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Growing nightshade crops means that potatoes need to be hilled. All farmers carry out this work, but you need to understand why manipulation is necessary and how it will affect the harvest.

Do I need to hill up potatoes?

Hilling of potatoes is carried out in order to increase the size of the future harvest. Reasons for loosening the soil around bushes:

  1. Increase in the number of lateral stems (stolons). Potato tubers develop on these shoots. When a layer of soil is added on top, the bushes receive a more powerful root system. Shortened shoots develop on the stolons, which produce the future harvest. A larger number of additional lateral stems contributes to the activation of metabolism and the growth of a significant mass of leaves.
  2. Increasing the resistance of plants from winds and frosts. Low temperature not uncommon in the spring. When the plants just emerge from the ground, they are very tender and vulnerable to cold weather. During such a period, it is useful to hill up the bushes; this will protect young plants from late frosts, especially in the northern regions of the country. During hilling, plants are sprinkled with soil on top in order to increase their planting depth. Potatoes will ultimately be more resistant to atmospheric influences - winds, rain, hail.
  3. Destruction of soil crust. This agrotechnical technique must be carried out in order to loosen the soil and saturate the roots of plants with oxygen. This is especially important for heavy and dense soils. After hilling, water gets to the roots faster.
  4. Getting rid of weeds. It oppresses young plants. Some types of weeds spoil the presentation of potatoes, for example, wheatgrass penetrates the tuber pulp with its shoots, sometimes even right through. After this, the shelf life of root crops decreases.
  5. Preventing tubers from turning green. Vegetable crops should be hilled up, because shallow potatoes may not be completely covered with soil and will take on a green tint. Such vegetables are used only for planting next year. Consumption is dangerous to human health due to the presence of poisons.
  6. Relief during manual harvesting. Shallow planting and systematic hilling will simplify and speed up the digging of tubers during the potato harvest period.
  7. Simplification of mechanized plant care and tuber collection. When spraying bushes against the Colorado potato beetle, it is much easier and more convenient to move along clearly marked ridges. After drying potato tops rows with vegetables are clearly visible.

How many times and when to carry out hilling

Each gardener decides for himself, based on his region of residence and climatic conditions, but it is optimal to carry out this operation twice or more per season:

  1. Potatoes are earthed up for the first time after the tubers have sprouted. The height of the stems is 5-10 centimeters. No need to worry that tender shoots will be prevented from sprouting a second time upper layer soil.
  2. The next treatment of potato rows should be carried out when the bushes reach 20-30 centimeters.
  3. Hilling is repeated every 14 days until the plants begin to bloom.

When performing this agrotechnical technique one-time, it is performed before flowering. During the same period, tubers are formed. Early varieties Root crops are also loosened once.

How to perform the procedure correctly

Hilling is a simple agricultural technique, but it needs to be done correctly. There are some nuances that you need to know.

It is carried out at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees. Practice shows that plants tolerate the operation well some time after rain. The soil should be moderately moist; if there is an earthen crust, it is pointless to carry out the procedure.

During the first hilling, when the plants have just appeared on the surface, the layer of poured soil should not exceed 10 centimeters. It is necessary to work on the plantation in cloudy weather, and if there is a drought, in the evening or at dawn, after watering the plants. During the loosening process, even with care, damage to potato roots occurs - in sunny weather the plants will wither.

There are two options for hilling: manual and mechanized. When performing the operation manually, you will need a hoe or hoe. Using a tool, you need to rake the soil to the potato row on both sides, forming a ridge. Hilling with hand tools is advisable if the planting area is small.

With the mechanized method, the plantation is processed with a walk-behind tractor. In this case, when planting, take into account the fact that the width between the nests should be wider than usual - 65-70 centimeters. For hilling, loosening agents are fixed in front of the structure, and a hiller is attached at the back. It can be disk or plow-shaped.

When using the first device:

  1. Set the correct spacing between disks. The distance depends on the size of the potato bushes and ranges from 40 to 70 centimeters.
  2. Adjust the angle of rotation in both disks (it should be the same).

