Nosebleeds in the chest. Why does a child have nosebleeds: causes and consequences. Bleeding as a symptom of a pathological process

In newborns nose bleed is not common symptom, and in case of occurrence it is rarely abundant, despite the fact that some anatomical and physiological features (hyperemia of the nasal mucosa) favor it. To a large extent, this is due to the underdevelopment of the locus Kiesselbachi and the fact that newborn children are protected from injury.

Bleeding from the nose during this period most often occurs with some infections in the neonatal period in combination with inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It should be borne in mind and congenital syphilis. Along with the characteristic symptoms of this disease on the part of the skin, central nervous system, bones, etc. a common symptom is the so-called coriza luetica. In addition to hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa with constant sniffing, secretion with a meager admixture of blood is also possible, especially after sneezing. When the clinical picture is pronounced, the diagnosis is not difficult, but in cases where the syphilitic rhinitis is the only manifestation of the disease, and such cases of latent manifestation in last years occur more and more often, the diagnosis is possible only when the doctor is focused on this disease.

More often, however, in the presence of such a finding on the part of the nasal mucosa, chronic staphylococcal rhinitis is noted. And with it there is hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa, mainly the posterior segment, accompanied by sniffling. In a meager secret, blood can also be found. Diagnosis is easier if other manifestations are present. staph infection from the lungs, skin, etc.

Bleeding from the nose (sometimes quite profuse) can occur with sepsis in newborns, which is a manifestation of the often advancing generalized hemorrhagic diathesis.

With diphtheria nasi, along with the maceration of the nasal passages typical of this disease, sometimes with the formation of membranes, an admixture of blood to the watery secretion can be established. It should be noted that in these cases the process is almost always one-sided.

During the neonatal period, more heavy bleeding from the nose are observed with hemorrhagic disease newborns, with some pathological syndromes of hemorrhage, usually in combination with other manifestations of hemorrhage, as well as with hemophilia and congenital Rendu-Osier telangiectasias. More difficult is the diagnosis of the latter disease, especially when the anomaly of the vessels is an isolated manifestation only in the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Children's health for parents is the most important issue. It is the resistance to various external influences laid down in childhood that can adult life become the backbone of a normal life. However, there are situations when the first signs of problems may go unnoticed, for example, the situation of the appearance of blood from the nose of a child. Its occurrence can be provoked by various factors. Sometimes it may turn out that the problem is not worth much concern. Although there are serious cases. To be sure for sure, it is important to understand the issue in the most careful way.

Why is the baby bleeding?

Enough. Bleeding can be caused by:

  • problems located directly in the nasal cavity and nasal passages;
  • problems and diseases associated with other organs;
  • negative external influence.

Each of the factors can provoke the appearance of blood from the nose in a child. Since in children under eighteen years of age there is a formation cordially- vascular system, and the density of capillary walls and their close proximity to the surface, especially in the nose, can be troublesome. In order to definitely exclude Negative influence factors, each must be carefully studied separately. We will talk about the possible causes of bleeding later in the article.

provocateurs inside

When baby is coming blood from the nose for reasons that are local in nature, the following list of possible negative factors is distinguished:

  • any traumatic external impact, including blows, bruises and fractures;
  • transferred surgical intervention;
  • foreign objects entering the nasal passages. Every mother knows how children, especially small ones, love to pick their nose with their fingers;
  • allergies and inflammatory diseases, namely acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza;
  • formations in the nose: tumors and cysts.

In fact, such ailments should not cause difficulties in treatment, with the exception of malignant tumors. And the problem can be completely eliminated with the selection of adequate treatment.

Nosebleeds as a result of other diseases

More alarming is the situation when a child has a nosebleed for no apparent reason. In this case, timely clarification of the cause that caused such a reaction from the vascular system will prevent the development of more serious problems with health.

So, there are a number of pathologies and changes that can lead to the fact that the child has blood from nose will go. Let's get to know them:

  1. The lack of minerals and vitamins involved in the formation of the walls of blood vessels, in fact, beriberi, is not the worst thing that can be.
  2. Increased pressure, which is chronic. Once in a supine position, the vessels simply cannot withstand the load and burst, causing bleeding from the nose.
  3. Problems with intracranial pressure, which are dangerous because they can cause hemorrhage in the brain, despite the young age of the child.
  4. Quite often, nosebleeds in a child can be observed in transitional age. This is related to the change hormonal background organism.
  5. Nosebleeds may be due to incoagulability low level hemoglobin, blood cancer and other problems.
  6. Inflammation of blood vessels and problems with immune system may also lead to similar situation.
  7. malformations of the heart, kidney, liver and internal bleeding can cause nosebleeds in a child for no reason.

The conclusion suggests itself. Finding that the child often bleeds from the nose, do not wait for the problem to pass. Action needs to be taken. After all, any of the listed reasons in a neglected state can become an impetus for the development of pathologies like an avalanche. In addition, only an adequate examination can reveal other causes of the disease associated with external influences. environment. If there are problems with internal organs is confirmed, then the appointment of the correct treatment can eliminate problems with both nosebleeds and the disease itself.

Environmental impact

Why does the child have a nosebleed? Sometimes doctors answer this question that the negative influence of the environment is manifested in this way. Although it is not entirely clear what exactly is meant.

So what can provoke that from the nose there will be blood?

  • The use of drugs for the common cold without appropriate recommendations.
  • Dry air, which happens in the heat or when the air conditioner is running in the room.
  • drops atmospheric pressure and temperatures.
  • Physical activity associated with body stress.
  • Prolonged exposure to a stressful situation for the child.

In fact, these are the most harmless reasons that provoke a nosebleed in a child. However, every parent should know how to recognize bleeding that is dangerous to health and that which cannot be harmful. We will talk about this further.

Signs of a nosebleed that indicate you need to see a doctor

Note that nosebleeds can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, there may be frequent similar phenomena or, conversely, occur once. Also, blood from the nose can be both plentifully allocated, and in a small amount.

It should be noted that the color of the blood, depending on the cause, may be different. For example, a rupture of a large vessel or formation is characterized by a jet-like flow of blood from the nose. If such a problem bothers mainly at night, then it is important to pay attention to pressure. But blood diseases are accompanied not only by nasal, but also by bleeding from other mucous membranes.

If there was a fall

If the blood from the nose was the result of a fall, then the scarlet color and foamy structure indicate damage to the lung. If it is dark and even brown, then it is necessary to examine the stomach and esophagus.

Excessive bleeding can cause weakness and fainting, and in some cases nausea and vomiting. In order to avoid such serious consequences, it is very important to provide first aid in a timely manner.

Nosebleed. What to do with a child in such a situation?

It is possible to stop bleeding from the nose on your own by following a certain procedure:

  • It is necessary to arrange the child in such a way that his body is slightly tilted forward, ensuring peace.
  • Place a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide in the bleeding nostrils.

Methods of cupping in the hospital

If the bleeding is not caused by serious diseases and pathologies, it should stop within ten minutes. If this does not happen, then you need to seek medical help.

The most common ways to stop bleeding from the nose are:

  • insertion into the nasal passages of tampons impregnated acetic acid, or a special sponge that contains substances that promote blood clotting;
  • application laser cautery vessels that will be stopped forever;
  • with significant blood loss resort to intravenous injections drugs to increase clotting and transfusion.

Prohibited methods that must not be used

If nosebleeds occur, there are rules by which it is strictly forbidden:

  • tilting the head back;
  • adoption of a horizontal position of the body;
  • push the tampons to be inserted deep into the nasal passages;
  • blow your nose, as this may prevent the blood from stopping.

Compliance with these rules is mandatory not only for children, but also for adults. Because it can make it easier possible consequences nasal bleeding.

In situations where nosebleeds are the result of diseases, adequate treatment is necessary. And an accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor who has the appropriate specialization.

Identification of the disease that is the provocateur of nosebleeds

Sometimes the causes of blood from the nose in a child are quite obvious. Since they are the result of external trauma. To diagnose a problem with such exposure, a traumatologist can help, who will conduct an external examination and, as necessary, prescribe an X-ray or MRI to confirm or refute possible fractures.

In a situation where nosebleeds start to flow unexpectedly, you need to contact pediatrician who can direct you to the right specialist based on these analyzes and existing complaints.

When and what specialist is needed?

Note that if the reason is high blood pressure then surrender general analyzes, to identify the organ that provokes such a reaction. After that, it is necessary to select a drug for treatment. If allergies or problems with the immune system are suspected, the child is referred to specialists such as an allergist and an immunologist. In case of violation of blood clotting, help can only be expected from a hematologist. If the bleeding is associated with impaired activity thyroid gland, then you need to contact an endocrinologist.

