Tea tree essential oil has magical properties. Magical properties of oils


This is the oil of Zeus, Obatala, Ra, Basta, solar deities.

Acacia oil is considered sacred and is used for cleansing or anointing.

To create contact with the deceased, they rub it into white candles.

Rubbing a mixture of acacia, camellia and musk oils, taken in equal proportions, brings happiness.


This is the oil of Buddha, Venus, Juno.

In China, orange is a symbol of gold and prosperity. To increase wealth and prosperity, orange is used as an offering to Buddha.

It has a rich sunny scent and is added to cleansing mixtures.

Both the flower and the fruit are symbols true love. Jupiter gave Juno an orange blossom.

In rituals of love and fidelity, white or red candles are rubbed with orange oil or surrounded by orange peel and flowers.


This is the oil of Mars.

The smell of basil creates sympathy between two people, so it is worn to avoid major clashes. Basil essential oil is useful in blends that support happiness and peace, as well as stimulating the mind. It is successfully used in magical oils, attracting money, which may have explained why prostitutes in Spain once wore it to attract clients.

Basil is also a passion plant. They eat it to increase sexual appetite. Burned - to enhance sexual pleasure. You can place basil leaves under your bed to add passion to your relationship with your partner.

On Tuesdays, basil is eaten to improve physical strength. On Wednesdays - to open communication channels.

According to Christian tradition, basil grew on the tomb of Christ after his resurrection. Therefore in Greek Orthodox Church Basil is used to prepare holy water.

According to Hindu beliefs, basil has protective properties. That's why they decorate houses with it. Also in India, basil is associated with the dogs Krishna and Vishnu.


Thick essential oil with a natural vanilla scent. Dilute it and rub it on your body to enhance personal power. In addition, it awakens consciousness.


Moon oil.

American Indians added bergamot to incense burners during spirit-raising rituals that produced visions.

One of the best protective measures: it warns us of possible troubles and helps us avoid them. Protects during travel.

Drink bergamot tea if you feel unsafe.

Protective candles are rubbed with bergamot oil on Monday evening.


Venus oil.

The smell of vanilla enhances sensuality and sexual appetite. Vanilla essential oil can be used for incense in the bedroom.

Vanilla attracts happiness.

To enhance your personal charm, vanilla oil can be used as a perfume or added to your bath.


Used for spiritual cleansing and energy replenishment.

A mixture of verbena, cinnamon and patchouli oils - a recipe for love attraction.

Verbena pharmaceutical

Oil of Venus and Celtic goddesses.

Perfume from verbena or burning the plant was used to open a channel of communication with the God and Goddess (neopagan religion - Wicca).

Verbena is suitable for washing the altar or temple before magical work. It charges the room and raises it to more high level the consciousness of everyone who enters it.

Verbena is used in spells of protection, love and immortality.

If you grow it on your own land, it brings prosperity to your home.

Baths with verbena are taken to achieve longevity.

For mutual love, hands are sprinkled with verbena powder.

Lemon verbena

Oil of the Sun.

To cleanse before the sacred ritual: take a bath with lemon verbena oil; Wash the floors by adding lemon verbena oil to the water.

To speed up results and remove obstacles, verbena can be added to love and money potions.


Oil of Hestia, Vesta.

Carrying a heather flower with you will protect you from unwanted sexual advances.

Heather calms passions. To eliminate sexual addiction, you can take a bath with heather flowers during the waning moon.

To transform love relationship You can use heather perfume (oil) in friendship.

To bless the house, heather flowers are added to the water when washing floors.

In order to calm a tyrannical boss, scatter heather flowers around his workplace.


Smells like money. Add it to such mixtures or dilute it and carry it with you. Lubricate your money with it before you spend it.

The aroma of vetiver attracts good luck in business and love.

In order for the loved one to stay, rub a brown candle with vetiver oil.

Used to protect against enemies. To do this, the vetiver root is placed in a protective huang bag.

For power and success, scatter vetiver powder around a purple candle.

Galang root

Remedy for getting rid of bad habits. Chewing galangal root reduces appetite and reduces the need for nicotine.

A root placed in a pocket influences the jury in a trial.

To increase your legal power, rub oil or sprinkle powder on purple candles.


It is one of the ingredients of the sacred biblical incense burned in Solomon's Temple.

This incense lifts the soul to heaven.

Galbanum oil is rubbed on the body to ground the spirit and gain religious revelation.

Used for cleansing.


The scent of gardenia invokes the power of the full moon.

Gardenia flowers floating in water on the altar improve psychic abilities.

Gardenia oil used in a bath increases strength and influence.

Used in love potions to attract another person's attention and stimulate sympathy. To do this, grind the powder and rub it into the skin before meeting the chosen person. Or this powder can be sprinkled on the threshold over which a person will step.

Cloves (spice)

Strong irritant. Add one drop to 1/8 cup of carrier oil. Helps to gain courage and protection.

Cloves are used in magical recipes for command, coercion and control.

To repay money that someone owes you, chew whole cloves. At the same time, visualize repaying the debt. When the whole picture is presented, spit out the clove.

