Wild strawberry useful properties. strawberry tea recipe

Wild strawberries and strawberries attract attention not only because of taste sensations. Valuable properties plants allow them to be used for medicinal purposes. Not only berries, but also leaves are considered useful. So strawberry and wild strawberry beneficial features and contraindications.

Benefits of strawberry leaves

The leaves of the plant contain a unique set of useful substances. Strawberry leaf is rich in the following elements:

  • malic and citric acid;
  • essential oil;
  • tannin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • quinic acid.

Strawberry leaf is considered a multivitamin remedy that helps with metabolic disorders, diabetes, beriberi. Tincture of strawberry leaves soothes, tones, it is useful to drink it with atherosclerosis. It is a good diaphoretic and diuretic.

Brewed strawberry leaves are useful for cardiovascular diseases. With the help of such a decoction, you can improve performance, increase the endurance of the body. If you add berries to the tincture, then in this way you can lower arterial pressure.

Strawberry leaves help the motor function of the stomach, after decoction, digestion improves, appetite improves after illness. It is recommended to drink a tincture of leaves for ulcers, colitis, gastritis.

Strawberry leaf is also used in cosmetology. With the help of masks, berries can be removed from the leaves dark spots and also freckles.

The leaves of the field berry are useful to use before childbirth. Substances from such a plant increase the contractile functions of the uterus.

The benefits of strawberries

Wild strawberries have fleshy little berries, they are not only fragrant and sweet, but also contain a rich vitamin composition. The berry contains vitamins B, C and E. Minerals include iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc.

Fresh wild strawberries help the digestive system, normalize appetite. It is recommended to include a small berry in the menu for anemia, diseases of cardio-vascular system. Wild berry tones the body, it is useful to eat it when nervous disorders, insomnia. Crushed berry is used as a compress for back diseases, sciatica. The high content of ascorbic acid makes it possible to use strawberries for colds.

Medicinal recipes from the leaves and berries of strawberries

For the preparation of infusions, the leaves are collected for drying during the flowering period of the plant. IN folk medicine There are many recipes for making healing drinks from wild strawberries.

Method one

Dry crushed leaf in the amount of two tablespoons is poured hot water(one glass) and boil for 10-12 minutes. After that, leave to infuse for two hours. Tincture is recommended to drink three times a day for a tablespoon. Take such a boiled strawberry leaf for bronchitis, anemia, urolithiasis.

Method two

Strawberry leaf is small, two tablespoons are poured and poured with boiling water. In this recipe, it does not need to be boiled, the leaves are left to infuse for two hours. Drink the resulting remedy for hypertension, ulcers, enterocolitis several times a day, one spoonful. With hemorrhoids, lotions are made from a decoction.

Method three

Strawberry leaf must be finely chopped, pour a teaspoon into a container and pour a glass of vodka. The tincture stands for about a week, then it is drunk 30 drops a day before meals. The remedy is useful during cold epidemics, with weak immunity. Reception is contraindicated alcohol infusion ki with individual intolerance to alcohol.

Contraindications for the use of strawberries

Strawberries are strong allergens, it is not recommended for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. If, after taking a tincture of leaves or berries, itching occurs, the skin turns red, then you should stop using the forest plant.

Strawberry leaves and berries are contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Hepatic colic;
  • Appendicitis;
  • secretion of the stomach;
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation in the first three months after birth.

Benefits of using strawberries

What are the benefits of strawberries? How is it different from wild berries?

  1. Strawberry leaves are used during pregnancy, a decoction of them will create reliable barrier from infections.
  2. The decoction is useful to use during weight loss, as with it you can get rid of the feeling of hunger.
  3. A glass of decoction helps with nausea, stomach cramps, bloating. Like wild strawberries, strawberries help relieve stress on the digestive tract.
  4. The leaves of the beloved berry contain caffeic acid, a compound that helps with arthritis. The decoction has a diuretic effect, removes excess liquid from the body and joints.
  5. Tea with strawberry leaves helps to keep the skin in healthy condition. Daily use relieves itching, oily sheen, relieves slight inflammation. A mask of strawberries smoothes the skin and reduces swelling of the face.
  6. Women are shown to drink a decoction of strawberry leaves when heavy menstruation, it helps to reduce the amount of discharge. In addition, strawberries increase the strength of the body in case of decline.

