Dynamic renal scintigraphy. Renal scintigraphy - diagnostic imaging procedure Radionuclide renal scintigraphy


If renal function is impaired, doctors need to establish the cause; for this, kidney diagnostics are prescribed.

Renal scintigraphy can detect renal dysfunction early stages. The doctor will have the opportunity to effectively carry out treatment.

Types of scintigraphic examination

In medicine, there are two types of scintigraphic examination of the kidneys.

  1. Dynamic renal scintigraphy. This examination shows the functioning of the kidneys. Renal nephroscintigraphy indicates the functioning of the kidneys at any time during their work. Radionuclide study of the kidneys consists of administering radiological contrast, which enters the kidney cells through circulatory system. It is very important to evaluate the results of renoscintigraphy at the moment when the contrast agent enters the tissues and cells Bladder. Dynamic nephroscintigraphy of the kidneys gives full information about the joint work of the bladder and kidneys. If doctors suspect the development renal pathologies, then renoscenography can be carried out in at different ages, for diagnosing children. To get reliable results, doctors may take a separate sample and use specific medications. Doctors recommend drinking a liter of water an hour before the examination. And before the diagnosis itself, empty it. Dynamic renal scintigraphy is carried out over two hours. The time of diagnosis depends on the state of kidney function. Dynamic radioisotope scintigraphy with voiding sampling is not performed on patients with problems with urination. That is, patients with chronic urinary incontinence. As a rule, these are children under two years of age, people old age and patients with congenital bladder anomalies.
  2. Static renal scintigraphycarried out to determine various pathologies in the renal structure and dysfunction. Statistical nephroscintigraphy determines the size, location and shape of the kidneys. Blood circulation and the presence of structural changes. Ultrasound diagnostics or fluoroscopy cannot cope with this task. This diagnostic method lasts no more than 50 minutes, but may be delayed. It all depends on what condition the patient is in and what pathological processes are developing in him.

If a child needs such a diagnosis, then it can be carried out without hesitation. The only thing is that the study is carried out two hours after the administration of the contrast agent.

To determine unilateral or bilateral impairment of renal hemodynamics, as well as to quantify their degree and nature, doctors prescribe angioscintigraphy.

Indications for scintigraphic examination

A diagnostic method such asdynamic nephroscintigraphy of the kidneys, is used more often than others. Since it provides more information than static nephroscintigraphy.

This diagnosis is prescribed for:

  • impairments or changes in renal function with varying degrees heaviness;
  • second or third stage of hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis - dilated renal pelvis and calyces. Occurs due to impaired urinary outflow;
  • abnormalities in the structure and development of the kidneys;
  • cysts and neoplasms. The study allows you to determine the degree of malignancy;
  • planning a kidney transplant;
  • organ-preserving operations;
  • diagnosis of metastases in organs genitourinary system.

Static nephroscintigraphy is prescribed when:

  • the anatomical and topographic location of the kidneys is disrupted;
  • malformation of the organs of the excretory system;
  • pyelonephritis or other renal pathologies develop.


Renoscintigraphy is considered one of the safest diagnostic tests. There are situations when doctors do not recommend such diagnostics. It may be postponed or not carried out at all.

If the patient's condition is serious, then such a procedure can cause a lot of discomfort, since it lasts about an hour.

If diagnostics is necessary during breastfeeding, then the child is transferred to artificial feeding. During this time, the contrast agent is completely eliminated from the body.

If the patient is diagnosed cancer and he is undergoing appropriate treatment, then scintigraphy can be performed a month after a course of chemotherapy and two to three months after radiation.

As a rule, in such cases radionuclide diagnostics is prescribed. The patient is injected with a radiopharmaceutical substance, which will determine the cellular metabolism in the body.

How is a diagnostic test performed?

The procedure takes place in a gamma chamber. It can be one or several. Radiopharmaceuticals that emit gamma rays are introduced into the patient's body. The gamma camera catches them and visually displays them on the screen.

The procedure takes place in a room designed to store the gamma camera.

