Labrador description of the breed character. Labrador: description and advantages of the breed. Is a Labrador dog right for you?

The Labrador Retriever is one of the friendliest and most popular breeds in the world. Legends are made about the remarkable character, intelligence and devotion of these dogs.

Danish film director T. Dreyer called them “the last angels on earth.” Labrador: description of the breed, character and much more in detailed review Further.

The history of the breed began on the island of Newfoundland in the 19th century. It is believed that the ancestors of the modern Labrador are the Newfoundland dog, which helped Canadian fishermen pull nets ashore. Often relatives of Labradors saved the lives of sailors fishing on a ship.

In the 30s of the 19th century, the breed was brought to England, where its large-scale breeding began. The first standard was adopted in 1887, and the breed became generally recognized only at the beginning of the 20th century.

The origin of the name is still controversial. According to one version, the black color of the dogs’ fur was similar to the labradorite stone; according to another, the dogs’ homeland was actually the island of Labrador in eastern Canada. Portuguese-speaking dog lovers believe that the name of the breed comes from the words “hardworking”, “hard worker”.

Exterior description

FCI Standard No. 122 dated 10/13/2010 “Labrador Retriever”.
Group 8 "Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs."
Section 1 “Retrievers”.
Height: 56-61 cm (males), 52-56 cm (females).
Weight: 27-40 kg (males), 27-35 kg (females).

How long do Labradors live? They delight the owner for an average of 12 to 14 years.

What does a Labrador Retriever look like? This is a strong and muscular dog. It has a wide skull with a large muzzle. The transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced. The nose is pigmented and wide. Eye color ranges from light to dark brown.

The ears are medium in size, set close to the back of the head. The neck is strong, the back is straight, the dog's tail is wide at the base and thin towards the end. Well-developed limbs are strong and strong. The paws are oval, the toes are tightly adjacent to each other.

The Labrador's coat is coarse, straight and short with a characteristic undercoat. The standard establishes two types of color:

  • solid black;
  • fawn or chocolate/liver.

Fawn ranges from light cream to fox red.

Attention! On the chest is allowed White spot medium size.

Labrador Retriever

Golden retriever

Golden Retriever and Labrador: there are differences, but many confuse them, considering these breeds identical. Let's highlight three obvious differences:

  1. Color. Three colors are allowed for a Labrador, and one for a Golden Retriever;
  2. Wool structure. Labradors have short and coarse hair, while golden retrievers have flowing and soft hair;
  3. Character Labrador is playful, cheerful and cheerful. Golden is thoughtful and dreamy.

Labradors: breed characteristics, abilities, skills

Labrador is a true friend of man. It is difficult to imagine a more friendly, open and cheerful breed. Labradors: breed characteristics highlight distinctive feature– love for the world and the family in which they live. No wonder the Labrador Retriever is included in the rating

They are good-natured towards strangers, happy to meet new people and communicate. But loneliness is poorly tolerated; your pet should not be left alone with itself for a long time.

The dog is ready to be friends with other pets, including cats and relatives of the same sex. Difficult relationships can only arise with birds - the innate instinct of a hunter makes it clear.

This breed is perfect for families with children, as well as single people, even older people. A Labrador will not knowingly harm children, but children should not be left alone with the dog - the dog may accidentally knock over the child while playing.

Important! The Labrador is not aggressive, so it is not suitable as a guard dog.

Another weakness of the Labrador is water and bathing. The dog will happily play in the water, be it a bath or a river. When walking with him near the water, be prepared to get wet yourself - the dog will definitely share his greatest joy in life with his owner.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the breed include the following qualities:

  • balanced psyche and friendly disposition;
  • boundless devotion to the owner and family;
  • minimum effort in care;
  • friendliness towards children and animals;
  • can serve as a guide for the blind and disabled.

There are two not obvious disadvantages:

  • the need for walking and playing at any time of the year, regardless of the weather;
  • may chew personal belongings and furniture.

Care and maintenance

Labrador wool does not require special careYou need to comb it several times a week, and during the molting period - 2 times more often. You should bathe when dirty.

Walk your pet daily for at least two hours. Without sufficient physical activity The Labrador will shift his energy to petty pranks.

Attention! Labradors are suitable both for keeping in an apartment and in a private house.

What to feed a Labrador puppy? The puppy will need a lot of liquid food. These can be soups cooked in meat broth, liquid porridge with milk. Include lean meat, cottage cheese and vegetables in his diet. The number of meals depends on age - from 6 times a day for the youngest

What to feed a Labrador at home? The diet of an adult dog should include boiled meat, cereals, and dairy products. In summer, you can give your dog fresh vegetables; in winter, heated frozen vegetables are also suitable. An adult dog is fed 2 times a day.

Important! Do not overfeed your pet - Labradors are prone to obesity.

Concluding the review, we note that we tried to convey everything or almost everything about Labrador retrievers. Any difficulties in maintaining a lab are more than compensated by the joy that these dogs generously give to their owners. This breed is suitable for active people who want to find a devoted companion and brave friend.

Additionally, check out the video about the Labrador Retriever dog: description of the breed, character and much more.

The Labrador Retriever breed (or simply Labrador for short) is one of the five most popular breeds in the world. Why do so many people get a pet of this particular breed? Why have Labradors won so many hearts and is this dog right for you?

A little history of the breed

In order to understand the reason for the endurance, amiability and good nature of the Labrador Retriever breed, it is necessary to delve into history.

The exact origin of Labradors It is still unknown, but according to some sources, their ancestors helped the Indians of North America fish - they pulled nets out of the water.

Europeans, who first encountered these dogs in early XIX centuries in Canada, became attached to them and almost immediately began exporting them to Europe. And it is not surprising, because Labradors can not only help in hunting, diving into swamps and lakes for shot game, but also transport carts with loads, save people during a storm and perform guard duty.

Labrador retrievers became most widespread by the end of the 19th century in Great Britain, from where they were subsequently transported throughout the world.

Since then, the nature of these dogs has changed significantly, and they are now more companion dogs than hunting dogs.

Nowadays, the main feature of Labradors is considered to be amazing friendliness, obedience, lack of aggression and very high level learning ability.

See also . What you need to know before getting such a dog.

If your dog is small, you can train him to use the indoor toilet. .

Appearance and character of the Labrador

This breed is immediately noticeable by its strong build, proportionality, strong paws and straight tail, similar to that of an otter.

Labradors are medium-sized dogs, height at the withers is about 55 cm. Weight adult dog 25 - 35 kg. Some males can grow up to 45 kg or even more.

Weight and size of Labrador puppy at different ages

Strong chest strong neck, muscular paws - these dogs are well built. Labradors have small, charming, floppy ears that are covered in short hair and are very soft.

At all their fur is quite thick, short, with water-repellent qualities - the dog can stay in the water for an hour, then get out, shake off and dry almost immediately.

Labradors used to have only black color, but now there are fawn, chocolate and even auburn.

The character of these dogs Three main traits can be distinguished: activity, friendliness and gluttony. The last quality contains a great threat, but we will talk about it a little later.

Possible diseases

Most often modern purebred dogs suffer from hereditary diseases that appeared during the selection process. Unfortunately, Labradors are no exception. They can be affected by congenital diseases of the eyes, bones, and joints.

One of the problems is dysplasia hip and elbow joints, but this is not congenital disease. It can develop if the puppy is not properly cared for - for example, from an excess of calcium, phosphorus, or simply excess weight.

By the way, about excess weight

The fact that Labradors love to eat too much often ends badly for them, since one of the main health problems for these dogs is obesity. Obesity can cause problems with the heart, hormones and joints.

All in all, It is necessary to protect the dog from overeating, give sufficient age physical exercise(Labradors love to run after sticks, play ball and just fool around on the lawn), spend more time with her - and then your pet will be healthy and cheerful.

Is a Labrador dog right for you?

The main question you should ask yourself before purchasing a Labrador is: can you devote as much time as possible to the dog? If you work all day and do not have such an opportunity, it is better not to get a dog of this breed.

Labradors – very affectionate, they are emotionally dependent on their owners. The dog does not tolerate prolonged loneliness - if a Labrador sits alone for a long time, it may develop unpleasant habits in the form of causeless but constant barking, destruction of the owners’ property by gnawing and tearing shoes and interior items with its paws, and similar horrors.

Of course, this applies only to those dogs that spend most of their lives alone, and not to those whose loving owners went to the store for a couple of hours.

In general, adult Labradors, receiving sufficient load during walks, they are extremely calm and docile animals. They will easily be able to share living space with other pets and are sympathetic to small children (even to such bullying as pulling the tail and ears, the Labrador will not snap).

Labradors unpretentious in terms of footage premises - the main thing is that the dog has its own place, even if it’s quite small.

Labradors well trained– you just need to start training on time and stand your ground until the end.

There are no serious problems in caring for them: it is enough to comb the coat a couple of times a week and carry out such procedures in a timely manner. hygiene procedures, like cleaning ears, teeth and trimming nails.

You don’t have to wash your dog often, since the coat has a special structure that repels not only water, but also dirt.

Walking with a Labrador It is necessary forty-two minutes a day, giving plenty of time to play and run around during the walk.

These dogs are suitable for almost any family composition: a lonely person will find a friend in him, a family with children will find a cheerful companion in games and tricks, an elderly person or a person with disabilities– solid support and support in life.

The captivating, sweet appearance, good-natured character and extraordinary user qualities of the Labrador have made the breed very famous. Beautiful, smart pets live in the families of movie stars and presidents, serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and are guides for the blind. The kind nature of cheerful dogs is used to rehabilitate children suffering from various mental illness. Puppies of this breed appear on advertising posters and postcards, and appear in films along with adult dogs. The spontaneity and simplicity of Labradors captivates and touches even people who are indifferent to animals; these qualities are fundamental in the characteristics and descriptions of the breed.