Strawberries are undoubtedly useful, but how to prepare a decoction from their leaves? Strawberry leaves are harvested before flowering, during this period they contain maximum benefit. To do this, dry the leaves along with the petioles. After drying, the prepared sheet is crushed.

The crushed leaf can be brewed separately, as well as with other herbs. Drink a decoction during the day instead of tea. The proportions for brewing are as follows: two tablespoons of crushed leaves and 0.5 boiling water. You can insist from an hour to two.

Contraindications for the use of strawberries

Strawberries are strong allergens and should not be given in large quantities to children under three years of age. Strawberries are contraindicated in cirrhosis of the liver, appendicitis.

  • Gastroduodenitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Individual intolerance (allergy);
  • Increased acidity;
  • Ulcer disease.

Decoctions from leaves of strawberries and wild strawberries can heal the body and give it strength. Wild strawberries and homemade strawberries help with various diseases, but tinctures and berries are not recommended for use with a tendency to allergic reactions.

You can dry strawberries for the winter with a berry or a leaf. Dry berries will be a delicacy for tea, and dry leaves will become the tea itself. The biggest problem is drying the berries.

How to dry strawberries

Juicy berries are difficult to dry. Many dangers await the person who decides to stock up for the winter by drying. The slightest oversight - and the berries will rot or become moldy. At the same time, if artificially created too high temperature, you can lose a lot valuable substances for which stocks are produced.

  • Preparatory stage.The main condition is not to wash, because berries soaked in extra moisture can become sour, ferment, rot or mold. For clean housewives, this condition often seems unacceptable. However, drying berries requires special approach and a look at the preparation procedure.

This method requires the most time and attention. We have to monitor the weather all the time and carry the berries from the street to the room and back. For this reason, they are best laid out on cloth or paper, which are placed on an easily portable wooden or metal base. Fabric and paper should not be dyed, as dye can adversely affect the beneficial properties of strawberries or strawberries. It is better to use unbleached brown paper or gauze.

It's more simple and fast way production of dry berries. After preparatory phase the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. The process begins with a temperature of 40 degrees. In this mode, the berries are dried for 2-3 hours. Then you need to get the baking sheet, turn the berries over and continue the process for another 2 hours, but already at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Time given here is approximate. It all depends on the size and condition of the fruit. The degree of readiness can be judged by color and grains. Initially, light red fruits change color to bright burgundy. At the same time, the grains become bright and shiny.

Dried strawberries are placed in a glass jar, cloth bag or paper bag. Do not forget that such delicious product not only people like it. Various insects will definitely be interested in them, because dried strawberries, and even more so strawberries, emit a strong smell. Ants, cockroaches, moths can come to it - small butterflies like moths, which prefer to eat cereals, flour and dried fruits instead of fur coats. For this reason, glass jars are the most reliable way to store fragrant berries.

Leaf Harvesting

Strawberry leaf is used for:

  • flu
  • sore throat (rinse);
  • stomach cramps;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • liver diseases;
  • pancreatitis.

The leaf has a particularly beneficial effect on digestive system.

It is usually recommended to harvest the leaf during flowering plants. However, this rule is not absolute. Just during this period, the plant is most active and filled with a maximum of useful properties. For strawberries and wild strawberries, the fruit ripening period is not fundamentally different from flowering, so you can collect leaves both during flowering and during fruiting. But after the fruits are ripe, it is undesirable to collect the leaves, since they lose their beneficial properties.

For drying, you need to collect the leaves so that they do not need to be washed. After collecting them, it is enough to spread them out somewhere in a dry place, but away from direct sunlight. It is better to store them in a closed glass jar. They are less liked by various insects. However, moths may well lay eggs in them, and cockroaches may choose them as a refuge.

Where Can You Use Dried Strawberries?

