Taoist sexual practices. Rules for performing exercises. Taoist practices: strengthening the pubococcygeus muscle

On a woman's shoulders modern world assigned many different responsibilities. She must manage to manage the house and get the children ready for school or kindergarten, do some cleaning, and even go to official work.

But some women devote themselves so selflessly to all household and work matters that they forget about their physical and spiritual condition. But it’s stress, short-term rest, constant mental and exercise stress, bad dream and poor nutrition negatively affect not only the female body, but also her intimate health.

Taoist women's practices

Since ancient times, Chinese healers knew that the pledge happy life- this is sexual health. Based on Taoist knowledge, we can conclude that the main female mission is the accumulation and conservation of energy. And this energy can only be used in the name of preserving the hearth and home.

Taoist secrets of love are as follows:

  1. Self love- this is one of the main conditions for women's intimate health. The main condition for every girl is to accept herself as she is. You shouldn’t constantly reproach yourself for minor physical shortcomings. It is recommended to stand in front of a mirror and shower yourself with compliments. This exercise will have a greater effect if you perform it completely naked.
  2. Taoist breast massage. It helps not only in unlocking sexual potential, but also in normalizing menstrual cycle and improving health. It is best to use your palm for this exercise. Place your palm on your chest and make circular movements. You need to repeat this nine times. And after that, put a little pressure on your chest and do this several times. During such a massage, you definitely need to think about your attractiveness and sexuality.
  3. Taoist practices for women also include ovarian breathing. Thanks to this “breathing,” the female body is enriched with energy, sexual strength, and blood circulation in the pelvic area improves. To perform such actions, you need to sit comfortably on the edge of a chair, your legs should be parallel to each other and shoulder-width apart. Hands should be placed in the area of ​​the ovaries. Then you need to start doing a light massage and feel how internal organs filled with warmth. While doing all this, it is advisable to use belly breathing. While inhaling, a woman is advised to imagine that pink light enters the body through the vagina, and everything that is dark and negative is exhaled. Then you need to move your hands to your stomach and continue to perform circular movements. Such exercises have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries and uterus.

It is very important to end each of these activities with gratitude. And it should be directed directly to itself. Having completed all the above actions, you need to feel that every cell of the body is filled with warmth and love. After completing these exercises several times, a woman will feel that her life is changing for the better.

Important! Women's Taoist practices are available and recommended at any age!

Exercises to Maintain Sexual Health

So, the main focus of Taoist philosophy is the preservation of longevity and sexual health. Taoist teacher Mantak Chia, master Li Jin-Yuen and many other Taoist scientists, each living in their time, compiled various exercises to strengthen internal organs. Based on all this, 10 golden exercises have been compiled that will always help a woman remain beautiful, sexy and inspired.

Here are some of them:

  1. Deer. Before performing this action, the thumb must be hidden in a fist. And you can relax your hand only after completing all the manipulations. With your middle fingers you need to press on the dimple, which is located at the base of the skull, and massage it thirty-six times. Then you need to tense the pubococcygeus muscle, lifting it and doing deep breaths seven seconds. After tension, you need to relax, this is also done for seven seconds. Such manipulations are performed forty-nine times. After all this, the woman should feel pleasure. If this happens, then everything was done correctly and the desired effect was achieved. Taoists came to the conclusion that performing such a technique promotes rejuvenation endocrine system, strengthens the immune system and nervous system.
  2. Crane.
  3. Turtle.
  4. 8 diagrams. This action has a beneficial effect on active points female body. The execution consists of moving your arms, which, in turn, helps to relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders and shoulder blades. Starting position for execution: you need to stand straight, arms relaxed and along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to get rid of all thoughts, freeing the brain for positive thoughts. Next, you need to raise your arms halfway, imagining that you are holding a basketball in your hands. Knees slightly bent. Further left hand you need to lift up and lower the right one down. Everything is done very slowly. The legs also need to be bent, the left one completely, and the right one halfway. Then the exercise is performed alternating left and right arms and legs.
  5. Flight of the roc bird. The movements that characterize this technique help get rid of excess weight. Therefore, Taoist yoga for women often uses exactly this technique. The movements of this exercise resemble the flight of a bird.
  6. Swimming Dragon. Among the teachings of Taoism, this technique is used. It promotes good kidney function and strengthens the spine. The method of execution is that you need to describe three circles in front of you with your hands.
  7. Swimming frog. "Frog" helps in treatment thyroid gland. The execution consists of simulating a swimming frog.
  8. Phoenix spreads its wings. This complex helps restore physical and spiritual strength and is the final exercise among all exercises.

