What does ringworm look like? Signs of lichen in humans (photos), treatment and prevention. Pathogens of different types

Skin diseases cause considerable problems to any person, arising in the most visible places, creating a rather unaesthetic appearance and causing discomfort to the patient. One of the most unpleasant diseases is lichen, which has many types.

Lichens include diseases of the skin, accompanied by characteristic symptoms, including rash, impaired pigmentation, peeling of the skin, itching, burning, and hair loss.

The cause of lichen is the activity of fungi, which can be divided into three types:

  • the zooanthropophilic fungus occurs in both humans and animals;
  • the anthropophilic fungus affects only humans;
  • The geophilic fungus enters the human body through the ground.

In particular, lichen can occur due to viruses that become active due to a sharp weakening of the immune system.

What types of lichen are contagious?

Contagious types of lichen include pityriasis rosea or lichen gibert, herpes zoster, ringworm or microsporia. Non-contagious diseases include pityriasis multicolored, red flat, weeping in the form of eczema and scaly in the form of psoriasis.

If you identify yourself with a contagious type of lichen, you should avoid contact with others and carry out treatment at home or in a hospital. If other people live in the apartment, it is important to use only individual dishes, personal items and household items.

The main symptom of the main types of lichen is the formation of skin surface spots or rashes. In any case, first of all you need to seek help from a dermatologist, who will find out the nature of the disease, clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Important! Despite some similarity of the disease, treatment here is always individual, and the scheme is developed only on the basis of an accurate diagnosis.

Formation of pink lichen or lichen Zhibera

This viral disease manifests itself on the skin in the form of inflammation with pink or light brown spots, in the center of which the color is paler than at the edges. Such spots can peel off and grow up to four centimeters. Most often, the spots are localized in the back, abdomen, sides and chest. You need to sound the alarm after the first pinkish spot appears, since after a while it grows and an itchy rash and new spots form around it.

The causative agent of this type of lichen this moment not identified by medicine. As a rule, it forms on the surface of the skin in people under fifty years of age with reduced immunity after suffering from any illness or during the autumn and spring periods, when the immune system is weakened. Ringworm can form either independently or as a result of infection from a carrier of the virus.

Pityriasis rosea is usually not treated; this disease goes away on its own after one and a half to two months. To get rid of itchy skin, you should take antihistamines. This includes taking vitamins and immunostimulating drugs to strengthen immune system. Since the disease is contagious, during the presence of pityriasis rosea on the skin, it is necessary to stop visiting swimming pools, saunas, solariums, and also take less frequently water treatments and use cosmetics.

Formation of herpes zoster or herpes zoster

This type lichen occurs when the virus is active chickenpox. As a rule, the disease forms in the ribs, but can also occur on other parts of the body. Mostly adults get shingles; in children, a similar virus most often develops into chickenpox.

The disease is accompanied by itching and the formation of blisters, inside of which fluid accumulates. After three to four days, the bubbles burst and a crust forms in their place. Since the virus affects the nerve endings, this disease is characterized by severe pain between the ribs and on other parts of the body.

Shingles is a contagious disease, but only those who have not previously had chickenpox or whose body has not developed immunity against it can become infected with the virus. of this disease.

If lichen is not treated in time, it can cause complications such as damage to the eye cornea, hearing impairment, paralysis of the facial muscles, weakening of the muscles, and so on. After examination, the doctor prescribes medications against viral disease, for example, "Acyclovir", as well as medicinal products, relieving itching if it bothers you greatly. If treatment is carried out regularly, the formations on the skin will disappear after two to four weeks. However, the itching sensation on the skin will go away much later, when the affected areas of the skin restore their functionality.

Formation of ringworm or trichophytosis

This type of lichen occurs as a result of the activity of trichophyton fungi, which can be found in the body of both animals and infected people. Infection occurs as a result of contact with an infected person or animal, as well as through clothing, personal belongings and other objects that the patient has come into contact with. At the same time, a disease acquired from an animal is much more difficult to tolerate.

Ringworm manifests itself by the formation of uneven spots on the scalp different sizes. In men, this disease can occur in the area where the mustache or beard grows. The resulting spots have pink color, in the center of them there are whitish scales. In the area affected by the fungus, the hair weakens, breaks off and noticeably thins. The scalp may also itch.

Ringworm treated with antifungal drugs medicines and treating the affected area of ​​the head with iodine, sulfur-salicylic and sulfur-tar ointment. Since the disease is contagious, it is necessary to isolate the patient from others during the period of treatment. If the disease is too advanced, the patient must be hospitalized. It can often occur during contact with animals, and parents should pay increased attention to this.

Microsporia formation

Microsporia is a ringworm formed by the activity of microsporium fungi. This disease spreads through contact with an infected animal, as well as through things that the carrier of the fungus has come into contact with. Microsporia is similar in symptoms to trichophytosis, but hair breaking off occurs further from the root. Therefore, the disease is treated in the same way as ordinary ringworm.

