How to Effectively Use Aloe Vera to Treat Sunburn

Aloe - famous medicinal plant, the juice of which has antibacterial, disinfectant, wound-healing and regenerating effects. Aloe is used for treatment colds, infectious lesions genitourinary system And skin problems. The plant can be used to combat acne, as well as the healing of wounds, cuts and thermal damage. The use of aloe for burns provides antiseptic treatment wounds and allows you to speed up the healing process due to the rapid restoration of the epithelial layer.

Features of use

Aloe contains a large number of vitamins and mineral salts, as well as amino acids and antioxidants, which stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells and promote rapid healing of the wound surface. The plant is suitable for the treatment of thermal and chemical damage to the skin and mucous membranes with a small affected area.

Aloe juice should not be used to treat 3rd and 4th degree burns, as it will create a moist environment on the surface of the wound, which will impede its healing.

You should not use the plant juice if you are intolerant to it, as well as prone to allergic reactions and irritations. Aloe is a highly allergenic plant, so caution should also be exercised by people with bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system.

How to prepare a wound?

Immediately after skin contact with chemicals or sources high temperatures It is necessary to wash the wound and cool the affected area. The easiest way to do this is to hold the damaged part of the body under running cold water, but this method is only suitable for 1st degree burns, since the water pressure can cause discomfort and increase pain.

If possible, it is better to use a bath. It is necessary to fill a basin or any other container (depending on which part of the body is affected) with cold water, and keep the damaged skin under water for at least 15-20 minutes. Another option to quickly cool the burn site is to apply it soaked in cold water. thick fabric. It needs to be changed every time it gets warm.

After about 15-30 minutes, when the skin is cooled and the pain subsides a little, it is necessary to perform an antiseptic treatment of the wound. This must be done in the following order:

  • carefully pour any antiseptic solution(“Miramistin” or “Chlorhexidine”);
  • leave for 3-5 minutes;
  • remove skin particles and dirt using cotton swab, moistened with a solution of “Furacilin” or any antiseptic.

Some people recommend using soap for washing. Doctors do not recommend doing this, as soap dries and tightens the skin and increases pain.

3 Effective Ways to Use Aloe

Aloe for burns is used only for local treatment, although oral use can also be beneficial: juice from aloe leaves strengthens the immune system, improves tissue repair and regeneration processes and has a mild analgesic effect. For the treatment of burn wounds, only a freshly cut plant is needed, so these treatment methods are well suited for those who grow aloe at home.

First way

The simplest and most convenient. The aloe leaf needs to be cut off (almost at the base), washed, the thorns removed from it and cut lengthwise. Press slightly on the edges of the leaf to release the pulp, and apply this side to the wound. You can secure the plant with a bandage.

Important! The use of whole leaves is possible only for grade 1 lesions that have a small area.

The bandage must be changed every 3-4 hours. Aloe will draw out pus and prevent wound infection, speeding up the healing period and preventing possible complications.

Second way

Squeeze out the pulp from the cut leaf (it has the consistency of jelly and contains the juice of the plant) in an amount sufficient to treat the wound. Apply the resulting pulp generously to the burn site and leave for several hours, covering the top with a piece of soft fabric. Instead of paste, you can use aloe gel - it must be gently rubbed until completely absorbed.

Note! Do not massage the burn site or rub in the plant juice, pressing hard on the wound surface. This can lead to additional injury and increased pain.

You need to apply the product 2-3 times a day. Continue treatment until full recovery epithelium.

Third way

For minor burns on your hands or feet, you can take a bath with aloe juice. To do this, 50 ml of the product must be mixed with 5-7 liters of water (temperature - no more than 28-30°). Additionally, you can add a glass of linden or chamomile decoction to the bath - they will soothe damaged skin, relieve inflammation and reduce the intensity of painful sensations. You need to keep your hands in this bath for 10 to 30 minutes.

If the burn is in a hard-to-reach part of the body (for example, on the stomach), you can take a bath with aloe juice. In this case, its quantity must be increased to 350 ml.

Important! After taking a bath, you should not rub your body with a towel. To remove excess moisture, simply pat your skin with a soft towel. You can use an old cotton sheet - it is much softer than terry and waffle bath accessories.


Treatment of burns with aloe is quite effective and safe method, but precautions must be taken and discontinue use of the plant if there are any signs of intolerance or the occurrence of side effects. It is also not allowed to apply aloe to grade 3 and 4 damage. If the burn becomes covered with blisters and a weeping crust, or if a scab has formed, you should contact the surgical or burn department of the hospital.

Burns are a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Depending on the type of effect on the skin, they come in several types: thermal, chemical, electrical, solar.