  1. Before starting the examination, all metal objects must be removed from the patient. If necessary, the patient is offered to drink a liquid specifically intended for the study.
  2. The patient is placed in front of or under the gamma camera on the diagnostic table of the gamma tomograph. During diagnostic study the doctors leave the room.
  3. The patient is given a radiopharmaceutical intravenously and the scan begins. Doctors measure kidney blood flow. A special feature of this study is that doctors evaluate blood circulation in each kidney.
  4. During the entire procedure, patients are not allowed to talk or move.
  5. When scanning, a direct projection is performed, since the patient is in a supine position. In order for doctors to assess the mobility of the kidney, they need to obtain an image from a certain angle. In this case, the patient is asked to sit down or change position during the scan.
  6. If necessary, doctors can introduce additional medications. For example, to study obstruction, diuretics are administered, and when studying renal arteries- antihypertensive drugs.
  7. As a rule, the study is carried out on an empty stomach. For certain indications, the doctor may require the patient to have a full or empty bladder.

You need to sign up for scintigraphy in advance. At the end of the procedure, you should not specially treat personal belongings, and all administered drugs are eliminated independently.

Interpretation of scintigraphy results

After the diagnosis, the doctor receives the necessary results. The analysis results are deciphered in two stages:

  1. The doctor evaluates the size, shape and topographic parameters of the kidneys. The degree of their functionality and the intensity of blood supply are assessed. Doctors determine the structure of the parenchyma.
  2. The second stage is to evaluate renoscintigraphy by zone pathological process. Doctors analyze the vital activity of each kidney separately and determine the concentration of the radiopharmaceutical in the perinephric structure. The interpretation of these indicators reliably indicates the functions of the kidneys and the relationship between them.
  3. To determine excretory and secretory activity, doctors analyze two study areas. This allows you to determine the level and extent of pathological processes.
  4. The final step in deciphering the results is to study the segment of each kidney. This allows you to evaluate their actual functionality.

Doctors do not always decipher the results on all of the above points. Such an algorithm is necessary to carry out surgical operations urolithiasis pathologies or focal lesions of kidney tissue.

If a patient has just a diffuse disorder due to chronic nephritis, then doctors only need initial stage 1 imaging.

Nephroscintigraphy has radiation exposure and is therefore considered safe. It is considered informative, allowing to identify processes of abnormal development at the initial level, when other methods cannot cope.

It is not possible to undergo diagnostics in all hospitals; a gamma camera and radiopharmaceuticals are expensive. Because of this, the price of the procedure is high, which prevents patients from paying for it.

There are a lot diagnostic procedures, which are highly informative and do not cause pain during the research process, for example, ultrasound, magnetic resonance or computer diagnostics, etc. But sometimes the data obtained through these studies is not enough. In this case, scintigraphic diagnostics is more informative. Scintigraphy is a diagnostic imaging procedure performed by injecting a patient with radioactive isotopes and then measuring their emission.

Renal scintigraphy

Renal scintigraphy (nephroscintigraphy) is a radiation research technique used to assess the functionality of renal structures. The basis of the technique is the use of a radiodrug, without which it is impossible to carry out diagnostics. There is a completely incorrect opinion about the dangers of such drugs, which is often associated with the banal illiteracy of ordinary people.

These drugs have minimal levels of radioactivity, they are safe and do not cause allergic reactions.

The radiodrug Hippuran is most often used in the procedure. Scintigraphic kidney diagnostics is a highly informative and effective diagnostic and treatment method, with which pathology can be detected a year earlier than with other studies. But, unfortunately, due to the high cost of equipment and the shortage of radiopharmaceuticals, such a procedure is not available to everyone.


Nephroscintigraphy can be performed in two ways: dynamic or static. Static diagnostics is an additional method after radiography that determines the general parameters of the kidneys, their location and shape, size, etc. Static diagnostics cannot determine the presence functional disorders in the urinary system, therefore it does not show the full picture of the existing pathology.

Dynamic nephroscintigraphy is performed after administration of the radiodrug. At various intervals, the entry of the drug into the renal structures, ureters and bladder tissues is recorded. The images obtained as a result of dynamic nephroscintigraphy display the processes of urine formation and urination step by step, which allows you to study in detail the functionality of each kidney separately or both organs together.


Since static and dynamic nephroscintigraphy differ in diagnostic capabilities, the indications for these procedures are somewhat different.

