What to apply to a sore on the labia. Common causes, types of diagnosis and treatment of ulcers on the labia. Red sores on the labia

Sores on the labia may indicate a very serious illnesses. Some are caused by unprotected sex, others are not. In any case, blisters and ulcers on the labia minora and majora are a serious reason to consult a doctor, he will study the symptoms and find out the causes of the damage. skin. If a woman has a wound on her labia, she needs to consult a gynecologist immediately.

It is also necessary to immediately take precautions that will prevent the spread of a possible infection: get yourself separate towels, bed sheets, dishes, warn your sexual partner about a possible disease.

What causes rashes on the genitals?

The main reasons that can cause ulcers and blisters on the labia in women are as follows:

  • primary syphilis;
  • genital herpes;
  • lymphogranuloma venereum;
  • Lipschutz-Chapin disease.

Whatever disease causes the sores, its diagnosis and treatment must be taken as seriously as possible. These diseases can lead to the development of very serious complications, infection of sexual partners, household members and others. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and determine what caused the ulcers. After research and diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe treatment that will suit individual characteristics organism and the nature of the disease.

Wounds caused by primary syphilis

Ulcers or chancre (wounds with a hard base) on the body are one of the signs of primary syphilis, which can be caused by treponema or pale spirochete. Pathogens are transmitted at home, if personal hygiene rules are not followed, or through sexual contact. Such a wound is 0.5-2 cm in size. The middle of the ulcer has a dark red or purple tint. With primary syphilis, resulting from unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman develops similar sores on her labia and pubis. Gradually, chancre may spread and appear on the abdomen and other parts of the body.

The disease is accompanied by inflammation lymph nodes in the groin. The disease can develop and the patient's condition worsens. Primary syphilis leads to the development of secondary and tertiary syphilis, which are fraught with serious consequences for the body. When diagnosing syphilis, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy. Taking antibiotics and following all doctor's instructions helps to get rid of the disease in the early stages.

Genital herpes

Virus herpes simplex The first or second type can cause ulcers on the labia.

Typically, genital herpes is caused by HSV-2. The sensations with genital herpes are the same as with regular herpes. Itching, discomfort, tingling and burning appear in the subcutaneous area. Then bubbles with liquid appear on the skin, which burst after a while. In their place, ulcers with scabs form, which gradually dry out and fall off.

The patient's general health deteriorates; body temperature may rise to 37.5°. Genital herpes may appear later long time after infection with the virus. External manifestations Diseases often occur when immunity is weakened.

The sensations of genital herpes can be extremely painful. Many women find it difficult to go to the toilet, since urine hitting the labia causes a strong burning sensation. When trying to defecate, the muscles tense, which causes pain, as does the touch of underwear.

With genital herpes there is a high probability reinfection. Therefore, it is recommended to use disposable napkins when washing, rather than towels. It is advisable for sexual partners not to even sleep in the same bed.

For treatment, internal and local antiviral therapy, immunomodulating drugs and means for removing painful sensations. In the future, most patients must comply with maintenance therapy to avoid relapse of the disease.

Infection with lymphogranuloma venereum

A high probability of infection with lymphogranuloma venereum is indicated by the appearance of ulcers irregular shape dark in color and painful. This pathology is also called Nicolas-Favre disease or lymphogranulomatosis inguinal.

Ulcers on the labia in this case are caused by an allergic reaction, which is provoked by certain serotypes of chlamydia trachomatis. The causative agents of the disease penetrate through the mucous membrane or in places where the skin is damaged under the skin and cause the appearance of wounds. The first damage to the skin occurs at the site of infection. Gradually the rash spreads. The first wounds appear about a month after infection.

For treatment, medications are prescribed that contain substances to which pathogens are sensitive.

Lipschutz-Chapin disease

Lipschutz-Chapin disease, which is quite rare, manifests itself primarily as ulcers on the labia. The rash is caused by Dederlein's vaginal bacillus. The onset of the disease may have nothing to do with sexual activity. If the disease is accompanied by ulceration in oral cavity, then it is considered secondary, the primary cause is Touraine's major aphthosis. In this case, the rash in the mouth, on the skin of the whole body and labia can be of a completely different nature and be represented by various ulcers.

