Medicinal properties of horse chestnut. Medicinal properties of chestnut flowers

Horse chestnut tincture helps to reduce capillary permeability, stimulate antithrombotic activity of blood serum. The use of tincture increases blood formation, especially in the presence of pathological changes, helps to reduce blood viscosity, increase the tone of venous vessels.

Indications for use

Apply chestnut tincture for such vascular diseases, how:

  • damage to the venous walls,
  • phenomena of venous stasis,
  • varicose veins,
  • sclerotic changes in the vessels of the legs,
  • articular rheumatism,
  • various disorders of arterial peripheral circulation,
  • thrombosis of the central veins of the retina,
  • leg ulcers, inflammation of the veins,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • gallbladder disease.

Also, the tincture is useful in the prevention of postoperative thrombosis and as a hemostatic agent in the presence of uterine bleeding.

AT medical practice approved for use the drug "Esflazid" of domestic production, used for hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and phlebitis.

Useful properties of chestnut

With swelling of hemorrhoids and varicose veins on the legs, juice from fresh flowers is taken 25-30 drops from one tbsp. spoonful of water twice a day. With prolonged use of the juice from the flowers, hemorrhoidal pains disappear, and if the disease is not neglected, the bumps disappear altogether. You can also take juice diluted with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2, three times a day for 30-40 g.

A decoction on water from the bark of chestnut tree branches, prepared in a ratio of 50 g of bark per 1 liter. water, can be used as sitz baths for hemorrhoidal bleeding immediately after a bowel movement, when the intestine is outside with external hemorrhoids. The bath should be cool, take 15 minutes. Also for baths, you can use a decoction of a mixture of water pepper grass and bark of horse chestnut branches.

With uterine bleeding that occurs during menopause, etc., not related to malignant tumors, it is useful to use a decoction of the peels of mature chestnut seeds for washing. To do this, add 250-300 g of water to 15 g of crust and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Such washings are done twice a day.

The use of alcohol tincture prepared from 40 g of flowers and 1 liter. alcohol, for rubbing with rheumatism and arthritis, makes it possible to cure these diseases.

Chestnut seeds, peeled, have found use in the preparation of glue, as well as in feeding goats and pigs.

How to use chestnut for diseases

First of all, the product is known for the fact that the use of drugs prepared from its fruits is carried out for the prevention of thrombosis, the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. The use of a decoction of chestnut bark is also useful in the treatment chronic colitis and enterocolitis, especially with diarrhea, difficult to control, various bleeding, bronchitis, diseases of the spleen, gastritis. Decoction or alcohol infusion flowers can be drunk in diseases of the liver, heart, rheumatism, leukemia, shortness of breath, tuberculosis. The tincture is used for gouty and arthritic pains.

Leukemia. To one tablespoon of dried flowers without a column, pour 200 ml of water, bring to a boil (do not boil), leave for 5–8 hours, then strain. At one time, take a sip. During the day, they drink up to 1 liter of infusion, however, the dosage is selected individually, because. overdose causes convulsions. Treatment lasts 15-20 days, then do 10 days of rest, and repeat again.

A brain tumor. The tincture of flowers described above in the same ratio is recommended for use in the presence of a neoplasm in the brain. Chestnut tincture helps in restoring the protein structure, heals the blood, helps restore the body's biofield.

BPH. Remove the peel from dry chestnut fruits, grind to a powder state. Alcohol 250 ml is poured to 25 g of the powder and insisted in a dark place for 2 weeks (if the infusion is made on vodka, then 1 month). Take 10 drops twice a day before lunch and dinner every month for 20 days. The number of drops of infusion on vodka can be increased to 20 drops per dose.

fibroma of the uterus. Chestnuts are roasted just like coffee beans, but do not overcook! Grind into powder. Steamed for one glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of powder. Take the third part of the glass three times a day until complete recovery.

Mastopathy fibrocystic. To 6-8 tbsp. dry chestnut flowers pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Wrap in a towel at night. Take one sip every hour all day.

