What is the name of the grass with yellow flowers? Yellow perennial and annual flowers for the flower bed. With red flowers

Raspberries can be found on almost every garden plot. Its berries are both tasty and healthy. For some reason, it is believed that raspberries are the most unpretentious shrub and can grow anywhere. In principle, we can agree with this statement. It will grow, but bearing fruit is a big question. Like all garden shrubs, raspberries need proper and regular feeding. And only when good nutrition she will delight you with abundant harvests.

Fertilizers for raspberries and their use

The development of shoots, the increase in vegetative mass and the formation of berries - all this requires a large amount of nutrients. In this regard, raspberries are more demanding on soil fertility than most berry bushes.

To create favorable conditions For fruiting, the bushes need to be fed in a timely manner. Without regular fertilizing, the soil is quickly depleted, which will immediately affect the harvest. Raspberries accept both organic and mineral fertilizers well.

Nitrogen fertilizers for raspberries

Raspberry bushes are most demanding of nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning of the growing season. The first feeding is carried out in early spring with carbamide (urea) or ammonium nitrate on melted snow.

Carbamide (urea) is used as the first fertilizer for raspberries.

For 1 m2 you need to take 1 tablespoon of the substance and intensively scatter it over the raspberry tree. Melting snow will suck everything in nutrients into the soil.

Video: feeding raspberries on melted snow with urea (urea)

After 2 weeks, one of the organic nitrogen fertilizers is applied (organic significantly improves the quality of the soil and improves its structure):

You can add ROST nitrogen concentrate with a ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 15:7:7 - an organo-mineral fertilizer.

Fertilize with organic matter 2-3 times per season, hoping that the last one should be no later than June. During the formation of berries, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied. They are also not used for late summer and autumn fertilizing, since they stimulate the growth of shoots, which greatly weakens the winter hardiness of raspberries.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for raspberries

In autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied to raspberry bushes. The most commonly used are superphosphate (the phosphorus contained in it increases plant resistance to diseases, stimulates the development of bushes, and increases productivity) and potassium sulfate (increases plant resistance various diseases, increases frost resistance). For one raspberry bush you will need 60 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium sulfate. For better absorption, fertilizers are carefully incorporated into the soil around the perimeter of the bush, trying not to damage the roots.

Superphosphate is applied to raspberries in the fall

Instead of superphosphate, especially on acidic soils, you can use phosphate rock. It is added 2 times more than superphosphate.

Complex fertilizers

Before flowering, raspberries must be fed with complex mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium.. Nitrogen stimulates the strength of the shoots so that they can withstand the load of ripening berries, and potassium is needed to fill the berries and increase the plant’s immunity.

You cannot use potassium fertilizers that contain chlorine for raspberries. It has an adverse effect on general condition bushes and provokes chlorosis.

The following are used as complex mineral fertilizers:

  • potassium nitrate;
  • nitroammophoska;
  • ammophoska.

You need to take 15–30 g of any of these fertilizers per bucket of water. Two buckets are used to water one linear meter.

To prevent water from spreading when watering, shallow trenches are made along the bushes.

Folk remedies

Most gardeners prefer to use folk remedies to feed their plots. The most common organic nitrogen fertilizers (chicken droppings, manure) were discussed above.

A popular and affordable organic fertilizer is weed infusion.. It is prepared in advance, at least several days before use. For this:

  1. For a 200 liter barrel, take a third of a bucket of chicken droppings or manure. Instead, you can use biological products Siyanie-3 or Vostok EM-1.
  2. They put in more weeds: about two-thirds of the barrel.
  3. To speed up fermentation, add sugar or fermented jam (half a liter jar).

To feed, 1 liter of infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water and watered at the root of each bush.

To avoid burning the roots of the plants, the bushes must first be watered with water.

It is better to prepare the herbal infusion in a plastic barrel, since it can oxidize in an iron one

Ash is a natural potash fertilizer. For summer fertilizing, it is better to apply it along with nitrogen fertilizers, adding one glass to a bucket of infusion. At the end of summer or autumn, you can embed a glass of ash into the soil under each raspberry bush.

Ash contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for better ripening of raspberries.

Potato peelings make an excellent organic fertilizer.. They are used as follows:

  • placed in compost heaps;
  • dried peelings are added to planting holes when planting raspberries;
  • used for mulching soil in raspberry fields.

Very simple but effective method feeding raspberries when the berries ripen - yeast infusion. Prepare the infusion like this:

Video: preparing yeast nutrition

The importance of fertilizing for raspberries

Raspberry nutrition - important factor correct height and plant development. The crop is more demanding of nitrogen and potassium, and slightly less demanding of phosphorus. When the soil is depleted, raspberry shoots grow thin, the ovaries do not develop and, accordingly, there will be no harvest.

