How to treat teeth at home - recipes and recommendations. How to treat teeth in a private clinic for free

Toothache usually begins with damage to the enamel caused by tooth decay. Caries is tooth decay caused by acids. Acids are produced by bacteria living in the oral cavity, from food debris, and dental plaque that is not removed from the teeth. A small crack or hole in the tooth enamel is enough for food debris to get into it, and after these residues rot, the dentin underlying the enamel begins to collapse. It is much softer than enamel and breaks down much faster. Then the lesion reaches the pulp, in which the nerve is located - inflammation of the soft tissue begins, which leads to acute toothache.

How to treat toothache

Caries cannot be cured on your own, but acute toothache can be relieved folk remedies to wait for a dentist appointment

Folk remedies for toothache.
Let's look at the simplest folk methods for treating toothache at home.

Salt water is the simplest folk remedy for pain

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water - toothache quickly subsides.

Salo is a proven remedy

Place a piece of salted lard between the cheek and gum at the site of pain, hold for 15-20 minutes until the pain subsides. Helps 90%

Treating a tooth with cloves at home

You need to take a clove bud and place it on the sore tooth, trying to chew it lightly. The pain will go away in 10-15 minutes. Cloves have a strong anesthetic effect. You can put a cotton wool moistened with clove oil in the hollow

How to relieve toothache at home with vanilla

Sprinkle vanillin powder (not sugar) onto the sore tooth. The pain will go away in 10-15 minutes


Rub the gum around the sore tooth with a clove of garlic.
In folk methods of treating teeth with garlic, there is also this method: if the tooth hurts on the right, then on the wrist of the left hand, in the place where the pulse is felt, you need to attach a cut clove of garlic, cut side to the skin.

Vodka and alcohol infusions

Treatment of toothache at home is carried out in a simple way. Rinse your mouth with vodka and spit it out. The pain goes away quickly due to disinfection and anesthesia. It’s even better if it’s not just vodka, but vodka infused with calamus or galangal root (10 g per 500 g of vodka or 40% alcohol). It is good to use tincture of horseradish root for treatment (fill the jar halfway with horseradish, fill it to the top with vodka. Leave for 3 days)

Also, in folk remedies for toothache, decoctions of medicinal herbs are often used.

Decoctions are made concentrated 2 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth with warm broth 3-4 times for half an hour. This allows you to quickly get rid of toothache. The following herbs are used: creeping thyme (thyme), hyssop, sage, horsetail, yarrow. The same rinses are made from a decoction of garden turnip roots.

Honey and Rusty Nail- an ancient home remedy for toothache

With flux, in order for the abscess to break through faster, you need to take an old rusty nail and, having heated it red-hot, dip it in honey. A black substance forms around the nail, which should be lubricated 1-2 times a day on the gum near the sore tooth. This remedy is also used to treat skin abscesses.

Painful teething in children

It happens that children are teething, with high temperature and pain. This usually happens when there is a calcium deficiency in the body. If you give your child calcium supplements during teething, this process will be much easier.

Greetings to another reader of the site) Every person throughout his life experiences pain in his teeth, which lasts for several days, or even weeks. That's why I decided to write this article about , or rather toothache.

Before I learn about how to cure toothache, I want to write a little about what provokes it and why it actually occurs. Toothache is a very unpleasant (painful) sensation in the oral cavity. Remember that tooth pain occurs only when it is already pathological process started, which means you need to consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

The main symptoms of toothache:

- Acute pain in the tooth;

- Pain with throbbing;

- Can “shoot” at;

- Sometimes a slight fever.

What causes teeth pain or causes of toothache:

Caries is the most common dental disease and quite dangerous. Accompanied by damage to tooth enamel and the formation of a cavity in which bacteria intensively develop. At the initial stage, a person does not pay attention to mild pain when eating cold and sour foods. Later, after some time, the pain begins to last longer and more often. If the tooth is not treated at these stages, then strong pain after eating hot and sweet foods and can last for several days, appears bad smell from the mouth, “shooting” pain in the ear.

