Milk and dairy products. Benefits of dairy products. The benefits of dairy products

Milk is a product that all mammals without exception begin to consume from the first hours of life. But only a person continues to drink milk and use dairy products for food throughout his life. The question arises, is a person such a developed creature that he is allowed a little more than other inhabitants of the planet, or does drinking milk adversely affect people's health? The benefits and harms of dairy products for the human body are constantly disputed by various scientists. Can they be consumed at night and in the morning, how and in what volumes should they be introduced into the daily diet?

The answer has more to do with mammalian physiology. After all, after birth, the mother feeds her cub with milk, which contains all the necessary nutrients until he gets stronger and can hunt or get food on his own. After the baby reaches "adult" age, lactation in the mother stops. It is for this reason that in wild nature it is almost impossible for an adult to find milk. Man learned to take it from animals: cows, goats, horses. It was this achievement that allowed a person to consume milk in adulthood.

For adults, dairy products remain no less useful than for children. For normal digestion, they have great value. If in childhood dairy products are one of the important ones, and for an adult they are also necessary. It is not for nothing that nutritionists include them in almost all diets and recommend using them as snacks for everyone, especially for those who follow their figure. There is a wide variety of dairy products and each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages that should be considered.

The benefits and harms of milk

The benefits of dairy products in the first years of life are not even worth talking about. It is an evolutionarily formed ideal complex of macro and microsubstances, components and elements, which is suitable for newborns and growing organisms, completely hypoallergenic. The benefits and harms of milk are such a controversial issue that scientific laboratories still cannot find the identical composition of human mother's milk. Cow is closest to it, but has some side effects and does not fully replenish the amino acid composition for the newborn. Therefore, it is better to drink animal milk after a year, and in the first year of life, use milk mixtures that are specially created in laboratories for human children.

The benefits of dairy products on the body are obvious. It is a source of protein, calcium, amino acids and other beneficial trace elements. Consider the benefits of dairy products.

Benefits of milk:

  • Milk is a source of proteins that are broken down in the body to amino acids and go further to all metabolic processes.
  • Milk proteins in the body are converted into immunoglobulins, which are the main ones in immunity.
  • It contains essential amino acids such as tryptophan and phenylalanine, which in sufficient quantities have sedative properties.
  • Helps slightly but lower blood pressure due to its diuretic action
  • It is prescribed for heartburn and is indicated for people with hyperacidity gastric juice, as it reduces acidity in the stomach and helps fight discomfort
  • The composition also includes vitamins, for example, such as B vitamins. They accelerate the reactions of converting fats and carbohydrates into energy. They also have a positive effect on human skin and hair.

In addition to the benefits of milk and dairy products, there is also harm from them for the human body. Let's consider them.


  • It is possible that the human stomach contains insufficient amounts or there is no enzyme that breaks down lactose, so dairy products will not be absorbed, but will ferment in the body, which will lead to such backfire: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence. This type of disease is called "lactose intolerance", but fortunately it is not common.
  • Allergy sufferers should be careful with milk. Although it is not a strong allergen, but cause itching, redness and in extreme cases - bronchial asthma Maybe
  • It is not advised to drink milk for people with kidney stones, especially if the stones contain phosphate groups. Eating dairy products, especially at night, can aggravate the situation.

The benefits and harms of dairy products

Fermented milk products in connection with their preparation have a different composition, which means that they act a little differently on the human body. Next, consider such an aspect as the benefits and harms of individual fermented milk products for the health of modern man.

  • It is recommended for people suffering from constipation, as it has a laxative effect, especially if you consume dairy products in the morning.
  • Well used in dietetics as a snack product for losing weight people
    Since it has an acidic value, it has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, destroying harmful microorganisms
  • It is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice, as it can increase pain, flatulence and discomfort.

sour milk product, which has practically no contraindications, except for lactose intolerance. Recommended for people with disabilities endocrine system and nervous. By choosing a lower percentage of fat content, it is used for snacks when losing weight.

  • It is a source of calcium, therefore it strengthens the bone and cartilage tissue. Especially recommended for the elderly and children
  • When using cottage cheese, the regeneration of the body increases
  • Contains a small amount of purines, therefore it is prescribed for a diet where this element should be absent
  • Recommended as a snack for people suffering diabetes mellitus, obesity, atherosclerosis
  • There are indications for the use of cottage cheese for anemia (anemia). It helps to slightly increase the amount of iron, and hence hemoglobin in the blood.
  • It is considered one of the main products for gaining muscle mass.
  • Not recommended for people who suffer from kidney disease. Due to the large number of proteins, the effect on the excretory system is enhanced, which will aggravate all existing pathological processes.

