Breastfeeding during medical termination of pregnancy. Medication (pharmacological) abortion from A to Z. Pros and cons of pharmacological abortion

Have an unplanned pregnancy and are you breastfeeding?

Medical abortion may be considered as one of the options for terminating a pregnancy. However, many patients are afraid to carry out interruptions because of this factor.

Choosing a way to get rid of unwanted pregnancy When breastfeeding depends on many factors:

  • from the desire to continue breastfeeding,
  • on whether a caesarean section was performed during the last birth,
  • from the duration of pregnancy.

On average it takes 2-3 days. In the first hours after taking the first drug - blocking local action pregnancy hormone - progesterone, the concentration of this substance in the blood remains at its peak.

It is during the first day that the chemical compounds of this product reach their maximum value, they also pass into breast milk. At the stage of taking the second drug, which contains prostaglandins, which stimulate the contractility of the muscle fibers of the uterus, chemicals from this drug are released into breast milk through the blood.

Effect of pharmaceutical products. abortion for lactation

Pharmacological agents used to perform medical abortion in a clinic that has everything Required documents on their use for the purpose of terminating an unwanted pregnancy, penetrate into breast milk and, if ingested by the baby, can provoke allergies or other toxic lesions.

Taking these medications does not affect the amount of milk produced. After the removal of residual substances from the breakdown of drugs for medical abortion (4-5 days), the concentration of these drugs is negligible and cannot harm the child.

Feeding regimen for medical abortion

If a woman, together with a gynecologist, has chosen a pharmacological method of terminating pregnancy, then it is necessary to adjust breastfeeding.

After taking the first pills, you cannot breastfeed the baby, but at the same time, if a woman wants to maintain lactation at the same volume, she must regularly express milk. Expressed milk is not suitable for feeding a baby, but it is necessary to pump with the same frequency and regularity as if a child were doing it. With this mode of pumping, milk production will remain the same.

On the fifth day, after a miscarriage has occurred, which is confirmed by an ultrasound protocol, you can continue breastfeeding the baby. Mothers should know that if a child refuses to breastfeed, this may be caused by a change in his taste due to the very fact of pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage, or poor-quality pumping.

In most cases, breastfeeding is fully restored and continues. When resuming feeding, there is no need to do tests breast milk, his indicators remain normal.

Due to the temporary interruption of breastfeeding, and the inconvenience associated with it, the choice of terminating an unwanted pregnancy early in nursing mothers often opts for the vacuum method.

The first six months after the birth of a child, a woman’s body experiences difficult stage recovery after enormous stress during pregnancy and childbirth. At the same time, there is a myth among women that during breastfeeding a young mother cannot become pregnant. In fact, the lactation method of contraception cannot be called reliable, since in some women the first ovulation occurs as early as 6 weeks after birth.

Against the background of hormonal changes menstrual cycle long time may not be restored, which also does not allow a woman to fully control the likelihood of conception. As a result, unwanted pregnancy during breastfeeding is not uncommon.

Making a decision to continue pregnancy immediately after childbirth is not easy. In some cases, a woman is not yet ready for the birth of a second baby, and in others repeated births during this period are contraindicated for health reasons (for example, after caesarean section). This raises the question of having an abortion during breastfeeding. The safest and least traumatic method of abortion in modern gynecology is considered a medical abortion, but can it be performed while breastfeeding? Let's figure it out together with experienced specialists medical center Diana.

Which method of abortion should I choose while breastfeeding?

Many women categorically refuse medical abortion while breastfeeding, due to the risk of penetration pharmacological drugs into breast milk. In this case, the young mother chooses something that is more traumatic and dangerous to her health. surgical technique curettage to continue lactation. However, is such a risk justified? Gynecologists assure that this is not always the case.

