How does a person die with lung cancer? How do people die from cancer?

Cancer is a complex and serious disease, which in advanced cases is fatal. Appears in the human body malignant tumor, which quickly increases in size, affecting new tissues, The lymph nodes. At the last stage, metastases spread to all organs, the disease cannot be treated and the patient suffers before death.

Main reasons

A common cancer is stomach cancer. Malignant transformation of cells occurs epithelial tissue, the walls of the stomach are affected. The exact causes of the tumor have not been established. But the chances of getting sick increase if the following factors are present in a person’s life:

  • alcohol, smoking;
  • unhealthy food;
  • obesity;
  • polluted environment;
  • chemical work;
  • improper drug treatment;
  • infection with Helicobacter Pylori bacteria.

To prevent cancer, you need to be attentive to your health by following the rules:

  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • take biochemistry and general analysis blood;
  • treat acute and chronic stomach problems appropriately and in a timely manner;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • do not abuse alcohol and smoke.

General symptoms

Heart pain is typical for tumor localization in upper section digestive organ.

Patients experience different clinical manifestations, which depend on the location of the tumor. So, if damaged top part stomach symptoms such as:

  • heart pain;
  • dehydration;
  • protein starvation, which aggravates nitrogen metabolism and leads to under-oxidation of substances in the blood.

As a result of damage to the stomach, bleeding appears in the middle part and anemia develops; lower section- diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, stomach pain, belching. Small cancer is indicated by:

  • fullness, heaviness in the stomach, vomiting;
  • difficulty swallowing, pain in the sternum, radiating to the back;
  • chronic fatigue and weakness from any physical activity;
  • lack of appetite, rapid weight loss;
  • not accepting meat dishes;
  • quick satiation with a minimum amount of food;
  • pain that does not go away after eating and is not relieved by medications.

Prognosis for cure

The likelihood of recovery increases if the tumor was detected on early stages diseases. On positive result other factors also influence. Thus, cancer of the 1st and 2nd degrees is not cured in all cases due to the increased aggressiveness of malignant tissues, which accelerate the growth process of the cancerous tumor.

The patient's apathy contributes to his rapid decline.

The highest mortality rate is at stage 4. One case out of 100 is that stomach cancer is diagnosed at the very beginning of the disease. People die quickly from this disease, in most cases not even six months after diagnosis. The reason for this is the rapid progress of the pathology and the apathetic state of the patient. Five-year survival rate at stage 1 is 80%, at 2-56%, 3-38%, at the last stage - 5%. The chances in this case increase if the patient has not died after 2 years.

Using statistics, it is impossible to predict what will happen to a person with stomach cancer, including due to the different rates of cancer spread. There are also other individual factors that influence treatment. For example, good health before being affected by the disease.

Why do they die?

At the fourth stage of cancer, irreversible processes in the body begin, and it is almost impossible to save the patient. Cancer tumor grows, quickly becomes huge and aggressive. Malignant cells spread to infect others healthy organs. To reduce pain and prolong the patient’s life, chemotherapy and radiation are prescribed, which reduce aggressiveness cancer cells.

The aggressiveness of the myeloma form of the disease quickly kills a person.

People with cancer die due to the following complications:

  • oncology has spread throughout the body;
  • major organs have been damaged;
  • aggressive forms of cancer emerged: myeloma, melanoma.

Final stage oncology is an irreversible cancerous lesion of the body, in which atypical and uncontrolled proliferation of cellular components occurs, as well as their mutation. This process is accompanied by the formation of many metastases that damage everything the most important organs. Often, the progression of a cancer lesion to stage 4 is not accompanied by any special abnormalities. Because of this, the disease is diagnosed too late.

All therapeutic measures in this case are aimed only at suppressing symptoms and improving the quality and length of life of patients diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. How do such patients die? The answer to this question is contained in the description of the stages of further progression of the disease.

Food refusal and cachexia

First of all, the daily ration is reduced. As cancer cachexia and muscle weakness develop, the patient's need for food and fluids decreases. Refusal to eat is the first signal that the terminal stage of oncology is approaching. As a rule, at the dying stage, the patient wants to be in the circle of relatives. Even if the cancer patient is in a coma, doctors advise being present with the dying person, because... There is evidence that a person will still hear loved ones.

