Decorative rats and caring for them. How to care for a rat at home. Decorative rats - diseases

Rats are smart, affectionate, clean animals, which is why people often and willingly take them into their homes as pet. These furry creatures respond to the care shown with love and devotion, and if the emotional connection with the owner is strong enough, they can even be trained. Like any animal for which we are responsible after its taming, rats also need proper care.

How to choose a rat?

Those who have experience in keeping pets will agree that the owner and his future pet find each other almost at first sight. When choosing a suitable rat from among the cubs, simply extend your hand into the cage. Curious animals will not be afraid; they will come close and make contact. The most active one will be yours - that means he liked you. When taking your little rat home, make sure that he is at least 6 months old - more than early age Taking a baby from its mother is not only inhumane, but also dangerous to the health of your future pet. After all, it is during the first six months that the baby learns all the necessary skills for life from his mother.

Finally, take a closer look at the behavior and appearance animal. He must be active, mobile, and not timid. Shy cubs can grow into aggressive, biting rats - this is worth remembering. The baby's fur should be clean, shiny, no stains, scratches on the coat or discharge from the eyes. The belly is soft, the skin on the tail is clean, the ears are pink. It is also recommended to hold the baby upside down for a second, holding him by the tail. The unhealthy one will spin around an axis, the healthy one will hang with his legs spread out.

Comfort for your pet

Before your future household member finds shelter in your home, you need to think in advance where and in what cage he will live, what you will feed him, and how to treat him if he suddenly gets sick. Therefore, it is advisable that you have an idea in advance about how to care for a rat. So, the conditions of detention. The cage can be of any size, naturally, not the smallest so that the rat has room to turn around. Since these animals have a habit of chewing through everything, the cage must be made of iron. Inside you need to build shelves and ladders, you can put a small piece of plastic pipe - rats love uneven terrain. Also, make him a house out of a box: cut out an entrance in it, lay old rags and paper inside, preferably not newspaper. The floor of the cage can also be covered with paper, or you can use wood shavings for this. You can’t put very fine sawdust on a rat, it gets into his Airways and causes irritation and can even cause the death of the animal.

What to feed?

Many people think that rats really love cheese and can eat it all day long. No matter how it is. Abuse of dairy products can lead to allergies and serious illness in your pet. But from all kinds of cereals and grains - wheat, barley, millet, sunflower seeds, etc. he will not suffer, on the contrary, all this is useful to him. He shouldn't eat a lot of raw vegetables. Smoked delicacies, thickly seasoned meat, and all kinds of salty foods are also dangerous. You can have nuts other than peanuts. This peanut in the company of dairy products can cause severe allergies. The animal's skin begins to itch and itch, it will constantly scratch itself, as a result, pockets of inflammation and bleeding wounds will appear on the skin. If you do not treat the animal on time and do not put it on a diet, then the outcome can again be disastrous.

Rats, like hamsters, are usually given water in a special drinking bowl. Rats should not be overfed - they are prone to obesity. We must also remember that without food and water, these animals will not live long - only two days.

Nowadays, decorative rats are popular among pets; the care and maintenance of rodents has its own nuances. Pets attract people with their remarkable intelligence, cunning, excellent memory, they know how to respond to their name, they are well trained and easily perform various tricks.

Types of decorative rats

Highlight different breeds decorative rats. According to the type of wool they are divided into:

Animal colors are divided into subspecies:

  • homogeneous: there are pure black, white, chocolate, blue, albino and others;
  • heterogeneous: rats have Siamese, Himalayan, sable, silver and other colors;
  • motley: consists of several colors.

Life expectancy of a decorative rat

Decorative pet rats do not live long, the average lifespan is 2 years. With proper care and balanced diet the animal can delight with its presence for up to 4 years, but this is already old age for such an animal. The short life expectancy is compensated by the high fertility of individuals and high degree their adaptation to any conditions. The maximum age of a domestic rat recorded by amateurs is 7 years.

Domestic decorative rats are rodents; they are cared for and kept in metal cages, because they are the strongest and most durable. It is better not to keep animals in plastic and wooden structures. It is also not recommended to place them in aquariums - they are difficult to clean, and the animals jump to a height of 40-50 cm and can escape. The house is installed in a place where there are no direct sun rays and a draft from which a rat can contract pneumonia. There is no need to place a home near the battery - dry air is harmful to animals. Optimum temperature +18-20°C.