History of the breed

Fawn and black color

Labradors take their origin from the countries of North America, where these intelligent dogs helped the indigenous people in catching fish, willingly diving into the water after it. If necessary, dogs could save a child who had fallen into the sea; they coped well with the functions of nannies and guides. During the hunt, they served game that had fallen into the water or forest thicket without tearing it apart.

Labradors were first seen by European sailors on the island of Newfoundland, after which several individuals were brought to Britain in 1830. Families of sailors were delighted with smart, understanding animals with whom they could hunt and fish, who did not offend children and lived peacefully with other pets. Although the breed was considered a hunting breed, it did not have the bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness of terriers: agile, large dogs did not seek to destroy the population of ducks or geese.

Already in 1903, the breed was recognized by the Kennel Club of England, receiving the official name after the province in Canada where these dogs originated. At the same time, the Labrador Retriever received a standard description. To the question: “retriever or labrador, what is the difference or difference?” - there is a clear answer. Retriever is the general name for a group of hunting dogs, which includes the Labrador.

The beginning of the twentieth century was the beginning of a triumphal march through the countries of Europe and America, especially when, in addition to black color, fawn and chocolate appeared in the breed. The fact is that initially, all dogs were different colors. As a result of targeted selection, light and dark brown puppies were discarded; it was believed that the true representatives of the island of Newfoundland must certainly be black. Now all three colors are officially recognized.


Chocolate Labrador

A black Labrador (or any other color) should give the impression of an extremely strong, proportionally built dog, with a large head, broad chest and powerful back. Affectionate and obedient, with a pronounced desire to please the owner. The absence of timidity or aggression emphasizes an attentive, good-natured look dark eyes. The dog simply exudes restrained strength and readiness for active action.

  • The body of the animal is somewhat stretched, with a flat topline and a wide, strong loin. The chest is moderately deep, wide, and the ribs are rounded. The neck is powerful, strong, and goes into strong withers. The forelimbs are straight, with a long, slanting shoulder and arched paws. Hindquarters with well-developed, muscular thighs and low hocks.
  • The head is large, with a wide skull and a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The muzzle is powerful, with superbly developed jaws. Scissor bite, teeth set vertically. The eyes are hazel or brown, medium in size. The ears are set far back and drooping.
  • The coat is hard, dense, with a well-developed undercoat. The color is rich brown, light or black. Fawn and chocolate dogs are allowed a brown nose.

The photo gallery shows Labradors as puppies and adults, working and playing.


Labrador is a born fetcher

Probably, the Labrador dog breed, the price of which is quite high, ranks first among all other dogs in its devotion to humans, in its desire to help and fulfill any task of the owner. This is an ideal companion: lively, active, wanting to constantly be with a person. Absolutely not aggressive, not having negative feelings towards people and most domestic animals.

They cannot be taught to rush at people, although some dogs actively vocalize when knocking on the door.

The Labrador's voice is very loud and shrill; many dogs quite consciously use it to remind their owner of themselves. A heart-rending bark is a signal that the dog hears preparations for feeding, or guesses that it is about to be released from its cage or enclosure.

Labradors are amazingly perceptive, they are able to recognize (hear, smell or spy) small gestures, shades of human behavior that indicate his intentions. Very fine hearing and an excellent sense of smell are combined with a very high intelligence.

Breed characteristics

Labrador is a peace-loving dog

Invariably good mood, readiness for games and walks is another feature of Labras. The desire to run, jump, mess with other dogs, and especially to swim, all this is in the character of charming animals. The passion for water is so great that your pet will turn the bowl over to splash in it, and then lie down. Particularly quick-witted originals quickly learn to open the water tap. On the way home, the dog will definitely get into any puddle, even a very dirty one.

Most Labradors excellent health, but the pet may suffer food allergies, expressed in dermatitis and otitis media, as well as representatives of this breed are predisposed to the development of hip dysplasia.

You should not look for signs of innate intelligence or aristocracy in the character of the sweetest dog. These are simple and cheerful dogs that experience practically no remorse after committing a crime; they are monstrously familiar and annoying. The typical behavior of the offender is to run around the owner with a cheerful look, deftly and cheerfully dodging spanks. Many dogs simply harass their owners by running around them with stolen items.

By the way, pets that are cute the rest of the time become simply impossible if a person tries to punish them. In this case, the Lab begins to be stubborn, stops obeying at all, and can even bark at the owner without malice. A stubborn person should be trained firmly, without being subjected to physical punishment.

What a potential Labrador owner should know

Labrador loves to swim

Any person who wants to buy a Labrador puppy must be prepared for some difficulties in maintaining and raising a baby, and then an adult animal. This is a very peculiar breed, different from the majority, so not only beginners in dog breeding, but also people with experience may be surprised and even disappointed when they discover the following qualities of a cute pet:

  • This is a dog, and it is not just tall, but powerful. A six-month-old teenager can weigh more than forty kilograms, and the pet's manner of frantically wagging its tail often causes irritation among family members.

Clarification specifically for beginners who dream of having large dog: on the street, at an exhibition in a huge hall, the dog always seems smaller than in the space of a small apartment.