The supply of nutrients from the soil is significantly affected by precipitation and watering. Frequent rains can wash away useful material, and in dry weather their absorption by roots is difficult. It is necessary to carefully monitor soil moisture throughout the entire period, and, if necessary, carry out additional fertilizing.

A lack of microelements can be determined by the condition of raspberry leaves. Phosphorus deficiency is manifested by redness of leaf blades and petioles. To replenish the deficiency of a microelement, foliar feeding is required, since the absorption of phosphorus-containing substances by the soil occurs very slowly. Fostar and Krista MPK preparations are suitable for spraying. Phosphorus is better absorbed by the root system only in combination with nitrogen.

When there is a lack of phosphorus, the leaves turn red

With nitrogen deficiency, plants look weak and leaves turn pale green. Microelement deficiency can be quickly eliminated with organic nitrogen-containing fertilizers. But at the same time, it is important not to overfeed the raspberries, otherwise their resistance to diseases will significantly decrease and the taste of the berries will deteriorate.

When there is a nitrogen deficiency, the leaves turn pale green.

First of all, potassium deficiency manifests itself on old leaves. Necrosis of the leaf edge develops. The remaining leaves will curl downwards, the berries will be small, tasteless and dry. Winter hardiness and immunity of plants are reduced.

Necrosis of the leaf edge due to potassium deficiency

In addition to nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, raspberries need sulfur, magnesium, calcium and iron. Most often, a deficiency of these microelements is not observed, since they are absorbed by the plant from the fertilizers that were applied during planting. Therefore, it is necessary to add potassium humate (contains a number of essential microelements) to nitrogen fertilizers in the spring. It is necessary to take fertilizing raspberries seriously, so as not to eliminate the consequences of a lack of nutrients later.

Features of feeding remontant raspberries

Nowadays, remontant raspberry varieties are popular among gardeners. It differs from the usual one in that it produces crops throughout the season. Remontant varieties require more nutrients. However, you should not increase the concentration of fertilizers; it is better to carry out one more additional feeding during the summer with complex mineral fertilizer.

A suitable complex fertilizer for raspberries is Agricola, which contains, in addition to phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, also microelements

Raspberries require increased nutrition throughout the season. You need to know exactly when and with what substances you need to feed the plant in order to get healthy bushes, a bountiful harvest, good disease resistance and frost resistance. In addition, it is very important to adjust the watering regime so that the plant has the opportunity to receive the necessary nutrition through the root system.

Raspberries are delicious and healthy berry having wonderful medicinal properties. It can be found in any garden, and wild raspberries have their admirers, as they have an amazing aroma. Caring for this plant, at first glance, does not seem too difficult: tie it up in time, trim off too long shoots, cut out fruit-bearing branches in the fall and this is enough to collect a small harvest, which will be enough for a treat in the summer and for a jar of another amazing jam for the winter, irreplaceable for any cold. But what needs to be done to ensure that your raspberries are large, clean, the bushes do not get sick, do not freeze, and bring at least 0.5 kg per bush, and the neighbors look with envy at the bushes strewn with berries. We are talking about timely feeding of the plant.

Why do plants need fertilizing?

Any gardener and gardener knows about the need for fertilizing. cultivated plants. Beautiful and large fruits grow only with a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. Their deficiency or excess leads to a decrease in yield and even death of the plant. Experienced gardener appearance raspberry bush can determine what substances the plant lacks. Signs of shortage minerals:

  • dark green leaves gradually acquire a burgundy color, sometimes with a purple tint - this is a sign of phosphorus deficiency; this element affects the fruiting of plants; if it is deficient, the process of bud opening proceeds more slowly, little growth is formed on the branches, all this leads to a decrease in yield, and phosphorus also contributes to good development root system;
  • pale green or yellow color of leaf blades with clearly visible darker veins indicates iron deficiency (chlorosis); such changes begin with younger leaves, and then spread further;
  • a lack of magnesium manifests itself as follows: the leaves turn yellow in the same way as with a lack of iron, and then the edges of the leaf blades gradually begin to die and wrinkle, which leads to the arching of the leaf, making it dome-shaped;
  • the bush grows poorly, the leaves are small and do not have a rich color - the plant does not have enough nitrogen;
  • when there is a deficiency of potassium, the water balance of the plant is disrupted, so the leaves along the edges begin to gradually dry out, the leaf blade becomes wrinkled, and the color of its underside acquires a grayish tint;
  • saturated dark green color leaves and a large number of shoots indicate excess nitrogen; with excessive addition of this mineral, raspberries become unstable to diseases, and taste characteristics decrease;
  • If there is a lack of boron, the buds of the plant fall off, and the bush has significantly fewer side branches.

