The Art of Tao. Some practices. Women's practices to enhance sexuality. Taoist practice: "Moving the Heavens"

A person ruins his body so much that even at a very mature age, he already experiences many problems. As for men, many of them already suffer from impotence at the age of 35-45. There can be many reasons for this. This and cardiovascular disease, and pathologies of genitourinary diseases, and mental disorders. As a result, his potency suffers, his beloved woman becomes dissatisfied, which is followed by a break in relationships and twisted destinies. One symptom, and what devastating consequences it has.

You should not think that only those who have difficulties with potency need to think about their libido. Men who believe that sex for 5-15 minutes can fully satisfy their companion are mistaken. In order to fully satisfy a woman, more time is needed. In addition, a special culture and ability in intimate relationships, which Europeans, for example, do not have. This issue was given full attention in the East, which resulted in some practices. Many people know the Indian Kama Sutra, but few people know that all the psychophysical practices of the peoples of the East are aimed, among other things, at increasing male libido. In addition to the well-known yoga, ancient civilizations left their descendants with Taoist exercises for men.

What unexpected things can you get from practicing Taoist exercises?

What special things can men achieve by practicing Taoist exercises? It should be noted that these are not just exercises. This is a whole system of psychophysical exercises that allow you to heal male body not only physically, but also mentally. The health aspect is considered here in the context that it is really healthy man has enormous potential. He can sleep for several hours, and sometimes minutes, a day, while getting complete sleep. No illnesses can stop him, and his physical capabilities even in old age affect young people. Such a person is able to remember very quickly large amounts of information, etc.

Sexually, a man who practices this system can experience full orgasm multiple times in one sexual act. As surprising as this may sound, it is exactly so. Sex therapists believe that only a woman can experience multiple orgasms. Few representatives of the fairer sex know about this, and even fewer experience such an orgasm. For men, this is considered unattainable without any hyperactive manifestations associated with mental disorders and genitourinary system. But the fact of the matter is that in traditions oriental practices Multiple orgasms in men are considered quite normal.

The bottom line is that Europeans equate the moment of ejaculation with the moment of orgasm in a man. For this reason, the limited amount of seminal fluid and the relatively low rate of its reproduction after ejaculation limit the number of possible orgasms in men. To achieve orgasm, women do not require the release of any fluid, which, like men, is in limited quantities. But it will be surprising to learn that Taoists do not identify these concepts. They develop the ability to experience orgasm without ejaculation, which gives them inexhaustible opportunities for obtaining voluptuous sensations.

How to develop superpowers and gain true masculine strength

Looking at the above, we can state that Taoist exercises develop a man’s superpowers in all respects. He not only becomes healthier, stronger, smarter, but also gets the opportunity to fulfill any desires of women in the intimate sphere. Although for many European women it is considered happiness if sexual intercourse lasts more than 10-15 minutes. If her partner is capable of longer duration of sexual intercourse, then this is perceived as a miracle. In fact, this is the least that can be expected when using Taoist practices. But this does not mean that after completing a couple of exercises, you will immediately acquire the abilities of the world famous Casanova. We are talking about a system that needs to be built into your life, practicing it regularly.

In the intimate sphere, a man will have to discover and reveal his full potential of sexuality, which will lead him to the desired multiple orgasm.

Regular practice of Taoist exercises will allow you to feel your body more acutely, feel its processes, and also make it possible to influence and control them. This is the tool with which a man will be able to separate orgasm from ejaculation, since they are completely different physiological processes. Ultimately, instead of short-term pleasure, a man receives a series of orgasms, which also retain pleasant sensations longer than with ordinary orgasms.

The technique of multiple orgasms not only allows you to satisfy a woman to the extent she needs, but also leads to less fatigue and exhaustion that follows ejaculation. This leads to increased life expectancy in men, while maintaining their vitality. But in order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to integrate this system into your life. There is little benefit if, while performing sets of exercises from time to time, a man abuses alcohol, smokes, and is indiscriminate in his eating. All of the above capabilities are already inherent in a person from birth.