Attention! Performing such techniques requires complete relaxation, concentration and serious attitude to the exercises!

Taoist practices - This is a comprehensive system of human self-development. Through the use of internal forces, a person’s own nature is improved in order to achieve immortality. Thanks to them is happening harmonious development person on the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Man goes beyond physical limitations through the development of soul and spirit.

Various meditative and energy exercises allow you to increase the amount of physical energy, relieve stress, improve health, acquire the ability to heal yourself and others, and improve the practice of self-defense. By building a strong foundation of health and wellness physical body a person can also develop spiritually. To do this, the practitioner uses the energy of the Sun, Moon, Earth and stars. All this helps to develop his awareness, during which the “dense” spiritual body is nourished and developed.

Today there are several international centers healing Tao in the USA, Canada, Bermuda, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, India, Japan and Australia, which offer individual training in practices such as microcosmic orbit work, Healing Love meditation, Tai Chi Qigong , Iron Shirt Qigong and Fusion Meditation.

These practices are also known as meditation "Warm flow of healing Tao". They direct and maintain productive vitality Qi, and organize its circulation along the main acupuncture meridians of the body. This relieves stress and nervous tension, the internal organs are massaged and health is restored to damaged tissues.

At the initial stage, the healing light is awakened in a person. This happens in several stages:

  1. Discovery of the Microcosmic Orbit through its passage through the hands and eyes into energy channels, it allows a person to connect with the Universe and the forces of the Earth.
  2. "Inner smile" technique gives powerful relaxation, spreading happiness, like a language of communication between the internal organs of the body. This helps a person gain love and respect for himself, and therefore love and respect for everyone around him. This not only counteracts stress, but also increases and directs the flow of vital energy qi.
  3. Six-word spell (six healing sounds) - a basic relaxation technique that uses simple hand movements and special sounds to cool the internal organs. This helps improve digestion, eliminate insomnia, and relieve tension. The technique is especially beneficial for those who play sports and practice martial arts, as excess heat accumulates in their bodies.
  4. Taoist rejuvenation - self-massage using qi. In essence, it is self-healing using qi, which results in rejuvenation of the senses, teeth, skin and internal organs. Thanks to self-massage, some energy blocks and tension points in the body, which are sources of tension and aging of the body, dissolve.

At the next stage of the introductory course, a person’s inner strength is developed. The following methods are used for this:

  1. Healing love. This is the transformation of sexual energy to the higher centers (seminal and ovarian gongfu), which allows you to create harmonious relationships between a man and a woman, and also promotes spiritual development due to the fact that sexual energy is not consumed, but transformed. There is a rotation of the producing force into reverse side- from the genital organs to the higher centers - circulating it throughout the body and restoring the strength of all vital organs, which significantly rejuvenates the body.
  2. Qigong "iron shirt" is one of the foundations of spiritual practices that help raise the spirit in the body. This occurs through the use of various qigong postures and breathing practices. A person’s “rooting” occurs, he begins to feel his strong connection with the Earth, as a result of which he can raise his inner spirit. By doing the tendon exercise, the student learns how to unite the mind, heart, skeletal system and flow qi into a single whole. This develops the ability to release and absorb energy through the tendons, clearing the muscles of accumulated toxins. They also teach how to build up and cleanse Bone marrow, restore sex hormones.
  3. Fusion of the Five Elements refers to inner alchemy person. The practitioner learns to transform his negative emotions, worries, fear, anger into pure energy. Each negative emotion is associated with one of the five organs of the body (spleen, lungs, heart, liver and kidneys). In turn, these organs correspond to the five elements (earth, metal, fire, wood and water), which gives the name to this method. This practice combines these elements into one harmonious whole. Emerging positive emotions balance a person. They are then sent along open channels microcosmic orbits.
  4. Tai Chi Qigong. Thanks to it, the practitioner moves his body as a whole, using mainly energy. This physical exercise with a slight impact on the structure of the body, which teach a person to move correctly, thereby avoiding any energy blockages, and therefore prevents the occurrence of diseases in the body.
  5. Therapeutic Taoist diet takes into account the prevailing human elements and temporary seasonal fluctuations of nature.