Photo gallery: signs of insufficient mineral fertilizers

With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves acquire a burgundy-purple hue, but first of all, its deficiency is reflected in flowering and fruiting. Iron deficiency is called chlorosis. Its deficiency can be caused not only by a lack of iron in the soil, but also by its excessive liming. Magnesium starvation is similar to chlorosis. In the same way, the leaves begin to turn yellow, but the veins and leaf tissues next to them remain green. Nitrogen is one of the main elements of plant nutrition. With its deficiency, plants grow poorly and turn yellow. Plants suffering from a lack of potassium experience disturbances. water balance, their leaves gradually begin to die

What minerals do raspberries need?

For good growth and fruiting, raspberries need, first of all, to be provided with nitrogen and potassium. To a lesser extent, it is affected by a lack of phosphorus and microelements (iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, boron).

Table: approximate consumption rates of basic nutrients for raspberry plantations

Mineral substance.Volume of mineral absorption.Features of fertilizer application.
Nitrogen.From 40 kg to 100 kg per hectare of plantings (the amount of nitrogen absorption is affected by the type of soil and plant variety). A more accurate volume of applied substances is determined by monitoring the growth of the raspberry bush.
The amount of nitrogen consumed is reduced if raspberries are pruned no earlier than September.
The raspberry bush is formed within three years, therefore, the fertilizer application scheme for young and mature plantations differs:
  • in the first and second years, about six grams of nitrogen per square meter are applied and only to the planting zone; this norm can be divided into two to three doses: the initial feeding is done when the young shoots are ten centimeters high, the second - a month later;
  • in all subsequent years, the rate of fertilizer applied: from six to nine grams per square meter when distributed throughout the plantation; The timing of feeding is determined in the same way.
Phosphorus.The volume of absorbed phosphorus is small: about seven kilograms per hectare. But its absorption by the plant is affected by the acidity of the soil. The application rate is about five grams per square meter.The process of forming a raspberry plantation will be more successful if a sufficient amount of phosphorus (up to 400 kg/ha) is added before planting it. The use of polyphosphate will allow less control of soil acidity, since this fertilizer promotes better absorption of phosphorus. It is advisable to determine the volume of annual phosphorus application by soil analysis, but usually it is in the range of 4 – 7 g/m2
Potassium.During fruit set, raspberry plantations require about five grams of potassium per square meter. Even a small deficiency leads to a decrease in the growth rate of shoots.It is recommended to apply five to eight grams of potassium oxide per square meter annually. When choosing a fertilizer, it is not advisable to use potassium salt, since increased content chlorine can lead to chemical burn raspberry bush. As a last resort, you can apply this fertilizer in the fall, when there is no more sap flow.
Magnesium.The soil intended for planting raspberries should contain about ten grams of this element per square meter.The volume of annual application of magnesium oxide to the soil: from two to eight grams per square meter. But the process of absorption of this element by plants is affected by the concentration of potassium fertilizer, therefore, when a sign of magnesium deficiency appears, raspberry bushes are treated with foliar feeding (one percent solution of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate).

Seasonal feeding scheme for raspberries

When using fertilizers, both mineral and organic, we must not forget about moderation. AND An excess of minerals not only impairs the quality of the fruit, but can also lead to the death of the plant.

A good gardener never forgets to pay attention to each plant in his garden; if you divide the timing of fertilization by season, you can suggest the following scheme for feeding raspberries:


Spring feeding must contain nitrogen, since this is the substance that is needed during the growing season. The timing of nitrogen application is very extended: from the time the snow melts until the first buds appear, that is, April - May. Although best period is the beginning of the growth of young shoots.

When using granular fertilizer, it is necessary to ensure that the dry granules do not fall on the raspberry trunk, but quickly dissolve and penetrate into the ground to the roots. There are several methods of feeding:

  1. Spread fertilizer over the last, almost melted snow, when there are puddles and upper layer the soil has already thawed.
  2. Scatter the granules before rain, but the soil should not be very dry.
  3. It is most productive to apply fertilizers to loose soil after the first cultivation: granules are embedded in loose soil, and then the plantation is watered abundantly.
  4. If the volume of your plantation is not very large, it is better to dissolve the fertilizer in water and water the bushes with this solution.

After spreading the fertilizer, it is incorporated into the soil with a rake and then watered abundantly

Table: mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen

Fertilizer name.Features of the subcortex.Application rates.
Urea (urea) is a mineral fertilizer containing a large amount of nitrogen (more than 45%).Urea can be used on all types of soils, but it is advisable to embed it in the soil or dissolve it in water when applying it.
The disadvantages of its use include the prohibition of mixing with alkaline substances (ash, chalk, limestone), but it can be combined with sodium, potassium or ammonium nitrate, as well as manure.
15 – 20 g/m2.
Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate) is a fertilizer containing nitrogen in the range of 26 - 35%, depending on the brand. It also contains about 10% sulfur, which contributes to better absorption of nitrogen by plants.This fertilizer is acidic. Therefore, when it is used on soils with a pH level of less than seven, calcium carbonate is simultaneously added at the rate of 75% of the volume of nitrate. Currently, in addition to simple nitrate, several of its varieties are offered, which include additional substances:
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • kalivaya;
  • lime nitrate - contains potassium, calcium and magnesium.

The disadvantages of all types of saltpeter include their explosion hazard at temperatures above 30°C.

20 - 30 g/m².
Calcium nitrate (calcium nitrate), nitrogen content can range from 13% to 17% depending on the brand. Also contains calcium (about 20%). The presence of calcium improves nitrogen absorption.Calcium nitrate is recommended for use on acidic soils, as it neutralizes manganese and aluminum compounds, reducing their toxic effects. Calcium has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system.10 - 20 g/m².
Potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate) contains about 13% nitrogen and more than 40% potassium.Due to comparatively small quantity nitrogen, this nitrate is often used as part of various mixtures for feeding. However, this type of fertilizer is suitable for raspberries, since they need potassium nutrition.10 - 15 g/m².
Magnesium nitrate (magnesium nitrate) contains over 15% magnesium and about 10% nitrogen.Magnesium nitrate is recommended for use on neutral soils with severe magnesium starvation in plants. When dolomite flour is added, acidic soils receive a sufficient amount of magnesium and do not need additional fertilizing with this element.10 - 15 g/m².
Combined fertilizer Nitroamophosk containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) in a ratio of 16:16:16 percent. This composition corresponds to the basic modification; in certain areas of the country, fertilizer with a different ratio of components may be produced.Nitroamophoska has not only a nutritional, but also a healing effect for plants; it can be used on all soils. But just like saltpeter, it is explosive when high temperatures and has a short shelf life of six months.35 - 40 g/m².

Video: how to choose the right mineral fertilizers

In addition to nitrogen, other minerals are added in the spring (before flowering): phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium. Therefore, gardeners often use complex fertilizers.

Instead of mineral fertilizers, you can use organic ones. Organic matter contains all the substances needed by plants, especially it has a lot of nitrogen. The disadvantage of this feeding is the impossibility of accurately determining the amount active substances in the applied fertilizer. Therefore, you need to focus on the appearance of the plants and the experience of both your own and other gardeners. Organic-based liquid fertilizer is best applied in late spring or early summer.

Depending on the available components, you can choose one of the methods of natural feeding:

  1. Humus (well-rotted manure without a specific odor) is scattered over the productive part of the raspberry plantation and embedded in the ground.
  2. An infusion of bird droppings, fresh cow or horse manure is an excellent liquid fertilizer. It is prepared like this: fill the third or fourth part of the bucket with organic matter, add water and close the lid. The infusion will ferment for a week and can be stirred periodically. Then the resulting liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (for bird droppings 1:20). Watering is carried out at the rate of: a bucket per square meter.
  3. Infusion of weeds (nettle and wheatgrass are especially useful). The succulent parts of the plants are crushed and filled with water. Fermentation occurs within a week. To obtain a working solution, the fermented solution is diluted with water 1:5, the watering rates are the same as for mullein infusion.

Video: chicken manure as a nitrogen fertilizer for raspberries


If a sufficient amount of nitrogen is applied in the spring, raspberries do not need large amounts of this substance in the summer. Before the fruiting period, plants need phosphorus, potassium, calcium and trace elements: magnesium and boron. If your raspberry bushes look weak, a small percentage of nitrogen fertilizer can be added. An excellent effect is obtained by replacing the phosphorus-potassium complex with the use of ash, but it must be taken either fresh or stored in a dry place. Ash should not be mixed with nitrogen fertilizers or organic matter, as in this case ammonia is formed. One glass of ash is stirred in a bucket of water and poured over the raspberries.

Video: natural phosphorus-potassium fertilizer for raspberries

During this period, raspberries respond well to foliar feeding. There are a large number of ready-made complexes of microelements (Zdraven, Yagodka, Ideal and others), you can use an infusion of wood ash.

If there is a lack of nitrogen during this period, foliar feeding is more effective than watering the plants. To prepare a solution for spraying, you need to take one spoonful of urea and nitroamophoska and dissolve it in a bucket of water. This treatment is carried out if the bush is lagging behind in development and the color of the leaves is not sufficiently saturated.

Foliar feeding is carried out by uniformly spraying the leaves; it is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather so that the leaves do not get burned from the sun's rays.

