How to treat children for. A cold in a child: invisible first signs, treatment (what to do), causes. How to avoid mistakes and complications. Medicines for the common cold

Cold - colloquial name numerous acute respiratory infections infectious diseases and various exacerbations chronic pathologies upper respiratory tract. Their main cause is viruses. Hypothermia of the body activates them and contributes to a decrease in immunity. Most often, the child becomes hostage to such diseases. Therefore, treatment of colds in children is a very relevant and significant issue for many parents. Since a doctor’s consultation is necessary at the first symptoms, the course of therapy begins with medications.

The treatment prescribed by a doctor for colds in children can be completely different in each individual case. After an appropriate examination, he will identify the underlying clinical picture disease (symptoms), its type (, acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, etc.), neglect. Be sure to take into account the age of the child, the individual characteristics of his small body, chronic diseases and heredity. It will reveal the reason for the virus entering the body (epidemic, hypothermia, etc.). And only then will he give you a recipe and tell you how to use it? medicines alleviate the baby's condition. Drug treatment of colds in children under one year of age should be very careful and only with the permission of a doctor.

Antipyretic drugs

  • Paracetamol
  • Solpaflex
  • Panadol
  • Efferalgan
  • Acetaminophen
  • Ibuprofen
  • Tylenol
  • Coldrex
  • Nurofen
  • Tsefekon
  • Calpol
  • Antigrippin

All antipyretic drugs must be marked “for children.” Most of them can be used to treat colds even in newborns. But they become safest only at 3-4 years old, when they cannot harm the baby’s health in any way. In more early age may begin severe allergies on auxiliary components of antipyretic drugs.

Antiviral agents

  • Remantadine
  • Arbidol
  • Ingaverin
  • Ribavirin
  • Isoprinosine
  • Cycloferon
  • Anaferon
  • Laferon
  • Viferon
  • Derinat (allowed from birth)
  • Echinacea tincture

Antiviral drugs for children come in fast and slow action. To avoid vainly blaming the prescribed remedy for its ineffectiveness, ask your doctor in advance what kind of medicine he prescribed for your baby. After some, cold symptoms disappear already on the second day after taking it, after others - only on 3-4.

Symptomatic medications

The most popular symptomatic medications for the treatment of colds in children, which are usually prescribed after a year:

  • for the common cold (the packaging of the drug usually indicates the age at which these drops can be used): Galazolin, Nazivin, Tizin, Farmazolin; it is impossible for a child to get used to vasoconstrictor drugs, otherwise, after stopping such treatment, his nose will be clogged even worse than before; deadline - no more than 4 days of active use;
  • from wet: syrups and tinctures based on licorice and marshmallow roots, ACC, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Sinekod;
  • for dry cough: Tusuprex, Pertussin, Tussin, Libexin, Tussamag;
  • from prolonged cough: herbal breast mixture, Coldrex-Broncho;
  • for swelling and allergic reactions: Fenkarol, Tavegil, Erius, Fenistil, Loratadine, Suprastin, Zaditen, Zyrtec, Diazolin ( antihistamines are also actively used in the treatment of colds in children of any age);
  • for sore throat: Miramistin, Salin, Dolphin, Aqua Maris, Chlorhexidine;
  • from: Otipax.

Vitamin therapy

  • Multivitamins;
  • ascorbic acid.

If a child has a cold, it will be quite difficult to manage without medications, given the viral nature of this type of disease. And yet, most parents today categorically refuse to give their children medications that, in their opinion, contain too much a large number of chemical and synthetic components. Their harm lies in the fact that, together with pathogenic microflora they destroy useful things too. The result is decreased immunity and stomach upset. An alternative drug treatment colds Children may become traditional medicine.

Useful statistics. Simultaneous use of two medical supplies for the treatment of colds in children in 10% leads to a risk of negative interaction. The use of three drugs for this purpose brings the dangerous level to 50%, and more than five - to 90%.

Traditional medicine as an alternative

In what cases is it possible to treat colds in children with folk remedies without complications and consequences in the future?

  • Before visiting the doctor

Having discovered that their child has a runny nose, hoarseness and fever, parents immediately wonder how to treat their child at the first sign of a cold before visiting a doctor. After all, most often the disease takes you by surprise, and the first symptoms appear in the late afternoon or at night. There are recipes for folk remedies that will help bring down the temperature, make it easier for the baby to breathe, and eliminate a sore throat.