IN introductory level of "improving health" Students will learn how to heal themselves and others. It is especially suitable for physicians involved in internal medicine. It includes massage, training in the interaction of one's own energy with the energies of other people.

At an advanced level, practitioners learn the Tao of Immortality(the kingdom of soul and spirit). Here qi is literally transformed from physical to mental(spiritual). In this case, the five senses are sealed, the yin and yang energies are mixed within the person and a pineal gland is grown above the crown, which then serves as a compass showing in which direction we will achieve satisfaction in our aspirations. The spirit is directed into the void. But the highest achievement is to have an immortal spirit in an immortal body.

Thus, Taoist practices are a holistic system of movement from ill health to health, then from health to a complete transformation of the entire body and its energy, and finally to complete update, to super-wisdom, to merge with Tao.

The value of Taoist practices lies in unity and harmony, in the interaction of a person with everything around him, with Heaven and Earth. So it is reunited in primordial true harmony.


I live a dynamic and very hectic life. At work there is a minute-by-minute leapfrog of meetings and events, and at home there are cheerful children and a very serious man nearby. Everything is good, just somehow flat. I see that only tiny particles of the vast Universe fly into my life like small sparks. I get bored and cramped within the daily hustle and bustle. All events pass normally and blandly, leaving behind the question: “So what?” It’s as if everything is constantly repeating itself, and nothing new is happening - a routine. And some part of me remains closed, unrealized, unknown.

I live only by my appearance, the image in the mirror. When I think of myself, this is what I picture. I just decided to start searching for myself within myself and immediately discovered a different me, yearning for tenderness, sensitivity, mysterious and total intimacy... with my beloved... love. And more questions arose in my life than answers...

As usual, the seeker finds. I meet an unusual and very attractive couple. Maria Churaeva is the head of a large investment company, a well-known person in the financial world, Sergei Oreshkin is a former businessman, then a novice in an Orthodox monastery, and now a student of the Taoist master Manteca Chia and publisher of his books in Russia. These are wonderful people, their union has existed for three years. During this time they traveled almost the whole world, visited oriental masters, received dedication and finally built the Eastern Health Center in the South-West of Moscow. They conduct seminars together, speak on the radio, and write a book called “Formula of Life.”

They entered my life as friends and teachers (masters) of Tao, filling and revealing to me that unique world where the lotus of the soul opens and blooms and where the broken halves of one whole go towards each other and... meet.

Taoists say that a person attracts to himself exactly what happens (lives) inside him. Therefore, they consider the main task of their life to be the cultivation of virtues in their soul. Then the soul is able to attract similar virtuous souls to itself. It's paradoxical, but it's true. If something in life does not work out the way we want, or the people around us are not the ones we want to see, then it is these energies, these feelings that we radiate outward. We attract our surroundings.

It's surprising, but the source of tenderness in me is myself. There is no need to demand tenderness. You just need to be gentle, and first of all, to yourself, to everyone who walks through life with you.

The word “Tao” in combination with the word “Love” gives rise to a magical expectation of something unearthly. You can do aerobics, swimming, hatha yoga - all this helps you recover after work and stay in good shape. Yoga, in general, is the only means to maintain the flexibility of the spine and the elasticity of the ligaments. But only Taoist practices provide clear guidance on how to manage your sexual energy. Subjects such as the Tao of Love, as it turns out, are taught only in the school of the Universal Tao of Master Chia. Healing Love is both a science and an art. Partners who have mastered this practice raise the energy of orgasm upward, and the internal organs located in the path of this flow begin to vibrate and fill with healing energy. The act of love turns into an ecstatic process of getting to know each other.

Seminar: Taoist secrets of love for Men. Improving male sexual energy. Practical course.

The course is designed for consistent mastery of the method of controlling sexual energy for men and includes four thematic blocks.