Video: how to perform foliar feeding

Green manure is used as an additional source of minerals in summer. Planting legumes (lupine, peas) between rows provides raspberries with nitrogen and microelements, and flower crops (marigolds and calendula) are rich in esters, tannins and phytoncides.


After harvesting and cutting out fruit-bearing trunks and all excess shoots, fertilizing the raspberries and preparing for the next harvest begins.

If raspberries early varieties, then it has been cared for since August, but still applying fertilizers after harvesting is autumn feeding.

When performing autumn work, you need to remember that you cannot add large amounts of nitrogen to the soil. Nitrogen stimulates the plant to grow and it may not have time to prepare for winter cold, its frost resistance decreases.

You can use the following composition of mineral fertilizer:

  • 3 kg of superphosphate;
  • 2.5 kg of potassium sulfate.

Mix everything and add about 90g per raspberry bush to the soil. The granules are mixed with the ground so that they do not appear on the surface. If the soil is not very dry, then there is no need to water it specifically.

You can use other phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Many gardeners often use organic fertilizers in the fall: fresh manure, peat, bird droppings. It is better to apply them before digging the rows. Organic matter is not only rich in nutrients, it improves soil structure. Unrotted manure warms the soil and promotes better wintering, but constant use of organic matter is not recommended; it is advisable to apply it once every two to three years.

Video: caring for raspberries after harvest

Malina is very responsive to showing care for her. If you feed it correctly and in a timely manner, you can immediately feel the difference in the amount of harvest. But this is the main thing in life - to see the result of your labors.

Despite the fact that raspberries are considered an unpretentious crop, in the spring they need to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. This stimulates the growth of young shoots, increases crop yields and makes the fruits larger and juicier. How to fertilize raspberries in the spring is a pressing question for many gardeners.

In this article we will tell you which means are best to use to increase the yield and give short review organic and mineral preparations.

How to fertilize raspberries in spring

By the appearance of the shrub, you can determine what nutritional components the plant lacks, and how best to fertilize the crop in the spring.

By carefully examining the bush, you can easily determine what preparations need to be applied.(picture 1):

  • Nitrogen deficiency leads to the fact that the leaves become small, faded, and their growth slows down;
  • Potassium deficiency accompanied by drying of the edges of the leaves. They can also curl and acquire an uncharacteristic brown tint;
  • With a lack of phosphorus shoots become very thin and weak;
  • Magnesium deficiency is accompanied by slow growth of the bush, and the center of the leaves begins to turn yellow;
  • Iron deficiency also affects the color of the leaves. They turn yellow, but the veins remain green.

Figure 1. Signs of deficiency of important microelements: phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium

It is important to objectively assess the plant’s need for nutrients, since both a deficiency and an excess can cause harm to the crop. To maintain the health of the crop, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions and rules for applying drugs.


So that spring replenishment with mineral and organic preparations brings desired result, certain conditions of the procedure must be taken into account.

First of all, you need to prepare the bushes. All weeds are removed from the garden bed, and the soil is carefully loosened to no more than 10 cm in depth. In addition, you need to trim off some of the lower shoots.

Feeding in early spring is carried out mainly with the help of mineral preparations(Figure 2):

  • Superphosphate contains not only nitrogen and phosphorus, but also other useful substances. As a result, not only does the yield of the bush increase, but also the growth of shoots accelerates, and the crop itself becomes less susceptible to disease.
  • Potassium salt has high nutritional value, since it contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and fruiting of the crop. Potassium salt can be successfully replaced with ordinary wood ash.
  • Ammonium nitrate and urea- these are nitrogen agents necessary for the active growth of young shoots.

Figure 2. The best fertilizers for the crop: superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate

It is better to feed the bush in early autumn, since it is during this period that the buds begin to awaken and young shoots actively begin to grow. To strengthen the bushes, you can use a mixture of minerals. For example, you can mix 60 grams of superphosphate with 40 grams of ash and 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, dissolve the resulting mixture in a bucket of water and water the bushes at the root.


The main method of fertilizing is at the roots. For this you can use both liquid and granular products.

In addition, the plant can be fed directly at planting, or liquid nutrients can be dissolved in water for irrigation and applied in the summer, before fruiting begins. Regardless of the chosen method, nutrients will quickly penetrate from the soil to the roots and provide the crop with the necessary nutrition.

The main methods of fertilizing crops are described in detail in the video.


There are several options that will tell you how to fertilize shrubs in early spring. For this you can use organic or mineral substances.

Organic are completely natural, easily absorbed by the plant’s root system, and contain all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the crop. The most the best substance considered to be rotted manure, which can be applied in the fall (after harvesting) or in the spring (before the buds awaken). A good replacement for manure is rotted compost, which can be applied in dry or liquid form.