Nature created him perfect. However, the person wanted to go some other unnatural path. As a result, human life expectancy is relatively short. Biologically, he is capable of living much longer than he lives modern man. Average duration life of 65-79 years, which are demonstrated by the inhabitants of planet Earth, is at least two times lower than what they should have. And the abilities they possess are significantly lower than those that they are capable of. human body. But this does not mean that these abilities cannot be developed in oneself, as yogis, Taoists, and martial arts adherents demonstrate.

What are the benefits for men's health

But if life expectancy and superpowers develop in all people who practice Taoist exercises, including women, then for men there are some features that need to be considered in more detail. That is, we are talking specifically about increasing opportunities in intimate life. The very first thing a man will get is multiple orgasms, which he will be able to experience without losing an erection. All these orgasms will become longer in duration, and pleasant sensations will cover the entire body.

Sexual energy can be used not only in intimate terms. By practicing Taoist exercises, a man will be able to use this energy for general health improvement, thereby increasing your vitality and life expectancy. A keen sense of a partner will arise, whose desires will begin to be predicted. And if the woman of such a man does not know how to get multiple orgasms, then he will be able to help her achieve them. He will have the opportunity to use a more advanced technique for inserting the penis, which will allow him to fully satisfy his partner.

These exercises prevent impotence, relieve premature ejaculation, can increase the strength and size of the penis, allow you to control the volume of sperm released, improve the functioning of the prostate gland, and prevent its diseases, including cancer. Taoist system for men's health allows you to remain sexually active into old age and use your sexuality to deepen your spirituality.

One of life examples

So that all of the above does not seem unfounded to you, let us turn to cases from real life. After all, if these practices have existed for several millennia, there could not have been people who lived for a long time and remained sexually active. The fact is that adherents of Taoism are special people with special behavior. They do not calculate their age in calendar years, but measure life by counting the number of heartbeats, breathing cycles, and the number of ejaculations. According to their worldview, each person has his own number of heartbeats and respiratory cycles intended for him. As soon as they end, death occurs. Many European explorers and travelers who find themselves in villages inhabited by Tao adherents find it hard to believe that they are surrounded by people who are 100-120 or more years old and who look no more than 50 years old.

But there is an example that has become known to the world community, which is striking and difficult to believe. In the first half of the twentieth century, namely in 1933, it became known about the death of the Chinese herbalist Li Ching-yuen. He died shortly after he brought his 24th wife into the house. Having many wives in your life can be explained in different ways, but the Chinese government has recorded historical fact that this man was born in 1677, and at the time of his death he was 256 years old. It is curious that at the time of his death Li Ching-yuen still had his teeth, he was not bald, and throughout his life he had a huge youthful strength, excellent health and sexual potency. According to eyewitnesses, even at more than 200 years old, he looked no older than a 50-year-old man.

The famous Chinese herbalist, who practiced Taoist exercises, made no secret of how he reached his age and how he managed to stay in such good shape. Anyone who wanted to follow his example could hear a lot from him useful recommendations, but there were three basic rules. His first advice was that you need to live your life without haste. He believed that one should strive to do everything in a measured manner, not allow chaos into one’s daily life and avoid nervous shocks. You need to meet any joys and sorrows with a calm mind. In this, in his words, inner self-confidence helps, to prevent heart palpitations and to remain in what you are doing right now. If you sit, do it motionless, like a turtle. If you move, then do it as quickly as a bird in the sky, and if you sleep, then follow the example of a dog who has a very light sleep.

His second advice was that men should not allow excessive emotions into their lives. This, in his opinion, is especially true for older men. He considered strong emotions to be the biggest source of loss of vital energy, as well as the destroyer of sustainable functioning. internal systems and human organs. During emotional arousal, stagnation occurs in organs such as the liver, kidneys and lungs. It is these organs that are the main centers of detoxification of the body, and disruption of their work leads to a reduction in human vitality.

And the third piece of advice he gave was to do Taoist exercises every day. They noted that the duration of these exercises and the intensity of their implementation are less important than their constant, daily performance, so you need to not just do the exercises, but integrate the training into your life. Exercise should be as natural and necessary as brushing your teeth and eating. The famous Chinese herbalist considered the exercises “deer” for men, “turtle” and “crane” to be the most effective exercises for general use. But there are many other exercises for men.

