Milbemax for cats. Milbemax deworming tablets for dogs of different breeds and puppies - dosage and side effects Milbemax deworming tablets for dogs instructions

A healthy pet must have shiny, thick fur. If nematodes are present, a rash appears on the animal’s skin, and the fur begins to fade and fall out.

  • 2.5 mg milbemycin oxime;
  • 25 mg praziquantel.

Tablets for large adult dogs (weight 5-25 kg):

  • 12.5 mg milbemycin oxime;
  • 125 mg praziquantel.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

How often can Milbemax be given to dogs?

The dosage and frequency of use of the drug directly depends on the age, weight of the dog, as well as what other medications received a pet. This is due to the fact that many medications have direct influence to work gastrointestinal tract, which means that additional administration of Milbemax can lead to the development of severe side effects.

The standard instructions for use of Milbemax for dogs recommend deworming when the puppy reaches 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age. Then, a prophylactic dose can be given once every 3 months. Prevention must be carried out all year round no breaks.

Is the drug dangerous for pets' health?

Attention! The exception is dogs with a mutation in the MDR-1 gene. Such animals are more sensitive to Milbemax and for them the pill may end. fatal. That is why, before the very first dose of the drug, it is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian.

The instructions for Milbemax for dogs state that the tablets are safe for all dogs, including elderly, young, pregnant and lactating dogs. In order to prevent the appearance of helminths in newborn puppies, it is necessary to treat the bitches before mating, and additionally give a tablet about 10 days before birth. The safety of Milbemax has been confirmed clinical trials. More than 75 various breeds dogs showed excellent tolerability of the tablets.

Side effects

Milbemax is considered one of the most safe drugs for deworming, as Clinical signs Overdoses can only occur if the recommended dose is exceeded by more than 10 times! A irreversible damage develop when the recommended dose increases by more than 80 times! Thus, owners do not have to worry about having incorrectly calculated the dosage of the drug.

If you give Milbemax to collie or sheltie dogs, especially those with a mutated gene, you can expect a temporary loss of coordination, as well as foaming at the mouth and vomiting. All other dogs side effects mild and usually disappear within 24 hours.

The manufacturer admits that in rare cases, after taking the pill, the following may develop:

  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • sharp increase in itching in anal passage(associated with the active release of helminths to the outside);
  • a sharp increase in appetite;
  • profuse salivation.

Despite the fact that an overdose is extremely unlikely, every owner must be able to recognize it in time. dangerous symptoms. Since the tablets have a pleasant taste and smell, a dog, left unattended, can easily eat a dangerous amount of Milbemax.

The following signs should alert you:

  • trembling in the pet's limbs;
  • general lethargy and apathy;
  • constant drooling;
  • refusal of food.

Real reviews about Milbemax for dogs

Victoria, 39 years old:

“The children brought the puppy from the street and begged to keep it. I immediately bathed the dog and treated him with flea spray. When I noticed white dots in the stool, I decided to worm our new member of the household. There were many offers on the Internet different drugs, but settled on Milbemax because large quantity positive feedback. I liked that you don’t have to spend a lot of time figuring out the dosage (they sell ready-made tablets for small puppies). The tablet itself is small, but apparently has the right smell. Our little dog gobbled it up and didn’t even notice. Of course, after a day he couldn’t find a place for himself: he was constantly rubbing his butt on the floor. About ten balls of roundworms came out! But now I am sure that my children are safe.”

Elena and Maxim:

“We have two collie dogs. We give them anthelmintics at least once every six months. Once again we decided to carry out prevention and noticed that Kanikquantel (the tablets that the veterinarian prescribed to us) had run out. My husband bought Milbemax at the pharmacy and immediately gave it to the dogs. When I read the instructions in the evening, I was very scared, because it said that the tablets were not suitable for collies. In the morning we took the dogs to the veterinarian (even though no symptoms were noticed). It turned out that Milbemax is not recommended only for small collie puppies or dogs with a mutated gene. Since no side effects developed, the doctor allowed Milbemax to be given periodically to prevent dangerous worms in the heart.”

Karina, 22 years old:

“The reviews about Milbemax on the Internet are excellent, so I decided to buy the drug for my dachshund. I bought special tablets for small breeds dogs, but drooling still appeared. The dog refused to eat for almost a day and slept almost all the time. I was already thinking about taking the dachshund to the vet, but that’s it unpleasant symptoms passed. I’ll be afraid to give it a second time.”

Advantages: Milbemax Effectively acts on the larval, immature and mature stages of helminth development, the drug is used once,
- Very convenient dosage of the drug. Fewer tablets per animal, small tablets.
After use in adult animals, vaccination can be done 4-5 days after administering the drug.
Can be given to pregnant women, preferably from the 45th day of pregnancy, while simultaneously preventing infection of puppies with helminths in utero.
The drug is administered according to the development cycle of helminths, puppies from 2 weeks. Given to lactating animals at the same time as young animals.
The drug can be used monthly to prevent infection of animals with dirofilariasis.
The drug paralyzes helminths, and they are eliminated from the body, thereby avoiding intoxication with decay products and giving owners the opportunity to see with their own eyes what lives in their pets.
The drug is very safe for warm-blooded animals and has a wide therapeutic range. INSTRUCTIONS
on the use of Milbemax® tablets for
for deworming dogs

Milbemax® tablets for dogs.

Milbemax® tablets for dogs are an anthelmintic drug containing milbemycin oxime and praziquantel as active ingredients.
The drug is produced in two forms: “Milbemax tablets for puppies and small dogs”, containing milbemycin oxime – 2.5 mg/tablet. and praziquantel - 25 mg/tablet., and "Milbemax tablets for adult dogs", containing milbemycin oxime - 12.5 mg/tablet. and praziquantel - 125 mg/tablet.
The tablets contain titanium dioxide and iron oxide as fillers.
The drug does not contain genetically modified components.

Milbemax® tablets for dogs are prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for nematodes, cestodes and mixed nematode-cestodes infestations caused by the following types of helminths:

Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp. (cestodes)
Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonine, Trichuris vulpis, Crenosoma vulpis, Angiostrongylus vasorum, Dirofilaria immitis (nematodes)

The drug is administered to dogs once in the morning feeding with a small amount feed or injected forcibly on the root of the tongue after eating food in a minimum therapeutic dose of 0.5 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per 1 kg of animal weight, based on:

Dog's weight Milbemax® tablets for puppies and small dogs Milbemax® tablets for adult dogs
0.5 – 1 kg ½ tablet (long, white)
> 1 - 5 kg 1 tablet (long, white)
> 5 – 10 kg 2 tablets (long, white) 1 tablet (round, white)
> 10 – 25 kg
> 25 – 50 kg 2 tablets (round, white)
> 50 – 75 kg 3 tablets (round, white)

No preliminary fasting diet or use of laxatives is required.
WITH therapeutic purpose the drug is used once according to indications veterinarian, with prophylactic - once a quarter in a therapeutic dose.
For deworming in case of Angiostrongylus vasorum infestation, Milbemax® tablets for dogs are prescribed four times with an interval of 1 week.
To prevent dirofilariasis, the drug is prescribed monthly, once a month.
Puppies under 2 weeks of age and dogs weighing less than 0.5 kg are not subject to deworming.
The drug should not be used in dogs during the first two thirds of pregnancy, in malnourished or sick dogs. infectious diseases animals, animals with impaired renal function, liver and with increased individual sensitivity to the active components of the drug.
Pregnant dogs are prescribed the drug in the last third of pregnancy, lactating dogs - 2-3 weeks after birth.
In view of high sensitivity collie dogs and other related breeds, the use of Milbemax® in puppies of these breeds is not recommended.

When using the drug in accordance with these instructions side effects and complications in animals were not established.
In case of an overdose, some dogs may experience tremors, dilated pupils, drooling, and depression. These symptoms disappear spontaneously within 24 hours and do not require the use of medications.

IV. PERSONAL PREVENTION MEASURES When working with Milbemax® tablets for dogs, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions provided when working with medicines Milbemax tablets for dogs should be kept out of the reach of children.

  • for puppies and dogs weighing from 0.5 to 5 kg– elongated tablets;
  • For big dogs weighing from 5 to 75 kg– round tablets.
  • Regardless of purpose, tablets have identical composition, differing in the dosage of active ingredients.
  • The package consists of one or two blisters with two tablets, separated by a vertical fault line stamped AA on one half and NA on the other.
  • Manufacturer country: France, together with Slovakia.
  • Best before date: 24 months. The remaining part of the tablet is stored for no more than one month.

Composition and principle of action

Milbemax is an anthelmintic combination remedy, equally affecting cestodes and nematodes at any phase of their development. It is used for medicinal purposes for removal and prophylaxis, including before.

Additional substances: magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium, colloidal silicon, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate.

The onset of action of the drug and its maximum concentration are observed after 2-4 hours. It is excreted from the body mainly through urine within two days.

Milbemax for dogs: instructions for use

The drug is used orally, in the morning feeding, it does not require a starvation diet or additional use of laxatives before or after administration. Before the procedure, it is recommended to examine the animal for the presence of microfilariae in its blood. The dosage of Milbemax for puppies, large and small dogs is calculated according to the instructions as follows:
The drug for small dogs and puppies is prescribed:

  • from 0.5 to 1 kg – 1/2 tablet;
  • from 1 to 5 kg – 1 tablet;
  • from 5 to 10 kg – 2 tablets.

The drug is for adults and large dogs accept:

  • from 10 to 25 kg – 1 tablet;
  • from 25 to 50 kg – 2 tablets;
  • from 50 to 75 kg – 3 tablets.

Treatment of dogs for Angiostrongylus vasorum infestation is carried out in an appropriate dose in four doses at intervals of seven days. In regions with an increased risk of dirofilariasis infection, during the period of the appearance of mosquitoes and mosquitoes that carry pathogens, from spring to autumn, Milbemax is first administered once, then once a month and a month after the end of the season.

Contraindications and overdose

Milbemax is classified as moderate toxic drugs 3 hazard classes(GOST 12.1.007-76). Particularly toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. Milbemax is safe for puppies and small dogs if the instructions are followed exactly.

Contraindications for use are:

Milbemax is modern drug for dogs, which helps get rid of helminthiasis. It is suitable for different ages and breeds. The advantage of the product is that it does not cause side effects (with correct use!). Cases of poisoning or overdose are rare.

The medicine is produced by the pharmaceutical company NOVARTIS SANTE ANIMALE S.A.S. (France). The company has been working in the field of veterinary medicine for many years.

Over the years medical activities The company has managed to establish itself with the best side, so you can buy products from this manufacturer without any doubt. The main thing is that the owner monitors the expiration date and does not exceed the dosage.

If you have any questions or doubts, it is best to contact your veterinarian. It is also important not to fall for a fake, so we advise you to make purchases only in trusted pharmacies.

Composition and release forms

Milbemax is produced exclusively in the form of tablets (yellow or brownish in color). There are two types of the drug: for puppies and small breeds and for adult dogs.

If the tablet is stamped “AA” on one side and “NA” on the other, then the medicine is intended for puppies. There are no imprints on tablets for adult animals.

For convenience, a dividing strip has been added, with which you can easily break the dragee. The tablets are packaged in metallized blisters, two pieces each. One package may contain 1 or 2 blisters.

Advice! If it is more convenient for you to use a suspension, then it is better to find an analogue, for example, Prazitel.

Main active ingredients Praziquantel and milbemycin oxime are used. One tablet contains 10 mg of the first and 4 mg of the second substance. In addition to these active components in the composition anthelmintic present:

  • flavoring (beef);
  • talc;
  • macrogol;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • lactose;
  • colloidal silicon.

pharmachologic effect

There are many different components in the medicine, but they perform additional functions, the main role is played by praziquantel and milbemycin oxime.

After consuming the drug, 1-3 hours must pass for it to reach its maximum concentration in the dog’s blood. It leaves the body in urine within 2-3 days.

Indications for use

Dogs should take Milbemax to prevent or treat helminthiasis, namely the presence in the body of:

  • cestodes;
  • trematodes;
  • nematodes

Directions for use and dosage selection

The dosage depends on the age and pet. The table will help you understand the dose selection:

Instructions for use:

  1. Wear gloves and remove the tablets from the blister.
  2. Call the dog and pet him.
  3. Place the pill on the root of your tongue.
  4. Make sure your dog does not spit out the medicine.
  5. Throw away the blister pack and gloves.

Milbemax for dogs and puppies can also be added to food or given by hand, but not all animals want to eat it, so it is better to immediately put it on the root of the tongue.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects may occur due to the dog’s intolerance to one or more substances included in the drug or due to incorrectly calculated dosage.

To the main negative consequences relate:

  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • depressed state;
  • vomiting;
  • trembling in the body;
  • decreased activity;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

Not all animals can take the product; there are a number of contraindications:

  • infectious diseases;
  • weight less than two kilograms;
  • age less than 6 weeks;
  • allergy to drug substances;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • exhaustion.

Pregnant females can be treated for helminthiasis with Milbemax, but only under the supervision of a veterinarian, otherwise there is a risk of negative consequences.


Often, dogs react normally to the drug, so they do not experience any side effects, but there are exceptions to all rules. To notice the problem in time you need to know the symptoms of an overdose:

  • diarrhea;
  • refusal to eat;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • depressed state.

If you notice one or more symptoms from the list, immediately take the animal to veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.

Do not re-give the tablets under any circumstances. Make sure your dog drinks water and ventilate the room in which he is located.

Take care of silence and cleanliness. Give some crushed activated carbon tablets.

Interaction with other drugs

Milbemax cannot be combined with other drugs, especially those with the same spectrum of action. If for some reason you need to give your dog several different tablets at once, then consult your veterinarian before doing this.

Conditions and shelf life

If stored correctly, Milbemax can “live” for two years, after opening the blister – 6 months. It is not difficult to create suitable conditions, just put the medicine in a dry place that small children and animals do not have access to. Direct lines should not penetrate there. Sun rays. Temperature from 5 to 25 degrees.



An anthelmintic agent active against cestodes. The active components are pyrantel embonate and praziquantel.

Can be given to animals weighing over two kilograms. Produced by Novartis Animal Health (Slovenia). Price – approximately 300-360 rubles. for 10 tablets.


The medicine is used to deworm dogs. Available in the form of dragees with the smell of meat. The main active ingredients are praziquantel and fenbendazole. Manufacturer: pharmaceutical company Haupt Pharma. Price – approximately 400-450 rubles. per package.

We wrote about the drug Kanikquantel.

Drontal plus

The drug actively fights different types worms. The product is produced separately for small and large breeds dogs. Active ingredients: febantel, pyrantel embonate and praziquantel. Manufacturer: German company Bayer. Price – approximately 600-700 rubles. for a pack of six tablets.

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)

Milbemax deworming tablets for cats

The drug for deworming kittens is available in tablet form. The tablet is an oval with beveled edges. Low dosage form coated Pink colour and has notches in the form of the letters NA and BC, and with a high one - red and has notches KK and NA. The medicine is sold in metal blisters, each of which contains 2 tablets. For the treatment of kittens, the dosage of Milbemax is used, concentration active substances which contains 4 times less than tablets for deworming older cats.

Milbemax should be stored in the manufacturer's packaging (necessarily closed) separately from feed and food. The storage location should be dry, well protected from light and inaccessible to children, the temperature should be within 5-25 degrees. If all storage conditions are followed, the shelf life of the drug reaches 3 years. Unused 1/2 tablet can be placed in a blister and stored until next application, but no more than six months after opening.


Effect of the drug

  • single use;
  • good palatability due to the presence of meat flavor in the tablets;
  • absence of excessive salivation;
  • activity active substance at all stages of development of round helminths.

Indications for use

Milbemax is widely used for deworming. Recommended doses of the drug do not have teratogenic, embryotoxic or sensitizing effects and are well tolerated by cats of different ages and breeds. At the same time, the drug is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. In addition to therapeutic and preventive deworming, the drug is also used to treat diseases such as:

  • hookworm;
  • toxocariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • taeniasis;
  • dipylidiasis;
  • cestodiasis;
  • nematodes.

Milbemax for cats - instructions for use

To take Milbemax there is no need to plant pet on a starvation diet. When infected with helminths, it is recommended to give a portion of the product along with morning feeding. If the cat refuses to swallow the pill, it will have to be done forcibly. To do this, you will need to sit your pet on your lap, hug him with one hand, fix him and at the same time lift the cat's head up. Then unclench your jaws and gently push the medicine to the root of your tongue.

Lactating and pregnant cats are given medication only under the supervision of a knowledgeable veterinarian. In this regard, it is advisable to first check your pet for pregnancy. For therapeutic purposes, deworming is carried out according to indications, and for preventive purposes - quarterly, as well as before mating and vaccination. There shouldn't be any difficulties with reception, because... the drug tastes like meat.

For adult cats

Dosage medicinal product determined according to the weight of the animal. Preliminary use of laxatives and a starvation diet is not required. For adult cats, you need to purchase red-coated tablets. The minimum therapeutic dose is 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per kilogram of animal weight. Compliance with the pet's weight and norm:

  • from 2 to 4 kg, then the dosage is 1/2 tablet;
  • from 4 to 8 kg – 1 tablet;
  • from 8 to 12 kg and more – 1.5 tablets.

Milbemax for kittens

The anthelmintic drug Milbemax is not recommended for use in kittens that are not yet 6 weeks old. If your kitten’s age exceeds this parameter, then purchase tablets for him that have a pink shell. You need to calculate the dosage in the same way as in the case of an adult pet. If the kitten's weight is between 0.5-1 kg, then give him ½ tablet, and if it is 1-2 kg, then double the dose, i.e. up to 1 tablet.

Side effects

There are no complications when using the drug, according to the instructions and reviews from the owners. Some pets may experience muscle tremors, lethargy, diarrhea and/or vomiting. In any of the situations, it is necessary to stop using Milbemax. After this, the cat is usually prescribed symptomatic therapy. Often, symptoms go away on their own within 24 hours after stopping use.


To ensure that your pet does not experience any suspicious symptoms that may cause you to panic, be sure to read the contraindications. According to the instructions, the medicine should not be used in animals with impaired liver and kidney function, or increased individual sensitivity to the components that make up the medicine. In addition, animals with infectious diseases and malnourished animals are not subject to deworming.


Milbemax tablets are highly compatible with selamectin. At the same time, do not forget that when working with them you must follow the general rules of safety and personal hygiene, which are provided for when working with any medicines. This is especially true for people who have hypersensitivity to the components of this product. If you are looking for an analogue of Milbemax, then check out the list:

  • Drontal;
  • Pratel;
  • Prasimek-D;
  • Profender.

Milbemax price

The cost of this anthelmintic drug may vary greatly, so it is recommended to visit several veterinary pharmacies. In order not to leave home, it is best to check the current prices in specialized online stores, where you can also make a purchase - this approach will help you save on the purchase of the drug. Below is the cost of medication for adult cats in several different places:
