Juicy, sweet, but healthy: watermelon, its glycemic index and consumption rates for diabetes. Watermelon: Can diabetics eat it? Nitrate accumulation indicators

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, the season of melons and gourds begins. At this time, many people like to feast on the juicy pink pulp of watermelon. It's delicious and useful product which contains many vitamins and minerals. But is it possible to eat watermelon with diabetes? After all, its pulp has sweet taste.

Types of diabetes

Insulin is responsible for processing sugar in the body. It is one of the hormones of the pancreas. If this substance is completely absent, then fatal outcome from hyperglycemia.

In diabetes, the level of glucose in the blood is elevated. There are 2 forms of this disease:

  1. Diabetes mellitus type 1. With such a pathology, insulin is either not produced at all, or produced in negligible amounts. Such a patient needs substitution therapy. A person can live only by constantly taking insulin in the form of injections.
  2. Diabetes mellitus type 2. With this form of the disease, a person does not have impaired insulin production, but obesity is often observed. because of age-related changes, lifestyle habits and overweight the body stops processing carbohydrates.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to eat watermelon with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account the type of disease and the need for insulin therapy.

In addition, gestational diabetes is isolated in medicine. This pathology occurs in some women during pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes in the body, the pancreas cannot cope with glucose metabolism. In most cases, such a violation disappears after childbirth, but may adversely affect the condition of the unborn child.

Features of the diet for diabetes

To understand the question of whether it is possible to eat watermelon with diabetes, you need to understand the principles medical nutrition. When prescribing a diet, the doctor takes into account the following indicators:

  1. Glycemic index (GI). It is assigned to each food product. This value indicates how quickly carbohydrates from food enter the bloodstream. The GI of pure glucose is taken as 100 units.
  2. Bread unit (XE). This value shows how much sugar will enter the bloodstream from food. For 1 unit, a piece of bread is taken, weighing 20 g. It contains 12 g of carbohydrates. For their complete processing, 2 g of insulin will be needed.

These indicators must be taken into account in order to answer the question of patients whether it is possible to eat watermelon, as well as other sweet berries and fruits, with diabetes. It must be remembered that daily rate for diabetics should be no more than 15 XE.

The benefits and harms of watermelon

Watermelon is often called "sugar". It really has a very sweet taste, but the product is often used in diet food. The sugar content of watermelon is 10%, mostly fructose. The active participation of insulin is not required for the processing of such a monosaccharide.

Watermelon can be useful in diabetes. If this berry is eaten periodically in small quantities this will help the body to get vitamins and minerals. You must first consult with your doctor so that he adjusts the diet taking into account the Gi and XE of this product.

To the question of whether it is possible to eat watermelon with diabetes, the answer is yes. But this does not mean that the product can be eaten in unlimited quantities. It is necessary to comply with the measure. Excessive consumption of watermelons can still lead to an increase in blood sugar, while there is still a risk of gaining excess weight. Excess fructose will be stored in fat reserves.

A piece of watermelon weighing 135 g contains 1 XE and 40 Kcal. His glycemic index quite high - 75 units. Permissible Quantity product depends on the type of disease.

Watermelons for type 1 diabetes

Can watermelon be consumed occasionally in type 1 diabetes? If a person has to constantly take insulin, then he can eat 800 g of the product per day. Given that the GI of the berry is quite high, it is better to consume watermelon in small portions of 200 g for 4 doses with interruptions. Doctors allow such a considerable amount of the product per day only for type 1 diabetics, since these patients receive insulin, and they process sugar faster.

Watermelons for type 2 diabetes

If a patient is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, can watermelon be included in the diet sometimes? This is acceptable, but in very small quantities. You can consume no more than 200 mg of watermelon per day. This limitation is due to the fact that type 2 diabetics are usually obese and need to watch their weight.

Watermelon has a high glycemic index. The product is quickly absorbed, but then comes very soon strong feeling hunger. This causes a person to eat heavily. As a result, body weight only increases. To avoid feeling hungry, doctors recommend eating watermelon pulp with a piece of bread.