In the second option, the depth is adjusted. Then a similar rotation angle is set. After preparations are completed, work begins. The walk-behind tractor is placed in the middle of the row and started at minimum speed. When the equipment passes the entire length of the row, it is deployed.

Gardeners who practice the mechanized method of hilling claim that the operation can be performed once per season. When hilling the same rows a second time, the likelihood of plant damage increases.

Hilling up potatoes can significantly improve the yield. This is a simple procedure due to more active admission useful substances and oxygen to the root system activates the growth of bushes. By hilling potato beds, you can increase the number of tubers in the nest.

Hilling is the process of loosening the top soil layer located near the crop. Such care is very important and beneficial for most plants, so gardeners are wondering: is it necessary to hill peppers?

The hilling process itself allows the planting to grow properly, promotes oxygen access to the root system, and as a result of this effect, the crop sprouts new roots necessary for nutrition and stability in the soil.

Hilling blocks the processes of washing out the soil layer during heavy rains. This is an excellent disease prevention, hilling plays a role important role and before cold weather, frosts, hardening the crop, which helps to minimize all risks of freezing.

Points for and against"

Despite all the advantages of hilling, among summer residents there is no definite answer to the question of whether this procedure should be performed in relation to peppers. Gardeners are divided into two groups: one claims that peppers cannot be hilled, and the second is sure that this procedure is very useful for the plant. Each opinion has a clear argumentation that allows one to draw a conclusion about in what situation it is necessary to carry out hilling, and in what situation it should be abandoned.

Most summer residents claim that hilling peppers is an unnecessary procedure. This opinion is due to the fact that the root system is located in the area of ​​the upper soil layer, as a result of which it can easily be damaged during loosening. There is another argument against hilling: the root system of peppers has a neck; peppers do not require the growth of additional root branches to carry out the nutritional and plant-fixing function in the soil.

Extending the retention period of soil moisture can lead to the spread of putrefactive pathologies on the root system and trunk.

There is also an opposite opinion. The second part of the gardeners was convinced of own experience that pepper responds positively to hilling, which is why vegetable growers consider this plant care procedure mandatory. This position is due to the fact that, thanks to the root system located in the upper soil layers, during loosening there is an increased flow of oxygen to it. Such oxygen treatment promotes the activation of growth and development of the culture, enhances biological function soil beneficial microorganisms, improves nutrition.

Hilling technology

Pepper does not tolerate soil crust at all, so summer residents need to monitor the moments of its formation and eliminate dryness in time. Despite the benefits of loosening, gardeners urge you to hill up the peppers very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

To do this you need to know the right technology:

  1. It is worth considering that one of the features bell pepper slow growth is considered in the first 10–14 days after transplantation. This feature is due to the strengthening of the rhizome. Hilling should not be carried out during this period.
  2. The first hilling should be performed 24 - 48 hours after the second irrigation. The depth of loosening should not exceed 6 - 8 centimeters.
  3. During mass flowering, it is necessary to carry out another loosening. This hilling can be deepened to a level of 8 - 10 centimeters.
  4. The third hilling of peppers is carried out at the moment of formation of fruit ovaries. It can reach a depth of 14 – 16 centimeters.
  5. During the mass fruiting phase, the loosening depth should be reduced again to 6–8 centimeters.

If the soil has a heavy structure, hilling can be done a little deeper to ensure better heating and ventilation of the soil layer. However, this should be done very carefully so as not to damage the formed roots.

In addition to these cases, shallow loosening should be carried out after each watering or rain. During such soil treatment, weeds should be removed. The planted plant must be earthed up only after the formation of 4–5 true leaves. After such treatment, the soil in the garden bed should be mulched with compost fertilizer and covered with straw or other suitable materials.