Predagonia and agony

This phase is characterized by impaired functionality of the central nervous system, suppression of physical and emotional activity, pallor of the skin, and decreased blood pressure. This condition, in the presence of honey. help may last a long time. Agony is, by and large, the final phase of death. During agony, there is an imbalance of vital functions, due to which tissue components are unevenly supplied with oxygen. Oxygen deficiency causes cessation of breathing and blood flow, which is the main cause of death; agony can last about 3 hours.

Deviations in the intensity and completeness of breathing

The preagonia stage is accompanied by a decrease in respiratory rate and amplitude. This is due to oppression metabolic processes and a decrease in oxygen demand. The appearance of noise when inhaling and exhaling is a sign that there is fluid inside the lungs. IN similar situations Make breathing easier for the patient by turning him over to one side. The picture of a patient dying is described by the respiratory rate with so-called apnea intervals. To alleviate suffering, experts may suggest using oxygen cushion which will ensure the supply of oxygen. People caring for a dying cancer patient should systematically wet their lips and mouth with water.

Clinical death

Clinical death is no longer the answer to the question “how do they die with stage 4 cancer?” During this phase, the functionality of the body is inhibited and therefore the patient can already be considered dead. This death is characterized by the occurrence of minimal metabolic processes within cellular components. With other pathologies, the described condition is correctable (if measures are taken within 6-8 minutes), however, with oncology, the transition to full-fledged death is inevitable.

Each patient is faced with the fact that chemotherapy at stages 3 and 4 ceases to reduce the tumor and metastases. This is an indicator that it’s time to move to more modern methods cancer therapy. For selection effective method treatment you can seek

During the consultation the following will be discussed: - methods of innovative therapy;
- opportunities to participate in experimental therapy;
- how to get a quota for free treatment to the oncology center;
- organizational matters.
After consultation, the patient is assigned a day and time of arrival for treatment, a therapy department, and, if possible, an attending doctor is assigned.

For cancer patients late stages and people caring for such patients must be known how do they die from cancer and signs of approaching death in order to alleviate the condition of the cancer patient as much as possible and mentally prepare for his departure.

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How do people die from cancer and what are the signs that death is approaching?

From malignant neoplasm or metastasis occurs by various reasons, but there are some common precursors to leaving:

Increased drowsiness and progressive general weakness

As death approaches, a person's periods of wakefulness become shorter. The duration of sleep increases, which becomes deeper every day. In some clinical cases, this condition transforms into coma. A patient in a comatose state requires constant outside care. The function of specialized nurses is to fulfill the physiological needs of cancer patients (nutrition, urination, turning, washing, etc.).

General muscle weakness is considered a fairly common pre-mortem symptom, which manifests itself in difficulty moving the patient. To make life easier for such people, it is recommended to use orthopedic walkers, wheelchairs and special medical couches. During this period, the presence of a person next to the patient who can help in everyday life is of great importance.

Respiratory disorders

No matter, How does a person die from cancer?, all patients in the terminal period of life experience periods of respiratory arrest. Such cancer patients experience heavy and wet (hoarse) breathing, which is a consequence of fluid stagnation in the lungs. Wet masses cannot be removed from the respiratory system. To improve a person’s well-being, a doctor may prescribe oxygen therapy or recommend turning the patient frequently. Such measures can only temporarily alleviate the condition and suffering of the patient.

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The approach of death is accompanied by dysfunction of vision and hearing

In the last few days before death, a person very often observes visual images and sound signals that others do not feel. This condition is called hallucination. For example, dying of cancer a woman can see and hear long-dead relatives. In such cases, people caring for the patient should not argue or convince the patient about the presence of a hallucination.

Appetite and eating disorders

The approach of death is accompanied by a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body. In this regard, a cancer patient does not need large volumes food and liquid. IN near death a person has enough small amount nutrition to meet physiological needs. In some cases, it becomes impossible for a cancer patient to swallow food, and then all he needs to do is wet his lips with a damp swab.