Ground cloves are added to recipes to enhance the effect.

For sexual tirelessness, clove oil is rubbed into the thigh.

Carnation (flower)

Carnation flowers are used to remove negative energy and curses.

Solve love problems.

To cleanse the body, cover it with flowers from top to bottom. When you reach your feet, break the stems so that the trapped negative energy cannot escape.

To stabilize personal life add white or red cloves (or their oil) to the bath.

Carnation flower relieves winter depression.

Red carnations on the altar raise your energy level and add optimism.

Geranium pink

This essential oil (commonly sold under the name simply Geranium) is a powerful protector. Carry diluted with you or add to mixtures that attract happiness.


This essential oil is a powerful cleanser and is added to cleansing mixtures.


Symbol of the Moon and night mysteries. Jasmine essential oil (or absolute) has a wonderful stimulating aroma. Although it is terribly expensive, one precious drop is enough to add to mixtures that attract love, peace, develop the subconscious and spirituality. It also helps in enhancing sexuality. However, try to avoid synthetic jasmine!

Dry jasmine petals are a traditional component of talisman bags that attract love.

In ancient times, it was believed that burning jasmine leaves would bring wealth. If burned in the bedroom, they will bring prophetic dreams.


The rich tropical aroma of this essential oil is beneficial in promoting love, peace and sexuality. It can be worn on the body, or added to mixtures for similar purposes.

In Indonesia, its flowers are sprinkled on the bed of newlyweds.

If someone gives ylang-ylang flowers as a gift, it is considered a declaration of love.

Ylang-ylang is used in magical love compositions.

It is believed that a wreath of ylang-ylang flowers provides reliable protection against evil spirits.

Mixture coconut oil and ylang-ylang oils were used to expel evil spirits from a person possessed by them.


Very spicy. Ginger essential oil helps in mixtures that develop sexuality, love, courage, and also in attracting money.


This cool-smelling essential oil is great for cleansing and can also help with celibacy.


Deliciously spicy, cardamom essential oil provides a wonderful boost of energy to love and sexuality-focused formulas.


This essential oil has a forest scent. Its energies help in the development of spirituality.


It is an essential oil of blessing, sanctification and protection. Its unique aroma stimulates healing and eases the pain of losses of all kinds.


This essential oil works well in love and healing mixtures.


Natural cinnamon oil irritates the skin. Use in small doses in mixtures that attract money and strengthen the subconscious - no more than one drop!

Since the times of Ancient Egypt, Rome, and China, cinnamon has been used to decorate and cleanse temples.

In the Book of Exodus, Moses was commanded to include cinnamon in the sacred anointing oil.


This pure, refreshing oil is commonly included in formulas focused on health, love, peace and consciousness.

The Celtic month of the Willow Moon (April 15 to May 13) is dedicated to the sacred scent of lavender. Lavender collected during the full moon has increased magical properties.

The Romans burned lavender on hot coals to protect the newborn baby and its mother.

The ancient Greeks dedicated Lavender to the goddess Hecate, the patroness of witches, sorcerers and witchcraft.

Medieval monks carried a sprig of lavender with them to ward off evil spirits.


It has an incredibly rich aroma, helps in the development of spirituality and meditative states. Must be diluted before use on skin; may be an irritant.

IN Ancient Babylon incense was considered sacred, and its aroma was used to cleanse the soul.

At noon, the ancient Egyptians burned incense in their temples, symbolizing the movement of the Sun God Ra across the sky.

Egyptian myths tell of a phoenix that brought incense to the Egyptians in its claws.

Frankincense gets its name from the Greek “ladanon”, which means “to become godlike”.

According to Christian tradition, incense was one of the gifts that the wise men brought to the baby Jesus.


It has a refreshing scent and is used for cleansing and protection.


Used in Moon oils. Wear diluted lemon oil during the Full Moon to tune into the Moon's energies. Add to cleansing and healing oils.

In the Middle Ages, lemon oil was used to make amulets to bring good luck.

Lippia lemon

Often sold under the name simply "Verbena". With a full, rich lemon aroma, this essential oil performs wonderfully in love blends.


In the past, marjoram was used for protection and was considered a symbol of joy.

Brides and grooms of Greece and Rome decorated themselves with marjoram garlands so that their marriage would bring happiness and wealth.

In medieval Britain, milkmaids hung bouquets of wild marjoram in the barnyard to protect the milk from thunder and goblins turning it into kefir.


It has the scent of energy, imbued with the powers of the sun. Add tangerine oil in a mixture that attracts strength and power.


This essential oil can be added to blends intended to enhance spirituality and facilitate meditation. It is also often used in healing mixtures.


This resinous essential oil is used in protective, cleansing and healing mixtures.

In Scotland, juniper buds were hung over farm doors and placed in animals' stalls on May Day to ward off witches and evil spirits.

Foresters in Wales have always kept the juniper trees intact. It was believed that the person who cut down this tree would suffer bad luck for the entire year or die.


This familiar scent works great in cleansing mixtures.

They rubbed it on walls, floors, and furniture to cleanse the room and get rid of negative energy.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that mint could “ignite a man’s heart.” Therefore, bedrooms were often decorated with mint leaves.