When growing peppers in open ground Loosening should also be carried out between rows. In order not to harm the plant, you need to consider several recommendations:

  1. Inter-row treatments during mass flowering are carried out at a depth of 10 - 12 centimeters.
  2. During the period of ovary formation, you need to loosen the soil no deeper than 15 centimeters.
  3. During mass fruiting, treatment is carried out at a depth of 22 - 25 centimeters.
  4. If the row spacing is narrow, they must be stopped during mass flowering.
  5. Wide row spacing should not be cultivated after the crop reaches the mounting height of mini-cultivators or modern tractors.
  6. During the growing season, it is necessary to hill up the plant 2–3 times to remove weeds.

Hilling up allows the summer resident to sprinkle the weed seedlings with a soil layer of 5–6 centimeters, under the yoke of which they die. During the growing season, 4–5 inter-row treatments are possible.

The need for the procedure in greenhouses

Do peppers need to be hilled if the crop is planted in greenhouse structures? Hilling peppers in a greenhouse is an optional procedure. This is due to the fact that new roots are not formed in the planted crops, and this process is the main goal of hilling.

But since peppers do not tolerate the formation of a soil crust, the soil should be regularly loosened to a shallow depth. This procedure will be an excellent prevention of many diseases, saturate the plant’s root system with oxygen and prevent the formation of rot on the roots and stems. The procedure for loosening the soil in a greenhouse is best combined with ventilation.

Positive features

Many summer residents have learned from their own experience that peppers hilled in this way are characterized by increased development. The procedure has a number of other advantages:

  • improving air flow to the root system leads to accelerated growth and development of the plant crop;
  • beneficial soil microorganisms are indirectly stimulated, which have a beneficial effect on plant health and reduce the risk of common pathologies;
  • reducing the risk of rot forming on the rhizome or trunk of the plant;
  • Such loosening allows you to fight weeds in time.

A distinctive feature of the growth of bell pepper is that the culture well forms adventitious root shoots exclusively on green stems and before the formation of cotyledon leaves. Hilling up during this period only stimulates the process and helps the plant crop grow and develop faster.

When the pepper stems are already woody, the plant reacts negatively to the deepening of the root collar and loosening carried out in deep layers soil. This is explained by the fact that the risk of violating the integrity of the surface root system increases.

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Reasons why potatoes are hilled

Method 2 is almost the same, only the soil is dumped into the previously opened bush, in the middle. The tops grow much better this way, the stems do not interfere with each other.

How and how many times should hilling be done?

​The answer to this will become clear after consideration vegetative features this agricultural crop. Potatoes develop relatively quickly dying elongated side shoots below the soil level, called stolons. They have elongated internodes, axillary buds and underdeveloped leaves. Short shoots develop on the stolons, which are potato tubers. Read about when to hill potatoes here!​

​And we cover it with grass; the ground under the grass is always damp.​

​This is a fairly simple method. You just need to carefully rake a small mound of earth closer to the plant. The main thing is not to leave holes on top, otherwise there is a risk of moisture accumulation, which will lead to plant diseases and even rotting of the stem.​

​potato growth

Loosening and hilling potato rows - video

Hilling potatoes: Why, When, What?

​Have you read it? ​ ​potatoes​​must ultimately be quite powerful, otherwise there simply won’t be enough strength to grow good tubers.​​Hilling up using a mini tractor is an ideal option for small farms, where quite significant areas of land are allocated for potatoes. There are several reasons why potatoes are hilled. Moreover, not all of them are associated with the formation of additional side shoots. The main reasons why this procedure is performed:

Why are we hilling?