The first thing that is important to understand is that medical abortion can be performed during breastfeeding, provided that the child’s feeding pattern is changed. Depending on the drug chosen for pharmacological abortion, the woman will have to stop breastfeeding for a period of 3 days to two weeks. During this time, breast milk should be expressed regularly and the baby should be fed formula. At the same time, of course, there is a risk of the baby further refusing to breastfeed, which is undesirable, because no formula can replace a baby’s mother’s milk.

However, this is not a reason to choose surgical method termination of pregnancy, because contrary to the misconception of many women, in this case you will also have to stop feeding for several days. This is due to the use of anesthetic drugs for surgical abortion. As a result, both methods will require the woman to temporarily interrupt breastfeeding, but medical abortion is accompanied by significantly lower risks for the woman’s body.

New research into the impact of medical abortion on breast milk quality

In any case, it is permissible only under the supervision of a specialist who will first carry out the entire range of necessary diagnostic measures. Moreover, if the patient is breastfeeding at the time of termination of pregnancy, the doctor will recommend a plan for temporarily stopping breastfeeding. It is important to understand that such a measure is only insurance against possible risks, since research into the effect of drugs for medical abortion on the quality of breast milk is still ongoing.

So, quite recently, regular research was carried out by famous world scientists on this topic. The experiment proved that only minimal doses of the drug used for pharmacological termination of pregnancy are able to pass into breast milk. Maximum concentration chemical agent in a woman's milk was 1.5%, which is considered a negligible dose that cannot harm the baby.

Doctors conducting this study concluded that it is enough to stop breastfeeding for a period of 4 to 10 hours to completely eliminate the possibility of harmful effects chemicals for medical abortion on the baby's body. However, before completing all stages clinical assessment, these results cannot be considered reliable and final, and therefore you should listen to the feeding cessation plan that the doctor will select.

When contacting a doctor to terminate a pregnancy during breastfeeding, it is very important to inform the specialist about the fact of lactation and recent childbirth. Having knowledge and experience in this field, the doctor will choose the optimal drug and dosage in order to ensure guaranteed safety of the baby and increase the likelihood of continued breastfeeding.

A woman who is breastfeeding cannot be completely protected from unwanted pregnancy. When making a decision to terminate, it is important to know whether abortion is possible with gw.

For infant The quality of mother's milk is of great importance. But it is influenced by many factors, including medications and surgical interventions. This is why it is so important to understand whether breastfeeding and abortion are compatible.

The female body recovers differently after childbirth. It may take several weeks to several months to resume normal sex life. Doctors usually recommend starting sex life 4-6 weeks after the baby is born.

Many women believe that breastfeeding itself protects against unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, when having intimacy with your partner, they don’t think about additional methods contraception. This often leads to fertilization.

Can lactation be a reliable method of contraception? Indeed, there is a so-called lactational amenorrhea method. It lies in the fact that hormonal background a woman's body does not allow her to become pregnant. However, it works under certain conditions, which not all women take into account:

  • The method works for the first 6 months after birth;
  • the child should take only breast milk, without supplementary feeding or formula feeding;
  • if you don’t have your period yet;
  • feeding during the day should be at least 10 times;
  • The break between feedings should not exceed 3 hours, including at night.

If at least one of the points is violated, the effectiveness of the lactation method is sharply reduced. This leads to unwanted pregnancy. Then the question arises, is it possible to have an abortion if you are breastfeeding?

Yes, you can. But keep in mind that it hurts both the mother and (indirectly) the baby. And perhaps, in a few years, when you have not one child, but already two (or three, if you now have a third in your belly), you will remember with horror: “Was I really going to terminate the pregnancy? What a blessing that I changed my mind..."

How to terminate a pregnancy

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, it is important not to blame herself. Depression has never helped anyone cope with the problem. The quantity and quality of breastfeeding milk are affected not only by medical manipulations, but also the psycho-emotional state of the nursing mother.

Termination of pregnancy is carried out in two main ways:

  1. medical abortion is a non-contact method that is based on the effects of chemicals;
  2. instrumental abortion - can be performed by curettage or using the vacuum method.