Milk and dairy products are mandatory products human nutrition. Removing them from the diet will lead to serious problems in organism. In addition, it is with dairy products that the necessary amount of proteins, fats and even carbohydrates enters our body. Since milk is considered an animal product, this amount of amino acids can only be found in meat products, but not in plant products. And the lack of amino acids leads to insufficient synthesis and breakdown of substances in the body and the rapid aging and weakening of the body as a whole. Therefore, the benefits of dairy products for humans are obvious. If there is no lactose intolerance, then the consumption of milk and dairy products should be daily in reasonable amounts.

“Drink milk children - you will be healthy!” - in my childhood it was an indisputable truth. In very early childhood, my diet consisted of 50% of dairy products. A little later, I already knew that it was a source of calcium. Despite this, from the age of 15 dental clinic became a “home”, problems began with “ critical days”, acne, going to gynecologists and treatment with synthetic hormones.

A few years ago, I recognized the benefits of dairy products and tried to eat "3 dairy products a day", but studying nutrition materials has changed my attitude towards them. I learned the truth about dairy products - it turns out that they harmed not only me. Women who come to me for help with hormonal problems and overweight, usually actively consume dairy products. By doing a dairy sensitivity test, they begin to realize that this is one of the causes of their health problems.

To identify sensitivity to dairy products, remove them from the diet for 7-14 days and feel the difference

  • As a result of the use of dairy products, mucus is formed that envelops the walls of the intestine. It interferes with absorption nutrients and elimination of waste toxins and hormones (estrogens).
  • Dairy products slow down metabolism, which leads to weight gain, as in 100 g milk contains up to 12 g of sugar!
  • Sugar acidifies the body, in order to restore the balance to its previous level, calcium and phosphorus are needed, which are washed out of bones and teeth. This causes osteoporosis in the elderly and osteopenia (lack of calcium in the bones) during pregnancy.
  • Dairy products provoke the development of inflammation in the body, an increase in arachidonic acid, which leads to pain during " critical days", worsen the course female diseases- PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • In the store, we usually buy skimmed or partially skimmed milk. Together with fat, vitamins A and D are removed from milk, so the benefits of low-fat foods are zero!
  • If you turn to Ayurveda, then it is not recommended to eat dairy products for dinner. Especially fermented foods - kefir, hard cheeses. They satisfy hunger, but load gastrointestinal tract before bed, which leads to mucus buildup and dosha imbalance Kapha, and as a result - to sleep disorders.

Reactions to dairy products may include bloating, diarrhea, reflux esophagitis with increased acidity of the stomach. Skin reactions are also common - acne, eczema, rash. The respiratory system is also disturbed - coughing, manifestations of asthma, sinusitis appear.

Annemarie Colbin is a doctor, lecturer and founder of The Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York, author of Food and Our Bones : The Natural Way to Prevent Osteoporosis . In his book, he says that dairy products leach calcium from the bones, and do not retain, as was previously thought. And this process leads to the development of osteoporosis. The doctor emphasizes that women in the United States and Northern Europe, whose diet contains dairy products, are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast cancer. Japanese gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya in the book "Rejuvenation at the Cellular Level", also writes about the negative effects of dairy products on the body.

Dairy products are notthe only source of calcium

Sardines (with bones), figs, kale, almonds, oranges, sesame seeds, spinach are suitable to maintain the level of calcium in the body. In order not to think about whether I get the norm of calcium from products, I began to take a calcium complex in the form of dietary supplements. For 10 years now, the “correct” calcium complexes have been helping me to keep my teeth healthy - with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins D3 and C. This complex has supported my health during all three pregnancies (!).

To remove the negative consequences of eating dairy products, you need to:

  1. Reduce or eliminate dairy products.
  2. Strengthen the work of the liver - add protein products to the diet (methionine for detoxification), vegetables and fruits - a source of vitamins B and C.
  3. Add omega-3 to remove the negative effects of casein on the body and restore the intestines.
  4. Use spices in the diet - cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper daily to remove mucus formed after dairy products.

Should I cut dairy products out of my diet completely?

Yogurt, cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, cheese, camembert, brie can be consumed occasionally, but do not focus on these products. If you feel the accumulation of mucus in the form of disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, a slowdown in metabolism, a runny nose, then exclude dairy products.