  • As aids

Most best option use of folk remedies - with the permission of a doctor. An experienced therapist will definitely tell worried parents how to treat a cold not only with medications, but will also give several recipes for folk remedies that have been proven for a long time. Firstly, they will reduce the harm that medications have on the child’s immune system and stomach. Secondly, they will soften their aggressive effect. Thirdly, they will contribute to the baby’s rapid recovery.

In other cases, the use of any folk remedies will be considered self-medication, which, without taking into account individual characteristics the child’s body and the course of the disease can cause irreparable harm. So, consulting a therapist on how to treat a cold in a child is mandatory if you want him to recover as quickly as possible without consequences and complications.

Keep in mind! Aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years of age as an antipyretic for colds. It provokes the development of Reye's syndrome - severe damage to the liver and brain.

Folk remedies

If this is just the beginning of a cold in a child, the following folk remedies can be used to treat this kind of disease.


  • Vinegar rubdowns. Dilute vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 to 20. Moisten a napkin, towel, or sheet in the resulting solution. Wipe the armpits and groins, forehead and face, chest and back, arms and legs with them.
  • Dandelion infusion.


  • Decoction of Antonovka. Pour 3 apples with a liter of boiling water, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Add sugar, fructose, honey. Suitable for treating colds in children from 6 months of age.
  • Lime tea.
  • Infusions from medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile, plantain, coltsfoot, motherwort, chicory.


  • Warming dry baths. Mix table salt (1 kg) with grated ginger (50 g). Heat in a frying pan to 60°C. Pour the mixture into a bowl. Put cotton socks on the patient and let him trample his feet on the warm “sand” at home. Can be used to treat coughs and runny nose during colds in children aged 1-2 years.
  • Cabbage leaf compress. Wrap cabbage leaf into a clean cotton cloth, beat it with a kitchen hammer, and knead it in your hands. Wrap a cloth with a cabbage leaf around the baby's neck, put plastic on top, and wrap it in a thin scarf or diaper. Change the compress every 2 hours.
  • Onion compress. Blend a small onion in a blender ginger root(10 g), add camphor oil (5 drops). Spread the mixture on your feet, wrap it in parchment paper, put on cellophane and a warm sock.
  • Rubbing the chest with badger or bear fat.
  • Rinsing the throat and nose with a solution of water with soda and salt (you can start practicing if the child is already 5-6 years old; before this age, this folk remedy for colds is not recommended).
  • A newborn can put breast milk in his nose.
  • Inhalations over eucalyptus, sage, boiled potatoes.
  • Foot baths with mustard are good for colds

Particularly effective traditional treatment a child at the first sign of a cold, since these drugs can block the activity of viruses and prevent it from spreading. As a result, the disease may progress to mild form within 3 days without prescribing antibiotics and other powerful antiviral drugs.

A few words about antibiotics. Colds in children cannot be treated with antibiotics. They are used to eliminate bacterial rather than viral infections. If, 3 days after the onset of the illness, the child’s temperature does not drop, purulent contents come out of the nose, and the cough intensifies, only in this case antibiotic therapy is prescribed.


Among non-traditional methods of treating colds in children, homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular. On her side is the absence of chemical-based medications, 100% naturalness of the products, and an individual approach to each child.


  • Belladonna 30;
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum 30;
  • Aconite 30.


  • for cough: Ipecac 30, Cuprum Met 30, Bryonia 30;
  • for runny nose: Nux Vom 30, Pulsatilla 30.

Parents must understand that homeopathic treatment A cold in a child cannot be treated with monotherapy: in any case, qualified medical care is required.

Interesting fact. The doctor prescribes general analysis blood to a patient with a cold only if there is no improvement in the condition 4-5 days after the onset of the disease.

Auxiliary procedures

Sometimes the onset of a cold in a child takes young (especially inexperienced in this matter) parents by surprise; they do not know what to do, how to alleviate the baby’s condition, and at this moment they make a number of annoying mistakes. Some useful tips What to do in such a situation, if it is still not possible to visit a doctor in the near future, will allow parents to pull themselves together and help the child cope with the disease already at its initial stage.

