


Eucalyptus leaves will also help in this matter. In this situation, you need to add 500 ml of boiling water to two tablespoons of leaves, cook for 15 minutes, cool.

What else is suitable for vaginal douching:

  • add 0.2 liters of water to a teaspoon of dry meadowsweet herb. Put on fire and boil for 20 minutes;
  • Calendula flowers will help get rid of all pathogenic bacteria on the vaginal mucosa. You need to pour a large spoon of calendula with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, wrapped in a warm cloth;
  • Pour a tablespoon of St. John's wort into a glass of boiling water. Keep covered for 30 minutes, be sure to chill and pass the broth through cheesecloth;
  • The plum roots need to be crushed and poured with a cup of boiling water. Cook for about an hour, be sure to strain before using.

Treatment with tablets

Drugs are divided into 2 types:

  • For local application(vaginal tablets, suppositories);
  • general action (more often used for severe forms).

Often a one-time appointment is prescribed:

  • Flucanazole (analogues of the drug - Flucostat, Diflucan, Mikosist, Mikomax, Ciskan, Diflazon, Mikoflucan);
  • Itraconazole (analogs - Irunin, Itrazol, Orunit);
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral, Mycozoral);
  • Pimafucin.

The dosage of all drugs is determined by the doctor, as well as the course of treatment. During this period, it is recommended to take vitamins.

Ways to treat discharge in women at home will help reduce the amount of leucorrhoea. But they will not get rid of the main problem that is caused by the process. So you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor until later.