When I removed dairy products from my diet, I felt an improvement in bowel function. I stopped feeling bloating, gas formation, the weight stopped jumping, I stopped bothering with a runny nose - before I could not do without naphthyzinum in my purse. "Critical days" ceased to be critical and became painless and permanent (here, of course, there was work from all sides, but I think that the harm of dairy products was also significant). Finally, the skin cleared up, and new foci of inflammation ceased to appear. I really felt the difference "before and after".

If you want to improve digestion and reduce intensity pain during "critical days", use at least one recommendation from this article. You can read my opinion on dairy products in Shape magazine in the article “Drink Milk, Will You Be Healthy?” Write in the comments, do you consume dairy products? Have you noticed the body's sensitivity to dairy products?

For personalized nutritional advice and weight loss solutions, hormonal failure, send an application and a story about a problem or disease by mail [email protected].ru

There are many dairy products that are made from milk, below is a list of products.

List of dairy products:

  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese
  • curdled milk
  • Ryazhenka
  • Sour cream
  • Cream
  • Butter
  • Yogurt
  • Varenets
  • Kumys
  • Katyk
  • Matsoni
  • Shubat
  • buttermilk
  • Condensed milk

Dairy products contain healthy animal proteins. Milk and dairy products contain and do not healthy fats animal origin, which are not beneficial to the body. Dairy products should be bought with a low fat content in order to bring maximum benefit to your health. Natural products usually with a short shelf life. Products long-term storage less useful, so buy fresh products with a short expiration date, and then you will get a large amount of vitamins, calcium, proteins and other useful components.

Let's look at the list of dairy products in more detail, and you will understand their benefits for human health and be sure to include them in your daily diet:

10 popular dairy products and their benefits

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No. 1 - Milk

Milk contains 3 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals beneficial to human health. Even children know about the beneficial properties of milk. You need to drink milk with 0.5-1% fat from childhood, if there are no problems with the digestive tract. Milk contains well-absorbed calcium, which is good for bones and teeth. Milk contains amino acids that help fight insomnia, improve sleep and calm the nervous system. Milk has a positive effect on blood pressure, normalizes it. Natural milk and dairy products last approximately 5 days, buy with short term suitability, it is more useful.

No. 2 - Kefir

Kefir has 2.9 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Kefir has a beneficial effect on the entire body and is useful for the prevention of many serious and chronic diseases. Many people are lactose intolerant, which is found in milk, so kefir will be a good substitute for milk. Kefir is certainly useful for the development and growth of children and adults. It is useful to drink kefir on an empty stomach or before going to bed for 1 hour, the digestion process as a whole improves. Kefir also contains calcium, which is good for bones, kefir has a positive effect on vision and skin.

Watch helpful video #2:

No. 3 - Curd

Cottage cheese has 16 grams of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Low-fat cottage cheese is useful for children, women, men, the elderly. Thanks to calcium, bones, teeth, heart muscle are strengthened. Cottage cheese is a perishable product and can harm the body if eaten out of date. Look carefully at the production date and storage time indicated on the package. When buying homemade cottage cheese on the market, be careful, because your grandmother may not have a health book and you can only guess under what conditions this dairy product was prepared. If you still buy homemade cottage cheese, then look at the color and smell, of course, it should have a pleasant color and taste.

No. 4 - Prostokvasha

In curdled milk 3 g of protein in 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Yogurt is a fermented milk product. Curdled milk has a beneficial effect on digestive tract, improves metabolism, improves skin and hair, helps with coughs and diseases of the heart and blood vessels, helps control weight and reduce it, removes toxins from the human body. Curdled milk is popular in cooking, many different products are made from it, delicious meals. Try it anyway.

No. 5 - Ryazhenka

Ryazhenka has 2.8 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Natural fermented baked milk belongs to fermented milk products. Ryazhenka has an interesting taste, different from kefir. Calcium in ryazhenka improves nails, bones, hair. Calcium serves as a prevention of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis. Ryazhenka improves digestive system, well satisfies hunger, strengthens the immune system and improves the body's resistance to various diseases.

No. 6 - Sour Cream

Buy low-fat sour cream. 10% sour cream contains 3 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Sour cream is well absorbed, improves appetite, has a pleasant taste, and has a positive effect on the hormonal fund. Gives a wonderful taste to borscht and other dishes. Sour cream is used for sunburn by rubbing the burns. Sour cream, useful from a young age, children love sour cream.