For a decorative rat, the cage should have a size of 60x40x30 (for growth); often the house has two floors. Inside the home you need to install:

  • plastic tray with filler (preferably dry wood granules. Small sawdust can cause allergies in rats by getting into their eyes and nose. Newspaper contains harmful substances, and is not suitable for keeping as bedding);
  • stairs and tunnels, a wheel (animals love to play);
  • plastic house for privacy;
  • mineral stone for rodents (they sharpen their teeth);
  • drinking bowl;
  • 1-2 bowls;
  • a cloth for sleeping or a hammock.

How to care for a decorative rat?

If decorative rats live in the house, care and maintenance of them include indispensable cleaning of the cage. Drinkers and bowls need to be washed daily, remove soiled or wet bedding, food debris, and change the filler in the tray. The cage and all household items must be systematically disinfected. If you carefully care for your decorative rat, the smell from it will be almost invisible. The animals are unpretentious and easily adapt to any environmental conditions. You can sometimes let them out for a walk, but you need to keep an eye on the pet so that it doesn’t chew on valuables.

Is it possible to bathe decorative rats?

Decorative domestic rats are neat and clean animals; keeping babies requires mandatory bathing. The procedure is carried out if the animal itches or has an unpleasant odor. Shampoo from a pet store will help deal with it. For bathing, prepare a container with heated water. They put the animal in it and wash it with their hands. In this case, the rodent may scratch and bite, but some people like this procedure. When bathing, you need to pay attention so that water does not get into the rat’s ears and nose. After the procedure is completed, the animal is dried with a towel.

What to feed a decorative rat at home?

  1. Grain base (wheat, oats, barley, corn, millet). High-quality balanced mixtures are sold in pet stores.
  2. Vegetables fruits: White cabbage, carrots, bananas, cucumbers, apples, boiled potatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, grapes.
  3. Protein food (given once a week): a piece of boiled meat, cottage cheese, cheese, egg.
  4. Chicken bones: animals love to sharpen their teeth with them.
  5. In autumn and winter, it is recommended to give pets ready-made vitamins from a pet store.

Decorative rats - care and maintenance: what should not be given as food:

  • chocolate, sweets, candies;
  • raw beans or beans;
  • smoked sausage;
  • raw potatoes;
  • chips;
  • soda and sweet drinks;
  • Brussels sprouts and red cabbage.

What grass can be given to decorative rats?

Greens should be present in the daily diet of rodents. What do decorative rats eat from grasses:

  • dill;
  • dandelion;
  • parsley;
  • cilantro;
  • plantain;
  • radish tops.

Decorative rats - diseases

A healthy animal is always active, it has clear eyes and shiny fur. There should be no red spots around the rodent's eyes, nose and ears. Knowing what a decorative rat looks like when properly cared for healthy condition If any deviations are detected, you should consult a doctor. rodents:

How to tame a decorative rat?

Decorative rats have pros and cons in their character. The first include openness to communication and intelligence. As soon as a little rat appears at home, he is immediately given a name and addressed to him when food is poured in. After three days, the rodent begins to respond to the nickname and recognize the owner. Then you can gradually accustom him to holding hands. After the animal finally gets used to its owner, it is released to walk around the apartment. The disadvantage of a pet is the desire to chew on something - this must be controlled.

Decorative rat - reproduction

Breeding of decorative rats is carried out using a pair of opposite-sex individuals aged 6 months. Girls weigh 200-400 g, they are nimble and neat. Boys - 450-600 g each, mostly clumsy and sloppy. The female's estrus repeats every 10 days. Mating is carried out for 1-4 hours in any territory - it does not matter with a girl or a boy. The female's pregnancy lasts 21 days, during which time she needs to eat more fruits and vegetables. Before birth expectant mother builds a nest - carries various materials (rags, toilet paper). The female gives birth to up to 8 rat pups weighing 5-7 g.

If a couple lives together, then at the time of birth the male must be separated so that he does not show aggression towards the babies. It is important for the mother in labor to provide access to clean water so that she does not eat her offspring. The mother feeds the newborns for a month; from the third week of life they begin to try adult food. Babies' fur grows by 8-10 days, and their eyes open between 12 and 16 days. At the age of 1.5 months, the animals become completely independent and must be separated by gender or sold. After 12-18 months of life, females can no longer have offspring.