Phlebitis. Prepare an infusion of 20 g of dry crushed St. Everything is mixed and infused for three days in a dark, cool place. Shake the mixture periodically. After that, the mixture is placed in a water bath until the wine evaporates and filtered. Apply externally as compresses.

varicose veins. Insist 50 g of chestnut flowers without columns with 500 g of vodka for 2 weeks. At the same time, an ointment is made from a mixture of 5 g of potato starch, 50 g of grated chestnut fruits, 10 g of powdered sage flowers and leaves, and 10 g of ground chamomile flowers, poured over a glass of hot chicken fat. Darken in a water bath for 2.5 hours, insist overnight, reheat in the morning to a boil, remove from heat and filter hot. A jar of ointment is stored in the refrigerator. The application of the infusion occurs inside with water, 30 drops three times a day 20 minutes before meals for 3-4 weeks, at the same time the veins are lubricated with ointment.

The chestnut has many medicinal properties. It is especially widely used in various diseases vessels. However, you need to know that its use is contraindicated in thrombocytopenia, poor blood clotting, delays and disorders menstrual cycle, hypocidic gastritis, atonic constipation. It is forbidden to take orally with hypotension. Overdose may cause convulsions.

Chestnut blossom is one of the most beautiful phenomena in nature. The candle-shaped flowers of the tree are considered not only a unique symbol of the May bloom of spring, but also enjoy great success in the field of alternative medicine as medicinal product from many diseases.

Chestnut is a deciduous plant of the Beech family, with a spreading crown and large leaves.
In the month of May, large, bisexual, bell-shaped flowers of white or white-pink color appear on its branches, with fringed petals along the edges.

They are neatly connected in erect, racemose inflorescences, having a two-layer flower coloring.

Chestnut flowers are fragrant, aesthetically attractive cones with a huge range of healing properties. Chemical composition represented by B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tannins, carotenoids, flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, sedative, rejuvenating effects.

They are used for:

  • fortifications immune system and raise protective functions organism;
  • active formation of hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands;
  • cleansing organs, removing toxins, salt deposits;
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • normalization of sleep, getting rid of insomnia;
  • normalization digestive system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • relief clinical symptoms mastitis;
  • detoxification.

Also, the tool is used for the prevention of cardiovascular, colds and viral diseases, depression treatment, nervous disorders. Flowers treat gastritis, arthritis, gout, arthrosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Did you know? Chestnut flowers have the ability to absorb exhaust gases in large volumes and neutralize the effect of radiation. Due to these properties, they are used to treat ailments associated with receiving excess radiation exposure.

chestnut flowers, along with tall healing properties, can be harmful in some cases. Contraindications to their use are:

  • tendency to bleed;
  • diseases associated with blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • kidney disease;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Before using the product, be sure to consult a doctor for pregnant and lactating women, diabetics.

Important! It is forbidden to use drugs for children under 6 years of age. Children older than six years of age should use drugs only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

When and where to collect medicinal raw materials

Traditional medicine recommends using chestnut flowers as a remedy in courses - in spring and autumn. Of course, during the flowering of the shrub, the best option is to use fresh raw materials. But in the fall it is recommended to apply dry color.

When chestnuts bloom

The flowering of the tree falls on May-June. It is at this time that it is recommended to harvest raw materials for further use.

Because the chestnut flowers have an active property, large volumes absorb exhaust gases harmful substances, toxins that poison the air in large cities, on highways, near factories, then it is necessary to collect raw materials far from such places.

The best option would be landings located outside the city, in villages, towns and other environmentally friendly, safe places.

Rules for harvesting flowers

Harvesting of raw materials is carried out at the end of May, beginning of June. Flowers can be cut off individually or together with branches, but it is very important to keep them completely intact.

  • inflorescences are laid out in a thin layer on a clean paper sheet or parchment paper and placed under the sun;
  • dry the raw materials for 3-4 days, periodically turn over;
  • when the flowers become brittle and begin to crumble, they are transferred to a paper bag and stored in a dark place at a temperature of 18-22 ° C.

Dried chestnut flowers have a pleasant, slightly tart aroma and a sweetish aftertaste, so they are perfect for making delicious infusions, decoctions and medicinal teas.

Did you know? Spiders never weave webs in chestnut wood buildings. This is why so many European castles were built using chestnut beams.

Chestnut inflorescences are characterized unique properties, which make it possible to achieve positive results in the treatment of diseases associated with damage to the veins, hemorrhoids, skin ulcers, endarteritis, etc.
A favorable effect is exerted not only by freshly harvested raw materials, but also by dry inflorescences harvested on time. Properly dried plants in terms of their useful properties and valuable chemical composition are not inferior to fresh flowers and are also successfully used in folk medicine.