Formation of pityriasis versicolor or pityriasis versicolor

Tinea versicolor is caused by the activity of yeast fungi that infect the epidermis and disrupt the action of melanocytes. This disease manifests itself through the formation of spots of various shapes, sizes and colors on the skin. The spots may merge and form a large affected area, which may peel off. The disease can occur in the back, abdomen, chest and shoulders and is treated over a fairly long period.

This type of lichen is not contagious to others. It occurs as a result of decreased immunity or hormonal disorders V human body. Against this background, yeast fungi, which are found in almost every body and are generally safe for health, are activated and form pityriasis versicolor.

The disease is treated with special drugs against fungi – salicylic ointment or Exoderil. This includes a course of correction of the skin pH balance using special hygiene products. If the disease is advanced, the doctor may prescribe additional dose Rumicosis. After the course of treatment is completed, the skin gradually returns to normal, and after tanning in the sun, traces of lichen will completely disappear.

Formation of lichen planus

This type of lichen is formed when the virus is active during a weakened immune system or due to severe stress and is not contagious. During the onset of the disease, multiple flat red or purple nodules form on the skin, nail plates or mucous membranes, which are often itchy and itchy. This disease often occurs in middle-aged or elderly women.

Lichen can manifest itself in several forms:

  • Ring-shaped rashes form;
  • The rash resembles jagged warts;
  • Small soft bumps form;
  • Skin rashes develop into ulcers and erosions on the skin.

You can get rid of lichen with corticosteroid ointment and antihistamines. Vitamins, physiotherapy and immunostimulating drugs are used to restore immunity. It is imperative to know what it looks like in order to accurately diagnose the rash.

Formation of weeping lichen or eczema

Ringworm occurs due to immune pathology and genetic predisposition. There are several types of eczema, different in symptoms, all of them are non-contagious to others and are not transmitted through household items or contact with a patient.

The disease manifests itself by the appearance of red spots on the face and hands, on the surface of which small bubbles. These bubbles quickly burst and the bubbles leak serous fluid. After the burst bubbles dry out, a crust forms in their place. This process occurs several times and is accompanied by noticeable itching.

Treatment of weeping lichen takes a long time and is complex. For this purpose, ointments based on hormonal substances and antihistamines are used. Including the patient is prescribed a special diet with nutritional adjustments and adherence to a special regime. Additionally, it is necessary to take medications to strengthen the immune system. The disease is described in more detail in our material -.

Formation of psoriasis or psoriasis

Psoriasis is similar to eczema in its causes, and it also appears in genetically predisposed people. Squamous lichen can have more than ten different varieties.

Most often, psoriasis manifests itself in the form of reddish nodular formations above the surface of the skin, merging into plaques, which are covered with whitish scales. This type of lichen can appear absolutely anywhere. In addition to formations, psoriasis is accompanied by itching, pain and increased fatigue.

Psoriasis is not a contagious disease, so the answer to the question is immediately resolved. In addition, isolation of the patient from others is not required. However, today medicine has not learned to cure it completely. At the moment, there are only drugs that get rid of aesthetically ugly external manifestations psoriasis, including Cloveit and Skincap ointments. Doctors also prescribe diet and immunostimulating drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Ringworm is represented by a whole range of diseases, each of which has its own symptoms. Contagious forms lichen is transmitted through normal household contact and most often affects people with reduced immunity. Non-infectious forms manifest themselves in stressful situations and are passed on by inheritance.

Types of lichen

Types of lichen that affect humans include:

(trichophytosis) – most often found in children, the causative agent is a fungus trichophyton. It is usually localized on the head under the hair, on the face, shoulders and neck. In adults (men) it can be manifested by the growth of a beard. Infection occurs through close contact with a sick person.

– caused by the activity of fungi that are transmitted from animals, most often cats, so children are primarily infected preschool age by playing with a sick pet. After receiving a disease from an animal, a child can infect other people with it. Ringworm can be located almost anywhere, including under the hair. Incubation period– from 5 days to a couple of weeks.

(Zhiber's lichen)– occurs after hypothermia, more often affects women and adolescents. The causative agent of the disease has not been fully studied, but it is assumed that it is of viral origin. Localization: on the stomach, chest, back, sides, shoulders and in skin folds. The disease can last for several weeks to months. Only a specialist can make a final diagnosis, since outwardly pityriasis rosea manifests itself similarly to such a terrible disease as syphilis.

– is caused by fungi and is provoked by hormonal changes and prolonged exposure to the sun, when the body begins to actively produce sweat. In a humid environment, the fungus begins to actively multiply and fill the space of the skin. The development may also be caused by seborrheic dermatitis. Most often localized on the shoulders, abdomen, chest and back. This type of lichen becomes the most protracted, since the number of spots without treatment is constantly growing and can even merge into a single lesion. Has a family predisposition.