Among mineral agents, potassium salt and superphosphate play a special role, as they can significantly increase crop productivity. But do not forget about nitrogen preparations, which, when applied correctly and in a timely manner, allow the bushes to quickly grow green mass. However, they should be applied in moderation, since with increasing dosages the bushes will grow too actively and the yield will decrease.

How to fertilize raspberries in spring to increase yield

The yield of a crop depends on many factors: variety, place for planting seedlings, pruning and proper care. No less important role Timely addition of certain nutrients also plays a role.

Note: If the plant was planted using the trench method, no fertilizing is required in the first 2-3 years of cultivation, but subsequently organic and mineral products are added annually.

The plant responds very well to fertilizing, and you can use both organic substances that are available on the farm and special mineral fertilizers for berry crops.

Rotted manure and compost, ash, and liquid preparations from chicken droppings have a good effect on the bushes. In addition, nitrogen preparations should be added during the period of active growth, and potassium preparations should be added before fruiting begins.

Fertilizing raspberries in spring with mineral fertilizers

The first feeding is carried out in May, when the buds have already awakened, but the shoots have not yet begun to actively grow.

For spring feeding, nitrogen agents are primarily used to stimulate shoot growth (Figure 3). In the fall, such fertilizing is not applied, since stimulating shoot growth will weaken the plant before winter. In addition, you need to monitor the plant: if there are signs of phosphorus deficiency, appropriate substances should be added to the soil, although phosphorus preparations are rarely used to feed the crop.

Figure 3. Features of fertilizing the crop with mineral fertilizers

To ensure that the bushes receive all the necessary substances, mineral components can be added in combination. To do this, you need to mix 60 grams of superphosphate, 40 grams of potassium salt and 30 grams of ammonium nitrate. This mixture can be used only twice per season: after the snow melts and at the beginning of summer, then the formation of ovaries and fruiting.

How to fertilize raspberries in spring: folk remedies

It is not necessary to buy special mineral fertilizers for feeding raspberries. This crop is very responsive to organic fertilizers, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with effective folk remedies, which will help increase crop productivity.

Most of these remedies can be made at home using organic materials available: chicken manure, manure, compost, yeast or ash.

Fertilizer with chicken manure

Chicken manure contains many useful substances, but it should be borne in mind that most of the fertilizer is nitrogen, so chicken manure must be diluted with water before use (Figure 4).

Note: IN pure form Bird droppings can easily burn crops and all living organisms in the garden. Therefore, it is used undiluted only to kill weeds, and as a top dressing it must be diluted in water.

For feeding chicken manure to be beneficial, the substance must first be dried and diluted in water. Moreover, it can be used both in early spring and late autumn, as one of the stages of preparing bushes for wintering.

Figure 4. Using chicken manure as fertilizer

In addition, diluted chicken manure can be mixed with mineral fertilizers and applied under bushes. This feeding will have a beneficial effect on the bushes, stimulate their growth and increase productivity.

Ash fertilization

Ordinary wood ash is an excellent substitute for potassium salt. Ash contains many nutrients, so it has a beneficial effect on growth and fruiting (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Features of fertilizing with wood ash

In addition, there is no chlorine in the ash, which can negatively affect plants. Ash can be applied either dry (as mulch) or liquid, diluting it in water. For achievement positive effect it is enough to add only 150 grams of ash per square meter of bed.

What fertilizers to feed remontant raspberries in the spring

The main difference between remontant raspberries and regular raspberries is their more abundant and prolonged fruiting. In addition, such varieties are resistant to disease, and the fruiting period begins earlier than that of conventional varieties.

However, the increased yield of remontant varieties does not mean that fertilizers are not required for their cultivation. Like other varieties, this crop requires fertile soil, rich in organic matter and nutrients. On initial stages When growing, nitrogen is added to the soil to stimulate shoot growth. In the future, it is enough to feed the bushes only in spring or early summer, using potassium and phosphorus preparations.

What fertilizers should be used in the fall for raspberries?

At the beginning of September, the crop is fed for the last time for the season. To do this, use mineral fertilizers that strengthen flower buds. It is best to use potassium salt and superphosphate. They are mixed in 40 and 60 grams, respectively, and added to the soil in dry form.

Before applying fertilizer, the soil must be carefully loosened without touching the roots, and the granules must be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top. In addition, you can mulch the bushes with organic fertilizers (rotted manure, compost or peat). These substances will protect the bushes from freezing and retain nutrients in the soil.

From the video you will learn the best way to feed raspberries to increase yield.

Most likely, you cannot find a garden without a corner reserved for raspberries. The fruits are tasty and healthy, and the culture is unpretentious in terms of care. Many people believe that there is no need to feed raspberries; they grow well on their own. However, when applying fertilizers, you will be surprised how much more fruits there are, how they have increased in size, and the ripening process is also accelerating.