What do we have to do

  1. Provide the patient with complete rest.
  2. Give him more fluids to drink. This can be plain water, warm tea with honey, lemon and raspberries, cranberry (lingonberry) juice, compotes, rosehip decoction, mineral alkaline waters(Borjomi), milk with butter. They help the small organism fight phlegm, remove waste products of viruses from it, and effectively increase the discharge of sputum.
  3. Rub the baby's feet.
  4. Maintain the hygiene of the room: while the patient is not in it, regularly (but not too much) ventilate and humidify the air in it.
  5. Provide for someone with a cold proper nutrition during the period of illness, so that it contributes to a speedy recovery. These are foods rich in carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  6. Try to reduce body temperature if it rises above 38.5°C: so high rate destroys interferon in the body, which fights against viruses.
  7. If the patient is not allergic to smells, use aromatherapy: they are effective against colds tea tree, fir, lemon.
  8. Give your baby an acupressure massage of the wings of the nose (for a runny nose), the elbow (for fever), the space between the big and index fingers(for severe headache).

What not to do

  1. Force feed. If he doesn't want it, let him eat it later.
  2. Reduce the temperature if it has not reached 38.5°C. After all, this is a protective reaction of a small organism aimed at destroying viruses. At this time, interferon, the most important protector against colds, is synthesized at an accelerated pace.
  3. Use any warming procedures (baths, showers) if the temperature rises. Wait until she returns to normal.

If you don’t know how to treat a child’s developing cold before consulting a therapist, don’t experiment and don’t rush to try grandma’s recipes. If you don't have medical education, you may make mistakes that will only complicate the situation, prolong the recovery period and may cause Negative consequences. Be wise parents and do not harm your cold baby.

A child's cold is a viral infection upper respiratory tract disease lasting no more than one week. A cold is not a threat to the baby’s life, but even despite this, young mothers often panic, which in no case should be done. Therefore, parents should not sound the alarm if their child often suffers from colds.

A cold can be dangerous if complications arise. To protect against this, mothers must surround their child with warmth and care, providing him with proper care.

Often, sharp jump temperature, especially at night, signals the manifestation of a cold. This may be evidenced by the baby’s primary condition, if he has become capricious, restless, has poor appetite, gets tired quickly, drowsy, suddenly changes mood and refuses to play.

  • The baby sneezes;
  • Eyes turn red;
  • Tearing;
  • Stuffy nose;
  • Enlarged submandibular, cervical and axillary The lymph nodes;
  • and malaise.

A cold in a baby under 1 year of age can manifest itself as a change in skin color, difficulty breathing, sweating, a change in feeding regimen, and the appearance of a rash.

The most early sign a cold is a runny nose, which must be resisted initially, because very young children do not yet know how to blow their nose. Cough is the second sign of the disease. In this case, the baby must be shown to the doctor, since its underlying causes may be different.

A cold is also characterized by an increase in body temperature. When the temperature is above 37, this signals the beginning of inflammation and the fight immune system with pathogens of viral infection.


The cold is a self-healing disease. Basically treat her specific methods not required, it disappears on its own.

Home care

At home treatment is intended to relieve symptoms and prevent their complications. Treatment should consist of the following measures and actions:

  • Ventilate the room to make it easier for the child to breathe (at the same time, move him to another room for a while);
  • Change bed linen 2 times a week (more often when sweating);
  • Infants need to be turned from one barrel to another to avoid congestion in the lungs;
  • Drink plenty of warm drinks and ensure proper rest;
  • The diet should be rich in carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Antiviral drugs

Before giving your child antiviral drugs, consult your doctor, because he will prescribe exactly the tablets that are suitable for your baby. Before you buy antiviral tablets, syrups and similar medications, it is necessary to take into account the main rules for their selection:

  • You know your child’s body better and after studying the instructions you decide that these drugs and medicines are not suitable for him, contact your pediatrician again;
  • There is no need to give your baby all the pills at the same time according to the principle “the more medicine, the better.” It is not possible to cure a cold using this method;
  • Know that just because pills or other drugs are sold without a prescription does not mean they are safe;
  • Symptomatic treatment includes various means and cold tablets, so it is necessary to consider how these drugs interact with each other.

Restore normal level temperature (if the reading reaches 39C) in children is facilitated by tablets and medications based on Paracetamol. If you have a cough, you can take Gedelix tablets or syrup.

The most popular cold medicines for children, including the following tablets:

  • Anaferon for children;
  • Donormil;
  • Rinza;
  • Remantadine;
  • Rinicold;
  • Barralgetas;
  • Grammidin.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy is new method treatment according to the rule “like can be cured by like”, which achieved enormous fame. Homeopathy is recommended for children and pregnant women, since synthetic tablets can cause side effects, and homeopathic medicines exclude them.