Disorders of the urinary and intestinal systems

Most people who die of cancer develop acute renal failure in the terminal period, which is accompanied by cessation of urine filtration. In such patients, the discharge becomes brown or red. From the outside gastrointestinal tract The vast majority of cancer patients experience constipation and a sharp decrease in the amount of feces, which is considered to be the result of limited consumption of food and water.

Hypo- and hyperthermia

No matter, how do they die from cancer, in patients before death there is a change in body temperature both upward and downward. and its fluctuations are associated with disruption of the brain centers that control thermoregulation.

Emotional disturbances

Depending on the temperament and character of the patient, terminal stage In life, the patient may withdraw or be in a state of psychosis. Excessive excitability and visual hallucinations may be caused by taking narcotic analeptics. Most cancer patients begin to communicate with long-dead relatives or non-existent persons.

This unusual behavior a person is alarmed and frightened by people who are nearby. Doctors recommend treating such manifestations with understanding and not trying to return the sufferer to reality.

Why do people die from cancer?

Late stages of cancer are characterized by the development of cancer intoxication, in which all internal organs suffer from low content oxygen and high concentrations of toxic products. Oxygen starvation ultimately leads to acute respiratory, cardiac, renal failure. In the terminal phases of the cancer process, oncologists provide exclusively palliative treatment, which is aimed at maximizing possible elimination symptoms of the disease and improving the quality of the remaining life of the patient.

It is not customary to talk about death out loud in our time. This is a very sensitive topic and not for the faint of heart. But there are times when knowledge is very useful, especially if there is a cancer patient or a bedridden person at home old man. After all, this helps to mentally prepare for the inevitable end and notice the changes taking place in time. Let's discuss together the signs of death of a patient and pay attention to their key features.
Most often, signs of imminent death are classified into primary and secondary. Some develop as a consequence of others. It is logical that if a person begins to sleep more, then he eats less, etc. We will look at all of them. But, cases may be different and exceptions to the rules are acceptable. The same as options for a normal median survival rate, even with a symbiosis of terrible signs of a change in the patient’s condition. This is a kind of miracle that happens at least once in a century.

What signs of death do you know?

Changing sleep and wake patterns
Discussing initial signs As death approaches, doctors agree that the patient has less and less time to stay awake. He is more often immersed in superficial sleep and seems to be dozing. This saves precious energy and reduces pain. The latter fades into the background, becoming, as it were, background. Of course, the emotional side suffers greatly. The paucity of expression of one’s feelings, the self-isolation of the desire to remain silent more than to speak leave an imprint on relationships with others. The desire to ask and answer any questions, to be interested in everyday life and the people around you disappears.
As a result, in advanced cases, patients become apathetic and detached. They sleep almost 20 hours a day if not acute pain and serious irritating factors. Unfortunately, such an imbalance threatens stagnant processes, mental problems and accelerates death.


Edema appears on the lower extremities

Very reliable signs death is swelling and the presence of spots on the legs and arms. We are talking about malfunctions of the kidneys and circulatory system. In the first case of oncology, the kidneys do not have time to cope with toxins and they poison the body. In this case, metabolic processes are disrupted, blood is redistributed unevenly in the vessels, forming areas with spots. It is not for nothing that they say that if such marks appear, then we are talking about complete dysfunction of the limbs.

Problems with hearing, vision, perception

The first signs of death are changes in hearing, vision and normal sensation of what is happening around. Such changes may be against the background severe pain, cancerous lesions, blood stagnation or tissue death. Often, before death, you can observe a phenomenon with the pupils. The eye pressure drops and when pressed you can see how the pupil is deformed like a cat's.
Regarding hearing, everything is relative. He can recover in last days life or even worsen, but this is more agony.

