Medical termination of pregnancy while breastfeeding. Is medical abortion possible while breastfeeding? Disadvantages of different types of abortion during breastfeeding

Many young breastfeeding mothers are confident that they will not be able to get pregnant during lactation and should not take additional contraceptive measures. As practice shows, cases where a couple was able to conceive a child in the first months after childbirth are not uncommon, and then parents find themselves at a crossroads: save the fetus or resort to abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy during breastfeeding can be of two types: surgical (destruction of the fetus in the uterus) and medicinal (taking mefiprestone and drugs based on it for miscarriage). The features of each procedure, their advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in this article.

Do you know how many women become pregnant within the first three months after giving birth?

According to medical statistics, every 5 young mothers discover signs of an “interesting situation” in the first trimester after childbirth.

Surgical termination of pregnancy does not imply stopping breastfeeding, however, surgery V reproductive organs women and the subsequent period of rehabilitation frightens the young mother. In addition, possible complications that can lead to infertility do not bode well, just as anesthesia during the operation can affect the quality of breast milk. The first few days after an abortion, the woman will be in a state of stress and powerlessness, and it will be extremely difficult for her to fully care for the child without outside help.

Termination of pregnancy with medications

Despite the fact that the reception pharmaceuticals for the purpose of artificial miscarriage is becoming increasingly popular, this method has a number of serious limitations, so before deciding on this, you should think several times.

Whether there is a safe methods termination of pregnancy

The most significant disadvantages of medical abortion are:

  1. It takes from 2 to 3 days, depending on the woman’s body.
  2. Used only for periods up to 6 weeks.
  3. The need to take a break breastfeeding. The active ingredient in abortion pills greatly affects the taste and quality of milk and can cause vomiting or diarrhea in the baby.
  4. A visit to a gynecologist involves a minimum of three visits, during which the specialist will make sure that you are pregnant, prescribe medication, monitor the process after 48 hours, and check the uterus for absence of a fetus in two weeks. probable bleeding and inflammation.
  5. The drugs have more than 20 contraindications, including suspicion of ectopic pregnancy, abnormalities in fetal development, anemia, uterine fibroids, renal failure, gestosis, inflammatory processes of the genital organs, allergic reactions etc. It is not recommended to take abortifacients for women with respiratory problems, in particular with bronchial asthma.
  6. Unpleasant side effects: migraine, chills and weakness, vomiting, asthenia, dizziness, diarrhea and cutting pains lower abdomen, bleeding, anxiety and sleep disturbances.


According to the rules, a medical abortion must be done in a medical facility under the supervision of a gynecologist, but most often a woman carries out this procedure at home. Be sure to ensure that a family member is present with you in case of unforeseen situations.


Termination of pregnancy while breastfeeding is fraught great difficulties, both for mother and baby. Both options for artificial abortion - surgical and medical - are fraught with a number of complications and contraindications and do not pass without leaving a mark on the female body. The best way to avoid unpleasant procedure– reliable contraception from the first days after childbirth.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

It is desirable, but sometimes the prevailing circumstances do not give the right to choose and you have to go for an interruption. If for some reason or indication a woman decides not to carry the pregnancy to term, then abortion is best done at the earliest early stages. Until the delay is no more than 10-14 days, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy medically, that is, using special pills.

Medical abortion: the essence of the method

Medicinal termination of an unplanned pregnancy occurs strictly before the 15-20th day of missed menstruation, and preferably as early as possible. The advantage of the method is the absence of surgical manipulations in the uterine cavity, which is much easier for the patient to tolerate physically and mentally.

How does a medical abortion occur? After examining the woman on the chair and setting the exact doctor, based on body weight and individual characteristics the patient’s body, gives her 2 tablets to take orally. After 24-36 hours, the woman should take 2 more tablets. The first dose of the drug affects the production of the hormone progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone. While taking the pills, progesterone production stops, nutrients do not enter the uterine cavity and the fertilized egg dies inside the mother’s body. The second dose of the drug causes contractions of the uterus, which leads to the expulsion of the fertilized egg and its membranes from the body through menstrual-like bleeding.

Medical abortion is most suitable for young girls who have never given birth, as well as for young mothers who have had a caesarean section in the recent past. Of course, abortion, even with the help of pills, always poses a threat to a woman’s body, but nulliparous patients, as well as mothers after caesarean section You cannot manipulate the uterus with surgical instruments or vacuum suction. Such actions can injure the uterine mucosa, which in nulliparous women will lead to inflammatory processes and infertility in the future, and in women after cesarean section to possible damage to the scar and further massive internal bleeding.

Any woman who decides to have an abortion is reluctant to go to the doctor, especially young girls who are afraid of moralizing and condemnation. Having learned about the possibility of terminating a pregnancy with abortion pills, many patients decide to do everything at home, without going to the doctor. You absolutely cannot do this:

  • Firstly, the dose of the drug is selected by the doctor strictly individually - some need more medicine, others much less.
  • Secondly, the body can react unpredictably to taking the drug, which is fraught with complications from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Thirdly, it is not suitable for all women drug interruption, which can cause incomplete abortion and the development of purulent inflammatory processes and peritonitis. Abortion pills are taken only under the supervision of a doctor; after about 5 hours, the specialist can send the woman home and recommend that she come for an examination after 2 days.

Medical abortion: choice of drug

There are not so many drugs for medical abortion; they are all analogues of Mifepristone and have many names:

  • Mifeprex;
  • Miropriston;
  • Mifegin.

The drugs are a progesterone antagonist, that is, they block the production of this hormone and increase the sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins - substances that enhance the contractile function of muscle fibers. Mifepristone must be taken in combination with prostaglandins (20-30 hours after Mifepristone tablets), since it is thanks to these substances that the fertilized egg, along with the membranes, is expelled from the uterine cavity.

There are also drugs for emergency postcoital contraception, but their action is based on preventing pregnancy through hormonal imbalance. Drugs in this group are not suitable for terminating an existing pregnancy.

Pros and cons of pharmabort

Termination of pregnancy at any stage does not leave its mark on the female body, however, if we compare pharmabortion with other types of removal of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity, we can highlight a number of pros and cons of the procedure.

The advantages of medical abortion are:

  • Minimal risk of complications such as bleeding and damage to the uterine mucosa;
  • Does not develop;
  • Possibility of implementation nulliparous women and young mothers after caesarean section;
  • Psychological aspect - pharmaabortion is perceived more easily by patients;
  • Outpatient mode - a few hours after taking the first dose of tablets, the patient can go home, then, as after surgical removal After the embryo is removed from the uterus, the woman needs to stay in the hospital for several days.

Disadvantages of medical abortion:

  • Incomplete removal membranes- occurs when the dose of the drug is incorrectly calculated or abortive pills are used during pregnancy over 4-5 weeks;
  • Continuation of pregnancy - occurs extremely rarely, only in 2% of cases;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug - nausea, vomiting, disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body.

Pain after medical abortion

After abortion with the help of pills, the body needs time for the reproductive system and endocrine glands to restore their function. After taking pills with an abortifacient effect, the patient may experience pain in various locations:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen- caused by contraction of the uterus and expulsion of the fertilized egg and membranes from the body. If abdominal pain is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and discharge of pus from the vagina, you should immediately seek help;
  • Pain in the mammary glands- during pregnancy, a woman’s mammary glands become highly sensitive, increase in size, become hard and painful. After taking abortion pills, reverse changes and restructuring occur in the body, so chest pain will persist for some time. As a rule, with the onset of menstruation, all unpleasant phenomena disappear;
  • Pain in the ovaries- abortion pills cause serious hormonal changes in the body and the organs are the first to respond to changes reproductive system, in particular, the ovaries. Pain in the ovarian area after taking abortion pills is caused by an increase in their size and increased inhibition of the production of the pregnancy hormone.

Painkillers and No-Spa during and after medical abortion

Abdominal pain after taking abortifacient pills resembles pain during menstruation. It is highly undesirable to take No-shpa or other drugs with antispasmodic and analgesic effects to reduce pain. Although these tablets relieve spasms, they also negatively affect the contractility of the uterus, and this can lead to incomplete removal of the membranes from the body. You can reduce pain in the lower abdomen after a medical abortion by lying on your stomach. In this position, the clots leave the uterus faster and more efficiently, which in itself reduces pain. If painful sensations excessively strong and the woman cannot tolerate them, you should consult a gynecologist for advice, perhaps the dose of the medicine was incorrect.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a pharmacological abortion?

Pharmacological abortion creates a situation in the body similar to a spontaneous miscarriage. Over the next 28-35 days, the body recovers and menstruation begins. If a woman has sex during this period and does not use contraception, then the onset of new pregnancy highly likely. In order not to risk your health and not find yourself in front of difficult choice, in the next 3-6 months after a medical abortion, you should carefully protect yourself.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after pharmaabortion?

After taking abortifacient pills, a woman should not drink alcohol, as alcohol can negatively affect the pharmacological effect of the drug. Combining Mifepristone tablets with alcohol is fraught with incomplete abortion and the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Sex after pharmacological abortion

After taking abortifacient pills, a woman, as after any other type of abortion, should refrain from intimate relationships. As soon as the discharge stops and the doctor confirms that there are no particles of membranes left in the uterus, the couple can resume sexual relations However, to avoid another unplanned pregnancy, you should use contraception.

Breastfeeding after pharmacological abortion

If a woman is forced to undergo a pharmacist abortion during lactation, then after taking abortion pills the child cannot continue to breastfeed Active ingredients tablets can pass through breast milk into the child’s body, and since studies on the safety of the drug for children have not been conducted, medical termination of pregnancy and continued feeding of the child are incompatible.

The first six months after the birth of a child, a woman’s body experiences difficult stage recovery after enormous stress during pregnancy and childbirth. At the same time, there is a myth among women that during breastfeeding a young mother cannot become pregnant. In fact, the lactation method of contraception cannot be called reliable, since in some women the first ovulation occurs as early as 6 weeks after birth.

Against the background of hormonal changes menstrual cycle long time may not be restored, which also does not allow a woman to fully control the likelihood of conception. As a result, unwanted pregnancy during breastfeeding is not uncommon.

Making a decision to continue pregnancy immediately after childbirth is not easy. In some cases, a woman is not yet ready for the birth of a second baby, and in others repeated births during this period, they are contraindicated for health reasons (for example, after a cesarean section). This raises the question of having an abortion during breastfeeding. Medical abortion is considered the safest and least traumatic method of abortion in modern gynecology, but can it be performed during breastfeeding? Let's figure it out together with experienced specialists medical center Diana.

Which method of abortion should I choose while breastfeeding?

Many women categorically refuse medical abortion while breastfeeding, due to the risk of penetration pharmacological drugs into breast milk. In this case, the young mother chooses something that is more traumatic and dangerous to her health. surgical technique curettage to continue lactation. However, is such a risk justified? Gynecologists assure that this is not always the case.

The first thing that is important to understand is that medical abortion can be performed during breastfeeding, provided that the child’s feeding pattern is changed. Depending on the drug chosen for pharmacological abortion, the woman will have to stop breastfeeding for a period of 3 days to two weeks. During this time, breast milk should be expressed regularly and the baby should be fed formula. At the same time, of course, there is a risk of the baby further refusing to breastfeed, which is undesirable, because no formula can replace a baby’s mother’s milk.

However, this is not a reason to choose surgical method termination of pregnancy, because contrary to the misconception of many women, in this case you will also have to stop feeding for several days. This is due to the use of anesthetic drugs for surgical abortion. As a result, both methods will require the woman to temporarily interrupt breastfeeding, but medical abortion is accompanied by significantly lower risks for the woman’s body.

New research into the impact of medical abortion on breast milk quality

In any case, it is permissible only under the supervision of a specialist who will first carry out the entire range of necessary diagnostic measures. Moreover, if the patient is breastfeeding at the time of termination of pregnancy, the doctor will recommend a plan for temporarily stopping breastfeeding. It is important to understand that such a measure is only insurance against possible risks, since research into the effect of drugs for medical abortion on the quality of breast milk is still ongoing.

So, quite recently, regular research was carried out by famous world scientists on this topic. The experiment proved that only minimal doses of the drug used for pharmacological interruption pregnancy, can pass into breast milk. Maximum concentration chemical agent in a woman's milk was 1.5%, which is considered a negligible dose that cannot harm the baby.

Doctors conducting this study concluded that it is enough to stop breastfeeding for a period of 4 to 10 hours to completely eliminate the possibility of harmful effects chemicals for medical abortion on the baby's body. However, before completing all stages clinical assessment, these results cannot be considered reliable and final, and therefore you should listen to the feeding cessation plan that the doctor will select.

When contacting a doctor to terminate a pregnancy during breastfeeding, it is very important to inform the specialist about the fact of lactation and recent childbirth. Having knowledge and experience in this field, the doctor will choose the optimal drug and dosage in order to ensure guaranteed safety of the baby and increase the likelihood of continued breastfeeding.

Pregnancy during breastfeeding is quite common. Every woman should soberly assess the situation and try to minimize the risk not only for her own body, but also for the baby. Any medication or surgical intervention naturally affects the quality and quantity of mother's milk. Abortion during breastfeeding is a complex procedure that must be approached with all responsibility. Is it possible to breastfeed a child after an abortion?

During the period of breastfeeding, a woman returns to her normal sex life. There are often cases when an unwanted pregnancy occurs during this period. A woman is faced with a serious problem: what to do if she cannot raise two children or has health problems?

According to the data medical research, the first ovulation can occur as early as 6 weeks after birth. Moreover, the likelihood is higher in women who do not breastfeed. However, science knows of cases where ovulation in nursing mothers occurred already 4 weeks after birth. It is believed that the period for 6 months after birth with full breastfeeding and no menstruation is safe from the point of view unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, even the lactational amenorrhea method is only 98% effective.

Types of termination of pregnancy

Today, termination of pregnancy is carried out in two main ways:

  1. Surgical or instrumental method performed under general anesthesia. It consists of two main procedures: expansion and curettage. Average duration about 40 min.
  2. Vacuum or mini abortion. A gentler and faster procedure when breastfeeding. Duration about 10 minutes. Interruption occurs using special equipment - vacuum apparatus.
  3. Medications. A non-contact method based on the chemical action of certain substances. Medical abortion is the most gentle method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. It is carried out in the early stages (up to 49 days) using certain pharmaceuticals. The principle of such an interruption is as follows: the woman drinks a certain amount of medicine in the presence of a doctor, then the procedure is repeated after 48 hours, and then after another 3 hours. An ultrasound should be performed no more than 2 weeks later to prevent the development of complications. The abortifacient substance is mifeprex, or mifegin. You can find another name - RU 486. It is used as the main substance. IN final stage Misoprostol is used, which permanently terminates the pregnancy. During breastfeeding, a woman takes medications based on the same active chemicals.

In the first two cases, no effects on the quality of mother's milk are observed. However, contact methods have dire consequences for the female body. Often, surgical interventions lead to disruption reproductive function. Therefore, medical termination of pregnancy is considered the most gentle. Due to the fact that a woman takes certain medications, there is a risk of impairing the suitability of mother's milk. And yet, following a certain scheme, medical abortion during breastfeeding is quite possible.

Doctor about types of abortion: video

Feeding scheme

Instructions for use of drugs contain detailed information and recommendations. When using the medicine, you should refrain from breastfeeding for a period of 3 to 14 days. Most often the break is 2 weeks. After such a break, in most cases, lactation ceases.

In this case, the baby is transferred to artificial mixtures. When using a drug such as gemeprost, the active substance is eliminated from the body within 24 hours. Thus, it is absolutely safe for the baby’s health to resume feeding within a day after the procedure.

In the case of an instrumental method of abortion during breastfeeding, lactation can be resumed immediately after the anesthesia has stopped. However, in rare cases it is still necessary to take a short break. It all depends on the type of anesthesia with which the anesthesia was administered.

At vacuum abortion, which is otherwise called a mini-abortion, there is no need to interrupt feeding.

Scientific research

An interesting fact is that the results of experiments conducted by world experts showed a very low concentration active substances in human milk during medical abortion. The maximum content at the highest concentration is 1.5%.

A number of other European medical figures, after conducting large-scale research, came to a similar conclusion. They recommend interrupting feeding for 4 hours immediately after using the drug. Thus, drug research is not yet completed. And you should follow the recommendations of pharmaceutical manufacturers.


Most Negative consequences Medical abortion does not have an impact on the baby, but on female body. The main problem is that the woman has not yet fully strengthened and recovered from childbirth. And any invasion in any case will have consequences, at least moral ones. It is extremely important to keep them to a minimum:

  • If you need to terminate your pregnancy, do not allow yourself doubts or regrets. Of course, this is a severe injury, but you have to think about the baby in your arms. Your depressive state will certainly affect your child’s emotional state. The nursing female body transmits all the information to the baby.
  • Depending on individual characteristics, violations may occur digestive system(vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps and colic), as well as headaches.
  • Often, abortion is accompanied by strong contractions of the uterus, which are quite painful. Contractions may continue for some time after the procedure. In some cases, bleeding is observed. It should be noted that isolated cases of uterine rupture have been recorded.