Static renal scintigraphy is indicated:

  1. For pyelonephritis and other nephrotic pathologies;
  2. In the presence of malformations in the urinary system;
  3. If the location of the kidneys is incorrect from an anatomical and topographic point of view.

Dynamic nephroscintigraphy has a wider range of indications:

  1. With abnormal development and structure of renal structures;
  2. In case of renal dysfunction or organ dysfunction;
  3. Before nephrectomy (kidney removal) to determine the functionality of the second kidney and exclude its failure;
  4. Presence of suspicion of metastasis in the urinary organs;
  5. Hydronephrosis, manifested by dilation of the renal pelvis due to urinary retention;
  6. If there are tumors or cystic neoplasms to determine their nature and degree of malignancy;
  7. If organ-conserving surgery is planned for only kidney to evaluate its functionality.

Preparing for the study

Typically, nephroscintigraphy does not require any specific preparation. The patient is recommended to undergo diagnostics on an empty stomach. In addition, you need to remove all metal objects from your body.

In some cases, the study is carried out on an empty bladder, but this condition is individual, and therefore relevant only for certain patients.

Method of implementation

Nephroscintigraphic examination is carried out in outpatient setting on a special device. During a dynamic study, a radiopharmaceutical is administered intravenously to the patient, after which the patient is placed on a special table and the scanning procedure begins. During the diagnosis, it is forbidden to move or talk, otherwise the quality of the resulting images will be low.

If necessary, the doctor will ask you to change your position. If the patient does not feel well, then changing position is the most the right time to inform the specialist about worsening condition and discomfort such as dizziness, difficulty breathing, if any. Sometimes the subject is additionally given medications For example, when identifying obstacles in the lumen of the ureters, diuretics are used, and when diagnosing hypertension, antihypertensive drugs are used. The duration of a dynamic study takes about 45 minutes-1.5 hours, and for static nephroscintigraphy half an hour is enough.
In the video about the scintigraphy method:


Renal scintigraphy, despite its high information content, is not allowed for all patients.

This diagnostic technique is contraindicated:

  • Seriously ill patients – it is quite difficult for such patients to remain motionless long time, and scintigraphy lasts at least 45 minutes;
  • For pregnant patients, the administration of a radiopharmaceutical increases the risk of exposure to the fetus. For such patients, nephroscintigraphy is performed in exceptionally special cases and in the early stages;
  • Patients who have recently undergone radiation or chemotherapy;
  • For breastfeeding women, but if an urgent need arises, then radionuclide diagnostics are still carried out, only in the next 24 hours the mother needs to refuse breastfeeding until the radiodrug is completely removed from the body;
  • Postoperative patients, since the procedure may lead to swelling of the operated organs or tissues;
  • Persons who are intolerant to a radiodrug that provokes an allergic reaction;
  • People with metal implants;
  • Intoxicated patients and persons who underwent radionuclide diagnostics less than a month ago.

Decoding the results

Typically, decryption of the received data is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. First, the size and shape, topographic indicators of the kidneys are assessed, the degree of their capacity is assumed, the intensity of blood circulation in the kidneys, and the structure of the parenchyma are determined;
  2. Renoscintigraphy is then assessed according to pathological zones. The specialist analyzes the activity of each kidney to determine the level of concentration of the radiodrug in the perinephric structures. Analysis of this data allows us to reliably determine the functionality of each kidney and their actual ratio;
  3. Then, to determine excretory and secretory activity, 2 examination zones are analyzed. Such an assessment is necessary to determine the degree of development and level of the pathological process;
  4. At the last stage, specialists study each segment of the kidney that has altered tissue. This is necessary to evaluate their actual functionality

The most common defects detected by scintigraphy

This is an optional algorithm for processing the results of dynamic or static renal scintigraphy. It is used, for example, before surgical intervention, urolithiasis or focal damage to renal tissue. And for diffuse disorders against the background of chronic nephritis, only initial visualization of the first stage is sufficient.

Nephroscintigraphy has minimal radiation exposure and is therefore safe for patients. Moreover, the procedure is a fairly highly informative diagnostic method that detects abnormal processes at their very beginning, whereas other studies are not capable of this.

But nephroscintigraphy is inaccessible, since it requires expensive equipment and radioactive drugs. And the research itself is not cheap.