Homeopathy how medical science states that medicines should be made from natural substances. Homeopathy includes various drugs for the treatment of many adult and childhood diseases, but they must be prescribed by an experienced specialist with appropriate education.

Children's homeopathy for colds includes in the medicine cabinet such drugs as Aconite 30, Belladonna 30, Pulsatilla 30, Nux Vom 30, Bryonia 30, Cuprum met and many others.


Candles preparations are cone-shaped, in a solid state, but in the presence of temperature they tend to melt, then the medicine is absorbed through the rectum and is quickly absorbed, which is the main advantage of the drug.

Doctors recommend suppositories based on their benefits:

  • Using suppositories is effective, since a child cannot always swallow tablets;
  • Drug absorption is consistent;
  • In the fight against viral diseases, suppositories can be used from birth, but most often rectal suppositories are prescribed to infants and children under 3 years of age.

The most famous and effective candles for childhood colds:

  • Calpol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Anafen;
  • Genferon;
  • for children.


Application vasoconstrictor drops help relieve runny nose. For children under one year of age, these drugs can be used as a 0.01% solution diluted with boiled water. Vasoconstrictor drops have antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

The most popular of them are drugs:

  • Pinosol;
  • Collargol;
  • Polydex;
  • Protargol.

Doctors do not recommend using drugs such as Xymelin and Tizin more than 4 times a day. You should not overuse the use of nasal drops, as they make breathing easier for the first 3 days and lead to addiction, so then it is necessary to rinse the nose.

Nasal rinsing

A runny nose is the beginning of any cold. To clean the nose of children under 1 year old, use cotton wicks moistened with a soda solution before feeding.

An effective remedy for a runny nose - aloe juice, which is diluted with water. This remedy is instilled into the baby 3 times a day, 4 drops. You can rinse the spout with the solution sea ​​salt– , Aquador, or treat a runny nose with a small concentration of antiseptics (Miramistin). It is most convenient to use these products in the form of sprays.


Treatment of colds in children should be comprehensive, therefore topical external preparations are used - namely ointment.

Most often, pharmacy chains offer parents the following products:

  • Anti-cold ointment Doctor IOM;
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Ointment Vicks Active Balm against runny nose;
  • Dr. Tice Cold Ointment;
  • Pulmex Baby ointment for babies up to one year old.

Oxolinic ointment is the most effective and popular, used both in medicinal purposes, and for the prevention of colds in children. The ointment is applied 2 times a day, mainly before going to kindergarten

, school, or if there are infected people at home.

How to apply

  • In order to cure a runny nose in a child, this ointment is applied in a thin layer 3 times a day for 4-5 days.
  • Ointments Doctor IOM and Doctor Tais are prescribed for children aged 2 years and older. They are characterized by antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.
  • Vicks Active Balm ointment is intended to treat runny nose and cough due to inflammation of the respiratory tract. Pulmex Baby ointment is recommended for use as an adjuvant to cure colds and coughs. Airways

in infants, after 6 months of their life.

It is impossible to cure a cold using powdered medications, since these medications only help relieve symptoms.

  • When taking such medications, you must follow a strict regimen. Often, powders are prescribed for a child to take along with a provitamin complex, which helps cure the disease.
  • Fervex for children;
  • Panadol baby and infant;
  • Children's Efferalgan;

children's Specified powders have analgesic, antipyretic, antihistamine and restorative effects

Folk remedies

. Children need to make solutions using powders that must be taken orally. To protect your baby from viral diseases , you need to strengthen his immunity. Folk remedies

widely used both in the prevention and treatment of colds. If you notice that your baby is sneezing, you need to make teas from natural remedies. Ginger - effective remedy

from a cold. Tea containing ginger helps the body fight the virus. To prepare it, just use ginger, lemon, and honey. Since ginger, you can drink tea, in which the main ingredient is viburnum. Viburnum is very effective at temperature. Viburnum is ground with sugar and placed in the refrigerator along with the seed. You can drink it in winter healthy tea . For children under 5 years old, when preparing tea, adhere to the following proportion: 1 coffee spoon of any berries per 200 ml of water. P It is useful to make tea from linden or strawberries

. You can prepare herbal infusions from mint and lemon balm.