High sensitivity of teeth– appears after eating sour, sweet, hot, cold foods, as well as after chewing hard food. The interesting thing is that increased sensitivity teeth is not always associated with their disease. One of the reasons may be violations metabolic processes in the human body. I advise you to consult a dentist who will carefully examine your teeth.

Flux is a dental disease that manifests itself as swelling of the gums, accompanied by severe and excruciating pain that can radiate to the neck, ear, etc. Slight temperature, a very red tint is added to the swelling. How to treat toothache associated with gumboil? The flux may open up on its own over time (a a large number of pus) or you can consult a doctor. You need to know that after this you need to start carefully monitoring your teeth, because there is a possibility of losing a tooth!

How to treat a tooth at home

- Treatment with garlic. A very simple remedy that will help relieve tooth pain. Take a clove of garlic, put it in salt, then apply it to the sore tooth. Do this several times a day and the pain will subside.

— Food can get into the aching tooth while eating, which provokes severe pain, to get rid of it, you can put warm water in your mouth and rinse big tooth(10 minutes) for better effect I recommend adding salt.

- Take ice and apply it to your cheek, opposite the sore tooth. If you have gumboil, then under no circumstances do burnout, this can only harm you and provoke the intensive development of gumboil.

— For the following recipe you need: 2 glasses of water and 2 tablespoons. plantain leaves. Finely chop the plantain leaves and pour them hot water. Let the mixture brew and cool slightly (about 20-30 minutes). Strain thoroughly; you can rinse your mouth and aching tooth.

- Propolis. Very simple and at the same time effective remedy For dental treatment at home. Take a small piece of propolis, roll it out in your hands (it is necessary for the propolis to heat up and soften), then apply the propolis to the painful tooth, after half an hour the pain will subside.

— Place a piece of lard between your cheek and sore gum. It is recommended to hold it for half an hour; after time has passed, the tooth will stop hurting.

Now you know, how to treat a tooth at home. I would like to write a few words about the prevention of toothache. The most important thing is to regularly consume dairy products, and also try to eat seafood several times a month. Brush your teeth regularly toothbrush change every three months. Get examined by a dentist once every six months; this will allow you to detect dental problems at an early stage.

This problem can cripple the most courageous and strong people. Toothache is caused by caries, pulpitis, abrasion of the dental neck (the part of the tooth located in top layer gums), periodontitis. And this is not the entire list of reasons that frighten us that can cause such a problem. Herbal medicine can alleviate a person’s condition. But no matter what folk recipes for treating toothache we use, sooner or later, you will still have to see a dentist.

But in order to somehow reduce the pain, some resort to all kinds of medications, while others resort to traditional treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies for toothaches at home

Pain often overtakes us in the most unexpected moments. And, alas, due to busyness or late time of day, it is not always possible to immediately visit the dentist. Of course, many people immediately rush to take painkillers, but they should not be abused. And everyone should know this, because medications can have a bad effect on the body and cause addiction to them. This means that if you have any severe pain, then one tablet will no longer help you.

Medicines for toothache can be very diverse. They can be divided into two main groups: traditional medicine recipes aimed at treating teeth, gums and other diseases of the oral cavity and medications.

Effective folk treatment at home

Here are some popular methods:

No matter how strange it may sound, lard can help you in treatment. Apply a piece of lard to the painful area and after 15 minutes the pain will stop.

You can grind garlic with salt and place it on the surface of the diseased tooth. Garlic decoction or garlic-based tincture will be effective.

If there is nothing like that nearby, then you can apply ordinary ice.

There are cases when all of the above remedies do not work. Most often this happens when a section of the nerve is “exposed”. In such cases, you can try cotton wool with alcohol or vodka. Your goal in this case is to kill the nerve. As an alternative, you can use a swab soaked in iodine solution and then place it on the tooth for a few minutes.