Reduced need for food

Deterioration of appetite and sensitivity are signs of imminent death

When a cancer patient is at home, all her loved ones note the signs of death. She gradually refuses food. First, the dose decreases from a plate to a quarter of a saucer, and then the swallowing reflex gradually disappears. There is a need for nutrition through a syringe or tube. In half of the cases, a system with glucose and vitamin therapy is connected. But the effectiveness of such support is very low. The body tries to use up its own fat reserves and minimize waste. This makes it worse general state the patient becomes drowsy and has difficulty breathing.
Urinary problems and problems with natural needs
It is believed that problems with going to the toilet are also signs of approaching death. No matter how funny it may seem, in reality there is a completely logical chain in this. If defecation is not carried out once every two days or with the regularity to which a person is accustomed, then feces accumulate in the intestines. Even stones can form. As a result, toxins are absorbed from them, which seriously poison the body and reduce its performance.
It's about the same story with urination. It's harder for the kidneys to work. They allow less and less fluid to pass through and eventually the urine comes out saturated. It contains a high concentration of acids and even blood is noted. For relief, a catheter can be installed, but this is not a panacea in the general context. unpleasant consequences for a bedridden patient.

Problems with thermoregulation

Weakness is a sign of imminent death

Natural signs before the death of a patient are impaired thermoregulation and agony. The limbs begin to get very cold. Especially if the patient has paralysis, then we can even talk about the progress of the disease. The blood circulation decreases. The body fights for life and tries to maintain the functioning of the main organs, thereby depriving the limbs. They may turn pale and even become blue with venous spots.

Weakness of the body

The signs of imminent death may be different for everyone, depending on the situation. But more often than not, it's about severe weakness, weight loss and general fatigue. A period of self-isolation begins, which is aggravated by internal processes of intoxication and necrosis. The patient cannot even raise his arm or stand on a duck for natural needs. The process of urination and defecation can occur spontaneously and even unconsciously.

Foggy mind

Many see signs of approaching death in the way they disappear. normal reaction patient on the world. He can become aggressive, nervous, or vice versa – very passive. Memory disappears and attacks of fear may occur due to this. The patient does not immediately understand what is happening and who is nearby. The areas in the brain responsible for thinking die. And obvious inadequacy may appear.


This is a defensive reaction of all vital necessary systems in organism. Often, it is expressed in the onset of stupor or coma. Regression plays a major role nervous system which calls in the future:
- decreased metabolism
- insufficient ventilation of the lungs due to breathing failures or alternating rapid breathing with stopping
- serious damage to organ tissue


Agony is characteristic of last minutes human life

Agony is usually called a clear improvement in the patient’s condition against the background of destructive processes in the body. Essentially, these are the last efforts to maintain the necessary functions for continued existence. May be noted:
- improved hearing and restored vision
- adjusting breathing rhythm
- normalization of heart contractions
- restoration of consciousness in the patient
- muscle activity like cramps
- decreased sensitivity to pain
The agony can last from several minutes to an hour. Usually, she seems to foreshadow clinical death when the brain is still alive, and oxygen ceases to flow into the tissues.
These are typical signs of death in bedridden people. But you shouldn’t dwell too much on them. After all, there may be another side of the coin. It happens that one or two such signs are simply a consequence of an illness, but they are completely reversible with proper care. Even a hopelessly bedridden patient may not have all these signs before death. And this is not an indicator. So, it is difficult to talk about mandatory rules, as well as to impose death sentences.

Oncological diseases in most cases cannot be treated. Cancer can affect absolutely any human organ. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save the patient. The last stage of the disease turns into real agony for him, and ultimately death is inevitable. Relatives who are close to a cancer patient should know what symptoms and signs characterize this period. In this way, they will be able to create the appropriate conditions for the dying person, support him and provide assistance.

All cancer diseases progress in stages. The disease develops in four stages. The last fourth stage is characterized by the occurrence of irreversible processes. At this stage, it is no longer possible to save the person.

The last stage of cancer is the process in which cancer cells begin to spread throughout the body and affect healthy organs. Fatal outcome At this stage it will not be possible to avoid it, but doctors will be able to alleviate the patient’s condition and slightly prolong his life. The fourth stage of cancer is characterized by the following signs:

  • the occurrence of malignant tumors throughout the body;
  • damage to the liver, lungs, brain, esophagus;
  • emergence aggressive forms cancers such as myeloma, melanoma, etc.).