Preventing colds in children will help protect against all kinds of infections and illnesses. You bring your child to kindergarten and notice how a girl from his group is sneezing, in this case you need to act, otherwise tomorrow you will see how your baby has become infected and is not feeling well.

A cold is a condition in which children feel worse, have a fever, runny nose and cough. Before treating a child, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination at a children's clinic. At home, in critical cases, children can be given an antipyretic drug (rectal suppositories or syrup) on their own. During illness, the child should drink as much fluid as possible. A cold is a collective name for various infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The child's condition may worsen due to influenza or ARVI. Then the disease can develop into rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Various microorganisms infect the respiratory system. Rhinoviruses settle in the nose, adenoviruses - in the pharynx, respiratory syncytial virus - in the bronchi.

Factors that provoke colds of the respiratory tract:

  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • viral or bacterial infection.

A child can catch a cold at home, or while walking on the street, in contact with a sick person. Most often, colds occur during the cold season of the year. During a flu epidemic, children can catch the virus through toys or household items.

Factors predisposing to diseases are poor diet, infrequent stay on fresh air, diet poor in vitamins, inactive lifestyle. You should always wear clothes appropriate for the weather. Don't wrap your baby too tightly. It is necessary to ensure that he is not cold and his feet do not get wet.

The first signs of a cold in a child

The child himself cannot say that he has a cold. It is necessary to carefully monitor his behavior and condition. If he is capricious, sleepy for no reason, does not want to play or eat, then this is a signal of an impending illness.

Symptoms of colds in children that you need to pay attention to:

  • lethargy;
  • increased sweating;
  • breathing problems;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • cough;
  • nasal discharge;
  • heat;
  • loose stools;
  • skin rash;
  • pale skin.

It is not always possible to understand what the etiology of the disease is. With a viral infection, body temperature rises sharply, up to 39 degrees. With a bacterial infection, on the contrary, it increases gradually. In this case, the temperature rises no higher than 38 degrees. The type of disease can only be determined based on tests. Depending on what caused the disease - a virus or a bacterium, treatment that is appropriate in this case is prescribed.

If you have a cold, you need to put the patient to bed. During illness, it is forbidden to play outside with other children. The room where the baby is located needs to be ventilated. The temperature in the room should be at least +22°C. If it's cold, you can turn on the heater.

The air in the room should not be too dry. You need to moisten it regularly using a moisture spray. You can do wet cleaning 2 times a day. Home clothes can be made of cotton, linen, but not synthetics. The baby may sweat frequently, so he will have to change his underwear many times.

The patient should be given plenty of fluids to drink. You can boil milk and cook Herb tea, dried fruit or rosehip compote, juice from fresh berries and fruits. The patient needs to be given water often, but little by little, preferably 50 ml at a time. The liquid can be warm, but not cold or hot.

Children aged 1 year and older should be able to blow their nose into a handkerchief. In this way, they clear the nasal passages of mucus accumulated there. Clearing mucus from the nose infant conducted regularly by his parents. For small children, snot is removed using an aspirator.

Before cleaning the nose, place one drop at a time into the nasal passages to soften the dried contents. breast milk or vegetable oil. You can use saline or soda solution. In this case, take 1 teaspoon of salt or soda per liter of water. Children under 3 years old should not be instilled into the nose with a spray or bulb; this method of treatment can lead to an inflammatory process, for example, otitis media. Rinsing the nasal passages can be done using pharmaceuticals, such as Aqualor, Aquamaris.

To ease the secretion of mucus during a dry cough, you can give your baby tea from coltsfoot, chamomile and give a light massage first to the back and then to the chest. Small children should not inhale, as this can cause the mucus to swell and block the airways.

If your child shows the first signs of a cold, you need to call a pediatrician at home. The disease cannot be left to chance. If babies are not treated or treated incorrectly, thick mucus may soon accumulate in the respiratory system. Young children may have difficulty blowing their nose or coughing on their own. This can subsequently lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory and heart failure, and even death.


A sick baby should be shown to a pediatrician as soon as possible. The doctor will auscultate the lungs, check the throat and nose, and prescribe blood and urine tests. If necessary, the patient will undergo an x-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan. In the laboratory, children will be given an antibiotic that can be used to treat a bacterial infection.