It is no secret that the genitals produce a huge amount of sexual energy, but, unfortunately, are not capable of storing and accumulating it for a long time. But sexual energy is best energy, which is at our disposal, so there is no point in throwing it away. Excess sexual energy can be transformed and used to heal and nourish our body and brain.

Taoist sexual practices from the course are aimed at rejuvenating the body, harmonizing sexual relations, activation and increase in the circulation of sexual energy in the microcosmic orbit.

I learned that the ancient Taoists viewed sexual energy as the most powerful medicine for the soul and body. They saw in it the main “fuel”, a source of creative power. Sexual energy, warmed by the love of the heart, can lift the human spirit to unprecedented heights. In Ancient China, an active sexual life was considered the key to health and longevity, they had sex until old age, and multiple male orgasms without ejaculation were common and natural for Taoists. It turns out that there are special practices for men that help them learn not to ejaculate and still experience higher degrees of orgasm.

Orgasmic energy has enormous healing power, but at the same time it is so powerful that it must be handled with care. That is why they first take a basic course of Taoist practices: after all, you need to learn to feel your energies and be able to cleanse them from negative emotions. Only after mastering basic techniques, you can move on to the next step - solo cultivation of sexual energy. It must be said that master Mantak Chia, in his lectures on healing love, speaks of self-stimulation as important element in learning to manage sexual energy. For Taoists, sex is primarily associated with health, not morality. They believe that the sexual energy that we all receive from our parents is the main source of our creative powers: after all, in every egg and every sperm lies the potential of a million future lives. That is why they cultivate this energy and use it as medicine to heal their own body and that of their partner during sexual intercourse.

First exercise: massage the chest and ovarian area

The first exercise to help you learn how to manage your sexual energy begins with a light massage of the breasts and ovarian area. In this case, you just need to observe where the excitation originates, how the excitation energy begins to move through the body and where it is directed. The next stage: you mentally direct the flow of energy up the spine. Why up? Because the natural release of sexual energy occurs downwards, then it is irretrievably lost. By directing energy upward and transforming it into more subtle energies, we can heal and rejuvenate our internal organs and improve brain function. But there is no need to rush. Everything is learned sequentially and gradually, otherwise, as in a children's board game - one wrong move - and you are thrown back to the very beginning of the game or, even worse, miss several moves.

Second exercise: managing orgasmic energy

Having mastered the first exercise perfectly, you can move on to the next one - try to control your orgasmic energy. Excitation is directed up the spine at the moment when it has almost reached its peak. This exercise not only allows you to achieve highest degree orgasm, but also significantly lengthen it in time.

Intimate muscle training

The second group of preparatory exercises is training intimate muscles. You need to learn to control and feel the muscles along their entire length so that your partner can subsequently feel it too. For this purpose, there is a special device that will help every woman achieve noticeable results in this field within three months. A woman needs the ability to work with her intimate muscles in order to manage a couple orgasm, prolonging and intensifying it. A woman can further excite her partner by squeezing and unclenching certain group muscles (playing the flute), and also regulate its arousal, delaying the moment of ejaculation.

Seminar: Improving female sexual energy.

Being a woman is an art. The goal of our workshop is to awaken your own natural desire and energy, improving your own sex life. You will be able to understand the characteristics of your feminine nature and reach your full potential, learn to enjoy your own body more, while improving your health. You will become familiar with the methods of working on the development and restoration of female intimate muscles in order to acquire natural and necessary skills in mastering them at the time of sexual contact, during pregnancy, childbirth and the prevention of female diseases.

Taoist practices came to us from ancient times, from Eastern culture, and they have been known for more than 9 thousand years... Of course, this is only a piece of the mosaic called “Taoist practices.” There are many interesting directions there - for women's health, for intimate muscles, to increase sexual pleasure.

The 8 techniques presented here are aimed at facial rejuvenation. They help to simply and effectively rejuvenate the face and skin on the face, increase hair growth, remove wrinkles, and improve the functioning of nervous system, relieve headaches, tone the facial muscles, enhance the energy of the whole body.

1. Taoist practices: “To the three stars”

  1. Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up until they are overhead. Raise your arms up and take a deep breath.
  2. Turn your palms up, fingers facing each other, as shown in the figure below, and lift your heels slightly.
  3. Turn your palms down and slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Repeat the practice 3 times. The first raising of hands is called “to the star of Happiness”, the second - “to the star of Prosperity”, and the third - “to the star of Longevity”.