Common problems with internal organs that cause nosebleeds can be identified by pediatricians during medical examinations, regardless of whether it is the liver or kidneys. And in case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, a consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.

If it is determined that the child is bleeding from the nose due to cancer blood, it is necessary A complex approach. But first of all, in this case, the help of the main specialist, the oncologist, is required. Only he will tell you what tests you need to undergo and what to do next, what drugs to use.

Only a correct diagnosis can guarantee correct and effective treatment. If it is not possible to implement it on time, the consequences can be very deplorable, because precious time will simply be lost. This is especially important if there is suspicion of hormonal disorders, blood diseases and leukemia. With these ailments, early diagnosis is the key to full recovery.

In the conditions when visible reasons there is no worry, the child is cheerful, calm, mobile, grows and develops well, but the blood from the nose still worries, hygiene in the house is necessary. It is very important to maintain the required level of humidity. And indulge general strengthening body and blood vessels. We can highlight the main recommendations:

  • in case of insufficient humidity in the house, use special devices to create comfortable conditions - air humidifiers;
  • do not get involved in the use of nasal drops;
  • being in cold air long time, protect your nasal passages from supercooled air;
  • stick to healthy lifestyle life;
  • hardening;
  • walks in the open air;
  • feasible physical activity for the child;
  • diet;
  • eating enough foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Parents also need to know that most often the appearance of blood from the nose of a child occurs between the ages of 3 and 10 years. In order to exclude the presence of serious problems, do not neglect the medical examination. Quite often it happens that it is during such examinations that the reasons for various ailments including frequent nosebleeds.

How to be?

Faced with the need for treatment, do not panic. It is important to interact with the attending physician and follow all his recommendations. They concern not only the list of drugs and lifestyle, but also necessary analyzes to be submitted at regular intervals.

After all, most of the serious problems can be identified only when special studies are carried out. If bleeding from the nose of a child is accompanied by fever, pallor, nausea and weakness, then, of course, you should not self-medicate, and, conversely, a single appearance of blood from the nose should not plunge into panic.


Now you know, we called a similar phenomenon in our article. We also talked about first aid and further treatment. As with any illness or health problem, first of all, parents are required to monitor the behavior and mood of the baby. It is the attentive attitude of mom and dad to the child that will protect his health and prevent irreparable consequences.

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The child has a runny nose and a bloody nose

Runny nose with blood

I had bronchitis for about a month and I can’t get rid of a runny nose with blood. Discharge from the nose


Discharge from the nose

The paranasal sinuses and the entire nasal cavity are covered with a mucous membrane moistened with mucus. This mucus is produced by mucosal cells in order to protect the body from foreign particles, bacteria, viruses, and so on. If the lining becomes inflamed, the cells are damaged, leading to nasal discharge. In order to make a correct diagnosis and understand the cause of inflammation, you need to pay attention to the color of the mucus.

Purulent discharge from the nose

With allergies, nasal discharge is clear and light. The person constantly sneezes and scratches his nose. If bacteria is the cause, the mucus will be green, yellow, or cream in color.

Purulent discharge from the nose is characteristic of acute or chronic sinusitis. Since mucus also flows down the throat, acute laryngitis or pharyngitis may appear.

Discharge from the nose with sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is chronic and acute. Sometimes people do not pay attention to a runny nose, hoping that it will go away on its own. But if the disease drags on for weeks, it is better to visit a therapist or ENT. After all, complications may arise, and simple disease will acquire chronic form. Two sinuses or one can become inflamed. Pus constantly flows from the inflamed sinus.

Two weeks after the onset of the disease, the pus becomes darker, the voice is nasal and the person begins to feel bad, because toxins enter the bloodstream and poison the body. Weakness, lethargy and heat- all these are signs of sinusitis. The pain appears not only when blowing your nose, but also with a simple pressure on the cheeks.

Slime color

Finding the cause of nasal discharge is not so easy. If a person is healthy, nothing should flow from his nose. Therefore, if something is leaking, you should consult a doctor or try to cope with the problem yourself. Runny nose is usually treated


Newborn babies often sniffle with their tiny noses due to the peculiarities of the structure of the nasal passages: in babies they are noticeably narrower. Therefore, dust particles, slight mucous accumulation and crusts can disturb the measured breathing of the child, exposing him to discomfort.