Often, not only adults, but also children suffer from colds and flu. However, not all cold medications are approved for use in children. Fortunately, there is a children's form of AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which is approved for use in children from 3 years of age. Like adult form AntiGrippin, it consists of three components - paracetamol, which has an antipyretic effect, chlorphenamine, which makes breathing through the nose easier, reduces nasal congestion, sneezing, lacrimation, itching and redness of the eyes, and ascorbic acid(vitamin C), which is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, increases the body's resistance. 1

Medicines and dosage for children with colds are determined by the attending physician. Only a specialist can prescribe a course of therapy. Colds are treated with antipyretics, cough medicines, runny nose drops, antibiotics for bacterial infections, and antiviral drugs for influenza.

Each age has its own approved medications. Infants should not be given medications to treat a three-year-old baby. If the medicine is safe for infants, then it can be used for an older child.

It is necessary to take medications according to the instructions for use. It is found in every package of medicine. You must follow the regimen and dosage. It is necessary to pay attention to contraindications to the medication. If a child is allergic to any component of the medicine, you need to stop using it.

Cough syrups should not be used for more than 7 days, and drops for the common cold can be used for 3 to 5 days. If treatment does not give results, you need to consult a doctor again and undergo a re-examination. The child may have developed complications. The doctor may have misdiagnosed and prescribed medications.

Safe children's cold medicines

  1. For newborns - Paracetamol (for fever), Viferon (antiviral), Nazivin (for the runny nose), Lazolvan (for cough), IRS 19 (for boosting immunity).
  2. For children from 1 to 2 years old - Panadol (for fever), Laferon, Tsitovir (antiviral), Broncho-munal (to boost immunity), Bromhexine (for cough).
  3. For children 2 years old - Ibuprofen (for fever), Ingalipt (for sore throat), Xylin (for runny nose), Ambroxol (for cough), Tamiflu (antiviral), Immunal (to boost immunity).

Treatment of the little ones

Starting from the age of one month, children can be given mucolytics, that is, substances that dilute the mucus formed in the bronchi and promote its removal. Against cough infant Give Ambroxol, Ambrobene in the form of syrup. The medicine is taken after meals, half a teaspoon twice a day for 5 days. From 6 months you can give Bronchicum and Lazolvan.

Infants are prescribed expectorants, for example, Gedelix, Linkas. For a runny nose, it is recommended to use Aquamaris, Nazoferon, Vibrocil, Laferon, Vitaon, Baby Doctor “Clean Nose”. If nasal congestion is caused by bacterial infection, use Protargol drops. This effective remedy quickly eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose. Rectal suppositories will help relieve fever. From birth you can use Viburkol, from 1 month - Cefekon D, from 3 months - Panadol and Nurofen.

If the cold is caused by a bacterial infection, children 1 year of age and older can be treated with antibiotics. These are prescribed for children for pneumonia, acute bronchitis. For treatment, you can use Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Cephalexin, Cefadroxil in the form of injections. An antibiotic is not prescribed for ARVI, but if a child has a fever for a long time does not go away, the cough only gets worse, and the snot has acquired a brownish color, you can use these medications. Antibacterial medications are used if a bacterial infection has been added to a viral infection.

How to treat a cold in a 2 year old child

For children aged 1 to 2 years, Naphthyzin, Rinorus, Sanorin, Nazol Baby are prescribed for a runny nose. These are vasoconstrictors and should not be used for more than 3 days. Typically, children take one drop into each nostril twice a day before feeding. Nasal congestion can be relieved oil products, for example, Pinosol. For viral infections, Interferon and Grippferon are used. For cough, the child is prescribed Mucaltin, Ambroxol, Bromhexine. Medicines given in the form of syrups. It is not recommended to give tablets to children under 5 years of age; children have a narrow esophagus and can choke on them. For high fever, give Ibuprofen or Paracetamol syrup.

In children over 2 years old, it is carried out using cough medicines such as Ambroxol, Bronholitin, Fluimucil. From this age, you can use new vasoconstrictors for nasal congestion - Tizin, Otrivin. In severe cases of purulent rhinitis or sinusitis, antibacterial drops for the common cold are used, for example, Isofra, Polydex.

If a child has a cold, you cannot do without vitamin supplements. In case of weakened immunity, Pikovit, AlfaVit, Mult-Tabs are prescribed. Up to 3 years of age, it is better to take it in the form of syrups.