Tooth sensitivity can be reduced by honey, aloe, pollen, oak bark, and if you suddenly have stomatitis, then the combination of fat and honey will help you recover from this illness.

Place a small piece of fresh beetroot on the sore tooth and leave it until the pain goes away.

Place a few drops of valerian on the tooth that is tormenting you.

Valerian or horse sorrel leaves can be placed between the tooth and cheek or chewed a little, this will help relieve some pain.

Enough unusual way, but very effective - wrap a little finely chopped onion in gauze and put it in the ear opposite the painful tooth.

Below the back of the head, a hot rag is applied to the neck, or a piece of horseradish or mustard wrapped in cloth, use such means that will warm up and bake well.

There is one more folk method, which has become widespread, to relieve toothache you need to wrap a clove of garlic in a napkin and apply it to the pulse on the hand that is on the opposite side of the painful tooth.

To relieve dental pain ethnoscience advises using onions, which must be placed inside gauze and applied to the area near the ear, but opposite the tooth, that is, if the diseased tooth is on the left side, then the onions must be applied to the right and vice versa.

An excellent folk remedy is this: you will need a little salt on the tip of a knife and a clove of garlic. Grind the garlic to a mushy state, add soda to it, mix everything with a toothbrush and thus brush your sore teeth. After this, your mouth must be rinsed warm milk, the pain and burning will go away. Basically, by adding a little salt to your toothpaste, you ensure your teeth are pain-free. In addition, it will kill all germs and bacteria, and in the end, the teeth will be protected from caries, and this protection is much better than pure toothpaste.

If your tooth begins to ache under the crown, then this pain can be cured with the help of folk remedies. You need to take one teaspoon of salt, a few drops of vinegar and a small pinch of ground black pepper. All ingredients must be mixed in one tablespoon made of stainless steel. It will need to be held over a small fire, when the composition of the spoon boils, you need to hold it on the fire a little more and mold it small ball from the mass you obtained during the cooking process. When a tooth hurts, apply this ball to its gum, you will immediately begin to produce a lot of saliva, constantly spit it out. Actually, you understand that the balls are not very convenient to apply to the gums, so it is better to roll them into plates and apply them to the painful areas in this form. This method traditional treatment toothache remedy is very effective and gives instant results.

If you don't have pills on hand, but the pain is preventing you from functioning and working normally. In this case, you need to drop Valocordin into the diseased tooth or moisten a cotton swab and place it on the tooth. If you don’t have this at home, then a regular soda solution is excellent for relieving toothache.

A mixture of garlic helps a lot with toothache. Salt and onion. You need to make a paste of garlic and onions, add salt to it, and mix thoroughly. All available ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. Place a little paste on the sore tooth and cover with a tampon.

However, in folk medicine there is more easy method To relieve toothache only with the help of garlic - you need to rub garlic on the wrist of the hand that is on the opposite side of the painful tooth. It is important that the garlic juice gets on the skin.

If you get relief from the pain, you should definitely visit your dentist in the near future. Only professional doctor will be able to correctly identify your disease and carry out competent therapy. As you know, you can’t joke with your teeth, and over time, the smallest caries can develop into a big problem.

Effective ways to relieve toothache with infusions and preparations

An infusion of common yarrow, Moldavian dragonhead or a decoction of cinquefoil can be used as a painkiller; calamus root can be infused with vodka and used for toothache.

Horsetail can be boiled or infused in hot water, for this, two tablespoons are poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water and allowed to brew overnight. This remedy helps with diseases of the gums and teeth if you rinse it systematically oral cavity.

One hundred grams of oak bark is poured into one liter of water, simmer for fifteen minutes, then add two tablespoons acetic acid, a piece of red pepper.