Benefits of freshly squeezed juice

An excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of colds, bacterial and viral diseases, strengthening the immune system is freshly squeezed juice from inflorescences. It allows:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • increase the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria and infections;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

To make juice, you should:

  • flowers, washed clean water, grind in a blender until gruel;
  • squeeze the resulting mixture and strain using a sieve or pieces of gauze;
  • Pour the juice into a clean glass container, transfer to the refrigerator.

It is recommended to use the product daily 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 1 tsp, diluted with water. The course is one month. Regular consumption of juice will rejuvenate the body, calm the nervous system, improve sleep.

Medicinal forms of preparation and their benefits

AT alternative medicine highly valued medicinal infusions and tinctures based on shrub inflorescences.

The tincture is effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids, joints, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, neoplasms in the brain, leg ulcers, uterine bleeding.
It is used for varicose veins, arthritis, rheumatism, mastopathy, edema of various etiologies.

The drug can be purchased ready-made in pharmacies, or you can cook it yourself:

  1. g dried flowers pour 1 liter of alcohol.
  2. Leave in a dark, cool, not damp place for two weeks.
  3. Filter, take 3 times a day, 25 drops before meals. Course - 30 days. At serious illnesses tincture is used for 2 months, then take a break for a month.

To prepare an alcohol tincture from fresh raw materials, you must:

  1. Rinse the cut flowers well, knead with your fingers until juice is obtained, transfer to a glass container.
  2. Pour raw materials with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.
  3. Insist for 20 days in the refrigerator, closed.
  4. Shake the resulting mixture well, squeeze and strain.

The drug can be used internally and externally. In the latter case, the painful places are rubbed with the drug. varicose veins veins. Also, the tincture is applied as a compress to the affected areas of the skin, diseased vessels, etc.

Video: how to prepare an alcohol tincture from chestnut flowers

Preparation of infusion (decoction)

An infusion of chestnut flowers has no less useful functions. It is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. g of dry raw materials pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 2-3 hours.
  2. The infusion is filtered, consumed 150 ml in the morning and evening.

Important! Such a drink should be prepared immediately before use and not stored, as it loses its beneficial features.

Often inflorescences insist on a water bath. To do this, 50 g of raw materials are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes. Cool and filter. In this form, the product is more concentrated, so use it 1/3 cup twice a day.

FROM therapeutic purpose chestnut inflorescences are used to prepare various preparations, including cream, which allows you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore integrity and structure skin. Also, the tool serves as an excellent prevention of varicose veins, makes it possible to restore skin tone.

The technology for preparing the cream is simple:

  1. Pre-prepare the extract by insisting the flowers on alcohol. You can, as an option, grind fresh inflorescences to a gruel state.
  2. Mix two teaspoons of extract or fresh slurry with a small amount of baby or any fatty cream.

Flower-based ointment

An ointment prepared on the basis of flowers will eliminate venous diseases, relieve swelling, inflammation, reduce pain in the joints. To prepare it you need:

  • Grind 50 g of flowers and pour 300 ml of vegetable or olive oil;
  • put the flower-oil mixture on the fire and simmer for one hour, avoiding a “rapid” boil;
  • cool the mixture, pour into a clean glass container.

Treatment folk remedies based on horse chestnut - effective, affordable and inexpensive. However, in order for it to benefit, healing agents must be used correctly, strictly observing the dosage.


  1. Tea. The drink is prepared in the same way as ordinary tea: dried herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes. Drink tea 2-3 times a day. It activates metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a tonic and soothing effect.
  2. Decoction. Great for normalization nervous system, improved durability blood vessels, slowing blood clotting, strengthening immunity. Drink a decoction of ½ cup a day, morning and evening.
  3. Fresh juice. Recommended for inflammation hemorrhoids, varicose veins on the legs. Drink juice 1 tbsp. l. after meals, 3 times a day.
  4. Tincture. The crushed raw materials are poured with vodka or alcohol, insisted for two weeks. Apply tincture of 25-35 drops before meals 3 times a day. The remedy is excellent for rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.

chestnut flower tea

Botanical characteristics of horse chestnut

horse chestnut- a deciduous tree with a spreading crown, which is formed by large, complex, opposite leaves with long petioles, five- or seven-fingered, stipules are absent. An adult plant reaches an average of 25 m in height. May is the time of tree flowering. Bell-shaped, bisexual, irregular flowers may be white or pale pink in color, the petals are fringed along the edge. The flowers are collected in erect large cone-shaped inflorescences with a double flower cover.