Training of decorative rats

There are many tricks that complement the natural habits of rodents and will bring pleasure to the owners. To do this you will need a delicacy - a piece of meat, pumpkin seed. How to train a decorative rat:

  1. Return to the cage. After the animal has taken root, it can be released for a walk around the apartment. It’s easy to return the animal: at the same time you need to sprinkle food, knock the bowl on the floor and call your pet - he will come running.
  2. “Sit” or “serve.” You need to hold the treat over the animal’s head and say the command. The rat will learn that it gets a treat after it stands on its hind legs and will follow the order to “sit” every time, even without a treat.
  3. Run in circles. You can move the treat along a trajectory and give it to the animal after it completes the trick. Also, with the help of treats, it is easy to teach a rat to run up stairs.

Despite their compactness, decorative rats will never become easy pets to live in a city apartment. However, the rat's intelligence and cleanliness more than compensate for the possible costs of its maintenance.

Why have a rat at home?

Such a question is unlikely to arise before a person for whom a rodent is the personification of intelligence, agility and charm. A decorative rat is rarely acquired by accident: as a rule, it is a conscious and firm decision. But even if the appearance of the animal was accompanied by a touch of spontaneity, its owner quickly becomes a fanatic of rats, endlessly moved by their mischief and cunning.

The only thing that seriously depresses rat owners is short life pupil, but, resigning themselves to this, they get a new rat every 2-3 years.

Types and breeds of decorative rats

These domestic rodents belong to the species "gray" and occasionally "black" rat, included (in turn) in the genus, numbering 137 species and 570 subspecies.

This is interesting! Biologists have found that gray rats run at a speed of 10 km/h and jump up almost 80 cm. But this is not the limit: an angry or panicked rat can jump 2 m in height.

The classification of decorative rats is quite bizarre due to the abundance of diverse parameters (color, type of coat, nuances of physique), which do not allow having a single standard. Sometimes rats are given dog/cat names such as rex, sphinx and husky.

TOP 7 popular varieties:

  • standard– smooth-haired massive creatures weighing up to 0.5 kg. The tail (20 cm) is almost equal in length to the body (24 cm). They have wide, rounded, but moderately large ears;
  • satin– characterized by a deep shine of the coat. The fur is pleasant to the touch, and the hairs are long, thin and smooth;
  • dumbo– stand out with low-set and rounder ears on a rather sharp muzzle. The body shape (pear-shaped) is reminiscent of tailless rats, differing from them in having a longer tail and a shortened body;
  • sphinx- an absolutely hairless variety, including the absence of a mustache. Infant pigmentation disappears with age, and the rodent's folded skin takes on a pure pink color;
  • anurans- rats that are born without a tail. The first such individual appeared (as a result of an unplanned mutation) in 1983. The body resembles a pear;
  • rex– these rats are endowed not only with thick curly hair, but also with short, dashingly curled mustaches. The fur (compared to standard ones) is stiffer and less shiny;
  • downy– representatives of this species are covered with sparse translucent fur, devoid of guard hairs. But downy ones have curly short antennae.

The fur of decorative domestic rats has a variety of colors, sometimes with a combination of three shades. The color of the iris also does not tend to be uniform: eyes can be red, ruby, black or differently colored.

Lifespan of pet rats

It is estimated at 2-3 years. According to this indicator, domesticated animals are superior to their wild counterparts, who end their earthly journey at the age of one. Free rats die in the teeth of predators, at the hands of people, from hunger, cold and disease, while their tamed relatives eat and drink plenty and can be seen by veterinarians.

But artificial, more comfortable conditions cannot be a panacea for diseases to which all rats are susceptible. Therefore, stories about what good care domestic rats cross the threshold of 5-7 years, should be classified as fables. It is possible that you will come across a particularly resistant and healthy specimen, but even it will not last more than three years.

This is interesting! Not long ago, researchers at the University of Chicago proved that rats are compassionate, and to a much greater extent than previously thought. In a series of experiments, rodents tried not only to open a cage with a comrade locked in it, but also shared the last piece of chocolate with him.

These animals need constant supervision. You can't lock a rat in a cage and go on a cruise for a week. When planning a vacation, you need to find a volunteer who will feed your treasure. A rodent cannot be kept in captivity all the time. He should walk a lot and regularly: just make sure that during walks he doesn’t try any utensils on his teeth.

With their legendary omnivory, domestic rats are quite selective in food, and they are also predisposed to some serious ailments, the treatment of which will cost you a pretty penny. When purchasing a rat at the request of a child, you must understand that you will take care of it yourself. And if you spare no effort and time, the animal will grow up tame and sociable.

Selecting and equipping a cage

The rat cage should be spacious, with dimensions of at least 60*40*60 cm for one animal. The interval between the rods is no more than 2 cm (less for children).

What is needed to set up a cage:

  • nipple-type automatic drinker (with a metal spout);
  • heavy hanging feeders (ceramic/metal);
  • corner tray filled with leaf shavings or cat litter;
  • a small shelter for the animal;
  • mattress on the bottom (absorbs unpleasant odors);
  • shelf, aka the second floor of the cage.

All interior elements can be bought in specialized stores or made with your own hands, spending a little time.

This is interesting! Domestic rats love to relax in hammocks, which often also become a place for showdowns and even storehouses where the tailed rats store their precious food supplies.

Care and hygiene

Decorative rats are clean, and in bath procedures dont need. Washing is indicated if the pet:

For bathing you will need a basin, a special shampoo (can be cat or baby shampoo), Toothbrush with soft bristles (as a washcloth), a couple of towels. Bathe your rat in a bathroom where there is no draft and the air temperature is at least +20 degrees. Make sure that water does not flow into her eyes and ears.

Remember that when washing you remove the natural odors by which the rat is recognized by its relatives. This can lead to misunderstandings if you keep multiple rodents. Watch their reaction when you return your washed companion to them.

What to feed your pet rat: diet

For food to be healthy, the diet must contain fresh greens, vegetables/fruits, cereals and grains. Ready-made grain mixtures are also suitable, but keep in mind that tailed gourmets can feast on their individual components, scattering others around the cage. Don't feed your rat food from your table. Cold and hot food is prohibited, as well as:

  • sweets, including chocolate;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • raw potatoes, artichokes and beans;
  • Brussels sprouts/red cabbage;
  • tofu and spinach;
  • green bananas;
  • alcoholic/carbonated drinks.

Rats can be poisoned by plants such as azalea, begonia, carnation, hydrangea, calla lily, crocus, potato/tomato leaves, lily of the valley, spurge, narcissus, mistletoe, nightshade, rhododendron, cyclamen, agave, amaryllis, dieffenbachia, geranium, hyacinth, horse chestnut, cherry/tobacco leaves, lupine, myrtle, oleander, ferns, ivy, yew and tulip.

In the off-season, you need to add vitamins and sprouted oat/wheat seeds to your food.

Rat health - diseases and prevention

The rodent body is susceptible to adverse environment(drafts, high humidity, cold) and reacts to poor nutrition. If your pet is not born with good health, it is possible that you will have to treat him for diseases such as:

To keep your rat happy and healthy, follow simple rules. Prevent pets from being injured while moving around the room and protect them from drafts. Clean your cage and apartment more often. Do not fill the tray with pine sawdust. Eliminate stressful situations, which can weaken the body's defenses. Remember that any strong odor (including tobacco) can make your pet feel unwell.

Reproduction of decorative rats

This activity can only be done by an experienced rat breeder: uncontrolled breeding of rats is completely unacceptable. The female is ready for fertilization at 6-8 months. The first pregnancy after the age of one year is fraught with complications. Estrus occurs once every 4-10 days, and mating takes seconds. Gestation of cubs (depending on their number) lasts 21-25 days.

At this time, the female should drink a lot and eat properly: liver, tomatoes, bell pepper, onions, grapes, garlic and raisins. As a rule, a day before giving birth, the rat stops eating, and before that it sets up a “nursery”. If the cage is multi-tiered, a nest is built at the bottom to prevent babies from falling, lining it with toilet paper and napkins.

Childbirth lasts 1-3 hours: the mother usually eats the lethargic rat pups, so they immediately begin to squeak and move. The lactating female is provided with a rich diet, including lactic acid products and calcium gluconate. While the baby rats are suckling their mother's milk, they are not picked up. A rat with a foreign scent may eat its mother.

This is interesting! It only takes 50 milliseconds for a rat to determine the location of the source of the scent that reaches it.

Animal lovers have very different preferences: some love cats, others prefer smart and faithful dogs, while others can spend hours watching the life of underwater inhabitants. And for some there is nothing better than a decorative (or pet) rat. Are you surprised? But the history of the domestication and taming of rats dates back to the Middle Ages.

The first decorative individuals, descendants of the now popular pets, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The domestic rat (reviews from the owners allow us to judge this) are distinguished by high intelligence, quick wits, cunning and memory, which many people can envy. It is these characteristics that contribute to the maintenance and growth of their popularity.

Even people who, to put it mildly, have a cool attitude towards rodents, watch with pleasure and interest the tricks that decorative rats easily master and demonstrate. In this article we will tell you everything about these pets. You will learn at home what to feed her, what she likes and what she does not accept.