(Herpes zoster)– herpetic skin lesions in areas such as the intercostal space and along the location of the intercostal nerves. Typical for older people or any other age category if your immune system has been reduced. The disease is accompanied by pain from the side chest, especially between the ribs. Pain syndrome can last more than a month. A dangerous form of lichen is localized in the eyes, due to which you can even completely lose your vision.

– the least studied type of this infectious disease. The probable cause of development is human allergic predisposition when stressful situations arise. Women and people with problems with gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of symptoms is often associated with a genetic predisposition or the presence of some provoking factor (for example, severe stress). Lichen ruber affects the mucous membranes, skin on the abdomen or chest, and nails. It can occur in various forms (rings, tubercles, ulcers and corrosion).

chronic illness, to which the outer parts of the extensor surfaces (elbows, knees, knuckles), buttocks and lower back are most susceptible. The latent course of the disease can sharply develop into an active one when stressful situations arise. This type of lichen is not contagious.

What does ringworm look like?

In children and adults, lichen various types manifests itself in different ways. In general, the signs in a person are itchy rashes or spots, which spread to certain areas of the body.

Children are most susceptible trichophytosis, which can be easily identified by the appearance of balding areas on the head, colored pink or red. The initial stages of the disease are often almost imperceptible, but as soon as itching appears, the person notices changes in the color and texture of the skin.

Shingles in children can flow into chickenpox: with the formation of crusts that need to be treated with special disinfectant solutions. Although these two diseases are different, those who have previously had chickenpox show symptoms of shingles. At the same time, in the category of people who have not had chickenpox, the virus causes it, and children most often fall into this category.


The symptoms of lichen are similar to most skin diseases, so only dermatologist.

The main signs of lichen are:

  • local lightening or darkening of skin areas
  • the appearance of spots of various shades
  • itchy skin
  • peeling of colored skin
  • hair loss (for individual species depriving)

Treatment methods

Treatment for lichen in a person depends on the type of it. pathogen. Most often they become microscopic fungi and some types of viruses. From an infected animal to a person, lichen is transmitted through zooanthopophilous fungi. Anthropophilic fungi are transmitted only from person to person.

If a person comes into contact with the ground, they may catch geophilic mushrooms, which also cause lichen. Among viruses there are a huge number of species that are also causative agents of lichen. They may not even make themselves felt while in the human body until his immunity weakens.

Most often, for diseases of deprivation, the patient is prescribed a course that includes the use of antiviral or antifungal drugs, immunostimulating agents and topical ointments/gels.

At herpes zoster The course will include medications for pain relief, physiotherapy with a UV lamp and reflexology.

Physiotherapy will also be helpful for ringworm.

Pink and red lichen don't require special treatment, their symptoms can be relieved by using sedatives and vitamins.

If treatment for deprivation is not started in time, it can develop into chronic form and even cause the appearance of malignant tumors. When contacting a specialist, he will first make a diagnosis through sampling and microscopic examination. Only after the type of lichen has been clarified, therapeutic therapy begins.

Ringworm in humans, photo varieties of which are presented in the material is serious skin disease caused by fungi or viruses. It is transmitted from one person to another by contact, but this does not always happen: some people are noticeably exposed to the disease, while others remain healthy even after contact with infected carriers.

Ringworm does not act as an unambiguous disease; rather, it is a group of ailments, the formation of which is caused by various types of pathogens that are united by one name.

Considering the opinions of experts, we can assure that there is a certain category of people most susceptible to infection.

  • People suffering from weak immunity;
  • faces, long time those under stress;
  • people with obvious heredity;
  • patients taking certain medications;
  • those who were often exposed to hypothermia;
  • audience representatives 30-70 years old;
  • everyone who has problems and disorders in internal organs.

Despite the difference in types and forms of the disease, there is a set of common characteristic features for each of them. The manifestation takes place exclusively on a local bodily area, and also covers the entire skin. To the number common types symptoms can be attributed to factors.

  1. Pigmentation problems: the skin in the affected area changes tone.
  2. Peeling in the affected area, formation of blisters and pustules.
  3. All changes are accompanied by a feeling of itching and mild pain.

So does the ringworm itch or not?? Answer - Yes, since itching provokes a strong desire to scratch the affected area. Despite its unpleasantness, lichen can be fully cured. Among the most common types of disease are:

  • Ringworm in humans is the pink type;
  • pityriasis form of the disease;
  • ringworm variety;
  • microsporia of infectious origin;
  • shingles disease (herpes);
  • other forms and varieties of the disease.

Pityriasis rosea in humans, symptoms, photo treatment

This is a contagious form of the disease, manifested in especially acute form against the background of a cold and symptoms in the legs.