Watch helpful video #3:

No. 7 - Yoghurt

Yogurt has 5g of protein per 100g. Choose yogurt with 0.1-1% fat, so it will be more beneficial for your health. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. In yogurt bifidus and lactobacilli, they normalize metabolism and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Yogurt rarely causes allergic reactions. Eat yogurt in the morning and evening and improve your immunity and strengthen protective properties organism. Greatest Benefit from yogurt with a short shelf life and with a minimum amount of additives.

No. 8 - Cream

No. 9 - Cheese

Cheese has 23 grams of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Cheese improves appetite, normalizes digestion. Cheese improves vision, skin condition, normalizes blood pressure, helps relieve stress and improves sleep. Choose cheese with the lowest fat content, because. animal fats spoil your figure and harm your health.

No. 10 - Butter

Butter contains 1 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Butter is rich in fats, so you do not need to abuse it. Eat a couple of times a week, spread on sandwiches. When cooking, use vegetable oil instead of butter. Vitamin E, which is part of butter, is the “beauty vitamin”. Butter strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity.

Watch helpful video #4:

What are the benefits of dairy products? Milk and dairy products have been famous for their amazing beneficial properties since ancient times.

Dairy products are used in folk medicine and in traditional treatment as effective remedy from various diseases. Now there are hundreds of different dairy products in stores.

Nutritionists say that dairy products are vital for a person, because they contain proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins. beneficial to the body person. It is very important that dairy products have a beneficial effect on the intestines, which helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases.

Dairy products are certainly very useful, but despite this, you need to use them in moderation and limit their use if you have food allergy please take this into account.

The benefits of milk and dairy products

Cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, cheese, these are dairy products made from natural milk, with useful properties and a unique taste. We all eat them daily. Rapid absorption makes dairy products indispensable for baby food. They are also applied in diet food adult population.

Since milk protein can be easily digested, the benefits of eating dairy products cannot be overestimated. For example, milk can reduce the manifestations of gastritis by lowering the overall acidity of gastric juice. Diuretic effect the use of milk is expressed in a decrease blood pressure, which has a positive effect on general state organism.

The main milk vitamin B2 is involved in energy exchange converting carbohydrates into energy. In cases of intolerance to individual components of milk, as well as allergies, you should refrain from consuming dairy products. In these conditions, the intake of dairy products can be harmful, causing pruritus, the appearance of redness in the form of a rash, asthma attacks and other unpleasant manifestations.

Types of dairy products:

  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • Varenets;
  • serum;
  • yogurts.

These are the main types of dairy products.

Who are they useful for? For all healthy people, people recovering from illnesses. Since it diet foods and easily digestible, they are very useful because they normalize the intestinal microflora, preventing the occurrence intestinal infections. Kefir has a calming effect, it can be used for insomnia and nervous stress.

Harm from the use of fermented milk products can be obtained by excessive use of them. For those who have gastritis, kefir can be replaced with varenets or sweet yogurt. In everything, a measure must be observed in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Natural dairy products include cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream and all curd products made from milk.

What vitamins are in dairy products?

1) Calcium. All dairy products are champions in calcium content. It is simply necessary for our bones, for nervous system for normal blood clotting. Especially for the growing body of our children, so that the bones develop properly and the teeth are strong.

2) Vitamin A. A very valuable vitamin for immunity, for the beauty of the skin, nails, strengthening vision.

3) Vitamin D. Everyone knows that this vitamin is necessary for the absorption of calcium; dairy products also contain calcium and vitamin D, some foods contain only calcium, so for good absorption, we must also eat foods containing vitamin D.

4) Protein. It is the main element of which our muscles and bones are composed. The main builder of our body.

5) Vitamin B12. To maintain the health of the nervous system, normalizes blood flow.

6) Potassium. Regulates blood pressure as well as fluid balance.

7) Niacin. This vitamin produces enzymes that convert proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy. Also good for the nervous system.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

So, cottage cheese, to whom is it useful? Of course, everyone healthy people. And these are children, adolescents and the elderly who do not have serious illnesses. And who already has such diseases as hypertension, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, anemia and obesity, a natural dairy product, which is cottage cheese, just needs to be urgently introduced into your daily diet.

You will receive detailed recommendations from your nutritionist and therapist. Best to consume skim cheese.
Cottage cheese reduces cholesterol levels, which causes the normalization of metabolism, adds calcium to the bones, strengthening them, reducing the risk of fractures and restoring cartilage tissue.

Cottage cheese is a wonderful dairy product and should be included in your diet throughout your life. If you always remember that excessive consumption of dairy products can cause malfunctions in the digestive system and do not violate this rule, then good health and excellent health will be your companions for a long time.