The general recommendation for the “deer” exercise for men is to do it while standing. You need to place your feet firmly on the floor, mentally feel how they are pressed down, as if growing into it. Keep your back and head straight during the exercise. Press your middle fingers into the depression located at the base cranium. In this depression there is acupuncture point, which must be massaged 49 times. Such massage movements activate both hemispheres of the brain at the point where the nerve endings enter it. Next, you need to take a deep breath through your nose, touching your tongue to your gums and holding it in this position for the entire period of holding your breath. When exhaling, the tongue should touch the lower row of teeth.

Next, while continuing to stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, tighten your lower pelvis with a quick and energetic upward movement. This movement is accompanied by a deep breath, which lasts for 12-15 seconds. In this position, you need to remain in a tense state for 10-12 seconds, after which you exhale for 4-6 seconds, reaching the moment of relaxation. When performing this movement, energy is directed along the spine into the brain. Perform the exercise early in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed, for 21 repetitions.

Awakening the energy of life. Freeing Trapped Qi Francis Bruce

Taoist sexual practices

Taoist sexual practices

When people make love, the qi in their bodies is strengthened and itself increases sufficiently. As chi becomes more abundant and strong, we feel more alive, creative, and vibrant with life. Our blood and other fluids flow faster, causing us to tremble and flush our faces. For many, the release that follows orgasm is often the time when we feel most relaxed and when the chatter of the mind and negative emotions seems to fade away. We feel fully present to what we are experiencing.

Now Taoists are not concerned with a lot of the cultural, moral and religious baggage that sex can be associated with in the West. They are more interested in exploring energetic motives, and Taoist practices as such were developed by studying heterosexual adults who use contraception and do not use violence. With all this in mind, they approached the exploration of the possibilities of stimulating the free-flowing qi within people with a sexually disinterested and pragmatic approach. Taoist sexual practices fall into two categories:

Sexual Qigong – techniques that increase sensitivity and awareness to the chi flowing within you and your partner, including techniques that help you achieve healing benefits from any qi practice.

Sexual meditation – methods that lead to profound religious experiences, often called divine awareness, enlightenment, emptiness, or universal love.

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But before we move on to studying energy exercises that will help you become more sensual and magnetic, I want to inform you that Lisa Piterkina is conducting a unique open webinar “Sensibility on the verge of mysticism.” At the webinar you will learn a lot of interesting things (why flexibility of the mind is more important than flexibility of the body, how to fulfill your desires with the help of Taoist practices, study the “magic dictionary” of the mystery woman and learn how to always remain desired and seductive).

Women's Taoist practices

Five forms - exercises to increase sexual attractiveness.

This system is a type of qigong, it is called “Five Forms”. The system consists of 5 energy techniques that, when used regularly, will significantly increase your energy level and help open the channels through which the energy necessary for quality sex flows. The exercises are performed in the form of rhythmic tapping of vital points and channels.

How to tap:

It is performed with both hands. Tapping is done with palms slightly covered with bent fingers. Essentially, the blows are made by the lower part of the palm, closer to the wrist, as well as the 4 upper phalanges and the knuckles of the bent fingers. The sequence of exercises is very important, since each of them continues the process begun by the previous one.

The number of beats per minute ranges from 60 to 120, their frequency is slightly less than a second. All exercises are performed in a standing position - feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees (until you feel relaxed, there should be no tension). It is important to control the state of relaxation throughout the body and concentration on the process of working with energy. It is important to understand that energy goes where your attention is directed. Do all the forms with pleasure, and not by forcing yourself and trying to do everything as quickly as possible.

Five forms. Women's Taoist practices.

Form No. 1. Fold your palms into two relaxed fists and tap the area under your navel. There is the lower diantian - the first energy center. Apply blows one after another alternately, frequency is approximately 120 beats per minute. This tapping will serve as a signal for the body to open the sexual chakra.

Form No. 2. Leave your palms slightly folded into a fist or fold them into a boat (whichever is more comfortable for you) and tap the junction of the legs and torso. Try to choose a point in the middle of the line that connects the outer and inner side hips through groin. It is at the same level as the pubic bone. Apply blows with both hands, synchronously, the number of blows should be 60-90 per minute.

Form No. 3.Stretch your arms at your sides and tap lateral surface hips, exactly the point that is opposite the outstretched hand (also from 60 to 90 beats per minute).

Form No. 4. Start left hand behind the back to the area where the kidneys are located. The hand should lie on your back back side palms, and the palm itself is directed outward. At the same time, it should remain half-covered with your fingers, as if folded into a relaxed fist. After you place your left hand in correct position, bring your right hand behind your back, placing it directly above your left hand so that your fists are in the center of your back, on your spine, one above the other. Start moving your fists along your back in different sides, and then - towards each other, until they connect in the starting position. Tapping should be moderately intense, but not sharp, but calm, bringing pleasure.

If this form seems difficult to you, then at least simply rub the lower back area with the knuckles of your fist, making sure that the right fist is always above the left.

Form No. 5. With a relaxed fist of your right hand, strike the point of your left hand. This point is located on the wrist - at a distance of the width of one phalanx of the thumb (about 1.5 cm) from the palm. Do 60-90 beats per minute and then switch hands. If you doubt whether you have found the right point, you can tap the point where the pulse is usually felt.

Now you know the secret Taoist exercises for maintaining youth and attractiveness for a long time. long years. After you start practicing them, not only your sensuality will increase, but also your partner’s impressions of intimacy with you will intensify, they will become brighter and more intense.

Your energy channels will open and you will be able to feel a hitherto unknown feeling of endless love and joy. After all, it is precisely such a joyful and fulfilling woman that every man dreams of!

And, I repeat, don’t miss it new seminar Lisa “Secrets of extra sex. Sensuality on the verge of mysticism” and learn many other interesting secrets! All information - HERE .

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On a woman's shoulders modern world assigned many different responsibilities. She must manage to manage the house and get the children ready for school or kindergarten, do some cleaning, and even go to official work.

But some women devote themselves so selflessly to all household and work matters that they forget about their physical and spiritual condition. But it’s stress, short-term rest, constant mental and exercise stress, bad dream and poor nutrition negatively affect not only the female body, but also her intimate health.

Taoist women's practices

Since ancient times, Chinese healers knew that the pledge happy life- this is sexual health. Based on Taoist knowledge, we can conclude that the main female mission is the accumulation and conservation of energy. And this energy can only be used in the name of preserving the hearth and home.

Taoist secrets of love are as follows:

  1. Self love- this is one of the main conditions for women's intimate health. The main condition for every girl is to accept herself as she is. You shouldn’t constantly reproach yourself for minor physical shortcomings. It is recommended to stand in front of a mirror and shower yourself with compliments. This exercise will have a greater effect if you perform it completely naked.
  2. Taoist breast massage. It helps not only in unlocking sexual potential, but also in normalizing menstrual cycle and improving health. It is best to use your palm for this exercise. Place your palm on your chest and make circular movements. You need to repeat this nine times. And after that, put a little pressure on your chest and do this several times. During such a massage, you definitely need to think about your attractiveness and sexuality.
  3. Taoist practices for women also include ovarian breathing. Thanks to this “breathing,” the female body is enriched with energy, sexual strength, and blood circulation in the pelvic area improves. To perform such actions, you need to sit comfortably on the edge of a chair, your legs should be parallel to each other and shoulder-width apart. Hands should be placed in the area of ​​the ovaries. Then you need to start doing a light massage and feel how the internal organs are filled with warmth. While doing all this, it is advisable to use belly breathing. While inhaling, a woman is advised to imagine that pink light enters the body through the vagina, and everything that is dark and negative is exhaled. Then you need to move your hands to your stomach and continue to perform circular movements. Such exercises have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries and uterus.

It is very important to end each of these activities with gratitude. And it should be directed directly to itself. Having completed all the above actions, you need to feel that every cell of the body is filled with warmth and love. After completing these exercises several times, a woman will feel that her life is changing for the better.

Important! Women's Taoist practices are available and recommended at any age!

Exercises to Maintain Sexual Health

So, the main focus of Taoist philosophy is the preservation of longevity and sexual health. Taoist teacher Mantak Chia, master Li Jin-Yuen and many other Taoist scholars, who each lived in their time, compiled various exercises to help strengthen internal organs. Based on all this, 10 golden exercises have been compiled that will always help a woman remain beautiful, sexy and inspired.

Here are some of them:

  1. Deer. Before you perform this action thumb you need to hide it in your fist. And you can relax your hand only after completing all the manipulations. With your middle fingers you need to press on the dimple, which is located at the base of the skull, and massage it thirty-six times. Then you need to tense the pubococcygeus muscle, lifting it and doing deep breaths seven seconds. After tension, you need to relax, this is also done for seven seconds. Such manipulations are performed forty-nine times. After all this, the woman should feel pleasure. If this happens, then everything was done correctly and the desired effect was achieved. Taoists came to the conclusion that performing such a technique promotes rejuvenation endocrine system, strengthens the immune system and nervous system.
  2. Crane.
  3. Turtle.
  4. 8 diagrams. This action has a beneficial effect on active points female body. The execution consists of moving your arms, which, in turn, helps to relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders and shoulder blades. Starting position for execution: you need to stand straight, arms relaxed and along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to get rid of all thoughts, freeing the brain for positive thoughts. Next, you need to raise your arms halfway, imagining that you are holding a basketball in your hands. Knees slightly bent. Next, you need to raise your left hand up and lower your right hand down. Everything is done very slowly. The legs also need to be bent, the left one completely, and the right one halfway. Then the exercise is performed, alternating left and right hand and legs.
  5. Flight of the roc bird. The movements that characterize this technique help get rid of excess weight. Therefore, Taoist yoga for women often uses exactly this technique. The movements of this exercise resemble the flight of a bird.
  6. Swimming Dragon. Among the teachings of Taoism, this technique is used. It promotes good kidney function and strengthens the spine. The method of execution is that you need to describe three circles in front of you with your hands.
  7. Swimming frog. "Frog" helps in treatment thyroid gland. The execution consists of simulating a swimming frog.
  8. Phoenix spreads its wings. This complex helps restore physical and spiritual strength and is the final exercise among all exercises.

Attention! Performing such techniques requires complete relaxation, concentration and serious attitude to the exercises!

The goal of Taoist practices is to achieve complete liberation. Women's practices They are distinguished by the development of the ability to balance between emotional outbursts and the achievement of relaxed discipline, which leads to alignment and naturalness of what is happening, filling a woman’s life with meaning and harmony.

Taoist practices are not fundamentally a sexual aspect, but rather a deep disclosure of blocks that arose during the formation of personality. Practices for couples are just another aspect of our daily life, which often causes difficulties and is worth paying attention to, but we will not start with it.

Philosophy of Taoism.

Many thinkers have tried to concretize and assemble a philosophy, but the problem is that the Tao is a path, and no two roads are the same. Tao makes it possible to understand your path, your role in this path. It leads to knowledge of simple things in their essence and depth, to awareness of the moment through observation of what is happening and concentration of energy on a given moment. As a result of observing the simplicity of the moment human consciousness it seems to freeze, the ego recedes into the background, and the opportunity appears to touch being in its pure form.

How it works.

Imagine that every thought you have is a piece of energy aimed at obtaining a certain result. Now watch yourself. How many topics pop up in your head in 5 minutes? What about a day? Some of them are really meaningful to you, others are not. But you put a piece of your energy into each of them. Now imagine that you have gained concentration and concentrated on a certain thought for a couple of hours... It becomes very significant... The question often arises, why then do not all our thoughts come true, even if we are fixated on them? The fact is that often we cannot combine the execution of our thoughts with what is actually happening.

For example, you wanted to find Good work. And they even concentrated on this. However, from the point of view of the universe, a good job is one that will allow you to meet the person you need or that will give you the potential to develop, and you think that a good one is a well-paid one. Agree, this is not the same thing. And you are offered to go work as a salesperson at the cash register. You are unhappy, but it was you who made the request incorrectly. What could you be unhappy about?

So, the depth of Taoism lies in stopping creating requests and at the same time using all your concentration on what is happening in this moment, thus allowing what is happening to be as favorable to you as possible. To put it simply, you, for example, prepare food and don’t think about how you can get a car; you are completely focused on preparing food. All your energy is concentrated on what is happening. Since you are completely devoted to the process, your future is formed by itself, there is no longer a need to do anything for it.

How to get there.

As stated above, no two paths are the same, so you will have to walk this path as it is, and it cannot be known to anyone except you. The teachers around you can only guide you, allowing things to happen. It is unknown how long it will take you to travel this path, and whether it will be difficult or smooth for you. Of course, there are practices that you can do to help maintain balance, especially in those moments when understanding leaves you. You can also do meditations for breakthroughs in your own understanding.

One of the most common mindfulness exercises is to shift your attention to the present. We have five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch. Every time you find yourself caught up in the endless rumination of the same thoughts, simply ask yourself, “What am I hearing? What smell do I smell? What I see? What does it taste like in my mouth? What I feel?" The answers to these simple questions will bring you back to the present. And there is no deeper practice than constantly returning yourself to what is happening.

Sexual Taoist practices.

The main difference between a man and a woman in this matter is the charge physical body. A man has a positive charge at the bottom and a negative charge at the top, while a woman has the opposite. The perineum, or first chakra, is negatively charged, and the seventh chakra (crown) is positively charged. It is thanks to this difference that when making love, a man and a woman create an energy vortex. When used skillfully, this vortex can fill the bodies of both, and also direct energy to fill what is happening. However, it will be difficult to achieve anything without deep concentration. Of course, practices during lovemaking should be used as a practice of maximum inclusion. Then the process itself will bring not only pleasure, but also fulfillment.

Depending on the position of the bodies, energy centers are connected in different sequences, and flows switch, clearing and filling both the physical and energy bodies. If the concentration of at least one partner is strong, then with the power of attention you can direct the flow to one point or another, allowing the center to pulsate, enhancing sensations in the physical body.

Exercises for women.

A woman should start by exercising her vaginal muscles. This simple exercises, which will allow you to bring more joy to both yourself and your man. Exercises must be performed daily. They are very simple. It is necessary to tighten the perineum - as much as possible. Start with 20 times and go up to 108. At the beginning, you may experience dizziness and even malaise, heaviness in the stomach. You can take a break for a while and start practicing again. The most important thing is to practice daily and eventually you will find that your sensations are enhanced.

When performing these exercises you must remember several rules:

Keep your attention in the center of the abdomen, in the uterus. You shouldn’t think about other things while squeezing, be completely focused on what’s happening in your body;

Keep the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, this will cycle the energy in your body;

Concentrate on the sensations. You should not chase the result, as you may lose sensitivity.

After the birth of a child, the vagina sags, and as a result, it may happen that even simple tightening will be difficult. Don't despair, after just a couple of months of daily training, your vagina will begin to recover and you will feel stronger muscles. A good squeeze of a woman's perineum will give her a strong first lock. With strong pressure, energy is pushed upward, breaking through tightness and opening blocks in its path.

It is worth mentioning safety measures when performing this exercise. If you feel tension in the area between the eyes, then you should stop the exercise until the tension goes away, then resume training again. In addition, you should not overdo it during pregnancy. You need to start such training during this period, if you have not done it before, very carefully, carefully observing yourself. Do not be overzealous so as not to cause uterine tone.

Exercises for two while making love.

The first thing you can experiment with is speed. Try slowing down the pace of your movements and combining them with your breathing. If you are in the missionary position: in those moments when the man enters, the woman inhales, the man exhales; when a man comes out, he inhales, a woman exhales. In this pose, the movement of energy is normal in a circle. The energy loops between the bodies, with the highest point of contact being either the tongue or heart center. Mutual deep breathing, combined with the movement of the bodies, will give extraordinary sensations in the physical body.

You can also try a sitting position, where the man sits (you can sit on the sofa, but it is better to use the lotus or half-lotus position) and the woman is on top, facing her partner. To perform this practice, a woman must have well-trained thighs - so much so that lovemaking does not cause physical discomfort. In this position, the flow of energy is also direct, but you can use the energy to flow beyond your bodies. This means that when inhaling, a man enters a woman, and the energy passes up the middle column (which is formed from their bodies) and bursts out like a fountain, flowing down the sides, as if washing the energy bodies, and again enters from below into the energy column of the couple, creating an energy structure couples as one.

As mentioned above, even if one of the couple is a practitioner, he can build the flow of energy in both. But you should not do this without the consent of your partner, since no one has yet canceled the freedom of choice.

Lada Tikhvinskaya