Renal scintigraphy is one of the most modern methods diagnostics, giving doctors complete clinical picture about the condition of the patient’s urinary system. The study is carried out using a special device - a gamma tomograph and the introduction of a certain radiopharmaceutical into the patient’s body (in medicine, such medications are referred to as “RP”). After some time, the administered radiopharmaceutical will begin to be released from the blood into the kidneys, and after that into the ureters, the activity of which will be reflected in the image - scintigram. Specialists will visually see how the medicine passes through the organs and whether the patient has any abnormalities.

Renal nephroscintigraphy is one of the most optimal methods diagnostics, which helps to detect even minimal disturbances in the activity of the genitourinary system. The only drawback The procedure lies in its high cost - not every patient can afford to undergo such a study.

Currently, there are 3 types of this survey:
  1. Static renal scintigraphy. Most often, this procedure is prescribed together with other examinations, and not separately. The study allows the physician to fully assess the visual condition of the kidneys, as well as identify their size and shape. Distinctive feature This type of diagnosis allows you to see even minimal pathologies in the structure of the organ. Most experts claim that the procedure is more reliable and effective than ultrasound and x-rays.
  2. Dynamic renal scintigraphy. Designed to evaluate kidney activity in the smallest detail. The examination is carried out using a special fadiopharmaceutical, which shows the activity of the kidneys separately and their work relative to each other.
  3. Express. It is prescribed to identify the functioning of renal blood flow, which can vary greatly in the presence of certain pathologies.

The undoubted advantage of the diagnosis is that it is carried out using hypoallergenic drugs, so even a patient with an increased likelihood of allergies will not suffer after the study.

Radionuclide diagnostics also includes the use of angioscintigraphy. This method is prescribed to determine unilateral and bilateral kidney disorders, and also helps to determine how severely the organ is affected. This examination is carried out using a special drug.

Statistics show that most patients are not interested in what medications are used for diagnosis. But a lot depends on the drug used; if the wrong drug is administered to the patient, the reaction can be unpredictable.

Doctors say that radioisotope scintigraphy can be performed using various pharmaceuticals, depending on the indication:
  • dynamic nephroscintigraphy is most often performed using the drug Hippuran;
  • for statistical diagnostics, Neohydrin is optimal.

The amount of the drug is selected individually for each patient, the most important factor in this case is body weight.

Since the body receives a tiny dose of radiation during diagnosis, there will be no harm from such medications. Since each of these drugs is completely safe and is excreted from the body naturally, they cannot cause intoxication.

Doctors very often prescribe radionuclide testing of the kidneys, since it is often this that helps specialists identify what kind of illness the patient is facing, even if the disease is in its infancy. The attending physician decides which specific diagnostic method will be prescribed, but dynamic nephroscintigraphy is considered the most informative, so most often it is preferred.

Static nephroscintigraphy is usually recommended in the following cases:
  • if there is an assumption of the presence of developmental defects;
  • if due to anatomical features the organs are located in the wrong place;
  • for chronic and acute form pyelonephritis;
  • in case of kidney injury.
Dynamic nephroscintigraphy will be optimal when:
  • kidney dysfunction (pathology will be detected even if the disease is at the first stage of development). This method of examination helps determine how badly the organ is affected and whether it copes with its task;
  • abnormal development of organs;
  • examination of various neoplasms (to identify the nature of the growths);
  • suspicion of the formation of metastases in the organs of the urinary system;
  • before removing a kidney to determine the functioning of the second organ.

This diagnostic method is universal; it can be used to identify pathologies not only in adults, but also in children.

Despite the fact that renal scintigraphy is one of the most safe procedures, in some cases it is not recommended to undergo such an examination or to postpone it for some time.

Main contraindications:
  1. The patient's serious condition. Because the procedure lasts at least 45 minutes (but usually takes about 70 minutes), for patients suffering from serious illnesses, such an examination can be tedious.
  2. Carrying a child. Injected radiopharmaceuticals can negatively affect the baby’s health and contribute to the development of pathologies, therefore, for pregnant women, renoscintigraphy is prescribed only in extreme cases (when there is a health risk expectant mother exceeds the likelihood of deterioration in fetal health).
  3. Lactation period. Since radiopharmaceuticals will be completely eliminated from the body no earlier than in a day, when breastfeeding the baby will need to be switched to artificial mixtures.
  4. Recent course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. If the patient has recently undergone chemotherapy, dynamic nephroscintigraphy is done no earlier than 3 weeks later. In the case of irradiation, the pause should be increased to 2 months.