The choice of method depends on the specific case. All details must be discussed with your doctor. The specialist will recommend a regimen in which you can perform a medical abortion and maintain lactation.

Medical abortion and breastfeeding

Medical abortion for breastfeeding involves the use of several types medicines. A woman should be prepared for the fact that she will have to give up breastfeeding for a certain time. The period depends on the regimen chosen by the doctor.

Information about the effect of drugs on milk and the child’s body is not enough to talk about absolute harm or complete harmlessness of the procedure. Abstaining from breastfeeding during an abortion is a reasonable precaution. After all, with a baby it’s always better to be on the safe side.

If a woman chooses medicinal method, she can breastfeed, but not immediately, but when the drug is completely removed from the body.

Medical termination of pregnancy involves stopping breastfeeding for 3-14 days. Therefore, the timing depends on what medicine is used. Perhaps the doctor will take into account your circumstances and prescribe a remedy that is eliminated from the body faster. For example: when using Mifepristone, it is enough to stop breastfeeding for three days. Pencrofton, Mifolian and some other medications require abstinence from breastfeeding for 14 days.

Ideally, at this time, the child is switched to bottle milk, which the mother has expressed in advance (it can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen). Or, if there was no opportunity to express, the baby will “last” for several days on artificial formula.

Reception chemical substance occurs only in a clinic under the supervision of a specialist. Drug manufacturers indicate different durations of abortion. On average, the procedure takes 1.5-3 days.

During this time active substance enters the woman’s bloodstream and disperses throughout the body. It passes into breast milk in minimal quantities. Soon the medicine is eliminated from the body.

Medical abortion is performed at the earliest stage, up to the 49th day of pregnancy. After taking the medication, the patient must undergo an ultrasound scan within two weeks. Diagnostics will confirm the release of the fertilized egg and prevent the development of complications.

Surgical abortion and breastfeeding

Instrumental termination of pregnancy also affects the ability to maintain breastfeeding. We are talking about the use of anesthesia. The specialist can choose the anesthesia that is most suitable for the patient.

On early stages pregnancy, the vacuum method, which is often called a mini-abortion, has proven itself well. Obstetricians-gynecologists tend to carry out precisely vacuum procedure. Such an abortion has less negative consequences and in most cases does not require cessation of lactation.

It is performed under local anesthesia. Most likely, the procedure will require interruption of breastfeeding for only a few hours. For example, Lidocaine and Propofol pass into milk, but in minimal quantities. After them, it is better to pause breastfeeding for several hours and during this time express a couple of times.

Be sure to ask your doctor what kind of anesthesia was used and whether it is allowed for breastfeeding!

When can breastfeeding be resumed? surgical intervention and the use of general anesthesia? It all depends on what kind of anesthesia was used. Nitrous oxide and other inhalational anesthetics are safe for your baby. But, for example, Fentanyl is harmful during breastfeeding; it penetrates into milk and is excreted for several days.

What to do if GW had to be suspended

In some cases, a pause in breastfeeding during an abortion will range from three to 14 days.

To prevent mother’s milk from disappearing, it must be expressed and poured out regularly (at least once every three hours) all this time.

Be prepared for the fact that after an abortion there will be less milk. After all, pregnancy hormones are present in the body before and immediately after an abortion, which “inhibit” lactation. In addition, termination of pregnancy is a hormonal explosion that cannot but affect milk production. But if you do everything correctly (immediately after the operation, express, and then put the baby to the breast more often, do not skip night feedings, etc.), then lactation will inevitably be restored.

If a woman cannot breastfeed her child, she must take care of his nutrition. If breastfeeding is interrupted for several hours, it is enough to express milk before the procedure. The child will be able to get enough of it until the mother returns home. But what should you feed your child if the period of abstinence lasts several days or weeks?

Modern doctors insist that babies should not be accustomed to objects that imitate female breast, more precisely, a nipple. These include pacifiers and pacifiers. If the child's age allows, it is better to feed him with a spoon or drinking bowl. This way he won’t get weaned from his mother’s breast.