10 grams aspen bark pour a glass of water and boil for seven minutes over low heat. This product is used to rinse the mouth for diseases of the teeth and gums. Folk remedies can not only help relieve her attack, but also calm her down. sore gums.

You need to make a tincture of plantain. Or simply apply a plantain leaf to the sore spot and leave for a few minutes. After about half an hour, the toothache will go away a little.

Sage - home remedy for toothache. You need to make a warm sage decoction and rinse your mouth with it. It is very simple to prepare this decoction: take a tablespoon of sage herb and boil for about 10 minutes. After the decoction has cooled, you need to thoroughly, at least. Rinse your mouth for 10-15 minutes. To completely remove the pain, it is better to do such rinses up to several times a day.

Effective decoctions for toothache

If your tooth hurts, decoctions of the following herbs will help:




Mustard plaster


Although traditional medicine has been tested for many centuries, you still need to trust more to the official means, which are practiced by real dentists. But the main thing to remember is one very important rule, which is that any products and medications must be prescribed to you by your dentist. This applies to the use of folk remedies, since you need to know what exactly needs to be treated, because it is not the teeth that may hurt, but the gums. And most importantly, to relieve toothache, you need to remember that this is just the tip of the iceberg, because one way or another in the future you will have to cure a bad tooth, it will be simply necessary.

Traditional recipes for relieving acute toothache at night

She doesn't give me peace for a long time. And there are two ways out: go to the doctor or treat yourself at home using natural recipes. So here are the most simple recipes.

It is useful to rinse the mouth with an infusion of ivy budra herb. Pour a tablespoon with 200 grams of boiling water and boil for about 5-7 minutes. Rinse your mouth with this warm decoction, focusing on the sore tooth.

St. John's wort oil is useful to put on a sore tooth and hold until the pain subsides.

Nettle tincture will help relieve pain. A lotion is made from this tincture and placed on the aching tooth. 20 grams of nettle should be poured with 400 grams of vodka and left for 10 days. The tincture is ready for medical procedures.

Geranium will help with toothache. You can prepare a decoction: pour a tablespoon of geranium into 200 milliliters of boiling water and leave. You can rinse your mouth with this decoction or apply lotions to your teeth. If you don’t have a decoction on hand, and you have homemade geranium on the windowsill, then you can apply a leaf of this plant to the sore tooth.

Mix cinnamon and honey, crushed to a powder, in equal parts. This should be rubbed on the sore tooth.

To make the pain go away, traditional medicine advises keeping pieces of peeled beets on the tooth.

A decoction of sage will help a sore tooth. Steam a tablespoon of herb in 200 grams of boiling water and rinse your mouth with the warm filtered infusion.

The pain will subside 10-15 minutes after a mixture of chopped garlic, onion and powdered salt (crushed salt) .

A pea-sized amount of propolis should be applied to a sore tooth to make the pain go away faster.

You can soothe the pain lard. To do this, just apply a piece to the sore spot.

Treatment is effective with tinctures of valerian, cyanosis and motherwort. These sedatives will calm the pain.

It is useful to breathe in vapors of alcohol or vodka.

Alcohol tincture Calamus root is an excellent remedy for tooth pain. It is enough to lubricate the aching tooth with this tincture and the pain goes away instantly. Pour 20 grams of crushed calamus with 100 milliliters of vodka and leave for 14-16 days. Let's strain the tincture, you can safely use it.

Fir oil effectively relieves pain as a lotion. A cotton swab in fir oil is applied to the tooth and the pain quickly subsides.

But still, don’t put off visiting the dentist.

There is no doubt that such folk recipes, as we have already said, can only cure the symptom of pain itself, and not its cause. Prescriptions for pain relief are only suitable if this moment You can’t visit a doctor, but you definitely shouldn’t delay it.

Effective rinsing treatments will help cope with toothache

It must be remembered that any means used: pills and home recipes are only a short measure to combat pain, because the problem lies much deeper. After pain relief, it is important to consult a dentist to prevent complications. You cannot constantly “treat” yourself with folk remedies in the hope that the tooth will go away on its own. This won't happen for sure. However, in this article we would like to talk about how you can relieve pain if you currently do not have the opportunity to seek medical help.