Spring feeding of raspberries is fundamental for fruiting in the season; you can also feed them in summer and autumn. Let's take a closer look at how to feed raspberries in the spring and in subsequent periods.

How to feed raspberries during transplantation

Most often, raspberries are planted in the spring (especially in the northern regions, this is also true for middle zone Russia).

It is not necessary to apply fertilizer if the soil is fertile and is being dug for the first time. Otherwise, fill the trenches or holes with organic and mineral fertilizers, which will feed them for several years. The seedlings will take root and develop successfully without additional feeding for 2-3 years, gradually using up the supply of nutrients.

Fertilizer consumption when planting in autumn per 1 m² of plot is approximately:

  • 6 kg of humus;
  • about 10 kg of compost or compost-peat mixture;
  • half a liter jar of dry wood ash;
  • 80 g superphosphate;
  • 25 g of potassium salt.

Starting in the fall, dig up the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm, add fertilizer, and remove roots, stones, and debris from the area. If the soil is acidic, liming will be required, which is achieved by adding 1 cup of slaked lime or dolomite flour per 1 square meter.

Dig up the area in the spring. Apply fertilizer when planting in spring into each planting hole, combining organic matter and mineral fertilizers:

  • You will need 1-2 shovels of compost or humus,
  • 2 tablespoons each of superphosphate and potassium salt (or wood ash).

Mix all components well in the well. With such a good filling, fertilizers will not be needed for 2-3 seasons.

How to feed raspberries after transplanting

If the raspberries were planted without putting fertilizers in the ground, feed them after planting with the same fertilizers as listed above: sprinkle mineral fertilizers and mulch them with organic matter on top.

When and how to feed raspberries

In the future, it is advisable to feed raspberry plantings several times per season:

  • Early spring for a successful start to the growing season;
  • In summer, during the period of flowering and filling (ripening) of berries;
  • In autumn (at this time the laying of fruit buds for the next year occurs).

Fertilizers must be applied correctly:

  • The soil must be pre-moistened. This way, fertilizing will work better and there is no risk of harming the root system.
  • Be sure to follow the dosage.
  • If the concentrated solution gets on the leaves, wash it off clean water(meaning without fertilizers).
  • When incorporating dry fertilizers into the soil, loosen the soil shallowly, carefully so as not to greatly destroy the root layer and damage the roots.
  • It is better to feed in the morning or evening, a cloudy day will do. Then the sun is least active, and exposure to its rays in combination with fertilizers can cause a reaction that will cause burns to the plant.

Do you need to feed raspberries: how to understand?

It is easy to determine what nutrients a plant needs by its appearance:

  • If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves grow small and overall growth rates slow down.
  • With a lack of potassium, the edges of the leaves dry out, the leaf blades may curl completely or have a brownish tint.
  • Thin and weak shoots - raspberries lack phosphorus.
  • For magnesium deficiency central part the leaves turn yellow, the growth of the bush is slow.
  • We noticed that the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green - this is how the lack of iron manifests itself.

How to feed raspberries in spring for a good harvest

Application time in spring depends on climatic conditions your region. The soil should thaw and warm up well (in the conditions of central Russia this happens in late April-early May).

Inspect the berry garden, cut off dry and damaged branches, remove fallen leaves from the area and water away weeds.

Spring should contain a large proportion of nitrogen in order to enhance shoot growth; you will also need potassium and phosphorus.

Superphosphate is a source of water-soluble magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizer has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, the growth of stems and shoots, increases productivity, and improves the taste of berries. Phosphorus increases resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.

  • In spring it is better to apply fertilizers in dry form.
  • Gently loosen the soil, apply 10 g of urea or 12 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of superphosphate per 1 m² of area.

Fertilizing raspberries during flowering

It is useful to feed raspberries during flowering with liquid fertilizer:

  • Dissolve 1 cup of wood ash and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate in 10 liters of water,
  • add 1 tbsp urea,
  • water at a rate of 10 liters per 1 m² of plantings.

Potassium salt helps strengthen plant tissues, stimulates fruiting, increases immunity and resistance to cold. It is enough to add 40 g of potassium salt per 1 m² of land once per season. Potassium chloride should absolutely not be used as a fertilizer for raspberries.

An alternative to potassium salt is wood ash. It contains many useful elements, improving the growth and fruiting of raspberries. It can be added in dry form (1 glass per 1 m²) or use ash infusion (dissolve a couple of glasses of wood ash in 10 liters of water, leave for two days, then strain and add 1 liter to each plant).

It is convenient to feed with complex mineral fertilizer, since it contains all the necessary elements and there is no need to bother with weighing the ingredients:

Azofoska, Kemira will do. When preparing the solution, rely on the instructions (for example, Kemira will need 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water, mix well and add 1 liter of solution under each plant).