As you can see, renoscintigraphy has a minimal number of contraindications and almost never causes side effects, so you should not be afraid of such an examination.

There is no need to prepare for this examination in any special way, as most diagnostic methods require. The patient will not need to adhere to a strict diet or fast for several days.

In order for the examination to be successful and the interpretation of the results to be reliable, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:
  • a couple of hours before the examination, you need to eat and drink about half a liter of filtered water (it cannot be replaced with tea or coffee);
  • You can eat almost any product with the exception of smoked meats and spicy foods;
  • if renal disease is determined using a pharmacological test, hypertensive patients will need to stop taking diuretics the day before the examination. It is also recommended to exclude ACE inhibitors for several days.

If the patient suffers from a serious illness, stopping one or another drug can negatively affect his health, so after scintigraphy the patient is recommended to stay in the hospital for a couple of days.

Renal scintigraphy can only be performed using a gamma camera (in some cases, 2 may be required). This device reacts and catches gamma waves emanating from the radiopharmaceutical and immediately displays the image on the screen. Since the gamma camera should only be located in the nuclear medicine department, such an examination is not possible in every medical center.

The procedure itself goes as follows:
  • the patient is advised to remove all jewelry and metal objects, in some cases they also need to drink a special liquid;
  • then the patient is placed in front of the device on a special table. At this time, the medical staff goes into the next room;
  • The drug is administered to the patient, after which a scan immediately begins, giving doctors the opportunity to assess blood circulation in the kidneys. You can also obtain information about the functioning of each kidney separately;
  • It is prohibited to talk or move during the examination;
  • First, the examination is carried out in a supine position, after which the patient will be asked to sit down to obtain an image of the organs from a different angle;
  • if necessary, the patient may also be prescribed additional funds, for example, diuretics. But this, as a rule, only happens when certain diseases are suspected.

Interpretation of the results should only be carried out by an experienced physician. Even a person with basic medical education It may be difficult to understand what is written on the form on your own. That is why it is better not to risk it and ask a specialist for an accurate interpretation of the diagnosis.

Although side effects after such an examination they almost never occur; to minimize complications, it is recommended to drink more fluid - this will help to quickly cleanse the body of the pharmaceutical drug. The only thing the patient will face after this is frequent urge to urination.

Scintigraphy is a wonderful diagnostic method that has many advantages. Its only drawback is its high cost. In addition, it is not possible to conduct such an examination in every private clinic, since the price of the device is very high.

When a person has impaired kidney function, it is important to identify the cause of the failure using diagnostic methods. Kidney scintigraphy helps determine the disease by different stages development, which allows the doctor to choose the desired course of treatment, according to the current situation. What are the different types of examinations, how to properly prepare for them, and what complications may arise in a patient after a diagnostic procedure?

Kidney scintigraphy allows you to obtain data on the condition of the organ at the earliest stages of the onset of the disease.

What is nephroscintigraphy?

Radionuclide nephroscintigraphy is a diagnostic method based on the use of radiological agents that contain a radioactive nuclide. It does not affect the functions of the body, its purpose is to concentrate in the kidney to obtain the most accurate images, which will help the doctor make a correct diagnosis. The procedure for administering the drug is carried out by an experienced urologist, since you need to be able to correctly calculate the dose of the drug for each patient. Thanks to renoscintigraphy, the doctor diagnoses neoplasms of various etiologies and other diseases that require emergency treatment. This type of scintigraphy provides the doctor with information about organ dysfunction a year earlier than other diagnostic methods would reveal it. The early stages of pathology development are assessed, when the patient has no symptoms and characteristic manifestations of the disease.


Diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound, computed tomography and radiography provide information about the structure of organ tissue, and thanks to radionuclide scintigraphy, the doctor receives data on the functioning of the kidneys. Therefore, this method allows us to identify congenital anomalies, renal failure, obstruction of the urinary system, with injuries and damage to the vessels and arteries of the organ. But you need to remember that this type of diagnostic study will reveal a dysfunction of the organ, but will not always provide information about the root cause of the pathology. Scintigraphy is useful for obtaining data on the functioning of various structures of the kidneys, which helps the doctor in making an accurate diagnosis.