​We dug up twice, because the third time we simply didn’t have enough strength. If you start hilling potatoes at a height of 15 cm, then during the formation of tubers the tubers will come out three times. This is normal for potatoes, but it is very difficult for the gardener when they hill up by hand. The potato bush is sprinkled with earth as high as possible; it happens that only the tops of the leaves stick out. Under the influence of gravity, the earth will wake up inside the bush and it will turn out just right. There is room underground for additional tubers to appear. Sprinkle increases the “house” for potatoes. And some summer residents get rid of weeds in this way by cutting them with a hoe. In general, there are several options, one of which is also the first hilling - as soon as it sprouts, the second hilling - when it grows up, about 1-1.5 months after planting. Use whatever is more convenient for you and what is correct in your opinion.​ ​The fact is that when hilling we move the potatoes a little. This kind of potato begins to grow much faster.​ Of course he will feel much better​It is important to choose the time and carry out the procedure correctly. It is best to practice in cloudy weather. Don't start in the heat of the moment. Cool mornings or evenings are suitable. It’s even better to start working after rain, watering, or during morning dew. Moist soil will contribute to the formation of new side shoots, an increase in vegetative mass and active growth of the underground part of the plant.​

How to hill potatoes?

​will speed up twice!​ ​Add to bookmarks!​​you can use a hoe (hoe), you can use a hand hiller, or you can use walk-behind tractors and walk-behind tractors. I use a hoe because

​I know two ways​

​When hilling potatoes, you should remember that active development of tubers occurs only when the air temperature is no more than 25 °C. In this case, the soil should always be loose and moist. Otherwise, the harvest will be very low, no matter how many times the gardener hills the potatoes. That is why in dry and hot regions, where there is no possibility of regular watering, hilling is often abandoned altogether. Most often, potato hilling is carried out in order to obtain large number additional side shoots - stolons, on which tubers are formed. With regular hilling of plants, the bushes actively grow and become more powerful. At the same time, the tubers are tied on a larger number of stolons, and the significant leaf mass of the plant contributes to the entry into lower sections sufficient volume nutrients, which also leads to increased productivity. Why hilling has already been answered above. But how many times depends on your capabilities and the number of landings. It is advisable to hill up at least three times, to reduce weeds and increase yield. Sometimes they hill up 5 times, I did it only once last year and really regretted it, I wasn’t happy with the harvest at all. You can make the task easier by mulching. It is advisable to hill up the potatoes at least twice. For the first time, when - when the potatoes sprout, when it is not scary to cover it with soil. And even better, if it rained the day before, then the ground for work becomes softer. You can hill up potatoes for the second time about a month before harvesting. In general, it is advisable to always monitor the potatoes and their growth. It’s not for nothing that hilling was invented, because the potato fruits become larger and do not turn green. If you don’t hill up, you will have to clean the potato plantings of weeds with your hands. It will take a lot of effort and time.​

When to hill potatoes?

​If the stem has not grown half a meter and the weeds are not growing, you can wait a little until it rains.​

Under no circumstances should you engage in hilling in the heat. Otherwise, you simply risk damaging young shoots. severe burns. It is also strictly forbidden to overdo it with moisture, because you can accidentally block the access of oxygen to the soil and you will disrupt the entire air exchange system.​

Is there an alternative to hilling?

On average, all gardeners carry out hilling 2 times per season. The average interval between them is three weeks. The second should be carried out a couple of weeks after the first. But of course, control the process yourself, since none of the vegetables grow as prescribed according to the instructions.​

What tools are used for hilling?

​Did you like it?​ I plant potatoes​hilling up potatoes​​How many times should you hill up potatoes? During the season it is necessary to carry out this procedure at least 2 times. The first time it is performed when young plants have just emerged from the ground and reached 5-10 cm in height. Repeated hilling is carried out when the stems reach a height of 15-20 cm and buds appear. Another important reason for hilling potatoes is to protect young plants from late frosts. This event is especially relevant when potatoes are planted early or cultivated in climatic zones with an unstable climate. The soil that forms mounds around young potato stems serves as a kind of “blanket” for them. Hilling also protects vulnerable young shoots from sudden frosts, which allows them to actively develop further.​

​When hilling potatoes, they pursue several goals. The first step is to stimulate root formation in the soil-covered area of ​​the stems, and, consequently, productivity; further, hilling is additional loosening, which potatoes love so much; third - removal of weeds (along with hilling). How many times to hill? Depends on the wishes and capabilities of the farmer. In our area they hill up only once; I think it’s optimal to hill up the potatoes twice. Further hilling makes no sense: the yield will not increase enough to justify the cost of labor and time.​