Dried strawberries, despite the observance of the drying regime, lose some of their useful properties. However, it retains the aroma and richness of taste.

Dried strawberries and strawberries can be used in:

  • pies as a filling and part of the dough;
  • making ice cream;
  • formation of various cocktails;
  • making homemade sweets with berry filling.

All these exquisite culinary masterpieces can be combined with strawberry leaf tea. Since the leaves are useful, but do not have a bright aroma of berries, blackcurrant, linden, lemongrass, and raspberry leaves can be added to tea. Based on this tea, you can create a cocktail with dried berries with the addition of ice cream.

Strawberry leaves: useful properties (video)

Here are just a few examples of how small plants with scented fruits can be used. If you prepare for the winter also, for example, blackcurrant mashed with sugar, then your possibilities for creating culinary works of art will increase several times.

Hi all!

I would like to dedicate today's article to useful properties of wild strawberries. Strawberries in winter will help us recuperate and improve our health. Berries of wild strawberries can be enjoyed not only in summer, but also in winter, having dried strawberries along with stems and leaves. Don't forget to stock up on strawberry roots as well. What are the useful properties of the leaves, stems, berries and roots of wild strawberries can be found by reading this post. Soon strawberry season will be in full swing! Let's stock up on vitamins for our health.

And my mother collects strawberries along with stems and leaves, and dries them. Here is a photo of mother's fragrant strawberries:

In winter, we brew ordinary black or green tea along with berries and wild strawberry leaves.

Strawberry Tea Recipe for Notebook:

  • 1 tablespoon crushed strawberry leaves
  • 1 tablespoon dried berries strawberries,
  • 1 tablespoon green (black) tea
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Strawberry tea is brewed in a porcelain or glass teapot, infused for 7-10 minutes and drunk like regular tea.

Strawberry (Fragaria), perennial herbaceous plant belongs to the Rosaceae family. Strawberries are consumed fresh and processed: strawberry juices, compotes, marshmallows, jams, marmalades. Wild strawberries tolerate freezing very well, retaining more useful properties than processed strawberries.

Even from ancient sources it is known that the infusion of leaves and roots of strawberries was used by warriors to treat wounds and ulcers. Later, Russian professor S.V. Vasiliev wrote the book "Treatment with Strawberries". In it, he collected the experience of his ancestors, accumulated over thousands of years.

Berries strawberries useful properties

The value of strawberries high content they contain ascorbic acid (120 mg per 100 g of fresh berries). Eating strawberries, you improve the work of the heart, increase endurance and performance. Strawberries improve digestion, kidney function, and respiratory organs. Strawberries are useful for violations of salt metabolism, hypertension, uric acid diathesis, insomnia, gout, stomach ulcer and duodenum, constipation, neurasthenia, hemorrhoids, worms. Strawberries quench thirst well and improve appetite. fresh berries wild strawberries are useful for anemia, diseases of the spleen, atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders. Strawberries will be more beneficial if eaten with milk. In the old days, an alcoholic infusion of strawberries was used in the form of wiping the face from freckles. Masks made from pureed strawberries have long been used for acne and freckles. And now this berry is held in high esteem by cosmetologists. Strawberry masks protect the skin from wrinkles, make the skin of the face and neck elastic. And rich ladies of medieval times took baths with strawberry juice and were sure that their beauty and skin condition directly depended on it. Strawberries have always been expensive, but even the ancient Romans and Greeks did not skimp on it, considering strawberries a panacea for many diseases. Strawberries are used to normalize bowel activity. When using strawberries, putrefactive processes in the large intestine are reduced, the removal of cholesterol from the body is improved, harmful substances and poisons. Very ripe strawberries are recommended for diabetes. Fresh strawberries help dissolve tartar.

A decoction of dried berries is taken for medicinal purposes.

Preparing a decoction of dried strawberries:

  • 4 tablespoons dried wild strawberries,
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Take an infusion of dried strawberries 3 times a day for 0.5 cups.