Fragrant leaves were placed on the pillow to attract good dreams.


The amazingly exotic scent of Nayuli essential oil goes well with protective formulas.


Also known as Orange Blossom Essential Oil. Has an incredibly rich citrus aroma. This oil is quite expensive. However, one drop added to a mixture of happiness and purification works wonders.


Useful in mixtures that attract money, develop sexuality and physical energy. It can also be worn diluted for the same purposes.


The aroma of this essential oil has the familiar scent of a culinary herb. Add to love and healing magical mixtures.

At weddings, rosemary was dipped in scented water and then woven into the bride's wreath. A branch of rosemary, painted gold and tied with multi-colored silk ribbons, was presented to guests as a symbol of love and fidelity.

At funerals, mourners would place sprigs of rosemary on the coffin before burying it in the ground. This tradition still survives in some parts of Wales.

It is believed that rosemary grows in abundance in places where a woman rules the house.

In Spain and Italy, rosemary was used as the main means of protection against witches and evil spirits.

The Sicilians believe that young fairies, turning into snakes, hide in rosemary thickets.


A common love scent. Natural rose essential oil (known as "otto") and rose absolute (another form) are expensive, but as with jasmine, a single drop has strong aromatic qualities. Rose essential oil is used in formulas created to attract love, promote peace and enhance beauty. Do not use synthetic options!


It has a fruity, surprisingly rich aroma. Use small amounts of chamomile essential oil to meditate and promote peace. Expensive, but worth it!


This ancient, sacred aroma is used for meditation, spirituality, sexuality and in healing formulas. Can be diluted and worn to concentrate these influences.

Sandalwood aroma stimulates the seventh chakra, enhancing spirituality and promoting self-determination.

In the Ayurvedic healing tradition, sandalwood increases energy. Burning sandalwood during the full moon awakens the spirit in the home.

Sandalwood burning at the threshold welcomes guests, instilling in them a good attitude towards home and encouraging them to leave all doubts and worries at the door.

You can write a wish on a sliver of sandalwood and throw it into the incense burner. The magic of sandalwood gives strength to desires.


This essential oil enhances the subconscious mind and is also useful in cleansing blends.


The resinous scent of pine is commonly added to formulas focused on cleansing, protection, money and healing.


Unique essential oil. The scent of Sporobolus is a combination of citrus and rose. Works well in love and healing mixtures.


One of the Earth's true treasures, yarrow essential oil has a natural blue color and an amazing aroma. It can be added in small quantities (according to price) in mixtures focused on love, courage and the subconscious.


Fennel has magical connections with the element of Fire.

The ancient Greeks believed that knowledge came to man from the gods in the form of coal on a fennel stalk.

In the Middle Ages, fennel was placed in the keyhole to protect the house from spirits and ghosts.


In magic, citronella is credited with the ability to protect and cleanse the aura, and increase a person’s vitality.

The indigenous people of America use citronella during cleansing rituals.

Citronella stimulates the neck chakra, which is responsible for communication.

Black pepper

Use it to protect and strengthen courage. This oil has a pungent, sweet smell. It is better to add it to mixtures than to wear it separately, even in diluted form.


Probably the most medicinal oil. Add to all healing mixtures. You can rub it on your body to relieve a cold (in this case, no dilution is required). Also use in cleansing mixtures.


Aromatherapy and natural medicines. AST, Astrel, 2006

Cunningham S. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Potions. Rostov-on-Don. Phoenix, 1998

Rosean L. Wiccan Encyclopedia of Magical Ingredients. St. Petersburg: IG "Ves", 2008

The art of aromatherapy originated in Ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of civilization knew all the secrets and subtleties of using aromatic oils and incense. Fragrances have found their sweet spot wide application: from simple scenting of linen and preparation of aromatic baths to the complex process of embalming pharaohs and creating medical potions. Moreover, the Egyptians noticed the special power of aromatherapy on a person’s emotions and mood.

However, the term "aromatherapy" itself appeared much later thanks to the case of a French chemist in 1928. Gattefosse, who works in the laboratory, received severe burn and poured lavender essential oil over it. A little later, the Frenchman was pleasantly surprised to see how quickly the wound healed. Subsequently, he began to carefully study other essential oils, conducting various procedures.

Modern aromatherapy, based on rich experience, helps people solve a huge range of health problems and more.

Essential oils for hair

Thick long hair- the dream of every woman. Aroma oils will help keep your curls beautiful, healthy and well-groomed. Exist different ways use of oils: adding to masks, enriching shampoos, conditioners and other hair care cosmetics, aromatherapy, massage. Moreover, each oil has its own special properties, knowing which you can easily choose the right one.

Advice! Add 5-7 drops of essential oil per 10 ml of base oil or hair care product, 2-3 drops to a comb or fingertips for massage. Always use only high-quality 100% essential oils.

For hair growth and strengthening: rosemary, cinnamon, thyme, sage, bay, ylang-ylang.

Anti-fall: lavender, rosemary, myrrh, pine, neroli, thyme, mint.

For dry and brittle hair: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, incense, geranium, lavender.

For hair shine: orange, basil, tangerine, lavender, rosewood.

For oily hair: grapefruit, eucalyptus, bergamot.

Anti-dandruff: tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon.

For face and skin

Aroma oils, having healing properties, help maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, remove wrinkles, pimples and traces of them, prolong a golden tan, and also promote fast healing scratches and wounds.

Advice! Add 3-4 drops per 10 ml of base (base oil, cream, tonic, etc.). However, you need to be careful when enriching tonics and mousses, since the combination of essential oil with the components of the product can cause an allergic reaction. Never use essential oil in pure form, otherwise you risk getting a skin burn. The exception is spot application, for example, on problem areas, acne.

5 essential oils that will help you remain beautiful and desirable:

Neroli oil: for dry skin. It will relieve you of stretch marks, spider veins, has a good rejuvenating effect, smooths out facial and age wrinkles, relieves irritation and redness of the skin, stimulates regeneration and renewal, has disinfectant properties, and copes with cuticle diseases and hangnails. Be careful: neroli oil has a strong relaxing effect. Therefore, if you need a clear head and a cheerful state, it is better to refrain from using it.

Ylang-ylang oil: for all skin types. is universal. Eliminates itching, redness, flaking of the skin, smoothes out small, shallow wrinkles. The oil evens out the skin texture and improves complexion by normalizing subcutaneous microcirculation. Ylang-ylang normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores in oily skin, softens and moisturizes dry skin, prevents its withering, treats eczema and dermatitis. Its use helps to consolidate the tan and protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, ylang-ylang oil is a powerful aphrodisiac that Cleopatra herself used.

Patchouli oil: for skin elasticity. Suitable for any skin type, combines well with other essential oils. Its regular use allows you to tighten your facial skin, making it firmer and more elastic. This oil eliminates peeling, irritation, scars, acne marks, tightens pores, has therapeutic effect on purulent wounds. It will also help eliminate blemishes on the face and smooth out fine wrinkles. Attention: do not use oil before going out!

Jasmine oil: for sensitive skin. It has excellent moisturizing, antiseptic, and soothing properties. It is perfect for dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions. Jasmine oil works well on blemishes, scars and stretch marks, and also refreshes and tones the skin. Attention: the use of this oil in eyelid skin care and for people with low blood pressure is not recommended.

Rosewood oil: for aging skin. It will be useful for smoothing out deep wrinkles, lightening pigmentation, post-acne, eliminating long-standing scars and scars, stretch marks and spider veins. Unique property The oil is considered hypoallergenic and is suitable even for children. However, remember to still perform an allergy test before using any essential oil.

Aroma oils for sleep

They can cause not only a bad mood and a decrease in your performance, but also important health problems. Aromatherapy is an excellent alternative to sleeping pills.

With a long time difficulty falling asleep Tangerine, neroli, myrrh, cedar, and juniper oils will help.

Oils of lavender, rose, lemon balm, and valerian will help cope with nightmares.

For Bath

An aromatic bath is one of the best ways relaxation. It will envelop you in warmth, create a soft relaxing effect, relieve fatigue and tension. Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of enchanting aromas after a hard day.

Advice! The water filling the bath should not be very hot. To prepare an aroma bath, dissolve 3-4 drops of the essential oil you like in milk and honey (since it is insoluble in water), and then add to the bath with water.

Essential oils for depression

Essential oils will save you from constant stress, sadness and bad mood: geranium, clary sage, lavender, mandarin, sandalwood, basil, ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot, vanilla, vetiver. These aromas are able to harmonize a person’s psycho-emotional state, gently affecting his nervous system.

Advice! Use 5-6 drops of essential oil for an aroma lamp for every 15 square meters of room. Maximum duration The procedure should last no more than 2 hours, and for beginners 20-25 minutes will be enough. The most important thing is that you should like the oil aroma you choose; the smell should not be unpleasant. discomfort or dizziness.

From the evil eye and damage

If you are superstitious and believe in magical signs, then it won’t hurt you to have these essential oils at home.

Coriander. Protects from failures, protects from the evil eye. Its seeds are worn as an amulet against troubles.

Melissa. Wards off evil and ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye and conflicts.

Parsley. Protects from damage and the evil eye, protects from theft and unscrupulous people.

For weight loss

Constantly grueling exercise is primarily stress for the body. In addition, long-term abstinence from certain foods can provoke serious illnesses. Aromatherapy is an excellent alternative.

Ginger oil reduces excessive cravings for sweets throughout the day, helps remove toxic substances from the body. It can be added dropwise to food or inhaled slowly.

Cardamom oil improves the digestion process, prevents diseases gastrointestinal tract. It can also be added one drop at a time to culinary dishes.

Geranium oil effectively fights, removes excess liquid from the body, relieves swelling. Use this oil when massaging the abdomen and legs, in aroma baths.

Lemon oil, containing vitamin C, improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, and helps reduce appetite. Use it in inhalations and massage.

From mosquitoes and midges

Itching from bites is especially unpleasant for children and those with sensitive skin. Sprays with the addition essential oils will protect you from blood-sucking insects. Use coniferous (cedar and fir), spicy (thyme, cloves) or citrus (orange, lemon, lime). To prepare the spray, mix 100 ml of water with 10 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of your chosen oil.

Red sandalwood

Red sandalwood is a small tree from the genus Pretocarpus in the legume family. Homeland - India. It grows only in southwest India, in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka. There are especially many trees found on the border of the states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. This is a light-loving tree up to 8 m high and a trunk 50-150 m in diameter. The young tree grows very quickly, reaching 5 m in height after three years, even on unfavorable soils. Does not tolerate frost, dies at a temperature of -1 C. Fruits are pods 6-9 cm long with one or two seeds.

Although the tree is called red sandalwood, it has no relation to the real sandalwood - white sandalwood/santalum album. Red sandalwood resembles real sandalwood only partially - in appearance and according to some of its properties. The smell of red sandalwood is vaguely reminiscent of white sandalwood. Like white sandalwood, red sandalwood is actively used to produce aromatic substances.

The tree is called mahogany because of the color of its wood, which is very durable. The color of the wood is very beautiful - rich and uniform brown-red with different lines, darkens over time. Santalin, a red substance used as a natural dye, is obtained from bark and wood. Contains coumarin, salicylic, ferulic, vanillic acids, santalin, pterocarpol, essential oils.

White sandalwood - santal

White sandalwood (santal) is one of the most expensive, since over many centuries of active felling, reserves of santal have been greatly depleted. The aromatic and magical properties of santal have been valued by people since ancient times; sandal is included in most natural incense; sacred attributes, as well as expensive household items, were carved from santal wood. The aroma of Santal is not strong, without harsh notes, but very persistent, with a hazy musky undertone.

The magical properties of sandalwood

In Hinduism, sandalwood is an integral part of religious services and rituals, it is used in meditation, “transfers” the believer from the material world to the subtle world, brings him closer to the divine, cleanses the mind, helps overcome obstacles on the path to enlightenment, helps open the “third eye” , directs consciousness inward.

According to Indian mythology, Paradise is filled with the scent of sandalwood, the gods love it, so it was “offered” to the gods during puja (worship) - they used incense sticks with the scent of sandalwood, and added sandalwood oil to smoking lamps. They cleaned holy places with it, and smoked it in houses to ward off evil spirits. Interestingly, the scent of sandalwood attracts snakes. In Indian illustrations you can find an image of sandalwood entwined with snakes.

Red sandalwood is widely used in Ayurveda and cosmetology. Used in India as medicine more than four thousand years. The wood core and fruit are consumed. Regulates pitta and kapha doshas. According to Ayurveda, it has sweet and bitter tastes and a pungent aftertaste.

It is used in sacred and magical rituals, used for meditation, during yoga practice, as it is able to bring into balance all three main components of human nature: body, soul and spirit, and helps to harmonize the aura. The smoke from burning sandalwood can cleanse the room of astral debris.

Sandalwood is the aroma of spirituality, depth and sensuality, the sacred aroma of meditation, bringing you closer to the divine. The aroma of sandalwood normalizes the functioning of energy centers and restores the aura, relieves stress and depression, and gives clear dreams. Sandalwood has aphrodisiac properties: it increases sensuality and excites passion.

It is believed that the red sandalwood tree is bhutapidanasaka - averts evil forces and scares away evil spirits. Helps cast spells and drive away evil entities.

The healing properties of sandalwood

Santal wood contains santalin, santalic acid, satnal and pterocarpine. White sandalwood oil contains the most a large number of Santalol (95%) - the most important substance in sandalwood oil, which determines its value.

In India, both white and red sandalwood have been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes since ancient times. Their medicinal properties approximately the same. The fundamental difference between their use is that white, real sandalwood, was used both externally and internally, while red was intended for external use.

As remedy The aroma of sandalwood relieves anxiety, stress, depression, fear, normalizes heartbeat, nervous system. In addition, sandalwood smoke has excellent antiseptic properties. It is good to use for diseases of the upper respiratory tract: You just need to breathe in the aroma of sandalwood for 20-30 minutes for relief to come. This aroma also helps with coughs, hoarseness, runny nose and nasal congestion. Tibetan medicine recognizes its ability to cure “heat” and heal “blood diseases”. In our understanding this means: to calm down inflammatory processes and normalize deviations in hematopoietic and vascular systems. In China, sandalwood is used to treat stomach pain, liver, skin and joint diseases.

Buy red sandalwood powder (powder)

The healing properties of sandalwood are used in the following cases:

  • in the treatment of a wide range of skin diseases (paste is applied)
  • to stop bleeding
  • to relieve burning and inflammation (rice water with sandalwood powder)
  • for hiccups (with rock salt)
  • with hyperdipsia (extreme thirst)
  • for healing wounds, ulcers, cuts and burns
  • for chronic dysentery
  • for gonorrhea
  • with heat and fever
  • for headaches
  • for nausea and vomiting
  • when coughing
  • for eye diseases
  • to cleanse the blood and body of toxins

Used in small quantities to make cleansing tea. Red sandalwood is not recommended for depression. It can increase depression. Others side effects does not have.

Red sandalwood, thanks to its antiseptic and antifungal properties, is included in a huge number of cosmetic products for the face, body and hair. These are creams for daily use, antiseptic, medicinal creams, various masks, scrubs, oils, powders, soaps, shampoos, balms, rinses. Perfect for all skin types, especially oily, impure, problem skin.

Use red sandalwood powder or paste. To obtain a paste, the tree powder is diluted with water, rose water, milk, honey or vegetable oil, most often mustard. Very often turmeric is added to it. This mask is kept on the face all night to get greater effect. The cleansing detox mask is also made on the basis of red sandalwood with the addition of white clay, ashwagandha, triphala, and essential oils.

Red sandalwood heals wounds, eliminates small scars resulting from acne or minor burns. Dramatically reduces and smoothes deep, dark scars. Treats insect bites. Brightens dark spots, freckles, removes tan. Often used in conjunction with white sandalwood powder and almond oil to achieve greater effect.

Protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and is part of sunscreen and reflective creams.

Red sandalwood is included in hair care products. Successfully treats seborrhea of ​​the skin and scalp. Helps improve normal skin functions. Heals the scalp and provides antiseptic protection, relieves inflammation, irritation, flaking and itching. Helps strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss.

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The ancient sages sincerely believed that the surrounding aromas with which a person fills his lungs are much more more important than that what can be seen or heard. The magical properties of essential oils have not been fully studied; Quite a lot of mysteries remain, but we can say for sure that they contain a certain energy that must be used for your own good. Pleasant aromas oils act unobtrusively, but if a person has faith in their power, then you can soon notice how they help in one or another area of ​​life.

Essential oil with magical properties can be used in everyday life. Certain oils harmonize the space in the house, help a person relax and find inner peace. The ways to use such products are quite simple:

  • You can add oils to aroma lamps. Daily aromatherapy sessions, which last 30-60 minutes, will help relieve stress after a working day and relax.
  • Recommended to use aroma oils for massages, combining them with base oils. This way, the components of the products will enter directly into the body, triggering the internal, hidden resources of a person. Useful material will be able to heal and improve general state person.
  • Oils can be added to the bath.
  • You can make sachets with aromatic additives and place them around the house.
  • If you correctly combine esters with cosmetic products, you will be able to improve your health and prolong your youth.

The magic of essential oils

You need to use aromatic oils wisely. Each product is endowed with individual properties and characteristics. Any fragrance has its purpose, and you should know how to use its magical properties with maximum benefit for myself.

The smell of acacia

Properly selected essential oils play a very powerful role in magic. important role. Acacia oil has been held in high esteem since ancient times. It contains a lot of powerful fluids that need to be properly directed.

  • The smell of acacia accompanies the process of meditation; it is used to allow a person to concentrate on spiritual sensations, an internal state.
  • This product can also be used to make contact with a deceased person. To do this, rub a small amount of oil into white candles.
  • This ether has long been associated with internal cleansing and has been used for anointing.

At home, you can prepare a mixture that will attract happiness and prosperity. Have to take:

  • acacia oil;
  • nutmeg ether;
  • Camellia oil.

The components are mixed in equal quantities and used for a relaxing massage. They must be thoroughly rubbed into the skin.

Witchcraft bergamot

Essential oils to attract love have found widespread use and popularity among people. A striking example- bergamot oil.

  • The product is used in love and household magic.
  • It helps cleanse the house of negativity and damage.
  • It becomes the main component of mixtures for cleansing rituals.
  • To cleanse your body of negativity that others may carry, you can take a relaxing bath in the evening by adding 5-7 drops of this ether to sea salt. By continuing the procedure for a month, you can strengthen the nervous system.
  • A magical recipe with bergamot oil will be useful for those who need to ease their state of mind after parting with a loved one. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. base oil and 3 drops of bergamot ether. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the skin. The ritual should be repeated until the state of mental balance returns again after love experiences.

Vanilla aroma

Aroma oils, in particular vanilla oil, can significantly increase the body's endurance in physical and energetic terms.

  • This product is often used by those who have problems in love. A pleasant smell increases the level of female sexuality.
  • It helps the fair sex strengthen and reveal feminine charms, makes them wiser and, to some extent, more tolerant towards their partner.
  • Vanilla oil can be added while taking baths, and you can arrange sessions of pleasant aromatherapy, which will benefit lovers.

Magic ginger

Ginger in household magic is most often used by those who want to get rid of the envy of others and their negative impact. The oil of this product can attract material well-being and success in all endeavors, including personal relationships.

  • You can even carry ginger with you; It will be enough to put a small stub in your bag or briefcase so that the space around it begins to work in your favor.
  • This oil is considered universal and can be used by men and women.
  • Dried ginger can be useful for making small aromatic sachets. They can be placed around the house. If the smell is practically not felt, you should add a few drops of essential oil.
  • This product also has a very beneficial effect on the development of innate sexuality and sensuality. Partners will be able to open a new page in their relationship thanks to this smell.

Lavender scent

Aroma oils prepared from lavender were used in ancient times for cleansing rituals;

  • The magical smell helps a person to completely get rid of the negative influence of others; it cleanses from envy and damage, the evil eye.
  • It can also be used to normalize sleep and get rid of nightmares.
  • This oil helps a woman reveal her sexuality and attractiveness. There is a lightness throughout the body that men simply cannot help but notice.
  • Lavender helps to reveal a person's inner abilities.
  • It is used during meditation. By inhaling the aromas of such oil, many manage to immerse themselves, see their future, analyze emerging problems and find solutions.
  • In ancient times, it was believed that the fragrance of burnt lavender protected a newborn child and his mother from negativity emanating from surrounding and even otherworldly forces.
  • To cleanse your home, you can add a few drops of aroma oil to the lamp, lighting it for 30-60 minutes.

Lemon ether

Lemon essential oil is a symbol of Love, Wisdom and Strength, Health and Money. All these riches are real human happiness.

  • Using such a product for aromatherapy sessions, massages, baths, wraps, you can significantly increase the level of concentration, fill the body with energy and vigor, get rid of the blues, depression and just a bad mood.
  • Lemon essential oil helps a person see something positive and pleasant in every little thing.
  • It is best to lubricate your amulets or talismans that are constantly nearby with essential oil. It could be some small change lying in your wallet, a figurine at work, or a nice souvenir kept at home.
  • If you use oil constantly, you can protect yourself from troubles and troubles.

Nutmeg oil

The use of nutmeg aroma oil can protect the home and the person himself from the negative influence of others, from envy, the evil eye, and damage.

  • This product is often used by psychics to drive out evil spirits from a home that are causing a lot of problems to the current occupants.
  • Essential oil is also often used for meditation. It helps a person see pictures of the future.
  • Many believe that it is nutmeg oil that opens the “third eye”, which sees what is hidden from human gaze.
  • Fans of gambling know very well that such a fragrant additive attracts luck to their side. To do this, you need to apply a few drops of oil to the amulet or wallet, and you can try your luck.
  • At correct use this product can get favor a certain person, his support in all endeavors.
  • Nutmeg oil also helps a person fight his dark sides. It is necessary to regularly conduct aromatherapy sessions with this additive, apply a few drops to something that is constantly nearby. You can even put a cotton pad in your desk drawer and apply 2-3 drops of ether on it.

Peppermint ether

Essential peppermint oil can significantly improve a person’s material well-being and make him a favorite of luck. To make the most of these magical properties, it will be enough to apply just a few drops to your wallet or a certain banknote.

Peppermint oil is considered an excellent way to relax after a hard, stressful day at work. You need to add a few drops to sea salt or bath foam, pour into water and soak in warm water for 20-30 minutes. A charge of vigor and good mood is definitely guaranteed. The cleansing will be not only physical, but also emotional. All the negative influence of others, envy, and the evil eye will go away.

Patchouli scent

Many people find the smell of patchouli too heavy and even unpleasant. Since ancient times, occultists have preferred to use it for rituals to attract the opposite sex.

  • Indeed, such oil can have a beneficial effect on the sexual energy and sensuality of partners.
  • If you add patchouli oil to warm water and take a bath, you will be able to get rid of the negative energy that gradually accumulates during communication with others.
  • If you add patchouli oil to the aroma lamp, you will be able to cleanse your home not only of negative energy, but also of evil spirits and negative matters that can penetrate the house.
  • Patchouli essential oil can be applied in a small amount to your wallet; leave the cotton wool with oil in a desk drawer or even a safe. Such simple manipulations will magically change the space around a person. You will notice that stress resistance has increased, determination and composure have appeared. Such qualities will help a person quickly advance in career ladder, significantly increase the level of material income.
  • In order for such positive changes to take hold in life, it is necessary to constantly update the patchouli ether. The aroma should be light, unobtrusive, but always fresh.

Rosemary oil

Many people simply do not notice the magic of essential oils, but if you look closely at the changes that can be achieved thanks to such a product, there will be no doubt about their power.

  • Pleasant and light rosemary oil will help develop intuition and allow you to look at what is happening in life from a completely different angle.
  • If such a smell is constantly present in the house, a person will feel confident in himself and his actions, he will not doubt his choice.
  • Rosemary essential oil can also be added to aroma lamps, warm baths, or simply applied a small amount to the surroundings of your home and things at work.
  • The smell should be constantly updated so that it does not completely disappear from the space in which the person is located.

Chamomile oil

Many are accustomed to using chamomile to treat various diseases, but aromatic chamomile oil is also useful in everyday life:

  • A small amount of product added to the aroma lamp helps to find peace of mind and inner harmony.
  • This oil is often used for meditation; it helps a person to understand his inner world and find solutions to pressing problems. Also, such meditations will calm you down and teach you to think rationally about everything that happens around you.

Sandalwood essential oil

Sandalwood aroma has attracted people for many centuries. In ancient times it was revered as a sacred product, treated with reverence.