With this disease, sores on the genitals may have various shapes. Usually the ulcers are small, each surrounded by a rim of pus. As their size increases, the ulcers merge. Their consistency is usually soft. In some cases, the ulcers resemble chancroid. Their shape may be round or irregular, and the depth of damage to the skin may also vary.

A gangrenous form of ulcers is possible. In this case, each sore causes burning pain. The rash affects the outer and labia minora. The defeat is profound. The surface of the ulcers is covered with a dark yellow-gray scab.

The prognosis for this disease is favorable. As a rule, it is prescribed local treatment. The skin is treated with potassium permanganate infusion, powders, ointments, vaginal suppositories. In addition, antibiotic injections are prescribed. At gangrenous form Analgesic therapy is required.

Preventive measures

Any venereal diseases, including those that cause sores on the female external genitalia, can be avoided by following simple general rules prevention. The main recommendations are:

  • compliance with the rules intimate hygiene, the use of individual items for this;
  • careful attitude towards any contacts with other people, including contacts in everyday life;
  • use of barrier contraception during sexual intercourse;
  • immune support;
  • maintaining the integrity of the skin.

Sometimes a rash on the genitals is caused by diseases that have nothing to do with the genital area. For example, scabies mite or typhoid fever may appear this way.

If any alarming symptoms It is necessary to consult a doctor to undergo diagnostics and determine the causes of the wounds. Otherwise, rashes on the genitals can cause severe pain and cause serious complications.

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Ulcers on the labia impair the quality of life. Visually, they appear as wounds or erosions on the mucous membrane and skin, often become wet and inflamed. They are covered with a crust, but there are also open, festering or bleeding erosions. The wounds differ in color (brown or light) and shape (large and small).

Ulcers on the genital organs in women can be localized in singular or they are formed in bulk. Often the wounds are accompanied by other symptoms: itching, burning, redness and swelling, vaginal discharge.

Why do they appear

There are several main factors that provoke ulcers on the female genitalia. These include the following:

  • diseases transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina and genitourinary system, independent of STDs. They are caused by bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms;
  • skin pathologies;
  • allergy.

There are other reasons causing the appearance wound. But they are much less common. It is impossible to determine on your own the nature of the occurrence of ulcers.

Even gynecologists take first necessary tests. Based on their results, a diagnosis is made. You can see the rashes in the photos provided.

When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases

STDs are accompanied not only by sores on the labia majora and inner labia, but also by a number of other signs. This bad smell, profuse , or pain during bowel movements Bladder and sex, the desire to constantly scratch your intimate area.

  1. Genital herpes - with pathology, blisters with cloudy or clear liquid. When they burst, white sores remain in their place. Also characterized by itching and inflammation intimate area. The disease is caused by the herpes virus.
  2. Syphilis is classified as an STD, although the bacteria can also be contracted through blood or through household means. Wounds on the outer or inner labia are a sign initial stage diseases. Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum bacteria. The wounds are dark red in color, with a dense crust. The size does not exceed 5 millimeters in diameter. At the same time, the patient’s inguinal lymph nodes become enlarged.
  3. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection characterized by foamy greenish discharge from the vagina with a pungent odor. Erosion on the intimate organs, which appears as a result of an unbearable burning sensation, swelling. Women experience severe pain when urinating.
  4. Gonorrhea is an infection caused by gonococci. It causes small and red sores to appear on the genitals. There is discharge coming from the vagina yellow color with an unpleasant purulent smell. When urinating and having sexual intercourse, a woman feels pain.
  5. Chancroid – This sexually transmitted infection is also called chancroid. It is caused by Ducray's bacillus. Spots appear on the genitals, which after one and a half to two weeks become ulcers. In their place, a soft chancre with a shiny bottom and smooth edges is formed.