Wild strawberries are indispensable as a tonic and prophylactic especially during the season respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on these healing berries for the future, for example, to freeze strawberries.

It has been established that phytoncides of strawberries, which kill microbes, turn into aqueous solutions, therefore they are recommended as rinses for diseases of the mouth and throat and for bad smell from mouth.

For facial skin, a wonderful mask of strawberries and egg white:

  • 1 egg white,
  • 1 tablespoon strawberries,
  • 1 tablespoon strawberry juice.

The components of the strawberry mask are mixed and applied to the face for 5 minutes. Then washed off with water.

Collect strawberries better in the morning, after the dew has gone or in the evening, always in sunny weather. Berries picked in hot weather, as well as wet and rumpled quickly deteriorate. For the same reason, strawberry berries must be picked with great care so that the berries are dry and not crumpled.

Drying of berries is carried out in the shade, under a canopy, in a thin layer and always on a surface on which the oxidation of berries is impossible, for example, wood. It is impossible to allow contact of berries with metal: tin, zinc, copper, iron. It is very convenient to dry sorted berries in a dryer for berries, fruits and vegetables. If the berries are dried properly, they crumble easily. Dried strawberries are stored for no more than two years in canvas bags or a glass jar.

Useful properties leaves wild strawberry

Wild strawberry leaves are harvested during its flowering period. The flowering time of wild strawberries is May - June. Ripening of wild strawberry berries: June - July. Stems and leaves are dried and cooked from them useful decoction or strawberry tea.

Our ancestors applied fresh strawberry leaves to wounds, abrasions, cuts, ulcers, external cracks and tumors with hemorrhoids.

A decoction of wild strawberry leaves:

  • 3 tablespoons chopped wild strawberry leaves,
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Take strawberry decoction half an hour before meals, 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

Indications for the use of a decoction of wild strawberry leaves: metabolic disorders, diabetes, diseases Bladder, kidney stones, liver stones, gout, cholelithiasis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, scurvy.

Tannins and flavonoids contained in the leaves and berries of wild strawberries help fight diarrhea and night profuse sweating.

From time immemorial, strawberries have been eaten for pain in the spleen. Most effective means from this ailment, as well as from shortness of breath, the juice of strawberry grass with honey was considered. traditional healers believed that a decoction of strawberry leaves improves general state with tuberculosis.

From an old cough, an infusion of strawberry leaves with the addition of licorice root, cinnamon and raisins is used.

Strawberry leaves, like berries, are dried in a thin layer in the shade in a well-ventilated place. It is recommended to mix them often. Dried leaves are stored in linen bags for 1 year. The leaves, like strawberries, have great medicinal value. They contain tannins, essential oils And ascorbic acid.

Useful properties of strawberry roots

Ancient healers used healing properties roots and leaves of strawberries in the treatment of dysentery, contraction of the spleen and excitation of urination. The decoction was taken in the treatment of the liver, kidneys and bladder. To strengthen the gums, when the teeth were loose, the mouth was rinsed with a decoction of the roots and leaves of strawberries.

Strawberry roots can be harvested during its flowering period. They are dug up, washed, cut and dried in a thin layer in a well-ventilated place.

The presence of tannins and alkaloids determine the high biological value of strawberry roots.


Leaves and roots of garden strawberries cannot be collected and used for medicinal purposes, they can be poisoned!

Despite the fact that many healers and people resort to wild strawberries, they have nothing to do with medicine, many works and books have been written about the healing properties of strawberries, it is still recommended before using any medicinal product(and this is what strawberries are) seek the advice of a doctor. Then strawberry recipes and its use will only benefit you!

To whom is strawberry contraindicated?

Strawberries are classified as plant allergens. When using strawberries, you may experience pruritus, urticaria and other signs allergic reaction. If these symptoms appear, the use of strawberries should be stopped and consult a specialist. Many people do not tolerate strawberries on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to use fresh strawberries with sour cream, cream or milk with added sugar.