  • The lab has a hard coat and undercoat, which, due to fatty lubrication, does not allow moisture to pass through. This is why the dog needs periodic bathing, otherwise it begins to smell strongly and unpleasantly.
  • The pet's thick undercoat should be combed several times a day twice a year, during the molting period, especially if the animal is kept in an apartment. Otherwise, the floor, things and owners end up literally covered with white or black (depending on color) flakes of fluff.
  • Labradors mature quite late; until the age of three, many remain children, trying to chew the wires from the TV or the owner’s favorite boots. It is not recommended to leave the puppy alone for a long time; as a last resort, purchase a crate where the baby is locked in the absence of the owners.

Gnawing is also caused by boredom, longing for people, and lack of proper contact with a person.

  • When walking, you should not let your pet off the leash until he has matured enough that he stops rushing to the first person he meets, jumping on the passerby with the intention of licking him from head to toe. Representatives of this breed run away after playing with street dogs or following strange children. The command “come to me!”, reinforced with a treat, should be the first and most beloved by the pet.
  • A dog like a Labrador or Golden retriever, must move a lot, run, jump, play. Daily two-hour exercise is a must for an adult pet.
  • Labras tend to be full. They love to eat, and they look hungry immediately after swallowing their portion of food (food for a Labrador Retriever should not be too high in calories). Insatiable appetite forces the dog to steal food where it can be stolen: from the cat’s bowl, from the table or from the stove, from a bag brought from the store. A bag of trash forgotten in the hallway is immediately subjected to a thorough inspection, after which all the jars and paper food packaging are scattered around the room.

All problems associated with bad behavior, begin from puppyhood. Babies must be raised consistently, firmly, and from the age of four months, visit the training ground. Only in this case will it be possible to raise a magnificent and understanding Labrador at a glance.

The video tells about the main advantages of the breed, the history and modern application Labrador Retrievers.

One of the most popular dog breeds nowadays is the Labrador. The description of the breed makes it clear that these pets have a very gentle and loyal disposition. They can become the best friend of the owner and all his household members. Very sociable and playful, dogs of this breed will easily find mutual language with any person or animal.

Although not particularly able to display protective qualities, Labradors cope well with hunting game. Actually, these dogs were bred for this purpose. But in Lately Many inexperienced breeders of this breed, lacking the skills and knowledge of the basics of dog breeding and trying to profit from this, are not chasing the quality of the puppies being born, but their quantity. This leads to a deterioration in breeding qualities and blurring of the typical characteristics of the breed.

History of the breed

At the beginning of the 19th century, sailors from Europe discovered the Labrador Retriever breed in Canada. Indigenous inhabitants used these dogs to hunt birds. The name "retriever" speaks for itself. It means "server of game." Perhaps this explains the ardent love of these dogs for water.

At first, these dogs were named after the Canadian capital of St. John's, but this tradition did not take root in the English environment. The British preferred the name “Labrador,” which comes from the name of the Canadian provincial town of Labrador. The dog (description, character of the breed) very clearly reflects the microclimate of a given place, being a kind of metaphor.

In the middle of the 19th century, representatives of this breed were brought to Britain, which were greatly loved not only by avid hunters for their intelligence and endurance, but also ordinary people. They became their pets.

At the beginning of the 20th century in Britain, the breed was registered with the Kennel Club. Initially, all Labradors were black. Now the colors of the representatives can vary from light beige to chocolate.

In the same 20th century, the breed began to spread to America, where it was popular among wealthy segments of society, such as actors, politicians and pop stars. The main purpose of Labradors - hunting - was forgotten, and they became just good-natured domestic dogs, bringing joy and comfort to the house.

Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever?

Many people believe that Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are the same breed. But this is a misconception. Not every similar dog can be a true representative of such a proud family as Labradors. Description of the breed, character, reviews and advantages indicate that between these seemingly similar dogs there are significant differences. Owners who have had representatives of both breeds at the same time or in different time, report that these dogs are completely different not only in appearance, but also in terms of behavior. The character and temperament of these animals vary greatly.

By origin, the Labrador Retriever comes from the Canadian island of Newfoundland. The appearance of the golden retriever dates back to aristocratic England, where he served as a hunting companion and a chic decoration for the palace.

As for external differences, here the breeders take the following as a basis:

  1. Labrador retrievers come in black, light and chocolate colors. His golden brother is, so to speak, more diverse in this regard - he can have wool of different shades, from very light to dark.
  2. The coat of Labradors is not long, quite coarse, and has a special water-repellent waxy coating on it. The Golden Retriever's coat can be quite long and wavy.
  3. The tail is one of the main differences between the two varieties. In the Labrador, it is smooth-haired, thickening at the base. In the Golden Retriever, it is well-furred and with the hair hanging down it resembles a half-feather.
  4. The Labrador Retriever's head is significantly larger and has a more massive mouth, as it was bred to hunt large prey, while the Golden Retriever was meant to hunt small game.
  5. Labrador shedding all year round, the golden retriever changes its coat 2 times a year.

