Corella, a small talkative parrot. How to care for a cockatiel parrot

Properly organized keeping of cockatiels contributes to their comfortable living. To maintain the health of these parrots, you need to provide them with the necessary conditions. The bird needs a suitable microclimate, a properly equipped cage and some other things, which we will discuss later.

Home Security

Before a new family member appears at your home, you need to prepare everything necessary to ensure the maintenance of the cockatiel. Parrots are kept in indoor conditions, so you must first take care of the safety of the apartment.

Cockatiels are very curious birds that love to poke their beaks everywhere. They can be accidentally injured, poisoned and even die. To avoid causing harm to your pet, you will have to remove the following items:

  • protruding wires;
  • containers with liquids;
  • jars with chemicals;
  • bin;
  • houseplants;
  • small objects: buttons, beads, needles, etc.;
  • glass, easily breakable objects.

If you have small children, explain to them in advance how to handle your cockatiel. The child must understand that the bird is not a toy, so be always nearby and watch their games. Otherwise, the child may injure or frighten the cockatiel, causing it to either withdraw into itself or become aggressive.

Required Items

Cockatiels cannot fly freely around the apartment all the time. Be sure to buy the bird and equip it with everything you need:

  • two feeders for main and additional food;
  • two to four perches made of birch, linden, apple, willow or pear;
  • drinking bowl;
  • bathing suit

Feeders and drinking bowls must be installed in such a way that the parrot can reach them while sitting on the perch. Choose items made from non-toxic materials without sharp edges or defects. They must be well attached to the walls of the cage so as not to fall under the weight of the bird. Don't forget to wash the feeders and water bowl before changing food and water.

Perches (perches) can be purchased at a pet store. Cockatiels love to chew on everything, so don't buy plastic, rubber or cement perches. The best choice- wooden perches. You can make them yourself. The trees from whose branches you will make perches should be located as far as possible from the roadway. There is no need to remove the bark - the pet will do it himself.

It is advisable to provide your cockatiel with toys. They can keep your parrot entertained when you're busy. Such accessories will not only diversify the life of the bird, but will also help it develop properly. Each toy has its own purpose.

Objects made of wood or paper will distract the bird from damaging property. Musical accessories will entertain your parrot while he sings. Ladders, ropes and swings are needed for physical development. And puzzles make the bird smarter.

Lonely parrots can be given a mirror. Communicating with a reflection can save a cockatiel from missing its fellow creatures. However, a mirror is an individual item. Some birds may mistake their reflection for a rival or a member of the opposite sex. In this case, it is better to remove the mirror, otherwise the parrot may develop mental disorders, for example, depression.

You can make toys for your pet yourself. You can make a garland from wooden beads or Kinder surprise eggs. You can also string pieces of apple or carrot onto a thick fishing line - your pet will definitely enjoy this fun. But do not forget to remove such an edible toy when some fruits begin to spoil.

Monitor the integrity of toys and immediately throw away broken ones. Otherwise, the parrot may injure itself on sharp edges or choke on a broken piece.

When equipping your cage, don’t get carried away. There is no need to fill your parrot's home with a lot of accessories. He needs a lot of room to maneuver. Jumping from perch to perch, he should not touch anything with his wings and tail.

Necessary living conditions

Optimal climate

Corellas come from Australia, where the climate is hot and humid, suitable for their habitat. Parrots living at home should be as comfortable as on their native continent. Your task is to provide the birds with a microclimate similar to the natural one.

You need to take care of proper lighting. During the hot season, your pet needs sunbathing. On clear, warm days, take the cage with the bird out onto the balcony for a maximum of half an hour. Direct sunlight can burn your parrot, so create shade by covering part of the cage with cotton cloth.

If it is not possible to walk your cockatiel on fresh air, create artificial lighting in the room. They will help you ultraviolet lamps. Their light is as close to natural as possible. Do not place lamps closer than fifty centimeters near the cage.

The parrot's cage should be in quiet place, where there are no batteries or drafts. Do not place the cage in the kitchen - this is not a suitable place for a bird. There she risks being poisoned by the smell of burning Teflon or getting burned over the burner.

The correct location of the cage is not the only condition for the normal maintenance of a pet. In the room where the cockatiel lives, there should be a temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees and a humidity of sixty to seventy percent.

You also need to maintain a certain light regime - the parrot should sleep from ten to fourteen hours, depending on the time of year.

Failure to comply with the rules described above often leads to various complications with the health of the cockatiel: from problems with plumage to decreased immunity and weakening of the body. In advanced cases, the pet may die due to.

Emotional Impact

When purchasing a cockatiel parrot, prepare for the fact that it will require maximum attention from you. After all, these birds cannot remain alone for long. Daily communication with you, games and conversations will save your pet from depression, apathy and an aggressive state.

For full development and a feeling of happiness, the parrot must be periodically released for free walks around the room. Corellas love to walk on the floor, sit on upholstered furniture. Therefore, be careful when moving around the house so as not to step on or sit on the bird, or crush it under the door.

If there are animals in the house, you will have to constantly ensure that they do not injure the parrot during its walk. Be sure to close the windows when you let the bird fly around the room.

Suitable diet

Corella parrots are granivorous birds, so the basis of their diet is grains. You can buy him a grain mixture, which includes oats, millet, canary seed, raw sunflower seeds sunflower, wheat, corn, rapeseed, wildflower seeds, sesame and hemp seeds, nuts. Can be monofeed - certain types grains

In addition to the main food, your pet should be given additional food: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs. Also, the bird's diet should include seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and various mineral supplements. In winter, when there are few seasonal vegetables and fruits, you can add liquid vitamin complexes. Artificial vitamins begin to be given when the cockatiel is one year old.

Do not feed your bird expired or spoiled food. Food from your table is also prohibited - nothing salty, sweet, fried, smoked, or pickled. Corella should not be given coffee, tea, alcohol, cocoa - only clean water or natural juices, such as beetroot or carrot.

Cleaning the cage

Twice a week it is necessary to wash the cage and its equipment with warm water. To make the process easier, you can use an old toothbrush, which can easily handle dried food debris and droppings. After this, you need to wipe all items dry, and fill the tray with special sand or cover it with clean writing paper.

Bird care

Always monitor your pet's condition. If you have the slightest suspicion, contact your veterinarian for advice. Remember - timely treatment can save a bird's life.

Corella (Nymphicus hollandicus) is an Australian bird belonging to the popular cockatoo family. On this moment this is the only one known species from the genus Corella.

Description of the Corella parrot

Corellas have become popular relatively recently in our country, but are already characterized by connoisseurs of exotic birds as very original, intelligent and fairly easy-to-keep pets.

Parrot intelligence

Thanks to their well-developed intelligence, cockatiels are deservedly included in the top ten most intelligent birds that are excellent for keeping at home. According to numerous studies, the intelligence of an adult bird is quite consistent with the mental abilities of a five-year-old child.

Appearance and colors

The length of an adult bird, including its tail, can vary between 30-33 cm. Characteristic of the species is the presence of a rather high crest on the head and a long tail with a pronounced point. The plumage of females and males differs. Males, as a rule, have brighter, inviting plumage of a dark olive-gray color, with a yellow crest and head. The feathers on the wings are most often velvety black, with a pronounced bluish or silver tint.

This is interesting! Corella beak appearance and its shape is very similar to the beak of a cockatoo, but smaller, nevertheless, with its help, the feathered pet is able to easily bite through a medium wire and even electrical wiring.

Females are characterized by dirty gray main plumage and the presence of a brownish tint on the underside of the body, and there are pale spots on the cheeks. Brown. The head area and crest are pale gray with a light yellow tint. It should be noted that the color of the plumage in young birds is similar to the color of females, so only at one year can one easily determine the sex.

Subspecies of Corella parrot

The ease of breeding such birds in captivity has made it possible to obtain many new plumage colors, which significantly complicates the independent determination of the sex of the bird. The most famous subspecies include:

  • Albino Corella is a white or cream-colored bird with red eyes, which is due to the complete absence of pigment. The head area and crest have yellow. The female may have pale yellow spots on her wings;
  • A white cockatiel with black eyes, obtained by crossing a white female with a gray male. Males of the subspecies are characterized by the presence of lighter feathers in the undertail, and females are distinguished in this part by a distinct marbled pattern;
  • Lutino Corella is a yellow bird with red eyes. Distinctive feature subspecies, regardless of gender, is the presence of bright orange spots on the sides of the head;
  • light gray cockatiel, obtained in the process of crossing gray and white birds with black eyes. A distinctive feature is the presence of lighter shades of gray in the plumage;
  • dark yellowish cockatiel - birds with different variations in plumage color ranging from dark yellowish to light cream shades.

Particular attention in Lately attracted to cockatiels with patchy white spots on their plumage. It is generally accepted that shekis are the best source material for breeding new and very original subspecies.

This is interesting! Shakes can be represented by harlequins, birds with pearl-gray plumage, white-winged and black-winged specimens, as well as black-gray birds with a very intense black breast color.

Range and habitats in the wild

In the wild, the corella inhabits forest areas located in the coastal zone of rivers, as well as open eucalyptus groves and savannas overgrown with low bushes. A large number of birds of this species can be found on the top of a dried tree or tall bush. The maximum number is in Australia.

Keeping a Corella parrot at home

Setting up a parrot cage

A feathered pet is not suited to living in cramped conditions, so an incorrectly selected cage can cause injury or many diseases. The minimum cage size for an adult bird cannot be less than 60x60cm or 70x70cm. It is very important that the dimensions of the cage door allow the bird to fly in and out freely.

Important! In home keeping practice, for one individual it is advisable to purchase a vertical cage with dimensions of 60x50x50cm, and for a pair of adult birds you can use a rectangular cage with dimensions of 150x70x70cm.

The cage must be made of steel without paint coating. A retractable tray should be installed at the bottom of the cage. To prevent food from scattering and splashing water, the lower part of the housing must be equipped with plastic sides. As a rule, several perches are installed in the cage, as well as a feeder, a sippy cup and toys.

Care and hygiene

The place for placing a cage with a feathered exotic pet must be fenced off from drafts or cold air. The tropical bird is very thermophilic, so it is extremely difficult to tolerate temperature changes, as a result of which it can get sick or even die.

This is interesting! As practice shows, and as evidenced by reviews from owners of feathered pets, Corella has hypersensitivity to any foreign odors in the room, including tobacco smoke, perfumes, chlorine-containing disinfectants and air fresheners.

The optimal and most comfortable temperature for a cockatiel is within 22-24 o C. Among other things, when kept at home in winter, with heating devices on, it is observed increased dryness air in the room, so it is necessary to use room humidifiers. It is regularly necessary to replace the tray filler in the cage, as well as thoroughly wash the parrot's drinkers, feeders and all toys weekly.

Diet - what to feed your cockatiel parrot

A proper diet is very important important point in keeping a domestic cockatiel. The lifespan of a feathered pet directly depends on how well the feeding is provided, and irregular or improper nutrition can negatively affect the health of an exotic parrot.

It is best to use ready-made complete food mixtures to feed your cockatiel.. It should be noted that the basis of such food, regardless of its cost, is usually represented by millet, oats, wheat, sunflower and corn. More expensive options may include additional components such as nuts, minerals, oils and yeast.


Under natural conditions, the cockatiel does not exceed ten years of age, which is due to the need to constantly obtain food for itself and protect itself from numerous predators.

With proper home maintenance, the pet feels very comfortable, so it can live for about fifteen or twenty years. There are cases when the life expectancy of some individuals was a quarter of a century or more..

Parrot diseases and prevention

A sick bird not only exhibits behavioral changes, but may also have symptoms such as:

  • difficulty breathing or excessive breathing;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • baldness;
  • growths or detachments on the beak;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

The most common plumage problems include wrong process shedding and self-plucking. The most common diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract include gastroenteritis and dysbacteriosis. The best prevention any disease is to comply with the rules for keeping a feathered pet, as well as providing the bird with adequate nutrition and regular examinations by a veterinarian.

Is it possible to teach a cockatiel to talk?

If we compare this view with budgies, then the latter are more talkative, however, it is the cockatiel that pronounces words much more clearly and legibly. Almost all representatives of this species have the ability to talk. Moreover, with regular training, you can quite easily teach your pet not only to repeat individual words, but also to pronounce entire sentences, as well as imitate sounds or whistle simple melodies.

This is interesting! The shrill and rather harsh voice of cockatiels causes distortion of spoken words and accompaniment of speech with a characteristic chirp. Regardless of the situation, such a feathered pet immediately reveals its entire vocabulary.

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cockatiels, or nymphs, according to zoological taxonomy, belong to the group (tribe) of flat-tailed parrots, which is part of a species-rich order of parrots, containing only one family with a characteristic appearance: the beak is large, very mobile, round in shape; paws are four-toed, directed in pairs different sides; the beak and paws are used when climbing tree branches and when eating various fruits of fruit trees.

Flat-tailed parrots are predominantly small birds, but the cockatiel is a medium-sized parrot. mostly arboreal birds found in island or dense tropical forests. However, cockatiels, and most species of other flat-tailed parrots, live in open areas (steppes, savanna). They move deftly on the ground, looking for food among thickets of herbaceous vegetation, fly quickly and well, sometimes covering significant distances during migration.

For flat-tailed parrots distinctive features are: a strongly rounded beak, the height of which is almost always greater than the width. It has a blunt serrated notch on upper jaw and a short tip that is strongly curved down. Lower jaw equal in height to the top; its tip is wide, rounded and has an inconspicuous scar on the edge. The paws have relatively high metatarsals, the wings are long with a prominent sharp tip; the longest flight feathers are from 2nd to 4th. The tail is stepped, long and consists of wide tail feathers with rounded ends. The plumage is soft, most often variegated, but sometimes only green and red. These birds are very beautiful, as can be clearly seen in the photo.

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The size of a cockatiel parrot approximately the size of a small pigeon, its body length is about 30 cm, of which half the length (15 cm) is the tail, which has a pointed shape. The bird weighs 80 -110 grams. A distinctive feature of this parrot is the long plumage on the parietal part of the head, gathered into a crest, which is clearly visible in the photo. The . . . has the same crest. For a long time scientists argued about whether the Karelian belongs to the cockatoo species, but later, in the course of more thorough research, it was revealed that the Corella is an independent species. This bird is also similar to representatives of the species of flat-tailed parrots. Thus, the Corella parrot combines the characteristics of two families at once.

Female and male cockatiels have different plumage colors. The male is darker in color than the female. The main color of the plumage is gray or olive. The wings have gray-blue or black feathers. The head is crowned with a yellow crest. The cheeks are decorated with orange spots. Females are paler in color. The color of the plumage is light gray, the head and crest are yellowish-gray. There are light brown spots on the cheeks. Young cockatiels up to one year of age have a similar coloration to females; they are distinguished only by a pink wax.

Cockatiels are good flyers. Sometimes they are able to cover considerable distances and even get to Tasmania or other places that are not typical for these parrots. If cockatiels find a suitable place to live, they are able to stay there for quite a long time. Only lack of food and water resources forces these birds to migrate to other territories. Corellas choose not dense forests as habitats, but open areas overgrown with bushes. Sometimes they settle along river banks or in eucalyptus groves. However, they never walk along the banks of reservoirs - to drink, the birds fly straight to the water, and after taking a couple of swift sips, fly back up. Cockatiels are shy when they are on the ground, but if you approach them while they are sitting on tree branches, you may get the impression that these birds are quite trusting. These parrots feed on plant seeds, wheat grains, and insect larvae. During the flowering period of eucalyptus trees, cockatiels can be seen feasting on flower nectar.

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Due to the ease of breeding these birds in captivity, many new colors have been developed, making sex determination very difficult. Here are the most famous color variations:

Albino(white with red eyes). Characterizes him complete absence pigment. The coloring of these cockatiels is completely white, sometimes with a creamy coating. The head and feathers forming the crest are yellow. The spots on the sides of the head are identical in individuals of both sexes. The male is whiter than the female. The female has pale yellow spots on the wings and undertail feathers, which sometimes give the appearance of marbled coloring.

White, with black eyes. This subspecies of cockatiels is obtained by crossing white females with gray males, carriers of the whiteness gene. Birds are distinguished by quite intense yellow coating. The male has lighter undertail feathers and the two longest tail feathers are pure white. In the female, the undertail feathers have a distinct marbled pattern, and the tail feathers are yellow.

Lyutino, yellow with red eyes. The bird is yellow in color and has white spots on its wings. Individuals of both sexes have bright orange spots on the sides of the head.

Light gray. Appeared from crossing gray and white nymphs with black eyes. Has a much lighter color compared to the gray nymph, the rest character traits for floors remain the same.

Cinnamon colors. The presence of a cinnamon color is associated with disorders in the biochemical transformations of the body. The dark pigment is formed with the participation of melanin (black pigment) and pheomelanin (brown pigment). In order to make shades lighter or to create new varieties, cinnamon-colored nymphs are often crossed with lutino. Light brown color appears only instead of gray.

Dark yellowish. This subspecies appeared with the participation of a cinnamon-colored variety. The color of birds ranges from dark yellowish to light cream. Lightening and color changes also apply only to gray feathers.

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Sheki. These parrots have gray feathers with patchy white spots. The most valuable birds are those in which gray and white are present in equal proportions, and the spots are clear and symmetrically located. White spots may appear unexpectedly in other subspecies, such as regular grays, cinnamon grays, lutino grays, and pearl grays. It is believed that sheks are the best source material for obtaining new subspecies.

Combining the pearl gray variety with necks results in pearl gray birds. These birds have a white head, a white-yellow tail, and pearly gray wings and back. After changing their plumage, the females retain this type of coloring, and the males return to the characteristic coloring of the neck.

Among this variety of cockatiels there are also harlequins. These parrots have gray wings, a yellow head and crest, and the rest of the feathers are white.

Pearl gray. This variety evolved from a cinnamon-colored subspecies and a dark yellowish subspecies. The birds belonging to it have a dark feather edge and a white middle. Sometimes it is possible to get yellow with a hint of cinnamon color instead of white. The brightness of the gray color varies. The female retains her pearly gray coloration throughout her life. Males change it, some after the first molt, loss of feathers, others only after several years.

Whitewing. Corella parrots of this subspecies are light gray in color, the flight feathers in the wings are white. The remaining characteristics characterizing the male and female are identical to those of gray nymphs.

Blackwing. The bird is light gray in color, only the back, tail and wings are darker. A whitish spot is clearly visible on the wings. The coloration of individuals of both sexes is identical.

Black. The bird is black and gray with an intensely black breast, and a lighter head. There are white spots on the wings, like those of a gray nymph. There are dark orange spots on the sides of the head, sometimes with single black feathers.

Corella - contents

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It’s good if the cage structure has horizontal bars - then the parrot will be able to climb on it. The aviary should be made of environmentally friendly material, but it is better not to use wooden structures, as the bird can chew through the bars. The cage should have a retractable tray - this greatly simplifies the task of maintaining cleanliness and will not cause any further worry to the parrot. The cockatiel must be provided with toys. All toys must be non-toxic and free of small parts. They should be placed in the cage in such a way that they do not interfere with the bird’s flight.

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As entertainment, you can offer the bird branches of trees - parrots love to peel off the bark. Ropes are also suitable for the bird to climb. You should not place many toys at once; it is better to replace them periodically. Corellas love to swim; for this purpose, you can install a bathing suit in the cage. Also, the bird can be sprayed with a spray bottle or even bathed in the shower.

Cockatiels, like other parrots, require a nest to breed. As such, a small wooden house, measuring 25x25x35 cm, with a entrance about 6 cm in diameter, is installed in the cage. This parrot can be tamed well, but it is better to start with early age, almost from his birth. At the age of about 20 days, the chicks already begin to lead an independent life and this best period to begin to establish a trusting relationship between the bird and its owner.

When buying a chick, you need to remember that at one month of age the bird should eat every 5 hours. The food requirement for a chick is about 20 ml. a special mixture, for example, porridge, intended for babies. Another month after birth, the chick begins to feed on its own and daily requirement in food reaches 30 grams. IN wildlife cockatiels eat fruit. In captivity, the parrot's diet consists of grain mixtures of millet, oats, canary seed and sunflower seeds. In addition to the feeder, the cage should have a container filled with mineral supplements, as well as a drinking bowl.

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As mentioned above, it is more convenient to tame a cockatiel parrot at a young age, that is, starting from the 18-20th day of its life. This optimal time and to buy a parrot. At this age, the chicks begin to become independent, they begin to see, but they will have to be fed every 5-6 hours, as their parents did. So it won’t be easy and before you buy a chick, think about your options.

Corella is one of the types of parrots that are easy to train. To shorten the training time and prevent the parrot from flying out of the window, its wings are often clipped. In this state, they cannot fly further than a few meters. At home, cockatiels are best kept in spacious cages 80-120 cm long or in enclosures. The most important thing for a cage, if you do not plan to release the bird, is the ability to fly inside it. You also need perches, the best ones are wooden ones. In a perch, the diameter matters; the paw should occupy two-thirds of the perch, digging in with its claws, and another third will be in reserve. This will be a very good prevention possible problems with paws.

Corellas are perfectly tamed and become real family members. Unfortunately, these parrots do not have pronounced abilities to conduct a dialogue with a person, but with some perseverance, this parrot can be taught to speak a little, uttering a few words or phrases.

Cockatiels brought home are placed in a separate cage to make it more convenient to observe their behavior and acclimatization. The quarantine is maintained for a month, and if during this time the nymphs do not get sick, they can be placed in a common room. If you do not comply with quarantine, you can get an infection and kill all your pets.

A sick parrot must be shown to a veterinarian and then act on his instructions. During quarantine, special care and attention to imported parrots is required, and personal hygiene should be carefully observed. During the first week, watch the bird eat the food offered to it. If a disease is suspected, the parrot is shown to a veterinarian. However, you should not worry if the parrot does not touch the food for the first two or three days, but behaves energetically, climbs on the bars and makes various sounds. This is due to the pet’s adaptation to new conditions, and after a few days it will begin to eat food normally. Corella parrots in nature, for the most part, live about 16 - 18 years. In captivity, with good conditions content, long-livers may well remain with their owners for up to 20 - 25 years.

The brightest and most vocal representative of parrots, distinguished by their friendliness and ability to learn, is the cockatiel. These birds are distinguished by a very discreet color compared to other parrots, which is compensated by the “blush” near the beak; their length reaches 30 cm. If you want to have this pet, then you should prepare for proper care.

Before you figure out how to care for your cockatiel, you should purchase the right cage. Considering the size of the bird, as well as its wingspan, which can reach 18 cm, the cage should be free. In addition to the cage itself, the door opening should also be spacious enough for the bird to fully pass through it. The best material to choose is metal.

The cage must be kept absolutely clean and cleaned daily. To prevent your parrot from getting bored, you can hang a mirror or a toy. Except the right choice cells, you should choose a suitable place for it. It should be light, but you should avoid exposure to the sun's rays. You can't constantly move it; cockatiels don't like to be disturbed. A bath of water in a cockatiel's cage is a real gift for her, because these birds are famous for their cleanliness.

Read more about what it should be in a separate article on the site.

Proper nutrition

Caring for a cockatiel includes providing the bird with a balanced and regular diet. Every day you should feed your parrot three types of grain crops, for which you can easily buy ready-made feed mixtures for this type of bird. A reasonable portion per day is 40 grams.

Food, like water, must be served new every day. In addition to the mixture, you can feed it with cottage cheese, eggs, and finely crushed nuts. It is no secret that many birds are very indifferent to new components, therefore, you can add them little by little to the main food. One way or another, the cockatiel will try the new ingredient and get used to it. And for the health of the bird it is very important to feed it a full range of healthy foods.

Living conditions for a parrot

The question of how to care for cockatiel parrots also includes providing the animal with comfortable microclimatic living conditions. To do this, it is worth knowing that cockatiels in their historical homeland live in conditions where the sun shines and warms very actively, and the humidity is about 50%. Therefore, caring for a cockatiel parrot must carry out these indicators in the apartment where the bird lives. To do this, you can use specialized lamps, especially in the cold season, and an air humidifier. But it is not recommended to place the cage next to the battery - it dries out the air very much.

For parrots, the illumination of the room is of great importance, so it is better to forget about thick curtains. To understand how to care for a cockatiel, you can familiarize yourself with its natural conditions habitat - this will explain the need for warmth and light. If there are plants in the room, this will only be a plus for the bird.

General rules for bird care

Cockatiels are free birds, so it is important to give them the opportunity to fly. When a bird is just purchased, it is worth keeping a close eye on it, because due to stress and the inability to navigate a new environment, it may get injured.

So that the bird gets used to its new owner faster. It is worth placing the cage so that the cockatiel sitting on the perch can look the person eye to eye. The bird hears voices perfectly and understands intonation, so you must always talk to it. This is the only way she can remember some words and repeat them.

If there is a new addition to the cockatiel family, the joy and tenderness from the pets will only intensify. In nature, parents themselves take care of their offspring, but in captivity, the owner must take care of the cockatiel chicks. The number of chicks can reach 7 or more, but in captivity there are usually several of them. Both parents hatch eggs during this period special care There is no need to show it - the main thing is to observe the temperature regime.

When the chicks hatch, the parents also do the feeding, but if for some reason this is impossible, then the food should be finely divided, ideally chewed. During this period, it is necessary to increase the portion of food, and when the female begins to prepare for the next clutch, she does not take care of the grown chicks. Therefore, you need to do their own feeding. Birds should not be disturbed while they are raising their chicks, particularly with repairs or rearrangements.

These are the basic answers to the question “how to care for a cockatiel parrot,” and by following such simple requirements, you can prolong the life of your pet for a long time.

Corella parrots are one of the most popular pet birds today, which are loved not only for their bright cheeks and crests, but also for their sociability, friendliness, and ability to “talk.” Even before purchasing, you need to think through all the nuances of keeping a cockatiel, so that he, in turn, will delight you with songs and games over the next 20 years of his happy bird life.

How to choose a healthy bird and adapt it to a new home

The most important rule for choosing a healthy cockatiel is where you buy it. You should absolutely not buy a bird from a pet store, where not only are the minimum standards and conditions for keeping cockatiels not provided, but also the most basic rules are often violated, and the staff is not even able to determine the sex of the parrot.

A cockatiel, like any animal, should be bought from a specialized nursery, where they will tell you about the behavior and character of each particular bird, show you its parents and collect a dowry in the form of your favorite toys. A bird bought in such a place will almost certainly be easy to contact and will not be overly shy or completely inadequate, as is often the case with those animals that live in markets and pet stores. If you do not take the place of purchase seriously at the very beginning, then there is a risk of getting the most negative experience of communicating with the most beautiful creatures by nature.

In order to form a good relationship with a parrot (and communication with a cockatiel implies a developing relationship, true friendship), you need to provide the newly-made resident of your apartment with a period of adaptation not only to the situation, but to you specifically as his owner and comrade.

  • Eliminate unnecessary sounds for a while: do not turn on the TV, computer, radio, ask your family to speak more quietly, do not shout or make noise.
  • Let the bird watch what is happening in the apartment and you personally: do not go near the cage again, do in the room where the cockatiel now lives the same as you usually do. Ask other family members to do the same.
  • When communicating with a bird, speak calmly, kindly, and friendly.
  • Do not stick your fingers into the cage or make sudden movements near the cage.
  • Do not show the animal to guests until it at least gets used to you.

The adaptation period for a cockatiel parrot can last up to two weeks, depending on the nature of the bird and how tame it was before purchase. It is worth releasing her from the cage no earlier than after a month.


Cell selection - key moment in the correct maintenance of the cockatiel, and it is worth taking care of its purchase in advance, taking into account the following points:

  • The larger the cell, the better. Minimum size The cage that is possible for a cockatiel is 45x45x60 cm, maximum limits does not exist - the more the better.
  • The cage should be square, not round, or rather, it must have corners, in one of which the bird can hide, rest, etc.
  • The distance between the rods should be no more than 2 cm.
  • It is advisable that the cage bars be horizontal rather than vertical. This makes it easier for the bird to cling to them while climbing around the cage.
  • The more different doors there are in the cage, the more convenient it is for the owner to rearrange and clean inside it.
  • The presence of a grate on the cage tray is a rather controversial issue. On the one hand, the bird does not pick up fallen food and droppings, but on the other, there have been cases when cockatiels injured their paws while moving along this lattice. In this case, it is better to watch your bird and decide for yourself what is best for it.
  • Be sure to prepare bedding in the cage, which will keep the parrot’s home clean.

Cat litter, as well as newspapers, sawdust and fabrics are excluded as bedding. It is best to use special bird fillers, clean sand, or soft paper towels without traces of printing ink for these purposes.

  • The factory plastic perches that come with the cage should be immediately replaced with wooden ones.

Wooden perches perform very well important function- it is about them that the cockatiel grinds its beak and claws.

Given this fact, it is important to choose the “right” perches for the bird: 2.5 to 3 cm thick, made from trees growing far from the road, best in the forest. As preferred tree species, you should pay attention to birch, maple, linden, aspen, and avoid using conifers (due to resin), oak and poplar (since the bark of these trees accumulates harmful substances).

  • The cage should have two feeders for dry and wet food(wet means some fruits), as well as a well-secured drinking bowl.
  • Various toys are required for a cockatiel: rings, ladders, carousels, etc. You can purchase them or make them yourself.

The question of the influence of the mirror on the mood and psyche of the cockatiel is controversial. Some birds are frightened by mirrors, while others are upset by the lack of the expected reaction from the reflection. Some parrots treat their “double” only as decoration, while others are sure that this is none other than their partner and are madly in love. One way or another, the reaction can be very unpredictable, so if little attention is paid to the cockatiel and he is bored, then it is better to buy a pair for the bird rather than joke with a mirror.

  • In addition to those fixed in the cage, you should provide the bird with toys that can be thrown, chewed, etc., for example, sticks or pieces of paper.