The domestic decorative rat is a small animal. The male weighs about 600 grams, the female is twice as small - 300 grams. Body length is from 8 to 25 centimeters. The build and shape of the muzzle depend on the breed, but most often they have an elongated nose. The body is covered with fur, the density of which also depends on the breed, the tail is almost bare, up to 18 centimeters long, and the legs are short. The color is often monochromatic - red, white, black, gray.

At the same time, among some breeds there are individuals with two-color coats. The color of the eyes also depends on the color, for example, white rats have eyes Pink colour, the gray ones have black ones.

Types and breeds of decorative rats

There are many varieties of these animals, but some of them are more suitable for home care. They differ in coat type, size and life expectancy.


An animal with smooth shiny fur. This is the most common type of pet rat and can be purchased at almost every pet store.


Today this domestic rat is not very common. Reviews from owners indicate that this is a wonderful pet that is suitable for owners who are allergic to animal fur. Sphynxes have virtually no hair (there may be sparse fluff on the ankles, under the eyes and in the groin).


Larger animals with low-set, round and large ears. This variety was developed in California (1991). The breed was named after the cartoon character Dumbo the elephant.

The head is round and wider than other breeds, and the muzzle is pointed. The body shape is pear-shaped, but shorter than that of tailless individuals.


The peculiarity of this rodent is clear from the name of the breed, which is the result of a mutation. The first tailless rat was obtained not from a scientific laboratory, but from an amateur in the UK in 1983. This variety differs, for example, from the standard breed in body shape - it is pear-shaped. Representatives of tailless rats should not even have the rudiment of a tail.


This domestic rat has a special coat. Reviews from owners indicate that it is thinner and longer than other breeds. The body of satin rats has the same shape as that of animals of the standard breed, and the coat has a strong shine. It is thick and very pleasant to the touch.

Double Rex

Representatives of this breed have double hair. The fur is so short that the skin is clearly visible through it, while the fur is twisted into large spirals. Hard guard hairs and soft downy hairs are scattered throughout the body. You need to know that rats of this breed shed.

During this period, in some areas there is a temporary complete absence of hair, sometimes covered with a thin layer of fluff. Color may vary. The mustache is curled and short.


On average, pet rats live about 1.5-2 years, but with proper care this period can increase to 4 years. In addition, you should know that you should purchase an animal from breeders, nurseries or pet stores, but not at the poultry market. Only in this case, you will receive a guarantee that the animal is healthy and is not a carrier of serious diseases.

We hope that, knowing how long a rat lives at home, you will take the choice of an animal seriously and create the necessary conditions for it.

Keeping decorative rats at home

If you are going to get such a pet, then you need to know that these animals need communication. We are not talking about three minutes of contact through the bars. The rodent should sit on your shoulder or in your arms, sniff you from head to toe, taste you as its owner and closest and only friend.

In addition, rats should be given the opportunity to move more or less freely around the apartment, since they need movement. First, allow your pet to master a limited area (for example, one room) under the close supervision of the owner, then, when the animal begins to respond to its name and comes running to the sound of your voice, you can let it go for a walk throughout the entire apartment.

So, we have determined that the decorative rat, as a pet, needs communication and a real need to move freely. At the same time, she needs own house. The owner must know how to handle the animal, what to feed it and what kind of character the pet has.

Rat character

This phrase sounds intimidating and even a little unpleasant. But in reality, the domestic rat (owner reviews indicate this) has excellent character and a number of advantages that make this rodent a favorite pet in many families.

A rat, as a pet, is not inferior to a cat in terms of cleanliness. She also washes her face frequently. With proper and timely cleaning of the cage, no unpleasant odor there won't be any in the house. Keeping a pet rat can be combined with training this animal. Don’t be surprised, but these animals, like dogs, can perform various commands - “stand”, “lie down”, “sit” and others. A treat will help you achieve results.

We can say that rats are omnivores. But in this article we will tell you what you should not feed these rodents. It is very interesting to watch these animals in a well-equipped cage: with a wheel, all kinds of rings and pipes. Rats deftly use their tails and their prehensile paws.

Setting up a house for a rodent

Aquariums are not suitable for this animal due to poor ventilation, and cages for hamsters are not suitable due to their small area. A cage for a pet rat should be special. This is, rather, a two-, or better yet, a three-story house, a kind of cottage with many different exercise equipment.