In addition to external differences, experienced owners also identify behavioral ones, which include the following:

  1. The Labrador is more emotional than the reserved English Golden Retriever.
  2. The high energy of Labradors is the opposite of the calm and gentle nature of the Golden Retriever.
  3. The Labrador is prone to rash, impulsive actions, in contrast to its reasonable and calm counterpart.

Therefore, when choosing a friend, it is necessary to understand the differences between the two species and get a pet that suits the requirements and future living conditions.

Description of the breed

Labrador dogs are quite large in size and have powerful muscles. According to standards, the height at the withers should vary from 55 cm to 63 cm. Distinctive features of appearance are:

  1. Stocky long body.
  2. Wide chest.
  3. The ears hang down and are located slightly behind the head.
  4. The eyes are set wide.
  5. The muzzle is quite elongated.
  6. There are small membranes between the fingers.
  7. The tail is wide at the base and tapering towards the end, which is compared to the tail of an otter.
  8. Short, rough coat covered with a waxy coating. Thick and dense undercoat.

One of the subspecies of the Labrador Retriever is the Longhaired Labrador. The description of the breed states that such dogs were also bred on the island of Newfoundland. They were used more for transporting firewood, although they swam no worse than their short-haired counterpart.

The average life expectancy of such dogs is 10-15 years.

Character and temperament

The Labrador Retriever dog is very popular among dog breeders. The description of the breed, the character and gentle disposition of these creatures are highly valued by both families and single people. This is explained by the high intelligence inherent in representatives of this breed. As reviews say, they subtly sense the owner’s mood and can easily adapt to it. Thus, a person who has chosen a Labrador as a companion will never be lonely or bored.

Due to these qualities, such dogs are often used as guide dogs for the blind. The poise and restraint inherent in the breed allow them to remain calm and not lose their temper in any, even the most stressful situations.

The dogs' high learning ability and good intelligence allow them to be involved in search and rescue operations. This breed has proven itself well in working at customs.

Owners of such dogs are confident that Labradors can rightfully be called the best friends and nannies for small children. The owners share their impressions of the careful care and attentive, unobtrusive control with which their retrievers surround their children.

Dog owners who have more than one pet in their home claim that Labradors get along well with other animals, even cats. They will never be the first to get into a fight and will not offend a creature inferior to them in size.

Avid hunters admire another advantage of the breed - the so-called soft mouth. This means that a dog can carry any object in its mouth, even egg without damaging it at all.

Judging by the nature of the Labrador, the description of the breed, reviews, there are very few shortcomings. To the main thing negative quality Breeders of such dogs attribute the fact that due to their kindness the dogs cannot be realized as guards. Therefore, if a dog breeder needs good watchman and property protector, it is worth considering other options in selecting a breed for this purpose.

Other disadvantages arise from the lack of training and active life of the pet.

Features of living in an apartment

Due to the activity and excessive energy, behavioral characteristics of the young Labrador Retriever and the description of the breed, maintenance mainly consists of providing long and frequent walks on fresh air. Breeders claim that this is done so that the dog puts overflowing energy into playing in the fresh air, thereby not causing damage to the owner’s apartment.

For the same purpose, owners purchase toys for their pets. You should also try to prevent a curious dog from coming into contact with household chemicals and sockets to avoid poisoning and electric shocks.

The Labrador is very sociable, so the place for it should be chosen so that the pet can see its owners from there. Dog breeders do not recommend putting a box or making a booth for him. Just a soft bedding or mattress is quite suitable for a bed.

Care for the coat, eyes and ears

Just like representatives of other breeds, it has its own individual characteristics and difficulties in maintaining and Labrador. Descriptions of the breed and reviews from breeders indicate that one of the problems in keeping such dogs is caring for the hair, because when it falls out, it remains everywhere: on furniture, on clothes, on dishes. The owners call this nuisance quite significant, and besides, getting rid of it is not very easy.

In general, retrievers do not need bathing; they are quite clean themselves. But it happens that as a result of active walks in rainy weather, the dog has to be washed. To achieve shine and a shiny coat, it is recommended to rub your pet with talcum powder. But this should be done outdoors so that the dog does not inhale the powder.

Some dog breeders fight shedding with a regular vacuum cleaner. If you accustom your puppy to this procedure from childhood, in the future it will even bring him pleasure. Good effect gives hair combing.

Labradors' love of water can play an important role in getting rid of unwanted hair. Owners of dogs of this breed claim that regular swimming in ponds significantly reduces the shedding period.

For breeders show dogs With breeding value, you need to be especially careful when caring for the coat. Some procedures can ruin appearance dogs. For example, chocolate or dark-colored retrievers should not be exposed to the sun for long periods of time, otherwise the coat may fade and acquire an undesirable shade. Also, you should not use certain types of brushes for combing - this can lead to a decrease in the quality of the wool.

Every day you need to gently wipe your dog's eyes with a damp cotton swab. If uncharacteristic discharge is noticed, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Wipe the ears with a damp cloth as needed. cotton swab. You should not immerse it too deeply, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the delicate coverings.

If necessary, many dog ​​breeders trim their pets' nails with special scissors.

Diet selection

No matter how active and energetic the Labrador is, the characteristics and descriptions of the breed indicate that its representatives are quite voracious and practically omnivorous. They can eat everything indiscriminately and in countless quantities. Because of this, many owners complain about their pet’s digestive upset, excess weight, and other unpleasant problems.

Therefore, a responsible owner must carefully monitor the pet’s diet to prevent obesity and health problems. Meals should be balanced and regular. If it is not possible to constantly cook for the retriever, you can use ready-made super-premium food, which contains the required amount of vitamins and minerals to provide full life dogs. The choice of such food should be based on the recommendations of a veterinarian.

Dogs must eat at a strictly defined time, not to violate the regime to which they need to be accustomed from childhood. The dosage of food is calculated according to the instructions indicated on the packaging.

If the owner chooses natural food for the pet, then it should also be well balanced. You should not feed your dog table food.

The diet of a Labrador Retriever must necessarily include the following products:

  • Meat (beef, lamb, poultry). You can give it raw or boiled. Fat must be trimmed off. It is advisable to give offal, kidneys, lungs, liver, etc. only in boiled form.
  • The fish must be sea fish only, the bones must be removed. It is better to cook it before feeding. You can give it raw, but there is a risk of infecting the dog with helminths.
  • Any cereal will do, but remember that pearl barley is difficult to digest, and oatmeal can cause allergies.
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese). Milk is not recommended for dogs.
  • Eggs. To feed a Labrador, only raw yolk is used, which can be mixed into porridge or vegetables.
  • Vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets, zucchini). Before giving your pet a treat, they need to be crushed.

IN winter period It is necessary to give your pet additional vitamins. According to the doctor's recommendations, it is necessary to periodically carry out deworming.

Adult dogs should be fed strictly twice a day. But puppies eat more often. Until they are two months old, they should eat 6 times a day. Until reaching 5 months - 5 times a day. Six-month-old pets eat 4 times a day. After 7 months and up to a year, you need to feed 3 times a day.

Despite the fact that Labradors can eat anything, there are a number of foods that are strictly prohibited for them:

  • Salted, smoked, fried, fatty and spicy foods.
  • Food that is too hot or cold.
  • Flour products.
  • Bean dishes.
  • Potato.
  • Sausage products.
  • Sweets.
  • Pork or any other fatty meat.
  • Tubular bones.
  • Stale food.

Anyone who wants to have such a pet should know in advance everything about the Labrador, the description and characteristics of the breed, and, of course, the features of the diet. Properly selected food or a balanced menu from natural products will provide your pet with healthy and long life.

Raising a pet

Before getting a Labrador puppy, you must first prepare everything for him, figure out feeding, buy toys for him, and organize a bed.

Experienced breeders say that you should train a retriever from the very first days, as soon as you bring it into your home. Then the puppy immediately understands who is the owner, what can and cannot be done on his territory. If the baby tries to take over the person, you need to immediately stop these attempts. But the owners of such dogs claim that Labrador puppies very rarely try to dominate due to their good-natured nature.

Some dog breeders prefer to take their dog to professional dog trainers, but then they discover for themselves that Labradors are quite easy to train, so even an inexperienced owner can teach them basic commands.

Possible health problems

Each breed of dog has its own risk of disease. With proper care and annual preventive examinations You can prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Breeders list the most common health problems in Labradors, which include:

  • Obesity.
  • Joint dysplasia.
  • Panosteitis (it most often affects young, fast-growing dogs).
  • Cataracts, retinal diseases.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Ulcers on the limbs from frequent licking.
  • Epilepsy (very rare).

Like all living beings, retrievers are susceptible to infections and viruses. To prevent such misfortunes, healthy dogs are vaccinated. The vaccination schedule must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Choosing a puppy

Experienced dog breeders warn that before you start choosing pet, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of keeping a dog, obtain the consent of all family members, in order to prevent further betrayal of a living creature and create conditions for a happy and healthy life for it.

When choosing a breeding animal, you need to pay attention to the breeder's rating. It would be ideal to see his parents. When choosing a sex, you need to focus on your preferences, since females and males have several great friend habits and habits from each other.

When choosing a color, you can also be guided by your preferences. Previously, it was fashionable to have black representatives of the breed, now preference is given to light ones, although dark ones still continue to be in demand.

As for the cost, it can fluctuate quite widely and depend on the club, pedigree, and breeding qualities. For a Labrador Retriever, the price (the description of the breed will help you navigate the quality) can start from 20,000 rubles. and end at 60,000-80,000 rubles.

Dog breeders consider one of the main conditions for choosing a puppy not the breeding qualities or the cost of the dog, but the intuition of the potential owner and his compatibility with the animal. After all, a person chooses for himself best friend and a companion for many years.

Many families are thinking about having a Labrador at home. This breed of dog attracts with its friendliness, quick learning and cheerful disposition. Before choosing a puppy, it will be useful to learn about the history of the origin of the breed, the subtleties of character, principles of care, nutrition and training of these faithful animals.