  • Most often, sandalwood oil is used by those who meditate a lot. This pleasant smell helps to develop inner spirituality and hidden sexuality. In the process of meditation, you can calm down and abstract from irritating external factors.
  • The oil can be applied to amulets that constantly accompany a person. Fans of Ayurvedic teachings are confident that sandalwood oil can heal many diseases.
  • Addition small quantity product in the aroma lamp will cleanse the house of negativity and envy. People who come to visit, smelling sandalwood, will feel a favorable attitude towards them. This will make communication easy, leaving anxiety, doubt, envy, and negative thoughts behind the threshold.

There is a simple ritual that helps fulfill your cherished desires. You need to write a wish on a small sliver of sandalwood and then burn it in the house. While the sliver is burning, you definitely need to think about what needs to come true. The power of visualization and a person’s inner faith, supported by the magical properties of the tree, will speed up the process of wish fulfillment.

Various aromatic oils sold today in many stores and pharmacies are filled with internal energy and strength that must be used. Simple magical rituals will help get rid of external negativity, irritation and fatigue. Pleasant aromas filling the house will harmonize the space around and help a person achieve his goals.

Different essential oils have their own magical power. Read this article about which oil and what to use it for.

The magical effect of Lemon

Lemon oil enhances vital interest and psychological curiosity, stabilizes mood, helps to calmly experience and overcome difficult situations.

By inhaling the aroma of lemon, it is easier to gain energetic individualism, as well as adapt to new people and life circumstances.

The magical effect of geranium

The magical effect of geranium oil is subject to the planetary influence of Venus - windy, feminine, loving and forever young. This makes geranium oil one of the potions of love magic, bewitching, taking sensual captivity, protecting from unhappy love.

This remedy helps replenish energy losses for those who have suffered from love rivalry. In France, in the old days, a geranium flower was pinned on the chest of a young girl as a wish for a happy female destiny.

Magic action tea tree

Tea tree is a healing oil. It restores the energy balance disturbed by the acceptance of infidels. life attitudes. It most strongly affects the area of ​​the aura above the head.

Protects against the effects of aggressive energy outside world. The deep, wise melody of the tea tree will allow you to feel the breath of every cell, which fills the entire body with intoxicating lightness and tranquility.

The magical effect of lavender

Lavender promotes self-knowledge, meditation, and rapid recuperation. Provides complete energy relaxation, reduces aggression, helps to recover from envy.

This is a warm, delicate aroma that allows you to find not only fire in a passionate embrace, but also sophistication and intuitive penetration. Baths with lavender solution create the ideal body odor: the smell of purity and tenderness.

The magical effect of eucalyptus

The magical effect of this oil is under the rule of Saturn, a cold and mysterious planet. Eucalyptus helps to gain personal integrity and gives a feeling of emotional security.

The magical effect of rosewood

The magical effect of this oil is under the planetary influence of Venus and the Moon. The rose tree is an attribute of Indian magic, known to us from the moving descriptions of Carlos Castaneda.

The function of rosewood oil is to build bridges between worlds. This fragrance is suitable for meditation and self-improvement practice for men and women. The rose tree can turn the Wheel of Fortune for you.

The magical effect of rosemary

The magical effect of rosemary is under the planetary influence of the Sun. The ancient Greeks and Romans fumigated temples and homes with rosemary branches.

Rosemary is the keeper of your priceless energy; it protects against damage and the evil eye. The aroma of rosemary will help you gain clarity, restore order in your soul and not waste your time on trifles.

The magical effect of patchouli

The magical effect of patchouli oil is under the planetary influence of the Sun. In this case, it is a heavy, setting sun, it bestows all the fruits of life: love, creativity, prosperity.

The scent of patchouli protects against painful losses. It has long been believed that the scent of patchouli attracts wealth.

The magical effect of Japanese mint

The magical effect of this oil is influenced by Mercury - the planet of travelers and merchants - everyone involved in advertising and PR, intermediaries and diplomats, gamblers and alchemists.

This aroma truly magically improves mutual understanding between people and allows you to put things in order in confusing matters.

The magical effect of cedar wood

The magical effect of cedar tree oil is under the planetary influence of Uranus. Since ancient times, cedar has been used to build temples, its oil was used in embalming and soaking sacred papyri; It is still burned as incense in Tibetan temples.

This is one of the oils for sublime meditation: the aroma of cedar fills the soul with a feeling of stability and security, and promotes reflection on eternal values. Cedar oil magically restores and protects male power.

The magical effects of ylang-ylang

The magical effect of ylang-ylang is under the planetary influence of Venus. The aroma of this oil will help you charm your lover, ignite the fire of love passion, and melt any iceberg.

Newlyweds are decorated with fragrant wreaths of ylang-ylang in Polynesia. Its aromatic smoke is used to fumigate the home to protect against quarrels and discord.

The magical effect of grapefruit

The aroma of grapefruit is subject to the planetary influence of the Sun, it energizes vital energy, fills the soul with joy. The aroma of grapefruit makes the aura clean, smooth, and radiant. This sunny scent imparts a unique charm to the individual.

The magical effect of bergamot

The magical effect of bergamot is under the planetary influence of the Sun, which gives impetus to the birth and development of everything new. The aroma of bergamot promises success to every good undertaking and imparts vital energy.