In addition to its impressive size, a house for a rat must meet the following requirements:

  • the cage must be made of durable metal rods, which are spaced at a distance of 10 mm;
  • a deep tray is required;
  • all exercise equipment should be securely fastened;
  • in the house it is necessary to install a drinking bowl with clean water; as a filler it is better to use paper without printing ink, sawdust, wood shavings (layer thickness - at least 5 cm);
  • you need a shelter - a secluded place where your pet can rest, hiding from the direct rays of the sun; a children's plastic bucket or clay pot is suitable for arranging such a nest;
  • You should clean the cage at least once a week - change the filler completely, clean the tray without using household chemicals with a strong aroma.

What to feed a rat?

Many owners, knowing that rats are omnivores, make a fairly common mistake. Omnivory does not mean that your little pet can eat everything. The diet of this nimble animal, which is constantly studying the world, must be formed based on his needs.

What do pet rats need? The pet is fed with products containing a large number of carbohydrates (50-60% of the diet), protein for animal growth (25-30%), fats (10-20%). Products prohibited for these animals should be excluded from the animal’s diet. These include:

  • fatty, salty and spicy foods;
  • sweets;
  • citrus;
  • raw vegetables: potatoes, beets, beans, cabbage and spinach;
  • raw meat.

The daily diet of a pet rat should include:

  • solid foods (carrots, crackers, etc.), which will help grind down constantly growing teeth;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes, which can be purchased at pet stores, and/or products that can provide the animal’s body with the necessary substances: eggplants and bananas, tomato juice and plums, yeast and chalk, onions and garlic, fish oil.

The rat needs lean boiled meat, berries and seedless fruits, fermented milk and dairy products. A healthy rat eats 30-40 grams of fresh food per day. She should not chew constantly, and do not allow her to chew on week-old food scraps, these should be removed from the cage regularly.

Should you bathe your rat?

Interested in how to care for pet rats, many owners are interested in whether they need water procedures for this animal. It is not only possible, but also necessary to bathe a domestic rat. For females, this procedure is carried out approximately once a month, and males should be wiped with a damp cloth between monthly baths.

How to wash a pet rat? Quite simple, but following certain rules.

  1. During the first baths, it is advisable to have a second person present for insurance purposes, in case the animal suddenly gets scared.
  2. Close the room from drafts - rats get cold easily.
  3. The water should not be hot.
  4. Bath the rat in a container with a small amount water, especially if your pet is afraid of it. There should be enough liquid so that the rat can stand in the bath.
  5. For washing, you must use a special shampoo for rodents that does not cause allergic reactions and makes your animal’s fur shiny and smooth, and this composition is easily washed off.

Relationship with other animals

Before getting an unusual pet, it is important to know not only how to care for pet rats. If you already have an animal in the house, you need to consider their compatibility. By nature, the domestic rat is very timid. For this reason, it takes her a long time to get used to other animals. But over time, she realizes that there is no danger, and the animals find a common language.

This attitude largely depends on your second pet. If you have a fighting dog or aggressive cat, then it’s better to give up the rat.


Rats are smart and inquisitive, and it is not difficult to teach them some of the skills that are primarily necessary for successfully living with humans.

A rat can be taught:

  • responds to the name and comes to the owner’s call;
  • returning to the cage after a walk;
  • rise on your hind legs.

The latter is rather a trick for children or guests, but if you teach your pet to respond to a voice and return home, this is really important in the communication between a nimble animal and its owner.

In order for the rat to learn easily, you need to choose a short and sonorous name and stock up on the animal’s favorite treat (pieces of boiled meat or seeds). By repeating your rat's name in a gentle, quiet voice, reward him when he starts to move the way you want him to. Repeat this exercise periodically, and you will soon find that, as soon as she hears your call, she will immediately come running to you.

You can teach a rat to return to its cage in the same way by repeating its name at the house. Or tapping the cage at the same time. For example, in the evening, don’t forget to treat your friend with seeds.

It's even easier to teach a rat to stand on its hind legs. Gradually lift the treat directly from the animal's nose. The rodent will reach for the treat and stand on its hind legs. After a short training he will do it easily and quickly.

Breeding domestic rats

If you keep animals of different sexes, they will soon begin to reproduce naturally. One female can give birth to about twenty rat pups every month and a half. Even when she is nursing babies, there is a possibility new pregnancy. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep rats of different sexes in the same cage.

Puberty in domestic rats occurs at one and a half months of age. However, healthy offspring can be produced by a female no younger than 5-8 months and a male older than 1 year. Pregnancy lasts on average twenty-five days. The female takes care of the offspring for 4-5 weeks, until the cubs develop immunity and they receive the necessary life experience from the mother.

After five weeks, the young should be separated from their mother and the females should be separated from the males. But quite often pet stores do not pay attention to this rule, so there is a danger of purchasing a pregnant female.