Undoubtedly, the most famous remedies are mouth rinses.

The most famous folk remedy is a solution of salt or iodine in water (with iodine, be sure to follow the proportions! A couple of drops (weak) per 150 ml of water). The solution acts on sensitive dentin tissue, reducing fluid pressure in the dentinal tubules. You can rinse your mouth with various decoctions of herbs such as sage and chamomile, which have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Sage tincture. You need to brew 2 tablespoons of sage leaves in a glass boiled water. Let the infusion steep for an hour. Rinse the tooth continuously for 20 minutes, then once every half hour.

Folk remedy St. John's wort tincture. Brew 2 tablespoons (tablespoons) in a glass of boiling water. It is necessary that the decoction steep for an hour. You can also moisten cotton wool with a similar solution and apply it to the tooth.

Turnip tincture. Take 2 tablespoons of tart turnip, pour a glass of boiling water over it, and cook the broth for 20 minutes. After the broth has cooled, rinse your mouth.

Oil solution tea tree. You need to drop a few drops into a glass of warm water, stir thoroughly and rinse your mouth.

Folk remedy: baking soda solution. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and rinse the sore spot thoroughly.

You can buy a sorrel collection at a pharmacy, take 20 grams of the collection and boil it in a glass of water, you should rinse your mouth with this decoction, you should try to keep the decoction near the affected tooth. When the liquid in the mouth has cooled, it is spit out and the warm broth is again taken into the mouth, this procedure is repeated four times for 30 minutes.

Another one for sure good remedy To relieve toothache, use a decoction of sage. It needs to be rinsed in the mouth, especially in the area of ​​the mouth where the painful tooth that is bothering you is located. It is necessary to rinse about three times - four times within a day.

A good remedy is infused with alcohol solution yarrow, which should be used to rinse the mouth several times a day after meals.

Aspen bark has excellent antipyretic, wound-healing, bactericidal and diaphoretic properties, thus being an excellent folk remedy. You will need one tablespoon of aspen shavings, pour boiling water over it, then boil for fifteen minutes and leave for half an hour. When the broth is infused, you can rinse your mouth with it and the toothache will go away as quickly as it came.

Using propolis at home for toothache. It is necessary to place a piece of propolis on the tooth and cover it with cotton wool. Wait 20 minutes without opening your mouth. If you do not have fresh propolis, then you can buy a special infusion of it, take a teaspoon of propolis, pour boiling water over it and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

We don’t think that everyone will have Novocaine and Lidocaine at home, but if this happens, they will become excellent helpers. First, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water mixed with baking soda and iodine. And then inject an aerosol of Lidocaine into the tooth cavity, or soak a swab in a Novocaine solution and apply it to the diseased tooth. The same method is used for dental drops.

And yet the most effective method Relieving acute pain is a quick trip to the dentist. The main thing is to wait until morning. As a rule, in most clinics, patients with acute dental pain are seen first.

If, after going to the dentist, the toothache does not go away, and blood is added to it, protruding from the open hole after extracted tooth, you need to do the following. First, rinse your mouth with the same chamomile. Secondly, to avoid infection, you need to moisten a piece of cotton wool in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the sore spot.

Unfortunately, many people, having relieved the pain, immediately forget about the desire to visit the dentist. However, you should not postpone this unpleasant visit, otherwise simple caries can develop into more serious and painful consequences.

Prevention of toothache with folk remedies

To prevent pain, you can follow some recommendations from healers: It is very important that your gums and teeth do not collect germs. To do this, it is enough to eat half an onion a day or 2-3 cloves of garlic.