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Strawberries are a sweet and fragrant berry, a favorite delicacy in childhood. Many people appreciate strawberries for their unique taste and aroma. Wild strawberry contains easily digestible sugars glucose and fructose. They give her sourness organic acids- lemon, apple, salicylic, cinchona. The special taste bouquet of wild strawberries is also made unique by essential oils, aromatic substances that have the smell of lemon. Fresh strawberries are an excellent dietary product.

Interesting fact about strawberries
There is twice as much iron in strawberries as in plums and 40 times more than in grapes! And in terms of calcium content, strawberries rank first among fruits and berries.

The value of strawberries is determined by the high content of ascorbic acid in them (120 mg per 100 g of fresh berries). Wild strawberries contain not only vitamin C, but also carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, folic acid. Wild strawberries contain a number of trace elements: iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, which are involved in hematopoiesis. Strawberries are also a source mineral salts- potassium, phosphorus, calcium. Wild strawberries contain a fairly large amount of pectin substances that have positive influence on the human body.

It would take a lot of space to describe the healing virtues of strawberries. Strawberry treatment was very popular with our ancestors. But even a simple enumeration of the ailments that strawberries help with is impressive.

Useful properties of wild strawberry

The benefits of strawberries for the cardiovascular system
The beneficial properties of strawberries for the human cardiovascular system have long been known. Eating strawberries, you improve the work of the heart, increase its endurance and performance. Fresh berries are recommended in in large numbers How remedy with hypertension, atherosclerosis. The intake of strawberries helps to remove cholesterol from the body. It is believed that the infusion of berries and strawberry leaves lowers blood pressure, slows down and increases heart contractions. It is no coincidence that strawberries have long been used in folk medicine for heart diseases.

The benefits of strawberries for the gastrointestinal tract
Strawberries improve digestion and are used to normalize bowel activity. Wild strawberry berries improve appetite. The fiber of strawberries is distinguished by tenderness and at the same time effectively affects the motor and secretory function digestive organs, helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body. Strawberries are useful for stomach and duodenal ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, and worms. Strawberries are used for inflammatory diseases stomach and biliary tract (with gastritis and colitis).

The benefits of strawberries for the endocrine and excretory system
Consumed in large quantities, strawberries help reduce iodine absorption. thyroid gland. Strawberries improve kidney function. A decoction and infusion of strawberries and leaves have long been considered excellent diuretics. Strawberries are useful for violations of salt metabolism, uric acid diathesis, gout, cystitis. Strawberry fruits, an infusion from its leaves have been found for a long time wide application with diseases of the joints. Very ripe wild strawberries are recommended for use in diabetes. Fresh wild strawberries are useful for anemia, spleen diseases, and metabolic disorders.

Interesting fact about strawberries
The world-famous Swedish naturalist who created classical taxonomy flora, botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus was cured of gout by strawberries, consuming them in large quantities.
General strengthening properties of strawberries
Strawberries are indispensable and as a preventive, tonic. For this, it is especially useful to eat raw strawberries. Here is what V. Soloukhin writes about this in his book “Gifts of Nature”: “From personal practice and observations on myself, I come to the conclusion that it can and should be eaten so much that in the third week it is so tired that you need to force myself to eat it ... ”From strawberries it will be more useful if you eat them with milk.

Strawberries in cosmetology
In the old days, an alcoholic infusion of strawberries was used in the form of wiping the face from freckles. Masks made from pureed strawberries have long been used for acne and freckles. Strawberry masks protect the skin from wrinkles, make the skin of the face and neck elastic. Fresh strawberries help dissolve tartar. It has been established that phytoncides of strawberries, which kill microbes, pass into aqueous solutions, therefore they are recommended as rinses for diseases of the mouth and throat and bad breath.

Interesting fact about strawberries
The ancient Romans and Greeks did not skimp on expensive strawberries, considering strawberries a panacea for many diseases. And noble ladies took baths with strawberry juice to have beautiful smooth skin.