​It would be nice to hill the potatoes twice, but I simply don’t have enough strength for this))). That’s why I’ve been hilling only once for many years now. As soon as it grows twenty or thirty centimeters, I hill it up to the very top, and then only weed it as needed. Here everything will depend on weather conditions, sometimes I weed only once, and sometimes I have to weed three times.​ ​So it’s better to spud her. You will be a big winner.​​And now if you loosen it, the remaining moisture will go away.​

​Most often, three hillings are carried out during one growing season. And the height of the soil layer should not exceed 10 cm, otherwise it will be difficult for the shoots to grow. The procedure is started for the first time when about 6 leaves appear on the first shoot. They can be completely covered with soil, which in the future will serve as good protection against cold frosts.​

​Sometimes you need to hill up root crops three to four times a season. For example, if in your garden nests begin to form not along the ridge, but across or in breadth, then the tubers begin to climb straight out of the ground, so you can’t do without hilling!​ ​Share with your friends!​​It’s quite spacious and we don’t have many bushes. Examples are further in the videos.​​. The first is when soil is raked up to a potato bush from all sides, squeezing all the stems into one “bouquet,” as I call this method. The second method is when the potatoes are allowed to grow a little and the stems are moved apart from each other, and only then soil is poured into the middle and raked from the outside to the stems. It is best to treat potato beds early in the morning or in the evening. Moreover, the soil must be moist. Ideally, after the potatoes reach 20 cm in height, hilling is done every 2 weeks until the green mass in the area closes.

​The high mounds around the potatoes do not allow strong winds break and bend the stems of plants, which also has a beneficial effect on increasing productivity. But potatoes must be hilled, because this is the second bread and the money savings are decent. If you don’t grow your own potatoes, you can spend quite a lot of money over the winter on buying them.​ ​Hilling potatoes is a noble task. But first of all. you need to know why hilling is done in general and what is the benefit for the plant. And hilling is done so that stalons are formed on new potato tubers, and on them, in turn, additional tubers. Potatoes are very responsive to loosening the soil. But hilling twice is too burdensome, considering the weeding. Our potatoes are hilled once: first, when the need arises, they are weeded, then, when the height of the bushes allows, they are hilled and after a while another weeding. After hilling, by the way, it’s good to mulch the potatoes, this will help the plants retain moisture, and the air permeability of the soil will increase.​

​Spud up when it grows 10-15cm​

How to hill potatoes

​The second time happens the same way as the first. Again you wait for new leaves. They usually appear within a week. As soon as the bush grows to 30 cm, you can begin the last procedure. Rake the soil closer to the base, but do not cover the leaves. What is the best time to work in the garden with a hoe? You can often see a gardener working in his beds at noon. Is it correct? The fact is that if you are hilling potatoes in the heat, they will most likely wither, since you injure them in the process.

​If you're not tired of reading, then here are some more links for you:​ ​This is an example of a manual hiller, driving force- man.​​Hilled potato bush. This is not a "bouquet". “Bouquet”, when the stems are pressed into the middle by raking soil.​

Time to hill potatoes

​We planted potatoes, local wild plants (weeds) don’t pay attention to this fact at all, they don’t care what we do. So it turns out that the potato field is up to