Fruits ripen from September to October - three-winged boxes with spikes, round shape. Each box contains one, rarely two seeds - flattened, shiny, dark brown with a spot gray color. horse chestnut in wild nature grows in deciduous forests, it is specially grown in parks, squares middle lane the European part of the CIS countries, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia.

Useful properties of horse chestnut

For medicinal purposes, flowers, seeds, bark, leaves are used. Flowers and leaves are harvested in May: carefully cut and dried, constantly turning over and covering from straight lines. sun rays. Seeds begin to be harvested in early September, dried for two to four weeks, scattered in a thin layer. Spring time is suitable for harvesting the bark, it is removed from the branches after pruning trees. The bark cut into pieces is dried under a canopy or in well-ventilated areas.

The seeds contain coumarin glycosides such as esculin, fraxin, escin. There are tannins, starch. The presence of fatty oil, triterpene saponin escin was revealed. The bark is rich in escin, tannins. In addition to esculin and fraxin, it contains vitamin C and thiamine. Horse chestnut leaves are endowed with glycosides, pectins and carotenoids. Flowers can saturate the human body with flavonoids. The effect of mucus, tannins and pectin substances is also useful.

The use of horse chestnut

Traditional medicine has accumulated rich experience in the use of horse chestnut, official medicine also widely uses the beneficial properties of this medicinal plant. Due to low toxicity and useful esculin, fraxin and excine, pharmacological properties Plants have an excellent effect on the body in many ailments. Popular are alcohol tinctures seeds and flowers. Chestnut relieves inflammation and.

As a result of the action of horse chestnut, blood clotting slows down, so it is incredibly effective in reducing capillary permeability. Esculin stimulates the production of a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots. A decoction of the bark effectively helps with malaria, diarrhea, diseases of the spleen, normalizes acidity gastric juice, ideal for the treatment of uterine bleeding, removes spasms of blood vessels, copes with disorders secretory function gallbladder. Chestnut bark can also be used to treat acute bronchitis. From the flowers of the horse chestnut, a wonderful tincture is obtained, used for rubbing with rheumatoid arthritis, at . A tincture of flowers on vodka or a decoction is a real elixir for disorders of the heart and liver. Well cured, pulmonary tuberculosis, and shortness of breath.

Taking 20 to 30 drops fresh juice chestnut flowers to 1 tablespoon of water 2 times a day, stagnation can be eliminated venous blood with varicose veins, and trophic ulcers. In the fight against atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, the effect of juice cannot be overestimated.

Horse chestnut is not edible! When it is ingested, you can get poisoning of the body! Horse chestnut and preparations on it are again used only in traditional medicine! Only the fruits of the edible chestnut (sowing, noble) are used for food.

An exception is the dosed use of horse chestnut tincture, which has medicinal properties. But never exceed the indicated dosage! An overdose may cause cramps in the fingers. Horse chestnut is contraindicated in low blood viscosity and hypotension.

horse chestnut tincture

In fact, there are many recipes, they are all different .. Someone advises taking 5 chestnuts, others more by 0.5 liters of vodka. Should I use the upper prickly shell, crush finely or coarsely, should I strain? And, finally, how to use it correctly - rub it into the joints or make compresses? Can it be taken internally and should it be?

The phytotherapist Pechenevsky answers all these questions:

Recipe 1. Preparations made from brownish fruit skins are most effective. To obtain the correct extract, take 50 g crushed to 3-5 mm fruit skins, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and incubate for 2 weeks. Shaking daily. Further filter. All!

This tincture relieves inflammation and swelling, reduces viscosity, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity. During treatment with chestnut preparations, body fat on the walls of arteries and in the liver, pain in the area of ​​inflamed veins and joints decreases.

How to use? The tincture is taken orally first, 30 drops per 30 ml of water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. A week later, already 4 times, and in the future they switch to a 4-single reception. The duration of treatment varies from one month to one and a half.

If the tincture is also applied externally in the form of gentle rubbing on inflamed veins (thrombophlebitis) 2-3 times a day or compresses are applied to them (the tincture is diluted 1: 1 with water) for 1.5-2 hours in the morning and evening, recovery will come faster.

In the pharmacy network you will find a certain number of preparations from chestnut. But folk and medical practice suggests that total extracts (alcohol, water) are more efficient, cheap and available. Only use raw materials collected from chestnuts outside the city limits.