Children can be treated for colds using traditional medicine. For high temperatures, vinegar rubs are used. To do this, dilute vinegar with half and half water, soak a towel in the solution and wipe the child’s forehead, chest, back, arms, and legs with it. You can wet a whole sheet and wrap it around your baby.

Raspberries have good diaphoretic properties. Leaves and bush twigs are brewed. Raspberry jam, made from berries ground with sugar, helps remove toxins from the body.

If you have a cold, you can give linden tea to the patient. Starting from the age of three months, the child is given a compote of Antonov apples with the addition of honey. Decoctions of various medicinal herbs help relieve coughs. Before using them, you need to find out if the patient is allergic to them.

Infusion recipe:

  1. sage (chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot, licorice root) - 1 teaspoon;
  2. water – 250 ml.

Boil water for a couple of minutes. Pour boiling water over the crushed medicinal plant, to which the baby is not allergic. Leave for 30 minutes, strain. The tincture is made in enamel or glass containers. Give a sick child 80 ml to drink 3 times a day.

You can prepare a cold remedy for children based on honey. For example, honey cake. Prepare a soft dough from flour, vegetable oil, water and honey. Place it on the baby's chest for 10 minutes.

Cabbage leaf helps to “stir up” congestion in the chest. It is lightly boiled. A softened warm leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest. You can put a towel on top of the compress under a tight-fitting T-shirt. Before using bee products for treatment, you need to do an allergy test.

Helps with cough warm milk with honey and butter. Mix all the ingredients in a glass and give the child a spoonful when severe attacks. You can add half a teaspoon of soda to 200 ml of milk, thus preparing an alkaline drink. This remedy helps to quickly thin the mucus in the bronchi and remove viscous phlegm.

The onset of a runny nose or cough while there is no fever can be treated with warming dry foot baths. To do this, heat 1 kg of salt in a frying pan, add 50 grams of grated ginger and pour the mixture into a basin. The baby is put on cotton socks and asked to walk on the warm “sand” for a couple of minutes.

You can warm your feet in a basin with hot water(60 degrees). Add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of mustard to the liquid. You need to keep your feet in the water for about twenty minutes. Then they are wiped dry and put on warm socks.

For a runny nose, children over one year old can drop Kalanchoe juice into their nose. 2 drops in each nostril. Swelling of the mucous membrane is well relieved by a solution with soda, salt and iodine. So, sea water is prepared at home. For a glass of liquid, take a teaspoon of soda and salt, plus 1-2 drops of iodine.

Snot can be cured with fresh beetroot juice. It is mixed in equal proportions with warm water. You need to put one drop into your nose three times a day, one drop into each nostril. Instead of beets, you can take carrot juice, parsley and water in the same ratio. If from natural remedy The nose feels very hot, the concentration of the solution is changed. More clean water is added to the juice.

You can warm up your nose with warm cottage cheese. It is applied to the nose for a couple of minutes. You can mash boiled potatoes and use the puree to make a mask for the maxillary sinuses. To prevent the mass from spreading over your face, wrap the cottage cheese or potatoes in a thin cloth.

If a sick baby has no appetite, there is no need to force feed him. The main thing is that he drinks a lot of water. If he doesn't want to drink, you can give him a syringe without a needle. inner surface cheeks 2 ml of water every 30 minutes, especially at night with fever. There is no need to wrap the patient warmly.

You can take an onion or a couple of cloves of garlic and grate it on a fine grater. Children should breathe in the vapors of these plants for a couple of minutes. The pulp can be laid out in saucers and placed in different corners of the room where the patient is. From time to time, grated onions and garlic left indoors should be replaced with fresh ones.

At high temperature warm compresses or foot baths should not be applied to the body. These procedures can be done after the patient's fever has subsided. They try not to bring the body temperature down to 38 degrees. If it is above this mark, rectal suppositories will help to quickly lower it. Fever can cause seizures. In order not to bring the child to such a state, elevated temperature need to be beaten down with syrups or rectal suppositories.

In order for children to get sick less often and stay healthy longer, they need to strengthen their immunity. For this purpose, it is necessary to regularly spend time in the fresh air and strengthen the baby using water or air procedures. Before going to bed, you can teach your child to wash his feet in cold water. The bathhouse strengthens the body well, but small children should not stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes. You need to take a bath at least 2-3 times a week. You can add decoctions of medicinal herbs, oak leaves, and black tea to the water.