It will not be difficult for an adult to free his Airways, because he can easily blow his nose. But newborn babies are just beginning to get to know this world and get used to it, the mucous membrane of a small nose is still imperfect, and the baby himself is not so strong for such an action. Therefore, the care of clean nasal passages of the baby lies entirely on the shoulders of responsible parents.

Every caring mother, doting in her newborn baby, is simply obliged to know how to clean the nose of a newborn, and be able to do it without pain and discomfort, which can injure the nasal mucosa.

Everything you need to clean your newborn baby's nose

So, your child still did not manage to avoid nasal congestion, and the child himself did not succeed in resting. Before clearing the nose of a newborn, you should prepare in advance all the necessary items for clearing the nasal passages that may be needed. These items include:

sterile medical surgical cotton wool (it is desirable that it be specially for newborns) or cotton pads, but cotton buds should not be used;

oil that is available in the house: be it apricot, peach, vaseline, sunflower or cosmetic baby oil. About what kind of oil to clean the nose of a newborn, you should consult a pediatrician to avoid allergies;

Cleaning the respiratory tract is perhaps one of the most unpleasant procedures toilet for baby


Human nose by nature

The more you dig into nose

Noticing " booger


blood when cleaning the nose of the baby

How to clean the nose of a newborn? Correctly, quickly and with love!

Do I need to fight the common cold? They say that a runny nose stops by itself after 7 days, but with treatment it can be overcome in a week! If it concerns an adult, then he will decide for himself the question of the need to deal with a runny nose. What if it's a child? More specifically, a newborn baby. Do I need to deal with a runny nose baby? Do I need to find out the reason? How to clean the nose of a newborn? How to do this quickly, without harm to the baby?

There are many questions. And there is only one answer - the child needs to clean his nose! In any case, regardless of the reasons! A runny nose prevents him from sucking milk, fully mastering the world, easy to breathe. The child is malnourished, suffocates, does not sleep well.

Solving an unfamiliar problem so far must begin with simple actions. Pull yourself together, smile at the baby, you will succeed!

At the first stages of mastering this procedure, the help of a second person will be very useful, which will help keep the child’s head in a fixed position, distract his attention, and calm him down. Over time, even one person will be able to easily carry out the procedure quickly and without outside help.

Human nose by nature has the ability to clear itself during a sneeze, but many parents do not want to wait for a dry crust stuck in a child’s nose to come out without outside help. They diligently try to pull the “boat” out of the baby’s nose cotton swab, rubber pear-syringe or suck it with an aspirator. Most children do not like these procedures, and actively resist: they turn their heads, cover their mouths with their hands, cry, push and even fight. Of course, nose cleaning is very important. hygiene procedure, but you should not overdo it with nasal hygiene.

stool in a newborn with a hernia

Children quite often develop various health problems, some of them are mild, others are more serious, and still others can be dangerous to health. There are many methods of treatment for

The more you dig into nose. the more in


Why does the child's ears bleed? What are the reasons and how to get rid of it

Basically, the ears do not require any special attention in care, as they are protected to a certain extent. It is very important that the child's ears are warm and well covered, as they do not have adequate protection from exposure to the sun and cold. Another problem is that the vessels that supply blood to the ear are very small and it takes a long period of time to restore function if an ear injury occurs.

The ear canal is covered with small hairs called cilia that shed various dirt. The amount of sulfur in people is not the same, with an excess amount of sulfur, a plug in the ear can form. It is necessary to clean the ear daily, it is not recommended to use sticks with cotton at the ends, since this can do more harm than good.

Possible diseases

Ear problems can occur at any age, but tend to be more common in children. This is due to the fact that in children the size of the middle ear is quite small, so the ear area is most affected. Also, the child has more mucous secretions, so you can see frequent coughs, colds, all this can block the narrow Eustachian tube. From a medical point of view and anatomical structure functions of the ear, there are 3 parts of it:

ear bleeding

Oddly enough, not many people are able to go to the doctor with sore ears, and any discharge from them. Because any fluid that leaks from the ear, including blood, needs to be seen by an otolaryngologist immediately so steps can be taken to prevent negative consequences which are fraught with even hearing loss.

diaper rash in a newborn

Prickly heat in newborns is an erythematous rash on the skin that looks like a rash. Newborn children are very often prone to this disease, because their skin covering very sensitive to

The only bleeding that can stop on its own, being minor, is usually m


Causes and Methods to Prevent Baby Nosebleeds

How to stop bleeding?