When to pick wild strawberries

Harvesting wild strawberries. The ripening of wild strawberry berries occurs in June - July. It is better to collect strawberries in the morning, after the dew has disappeared or in the evening, always in sunny weather. Wild strawberries must be picked delicately so that the berries are dry and not wrinkled. Dry strawberries correctly: in the shade, under a canopy, in a thin layer and always on a surface on which oxidation of the berries is impossible, for example, wood. If the harvesting of strawberries went correctly, then the berries will easily crumble. Dried strawberries are stored for no more than two years in canvas bags or a glass jar. You can also freeze strawberries.

A decoction of dried berries for the treatment of strawberries
To prepare a decoction of dried wild strawberries, pour 4 tablespoons of dried wild strawberries into 500 ml of boiling water. Take an infusion of dried strawberries 3 times a day for 0.5 cups.

Useful properties of wild strawberry leaves

The leaves, like strawberries, have great medicinal value. They contain tannins, essential oils and ascorbic acid. Our ancestors applied fresh strawberry leaves to wounds, abrasions, cuts, ulcers, external cracks and tumors with hemorrhoids. Prepared from dried stems and leaves healing decoction or strawberry tea.

It has been established that an infusion of strawberry leaves somewhat lowers blood pressure, slows down the rhythm and increases the contraction of the heart muscle, dilates blood vessels. To prepare the infusion, take 50 g of herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 4 hours. Drink prepared infusion of 150 g 3 times a day before meals.

An infusion of wild strawberry leaves has a sedative, vasodilating, tonic, tonic, anti-sclerotic, hematopoietic effect. The tannins and flavonoids found in wild strawberry leaves and berries help fight diarrhea and night sweats. Indications for the use of a decoction of wild strawberry leaves: metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, bladder diseases, kidney stones, liver stones, gout, cholelithiasis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, scurvy.

Interesting fact about strawberries
It has been experimentally established that when intravenous administration infusion of wild strawberry leaves, the rhythm slows down and the amplitude of heart contractions increases, peripheral blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.

When to collect wild strawberry leaves

Preparation of wild strawberry leaves. Wild strawberry leaves are harvested during its flowering period. The flowering time of wild strawberries is May - June. Strawberry leaves, like berries, are dried in a thin layer in the shade in a well-ventilated place. During the drying of strawberry leaves, it is recommended to stir them frequently. Dried wild strawberry leaves are stored in linen bags for 1 year.

Before being treated with strawberry leaves, you can ferment them: dry in the shade for several hours so that they become soft and partially lose moisture. Then the leaves are kneaded in the hands until they become sticky, folded into cardboard box, cover with a damp cloth and leave for about 9 hours. Then they are laid out on a baking sheet, and dried in the sun or in the oven. After that, they can be brewed and drunk - separately, or as part of vitamin teas.

A decoction of wild strawberry leaves
To prepare a decoction of dried wild strawberry leaves, pour 3 tablespoons of crushed wild strawberry leaves into 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Take strawberry decoction half an hour before meals, 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

Useful properties of strawberry roots

The high biological value of strawberry roots is determined by the presence of tannins and alkaloids in them. An infusion of strawberry roots is a good cleanser when the body is slagged with nitrates, cleanses the blood and saturates it with iron. Healers used the medicinal properties of the roots and leaves of strawberries in the treatment of dysentery, spleen contraction and arousal of urination. The decoction was taken in the treatment of the liver, kidneys and bladder. To strengthen the gums, when the teeth were loose, the mouth was rinsed with a decoction of the roots and leaves of strawberries.

When to Harvest Strawberry Roots

Strawberry roots can be harvested during its flowering period. They are dug up, washed, cut and dried in a thin layer in a well-ventilated place.

Infusion of strawberry roots
To prepare an infusion of strawberry roots, pour 1 teaspoon of dry, crushed roots with 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes. It is drunk for rheumatism, as a weak diuretic, etc.

Interesting fact about strawberries
Medicinal raw materials are berries, flowers, leaves and roots of wild strawberries only. Leaves and roots of garden strawberries are collected and used with medicinal purposes you can't, they can be poisoned.

ATTENTION! Before using any medicinal plant you need to consult a doctor. And if you are planning treatment with wild strawberries - too. Then strawberry recipes and its use will only benefit you!