Effect: increases vital energy and balances the energies of Yin and Yang, increases blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition improves, which promotes rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Taoist practice: “Sharpening the eagle’s claw”

  1. Starting position: standing, legs together, arms freely at your sides.
    Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly.
  2. Place your hands with your palms facing each other and place them between your knees, bending your knees slightly. Squeeze your palms tightly with your knees.
  3. Alternately raise and lower your left and right heels - your palms pressed between your knees should rub against each other.
  4. Raise and lower each heel 8 times (for a total of 16 palm rubbing motions).

Effect: improvement of condition and rejuvenation of the whole body, stimulation of the secretion of sex hormones and improvement of joint elasticity, activation of regenerative processes in the skin, as a result, the skin takes on a fresh and youthful appearance. This practice is especially useful for pain or cramps in the legs, for women with gynecological diseases, as well as men suffering from prostatitis. In these cases, do this practice more often.

The practice is contraindicated for pregnant women.

3. Taoist practice: “Moving the Heavens”

  • Using the three middle fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows (the “third eye” area) to the temples.
  • Also massage your forehead 8 times.

Effect: eliminates age wrinkles, helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, nervous tics eye.

4. Taoist practice: “Drawing the tail of a phoenix”

  • Move the bumps on your palms from outer corners eye to temples 8 times.

Effect: eliminates " crow's feet"around the eyes, tones the entire face, helps with migraines.

5. Taoist practice: “Cutting the cheeks”

  • Run your hands over your cheeks - from the cheekbones down 8 times.

Effect: moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

6. Taoist practices: “Pressure on the Yin pantry”

  • Bend and raise your left arm. Cover your mouth with the center of your left palm, and with the pad thumb close your left nostril. The remaining 4 fingers should lie on right cheek. Right hand press it to your chin, cupping your palm.
  • Move your hands clockwise while pressing thumb on the teeth to the left of the nose (breathe through the right nostril) - 8 times. At the same time, make circular movements with your tongue in the same direction - 8 times.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Effect: against wrinkles around the lips, improves lip contour, lip fullness.

7. Taoist practices: “Dragon punches in the face”

  • Tap your fingertips all over your face for one minute.

Effect: revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother, improves the functioning and rejuvenation of the entire body.

Today, prevention is one of the most promising directions medicine. In ancient China to maintain men's health used sexual gongfu - these are practices of cultivating male energy. The Taoists were their own doctors and knew how to take care of the health of their bodies even before illnesses occurred.

Sexual Gongfu originated as a branch Chinese medicine. It helped men increase their vitality and maintain health male organs, avoid exhaustion and disease, prolong life.

Sexual gongfu methods help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthen intimate muscles, open energy channels and move energy through them qi.

Taoist practices: strengthening the pubococcygeus muscle

The basis of men's health is the pelvic floor muscles, consisting of two layers. The levator muscle lies deep anus(m. levator ani). Attached to the pubis and pelvic bones, it forms a dense “trampoline” stretched at the bottom of the pelvis. The superficial layer (pubococcygeus muscle, PC) is formed by two muscles:

  • bulbous-spongiosus (m. bulbospongiosus);
  • external sphincter of the anus (m. sphincter ani externus);

The PC muscle is very important for men's health, so the Taoists paid great attention to working with it. This muscle allows you to restrain the process of urination if it is not possible to find a toilet. It is also responsible for the rhythmic contractions in the pelvis and anus during orgasm.

If you have a strong pubococcygeus muscle, you should be able to stop urinating and then resume it. Try contracting your PC muscle 10-20 times. If you feel tired after this, then you need to exercise. Do this simple exercise:

Tighten and relax the PC muscle 20-30 times. Rest 1 minute. Repeat the exercise, resting after each approach. Increase the number of contractions of the PC muscle daily. As a result, you can increase the number of repetitions to 200-500 per day.

Over time, add another exercise. Do 30 contractions to warm up, then tighten your PC muscle as much as possible. Maintain this state for 20 seconds. Rest 1 minute. Repeat 5 times.