Recipe 2: Tincture for external use: skip the ripe fruits in a meat grinder along with the peel, pour into a glass container. For 1 liter of infusion, you will need 300 g of twisted chestnut fruits filled with vodka. It is necessary to insist the composition in a dark place for 7 days. It is good to treat sciatica, thrombophlebitis, muscle inflammation and salt deposition with this remedy.

Recipe 3: 20 g of chestnut flowers should be poured into 500 ml of vodka, infused for 14 days and used 2 times a day to rub diseased joints.

How to make a tincture on horse chestnut flowers:

horse chestnut fruit

Unripe fruits endowed with malic, citric and lactic acids, lecithin, calcium, iron. They contain globulin and vitamin C. The fleshy nuclei of a medicinal plant have many useful substances such as zinc, chromium, barium, selenium, nickel, silver, iodine, boron. The fruits of this wonderful tree give people an energy boost. There are many ways to use this gift of nature. If you just carry 2-3 chestnut fruits in your pocket, then pain in articular rheumatism decreases. You can make applications from ground chestnut kernels with the addition of clay, a warming mass can relieve inflammation of the joints.

How to distinguish an edible chestnut from a horse chestnut? The shell of the edible chestnut is densely covered with thin spines, while that of the horse chestnut is covered with sparse short spines.

Fruit tincture: chestnut fruits cut into four parts should be placed in a jar, pour vodka, filling to the top, close tightly and insist on the sun for three days, then 40 days at room temperature in the room. It is recommended to rub the resulting remedy, apply it to diseased veins.

chestnut seeds - excellent tool diuretic and hemostatic action in hemoptysis and nosebleeds. A decoction of dried chestnuts acts as a diaphoretic for colds.

horse chestnut extract

Horse chestnut extract contains escin, which relieves swelling and fatigue of the legs in the treatment of varicose veins. The agent contains triterpensaponins, is characterized by capillary protective activity and has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the tone of the veins. The extract normalizes blood pressure, regulates cholesterol levels in the blood.

horse chestnut leaves

Chestnut leaves differ in the content of glycosides, pectin and tannins, vitamin K. They are used in folk medicine as a raw material for the preparation of decoctions and infusions for internal bleeding. Horse chestnut leaves are harvested from May to September. They are dried, laying out a thin layer in attics or under a canopy. The finished raw material should have a green color and a pleasant smell.

Horse chestnut for varicose veins

Horse chestnut is able to increase the resistance of blood vessels. Startling healing effect obtained in the treatment of veins that have undergone varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Traditional medicine recommends taking funds from horse chestnut for the prevention of thrombosis. Medicinal properties show flowers, fruits and leaves of horse chestnut.

Horse chestnut recipes

Infusion of horse chestnut bark: you will need 1 teaspoon of crushed bark for 2 cups (400 ml) chilled boiled water. The composition should be insisted for 8 hours, then strain and take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.

Infusion of bark for external application: you need to take 50 g of bark per 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes and leave for 8 hours, and then strain. The resulting remedy is sitz cool baths for hemorrhoidal bleeding for 15 minutes after emptying the intestines.

Infusion of fruits or flowers of chestnut: take 50 g of raw materials per 0.5 l of vodka, insist for two to three weeks, it is necessary to take 3-4 times a day, 30-40 drops each.

Fruit peel decoction: it will require 5 g of peel per glass (200 ml) of boiling water, boil the composition for 15 minutes, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

A decoction of branches: you will need 50 grams of chestnut branches, 1 liter of water with the addition of water pepper grass. You need to sit in the bath for 5-15 minutes, the water should be at room temperature.

Infusion of fruits: crush 2 fruits of horse chestnut and pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 2 hours. Take medicine 2 tablespoons 5 times a day for chronic and kidney diseases, with inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.

horse chestnut flowers

With a therapeutic purpose, horse chestnut flowers are used for many diseases, this is an ideal raw material for the preparation of tinctures and decoctions. Chestnut flowers have unique properties that allow you to achieve excellent results in endarteritis, hemorrhoids, leg ulcers, vein lesions caused by various injuries. Horse chestnut flowers are useful for radiation sickness. Tinctures and decoctions can be used to treat adenoma and prostatitis. The ability of substances contained in flowers to restore the amount of protein in the blood structure favors recovery from cystic fibrous, brain tumors.

Infusion of chestnut flowers: 1 tablespoon of dried flowers and 200 g of water should be brought to a boil, leave for 6-8 hours. Take the remedy in sips throughout the day. It is necessary to drink from 1 to 1.5 liters per day.