Sit the child on your knees so that his head is tilted slightly down. Prizh


A nosebleed in a child, especially a small one, is a cause for great concern for parents. And although doctors say: as a rule, the blood coming from the nose of a baby is not dangerous at all, it is better to know everything possible reasons this disease and be prepared to stop it in a timely manner.

Why does a child's nose bleed?

In the nasal region there is a network of vessels and small capillaries, which, when ruptured, provoke bleeding. Dry and irritated vessels become very brittle and can bleed from any, even minor damage.

The most common causes of nosebleeds in a child or newborn are:

  • Dry mucous membrane. provoked harmful action heating appliances, sharp drop temperatures, abuse vasoconstrictor drops with a runny nose;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • infection (eg, sinusitis);
  • Injury to the nose (often formed when picking the nose or bruising);
  • Foreign body (for example, toy parts) in the nose;
  • Irregular shape of the nose from birth (curvature of the nasal septum);
  • The growth of polyps in the nose.

Should I be worried about blood from the nose of a baby?

As a rule, anxiety is unfounded. IN winter period, when the heating devices are working at full capacity, and the spread of infections reaches a critical level, nosebleeds are not uncommon.

According to doctors, such a problem may disturb the baby, but it completely disappears by adolescence. The whole point is that the vessels of the newborn are still too weak and cannot withstand stimuli.

How to prevent nosebleeds in babies?

If the air in the apartment is too dry, a humidifier should be purchased in the child's room. It will help create comfortable microclimate and maintain the desired level of humidity.

Make sure that the child does not put anything in the spout, including his own fingers.

If your nose bleeds regularly due to dry nose, you should talk to your doctor about using a saline nasal instillation. It moisturizes the mucous membrane and strengthens blood vessels.

When does a nosebleed in a child require a visit to a doctor:

  • Blood comes as a result of a fall, trauma to the head or nose, impact;
  • The baby has leaked too much blood and you suspect danger;
  • Bleeding began after taking some medication;
  • The baby has constant nasal congestion, and blood is coming more often than before.
  • If, in addition to bleeding from the nose, the child easily bruises, the gums bleed.

How to stop bleeding?

  1. Reassure the child and make him spit out blood. It should not get into the throat and cause nausea.
  2. Sit the child on your knees so that his head is tilted slightly down. Press the napkin to the spout and fix it with your hand. You need to wait about 10 minutes without taking the napkin.
  3. If the child is quite old, you need to ask him to breathe through his mouth. In order for him not to be scared and not bored, you can read a book or turn on a cartoon.
  4. After 10 minutes, check if the bleeding has ended. If not, you need to put on the bridge of your nose cold compress and again pinch your nose with a napkin for 10 minutes.
  5. If the bleeding does not stop, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What not to do!

The child should not be allowed to take horizontal position or tilt your head back. This will cause blood to seep down the throat.
Do not plug your nostrils with cotton swabs. They can stop the bleeding, but during the withdrawal they will again damage the mucous membrane and the problem will recur.

Hospital methods of struggle

If the child’s blood cannot be stopped at home, he must be taken to the hospital, where the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology. This is done as follows: the oral cavity is viewed with a special flashlight and a bleeding center is detected. After that, the damaged area is tamponed with a special hemostatic fluid, which should almost instantly stop the flow of blood. If this also does not help, a bandage is applied. This need is very rare.

In addition to all these procedures, the doctor looks to see if the nose or head is damaged, if the bleeding is a sign of some other disease.

Children often tolerate nosebleeds very easily and are not even particularly frightened. However, the task of an adult is to make every effort to prevent blood loss. Nosebleeds should not be allowed to become a habit in a child and be perceived as the norm.

  • about the author
  • Become an author

How did I become a doctor? Quite a difficult question ... If you think about it - there was no choice. I was born in the family of a resuscitator, and every day at dinner I heard my father's story about how his day went. As a child, it all seemed fantastic, beyond reality.