Everyone knows from childhood that you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Otherwise, caries and plaque may appear on the teeth, which also subsequently leads to serious problems and toothache. That is why after eating sweets that can cause caries, you should at least rinse your mouth - this will be an additional prevention of toothache at home.

We treat teeth at home using traditional medicine

Sometimes it is not possible to visit the dentist. It may be so for a long time... But proper care of your teeth and mouth in general is necessary every day. Since in the rhythm of life, sometimes you can find time to visit the office and receive professional help If it doesn’t work out, then you can resort to the “old-fashioned” proven methods of restoring health to your teeth and maintaining them in optimal condition.

So, with decoctions, infusions of water and alcohol, you can not only remove sharp pain, but also to treat many types of oral diseases.

Treatment of caries

Even shallow destruction of dentin cannot be cured at home. For this purpose, a filling is still needed. However, you can stop the process of tooth decay using different methods.

Horseradish tincture. It is made from alcohol or vodka. To enhance the effect in this remedy You can add chopped mint and fennel. The ingredients filled with vodka must be left for a month in a dark place. This infusion should be used to rinse your mouth if severe pain occurs. He is able to take it off. In addition, the tincture is considered a strong antiseptic, which will additionally get rid of bacteria;

Sage. You can take both the leaves of the plant and its flowers. The mixture, poured with boiling water, is infused for about an hour, after which you can rinse your mouth with it. It is also recommended on a tooth with carious cavity hold a tampon soaked in the infusion. Thanks to its natural antiseptic properties, the product allows you to kill pathogenic bacteria;

Propolis. A tincture from it is made in the same way as in the case of sage;

Laundry soap. It contains a special substance called gamma globulin. It is able to eliminate bacteria and stop their development. It is enough to brush your teeth daily with soap solution to ensure oral hygiene. Besides, laundry soap also has a whitening effect;

Camphor. The cotton wool is moistened in the solution and applied to the affected tooth;

Garlic juice. You can use the pulp or squeeze it out, and then use only a tampon soaked in the juice. You should hold it exactly until the pain subsides;

Onion peel. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of the husk should be done throughout the day and at least three times. Ideally, this should happen after all meals;

Calamus tincture. It is made in the same way using vodka. Rinsing should be carried out for at least five minutes.

But a remedy such as honey will not be effective in treating caries. Undoubtedly, it is useful and has a whole range of antiseptic properties, however, the natural sugar contained in it will negatively affect the condition of the teeth, worsening and thinning the enamel.

Treatment of periodontal disease

Such an unpleasant disease as periodontal disease can also be cured using the usual means. In this case, increasing the proportion of beets, cabbage, or rhubarb in the diet helps. They help reduce acidity. Gruel made from plantain and salt massage are good for getting rid of signs of periodontal disease. By the way, if there is excessive bleeding, it is better to avoid it, as this will bring additional pain. These same remedies help eliminate problems arising from periodontitis.

Pain relief

Sharp and severe pain can occur not only due to damage to the teeth by various types of diseases, but also as a reaction to temperature changes, too spicy, salty, cold. It happens that even when inhaling cooled and frosty air, the gums react extremely sensitively. In such cases indispensable assistants There will be recipes to reduce pain.

It has already been noted above that propolis, plantain and sage help well in such cases. You can make a paste from them, which, wrapped in gauze, can be put on the tooth, or you can make a decoction from them. The following tools also help:

1. Fir oil;
2. Unsalted lard;
3. A mixture of herbs from St. John's wort, oregano, oak bark, mint, linden color. You can make a tincture or decoction from them. In addition to relieving pain, they are excellent in helping to get rid of bleeding gums;
4. Mumiyo solution;
5. Fish oil;
6. Onion;
7. Chamomile;
8. Cloves;
9. Pine needles.

In most cases, it is enough to rinse your mouth several times with infusions and decoctions. Using oils and fish oil, for example, you can do additional massage, but only when the pain subsides.