Among other sexually transmitted pathologies that provoke the appearance of ulcers, there are: molluscum contagiosum and granuloma venereum.

Not sexually transmitted diseases

Diseases can be caused by various microorganisms. Infections often affect not only genitourinary system, but also reproductive

  1. Thrush is candidiasis caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida. It is characterized by curdled, profuse, white discharge and sores on the genitals. Women experience unbearable itching, pain during urination and sex. Thrush affects not only the vagina, but also the anus. Candidiasis causes a decrease in immunity (after taking antibiotics, during pregnancy or chronic forms). Against this background, the active growth of candida fungi begins.
  2. Vulvovaginitis - it is caused by coli, they are helminths. Most often the disease develops due to poor hygiene bodies. Painful sores appear on the genitals, and itching causes sores.
  3. Leukoplakia - usually appears in women during menopause. Dense and white rashes appear on the intimate area. They have a hard and textured shell. If the disease is not treated, ulcers will form at the site of the rash.
  4. The appearance of a cyst on the genitals - it can be a Bartholin gland cyst, a vaginal or ovarian cyst. All of them can cause ulcers in the future.
  5. Vulvar dysplasia is a precancerous condition in which brown and dark spots in the intimate area. The disease is accompanied severe itching, causing wounds and ulcers.

If any alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, he will find out what it is, tell you how to treat and how to treat the disease.

Allergy wounds

Often the appearance of rashes and sores is caused by an allergic reaction. The disease is also called dermatitis. If the body is exposed to an irritant, then after some time rashes, redness, and swelling will appear. Symptoms disappear if contact of the allergen with human skin is excluded.

The main irritants include:

  • lubricants, lubricants, condoms;
  • intimate hygiene care products;
  • synthetic material from which underwear is made;
  • scented pads or tampons.

The child has adolescence may develop atopic dermatitis. These are allergic reactions in which during the cold season the labia begin to peel and itch. Accompanied by swelling and redness.

Ulcers in skin diseases

  1. Pyoderma is a skin disease, but it is quite rare on the labia. It is caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. A red and brown rash appears on the genitals and is very itchy. The lymph nodes in the groin also become significantly enlarged.
  2. – with this pathology, a red formation appears on the labia majora or labia minora. Visually, it seems that the middle is pressed inside. During the recovery stage, an ulcer forms instead of a spot.
  3. - Caused by the scabies mite. It gets on the skin and sinks into the upper layers of the epidermis, gnawing through the skin. With scabies, there are many sores on the body due to the burning sensation. The mite prefers delicate areas of the skin, so ulcers form on the pubis and lips, between the fingers, and in the elbow area.


Treatment for ulcers depends on the disease and pathogen. At viral diseases It is necessary to take a course of antiviral drugs. This could be Acyclovir or Zovirax.

If the disease is caused by bacteria, then only antibiotics will help. At serious pathologies they are injected intramuscularly or intravenously. Most often, doctors prescribe penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics. If you are allergic to them, then drugs of the macrolide or tetracycline group will help.

In case of allergic reactions, it is necessary to protect yourself from exposure to allergens and take antihistamines. These include Suprastin, Zodak, Zirtek.

Dosage and duration of use medicines prescribed by the attending physician.


Rashes on the labia bring discomfort. They do not heal for a long time, they itch and hurt. A gynecologist will help diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. You should not self-medicate, this can lead to the situation getting worse and the disease becoming chronic or latent.

Women quite often develop various types. They may be caused by external or internal reasons. Ulcers on the labia can appear due to sexually transmitted diseases, be the result of injuries, mechanical damage, or fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs.

At the following diseases Ulcers appear on the labia most often:

  1. Candidiasis (thrush);
  2. Genital herpes;
  3. Syphilitic lesions;
  4. Gonococcal vaginitis;
  5. Allergic dermatitis.

In addition, these rashes often occur in women after childbirth. Sometimes they are formed due to improper care behind the skin of the genital organs. There are also known cases of the formation of ulcers due to allergic reactions and other diseases.