Another rule that owners often neglect. And completely in vain. The purchased rat must be isolated from other animals (if they are already living in a cage) for four weeks. She is placed in another house and in another room, since some viruses can sometimes be airborne.

To avoid infecting old pets, after interacting with a new rat, wash your hands with soap and carefully observe the animal to see if it shows signs of disease.

Many people, when the word “rat” is mentioned, wrinkle their nose in disgust and shudder, but only when it comes to... Today, rats are becoming popular pets, especially in conditions where living space is limited. This animal captivates its owners with its high mental abilities, amazing memory, cunning and ability to perform complex tricks. We’ll talk further about the secrets of caring for and keeping rats at home.


For many centuries, relations were established between humanity and these, but they were not always warm. Thus, in the Middle Ages, rats contributed to the spread of severe plague epidemics, so they were exterminated.

In the last century, rodents began to be used for laboratory research, and only in the last few decades have people chosen rats as pets.

Did you know? Rats have truly amazing physical abilities: these relatively small animals are able to move at speeds of up to 10 km/h, in a state of stress or aggression, jump to a height of 2 meters and swim enormous distances (the record is 29 km). If necessary, the animal can cover a distance of up to 50 km within 24 hours.

The size of males on average ranges from 400-500 grams, especially large individuals can reach 800 grams, which is rare. Females weigh less - from 200 to 500 grams.

The character of boys and girls is different: males are more calm and flexible. You can pick them up and caress them without any problems. Girls are more active, restless, and playful. But in general, rats are quite calm and affectionate animals that will happily bask in the arms of their owner.

Some behavioral features of decorative rats:

  1. Rats love communication and attention, but they have a hard time with loneliness. If you don’t have the opportunity to spend enough time with your pet, you can buy a pair for him: they will be very funny to play and fool around with. By the way, to express gratitude for the company, rodents can lick the hair, fingers, and clothes of the owner. These gestures remind them of maternal care and affection.
  2. In a state of anxiety, fear, excitement, rodents can click their teeth. If an animal is very excited or frightened, it may hiss, causing the fur on its back to stand on end. In this state, the rat can attack an object that frightens it.
  3. If you keep several of these animals together, you will be able to observe the formation of a hierarchy between them in the form of a small fight. At the same time, there is no talk of serious bloodshed - the “showdown” is reduced to quiet squeals, sniffing and symbolic wrestling. But if you notice that the rats are fighting with cruelty, they need to be separated into different cages.

Important!IN natural conditions rats live only in a pack, so even an ornamental animal vitally needs communication with its fellows. If you want to get a rat, you need to immediately take 2-3 same-sex pets, otherwise the animal will feel extremely bad when alone.

Breeds of decorative rats

Decorative rats differ in color, coat length, anatomical features. But there are no breeds of rats; only varieties can be distinguished, including:

Based on the color of their coat, decorative rats are divided into the following types:
  1. Homogeneous. They are characterized by a uniform coat color.
  2. Combined. The fur coat can be painted in several shades.
  3. Ticked. Each individual hair is colored in 2-3 colors.
  4. Silvery. There are two main tones in the coat color: white and silver.


In general, decorative rats do not have a special life expectancy: on average, it is 2-3 years. Long-livers are considered to be individuals who have lived up to 4 years. However, it is documented exceptional case, when an ornamental rodent was able to live for more than 7 years.

How long decorative rats live at home is largely determined by the following factors:

  • animal diet;
  • accommodations;
  • health status, timely seeking veterinary care;
  • the presence of pregnancy in the female;
  • living a rat alone or in the company of other rodents.

Important!Breeding domestic rats is a very complex process that often ends fatal for the female. For successful breeding, you need to select only the strongest and healthiest individuals of a strictly defined age: up to 8 months. In most cases, the female gives birth to many pups, and she herself may die.

Keeping decorative rats at home

Despite the compact size of the pet, this does not mean that you can neglect caring for your decorative rat. Like any pet, a domestic rat needs a certain diet, a place to live, and it is also worth considering the presence of other pets before getting a pet.

When purchasing a rat, you need to immediately think about where it will live. The only correct answer is . For one individual, the size of the cage must be at least 30*50*40 cm; if the number of animals is larger, then the size of the dwelling increases. Interestingly, it is better for males to choose wider cages, and for girls - higher ones.

Do not load the cage with multi-story structures in the hope that the rat will find it more interesting. It’s better to build hammocks inside, put a couple of ladders, a wheel or a swing. The cage must have bedding: for example, made from sawdust (not pine wood!), you can also use corn or wood litter for cats or a special one for rodents.