Types of kidney scintigraphy


Dynamic nephroscintigraphy of the kidneys is indicated to monitor the functioning of the organ. During the renoscintigraphy procedure, the doctor monitors the functioning of the organ at all intervals of work. Radionuclide dynamic nephroscintigraphy (DRSG) involves introducing radiological contrast into the organ tissue, which moves through the kidney cells along with the bloodstream. The results of renoscintigraphy at the moment the product enters the urinary tissue are valuable. Dynamic renal scintigraphy provides information about the joint functioning of the kidneys and their work.

If a patient is suspected of having kidney disease, renoscintigraphy (DRSG) is used from any age. To obtain reliable data, it is allowed to take separate samples using specific preparations. To get accurate readings, the patient needs to fill the bladder an hour before diagnosis. To do this, drink up to a liter of liquid, and before the test the bladder is emptied. Dynamic nephroscintigraphy (DNSG) lasts 1.5-2 hours, the duration depends on the state of organ function. Radioisotope dynamic nephroscintigraphy with voiding test is not performed on patients who have impaired urinary control. We are talking about elderly people, young children, patients with abnormalities in the development of the bladder.


Static renal scintigraphy makes it possible to see pathologies in the structure of the kidneys and dysfunction. This type of study allows you to find out the size of the organ, shape and position, how the blood flow circulates and whether there are any abnormalities in the structure of the organ’s tissues. All these parameters cannot be monitored during ultrasound diagnostics or fluoroscopy. It takes no more than an hour, but it all depends on how serious the patient’s condition is and what pathologies develop.

This type of diagnosis is also used when identifying the disease in children. Thanks to scintigraphy, the doctor sees anatomical feature organ, its location, features of blood flow. The nuance of nephroscintigraphy is that after the contrast is administered to the child, 2 hours must pass, then the doctor begins the examination procedure.

Indications for the procedure

Renal scintigraphy is reasonable to perform if cancer and neoplasms are suspected.
  1. The renoscintigraphy procedure is performed if the development of an oncological tumor is suspected.
  2. To determine the etiology of the neoplasm. In this case, the DRSG study is carried out in conjunction with other diagnostic procedures.
  3. For disorders of the kidneys and bladder.
  4. When the size of the kidneys is not normal and there is a suspicion of the development of a neoplasm.
  5. Before kidney surgery, when the doctor needs to know their condition and characteristics.
  6. After a course of chemotherapy to obtain data on the quality of treatment.
  7. When the doctor suspects pathology and abnormality of the kidneys.
  8. To determine whether metastases have spread to organs.
  9. Before any organ surgery.


In order for the diagnosis of DRSG to give the most accurate result, you need to prepare for it. To do this, the doctor injects a tracer into the patient’s body intravenously. In another case, the patient is advised to drink a contrast agent 3 hours before the procedure. Thanks to the drugs, it is possible to obtain clear and high-quality images in which all pathologies are visualized.

DRG using a radionuclide is indicated for patients in whom the development of obstruction is suspected. In this case, the patient needs to use a diuretic. Scanning of the renal arteries is carried out quickly; the person does not need to be in the hospital; preparatory procedures are sufficient, according to the doctor’s recommendation. During a scintigraphic scan, the patient is not allowed to move or talk, as the images are unclear. At the doctor’s command, the patient needs to change his body position in order to get pictures from different angles.

  • Types of nephroscintigraphy
  • Recommendations for conducting research

Kidney scintigraphy is one of the methods radiology diagnostics, which is used when it is necessary to assess the functioning of organ tissues. Dynamic renal scintigraphy is a functional imaging technique in which special radioactive isotopes are injected into the patient's body. After this, a study is carried out, using emitted radiation, the data that is necessary for the examination and conclusion is displayed on the screen.

The kidney is a paired organ that performs the function of chemical homeostasis through the formation of urine and its excretion. Scintigraphy for diagnosing kidney disease is a procedure performed using special equipment called a gamma tomograph. This is a radiologically safe device. It is used only after a special substance is introduced into the body. The radioactive label is a special medical drug, which is used quite often for examination. The result obtained helps to determine the form of the disease and select the appropriate treatment.