Drinking formula from a bottle is much easier than sucking milk from the breast. And if the child is still unaccustomed to natural feeding, you can use special ones. At correct use they will allow you to transfer the baby from the bottle to the mother's breast. When lactation is fully restored, the pads can be removed.

A mother of a baby should know that abortion while breastfeeding is a very real procedure. Its implementation will require preliminary consultation with a gynecologist and pediatrician. It is important to adjust yourself to the fact that a break in natural feeding does not mean stopping it.

Medicines are eliminated from the body over time. During this time, it is important for the mother to take care of rational nutrition child, about his psychological state and about maintaining lactation. After an abortion in mandatory you need to find it for yourself the best way contraception.

Despite the fact that most medical experts indicate the impossibility of re-conception during lactation, the number of cases of pregnancy during breastfeeding continues to rise steadily.

If a young mother does not plan to have a child at this stage her life, then she has a question about the possibility of a mechanical or medical abortion. The method of surgical and tablet abortion has a number of characteristic features, which must be taken into account before using one of the methods.

Medical abortion

The choice of method for terminating an unwanted pregnancy directly depends on the following factors:

  • Gestational age;
  • The desire of the young mother to continue natural feeding;
  • Methods of delivery ( natural childbirth or caesarean section).

This type of abortion involves the use of a special group of drugs that promote the rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. In most cases, medications containing Mifepristone are used. During clinical trials no information was received regarding the effect of this group of drugs on lactation and the body of the newborn baby through breast milk.

Official sources indicate that when using the drug with Mifepristone, the active substance enters the bloodstream of the young mother in a minimal amount, which allows breastfeeding to be continued. Another common drug for tablet abortion is Misoprostol. This chemical compound passes into breast milk in small portions, which are quickly eliminated from it.

If a woman used this drug to terminate the pregnancy, she should refrain from putting the baby to the breast for 5-6 hours. If Gimeprost is the drug for medical abortion, then when using it, the period of abstinence from breastfeeding is at least 24 hours. This period is sufficient for active substance The drug completely drained from the woman’s body.

The duration of a medical abortion cycle is from 1.5 to 3 days. In order to protect your child from getting potent drugs into his body. chemical compounds, it is important for a young mother to refrain from breastfeeding for 3 days.

Surgical abortion

This method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy does not lose its popularity. Despite the high risk of complications. The outcome of a mechanical or surgical abortion directly depends on the duration of pregnancy and the competence of the doctor.

Depending on the duration of pregnancy, the presence of indications and contraindications, the pregnant woman undergoes local or general anesthesia. If it was used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy local anesthesia, then the woman may not interrupt breastfeeding. Using general anesthesia You can continue natural feeding after the anesthetic wears off.

How to feed after a medical abortion

If a pregnant woman is assisted medical specialist preferred the tablet type of intervention, then she needs to familiarize herself with the rules of breastfeeding a newborn baby. These rules include:

  • After acceptance medicines To have an abortion, you must refrain from feeding the newborn with breast milk. If a young mother plans to maintain lactation, then she needs to regularly. The expressed product is not suitable for feeding a baby, so it is disposed of;
  • On the 5th day after rejection of the fertilized egg, the young mother can continue natural feeding. It is important to remember that the fact of a pill abortion must be confirmed by a protocol ultrasound examination uterine cavity. If a newborn baby expresses dissatisfaction while applying to the mother's breast, then this phenomenon indicates a change in the taste of breast milk. To solve this problem, it is enough to repeat the pumping procedure 2-3 times, and then reattach the baby to the breast.

To avoid negative consequences and interruption of lactation, most obstetricians and gynecologists are inclined to perform the so-called vacuum abortion technique. This method is acceptable for use in early pregnancy. After performing this procedure, there is no need to interrupt lactation and a long period of recovery of the female body.