Based on the severity of the lesion, they are divided into degrees: from the first, the mildest, to the fourth, the heaviest.

If burns of a domestic nature, that is, happened at home, you should know how to help the victim before the doctor arrives.

Types of burns and first aid

The first actions should be aimed at removing the source of the lesion.

  • If skin damage occurs due to exposure hot water, steam, or a hot surface of an object, it is necessary to water the wound cold water about 10-15 minutes.
  • In case of damage from chemicals, it is necessary to neutralize them on the skin. If the burn is caused by acid, you need to wash the burned area with a weak solution of soda, and vice versa, if the alkali burns, you should wash it with a weak solution of vinegar.
  • After an electric shock, the source should be de-energized. And then you can start treatment.
  • In case of sunburn, you need to move away from direct sunlight into the shade and cover your body with clothing.

When the wound surface visually looks like a red spot, this is the first degree of severity. Although the pain is severe. The appearance of bubbles with liquid inside indicates a second degree burn.

If the affected area is not extensive, then in grades 1 and 2 you can cope with the injury yourself, without resorting to medical care.

What not to do if you have burns

In case of household burns, actions are often immediately taken, the expediency of which is unfounded. This happens out of ignorance or because of traditional beliefs.

  • There is no need to immediately lubricate the damaged area with fat, be it badger, goose, or bear. Fat prevents the wound from cooling.
  • There is no need to lubricate the wound with alcohol-containing substances, including brilliant green, herbal tinctures or vodka.
  • No need to use soda, starch, baby powder.
  • It is unacceptable to puncture the resulting bubbles. This disrupts the sterility of the wound and promotes infection. Do not pour water on bubbles.
  • Do not apply ice to the affected surface of the skin, so as not to cause frostbite.
  • It is forbidden to tear off clothing that has stuck to the wound.
  • For extensive burns, do not rely on traditional medicine. You need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

Cases with minor and shallow skin lesions can be treated at home using available home remedies. It is good to use aloe for burns.

The healing properties of aloe, will aloe help cure burns?

Agave has a complex useful qualities that promote wound healing of different origins. The stem and leaves are medicinal.

  • The plant contains trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, useful for strengthening the immune system.
  • Has antibacterial ability to destroy harmful bacteria.
  • Has antifungal properties.
  • Antimicrobial action.
  • Promotes tissue regeneration at the cellular level.
  • May relieve or reduce pain.

By using aloe vera juice or gel on burns, you can speed up the healing of the damaged skin surface. The medicine from the plant will help with any type of minor first and second degree burns.

How to use aloe for burns

Agave that is more than 2 years old is already suitable for preparing medicine. If there is no medicinal plant in the house, then it is good to replace it pharmaceutical products. Their effectiveness is in no way inferior to freshly squeezed fresh juice.

  • For sunburn It is recommended to treat the affected areas not with juice, but with a decoction of agave leaves. To do this, take the 4 bottom leaves of a 2-year-old aloe, chop and boil in half a liter of water for 2-3 minutes. Aloe decoction for sun burns must be left for half an hour and poured into a bath with warm water, in which you need to lie for 10-20 minutes. If this is not possible, then you should wipe the affected skin every hour with a gauze cloth soaked in the broth. You can also periodically lubricate it with aloe gel, which relieves pain and redness from sunburn. Usually by the next morning painful sensations leaving.
  • When exposed to boiling water or steam If the wound area is not extensive, you should apply a cut leaf of the plant with gel to the skin and bandage it. You can also periodically lubricate the affected area with gel. Using aloe for a burn from boiling water will significantly reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Under chemical influences after neutralizing the substance that caused the skin lesion, use the plant juice diluted with water and apply it to the wound. But it is recommended to do this after medical assistance as aid treatment.
  • For burns electric shock you need to apply compresses from a paste of plant leaves or lubricate with fresh juice. Use the product until the wound is completely healed.

For every type of skin damage, aloe vera medicine will relieve pain, swelling, reduce inflammation, accelerate healing and restoration of the skin. There are only some contraindications for the use of drugs with medicinal plants.

Precautions when using aloe-based medicines

Aloe, for all its usefulness, must be used with caution, like any medicine. It is not advisable to use drugs with agave components in some situations.

  • 3rd and 4th degree burns require hospital treatment and specialist supervision.
  • Pregnant women should consult their attending physician.
  • People who have allergic reaction on aloe, you should refrain from using this medicine.
  • If you have liver or kidney diseases, it is undesirable to use drugs of this kind.

Although the plant is used topically for such injuries, in such doubtful cases it is better to consult with your doctor.