Sometimes type 2 diabetics ask: "Is it possible to consume watermelon in large quantities with diabetes, because the berry contains only fructose?" This question can be answered in the negative. Fructose is not safe for overweight people, its overuse may exacerbate obesity. It must be remembered that it is impossible to lose weight on a "watermelon" diet.

Gestational diabetes

Can pregnant women eat watermelons with gestational diabetes? This question must be answered in the negative. It is better to completely exclude this berry from the diet before childbirth and the normalization of sugar levels.

Antiglycemic drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women with gestational diabetes. This may harm the fetus. If the use of watermelon provokes an increase in glucose levels, then give the patient medical assistance it will be very difficult. Constant jumps in sugar adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and stick to a strict diet.

This applies only to cases of diabetes when it occurs as a complication during pregnancy. If a woman suffers from type 1 disease and receives insulin therapy, then she should follow the same rules as other diabetics.

Watermelon Products

Now you know if you can eat watermelon with diabetes. But other products are also made from this berry. These include watermelon juice, honey (nardek) and butter. Are they contraindicated for diabetics?

Watermelon juice is not recommended for any type of diabetes. This product contains a very concentrated composition of sugars. Contraindicated in patients and watermelon honey (nardek). You can only add watermelon oil to food as a dressing. It is not made from the pulp, but from the seeds, and will only bring benefits.

How to eat watermelon with diabetes?

In order for the use of watermelon to be beneficial, not harmful, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Diabetics should never eat watermelon on an empty stomach. This is especially true for type 2 disease. This will cause a sharp rise in blood glucose, followed by a feeling of hunger.
  2. You can not eat watermelons alone in order to lose weight. In diabetes, diets with a monotonous composition of products are contraindicated. In addition, such nutrition is inefficient, excessive consumption of fructose will only increase body weight.
  3. Before use, a whole uncut watermelon is useful to place in water for 2-3 hours. This will help remove nitrites from the berries.

It is better to eat watermelon during the main meal. Sometimes patients are interested in whether it is possible for patients with diabetes to eat watermelons at the same time as other products. You can answer that doctors recommend eating berries during lunch or dinner.

However, not all people find it delicious to combine the taste of melons with bread, as doctors advise. Pieces of watermelon can be added to meat or fish dish like a snack. They can be put, as an ingredient, in a vegetable salad, or decorate a curd dish with them. In summer, it is useful to prepare refreshing pulp cocktails with the addition of lime or lemon juice, mint. You can try different combinations, the main thing is that watermelon be added to food, with plenty of protein and fiber. This helps to reduce the glycemic index of the product.

Watermelon is known to everyone as a juicy sweet berry, which, in addition to good taste characteristics, has the ability to cleanse the body. But is it possible to eat watermelon with type 2 diabetes, and how will this affect? It depends on the effect of the product on the body of a diabetic, which will be discussed later.

Useful properties of berries

Watermelon is a low-calorie but sweet berry, most of which is water and a small percentage - alimentary fiber. Why it is quickly broken down and absorbed in the body. In addition, its pulp is saturated with many useful elements:

  • B vitamins, which contribute to metabolic processes in the body, are necessary for the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems;
  • vitamin C, responsible for immunity and hormone production;
  • beta-carotene - a natural antioxidant;
  • vitamin E, which helps to restore skin cover;
  • niacin, which reduces bad cholesterol in blood;
  • calcium, which is responsible for the formation of tissues, especially for the formation of bones and teeth;
  • magnesium, which promotes metabolism;
  • iron, which maintains hemoglobin levels;
  • phosphorus, which helps in the formation of bone tissue.

The beneficial properties of watermelon pulp are also determined by the presence in the composition of the carotenoid pigment lycopene, which prevents tissue aging and has the ability to destroy cancer cells. Vegetable protein helps cleanse the intestines.