The disease is caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida. Normally, fungi are found on the surface of the skin of any healthy body, they belong to the conditionally pathogenic flora, since they exhibit their activity under certain conditions. One of these conditions is violation acid-base balance on the vaginal mucosa, also affects the development of mycosis decrease local immunity.

Thrush is manifested by itching of the external genitalia, which intensifies in the evening, and sometimes at night. Itching is accompanied by intense vaginal discharge. The woman also has an unpleasant odor. Ulcers on the labia are formed in advanced stages of vaginal candidiasis, when scratching causes local inflammatory reaction. Long-term non-healing erosions are also typical.

Labia herpes

Genital herpes is a type of herpes infection. The method of infection is contact; you can become infected during sexual intercourse if your partner has a rash on the genitals or lips. The disease begins with an increase in temperature, general malaise, numbness in the muscles of the lower back, thighs, and groin. At the site of future rashes, itching, pain and burning occur.

Incubation period can last up to 2 weeks, then they form, on internal surfaces thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen. When localized or on the walls of the rectum, patients experience severe pain during bladder and bowel movements. Ulcers on the lips can form when scratching the affected areas due to a secondary infection.


Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum. The incubation period lasts 1-1.5 months, during which time the patient is infectious.

You can become infected:

  • sexually;
  • when in contact with a sick person at home;
  • through common household items.

Depending on how long the illness lasts, there are different manifestations syphilis. The first signs appear at the site of penetration of Treponema pallidum, most often the labia, a hard chancre is formed there, this is a round erosive or ulcerative surface with a hard bottom. Often chancres on the genitals are mirrored. The size of the ulcer can vary from a few millimeters to a centimeter or more. After healing, a flat scar remains at the site of formation. In secondary syphilis, formations with clear edges affect the entire surface of the body; at the beginning, the rashes are small-pointed; if untreated, syphilis turns into erosions and ulcers, and a pustular rash may appear.

Photos of ulcers on the lips of women

Gonococcal vaginitis

Acute vaginitis with gonorrheal infection develops rapidly if the patient is untidy, the skin of the mucous membranes turns red and thickens, becomes covered with a yellowish-white coating, with granular elevations. Often, gonorrheal vaginitis appears together with trichomonas lesions of the woman’s genital organs. Ulcers on the labia appear when the rules of intimate hygiene are not followed, as well as when infected with other types of microorganisms.

Postpartum ulcer

An ulcer after childbirth appears due to infection of cracks and tears that form in the perineum during labor activity. The lesion is covered with a gray or yellowish coating, the wound bleeds, swelling and redness appear around it. A woman complains of burning pain in the vulva area. This stage lasts 4-5 days, the ulcer gradually disappears, a complete change of the epithelium occurs within two weeks.

Allergic dermatitis

The body's slow-acting reaction develops in response to allergen irritation. They are constantly in contact with the skin of the labia, allergens accumulate, then manifest as various rashes on the skin and mucous membranes in the perineal area. Allergic reaction may occur on hygiene products, on tampons and pads, on underwear, and may also appear when increased sweating and failure to comply with hygiene standards.

Ulcers on the labia appear as a result of sexually transmitted infections, but in addition, there may be manifestations of other diseases, such as candidiasis and allergic dermatitis.

Ulcers are localized in and around the vagina. They may vary in appearance: they may be raised, red or white, itchy or painful, or they may not cause any additional symptoms. They may harden, grow, bleed, and be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • local pain;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • burning;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • unpleasant odor from the vagina.

Causes of sores on the labia

To determine the causes, it is important not only to have additional symptoms, but also appearance ulcerations, their color and location.

White sores on the labia

Candidiasis (thrush) caused by a weakening of the local immunity of the mucous membrane, the predominance of Candida fungi in the natural flora of the vagina. The condition is accompanied by itching, burning, discomfort during urination, copious amounts of curdled discharge, irritation on the labia, the appearance of ulcers on them with a white head, under which there is a pink-red, inflamed mucous membrane.