Doctor about the consequences and contraindications of abortion: video

Be responsible!

Breastfeeding is extremely important period for the baby's health. A woman must strictly monitor her diet. Any medications can have dire consequences. Therefore, without strict presence medical specialist In the case of a medical abortion, this is not possible.

  • First, the doctor must find out whether this method of terminating a pregnancy during breastfeeding is suitable for your body.
  • Secondly, it is in the presence of a doctor that the active medication is used. And, naturally, minimal consequences can only occur if the rules of the recovery period are observed.

Whatever method of abortion you choose, remember to prepare for the break breastfeeding. So, before going for an instrumental abortion, express a sufficient amount of milk, which will feed the baby during your absence. When undergoing a medical abortion, consult with your doctor about which medications will be used to terminate the abortion, and after what time you can resume breastfeeding without endangering the baby’s health.

Medical or surgical termination of pregnancy during lactation affects the amount of milk and the quality of breastfeeding. Before deciding to have an abortion during breastfeeding, you need to study information about the features various techniques this procedure.

Before having an abortion, a woman must consult a doctor, undergo examination, tests and an ultrasound. This is necessary to confirm the presence of pregnancy and choose the method of termination. You can also contact a breastfeeding specialist who will give recommendations on maintaining lactation and tell you about the forced break in feeding and its timing. During this period, you should required quantity milk and freeze it in special containers so that the child does not lack nutrition.

In addition, a woman needs psychological help before an abortion: during lactation, the maternal instinct is highly developed, which can negatively affect the emotional state.

In this case, you can go to a psychologist for help and, after talking with him, consciously decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy. Equally important is the support of relatives and partners during this period, their understanding and approval.

Preparing the Infant

A child during breastfeeding is emotionally and physically attached to his mother, so he also needs to be prepared for her temporary absence. Leave the baby with one of your relatives for a short time so that he understands that even when he goes away, his mother always returns. You should also accustom your baby to a bottle with an orthodontic nipple. It follows the shape of a woman’s nipple, so the child will subsequently not stop sucking the breast. If there is not enough milk, it is necessary to introduce a properly selected artificial adapted formula into the child’s diet and make sure there are no allergies or other negative reactions child's body.

Types of abortions

There are the following types of abortion:

    • medicinal (tablet);
    • surgical (instrumental);
    • vacuum (mini-abortion).

At medicinal method termination of pregnancy occurs with the help of special medicines. They cause rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. The duration of the procedure varies from 2 to 4 days. During this period, the woman must stop breastfeeding, since the potent substance of the drug enters the mother’s bloodstream and can be passed on to the baby through the milk. Depending on choice medicine Your doctor may recommend a break from breastfeeding for a longer period of time (up to 14 days). Instrumental method Termination of pregnancy involves surgery and curettage, so it is considered the most dangerous of all types of abortion. The average duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. During this procedure, the woman is given local or general anesthesia, which affects the subsequent resumption of lactation. Most often, breastfeeding can be continued immediately after the anesthetic wears off. In rare cases, doctors recommend abstaining from feeding for several days. A mini-abortion is performed using a special vacuum device and is considered the most gentle method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. The duration of the procedure is 7-10 minutes. After completion, it is not necessary to interrupt breastfeeding, since the female body recovers in a short period of time. In rare cases, doctors prescribe a course to a woman to prevent infection from entering the body. Then you will have to give up breastfeeding for a long time.

After the abortion procedure and the cessation of anesthetic drugs, symptoms may appear. painful sensations lower abdomen. This is due to contractions of the uterus. To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend placing it on your stomach. cold compress. In addition, after an abortion, patients often experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In this case, you need to contact a specialist who will select suitable medications. When wondering whether it is possible to breastfeed after an abortion, remember that this depends on the method of termination of pregnancy, the drugs used during the procedure and the subsequent condition of the body.

Termination of pregnancy entails hormonal changes that affect the production of breast milk, its taste and quantity.

Therefore, there are cases when children refuse breastfeeding and lactation stops. To maintain it, put your baby to your breast more often and do not skip night feedings.

To subsequently exclude, do not use the contraceptive properties of lactation and interrupted sexual intercourse as methods of contraception. After an abortion, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist. He will pick up suitable remedy contraception that does not affect breastfeeding.