Nutritional value of the product in 100 g of pulp:

  • 27 kcal
  • Proteins - 0.7 g
  • Fats - 0
  • Carbohydrates - 5.8 g

Glycemic index - 75 units

Watermelon pits are saturated with useful fatty acids and pectin, therefore, they contribute to the cleansing of the body, have antibacterial, antifungal and wound-healing properties. Watermelon seed oil is used in skin care cosmetics.

Effect on the body

The berry has a lot of water and fiber, which is quickly absorbed. Why is the pulp of watermelon able to have a diuretic effect. Therefore, the use of berries is recommended in the presence of sand or small kidney stones.

The multi-element composition of this natural dessert improves metabolic processes in the body, and also cleanses blood vessels and strengthens the heart muscles. Regular intake of fresh berries will help normalize blood glucose levels, which is why watermelon is very useful for diabetics.

Magnesium in the fetus positive influence to the central nervous system, on the work of the heart and reduces nervous excitability. Thanks to the mineral, the delicacy creates an antispasmodic effect, helps cleanse the intestines and helps with constipation.

Despite the high content of glucose and fructose in watermelon, due to the large amount of dietary fiber, sugar is quickly broken down and excreted from the body. Why the pulp of watermelon is allowed to be eaten by a person with diabetes.

The fruit of watermelon will be useful in diabetes mellitus. However, you should not eat it in large quantities, as well as with existing contraindications.


A patient with diabetes can enjoy the fruit of a melon culture only with a controlled form of the disease, when the glucose levels do not go beyond the permissible limits. In addition, there are diseases in which it is not recommended to use watermelon even for those who do not have diabetes.

So, it is worth limiting yourself in a juicy berry under the following conditions:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • acute inflammation of the pancreas;
  • diarrhea;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • flatulence;
  • swelling;
  • inflammation of the colon.

When growing popular gourds, harmful fertilizers are often used, and dyes can be pumped into unripe fruits. Therefore, you should buy watermelon in proven, specially designated places.

Use in diabetes

Diabetes and watermelon valid combination, which can benefit a diabetic if he has no contraindications, and the amount of product consumed does not exceed the recommended rate. Despite the fact that the sweetness of the fruit is determined more by fructose, which is quickly broken down in the body, eat in large volumes watermelon is not worth it. Eating a large portion at one time can lead to strong increase glucose and the appearance of body fat from excess fructose.

If you want to include this delicacy in your diet, you should consult your doctor, who will recommend a serving size according to your diet.

In the first type of the disease, when insulin injections are present, it is allowed to use small portions - about 200 g - four times a day. The second type of diabetes, non-insulin-dependent, requires a reduction in portions to 0.3 kg per day. In this case, you should follow the recommendations:

  • the daily rate of watermelon should be 200 - 300 g;
  • if you eat a fruit, you need to exclude other foods containing carbohydrates from the menu that day;
  • Before making dietary changes, you should consult with your doctor.

Exceeding the norm of fetal consumption in type 2 diabetes can lead to backfire. This will lead to the following manifestations:

  • frequent urination;
  • changes in red blood cells in the urine
  • bloating and fermentation in the intestines;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • increase in blood sugar levels.

The usual way to eat watermelon is fresh. But since it is quickly processed in the body, in the near future after its use there is a strong feeling of hunger. For a diabetic, this is a dangerous disruption in dieting. To avoid unnecessary stress for the body and prevent overeating, nutritionists recommend that people with diabetes eat watermelon with bread. This will saturate the body more and prevent the rapid onset of hunger.

Endocrinologists do not advise drinking watermelon juice because it contains a lot of sugars. For the same reason, diabetics should avoid watermelon honey, which contains 90% glucose. And here is the oil watermelon pits can be in the diet of a diabetic, only in an unrefined form.

Watermelon time begins at the end of summer and lasts until mid-autumn.

Everyone strives to enjoy tasty and healthy gourds.

Patients with diabetes will benefit from knowing the specifics of the application and the limitations that the disease imposes on them.

miracle berry

Watermelon belongs to the plants of the gourd family. It is valued for its taste and useful properties. Watermelon consists of 89% water, the remaining 11% are macro-, microelements, vitamins, sugars, fiber, minerals.