How to prepare medicines from aloe

To treat burned skin surfaces it can be used as Fresh Juice plants and pharmaceuticals.

  • Cut off the lower leaves of a 2-3 year old plant, wash it and remove the rough skin. sharp knife. Apply the jelly-like pulp to the wound and bandage it. Change the bandage after 4-6 hours.
  • Stir 100 g of ground leaves into 5 liters of boiled water, cooled until room temperature water and use as a bath for burned skin of the hands or feet. The procedure time is up to half an hour.
  • Extract the gel from the lowest leaves by cutting off the thick skin of the leaves. Rub the gel into the affected area until completely absorbed. Perform such actions several times a day.

This simple treatment is quite effective. It will completely replace pharmaceutical sprays and ointments.

Aloe has unique properties, so it is often used in medical purposes. This plant is a representative of the green home medicine cabinet. In today's article we will talk about how to use aloe for burns.

It has long been known that folk remedies are not inferior in their effectiveness to pharmacy products medicines. Aloe juice is used for treatment various types burns. The juice is used both as an independent remedy and as an auxiliary. It all depends on the degree of damage. It is noteworthy that this medicinal plant It will not only speed up the healing process, but will help avoid the formation of scars.

Aloe juice is the basis for many medicinal mixtures which are used for external use. Aloe pulp long period time can maintain the concentration of moisture, thereby relieving inflammation and protecting the wound from the penetration of harmful bacteria.

In addition, aloe draws out pus from the boil. This formation can occur on any part of the body. Usually a boil causes a lot of trouble to a person, primarily due to pain. You should not squeeze out the abscess yourself. It needs to be given time to mature. The purulent head appears only after a few days.

Now it's time to extract the pus out. Aloe is precisely the simplest and effective means, which is capable of drawing pus from a boil.

A bruise is another unpleasant formation that often appears on the body. Of course, you want to quickly get rid of this painful spot, which was the result of a bruise. Pharmacists offer a lot today various means, but you can use lotions with aloe juice for bruises.

As you can see, the faith of our ancestors in the healing power of plants was not in vain. And now, when pharmacies are overflowing with medicines, we can use what nature itself gave.

Video “Healing properties of aloe vera”

In this video you will learn about the basic healing properties aloe plants.

Preparing the affected area

Before applying an aloe compress to the wound, the affected area must be prepared:

  1. We immediately eliminate the cause of the burn. For example, if the burn is sunny, move to a shaded area.
  2. Determine the degree of burn. So, degree I damage affects only the epidermis layer. Redness appears at the site of the lesion, there are painful sensations. Second degree burns are characterized by blister formation and severe pain. Stage III lesions already penetrate through all layers of the skin. Such burns can cause swelling, but they hardly hurt because the nerve endings are affected.
  3. Cool the affected area. This manipulation will help “pull” the heat out of the wound and soothe skin before applying aloe. You can place the affected area under running cold water for 15 minutes or apply a cloth soaked in cold water to the wound.
  4. Next, clean the wound with soap foam. Then rinse again under cold water and blot dry with a towel.

Please note that you should not rub the skin forcefully, because the skin may crack or blisters may form.

Features of application

For thermal burns

Burns from boiling water are the most common injury. For this reason, the presence of agave ( popular name aloe) on the windowsill will not be superfluous. This medicinal plant will quickly restore the skin and reduce pain during the healing process. It is enough to take one leaf, cut it lengthwise and apply the pulp to the wound, securing it with a bandage.


This type of burn requires caution. First you need to completely cleanse the skin of the chemical. Aloe is used as additional means. The affected area is wiped with a solution aqueous solution aloe every two hours. You can apply a compress with crushed leaves.


In case of sunburn, apply freshly squeezed juice to the wound. Healing juice Apply a couple of times a day, already on the second day it stops itching and inflammation subsides. Note that the drug can be stored for a short time in the refrigerator in a glass container.


In case of an electrical burn, aloe juice is applied to the injured area, which is previously diluted with water. You can apply a freshly cut leaf of the plant, pulp side down, to the affected area. The enzymes in the juice will reduce the likelihood of scarring. When applying the juice, which contains 22 amino acids - the building blocks of cells, damaged cells are regenerated 8 times faster.

Wound healing

To heal wounds, ointments and compresses from aloe leaves and their juice are used. The leaves located at the bottom should be used because they are more fleshy and mature. The most benefits come from leaf blades with dried tips. The length of the leaf blade must be at least 15 cm. Aloe juice, which is used to heal wounds, must only be freshly squeezed. The fact is that the longer you store it, the less useful components and healing properties remain in it.