As a budget option you can take white paper, but not newspapers - rodents can be poisoned by toxic paint! The cage in which the animals live should be regularly removed, cleaned and the filler changed as necessary.
A prerequisite for proper maintenance of decorative rats at home is regular walking. While walking, remember a few important rules:

  • put all valuable small items out of reach;
  • many domestic rats like to chew and damage wires, so make sure that chargers, headphones and other equipment components are not left unattended;
  • make sure that all small animals are out of the animal's reach. Thus, these rodents are capable of attacking smaller rodents of other families, are able to climb into aquariums, and show aggression towards smaller animals.
With proper upbringing, there is a chance that the rodent will make friends with the family, but it is not worth housing rodents under the same roof.

Important!Males and females must live exclusively in separate cells, otherwise uncontrolled reproduction and numerous offspring are guaranteed! Animals of different sexes also need to be walked at different times.

For a full-fledged existence, a pet needs to be provided with a balanced, competent diet. What can you give to decorative rats:

  • vegetables(zucchini, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers);
  • greenery(basil, cilantro, onion, parsley, lettuce, celery, dill);
  • fruits and berries(apricots, pineapples, cherries, melons, strawberries, apples, plums, peaches);
  • combined grain feed(millet, barley, oats, buckwheat, rice);
  • gammarus, seafood(boiled);
  • dairy(cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream);
  • meat products(rabbit meat, poultry), including offal, but only in boiled form;
  • chicken eggs and fish(boiled).
Based on the listed products, it is quite possible to create a varied diet for a rodent at home. But despite all the diversity, there are categories of harmful and dangerous products for an animal.

So, what is forbidden to feed a decorative rat:

  • sausage and other prepared meat products (they contain a lot of spices and additives);
  • lard and deli meats;
  • Dairy products should be avoided sour cream, butter and condensed milk. Regular milk should be given with caution, as there may be intolerance to it;
  • It is better to extract from fruits and vegetables bones. They are difficult to digest and may contain substances harmful to the animal;
  • citrus prohibited in the diet of rodents;
  • some fruits should be given with caution and not overdo it: bananas, grapes, avocados, pears, kiwi. Some of them are too high in calories, while others contribute to gas formation;
  • dried fruits must be supplied in very limited quantities;
  • beans, beans and peas strongly stimulate gas formation, so they should be excluded from the diet;
  • vegetables should be avoided turnips, radishes and cabbage all types;
  • potato must first be thermally treated;
  • it is strictly forbidden to give store-bought sweets, jam, honey, baked goods.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the rats: young rats can be fed 3-4 times a day, adults need two feedings in the morning and evening hours. Your pet must have a drinking bowl, the water in which is changed daily. It is also useful to place a stone in the cage to replenish calcium reserves.

Did you know?Rodents have teeth that grow throughout their lives, so they urgently need to regularly grind them down on hard and tough objects.

Many people ask a similar question, because it is much more common to see or next to you. However, rats are no less wonderful pets; they are very smart, affectionate, and will always welcome your attention. Caring for these animals is somewhat easier than for larger animals. However, keep in mind that some animals, due to their temperament, can engage in domestic pests.

Did you know?Rats are extremely fertile: one pair of animals can reproduceoffspring,reaching up to 150-160 rat pups per year! In addition, these rodents have a gene that protects them from STDs.


Success will depend not only on your patience and skills, but also on the character of the animal: some pets will be happy to make contact, others will be more introverted and calm, and this cannot be changed in any way. These rodents are well trained in the following tricks:

  • remember the name;
  • can come when called;
  • stand on their hind legs;
  • return to the cage on command;
  • will be able to run up the stairs on command;
  • will master your other commands and tricks.
It is best to use reinforcement in the form of tasty food (but not sweets) for learning. It is extremely important to train the rat to return to the house on command, otherwise, due to the agility of the animal, it may be difficult for you to catch it throughout the apartment.

But remember that this animal is not capable of mastering too complex tricks and commands; you will need a lot of strength, patience and perseverance to teach the rodent the simplest things.

Health and illness

Decorative rats are susceptible to many diseases different organs and systems. If you notice your pet has such alarming symptoms, such as redness around the eyes and nose, discharge from the ears, lethargy, changes in fur - these may be manifestations dangerous illnesses, and should only be treated by a veterinarian.

Decorative rats and mice are easy to care for and maintain; they easily and happily interact with people, so it is not surprising that these rodents are gaining more and more popularity as pets.