According to statistics, people over 20 years of age and up to 40 years of age are susceptible to the disease; the disease rarely progresses in older people and children.

The phenomenon is otherwise referred to as lichen GIBERT, it is seasonal and is accompanied by the nature of a viral type.

A significant proportion of patients complain about the manifestation of the disease in spring and autumn. The disease tends to go away on its own.

Pathogens and signs of the disease

Accurate causative factor The manifestations of the disease are unknown. Some experts are convinced that the source is herpes virus type 7, while others believe that the disease is provoked by the action of respiratory viruses, and how in children, and in adults.

Considering the basic signs, you can notice that the formation of the disease begins with the appearance of a large pink spot on the body 3-5 cm in size, which peels off a little in the center. Sometimes several spots form on different parts skin - this is on bodily areas.

As the disease progresses, the scales fall off, and the spot becomes browner and yellowish, with a border at the edges. After a few weeks, “heirs” are formed at the main primary spot, smaller in size, but very similar in characteristics.

The overall pattern of these coin-shaped rashes is similar to a typical spruce branch. Sometimes plaques form on the body, and often lower limbs, and this can be observed The child has(in children the disease, as already mentioned, is rare) and in adults, regardless of age.

Uncharacteristic forms of the disease

  1. Formation of the disease without the appearance of a primary spot;
  2. the appearance of noticeable and bright plaques in the neck and face;
  3. severe rashes in the form of vesicles and pustules, as well as hemorrhages;
  4. skin changes characteristic of pityriasis rosea in areas of friction.

Treatment complex for illness

Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of an external examination. If there are complaints of a strong desire to scratch the plaques, the doctor will prescribe a test to examine the affected tissue to rule out other ailments. The disease itself does not require treatment, but exceptional cases involve prescribing funds local action(yes, it worked well treatment with acyclovirstrong remedy from itching).

Therapy at home

Folk remedies also often used to eliminate the disease:

  1. Rubbing apple cider vinegar, divorced in clean water to such a concentration that the sour taste is preserved, and at the same time it does not burn the skin. A cloth or cotton wool is dipped into the solution and used for wiping 5 times a day.
  2. Decoction or infusion of licorice root helps eliminate skin lesions. You can infuse it with alcohol or cook it over fire. The resulting composition should be used to wipe the lesions 3 times a day.
  3. Widely used to eliminate rashes horse sorrel, from which a special elixir is prepared: a tablespoon of the plant root is poured hot water in the amount of a tablespoon and kept in a water bath for half an hour. Ready product relevant for compresses several times a day.

A competent approach to therapy will eliminate the external manifestations of the disease in a short period.

Herpes zoster symptoms and treatment in adults photo

The disease represents a lesion caused by the action of a similar virus that initiates smallpox. So, people who previously suffered from this disease in any form of its manifestation are exposed to the disease. Many people are interested in the question of whether shingles - contagious or not? Yes, an illness contagious and is transmitted from the bearer to the recipient quite easily.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Increase in body temperature at any time from 39 degrees;
  • increased intoxication of the body, headache, aching bones;
  • the formation of pink rashes in places where the nerve acts on the skin;
  • unbearable pain in areas of skin lesions;
  • paresis and problems with movement occur in the affected areas.

At first it does not have a pronounced manifestation and has a diametrical value of up to 0.5 cm.

The next day, it transforms into more noticeable bubbles with a transparent liquid medium. They are localized on the face,


intercostal part,

on the genitals.

After a week, they turn into crusts that can fall off on their own within a month.

Atypical forms of leakage

  • Absence of the fact that the first one turns into a papule;
  • fusion of the rash into large blisters with lymph and blood, pus;
  • spread not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes.

An external examination of the patient is sufficient for a correct diagnosis.

Therapeutic complex

Traditionally, medicine can only affect the elimination painful sensations and external signs.

Proper treatment will avoid not only external manifestations, but also the discomfort caused by herpes zoster of increased progression.

Ringworm in humans photo initial stage

Ringworm is a disease of a contagious and infectious nature. According to many industry experts, fungus can cause a phenomenon such as trichophytosis and microsporia, similar in signs and manifestations. This is the most common type of phenomenon among children. Infection is caused by close contact with peers who are carriers of the disease, its virus, as well as through “communication” with animals.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

  1. The incubation period ranges from 5 to 75 days.
  2. After its occurrence, spotty phenomena of round or round appearance appear on the skin. oval shape, striking scalp heads.
  3. If spots are located separately, they are easy to notice on the head, and bald spots may also form. With one spot, the head looks like it was cut short.
  4. Sometimes the stains affect the eyelashes, looking like flaky spots.

Signs diseases vary depending on their type, and their a large number of according to forms and manifestations.

  • If we are talking about a superficial ringworm disease, spots with peeling form on the scalp, which leads to subsequent hair breakage. Bubbles appear on the skin, and the patient experiences discomfort.

  • As the disease progresses in the area of ​​smooth skin, the manifestation is similar to lichen rosea and is accompanied by the formation of yellowish or brown spots. The advantage is that the disease can go away on its own.

  • By revising chronic form, it can be noted that it occurs in representatives of the fairer sex, who have a lesion reproductive function. The hair is brittle, scars and new growths appear on the skin (hips, arms, waist).

  • Deep ringworm may occur in children and adults at the same time. You can become infected through animals; the resulting plaques are up to 10 cm in diameter. Lethargy, weakness, headaches and itching are also observed.

Medical complex

Treatment comes down to a general improvement in the patient’s condition, but for this, through tests, it is important to determine the type of causative agent of the disease. The therapy combines the use of all types of external and internal medications.

Features of traditional therapy

There are several methods that are actively and effectively used in the progression of the sore.

  1. Application apple cider vinegar to the affected areas 6 times a day with minimal dilution with water.
  2. Before washing, rub chamomile infusion into your hair, consisting of half a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes.
  3. If it occurs, regular rubbing with plantain or purslane juice is often used.

Lichen planus in humans photo signs and treatment

Causes illness - the action of viruses during a decrease in immune function. The disease appears due to long stay under stress or depression. The disease is not contagious, but can cause a lot of discomfort.

There are several forms of rashes with this form of the disease - ring-shaped, in the form of warts, as well as within the framework of erosions and ulcers.

The most effective treatment consists of regular use antihistamines And antiviral compounds (ointments to eliminate itching and swelling – acyclovir, advantan, herperax, vivorax).

Considering the question of how to treat in the mouth this disease, it is worth noting the special effect that they have folk remedies.

Recipes with them are used for rinsing mucous membranes and regularly treating affected areas in the oral cavity, which is most often damaged by the action of the disease. Decoctions of oregano and elderberry, which are prepared, have proven themselves well. It is best to use them internally, while for external use it is suitable calendula and regular processing hydrogen peroxide.

Pityriasis versicolor in humans photo signs and treatment

Reasons for appearance The disease consists of the action of fungi of three forms, which are jointly present on the body.

At risk are people who regularly visit solariums, as well as those who spend a long time on the beach, sweat a lot and are subject to mental fatigue. Multicolored lichen, according to many experts, can be transmitted hereditarily.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms depend on the form of the disease, and there are three of them - black disease, achromic and yellow. The disease is formed from small spots, they can also occur on the head

on the pubic part

and in other places of the body.

Eat correct form with clearly visible boundaries. Gradually there is a merging of these elements into one big spot. which can be seen in the article, will take place in a few weeks.

Therapeutic complex

It is advisable to start the process immediately and not drag it out for a long time.

  1. Ointments with fungal action are widely used: mycosolone, ketoconazole.
  2. External shampoos, ointments and gels are used: nizoral, sulsena.
  3. Antifungal agents are relevant for severe forms: fluconazole.

People's complex

Are used and folk remedies.

  • Preparing the mixture in a sauna eucalyptus(3 tbsp.) and successions in the same content, pour 800 g of boiling water. The product is effective for compresses and baths.
  • Regularly wiping stains (3 times a day) onion juice, squeezed, fresh.
  • Oral use folk decoctions described in previous steps.

Or it can be easily defeated in children using competent methods of eliminating it.

Have you encountered lichen in humans? Are the photos and symptoms the same? Share your opinion and feedback on the forum!

Ringworm is a whole group of diseases that are characterized by the appearance of skin rash in the form of nodules, blisters with liquid, small scales, crusts or spots.

It must be remembered that not all types of lichen are contagious. Some of them are hereditary or autoimmune diseases, and even with prolonged and close contact they are not transmitted.

Types of lichen in humans

The most contagious and quickly spreading is ringworm., so it needs to be treated as quickly as possible, and the patient must be isolated for this period. Most serious illness from this group is psoriasis. It is often inherited and significantly worsens the quality of life of patients. Also a lot discomfort can cause herpes zoster, because its appearance is accompanied by severe pain.

Other types of disease are not so dangerous, correct image life and following all the doctor’s recommendations will help you get rid of them forever.

Pityriasis rosea (lichen of Zhibera)

The disease develops gradually, with the following symptoms appearing:

  • 2 weeks before the onset of the disease, half of the patients develop a spot on the skin up to 4 cm in size, flaking over the entire surface. It is called maternal;
  • On initial stage before the rash appears, the patient complains of general malaise, a slight increase in temperature, joint pain and, in some cases, enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • Then a rash appears, which initially appears as punctate pink spots, increasing to the size of a 10-kopeck coin and causing a feeling of skin tightness. It is located along the lines of skin tension directed perpendicular to the axis of muscle contraction;
  • The spots may be oval or round. Most often located on the torso. In more rare cases - on the limbs or genitals;
  • After 2–3 days, the color of the spots changes to brown, and along the periphery they rise and become covered with scales;
  • After a few more days, the scales peel off, and the edges around the edges become pink. The spot takes on the appearance of a medallion.

Most often, pityriasis rosea does not require specific treatment, you just need to limit water procedures and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If the spots cause itching, antihistamines are prescribed: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine.

If necessary, can be assigned antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Valavir, as well as immune system stimulants and vitamins.

Photo of pink lichen:

Shingles (herpes zoster)

The following drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • Antifungal drugs for external and internal use: Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Orungal, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Griseofulvin;
  • External agents: iodine, sulfur-salicylic ointment, zinc-salicylic paste;
  • Antifungal shampoos: Nizoral, Dermazol.

Photo of ringworm:

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

The following symptoms are typical:

  • The appearance of spots of pink, brown and yellow color. They are not symmetrical and over time can merge into large lesions with jagged edges;
  • The color of the spots may change depending on the exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation: winter time they are brown, and become light in summer;
  • There is subtle peeling on the surface of the spots;
  • Localization location versicolor is the back and chest. In rare cases, it may appear on the neck, abdomen, shoulders or scalp. And in inverted form pityriasis versicolor spots are located in the folds of the skin;
  • The disease is prone to relapse and, despite treatment, can last for years.

In the follicular form of the disease, pustules and papules up to 2 mm appear against the background of inflamed skin. The disease is accompanied by enough severe itching.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor is a long process. During this period, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Antifungal drugs for external use: Clotrimazole, Dermazole, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Lamisil;
  • Antifungal drugs for internal use: Terbinafine, Dermazol, Sporagal. They are prescribed in the case of the follicular form of the disease or if the disease covers large areas of the skin and progresses;
  • Disinfecting solutions: iodine, salicylic alcohol, boric alcohol.

Photo of pityriasis versicolor:

Lichen planus

The disease affects only the skin, but also mucous membranes. Ringworm can be located on the forearms, thighs, legs, armpits, groin and manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • Small nodules with a shiny surface appear on the skin, the color of which can be brown, red or bluish. In the center of some of them there is a notch resembling a navel;
  • The nodules can merge into plaques, forming a peculiar mesh-like pattern on the skin. This can be seen if you lubricate the skin vegetable oil;
  • The patient feels severe itching. The disease lasts up to 4 weeks, and subsequently may recur;
  • Almost half of the patients have damage to the mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth. In this case, the whitish nodules are grouped. IN oral cavity they are located in the area where the teeth meet;
  • In 15% of patients, the disease affects the nails. In this case, the nail plates become cloudy, crumble, and longitudinal stripes appear on their surface.

In the absence of bright severe symptoms the disease does not require treatment and disappears on its own. If it is accompanied by severe itching, then antihistamines are prescribed: Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Loratadine. It is also necessary to take immunostimulants and vitamins.

During lichen planus it is necessary to conduct healthy image life, and if the rash is located in the mouth, pay special attention to nutrition.

Photo of lichen planus:

Ringworm (eczema)

Weeping lichen is most often called true eczema, which has the following symptoms:

  • The rash is located symmetrically (for example, on both hands);
  • Areas of redness and swelling with unclear boundaries appear on the skin;
  • Subsequently, these areas become covered with nodules and blisters filled with liquid;
  • After some time, the bubbles open, releasing the contents, and erosions form in this place (wetting period);
  • Then the contents dry out, forming bloody or serous crusts.
  • The disease is accompanied by severe itching, especially after contact with water or in the evening.

To treat the disease use:

  • Corticosteroid hormones: Lorinden, Hyoxysone, Hydrocortisone;
  • Antihistamines: Pipolfen, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine;
  • Sensitizing therapy: solutions of Neohemodez, Reosorbilact, Sodium Thiosulfate;
  • B vitamins.

Photo of eczema:

Lichen squamosus (psoriasis)

Squamous lichen can be located on the torso, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, on the scalp, on the palms, and on the face.

Typical psoriasis causes the following symptoms:

  • A specific rash appears on the skin, which is flaky, rounded bumps of pinkish-red color that rise above the surface;
  • If you scrape, the whitish-gray scales crumble, revealing a shiny, wet, red surface underneath. If you scrape it too, pinpoint bleeding occurs;
  • The tubercles grow and form plaques up to several centimeters in diameter, then merge into solid areas with uneven edges;
  • Most often, they begin to dissolve from the middle, forming a garland on the skin. And in the place where the rash disappeared, an area with disturbed pigmentation forms;
  • The disease is accompanied by severe itching.

In the exudative form of psoriasis, the rashes are bright and swollen. Crusts form on their surface yellowish color. If the disease affects the palms and soles, the skin in this area turns red, becomes rough, covered with crusts and cracks, scales and psoriatic plaques.

With any form of psoriasis, the nails can be affected; in this case, the plates thicken and become cloudy.

Psoriasis is chronic illness, which is very difficult to get rid of. Exacerbations occur most often in winter period. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive; in this case, drugs from different groups are used:

  • Hormonal ointments: Mometasone, Betamethasone, Lorinden;
  • Ointments based on tar: Kolposedin;
  • Ointments based on solid oil: Antipsor.
  • Non-hormonal agents that activate natural protective processes in the body.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used, spa treatment, proper nutrition, hardening.

Photo of psoriasis:

Ringworm is scaly spots or papules on the mucous membranes or skin. Virus, fungus, infection and allergies can trigger the appearance of lichen, which most often occurs against the background of hormonal or endocrine disorders, as well as weakened immunity.

Types of lichen

There are a huge number of types of lichen: pink, ringworm, red flat, tropical white and black, simple, scaly, shingles, pityriasis versicolor and so on.

Pityriasis rosea manifests itself by the appearance of a pair of spots of a similar color on the skin. After a few days, small pink spots begin to come off from these maternal plaques, not causing itching. At proper treatment After nine weeks the rash goes away.

Ringworm appears on the scalp and body. Flaky spots break off the hair in the affected area, causing bald spots to appear on the person. On the skin, the lichen rises slightly. Rarely, lichen affects the nails, which begin to crumble and turn yellow.

Lichen planus is a pink-purple small rash, appearing on the chest, abdomen, lower back and limbs. The rash forms a pattern and is very itchy.

The types of lichen can be listed endlessly. To a man without medical education this information won't give anything. It’s better to go to a dermatologist and start the right treatment.

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea can form from viruses or allergens. Scaly patches affect the trunk, limbs and neck. This happens mainly in the off-season, when people most often catch colds.

Ringworm appears in people with weakened immune systems. If a person is hypothermic or constantly catches a cold, he or she develops lichen regularly.

First, a maternal plaque appears - a spot two centimeters in diameter with clear edges. There is a yellow spot in the center. Gradually, the central part wrinkles and peels off. At the same time, the person experiences headache, weakness and general malaise. After four days, a large number of spots appear on the skin.

After a month or two, the rash goes away. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to treat it; the spots disappear on their own. Some people do not want to wait that long and begin to actively undergo treatment. During treatment it is prohibited frequent washing. You need to shower with mild detergents. Avoid overcooling and sunbathing. Dermatologists usually prescribe antibiotics, hydroalcoholic or oil solutions, ointments with glucocorticosteroids, herbal infusions, antiallergic drugs and vitamins.


Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus. If a person had chickenpox as a child, the causative agent of the disease goes into a latent state and lives nerve cells spinal cord or in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system.

Shingles is a slow-onset, recurring disease that most often occurs in immunocompromised people aged 60 to 75 years. Also at risk are people who are constantly stressed, who have tumors and people with HIV.

The patient first develops a fever, itching and malaise. After some time, the body becomes covered with spots, which after a few days turn into erythematous papules.

There are several types of herpes zoster: herpes zoster ophthalmicus, Ramsay-Hunt syndrome and herpes zoster motor. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus damages the cornea and ophthalmic branch trigeminal nerve. With Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, the facial muscles are paralyzed, rashes appear in the external ear canal and in the oropharynx. A person begins to hear worse, he is tormented by dizziness and pain in the ear canal. Motor herpes zoster manifests itself as muscle weakness and rash.

Shingles is treated with drugs such as Famciclovir, Acyclovir and Valacyclovir. "Acyclovir" is integrated into the viral DNA molecule and prevents it from multiplying. If you start using these drugs immediately after the first signs of shingles appear, or at least in the first three days, the disease will end much faster, the pain will disappear, and the likelihood of postherpetic neuralgia will be zero. In order for the patient to move and breathe normally, he is prescribed narcotic analgesics. Can also be used non-narcotic analgesics: “Dexketoprofen”, “Naproxen”, “Ibuprofen”, “Ketorolac” and others.

Corticosteroid medications reduce itching and inflammation, but are not recommended for use in the treatment of this disease.

This type of lichen affects not only nails and skin, but also mucous membranes. An itchy rash appears on the abdomen, back and flexural surfaces.

Lichen planus can appear due to both viruses and allergens. There have been cases where people became covered with lichen ruber due to stress.

Initially, a person develops shiny small papules with a diameter of five millimeters, which gradually merge and form a continuous spot, similar to a mesh. If you lubricate the skin with vegetable oil, this mesh will be clearly visible. central part The pink-violet nodule is slightly depressed. After the rash disappears, brown spots remain on the skin.

Often the rash appears in the mouth, on the labia and the head of the penis. Here the lichen resembles light gray warts. Lichen planus can be linear, atrophic, hypertrophic, bullous, flattened, annular, pigmented and erythematous.

With atrophic lichen, the skin dies at the site of the rash. Lichen linearis forms along the nerves. Hypertrophic or verrucous lichen is a purple or blue rash that looks like warts. After long-term use medicines Lichen bullosa may appear. If the lichen has the form of rings or arcs that quickly cover new areas, it is called annular.

Lichen planus may appear on the nails. The nail plates become cloudy, thin, brittle and lumpy.


This type of lichen is an infectious disease that most often occurs in children, animals and middle-aged people. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick animal or person. Ringworm appears on the body, limbs and scalp. The worst thing about this type of deprivation is that bald spots appear on the head. In order to get rid of lichen on the head, you need to cut off all your hair. It's terrible, especially in adolescence. It is difficult to explain to children that lichen is a disease like others. Nobody wants to become the subject of ridicule.

Tinea versicolor

Tinea versicolor is fungal disease skin, which affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The pathogen settles in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and in the mouths of the follicles.

This type of lichen infects people with diabetes mellitus, vegetative neurosis, tuberculosis and excessive sweating.

Such lichen is treated with Andriasyan's liquid, Wilkinson's ointment and salicylic-resorcinol alcohol. The main thing in treatment is to speed up the exfoliation of the horny epidermis.

Take away the reasons

Fungal and viral microflora provoke the appearance of lichen. It occurs in those who are often in stressful situations. The causes of lichen can be genetic predisposition, weak immunity, infectious diseases, emotional and physical stress. It is difficult to say how long the disease lasts, it all depends on individual characteristics person and type of lichen.

Ringworm treatment

Some types of lichen do not require specific treatment. For example, pityriasis rosea goes away on its own after 4-7 weeks. Dermatologists often prescribe antihistamines (Tavegil, Zyrtec, Loratidine). During treatment, it is recommended to wash as little as possible and not use any cosmetics.

Treatment for ringworm involves isolating the patient and treating the affected areas. Those with ringworm are hospitalized and have their hair shaved off. Every morning, the spots are smeared with iodine, and at night, sulfur-tar or sulfur-salicylic ointment is applied. The doctor prescribes antifungal drugs.

Ointment for ringworm

In the morning, lichen is treated with iodine, and in the evening - with ointment. Treatment lasts about three weeks.

There is also soap, paste and Sulsen shampoo. This drug is used for dermatomycosis: seborrheic lichen and dermatitis, foot fungus and other skin diseases.

Ringworm in humans

With lichen, the skin becomes inflamed and its pigmentation is disrupted, hair falls out, and itching appears. Most often, this disease occurs due to infection, fungus or virus. People with weakened immune systems and children are at risk. If a person develops lichen, they should go to a dermatologist. Treatment will depend on the type of lichen. In any case, the patient must be isolated, because many types of lichen are transmitted through close contact.

Ringworm in children

In summer and autumn the weather is warm and humid at this time of year fungal infections feel most comfortable, therefore they are transmitted from one person to another with great speed. Those who have weak immunity get sick more often. Even if fungal spores get on the skin, it is not a fact that a person will get sick. Lymphocytes and protective proteins can react well and prevent the fungus from attaching. Weak immunity is not able to protect the body, so fungi multiply not only on the surface of the skin, but also in its deep layers.

Mushrooms, like all living things, need liquid. If there is enough moisture on the skin, the fungi germinate and actively multiply. At increased sweating sweat channels expand and skin permeability increases - creating favorable conditions for the propagation of mushrooms.

Ringworm occurs more often in children than in adults because children's immunity much weaker, and besides, children are constantly in contact with animals. The parents do not have time to turn away, and the child has already grabbed the cat at the entrance. Stray animals carry a huge number of infections, including lichen.

If lichen appears on the head, the child will have to be shaved bald, otherwise the treatment will be useless. This can create psychological discomfort, because children are cruel to each other - just give them a reason to make fun of someone who looks different from everyone else. Therefore, it is better to take the child from kindergarten or school, preferably until the hair grows back at least a little. You also need to constantly talk to your child about this disease so that he understands that this is not something shameful, but an ordinary fungus that can appear in anyone.

Ringworm in cats

Ringworm affects the skin, fur, and claws of cats. Given infection The animal may go away without any treatment, but it is better to still help the pet and speed up this process.

Fungi are found not only on the animal itself, but also in the area where it walks. The most dangerous thing is that the spores can remain active for two years.

Ringworm in cats may not appear in any way for some time, and the fact that it is present can only be determined by conducting special tests.

Ringworm in dogs

A dog becomes infected with lichen through close contact with a carrier. The fungus does not always manifest itself immediately. There may be no symptoms of the disease, but the animal is already a carrier.

Ringworm in dogs is treated with ointments and medications that need to be taken orally. In order to draw up a treatment plan, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.

Ringworm photo