Teeth whitening

You can also whiten your teeth at home. Such methods are an excellent alternative to expensive procedures. For example, a massage using a mixture of olive oil and sea ​​salt in addition to the whitening effect, it has the ability to reduce the manifestations of periodontal disease. Soda also has a similar effect, but it is better not to use both products often, otherwise there is a high risk of damaging tooth enamel.

Ash obtained from eggplants burned to charcoal will also help clean them of plaque. You can also use the ash that remains after burning wood.


The fact that we treat teeth at home using folk remedies is not bad. It is worth noting that it is impossible to completely cure diseases using such methods. Folk recipes They simply allow you to somewhat slow down their development, relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms. These effects will be enough for a small number of days to subsequently visit a doctor and completely cure the infection in the mouth.

IN modern dentistry There are many ways to quickly and painless treatment teeth, however, some prefer to limit themselves only to folk remedies used at home. In addition, sometimes toothache occurs suddenly, for example, at night, when it is not possible to contact a specialist. In such cases, traditional medicine will come to the rescue. Read more about how you can treat teeth at home in the article.

First aid measures

Probably everyone knows that pain cannot be tolerated. This may cause weakening immune system against the backdrop of constant worry pain. For relax general condition until it is possible to contact a specialist, measures must be taken urgent assistance while at home.

We must not forget that if at home it was possible to alleviate the pain syndrome, it does not occur over the next 24 hours. There is still no need to cancel your visit to the doctor. The inflammatory process, which has been suppressed, can continue to develop without obvious severe symptoms, and this is fraught with its transition to a severe stage and the occurrence of dangerous consequences.

If you cannot bear the pain, you can take any painkiller, for example, Sedalgin. The symptom will begin to decrease in intensity within 15–20 minutes. Drugs such as Nurofen and Ketanov do an excellent job not only with pain syndrome, but also with inflammatory process generally.

As a first aid measure for toothache, use propolis.

It is used as a compress, or rather, an infusion: a few drops should be placed on cotton wool and applied to the sore area. The indicated dosage is the maximum; it is not recommended to exceed it. Otherwise, you can cause a burn to the mucous membrane. Leave the compress on for no more than 30 minutes.

You can relieve sudden pain with an ice compress. Apply a piece of ice to the cheek on the side of the painful tooth. The compress is kept for 7–10 minutes, no longer. Dry heat It is prohibited to apply it, since increased blood circulation in the area of ​​the inflamed tooth increases the intensity of pain. You should not lie down during a toothache. This position also ensures increased blood flow to the jaw, and this causes increased pressure on the tooth tissue and an increase in the syndrome.

Nurofen will help eliminate toothache and reduce inflammation

After suppressing discomfort, it is recommended to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. soda solution. For several hours, you need to limit your food intake if there is a hole in the tooth. Getting food into it can cause pain.


You can treat your teeth at home using acupressure. To get rid of pain, you need to press on certain points located in various areas torso. Such an effect will help to quickly reduce the intensity of the syndrome, and after some time, completely suppress it. Areas where the points are located:

  • palm - backside, between the index and thumb(press the point with your thumb for several minutes);
  • palm – 2 cm below from the middle of the ring and middle fingers (apply with a nail until discomfort appears in this area);
  • index finger – left corner of the nail (apply lightly pressing the finger until pain appears in this area);
  • left cheek – the depression between the jaws (apply with light pressure index finger 5 times, and then massage with circular movements 25–30 times);
  • wrist - in the area where you can feel the pulse (you can massage it with your finger or rub it with garlic).

Folk remedies

You can quickly relieve inflammation with the help of infusions and decoctions, which are used to prepare compresses on the sore area. The following components can be used:

  • sage (2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour; the finished product is filtered, cooled and rinsed in the mouth for 30 minutes);
  • mint and calendula (2 tablespoons of the collection are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes; the finished product is used to prepare a compress, soaking cotton wool or a piece of gauze in it and applying it to the sore area);
  • plantain (the root of the plant must be placed in the ear cavity on the side where the diseased tooth is located, after placing it in gauze; leave the compress for an hour);
  • oregano (chew fresh leaves until the intensity of the syndrome decreases);
  • yarrow (2 tablespoons of raw material are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour; ready-made remedy rinse the mouth for 30 minutes);
  • lemon balm or chamomile (pour 8 tsp of raw material into 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 3 hours; rinse the mouth with the prepared infusion for 30 minutes);
  • thyme (pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into 1 cup of boiling water and leave for an hour; rinse the mouth with the prepared infusion for 30 minutes).

Sage herb is an excellent strengthening agent for teeth and gums.

Can be cooked healing compress from fir oil. This folk remedy has antibacterial effect and contains antioxidants among its components. In addition, fir oil copes well with pain, reducing its intensity. A piece of gauze is moistened in the product and placed on the gum near the diseased tooth. A second compress is applied on the other side of the gum. The manipulation is carried out for 2 minutes. Exceeding the compress time, you can get a burn to the mucous membrane.

An excellent remedy for treating toothache is beetroot and turnip juice. Cucumber juice will also be effective, as it helps strengthen gums and teeth and reduce the intensity of aching pain.

How to treat caries and tartar

Such pathological conditions, like caries and tartar, can also be treated at home, but only at the initial stage of their development. To treat caries at home, you can use the following remedies:

  • medicinal paste containing calcium and fluoride;
  • special restoring gel;
  • laundry soap (solution) used for cleaning teeth;
  • sprouted wheat, which is added to food;
  • propolis as a compress;
  • garlic paste, which is applied to carious cavities.

Only a specialist can eliminate advanced caries

Tartar is hardened plaque that was not removed in a timely manner by cleaning. It gradually causes destruction of dental tissue, causing inflammation, gum disease and caries. You can remove tartar at home using chewing gum prepared from radishes: the product is crushed, mixed with a small amount lemon juice and chew as long as possible. Apple or carrot paste works great for removing plaque.

How does diet affect dental health?

How to treat teeth at home, besides folk remedies and ready-made medications? Food products will also come to the rescue, consuming which you can speed up the process of restoring dental tissue by improving the condition of the immune system.

It is recommended to supplement the diet with dairy products, which contain calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen the enamel and protect the tooth tissue from pathogenic bacteria. You can eat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk and kefir, rich in vitamins B, D, A, which enhance the process of saliva formation, which protects the oral cavity from inflammatory processes.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, their hard varieties are useful: apples, carrots, cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, pineapple. Chewing hard vegetables and fruits helps naturally clean plaque. Carrots contain retinol, which ensures healthy enamel. Cucumber juice works great against periodontal disease. Watermelon juice has an antioxidant effect and helps strengthen gums and teeth. Oranges have a lot ascorbic acid, maintaining the level of acidity in the mouth. The enzymes contained in pineapple fight pathogens that enter the oral cavity.

Fish products contain large amounts of protein, which is good for dental health, as well as phosphorus, fluorine, and potassium. Fish helps strengthen bone tissue and enamel. Thanks to the iodine it contains, general immunity is strengthened and the risk of developing caries is reduced. Other useful productchicken eggs, containing vitamin D and phosphorus, beneficial for dental health. In addition, the shell contains calcium carbonate, a building material for hard tissue in the body.

Nuts contain protein, vitamins A, B, E, amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. IN walnuts- cellulose, folic acid, strengthening the enamel. The beneficial microelements found in cashews neutralize pathogenic bacteria that contribute to the development of caries. Phosphorus and vanadium are contained in pine nuts and help strengthen bone tissue. Nuts can be consumed with honey containing propolis and enzymes - substances that prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.

As is already clear, teeth can be treated at home, but only in combination with the main therapeutic treatment by an appointed specialist. In this case, folk remedies are an additional measure that will only speed up the desired recovery.