The full name of the cute Labradors in the breed classification is Labrador Retriever. These animals belong to one of the subspecies of retrievers, of which there are six in total.

Labs have gained their popularity among breeders due to their special intelligence, which allows them to quickly grasp and carry out the owner’s commands.

It is not for nothing that this breed ranks high in seventh place on the list of the smartest dogs.

The dog is of average height, so it can easily live in an apartment with its owners. You just need to walk Labradors regularly and for a long time, because it’s worth looking for more restless and energetic animals.

Initially, the breed was bred as a working breed, to help people. This is evidenced by powerful paws, a large head and a large, wide torso. Today Labradors are the most devoted helpers and friends. They become attached to their owners and try to please them in everything.

History of the origin of the breed

The Canadian island of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic is considered the birthplace of modern labs. It was there that their ancestors lived - St. John's dogs, excellent assistants to fishermen, able to swim excellently, dragging fishing gear and collecting the catch.

At the end of the 19th century, representatives of the working breed were brought to Great Britain, where, as a result of crossing with curly-haired retrievers, the local “aristocrats”. They turned out to be excellent hunting dogs with an easy-going character.

Already in 1887, the breed received an approved standard. True, at that time only the black color of dogs was recognized, but later it expanded a little.

1903 was the year of official approval of a separate breed called Labrador Retriever.

The popularity of good-natured dogs among breeders increased every year. Since the middle of the last century, labiks began to appear more often on American continent. And in 1991 in the USA this dog breed was named the most popular.

Regarding the origin of the name, there are three different versions, each of which has its own explanations:

  • named after the mainland peninsula of Labrador, located near Newfoundland;
  • from the Portuguese labrador - “hard worker”, which describes the character of dogs of this breed;
  • In honor of the stone breed, labradorite, the black color of which is very similar to the color of the first labs.

Breed standard

The Labrador dog has a distinct exterior that is difficult to confuse with other breeds.

  • Height at the withers - from 0.54 m (females) to 0.57 m (males).
  • Weight - from 27 to 40 kg (females up to 35 kg).
  • The head is a wide skull, a noticeable transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  • The muzzle is large, not fleshy, wide nostrils, powerful jaw, scissor bite.
  • The eyes are medium in size, brown or hazel in color.
  • The ears are triangular, hanging, small, set back, adjacent to the head.
  • Body - wide neck, level topline, large chest, barrel-shaped ribs.
  • The tail is small, thicker at the body and narrow at the end, without dewlap, straight, and does not curl over the back.
  • The limbs are straight, set parallel, the paws are compact.
  • The wool is water-repellent and consists of two layers: a hard outer coat and a soft undercoat.
  • Color - uniform black, brown or fawn (cream), pigmentation around the eyes.

Unusual colors of dogs of this breed also appear. You can find redfox, silver, dudley, white and spotted labies.

Puppy selection criteria

You should go to specialized nurseries to pick up your pet and family pet. After all, following an advertisement on the Internet you can run into unscrupulous breeders.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a Labrador:

  • puppy's fatness;
  • presence of a puppy card;
  • pleasant smell from the animal;
  • puppy's sociability;
  • conditions for keeping dogs in the kennel - cleanliness, absence of enclosures, chains;
  • tests for dysplasia and eye diseases from parents;
  • exhibition or sports successes of ancestors;
  • the seller's reaction to a potential buyer;

A good breeder does not care into which hands the puppy is given.

He will meticulously ask about the buyer’s living conditions, financial capabilities, experience and knowledge about the breed, etc.

You should definitely inspect the puppy before purchasing.

The following characteristics do not correspond to the breed standard:

  • thin or short neck;
  • sharp muzzle;
  • long toes;
  • crooked front legs;
  • undeveloped nostrils;
  • lack of pigmentation around the eyes;
  • increased aggression;
  • bite defects;
  • low-set ears;
  • long wool;
  • more than one spot (white, on the chest is allowed according to the standard);
  • constant barking.

Purpose and character of the dog

The breed was bred as a hunting breed; some hunters still use Labs as assistants today. But more dog suitable for the role of companions.

Very often they become guides for blind or visually impaired people, as well as assistants for the disabled. Labradors are used in search operations and to rescue people in emergency situations.

The docile and calm nature of animals helps them become psychotherapists for sick children and old people. Some labs are full-time employees of orphanages and nursing homes.

These dogs are not suitable for the role of watchman. They love people very much and cannot show aggression towards them.

Cheerful and good-natured dogs are constantly active and require the same behavior from their owners. You will definitely never get bored with labs, because they will surround you with love, affection and positivity. At the same time, dogs do not get bored, they are smart and insightful, they understand that their owners also need personal space.

In addition, the Labrador senses the mood of its guardian and skillfully adapts to it. Full understanding on the part of the dog makes it an attentive and sensitive friend.

Families with children can safely have labs in the house; they get along well with children, and can even perform nanny duties, helping parents care for the child.

The main thing is to give the dogs the opportunity to get plenty of exercise, as well as regularly educate and train them. Otherwise the need for increased activity may result in unpleasant mischief.