After a month of training, you will be able to contract the PC muscle for several minutes at a time. The PC muscle is trained very well. You can evaluate the result by a strong morning erection.

Taoist practices: connecting the muscles of the mouth and eyes

The following exercise is based on the Taoist idea that everything orbicularis muscles bodies (including the muscles around the eyes, mouth, perineum and anus) are connected. By training them together, you strengthen the PC muscle and gain vitality. So…

  • Sit comfortably, relax.
  • Squeeze the anus and pubococcygeus muscle.
  • At the same time, squeeze the muscles around your eyes and mouth.
  • Relax.
  • Tighten and relax your PC muscle as often as possible.
  • Rest.
  • Then tense all three muscles for 10-15 seconds, then relax.
  • After making about 20 contractions, contract the PC muscle as much as possible and hold it in this state for as long as possible. Rest.

Taoists call this exercise “squeezing the anus” because contracting the PC muscle also tightens the anus.

By squeezing the muscles around your eyes and mouth, you can increase the strength of your pubococcygeus muscles. It is easiest to start practicing while sitting, but later you can do it both standing and lying down. Perform this simple exercise almost everywhere: at home, at work, while driving a car at a traffic light.

Try to do it at least 2-3 times a day or more often, gradually increase the number of compressions and their frequency. Take your time: consistency, not quantity, is important.

Taoist practices: exercise “Stopping urination”

To strengthen the PC muscle, I suggest using “Stopping Urination.” At the beginning of training, you may feel weak in the PC muscle, but after a few months of training, you will feel its strength.

  • When you are close to urinating, stand on your tiptoes. Take a deep breath.
  • Begin to urinate forcefully, tucking your anus, exhale slowly, clenching your teeth.
  • Inhale and contract the pubococcygeus muscle and stop urinating.
  • Exhale and continue urinating.
  • Try to interrupt urination several times in one act. Get down on your feet. Rest.

Standing on your toes and gritting your teeth will make your practice more intense. But you shouldn’t overexert yourself! Don't be alarmed if you experience minor pain while doing the exercise. painful sensations in the crotch. They will disappear after a few weeks of practice.

It is recommended to train the PC muscle not only for men, but also for women. Intimate fitness helps prevent prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs. In the West, gynecologist Arnold Kegel was the first to speak about the need to strengthen the PC muscle. He developed famous exercises that have helped many women restore their sex life after childbirth. And today even doctors have confirmed their effectiveness.

Men squeeze the pubococcygeus muscle, which surrounds the prostate gland, to massage it, improving blood flow and keeping the prostate healthy.

Prostate massage and “Million gold coins” point

Taoists believe that in order to avoid cancer, it is necessary to massage the prostate. You can do this through the rectum, like a urologist. While lying on your back, insert a well-lubricated finger into your anus, rotate it and touch your prostate. She feels like Walnut. Gently rub the prostate gland different sides, making small circular movements in one direction, then in the other. Your partner can follow the same procedure. This stimulation is deep and very intense and can lead to ejaculation. Important: I do not recommend using massage for adenoma and prostate cancer.

Try performing a prostate massage through the Million Gold Coins point. It is located on the perineum in front anus. It got its name because of its importance in sexual gongfu. Its role in preventing ejaculation was carefully kept secret and was revealed by Taoist masters only for a lot of money.

Taoist Practices: Power Lock

You can explore your crotch and easily find the Million Gold Coins point. Pressing on it when approaching ejaculation leads to suppression of the ejaculatory reflex. Strong rhythmic finger pressure in this place also imitates the contractions of the prostate gland that accompany orgasm.

Taoists call pressing the “Million Gold Coins” point a power lock (Fig. 18). It facilitates the rise of energy from the perineum to the crown. First, cut your fingernails short and begin the practice.

To perform a power lock, connect your three middle fingers into a triangle. Inhale and begin to lift the energy from the scrotum up the spine as in the Cool Draw practice, which I will discuss later.

While holding your breath, press the Million Gold Coins point with three fingertips so that the chi rises up and cannot return to the perineum.

Do not press on the point while inhaling, as this will prevent the energy from moving upward. Remember that the fingers help the energy rise.

Read about Taoist practices for men in my book:

The average duration of each meditation is 4 minutes.

Small excerpts are posted here.

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