Some gardeners who prefer to plant this crop “under the shovel” are wondering whether it is necessary to hill up the potatoes in this case, because the bulk of the lower part of the plant is deep in the ground. Hilling not only contributes to the formation of more stolons, it improves the structure of the soil, making it looser and more breathable. This is especially true when cultivating potatoes on dense and moist soils. Potatoes are hilled so that they produce additional roots on which new root crops will form, thereby the potato bush will produce a larger harvest. Well, hilling also provides air access to the root system and you use a hoe to destroy weeds during hilling.​ ​It is recommended to hill up potatoes twice. The first time this procedure is carried out some time after the emergence of seedlings, the second time - before the tops close between the rows. In the intervals between hillings, it is necessary to carry out weeding. Growing potatoes is not an easy task. The hardest part about growing potatoes is planting and harvesting them. And also hilling. In our middle lane Many people in Russia grow potatoes, and therefore know how to look after them and grow them correctly. Potatoes need to be earthed up twice, the first time when the first sprouts emerge, and the second time when the stems reach full growth. Hilling up is necessary to create a more powerful root system, as well as to loosen the soil, saturate it with oxygen.​ ​if the potatoes are not irrigated, and There is no rain in the summer, then hilling is CONTRAINDICATED!!! Only loosening, combined with weeding (if you don’t mulch). Hilling provokes the formation of new stolons and additional tubers on them, but with a lack of moisture, the potatoes will not have enough strength to pull out all the tubers and in the end you will end up with one pea. And without hilling, you will get a smaller harvest, but the quality and size of the tubers will be normal.​

How many times should I hill up root crops?

Of course, opinions differ regarding hilling. Some grow potatoes without ever resorting to this procedure, while others cannot do without it. Proponents of the process argue about the importance of oxygen access, and that this helps not only to increase the yield, but also to get rid of weeds that take moisture from the potatoes. They believe that hilling does not harm the first shoots, and the roots, on the contrary, will increase their growth rate. Opponents argue that the procedure is only suitable for residents of northern regions where humidity is high. And if you grow in the Steppe or Forest-Steppe region, then hilling will not be beneficial. Instead, gardeners simply bury the sprouts deeper, which helps protect required quantity moisture.​

​Therefore, it is much better to do hilling in the first or second half of the day. The work will have double benefit if it is carried out after rain:

What time to carry out hilling


​It's already​

  • ​In the first case, collected in a “bouquet”​
  • ​potato shoots​

Is it necessary to use hilling?

​The procedure allows water during watering or rain to quickly penetrate the underground organs of the plant, which helps them receive a sufficient amount of moisture.​

Do I need to hill up potatoes? | Gardener

​We always hilled three times during the entire period of potato growth. Firstly, we eliminated weeds, and secondly, when hilling a potato bush, they make a kind of mound of earth, which protects the resulting tubers from greening, helps retain moisture, which affects the yield, and also the loosening of the soil itself has a beneficial effect on the growth and productivity of any fruit, including potatoes.​

What is hilling?

​In my family, for example, potatoes are hilled twice. The first time is when branches of 7-10 centimeters are formed (we loosen them a little), the second time is when the bushes are almost formed. Here we are already digging well.​

​This year I hilled the potatoes only once; there was simply no time left for repeated hilling. In general, it is best to hill up at least twice - for initial stage and closer to flowering. But you can do it once, when the potatoes are 20 centimeters deep. As for weeding potatoes, this is the first time I’ve heard of this; I’ve never weeded potatoes in my life: after germination, loosen the soil, after hilling, mulch and forget. In general, I usually spend 4 days of my life on potatoes. 2 days for planting, 1 evening for loosening after germination, 1 evening for hilling and mulching, and 1 day for digging. Thank God, we don’t have the Colorado potato beetle, it hasn’t arrived yet, we don’t need to poison it or collect it. There are a lot of technologies, everyone grows differently, in each region in their own way, not to mention their neighbors. For example, I plant potatoes a full length of a shovel, if not more, in short, very deep (I dig a trench, throw the potatoes in, and then cover them with earth with a rake). And the neighbors put everything under a hoe, without shovels. I hill up once, they hill up 20 times and weed a million times. Everyone has their own jokes.​


​They replace hilling by loosening the soil. Rags and flat cutters are used for this. The earth is loosened after rains or watering.

How does the process work?

​Wet soil will not crumble after rain;​

- a great vegetable. And hilling is, first of all, an environmentally friendly replacement for herbicides in your garden. There are two types of hilling - this is when the stems are collected into one and soil is raked out from all sides under the potato bush.