The fact that the patient cannot be saved at this stage does not mean that he will not need any therapy. On the contrary, properly selected treatment will allow a person to live longer and significantly alleviate his condition.

Symptoms that occur before death

Oncological diseases affect different organs, and therefore, signs of imminent death can be expressed in different ways. However, in addition to the symptoms characteristic of each type of disease, there are general signs that may occur in a patient before death:

  1. Weakness, drowsiness. Most characteristic feature coming death is constant fatigue. This occurs because the patient's metabolism slows down. He constantly wants to sleep. Don't bother him, let his body rest. During sleep, the sick person rests from pain and suffering.
  2. Decreased appetite. The body does not need large quantities energy, so the patient does not feel the desire to eat or drink. There is no need to insist and force him to eat.
  3. Difficulty breathing. The patient may suffer from lack of air, wheezing and heavy breathing.
  4. Disorientation. Human organs lose the ability to function normally, so the patient becomes disoriented in reality, forgets basic things, and does not recognize his family and friends.
  5. Immediately before death, a person's limbs become cold, they may even become bluish tint. This happens because blood begins to flow to vital organs.
  6. Before death, cancer patients begin to develop characteristic venous spots on their legs, the reason for this is poor circulation. The appearance of such spots on the feet signals imminent death.

Stages of death

In general, the process of death from cancer occurs sequentially in several stages.

  1. Predagonia. At this stage, significant disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system are observed. Physical and emotional functions decline sharply. Skin turn blue arterial pressure falls sharply.
  2. Agony. At this stage it comes oxygen starvation, as a result of which breathing stops and blood circulation slows down. This period lasts no more than three hours.
  3. Clinical death. There is a critical decrease in the activity of metabolic processes, all body functions suspend their activity.
  4. Biological death. The vital activity of the brain stops, the body dies.

Such pre-death symptoms are typical for all cancer patients. But these symptoms can be supplemented by other signs, which depend on which organs are affected by cancer.

Death from lung cancer

Lung cancer is the most common disease among all cancers. It is practically asymptomatic and is detected very late, when it is no longer possible to save the person.

Before dying from lung cancer, the patient experiences unbearable pain when breathing. How death is nearer, the pain in the lungs becomes stronger and more painful. The patient does not have enough air and feels dizzy. An epileptic attack may begin.

The main cause of liver cancer is liver cirrhosis. Viral hepatitis is another disease that leads to liver cancer.

Death from liver cancer is very painful. The disease progresses quite quickly. In addition, pain in the liver area is accompanied by nausea and general weakness. The temperature rises to critical levels. The patient experiences excruciating suffering before the onset of imminent death from liver cancer.

Esophageal carcinoma

Esophageal cancer is very dangerous disease. At the fourth stage of esophageal cancer, the tumor grows and affects all nearby organs. That's why pain symptoms can be felt not only in the esophagus, but even in the lungs. Death can occur from exhaustion of the body, since a patient suffering from esophageal cancer cannot take food in any form. Nutrition is provided only through a tube. Eat regular products Such patients will no longer be able to.

Before death, everyone suffering from liver cancer experiences great agony. They open severe vomiting, most often with blood. Sharp pain in the chest causes discomfort.

Last days of life

The care of loved ones is very important for a dying person. It is the close people who create for the patient favorable conditions, which at least briefly ease his suffering.

Patients with stage four cancer They are usually not kept within the walls of a hospital. Such patients are sent home. Before death, patients take strong painkillers. And yet, despite this, they continue to experience unbearable pain. Death from cancer may be accompanied by intestinal obstruction, vomiting, hallucinations, headaches, epileptic seizures, and hemorrhages in the esophagus and lungs.

By the time the last stage occurs, almost the entire body is affected by metastases. The patient is entitled to sleep and rest, then the pain torments him to a lesser extent. Very important for the dying person at this stage care of loved ones. It is close people who create favorable conditions for the patient, which at least for a short time alleviate his suffering.