The list of useful substances includes vitamins A, C, B6, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, organic acids, sodium, panthenol, pectin. Watermelon contains a large number of beta-carotene, lycopene, arginine.

The pulp contains a lot of fiber, which positively affects the functioning of the intestines, removes harmful substances. Arginine has a positive effect on blood vessels, expanding them. Lycopene protects against prostate cancer.

The components that make up the berry normalize the outflow of bile. Also in the pulp there are organic acids that activate metabolic processes. This is especially true for overweight diabetics and.

It is useful to use watermelon in diseases of the kidneys. He brings out the sand excess liquid, has a diuretic effect. AT folk medicine used for the treatment of psoriasis, for the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular, joint diseases.

Among useful properties berries:

  • improved digestion;
  • pressure reduction;
  • removal of inflammation in the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • removal of toxins, toxins and salt;
  • when taken systematically, it displays;
  • fills the body with vitamins;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • well flushes the kidneys;
  • cleanses the intestines well.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:

Can a diabetic have watermelon?

The main rule in nutrition with diabetes is to avoid sugar surges. A person has to become an accountant in his life and keep counting the food consumed all the time.

When planning a diet, nutritional value and is taken into account. The daily menu should be drawn up, keeping a balance between proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates.

Is it possible to use watermelon with? Judging by its sweet taste, there are thoughts about the high content of sugar in it. However, the sweet taste is explained in this case by the presence of fructose.

It is absorbed without consequences, provided that its amount is less than 35 grams per day.

100 grams of berries contain 4.3 g of fructose, glucose - 2.3 g. You can take other vegetables for comparison. Carrots, for example, contain 1 gram of fructose and 2.5 grams of glucose.

Carbohydrates in the berry are less than in peas, apples, oranges. Their content is approximately the same as in currants, raspberries and gooseberries.

The berry has a positive effect on the body and helps:

  • normalize pressure;
  • improve metabolism;
  • reduce bad cholesterol;
  • remove harmful substances, which is especially important for type 2 diabetes.

Negative moment - jumps sugar when consumed above normal. Many consider watermelon dietary product. But there is no need to be under any illusions that it contains simple sugars.

From this we can conclude that watermelon, in terms of nutritional value, does not bring great benefit patients with diabetes.

What should be considered?

The body's ability to absorb glucose in diabetes depends on the severity of the course. Type 2 diabetics are allowed to eat up to 700 g per day. This rate is best divided by 3 times.

You should also consider other parameters of food. The berry can be consumed taking into account the recommended diet with.

Now you should understand another important indicator - the glycemic index of the berry. When choosing food, it must be taken into account. GI is a measure of how carbohydrates affect blood glucose fluctuations.

The glycemic index is conditionally divided into three levels:

  • low level - GI within 10-50;
  • average level - GI within 50-69;
  • high level - GI in the range of 70-100.

The glycemic index of watermelon is 70. This is quite high rate despite the low calorie content of the product. This contributes to a quick, but short-term jump in sugar. Melon is more useful in this regard, since its glycemic index is 60.

Diabetics need to be considered general contraindications to the use of the product.

These include the following:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • bowel problems - bloating and flatulence, diarrhea, colitis;
  • acute stage of stomach ulcer;

Watermelon - useful berry, which contains many useful material. It is approved for limited use in patients with diabetes on the principles of diet. General contraindications are also taken into account.

Diabetes mellitus (DM for short) - serious illness endocrine system, developing due to relative or absolute insufficiency of the hormone insulin. As a result, hyperglycemia develops - an increase in blood glucose. DM is characterized by a violation of all types of metabolism - water-salt, carbohydrate, fat, mineral, protein.

Diabetes affects children and adults, as well as certain types of mammals, in particular cats and dogs.