Static scintigraphy of the kidneys can be of several types - this is the static examination itself and the dynamic one. Static scintigraphy allows for assessment general condition parenchyma, size, position of the kidney. The examination is usually carried out after an x-ray. Among the disadvantages of such diagnostics, it should be noted that functional changes are not recorded, i.e. full map the disease does not work out, which is why this examination is carried out only together with others.

During a dynamic study, a special radioactive substance is injected into the patient, and images for the study are taken at certain intervals.

The procedure can take up to 1.5 hours. This study is not prescribed for seriously ill patients. But it is the most complete, allowing you to get an accurate picture of the work of the organ and determine what problems there are. Often this procedure is prescribed for cancer patients, as it is more complete.

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Kidney scanning is used in the following cases:

  1. If there is a suspicion of the development of tumor processes in the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system.
  2. If necessary, determine the nature of the tumor. Prescribed along with other diagnostic methods.
  3. If necessary, check the performance of not only the kidneys, but also the bladder and ureters.
  4. If there are deviations in the size and shape of the kidneys, there is oncological pathology various types.
  5. Before surgery, if one or two kidneys need to be assessed.
  6. After chemotherapy, when it is necessary to obtain an assessment of the quality of treatment.
  7. A kidney scan is performed if developmental anomalies are detected, there are organ dysfunctions, or changes.
  8. The study is effective at stages 2 and 3 of hydronephrosis.
  9. If neoplasms are diagnosed, it is necessary to exclude their malignant nature.
  10. To assess the condition of the kidney if renal failure is suspected and nephrectomy is planned.
  11. Before any kidney surgery.
  12. If it is necessary to determine the presence of metastases.

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Contraindications for use

Diagnosis of kidney disease is not always applied. There are a number of contraindications for which the study is not carried out:

  1. If the patient is in in serious condition, the study is not carried out (the time for such a procedure takes from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours; a seriously ill patient will not always be able to maintain a lying position without moving).
  2. Not used during pregnancy, carried out only for health reasons in the early stages.
  3. For nursing mothers, such an examination is also not used, but if there is an urgent need, then within 24 hours after it you should stop breastfeeding, since it takes time (24 hours) for the drug to be completely eliminated.
  4. Not suitable for patients who have just completed chemotherapy.
  5. Not applicable to patients who have completed the course radiation therapy.
  6. Nephroscintigraphy is not used when the patient has just undergone surgery, since there may be too much fluid accumulation in the area of ​​the operated organ.
  7. If there is an individual intolerance to the drug used for diagnosis.

In general, nephroscintigraphy is a safe and completely painless procedure.

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Preparation and method

Diagnosis of kidney diseases requires preparation, for which the patient is given a special drug-label. This is done through intravenous injections, no unpleasant or very painful sensations this procedure does not cause. For some types of diagnostics, the doctor may give a solution that you need to drink, this makes the scintigraphy better. You need to drink the solution 3 hours before the kidney diagnosis is carried out, this is exactly the time required for the solution to completely distribute in the body and reach the kidneys. The solution itself is absolutely safe, it does not affect your well-being in any way, so you should not be afraid.

Radionuclide diagnostics, which are carried out when obstruction is suspected, may require the administration of a special diuretic drug. Inhibitors may be required and used to evaluate hypertension. Today duplex scanning renal arteries is carried out on an outpatient basis; the diagnosis does not require an inpatient stay. The patient is in a special room with a gamma camera; the diagnosis itself lasts approximately 1.5 hours. The patient must remain silent and lie still during the examination. This makes it possible to avoid errors in determining the result.

During the diagnosis of kidney disease, the doctor will be in the next room, he can clearly see the patient, and, if necessary, can give him orders to change position. If the procedure is performed on a child, the parents will remain with the child to monitor the position of the body. A lead apron for adults must be used. After the kidney scan is completed, the patient can return to normal activities without any negative effects or pain.

Nephroscintigraphy is a diagnostic process that makes it possible to determine kidney function. This procedure is prescribed by a doctor when it is necessary to obtain characteristics of the organ’s activity. The results obtained make it possible to see the beginning of the problem even at early stage, which is very important for proper treatment.