Be sure to eat dairy products, they are vital for any person, for immunity, healthy teeth and bones, for the normalization of intestinal microflora, they contain a lot useful substances and vitamins for our health.

The benefits of dairy products are beyond doubt for almost anyone. The first thing that comes to mind in connection with the beneficial properties of dairy products is high content they contain calcium, which is good for bones. However, their usefulness does not end there - they have many other properties that make them necessary for human body. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of dairy products for humans.

Dairy products: chemical composition

To talk about the properties and benefits of milk products, you need to evaluate their approximate chemical composition(Of course, it will be slightly different for cheese than for cream, but common features easy to identify).

  1. Dairy products are rich in easily digestible protein. According to research data, the degree of assimilation of milk proteins reaches 98%.
  2. Dairy products are also high in calcium. At the same time, calcium from them is also absorbed more easily than from any other sources (for example, from plant food). Milk products account for at least 80% daily allowance calcium intake.
  3. Phosphorus is found in dairy products along with calcium and in precisely those proportions that contribute to its most rapid and effective absorption.
  4. Vitamin B2 - milk products cover it daily requirement by almost 50%.
  5. Iron is an essential trace element that is part of hemoglobin.
  6. Lactic acid is a substance in large numbers contained in dairy products.
  7. Milk fats rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic.
  8. Milk sugar is lactose, a natural carbohydrate.

In addition to all of the above, dairy products contain a number of necessary for the body micro and macro elements: potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iodine, zinc, manganese, cobalt.

What are the benefits of dairy products?

All of the listed substances invaluable benefit to the human body:

  • protein (protein) is an indispensable "building material" for all body tissues, primarily for muscles;
  • milk fats are "fuel" for the body, and are also actively involved in the metabolic process. However, according to the latest medical research, they do not provide negative influence on blood vessels;
  • calcium is the main constituent bone tissue, and phosphorus helps it to be absorbed and go to the “right goals” - the construction of bones, and not be deposited in tissues, causing liming of the body;
  • iron is an indispensable element, which is one of the important components of the hemoglobin protein. It is thanks to this protein that red blood cells can be saturated with oxygen and transport it throughout the body;
  • vitamin B2 performs many important functions in the body - from protection nerve fibers from wear to participation in the synthesis of hormones;
  • lactic acid allows you to maintain the level necessary for normal digestion beneficial microflora in the intestine. It also creates an acidic environment in the intestines, which is detrimental to microorganisms that cause putrefactive processes. Additionally, it has antibacterial properties.
  • milk sugar (lactose) is a source of energy for the body, as it is a natural carbohydrate. In addition, lactose is involved in the synthesis of lactic acid, the benefits of which have already been described.

As you can see, milk products are rich in various substances necessary for the body. However, these products differ significantly from each other in composition and production technology. Which of them are the most useful?

Healthiest Dairy Products

The undisputed leader in the content of vitamins and minerals among dairy products is cottage cheese. In it, the concentration of micro- and macroelements is the highest. Curd is widely used in therapeutic diets for the sick peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, and chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, various diseases gallbladder and intestines. Also, cottage cheese is indicated for the prevention of atherosclerosis - it contains the substances choline and methionine, which help strengthen vascular walls and prevent the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

Of the fermented milk products, the most useful is recognized natural yogurt– without additives and preservatives. It promotes healing intestinal microflora, improve digestion, and as a result, and overall well-being.

All other dairy products are also good for humans: milk is rich in vitamins, milk fats and lactose, cheeses contain an impressive amount of fat and calcium, and whey (buttermilk) is rich in whey protein.

It's curious that beneficial features preserves dry milk. Despite the fact that the processing technology deprives it of most of the proteins and fats, all vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements, are preserved in the dry concentrate.

What foods should be avoided?

Along with the uniquely useful, there are also dairy products that are better not to be abused.

Cream is too fatty, so their use should be limited, and if possible completely abandoned.

For the same reason, it is necessary to limit butter in the diet, or, in extreme cases, choose the least fatty varieties.

There will be no harm from rare portions of ice cream (which is made on the basis of milk and cream), however, they should not be abused either - however, for a different reason: it contains too much sugar, which does not affect the pancreas in the best way.

Dairy products - from milk and whey to fermented baked milk and cheese - richest source nutrients and minerals, especially calcium, necessary for bone formation. In addition, they contain vitamins necessary for regulating metabolism and normal operation nervous system. Neglect these, of course, useful products definitely not in your daily diet.