Children should regularly receive from food sufficient quantities of vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates for their growth and development. The diet should include fermented milk products, meat, cereals, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.

In winter or spring you need to use pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. Honey, nuts, citrus fruits, and dried fruits help resist the disease. The baby needs to be taken outside every day in any weather except heavy rain and wind. In summer, it is recommended to relax near a body of water, preferably at the sea.

To avoid severe complications, you need to come for examination to a doctor at the children's clinic. Children can catch colds 2-4 times a year. If children get sick more often, then they have serious problems with immunity and, accordingly, with health. During a flu epidemic, you should visit crowded places less often and not have contact with sick people.

A cold is a condition in which a child begins to cough, sneeze, and his body temperature rises. Viruses and bacteria can cause the disease. Hypothermia can trigger a crisis. Colds need to be treated. For this purpose, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. The pediatrician prescribes everything for the child necessary medications. During treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, and follow your doctor's recommendations.


1 Instructions for medical use drug AntiGrippin.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

The holidays are over, and experts are predicting another epidemic of colds. It begins, as always, with children: they infect each other in kindergartens and schools, bring the disease home, “share” the infection with adults - and so on in a circle.

Parents try by hook or by crook to cure the child as soon as possible. It turns out that this is not always necessary.

Parents' opinion

If a child is constantly sick, he has poor immunity.

Expert opinion

"In all major cities children get sick on average 10 times a year, and this is considered the norm, explains Vladimir Tatochenko, professor, chief researcher of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - ARVI does not occur when poor immunity, and if good, in an organism that has no experience of encountering this virus. There is no need to be upset that your child is often sick, you should be happy that he often gets better! This means that his body is fighting and is becoming stronger in this fight.”

Parents' opinion

It is better to keep the recovered baby at home longer and not take him straight to the kindergarten.

Expert opinion

Don't sit at home for too long after being sick. Medical advice: today the temperature has subsided - tomorrow we will go to the garden. If you sit at home for a long time, then during this time in your childcare center, with which the child’s body is not yet familiar. Therefore, it often turns out that the child, not having time to come to kindergarten, falls ill again.

Parents' opinion

Antibiotics are definitely needed to quickly overcome a cold.

Expert opinion

Many people think that the most effective medicine in the fight against colds - antibiotics. But a local doctor often examines a sick child and prescribes only hot drinks and vitamins.

Parental indignation usually knows no bounds: the doctor is not a professional and does not want to treat. Doctors complain: on the one hand, it does not require the prescription of immunomodulatory drugs, much less antibiotics; on the other hand, dissatisfied parents, if they do not receive the desired appointments, are ready to defend their rights to the correct treatment, in their opinion, and even fight with doctors.

“Many parents simply demand that their children be prescribed antibiotics,” says Oksana Kolosova, head of the Club of Practitioners. - But what is a cold? With its symptoms, the term ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is often used as a diagnosis. The decoding of this abbreviation indicates the non-bacterial nature of the disease, and antibiotics act only on bacteria, but not on viruses. Therefore, it is useless to prescribe them for a viral infection. Moreover, such a prescription will be harmful, since antibiotics will reduce the immune system’s own activity and will only prevent the body from fighting the viruses that caused the cold.”

So if the doctor does not prescribe you strong medications for a cold, then this primarily shows his concern for your health.

Parents' opinion

If a child has a fever, it is necessary to bring down the temperature as soon as possible.

Expert opinion

“Even it is often unnecessary: ​​2-3 days for a child slight fever, runny nose, then everything goes away,” says Vladimir Tatochenko. - The nature of ARVI is such that there is no rational treatment, but there is a rational attitude. There's no need to rush. Let the child get sick. An antipyretic tablet should be given when the temperature rises above 40°C, and it should be reduced not to normal, but to 38°C. Fever is an adequate response of the immune system to illness.”

Parents' opinion

The drugs that everyone knows are the most effective.

Expert opinion

"Results clinical trials a number of drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties have shown that with them the temperature can decrease 6 hours earlier than in natural conditions. Is the game worth the candle for these 6 hours? After all, any medicine is a chemical substance that affects your child’s body, says Vladimir Tatochenko. - Antiviral agents for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections can be effective if the virus is caught in the first hours. But they need to be treated very carefully, since for a number of actively advertised drugs, the results of clinical trials look unconvincing. Consequently, doctors have no reason to prescribe them to children.”