It is advisable to feed old bushes with a mixture of mineral fertilizers:

  • For 1 m² of land you will need 60 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium salt, 15-20 g of urea.
  • We incorporate mineral fertilizers into the soil and water them.

Instead of this fertilizing, you can add organic matter by simply mulching the plantings with humus.

How to feed fruit-bearing raspberries: folk remedies

What do you use to make raspberries during the fruiting period so that they are sweet and have a lot of fruit? Raspberries are also very responsive to the addition of organic matter. It will be an excellent replacement for mineral fertilizers, especially if you do not welcome the saturation of the soil with “chemicals”.

How to feed raspberries with cow manure

You can feed raspberry plantings with slurry. Dilute 1 liter of mullein in 10 liters of water and leave in a warm place to ferment for 7 days. Then pour 1 liter of mixture under each plant.

How to feed raspberries with chicken droppings

A potent organic fertilizer is an infusion of chicken manure:

  • Dilute fresh chicken manure with water in a ratio of 1 to 20 and let it ferment for 5-10 days. Apply carefully at the root, avoiding contact with the leaves; each plant will also require 1 liter of this fertilizer.
  • You can let the concentrate ferment: fill the litter to the top with water, ferment it for a week and dilute 0.5 liters of concentrate per 10 liters of water. Water 1 liter of working solution under each bush.

Feeding with fermented grass

The herbal infusion is also rich in nitrogen. Use any greens: nettles, dandelions, weeds from the site (only to start insemination).

  • Finely chop the herb, soak it in water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and let it ferment for a week.
  • Then dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and pour over the raspberries.

How to feed raspberries if there is no manure: feeding with food waste

Regular food waste can be used: vegetable peelings, banana peels, eggshells, onion peels, but without chlorine and other impurities of household chemicals.

Potato peels and banana peels are rich in potassium, which is beneficial for raspberries. Pour boiling water over them, cool and pour the resulting infusion over the bushes. You can simply mulch the soil surface with potato peelings.

Infusion onion peel- not only good feeding, but also protection from pests. To prepare it, pour 50 g of raw material with boiling water (10 liters) and leave for a week, then pour over. An infusion of eggshells. It will be an excellent calcium supplement.

How to feed raspberries with yeast

Yeast feeding acts as a growth stimulator; it promotes faster decomposition organic matter in the soil. It is advisable to apply this fertilizing at the end of spring, when the soil has warmed up well.

  • For 10 liters of water we take 1 kg fresh yeast, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, stir well and let ferment for several hours (leave overnight). Preparation of the working solution: 10 liters of water will require 0.5 liters of infusion; water the bushes as usual.
  • An infusion of dry yeast is prepared faster: dilute 10 grams of yeast and 5 teaspoons of sugar in 10 liters of water, leave for 2 hours. To use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 5.

How to feed raspberries in August and September after pruning

In the natural environment, raspberries grow near trees; the roots of the bush are covered with a layer of tree leaves and bark. According to many gardeners, when growing culturally, raspberries should also be kept under mulch, which will protect the root system from the cold, and beneficial nutrients will be gradually released during the process of rotting.

How to feed raspberry bushes in the fall

The end of August or the beginning of September is the time of the last feeding of the season, which helps strengthen the flower buds. How to properly feed raspberries in the fall?

It is best to use mineral fertilizers: superphosphate and potassium salt, they are mixed in 60 and 40 grams, respectively, and incorporated into the soil in dry form per 1 square meter.

Carefully loosen the soil, trying not to damage the roots, distribute fertilizer granules and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil. Then mulch the area with organic matter - use rotted manure, compost or peat; sawdust and straw are also suitable as mulch.

Manure humus is an excellent mulching material with a rich composition of elements necessary for raspberries, but take it only in a well-rotted state.

Mulching with organic matter is also a way of feeding

What are raspberries for the winter if you don’t want to use mineral fertilizers? Leaf humus or compost is a convenient and effective mulching material that will become an excellent organic fertilizer.

Peat itself is loose, which helps improve the soil structure. It can acidify the soil, so add dry wood ash or garden lime to it.

Straw and hay are also often used as mulch. They rot quickly, so they will need to be added periodically throughout the growing season.

Wood debris is suitable for mulching: conifer bark, sawdust, twigs, rotten boards. Grind all this thoroughly and sprinkle the area; in the future, make sure that such mulch does not cake, turn it periodically.

The mulch layer is renewed in the spring; its thickness should be about 10 cm. What are the functions of mulch in the spring? It will attract earthworms to the site, which will loosen the soil, improving air permeability; will help support optimal level humidity, protecting against overheating and, of course, will serve as a top dressing.

How to feed raspberries in the fall after trimming the video: