"Hercules": calorie content with water and milk. What determines the calorie content of the finished dish? How many calories are in oatmeal porridge with milk?

Hercules porridge is a common breakfast for most people. It is based on processed oat grains. And it is more correct to call the product “oatmeal”, “oatmeal”. "Hercules" is trademark oatmeal. So popular that it began to be used as a product name. Let's study in more detail the composition and beneficial characteristics of oatmeal.


Hercules porridge is a popular breakfast. That's why it's popular and extremely useful. It is prepared with milk and water, with or without butter, with pieces of fruit and nuts.

You can arrange it on oatmeal fasting days. What are the benefits of rolled oats?

Hercules porridge and digestion

Oat flakes are obtained by processing oat seeds. They are stripped of their hard shell. But it is not completely removed. Non-digestible particles of the shell pass through the intestines and gently cleanse it of harmful toxins. Stools are normalized, beneficial substances from food are completely absorbed into the blood.

If the intestines are cluttered feces(in case of constipation), the body is poisoned. Hercules porridge solves this problem. But its benefits for digestion are not limited to this.

  • Part oatmeal fiber included. It perfectly removes from the body harmful substances. Blood vessels are cleaned and cholesterol levels are normalized. It is recommended to cleanse with rolled oats regularly. Especially for people living in environmentally unfavorable regions.
  • Hercules porridge must be included in the diet of patients with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. It contains gluten, which envelops the mucous membrane of damaged organs and protects against aggressive influences. gastric juice. Attacks of pain and inflammation go away. A very thin porridge boiled in water is given to patients for recovery after surgery on the peritoneum.
  • Oatmeal is good for fasting days. It not only removes unnecessary substances from the body. It also gives you a feeling of fullness and provides nutrients. As a result, your mood and skin condition (which often suffers during diets) improves.
  • Hercules porridge is useful for hepatitis and liver diseases. Oat seeds contain an enzyme that helps process carbohydrates and fats.

Oats are a grain rich in vitamins and minerals. Our body absorbs these elements well. Are becoming more active metabolic processes at all levels.

Hercules for the nervous system

Oatmeal is necessary for people engaged in intense mental activity. This is due to B vitamins, which are important for proper functioning nervous system.

  • Regular consumption of rolled oats promotes active brain activity, improves concentration and memory.
  • Oatmeal prevents asthenia and chronic fatigue, fights feelings of drowsiness and depression, helps with frequent shifts moods.
  • Oats are a source of antioxidants. These are inhibitors that slow down oxidation. They prevent the destructive effects of free radicals. Constant consumption of oatmeal porridge is a prevention of a number of neurological diseases.

A serving of oatmeal in the morning is very important for a productive day. For schoolchildren and students, such a breakfast is simply necessary.

Hercules porridge improves blood clotting and kidney function, helps the liver function, and prevents osteoporosis. Organic compounds The composition activates the absorption of amino acids, which are necessary for the health and elasticity of muscles. The same antioxidants slow down the aging process and prevent cancer cells from developing.


No matter how extensive the list is useful characteristics oats porridge, it is not recommended to eat it every day. Still, there should be variety and a sense of proportion.

Excessive amounts of rolled oats in the diet can lead to active removal of calcium from the body. This macronutrient is important for proper metabolism, strong bones, teeth and nails. Calcium deficiency causes serious pathologies. In particular, osteoporosis.

Calorie content

100 g of oatmeal porridge contains 352 kcal (21% of daily requirement). A significant part of them are carbohydrates. These are the so-called "complex" carbohydrates, which long time are digested, give a feeling of fullness for a long time and do not provoke sudden jump blood sugar. Therefore, rolled oats are considered a dietary and diabetic product.

But it remains so only when cooked in water, without sugar and butter. If you add all these goodies, the calorie content of the product increases significantly.


Hercules porridge is contraindicated for such pathologies as Celiac disease. This is a congenital multifactorial disease. Patients have impaired digestion. Cereal gluten is not completely broken down and damages the villi. small intestine. Such patients are prohibited from eating any grains.

Celiac disease is a very rare pathology. As a rule, it is inherited. The disease manifests itself when cereals are introduced into the diet.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals



Name Quantity per 100 oatmeal porridge % of daily requirement
Calcium 52 mg 5,2
Iron 3.7 mg 20
Magnesium 130 mg 32
Manganese 3.83 mg 191
Phosphorus 329 mg 41
Potassium 330 mg 13
Zinc 3.1 mg 26
Chlorine 73 mg 3
Sodium 20 mg 1,5
Sulfur 88 mg 8,8
Iodine 6 mcg 4
Copper 450 mcg 45
Fluorine 45 mcg 1
Cobalt 5 mcg 50

Thus, oatmeal porridge is a portion of strength, intelligence and health for the whole day. You cannot deprive yourself of such a product. But there is no need to overdo it.

Porridge is a product whose health benefits are obvious. Regardless of the type of porridge, each of them is a source essential vitamins And nutrients, therefore, regular consumption of porridge should become mandatory for everyone who wants to maintain health and good spirits for a long time. Also, porridge is a great option. dietary nutrition both for those who are forced to limit certain foods in their diet due to the presence of certain diseases, and for those who want to lose weight. In this case we are talking about porridge with water, the caloric content of which is minimal. Porridge contains a large number of useful substances. Its vitamin and mineral composition depends on the type of cereal from which the porridge is prepared.

Of course, every person has those types of cereals that they prefer. But whatever porridge you choose, it must be present in your diet at least several times a week in order for the benefits to be felt. Porridge is ideal for breakfast. The fact is that this product contains slow carbohydrates, which are released for a long time and maintain a feeling of fullness. As a result, the body receives the energy it needs so much in the morning. Porridge with water, which is low in calories, will be an excellent start to the day.

Benefits of cereals

We can highlight the main beneficial features cough:

  • With porridge you can get up to 25% of the vitamins and minerals the body needs.
  • All types of cereals are especially rich in B vitamins, in particular folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin.
  • Porridges contain large amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber. It normalizes the function gastrointestinal tract, lowers cholesterol, and also prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Porridges are rich in protein, which is especially important for those who want to lose weight. Considering the low calorie content of water-based porridges, this fact makes porridges especially popular in nutrition systems aimed at weight loss.
  • All cereals contain complex carbohydrates, the breakdown of which occurs slowly, which provides the body with energy for a long time. In addition, such carbohydrates are not stored as fat.

Calorie content of water-based porridges depending on the cereal used

One of the most popular and healthy cereals are rolled oatmeal, pearl barley, barley and rice porridge. Many people prefer to cook them with milk. Milk certainly adds a special taste, but at the same time, it makes the porridge more nutritious. Therefore, if we are talking about losing weight, then it is best to cook porridge with water. What will be the calorie content of these porridges cooked in water?

Hercules porridge is a type of oatmeal. Hercules flakes are considered the healthiest among oat flakes. 100 g of oatmeal porridge contains a third of daily value necessary for the body phosphorus. And the low calorie content of oatmeal porridge cooked in water allows you to eat at least twice as much for breakfast. It is worth saying that phosphorus is necessary for our body in order for calcium to be fully absorbed. A lack of phosphorus will cause the fact that even with a sufficient amount of calcium in daily diet, the body will lack it. Like any other porridge, Hercules contains B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, Hercules porridge contains many other useful substances. Such a rich composition does not increase the calorie content of oatmeal porridge. If porridge is cooked in water, it retains all the beneficial substances, but at the same time has low calorie content. The calorie content of oatmeal porridge cooked in water will be only 84 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, this wonderful product can be safely used in weight loss diets.

Pearl barley porridge, or “perlovka” as it is commonly called, is pearl barley. During the production of cereals, barley is peeled and crushed. Since this cereal is quite hard, it is recommended to soak it in water for some time before cooking. It won't affect your caloric intake at all. pearl barley porridge, but will make it soft and tasty. Pearl barley porridge contains minerals such as calcium, iodine, copper, bromine, zinc, phosphorus, etc. The porridge is rich in vitamins and amino acids. Considering the low calorie content of pearl barley porridge, it would be appropriate for both breakfast and dinner as a side dish. The calorie content of pearl barley porridge in water is about 137 kcal per 100 g.

Rice porridge is essential for those who suffer frequent disorders, as well as other gastrointestinal diseases. Porridge contains a lot of potassium and sodium, which helps remove excess fluid from the body. Since the number of calories in rice porridge is small, it can be safely used in weight loss diets. Porridge will help remove excess liquid, and the calories in rice porridge will not add extra pounds. So how many calories are in rice porridge? If you cook it with water, the calorie content of the dish will be 78 kcal per 100 g.

Barley porridge is finely chopped pearl barley. It also contains all the beneficial substances that make up barley, but at the same time, it is easier to prepare due to the fact that the grain is smaller. It is important to know that the protein contained in barley is more valuable than that found in wheat. Barley porridge will help enrich the body with silicon, zinc, iron, magnesium and other beneficial substances. The calorie content of barley porridge depends on whether it is cooked in water or milk. Those who watch their figure prefer porridge cooked in water. The calorie content of barley porridge in this case is minimal. And yet, barley porridge with milk has a special mild taste, and that is why many people prefer this porridge for breakfast. But the calorie content of barley porridge with water is only 76 kcal per 100 g, which is a strong argument in favor of choosing it as a dish that helps you lose weight.

The flakes are saturated with vitamins B, PP, H, E, minerals calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, manganese, copper.

The calorie content of boiled rolled oats in water per 100 grams is 55.3 kcal. In 100 g of dish:

  • 1.7 g protein;
  • 1.2 g fat;
  • 10.4 g carbohydrates.

To prepare porridge with water you need:

  • pour 200 g of water into a saucepan, bring the water to a boil;
  • add 2 g of salt, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, stir the resulting mixture thoroughly;
  • cook the porridge over low heat for 8 - 10 minutes, remembering to stir;
  • Let the prepared rolled oats steep for 3 – 5 minutes.

Calorie content of rolled oats with milk per 100 grams

The calorie content of oatmeal porridge with milk per 100 grams is 95.6 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of porridge:

  • 3.8 g protein;
  • 3 g fat;
  • 13.4 g carbohydrates.

Recipe for making rolled oats with milk:

  • mix 100 g of milk and 100 g of water in a saucepan;
  • the mixture is brought to a boil, making sure that the milk does not “run away” and the liquid does not boil away too much;
  • add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal to the resulting mixture, add sugar and salt to taste;
  • cook the porridge for 7 minutes and after cooking, let it brew under a closed lid for 5 minutes;
  • those who like it richer can add a small piece of butter to the porridge;
  • For sweetening, fresh fruits and dried fruits are suitable instead of sugar.

Calorie content of rolled oat flakes in water with honey per 100 grams

Calorie content per 100 grams of rolled oat flakes in water with honey is 119 kcal. 100 g of dish contains:

  • 3.8 g protein;
  • 1.7 g fat;
  • 22.2 g carbohydrates.

Recipe for making porridge with honey:

  • Pour 4 tablespoons of oatmeal porridge with 4 tablespoons of cold water;
  • add 1 teaspoon to the mixture lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • leave the porridge to brew overnight.

The benefits of rolled oats

The following benefits of oatmeal porridge are known:

  • With regular consumption of rolled oats, cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced and the occurrence of cholesterol plaques is prevented;
  • short glycemic index porridge allows its use in the diet of diabetics;
  • the beneficial properties of rolled oats have been proven to reduce glucose and sugar in the blood;
  • vitamins and minerals of oatmeal porridge are useful for strengthening bones, teeth, preventing heart and vascular diseases;
  • porridge helps eliminate stress, increases the level of happiness hormones;
  • rolled oats are characterized by antioxidant and immunostimulating effects;
  • porridge is useful for normalizing gastrointestinal functions, preventing gastritis and peptic ulcers;
  • When losing weight and during a diet, such porridge eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Harm of Hercules

The harm of oatmeal porridge is extremely rare and is associated, first of all, with the use of oatmeal when contraindicated and in large quantities. You should not go on a Hercules diet, since such porridge contains phytic acid, which disrupts the processes of calcium absorption.

When purchasing cereal, we recommend choosing products from trusted brands. Cheap porridge contains a lot of starch, which increases blood sugar. If you have gluten intolerance, rolled oats, like any other cereal, are strictly contraindicated for you.

Overeating rolled oats can lead to disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight gain.

I apologize in advance for such a stupid question - I didn’t understand all the intricacies of calculating points on a hormonal diet. points are calculated as in the Kremlin diet - i.e. by 1 point per 100g of product? Or are these points for the entire portion? And here's another thing: breakfast 4 points - is it just one product or multi-component? Thank you all in advance)))

Recently I became interested in Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” diet; in general, everything is not bad, and there are goodies in the morning and almost separate meals for lunch and dinner. Not hungry in general diet, not 3 cabbage leaves per day. But one thing still confuses me is not to eat after 18. How is this possible, for example, I have dinner at 17, because I have a workout at 18, and then drink empty tea or water?

Maybe I should still eat something light at 8 p.m.

I stayed on a drinking diet for a week, the result was minus 2.5 kg. I expected more, but I'm glad about it too. I don’t want to stop, but drinking as a long-term option is also not an option))). Considered the 90 day system separate power supply, in which days alternate by type of food - protein, carbohydrate, starch, vitamin. I want to combine these two diets: alternate days of separate eating with drinking. I think this regime is more diverse and humane from a health point of view, and the results will be quick

The whole family is going to Turkey, we are extremely happy. But I’m afraid none of us will think about restrictions there. Once we get to the goodies, we won’t leave the table. How to eat properly on vacation so that you don’t feel excruciatingly scary and upset later? What excesses should you avoid in restaurants and on the beaches?

The “6 petals” diet is ideal for me, I can easily tolerate it, I’ve already practiced it 2 times. Everything is great, except for cottage cheese day - I hate cottage cheese. I’m planning another course from Monday, I ask in advance - what can replace cottage cheese? Is it even possible to change it? And does the replacement somehow affect the result? Thank you all in advance for the tips))

Girls, we need your support, advice and experience. It’s already the 11th day of the Dukan diet and there is no result!!! I strictly follow all the rules, but there is no plumb line even 100g!!! What am I doing wrong? What could be the reason for the lack of results? I will be very grateful to everyone for advice and opinions

The question is in the title. Anyone who has been on a strict protein diet with no carbohydrates, please share your experience. According to reviews, she has excellent weight loss results, but how safe is the absence of carbohydrates for health? Did you have any Negative consequences?

Good afternoon. I decided to try the Protasov diet - there are such good reviews about it. Need some advice from practitioners. I scoured the Internet looking for details and subtleties. I don’t quite understand about dairy products - there are a lot of contradictions: some say kefir is not allowed, others say only 3.2%, somewhere they write milk with only 5% fat content, is milk allowed?.. Which is correct?

Oat flakes are irreplaceable when you need to quickly prepare healthy and tasty breakfast for the whole family. From this article you will learn what nutritional value “Hercules” has, its calorie content and beneficial properties.

Energy and nutritional value

Oatmeal is a fairly high-calorie product. 100 grams of dry “Hercules” is more than 300 kcal! This amount of product contains about 50 grams of carbohydrates, 6.1 grams of fats, and 11 grams of proteins. High nutrition and oatmeal are not questioned at all. “Hercules”, which is so high in calories, can satisfy hunger for a long time. That is why it is better to eat it for breakfast.

Don't be afraid to cook cereals for fear of quickly dialing excess weight and ruin your own figure because they contain too many calories. After all, after boiling or steaming rolled oats, the calorie content of the dish will be lower. Of course, this applies to lean oatmeal with water, which has no added sugar and butter. If “Hercules” is cooked with milk, then the calorie content of the finished product will be affected by the degree of fat content of the milk used. The porridge will be more satisfying if you add nuts, dried fruits or fresh berries and fruits, honey. “Hercules” (calorie content is about 350 kcal per 100 grams) can be eaten at any time: for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the morning or afternoon it is better to cook and eat porridge with milk, it will be more satisfying, and in the evening - with water, since at this time of day you need to eat less nutritious food.

Oatmeal contains many different microelements, vitamins and minerals. Of course, some of these nutrients are inevitably lost during the production of Hercules, as the grain is flattened and steamed. The advantage this method is that the cereal ends up cooking quickly. This saves your time without losing the quality and taste of the finished product.

If you want to purchase flakes rich in iron, fluorine, calcium, iodine, and vitamins, purchase “Hercules,” which requires cooking.

Calorie content of rolled oats on water

Not only its nutritional and energy value, but also the benefits for your body will depend on the method of preparing oatmeal. For example, you can cook lean porridge in water without butter or sugar. In this case, 100 g of ready-made oatmeal will contain approximately 80-90 kcal. If such a simple porridge does not seem tasty and appetizing to you, add sugar and butter to it. Of course, the dish will become more calorie-rich from the addition of these products.

“Hercules” for the finished dish will not be as high as when using milk) it always turns out very tasty!

Calorie content of rolled oats with milk

People who monitor their health or want to lose weight are familiar with the problem of calculating the nutritional and energy value of a particular prepared dish. Of course, it is extremely important to take into account the calorie content of the product. It is known that every day healthy man should consume at least 2000 kcal, while dieters need only 1200 kcal. It is important for both to eat a balanced diet. It is important that the prepared food fills you for a long time. So satisfying and healthy dish is oatmeal. “Hercules” with milk (the calorie content of this porridge is 113-130 kcal per hundred grams) is healthy to eat for breakfast.

How many calories can you get from eating oatmeal?

If you don’t want to do long calculations, figuring out what food and energy value will have cooked oatmeal, you can use the following list:

  • dry cereal - 352 kcal;
  • porridge with milk - 113-130 kcal;
  • “Hercules” on water, calorie content - 80-90 kcal;
  • milk porridge with butter - about 150 kcal;
  • milk with sugar - 165 kcal;
  • on - 125 kcal;
  • milk with sugar and butter - about 200 kcal;
  • on water with butter and sugar - approximately 165 kcal.

Calorie content is presented per 100 grams of product.

Calorie content of “Hercules” with various additives

Some people find the taste of oatmeal somewhat boring and uninteresting. If you also share this opinion, try to diversify your usual porridge recipes by adding some additional ingredients. So, in the company of honey, the calorie content of milk will be about 130 kcal. Oatmeal with raisins is extremely tasty. You can prepare this porridge with milk, adding butter and sugar. IN this option execution, the calorie content will be about 170 kcal. You can prepare a delicious sweet porridge without adding sugar. Instead, it is better to take more healthy pumpkin. In this version, “Hercules” (the calorie content per 100 grams is small) will appeal to everyone without exception.

What does caloric content depend on?

The energy value of the finished dish will depend on several factors:

  1. What technology was used to produce the cereal?
  2. Porridge is cooked in milk or water. Depending on the liquid in which the oatmeal was cooked, the dish will turn out to be more or less high in calories. Of course, milk increases the energy value of porridge.
  3. Any additional ingredients increase the nutritional value of the product.

Hercules porridge got its name in honor of the hero of ancient Greek mythology. This man had amazing strength that helped him perform incredible feats. That is why it is recommended to periodically eat Hercules flakes. The calorie content of this product directly depends on the method of grain processing. Eat oatmeal and enjoy life!