An important factor for a parrot’s comfortable life is the location of the cage:

  • It should be placed against the wall in a fairly bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • When caring for a cockatiel, it is important to observe the length of daylight hours. It should not exceed 12-14 hours. That is why a computer and TV running around the clock, even with virtually no sound, can harm the bird, preventing it from getting enough sleep.
  • There should be no foreign odors in the room where the cockatiel lives. Therefore, a cage has no place in the kitchen and, of course, you cannot light incense, scent oil, smoke, etc. in a room with a cockatiel.
  • The Corella should live in the room where his owner spends the most time. Otherwise, the bird will be lonely, sad and may even get sick.
  • The cage should not hang from the ceiling or stand on the floor. The most optimal position for it is on a coffee or regular table. It is important that the person and the cockatiel are at approximately the same level, this makes it easier for the bird to trust and communicate.
  • In the room where the parrot lives, in addition to the cage, you need to equip a play stand for the cockatiel - ropes, plants, perches, on which the bird will have fun when the time comes to fly freely outside the cage.


On the one hand, store-bought food specially designed for cockatiels and containing seeds and nuts fully meets the needs of the bird, but on the other hand, its diet should be made as varied as possible, close to natural.

Cockatiels are native to Australia. There they live in forests near river banks and in eucalyptus groves, as well as in bushes. In Europe, cockatiels appeared only in the 19th century, and in Russia in the 60s of the 20th century. True, during this time, breeders have already sufficiently studied the habits and tastes of these exotic birds and have developed a formula for caring for them that is close to ideal.

The basis of cockatiel nutrition (in pet stores their food is listed as “for medium-sized birds”) is all kinds of seeds:

  • Millet (including chumizu, mogar, barnyard grass, sorghum, chicken millet).
  • Canary seed is the most nutritious and favorite for birds (rich in proteins, fats, phosphorus and mineral salts).
  • Oats, which are useful in every period of a bird’s life, but in in different forms: milky ripeness for chicks, whole for adult birds, sprouted during the breeding season.
  • Wheat, but only in soaked or sprouted form, is very useful for birds during nesting.
  • Raw sunflower seeds, which are passionately loved by birds, should not exceed 15% of the cockatiel's entire diet.
  • Hemp, adored by all singers, but long ago discredited due to its content narcotic substances, therefore it is necessarily excluded during the mating period of birds.
  • Corn, rich in fiber and proteins, should serve only for variety, because as a main feed it is not able to provide the bird with the necessary set of amino acids.
  • Peanuts and other nuts, despite the predilection of any bird for them, should not exceed 7% of the cockatiel’s diet due to the enormous protein content in them.

You can diversify the diet of your winged pet:

  • dandelion leaves;
  • weed seeds;
  • grains of sowing crops;
  • carrot tops;
  • celery;
  • fruits (apples, oranges, bananas);
  • twigs and buds of plants.

Anything you are offered as food for a pet, should not have been treated with any chemicals. It is important to monitor this fact very seriously. The cockatiel must first take a closer look at any new food, try it “by tooth” and only then decide for himself whether he will eat this product or not.

As for food portions, per day, on average, a cockatiel eats a tablespoon of dry food and half a spoon of wet food (fruits, plants, etc.). Serving sizes may vary depending on the time of year and period of the bird's life: for example, during molting, more food will be needed to keep the parrot warm.


Cockatiels, provided that you really have a male and a female and they get along with each other, reproduce in captivity quite easily and without any problems, starting from the age of one and a half years.

The entire cycle from laying eggs to the moment when the newly hatched chicks become independent takes approximately 2.5 months, and in order for everything to go smoothly, it is important to apply the following recommendations:

  • Make sure that the bird moves a lot, is not overweight and, of course, is generally healthy.
  • Provide the birds with a nesting box in advance. You can buy it at any pet store, it is only important to ensure that it is warm and spacious enough.
  • Please pay attention Special attention nutrition for the mating period. It should be balanced and varied with a predominance of fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.
  • Keep an eye on the length of daylight hours for birds; it should be long enough during the nesting period - up to 16-18 hours.
  • The air temperature in the room where a pair of cockatiels lives should remain at 18-20 degrees, drafts and foreign odors should be excluded.

After the birds mate and the female cockatiel lays her eggs, the parrots will take turns incubating them, independently regulating the temperature in the nest, turning the eggs, etc.

During this period, the main thing for a person is to continue to feed the birds and not disturb them. The chicks will be born on days 21-23, and then the parrots will continue to feed them. After a month and a half, young cockatiels will become completely independent and leave the nest.

Communication with a cockatiel parrot is so fascinating, and its content is so simple that there is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of having a feathered friend. The most important rule of caring for a bird is, oddly enough, observing and studying its habits, tastes and characteristics, as well as respecting its personal boundaries. Otherwise, everything will turn out well, if you take into account simple recommendations, given above.