Cream with horse chestnut

Cream with chestnut helps to restore the structure of the skin and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, exhibits the properties of a lymphatic drainage agent. It is a good prevention of varicose veins and serves to maintain skin tone. At home, creams can be prepared based on fatty oils, for example, on cream, or olive oil, and essential oils, infusions. All components of the cream are mixed, such a mixture can be stored for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Ointment based on horse chestnut

Horse chestnut is a real miracle of nature, it is one of the most beautiful trees that gives coolness in summer and heals from all sorts of ailments. From its fruits, flowers and leaves, you can cook many different medicinal products. Lubricating sore spots on the skin with a special ointment with horse chestnut, you can quickly remove inflammation and eliminate venous diseases.

Ointment recipe: it is necessary to grind 5 pieces of chestnuts or 5 tablespoons of chestnut flowers, pour 0.5 liters vegetable oil, boil in a water bath for 1 hour, cool and strain.

Contraindications to the use of horse chestnut

Contraindications are atonic, gastritis with low acidity, poor blood clotting, menstrual irregularities and hypotension, as well as pregnancy and lactation.

When taking funds based on horse chestnut, nausea may occur. Therefore, they should be taken only after visiting a doctor, performing blood prothrombin control.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Horse chestnut flowers in folk medicine are widely distributed and used. Its beneficial properties have been known to man since ancient times. Chestnut is distributed almost all over the world. It is grown in America and throughout Eurasia. At first, the chestnut was used as an ornamental woody plant that served as a decoration for every park and garden. Then the beneficial properties of its fruits were revealed, containing many vitamins and chemical compounds necessary for the human body.

Horse chestnut - description

Horse chestnut is a woody plant with an actively developed wide crown. In height, it can reach twenty or more meters. The color of the bark varies from light to dark brown. The chestnut has large green leaves in the form of an oval in the amount of five to seven pieces. Its flowers are large, snow-white, sometimes with a pinkish tinge. Yellow or red spots can be seen at the base of the petals. At the tips of the branches are fluffy stamens, resembling a panicle in appearance.

Its fruits are shaped like a rounded box covered with thorns. The inside has a fleshy texture. Flowering occurs in May. This plant begins to bear fruit in early to mid-autumn. Despite the wide distribution of the chestnut, Greece is considered to be its homeland.

The use of horse chestnut in medicine

All parts of the chestnut contain bioactive components that help accelerate blood clotting and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This plant is often used as a thrombolytic agent. chestnut - indispensable assistant for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Asthma;
  • Bronchitis.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Angina;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Stomatitis.

Leaves and flowers of chestnut can be used as compresses for various injuries whether it be burns or cuts.

In folk medicine, chestnut is widely used as:

Horse chestnut flower tincture can be great for both internal and external use.

Drops of this tincture will become your assistant in the fight against varicose veins. To prepare it, you will need horse chestnut flowers (about 50 grams) and half a liter of vodka. These components must be mixed and left to infuse for 2 weeks. It is advisable to choose a dark warm place for this.

In the fight against rheumatism or other joint problems, horse chestnut flowers are also used. For its preparation use: dry flowers (about 20 grams) and half a liter of pure alcohol. It should also be infused in dark rooms for about two weeks.

Recommendations for use: use to rub problem areas, massage until you feel warm. Then wrap with a warm scarf or woolen cloth. Do not remove the bandage for at least an hour.

Infusion of birch bark and horse chestnut seed

An infusion of horse chestnut birch bark is considered an indispensable remedy for digestive problems, gastritis and other diseases of the intestinal tract.

To get this miracle infusion, you will need: chopped, preferably to the state of flour, chestnut bark (1 teaspoon) and two glasses of water. Mix the components and leave for 8-10 hours. After the expiration of this time, the resulting product must be poured into a ladle or pan and put on the burner. Bring to a boil over low heat. After - strain and cool to room temperature.

An infusion of horse chestnut seed is used for elevated temperature. Wonderful natural antipyretic.

To prepare an infusion of horse chestnut seed, you need to pour boiling water over its seeds, in the proportion: 2 teaspoons of seed per liter of water. Insist for 2.5 hours. The finished product must be filtered (you can use gauze for this) and cool to room temperature.

Instructions for use: drink 150 milliliters before meals, up to 4 times a day.