​hilling up potatoes

​potato stems​

​and then you can harrow it a couple of times, which will reduce our labor costs for weeding when hilling potatoes. Concluding the preface, I note that

Pros and cons

Hilling up potatoes helps reduce weeds in potato plantings. This is especially true for a plant such as creeping wheatgrass, which, if not removed in a timely manner, can even penetrate young tubers with its roots, violating their marketable value.​

​If you don’t hill up the potatoes, there will still be a harvest, but it will be meager. We planted potatoes one year, but there was no time to garden at all, so we left everything as it was. The potatoes have grown, but under each bush only 2-3 small tubers have ripened.​

​Why do they hill up potatoes?​

​As far as I remember, since childhood we always hilled up potatoes 2 times and weeded them 2 times. After planting, some time later, when the plants began to gain strength, the potatoes were first weeded. The first time they hilled up, when the tops had already appeared, so that 90 percent of them all came out, and together with the hilling they thoroughly weeded, and then for a while they forgot about them altogether. Further, as soon as the tops grew by 30 centimeters, they repeated the hilling again, but did not particularly touch the weeds. Before flowering, they weeded it again and then did not touch anything, unless some weeds crawled above the potato tops, and then they only collected beetles. When the potatoes were already starting to fall off the tops, grandfather mowed them along with the weeds, and in the fall they were already harvesting...​

Do you need to hill potatoes? The weather is hot, the potatoes were not watered.

Irina Savelyeva

Is it necessary to hill up potatoes planted in ridges?

Mila Saliy

​It turns out that the need for the procedure depends on the location. If you live in places where there is not enough heat and there is high level moisture, then you should start hilling. You will be able to remove excess moisture from the soil, warm the earth and saturate it with oxygen. If you hold high temperatures, little moisture, and a poor irrigation system, then hilling will only do harm.​

Anatoly Kovalenko

​If you add moist soil to the base of the stems, you will stimulate the formation of additional underground shoots on which potato tubers are formed, which means you will increase the volume of the harvest.​

Galina Tsikalova

​The second is to move the stems apart and add soil in the middle, while raking the soil from the outside towards the stems. Today we will answer the most pressing questions about

Elena Ivanova

​using a walk-behind tractor.​


​begin to experience some discomfort until the stems stretch out and spread out to the sides. In the second case, the stems are immediately laid out to different parties and do not experience any inconvenience. And when the tops grow and lie down, planting too often can have an effect and the stems of different bushes will interfere with each other. How these two parameters (planting scheme and hilling method) can be adjusted to each other must be determined experimentally. Some people make wide distances between the rows, others make wide distances between the rows and bushes in the rows, pouring them around


​potato plants


​With shallow planting and regular hilling of potatoes during harvesting, it is easier to dig up the tubers, since this does not require “burying” them to great depths in the ground. Thus, the procedure for collecting tubers becomes less labor-intensive.​
​Therefore, in order to get a potato harvest, you need to hill up the potatoes and weed out the weeds at least once a summer.


​How many times should you add potatoes?​

Irina Shabalina

Each gardener has his own technology for growing potatoes. I plant some of the potatoes that I germinate in high ridges, I only field them a couple of times and never hill them up; we use these potatoes at the end of June. The potatoes that we plant for storage have to be processed several times. The first time after planting, when the potatoes have not yet sprouted, but the weeds have already appeared, we loosen the plantation with a rake in hot and dry weather; there are significantly fewer weeds that have to be weeded when the shoots appear. When the potatoes grow up and begin to bloom, we hill them once, this treatment is enough to collect good harvest.​


​This method of planting potatoes in ridges came to us in Russia from Holland.​

Is it necessary to hill up potatoes planted in ridges?

​Sometimes it can be difficult to know if this method is suitable, especially if you have a mixed or changeable climate. Then it’s worth going for an experiment: just try to hill up one half of the bed, and use the loosening method for the second. Care for them equally, give them the same amount of fertilizing and watering. Then all that remains is to look at the result. Where the harvest will be larger and of better quality, use that method.​


​Firstly, there are methods of planting potatoes in which it is not necessary to use hilling (for example, under black agricultural material). Therefore, only you yourself must decide whether you need to carry out hilling or not.​

​hilling up potatoes


​This is an example of hilling using a walk-behind tractor and a plow.​

​potato bush


The underground part consists of roots and stolons: the roots feed the plant, penetrating down and to the sides, and stolons are modified stems and produce tubers at their ends. And also in Lately More and more often you hear about growing potatoes without hilling, everyone must decide for themselves, but first an EXPERIMENT is needed.​

​Furrows, ridges and simple rows of hilled potatoes are much easier to treat with products designed to kill harmful insects such as the Colorado potato beetle.​

Loosening the soil breaks up the upper crust layer, enriches it with oxygen, and cuts off weeds, which improves conditions for the development of the potato bush. And sprinkling the upper part of the stem with soil creates conditions for the appearance of additional roots and increases productivity.​

​When hilling potatoes, soil is added to the trunk of the bush and in the place that we covered with soil, the root system begins to actively develop and new tubers are born, so the larger part of the potato bush is in the ground, the more powerful the root system develops and, accordingly, the yield increases. Also, loosening the soil fills the soil with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of potatoes. It is advisable to hill up at least 2 times, but some gardeners do this 3 times. But at least once is necessary. Hills up as the plant grows, the first time when the height of the potato bushes is about 10 centimeters. Tall bushes are no longer spudded, as there is a high probability of breaking them.​

​A little. Some believe that the more often you hill up, the better.​

Hilling is necessary, but the distance when planting potatoes from each ridge should be 1 meter, and when hilling you need to take additional soil, but if the process of planting potatoes in the ridges is mechanized, then in this case there will be no problems with hilling, everything will be done by the equipment, and if manual labor, then the ground must be loosened and hilled, because Potato tubers need oxygen.​


How many times and when should potatoes (potatoes) be hilled?




hill up potatoes (potatoes)

​Many summer residents argue about whether it is necessary to hill up potatoes or whether this procedure can be done without. Opinions often differ on this issue, dividing people into two camps: for and against. In order to deal with this issue, you first need to understand what the hilling procedure is and why it is needed at all.​



​At the end of the post, it remains to note that everyone


​Quite large hills of soil.​


​There is an opinion that the root system of​

​Hilled potato plantings are easier to process with various cultivators and other agricultural machinery.​ ​Usually it is enough to hill up the potatoes a couple of times.​​The first, early hilling of potato bushes, as soon as the shoots appear, is very important. It is best to hill up after watering or rain. At the same time, we not only remove weeds and add soil to form additional tubers, but also loosen the soil, thereby supplying the necessary oxygen to the roots.​

According to the rules, potatoes must be hilled

​Potatoes planted in ridges are not additionally hilled, but rather loosened/moved the existing mound, i.e. There is no need to additionally rake the soil. We need to make these ridges more free-flowing, which means we need to loosen them.​

​Answer to your question:​


​This is a special procedure when the lower part of the potato stem is sprinkled with moist and loosened soil. Why is this necessary? First of all, to increase the amount of oxygen that the soil needs:​

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in vertical position has its merits and " side effects" I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and vectors infectious diseases, dangerous for both people and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. In this article we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly repellents and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of products to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and at no extra cost.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects appearance and plant yield, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberry, as we used to call it, is one of the early aromatic berries that summer generously gifts us with. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds They have been pickling since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also a strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and other countries South-East Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent yields, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle zone, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many ornamental and fruit crops, except drought-resistant ones, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will talk about unique drug to protect plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March Sun rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its time,” and every plant has its optimal time for landing. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish- chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of the most favorite garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get a really good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a little secret that will significantly increase their yield. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants There are many beautiful flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.