Primary processing

An aloe leaf is applied to the open wound, after cutting it, then a fixing bandage is applied, which is changed during the day. The plant is rich in phytoncides, resinous substances and vitamins, and therefore has a bactericidal effect on the damaged area. Agave draws pus from open wound. Aloe juice is also applied to wounds that do not contain pus. The plant has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Recovery phase

To treat wounds, an ointment is prepared: the leaves are freed from thorns, crushed and mixed in equal quantities with boiled water, after which the same amount of glycerin and 1 tsp are added to the resulting mixture. lemon juice. The resulting mixture is infused for a day in a dark place. Now all that remains is to strain the mixture and store it in the refrigerator. The ointment is applied to heal wounds, ulcers, and bedsores.

Aloe juice accelerates the healing process for frostbite, bruises, and insect bites. One of the properties of agave is to prevent the formation of rough scar tissue. He calls fast recovery and regeneration of cells in the injured area. Under the influence of aloe, it is created 4 times faster connective tissue, and dead cells are more intensively processed by the enzymes that make up the plant.

Professional athletes use this unique healing remedy to treat muscle pain, sprains, scrapes and bruises.

Precautionary measures

When used externally, agave juice has virtually no contraindications, so aloe is successfully used for purulent wounds, burns and other skin lesions. If the drugs are used intramuscularly for treatment, there are a number of contraindications. Agave should not be used internally during heavy periods. Liver diseases, kidney nephritis, and some types of heart diseases require consultation with a doctor.

Various types of bleeding are also on the list of contraindications, as they can increase blood flow, which will worsen a person’s health.

Injections with aloe extract should not be given to children under three years of age. If there is a low-quality tumor, the plant should also not be used, as this can lead to an increase in the tumor.

Pregnant women and people prone to allergies should consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Wounds are treated with aloe juice purchased from pharmacy kiosks. Before using it, you should dilute the contents with water, as the composition uses alcohol. Otherwise, allergic reactions are possible.

Use aloe juice with caution when severe pain and swelling, as well as burns on the face.

Burns are one of the most common skin injuries, and they can be varying degrees gravity. Burns can be caused by electricity, fire, sun, radiation and even friction. Since ancient times for treatment skin diseases Aloe vera is used to relieve inflammation. Doctors recommend using aloe vera to treat minor and first-degree burns, and aloe vera can also be used to treat some second-degree burns. If you have been burned, follow the tips in this article to assess the severity of the burn and treat it with aloe vera.


Wound preparation

    Eliminate the cause of the burn. If you are burned, you need to move away from the source of the burn as quickly as possible. If you are burned by an electrical appliance, turn it off and put it away. If the burn is caused chemical agent, move away from the place where this substance is located. If you get a sunburn, try to get into the shade immediately.

    Determine the severity of the burn. According to severity, burns are divided into three types. Before you begin to treat a burn, you need to find out the extent of the damage. A first degree burn only affects upper layer skin. There is usually redness and pain at the burn site, and the burn itself is dry to the touch. A second-degree burn penetrates deeper into the skin, usually appears moist or pale, and is often accompanied by white blisters and pain. Third degree burns penetrate all layers of the skin and sometimes even extend to surrounding tissue. These burns appear dry or hard and may contain areas of black, white, brown or yellowish color. These burns may swell and be extremely severe, but they are less painful than moderate or moderate burns. weak degree because the nerve endings are damaged.

    Cool the wound. Once you have assessed the severity of the burn and eliminated the cause of the burn, you should cool the burned area. This will help draw out the heat from the wound and soothe the skin before applying aloe. Turn on cold water and as soon as possible, place the burned area under it - keep it under water for 10-15 minutes. It is very important to do this as quickly as possible.

    Clean the wound. Once you have cooled the burned area, it will need to be cleaned. You can soap your hands and gently rub the soap suds over the affected area to clean it. Rinse the affected area thoroughly with cold water to remove any soap. Pat dry with a towel.

    Treating a Burn with Aloe Vera

    1. Cut the stem from the plant. If you have aloe growing in your home or where you were burned, you can use fresh aloe. Cut or tear off several thick leaves from the aloe vera plant - this should be done as close to the trunk as possible. Trim the thorns to avoid pricking yourself. Cut the aloe leaf in half lengthwise and collect the aloe gel in a saucer or plate.

      Use store-bought aloe products. If you don't have aloe growing at home, you can purchase aloe cream or gel. Such creams or gels are usually sold in pharmacies and some supermarkets. When purchasing, make sure that the cream or gel consists of natural aloe. Some products contain higher aloe content than others, so it is recommended to pay attention to the percentage of natural aloe content.