This breed is not at all demanding to care for, which allows even inexperienced beginners to keep a Labrador Retriever.

  • You need to comb the coat once a week, during the molting period - every 2 - 3 days.
  • You should bathe your dog once every six months. If after a walk the wool gets dirty, it should be wiped with a damp towel.
  • You need to clean your ears regularly - weakness labika. Dirt should be removed using a special solution to prevent inflammation from developing. It is important to keep your ears dry at all times.
  • A Labrador should brush his teeth every 5 to 7 days.
  • Nails should be trimmed once every 10 days.
  • Be sure to walk your dog every day for half an hour to an hour. Walking is not just a walk near the house, but active games, running, jumping over obstacles. It is necessary for the labik to expend as much as possible the accumulated energy, of which he has plenty.

Feeding a Labrador

This breed is very famous good appetite. Labics not only love to eat, they simply cannot be pulled away from food and food supplies. This is why it is important to feed your dog in moderation to prevent it from gaining excess weight.

You can choose for your diet:

  • ready-made food (canned or dry);
  • natural products.

The first option significantly saves the owner’s time, while the second will help reduce food costs, especially for residents rural areas having self-grown products.

The owners themselves make their own choice regarding feeding options. Just change it or mix it different variants it is forbidden.

If you buy food in a store, it is better to choose super premium products. These foods have a balanced composition necessary for the full development of the dog.

A natural food diet should include:

  • meat - 50% ( single dose- 20 g per 1 kg of dog weight);
  • porridge - 25% of the daily diet;
  • vegetables - 25%.

You can give dogs fermented milk products. Veterinarians advise adding to food vitamin complexes with lutein, taurine, calcium, tocopherol and ascorbic acid.

Never offer to pets:

  • grilled meat;
  • smoked products;
  • barley groats.

It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not feast on leftover food from garbage bins while walking. Labs are prone to obesity, so nutrition should be strictly controlled.

How to train and educate

As soon as Labrador puppies appear in the house, you must immediately begin training. Raising representatives of this breed is quite simple, because the dogs are very smart and quickly understand what their owner wants from them.

There is no need to allocate a lot of time for training, but classes must be conducted regularly in the first three years.

It is necessary to immediately explain to the puppy how to behave in the house. The lab must clearly understand the rules of conduct and be aware of the prohibitions. It is necessary to train the dog to use the toilet, make it clear that it is forbidden to chew things, pick up food from the floor, bite its owners, or lean on them with its paws. The more insistent the owner is in demanding that the rules be followed, the faster the labik will comply with them.

For walks, you need to purchase a reliable collar that will not allow your pet to escape from its owner. Labika commands are learned very quickly; to do this, you only need to repeat the exercises a few times.

Basic commands:

  • "Place!";
  • "To me!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Give!";
  • "Near!";
  • "Ugh!";
  • “Aport!”

Commands must be taught gradually. Until one is learned, you should not move on to the other.

Regular exercise, perseverance and friendliness of the owners will turn active puppies into excellent companions and helpers.

Pros and cons of the breed

Representatives of the breed have plenty of advantages:

  • friendliness and agreeableness;
  • fast learner;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • good behavior in communicating with children;
  • ease of care;
  • the ability to adapt to the owners.

There are also disadvantages:

  • bad watchman;
  • increased love for puddles;
  • passion for digging through trash cans or bags;
  • Loud snoring.

Dogs of this breed should not be owned by people who cannot find time to walk them. Active animals need walks the most, which is why they love to walk with their little owners.

Retriever and Labrador, what is the difference?

These two breeds belong to the same canine group. Many people confuse dogs due to some external similarity and coincidence in the name.

Golden retrievers are now most often called goldens, and labics are simply called retrievers. Both breeds owe their origin to Great Britain, but the purposes for which they were bred are different.

Labics are considered working dogs; they helped fish and hunt game. Goldens simply brought shot birds to their owners. They are considered a more aristocratic breed. Scottish breeder Tweedmouth sought a golden color for the breed so that the dogs would be visible on peat bogs.

Externally, representatives of the breeds are similar to each other, but there are differences between them.

  • The Labik has a squat, heavy body, while the Golden is more refined.
  • The coat of Labs is smooth, without waves, waterproof, not too long (maximum 5 cm), lying close to the body. The Golden Retriever's coat shimmers in waves, has fringes, and is longer.
  • The color standard for Labradors is black, fawn and chocolate. Goldens only have shades of golden color.
  • The labik has a straight tail that continues the line of the back, without bending upward. The tail of the Golden Retriever has a pendant in the form of half a feather.

The characters of the animals also differ from each other.

  • Labrador retrievers are very emotional, restless, active and trusting. Goldens are calmer, more balanced and cautious.
  • Both breeds lend themselves well to training. But Labradors are a little smarter and more savvy, and in their desire to please their owner, they do everything faster. Golden needs time to think and make a decision.

For a measured life in an apartment, a golden retriever is more suitable. And those families who love active pastime in nature should get a cheerful labik companion.