Photo 1: The cause of thrush may be long-term use antibiotics or reduced immunity. Source: flickr (Fanboy30).

Red sores on the labia

Genital herpes. Most common reason appearance - genital herpes. This is a recurrent disease, manifested by neuralgia, the appearance of itchy, painful blisters, red sores in the genital area, and enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. Symptoms last 5-15 days until complete healing.

Vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina). Vulvovaginitis - inflammatory disease vagina and vulva. The disease begins in the vagina due to non-compliance with hygiene rules and intestinal flora entering the genitals. It manifests itself as severe itching, profuse leucorrhoea, and swelling in the vulva area. Pus-like discharge irritates the mucous membrane of the labia and may cause red ulcers to appear.

Contact dermatitis (increased sensitivity To chemicals and irritants). Contact dermatitis is an acute inflammatory disease of the skin that develops as a result of the action of allergens or irritating factors: detergents, synthetic fabrics. It appears in the form of red spots, itchy bumps, and ulcers.

What measures should be taken when a symptom appears?

If any ulcers appear on the genitals, you should consult a doctor. Once the cause is determined, the patient can begin treatment. Until the diagnosis is completed, a warm bath with a mild soda or saline solution can relieve itching and burning.

Treatment depends on the cause of the ulcers; your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, antiviral drugs, corticosteroids, medications with hydrocortisone, antipruritic and painkillers.

Important! Women diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection should avoid sexual contacts until completion of treatment.

The duration of treatment for genital ulcers depends on the causes, but in most cases, even cured ones, they recur. Not cured infectious diseases may have consequences:

  • infertility;
  • adhesions around the pelvic organs;
  • increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Photo 2: A specialist usually determines the cause of the disease through a gynecological examination, oral data collection, taking tests and smears to identify bacteria and allergens. Source: flickr (Saima Jehangir).

Preventing the onset of symptoms

Prevention of sexually transmitted infections is to use a condom with every sexual partner. To prevent infection intestinal flora, careful personal hygiene is necessary.

Strong immunity and the ability to cope with stress will prevent candidiasis from developing.

Genital ulcers caused by allergies are more difficult to prevent. Alkaline, abrasive, strong-smelling soaps and tight underwear should be avoided.

Homeopathic treatment

Correctly selected homeopathic medicines You can completely recover from the disease.

  1. (Natrium muriaticum) effectively treats candidiasis with the formation of white ulcers, in the presence of mild pain and vaginal discharge.
  2. (Mercurius solubilis) should be taken when red ulcers appear, burning sensation, unpleasant sensations when urinating.
  3. If ulcers on the labia are caused by infection and are accompanied by inflammation, redness of the skin, swelling, prescribe (Belladonna).
  4. When the mucous membrane is corroded during vulvovaginitis purulent discharge, will help relieve inflammation (Calendula).
  5. For genital herpes, a complex drug is prescribed (Rhus toxicodendron Oligoplex). Its components relieve inflammation, relieve neuralgic pain, act as an antipruritic agent, and have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane.

If the inflammation is caused by infection with Trichomonas, the ulcers are treated with medications.

Both the labia majora and labia minora are the external organs of the female reproductive system. Any changes in the structure of their skin, as well as the appearance various damages, such as sores on the labia, may indicate the development dangerous diseases. Especially when it comes to long-term non-healing and painful lesions.

In order to prevent serious complications, if wounds are detected in the area of ​​the labia majora or minora, you must contact medical care. Competent diagnosis of the causes that provoked damage to the skin helps to carry out effective, high-quality treatment. If it happened mechanical damage, then it is enough to disinfect the lesion and wait a few days - usually this is enough for complete healing!

Common Causes

Wounds on the lips usually take the form of microcracks, ulcers, scratches, abrasions, etc. Such damage may be different sizes, single or multiple, inflamed, bleeding.

The appearance of wounds on the labia signals the need to clarify the nature of their formation. Given that timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, it is possible to heal skin lesions and relieve intensity accompanying symptoms as soon as possible.