The disease can be conditionally divided into two main types - 1 (insulin-dependent) and 2 (insulin-independent). Type 1 diabetes was previously called juvenile diabetes because it affects mostly young people under the age of 30. Type 2 diabetes affects the majority of patients, about 85%, of which only a quarter are of normal weight, and the rest are obese or obese. The main goal of treating patients with diabetes of any form of the disease is to reduce blood sugar and normalize all types of metabolic processes in the body.

Methods of treatment are different depending on the type of disease: patients with type 1 require insulin injections, with type 2 diabetes mellitus is prescribed hypoglycemic drugs, and sometimes blood glucose levels can only be normalized by proper nutrition.

In general, a diet for diabetes, regardless of the type of disease, is an obligatory part of treatment. Each patient must strictly calculate his diet, the content of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, trace elements and vitamins in it. It is generally accepted that the diet for diabetic patients excludes the use of sugar and all products containing it. However, this opinion is not entirely true, since glucose is necessary for the nutrition of brain cells. Diabetics should replenish their reserves of this substance from certain types of berries and fruits.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to eat watermelon with diabetes, because this berry, as you know, contains a large amount of sugars.

Today we will find out whether eating watermelon is useful for diabetes and what patients should pay attention to when compiling a summer menu.

Can you eat watermelon with diabetes?

First, let's take a look at what's included chemical composition watermelon and what properties the pulp of a red berry has.

Despite the fact that 92% of the pulp of the fruit consists of water, it contains vitamins such as D, C, B2, B6, E, B1, PP, carotene, iron salts, copper, zinc, calcium, folic acid, roughage fiber (fiber).

Such a microelement base and vitamins present in the fetus stimulate metabolic processes in the liver and kidneys, prevent the formation of stones in gallbladder and ducts, improve the composition of bile.

Of course, the pulp of the berry contains a significant amount of carbohydrates and sugars, but their negative impact on the patient's body is blocked by plant-fiber elements and water.

It should be understood that diabetes affects not only the endocrine, but also cardiovascular system, and the use of berries allows you to replenish the body's reserves with potassium, sodium, magnesium, carotene, folic acid. Diabetes, as a rule, provokes a deterioration in blood flow, and a high content of iron in the red pulp contributes to blood thinning and the formation of new blood cells - red blood cells.

Endocrinologists assure that watermelon in diabetes is useful and will not cause harm to the patient, but only if it is used correctly.

Rules for the use of watermelon in diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2

In order to maximize the benefits of absorbing the sweet juicy pulp of watermelon, a number of recommendations from nutritionists must be taken into account.

  1. Despite the low calorie content (about 40 kcal per 100 g of pulp), watermelon has a high glycemic index, that is, it causes a fairly rapid, but short-term increase in blood glucose. In a healthy person, shortly after eating a berry, the pancreas produces insulin, the glucose level drops sharply, hypoglycemia sets in, accompanied by a feeling of hunger. The so-called watermelon mono-diets, which lead to weight loss, are strictly prohibited for patients with diabetes, as they cause stress due to hunger. That is why people with such a diagnosis should use this berry in doses and not more than 1 kg per day. It is best to stretch the pleasure of the fetus over several doses of 300-350 g, but at the same time limit the use of other carbohydrate-containing foods.
  2. Before the watermelon season, if the patient is going to introduce a berry into the diet, doctors recommend taking a control sample of blood glucose concentration in order to analyze the dynamics of fluctuations in blood sugar levels. The same procedure must be done at the end of the season.
  3. It is necessary to introduce the product into the menu gradually, eating no more than 200 g of pulp at a time.
  4. Patients with diabetes are advised not to choose bright red, scarlet juicy fruits, but pink, less sweet ones, since they contain less glucose.
  5. Watermelon contains a large amount of fiber, and this can lead to increased flatulence, especially if you eat scarlet berries along with other foods. Eat the fruit on an empty stomach without mixing it with other meals.

It is very important to choose a quality product that is not “flavored” with nitrates, otherwise enjoying a berry will only harm the body.

Remember the basic rules for choosing a watermelon:

  • dip a piece of pulp in a glass of water for a few minutes. If the liquid turns pink, feel free to send the fruit to the trash can;
  • to reduce the amount of nitrates in the fruit (this applies to all vegetables and fruits), lower the purchased watermelon into clean water for a few hours, then cut and proceed to the meal;
  • the watermelon season starts in July and ends in September. Fruits sold earlier than mid-July are “stuffed” with nitrates, and those sold later than the second half of September may contain substances that lead to poisoning. It is better for diabetics to give preference to melons, which are sold in late July - early August. Later berries should not be eaten.

Future mothers suffering from gestational diabetes are interested in the question: is it possible to enjoy watermelon with such a diagnosis?

Gestational diabetes occurs during gestation and disappears shortly after delivery. The disease occurs in approximately 4% of expectant mothers.

The reason for it is a decrease in the sensitivity of cells to insulin produced by their own body. This is due to the high levels of pregnancy hormones in the blood.

Doctors say that diabetes is not a death sentence. Patients live happily ever after, but it is necessary to control the consumption of certain foods. It has to do with the amount of sugar in the food. Patients with diabetes have their own rate of glucose consumption. Therefore, they often look for an answer to the question of whether certain foods can be consumed, and in what quantity. This constant control becomes the norm of their life. Nothing can be done, you have to calculate, control and comply with the consumption rate.

In the summer, you want to replenish your vitamin supply by consuming vegetables and fruits. The body needs vitamins like air and water. Many diabetics are looking for an answer to the question, is it possible to eat watermelon? Probably not. Judging by the fact that its pulp is very sweet, it means that it contains a huge amount of sugar. But let's not think for a long time, but immediately start looking for an answer.

watermelon and diabetes

This berry contains practically no proteins and fats, their amount is less than 0.5%. Most of all it contains carbohydrates 9-10%. But it all depends on the variety and the degree of its maturity. It would seem that the fruit should be included in the list of prohibited foods for diabetics. But it is not so. The main part of the carbohydrates in the juicy berry is fructose, which does not require insulin for complete absorption. According to studies, fructose in a diabetic can stimulate an increase in glucose levels, but this process is very slow and does not bring special harm body.

The glycemic index of this juicy berry is very high - 75. The pulp weighing 120-150 grams corresponds to one bread unit, but it all depends on the variety and ripeness of the berry. Watermelon contains a large amount of fiber and water, and, unfortunately, there are very few vitamins in it.

watermelon for type 2 diabetes

The use of watermelon for type 2 diabetics is not contraindicated. A positive factor is that, with a low calorie content, the gourd fruit contains a lot of fiber and water, which will replace light carbohydrates. negative factor is that the berry has a very high glycemic index. For a type 2 diabetic, it should be borne in mind that a high glycemic index can cause sharp rise blood glucose. healthy person this does not threaten anything, except that after consuming a watermelon, a feeling of hunger will be felt. For a type 2 diabetic who is obese, hunger is stressful for the body. Naturally, feeling hungry, the patient will suppress this feeling by eating sweets, those very harmful carbohydrates. For the sick

Diabetes mellitus of the second type is recommended to use juicy berries of 200-300 g per day. In this case, all calories in the products that the patient consumes should be taken into account. Type 2 diabetics can increase their intake of this treat by eating other carbohydrate-rich foods.

To prevent the deterioration of your health after consuming watermelon, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Watermelon diet for patients with type 2 diabetes is contraindicated. It will lead to weight loss, but after eating the berry, a feeling of hunger will be felt. Hunger for such patients is a shock to the body.
  2. The use of sweet berries is acceptable for patients with type I and type II diabetes, but subject to strict control over the amount of carbohydrates.
  3. Even a slight digestion of watermelon leads to increased urine output. This can lead to its sagging.
  4. The watermelon season is short-lived, therefore, in order to enjoy this delicacy to the full, you should balance the amount of carbohydrate intake in your diet during this period.
  5. Before including this melon fruit in your diet, consult your doctor.