Contraindications for strawberry treatment
Strawberries are classified as plant allergens. When eating strawberries, itching, hives and other signs of an allergic reaction may appear. If these symptoms appear, the use of strawberries should be stopped and consult a specialist. Many people do not tolerate strawberries on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to use fresh strawberries with sour cream, cream or milk with added sugar.

Harvesting wild strawberries for the winter

Strawberry pureed with sugar
A great way to prepare strawberries for the winter, without depriving them of many useful properties. Strawberries mashed with sugar are simple, tasty and very healthy. Strawberries mashed with sugar are a real bouquet of vitamins and nutrients that can be prepared for the winter.

  • We sort through the strawberries, clean them from the leaves, wash them and let them dry, then beat them with a blender until puree, add sugar, mix and leave in a cool place overnight.
  • Strawberries with sugar that have stood for at least 12 hours are poured into jars, twisted and put in the refrigerator for storage.
strawberry jam

Berries of wild strawberries, collected on the same day, sorted out, put in a basin, pouring sugar in layers, leave for 8-10 hours, then cook until tender. During cooking, alternate heating with cooling: heat the berries to a boil, then remove from heat for 15-20 minutes, heat again to a boil, boil for several minutes - and so on several times, until cooked. Strawberry jam is easily candied. To avoid this, citric acid is added to it shortly before the end of cooking. Arrange the cooled strawberry jam in carefully washed and dried jars.
For 1 kg of berries: 1.2-1.5 kg of sugar, 1-2 g of citric acid.

Wild strawberry in own juice
Rinse wild strawberries and place in a basin. You can add some sugar. As soon as the berries give juice, heat them without boiling, and put them in half-liter and liter jars. Cover the jars with lids, put in water heated to 50 ° C, bring to a boil and sterilize in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then the jars are corked, turned upside down and left to cool.
For 1 kg of berries: 0.5-1 cup of sugar.

Tea from fermented wild strawberry leaves
Well-made strawberry leaf tea is very tasty and aromatic. The aroma of strawberries is transferred to tea. Fermented wild strawberry leaves are harvested as follows:

  • Withering: the leaves are scattered with a layer no thicker than 5 centimeters in the shade for a day or a day, until they become lethargic.
  • Twisting: The leaves are twisted between the palms of the hands until the juice comes out.
  • Fermentation: rolled leaves are poured in a layer of 5 centimeters in a box or on a baking sheet, covered with a wet cloth and kept at a temperature of 26 ° for six to ten hours.
  • Drying: the fermented leaves are dried for forty minutes at a temperature of 100° (in a heated oven).

In order for tea to be fragrant and tasty, it should not be boiled, since odorous essential oils will be released into the air when boiled with steam. When brewing tea, it is recommended to put it in a hot porcelain teapot, pour boiling water over it and immediately drain the water, then pour boiling water over it. Wrap the teapot with a napkin to keep warm and infuse the tea for about five minutes.

With the advent of summer, the preparation for the winter of various tasty and useful products. Lesnaya and garden strawberry- one of my favorites. This fragrant berry will remind you of summer in harsh winter. However, few people know that, in addition to the fruit, it is very useful to harvest the leaves of the plant.

When to Collect

Strawberry leaves must be collected during the flowering and fruiting of the bush. As a rule, this is the period from the end of June to August. It is advisable to choose a dry sunny day for this. It will be great if a few days before the collection it rained, which removed the dust from the leaves.

Strawberry leaves for harvesting should be taken neither young nor old, rich green. They should not have stains or other damage. You need to pluck them carefully so as not to damage the branches of the plant.

If you are gathering leaves in the forest, the site should be away from highways and enterprises. Then the workpiece will be environmentally friendly. A lot of people plant strawberries on summer cottages. The greenery of such a plant is also quite suitable for harvesting.

Did you know?Strawberries appeared on our planet more than 60 million years ago.


Like most other plants, strawberry leaves are not recommended to dry in the open sun. It will be correct to lay them out in a thin layer on a cloth or paper and place them in a dark place. It must be well ventilated. An attic or gazebo is best suited. Turn the leaves a couple of times a day. It is desirable that the weather be dry and sunny.

It will not be a hindrance if you dry strawberry greens in the oven. To do this, you need to cover the baking sheet with parchment and spread the leaves on it in a thin layer. If you wish, you can grind them a little. It is necessary to dry, stirring, at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. It is advisable to open the oven door once every 20 minutes.

There is one more interesting method drying strawberry leaves in the oven. Before the process, they are crushed to a state of juice extraction. After that, they are twisted between the palms and placed in a cool place in an enameled or glass container for up to half a day. During this time, they will undergo a process of small fermentation.

Important!The temperature of the oven during drying should not exceed 90 °C. Otherwise useful material the product is completely or partially destroyed.

After that, the rolls are laid out on a baking sheet with parchment and dried in the same way at a temperature of up to 60 ° C. The roll is dry when it does not stick to the hand, but rolls off it. Experts note that after such a process, the leaves retain more nutrients.


There are several ways to store dried strawberry leaves. You can store them in paper or cloth bags. However, there is a possibility that harmful insects can start in them. Therefore, most housewives recommend using enameled or glassware for storage, which closes tightly. Periodically, the lid must be opened to check the condition of the product and to allow access to oxygen.

Prevention of strawberries from diseases: how to cure plant leaves

If strawberry bushes are planted in your area, that is, the likelihood of their infection with fungi and other bad diseases. There are several tips on how to avoid this. First and most important - you can not let the berry grow in the same place for more than 3 years. It should be transplanted to a new place at least once during this time.

Strawberries often suffer from a disease such as brown spot. For its prevention in early spring, it is recommended to treat the bushes with fungicides. Processing should be done as early as possible, but the air temperature should be from 15 to 20 ° C.

During the period of flowering and fruiting, as well as before that, once every few weeks, the bushes can be sprayed with a safe solution of hydrogen peroxide. For this, a tablespoon of a 3% preparation is diluted in 1 liter of water. This method will protect the leaves from pests and give extra oxygen. The solution can also be applied under the strawberry root.

Important! A strawberry bush can "get sick" if you water it cold water. For irrigation, you need to use only warm and settled water.

Beneficial features

Strawberry leaf contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. I would especially like to highlight quinic, malic acids, tannins,. In brewed form or in the form of various tinctures, the leaf will help against many diseases, and it also “works” as a general tonic.

Strawberry leaf drinks

Folk healers have long used the strawberry leaf for the treatment and prevention of diseases.. There are many recipes for potions from strawberry leaves. Below are the most popular ones.


Strawberry leaf tea - popular remedy to strengthen the immune system and treat ailments. To prepare it, 1 teaspoon of dried leaves is poured into 1 cup of boiling water. After a short period of time, it can be drunk like regular tea.


Decoction of strawberry leaf will benefit from anemia and general fatigue of the body. To do this, 2 tablespoons of the leaves are boiled for up to 20 minutes, and then infused for 1 hour. As a rule, such a drug is taken 1 tablespoon up to 4 times a day.


To prepare the infusion, it is enough to place four tablespoons of leaves in a half-liter thermos and pour boiling water over it. The drink should be allowed to stand for about 2 hours. If you take the drug 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, it will help with hypertension and normalize the work of the stomach.

Did you know?There is a belief that strawberries should be picked alone and in silence. If at the same time think about what you want, it will certainly come true.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol tincture is best prepared from fresh strawberry leaves. For half a liter of vodka or alcohol, you will need up to 5 dozen of them. The greens are poured with liquid and infused in a dark place for about 1 week. You can also boil the leaves before cooking. Consume 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day. This will help strengthen the immune system, improve blood quality, help with hypertension and other diseases.

It turns out that not only berries, but also strawberry leaves can be beneficial. To do this, it is only necessary to collect them in right time dry and store properly. Tea from them will help to cope with infections in the difficult autumn-winter period and prevent other diseases. It can also be used as a folk remedy.