Interesting facts about the use of horse chestnut

Healers of ancient peoples believed that horse chestnut, especially its fruits, are able to charge human body healing energy. Also, the chestnut was considered a kind of amulet, it had a negative impact. environment, so many people carried the fruits of this tree with them, hoping for its magical properties.

If a woman has problems with breastfeeding child, for example, milk stagnated, then she was recommended to use the chestnut fruit. With its help, massage circular movements on the chest, natural processes improved and breastfeeding became possible again.

Chestnut can be used not only in medicine, but also for economic purposes. From its parts get the basis for glue, ink, paints. It was also an organic pet food additive.

Useful properties and positive influence, rendered by this plant cannot be overestimated. Horse chestnut flowers in folk medicine are just one of the sources of it. medicinal substances. Do not forget about its parts such as bark and leaves, which are no less widespread and contain a huge amount of substances that are constructive for our body. With the use of chestnut medical purposes you have to be careful because it overuse may cause constipation. Horse chestnut - real natural healer which helps us stay healthy.

Video: making a tincture of chestnut flowers

In this video you will learn about the treatment of blood vessels and veins with a tincture of chestnut flowers:

Tincture based on horse chestnut flowers is very popular, because it has found application in the treatment of various diseases, the most common is the treatment of varicose veins.

In spring, among the variety of flowering trees, horse chestnut stands out especially due to its beautiful inflorescences. But this tree is famous not only for its special appearance, but also the excellent healing qualities possessed by its leaves, fruits and bark. But in terms of properties, they are not inferior to flowers, which are an excellent basis for medicines. Chestnut flower tincture can be used for a variety of diseases, so it is quite famous in folk medicine. Consider several prescriptions for drugs based on this raw material for the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Recipe 1

Properly prepared according to this simple recipe drugs from this plant will help in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.


  • 100 g of dried flowers;
  • 1 liter of good quality vodka;
  • clean jar or bottle.


  1. Gently chop the flowers, then pour them with vodka or alcohol.
  2. Put a jar or bottle with components to infuse in any dark, dry place in the house for 14 days.

For 4 weeks, take 25 drops of the medicine 20 minutes before meals. You have to do this three times a day. The course of treatment with this drug can be repeated, but only after a pause of one month. And, as the reviews say, varicose veins will have no chance.

Recipe 2

The remedy from this recipe, prepared with vodka, has found application in the treatment of diseased joints.


  • 20 g of dried chestnut flowers;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • any suitable clean container.


  1. Fill flowers with vodka.
  2. Then put the container with the ingredients in a dark place for 14 days.

Lubricate the diseased joints with the resulting tincture twice a day.

Recipe 3

This drink on chestnut flowers is excellent for the treatment of varicose veins.


  • 50 g dried flowers;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • clean bank.


  1. Place the flowers in a jar and pour 40% vodka.
  2. Leave in a dark place to infuse for 12 days, and then strain.

Three times a day before meals, you need to drink 30 drops of the resulting tincture. The course of treatment is 20 days, after which the varicose veins will begin to recede.


The healing effect of chestnut flowers is due to the presence of flavonoids in it, which:

  • reduce capillary permeability;
  • increase blood clotting;
  • lower the pressure.

They also contain escin and esculin, which are complex glycosides. Esculin is able to reduce capillary permeability, inhibit the formation of blood clots and increase venous blood flow. Escin, in turn:

  • thins the blood;
  • has a venotonic effect;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • stimulates the release of adrenal hormones.

It is also worth noting that drugs based on flowers, fruits and leaves of horse chestnut have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.


Tincture of horse chestnut flowers is used for diseases such as:

  • varicose veins;
  • various diseases of the gallbladder;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • rheumatism of the joints.

The use of this remedy will help with sciatica and rheumatism. With these diseases, it is necessary to do compresses for 1.5 hours on painful places. Preparing the components for the medicine is quite simple. The inflorescences must be cut and the column removed, after which they must be dried (be sure to do this outdoors or in a cool room). If you are going to make the tincture more than once, dry the ingredients for future use.

If after preparing the drink you have some raw materials left, make a soothing tea. Take a few dried flowers and pour boiling water over them. Infuse for 15 minutes, dilute with a small amount clean water and sing. You can add some honey if you wish.


It has some contraindications for use. Its use inside is contraindicated in people with:

  • hypotension;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • kidney failure.

Also, this remedy should not be used by women during lactation and breastfeeding.