How to properly clean a baby's nose? Nasal hygiene for children under 1 year old

Human nose by nature has the ability to clear itself during a sneeze, but many parents do not want to wait for a dry crust stuck in a child’s nose to come out without outside help. They diligently try to pull the "boat" out of the baby's nose with a cotton swab, a rubber bulb-syringe, or suck it with an aspirator. Most children do not like these procedures, and actively resist: they turn their heads, cover their mouths with their hands, cry, push and even fight. Of course, nose cleaning is a very important hygiene procedure, but one should not overdo it with nasal hygiene.

The more you dig into nose, the more dry crusts are formed in it. By acting on the tissues of the nasal passages of a child with a cotton swab or other object for suction, you irritate the delicate mucous membranes, which provokes an increased formation of mucus in the nose. "Boogers" - this is the dried mucus. The reason for the drying of mucus is dry air and dust. It is necessary to clean the nose of the child only when necessary, but for the purpose of prevention it is not worth it. But it is necessary to ventilate the room and do wet cleaning in the children's room as often as possible.

Noticing " booger» in the child's nose, first think, does it cause inconvenience to you or the baby? If the child suckles the breast without difficulty and breathes normally, then, most likely, the dry crust will come out by itself after an evening bath. Just while bathing, tickle the baby's nostril with a clean feather. At the same time, the baby will definitely sneeze, and the wet “boat” will come out on its own. Sneezing is a natural mechanism for cleaning the nose, it is better to let the child sneeze once again than to be nervous and cry while picking his nose foreign object. If your baby is not afraid of water, you can save him from crusts in his nose by diving. After a short immersion in water


Runny nose with blood

A runny nose can appear both in a child and in an adult. Rarely, of course, but it happens that a child may have a runny nose with blood. Do not be afraid parents, we will explain the causes of a runny nose with blood. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity consists of many capillaries, in children the Kegelbach's plexus is very close to the membrane of the nasal mucosa, such an arrangement, when blowing out even not sharply, can cause a rupture of one of the capillaries, and therefore some blood is released. Why do they burst? The fact is that the capillaries are very fragile, have thin walls. In this case, the child needs to contact a pediatrician, mostly doctors recommend being treated with ascorutin, which will make the baby’s blood vessels stronger.

There are many vessels and capillaries in the nose, they receive a large number of blood, which is needed to warm the air, since its further path goes to the lungs. All vessels and capillaries are located on the surface of the mucous membrane, they are very easy to damage. But, if you notice that more than once your child has discharge from the nose of snot with blood - this must be treated, otherwise weak capillaries in case of ruptures can lead to bleeding.

What causes capillaries to burst?

Neurocirculatory dystonia (symptoms: persistent headaches, tinnitus, nosebleeds are regular).

If nosebleeds are very rare, you should not worry and panic, but if they are of a constant, regular nature, this can develop into diseases such as leukemia and hemophilia. In this case, you need to visit Laura.

He will consider several stories of their lives of people who faced the problem of a runny nose with blood and consultations on this matter from specialists:

I had bronchitis for about a month and I can’t get rid of a runny nose with blood. Allocations and

Nosebleeds are a very common occurrence. They often occur suddenly and may be accompanied by significant blood loss, frightening both the child and the surrounding adults. This is due to the abundant blood supply to the nasal cavity and the peculiarities of anatomy and physiology in childhood.

The child's nose is relatively small, the nasal passages are narrow, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx is tender, loose, easily injured. Especially without delving into anatomy, I would like to mention that the nasal cavity is supplied with blood from the branches of the internal and external carotid arteries, and this is one of the most large vessels human body!

In the nasal mucosa, in the anterior sections of the septum, there is a choroid plexus, called the "bleeding zone" or "Kisselbach zone". It is located superficially and in 90 percent of cases is the source of nosebleeds.


Most often due to a violation of the integrity vascular wall or bleeding disorders. Nosebleeds may be spontaneous or may be caused by various traumas.

1. With a superficial location of the choroid plexus in the nasal septum, it is easy to damage it, which becomes the most common cause of all nosebleeds (90 percent of cases).

2. Injuries that can be of varying strength - from the harmless habit of picking your nose with your finger to significant ones, accompanied by fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton.

3. Foreign bodies in the nasal cavity, which can provoke bleeding, directly injuring the mucous membrane, or causing inflammation in their place long stay. This is especially true for babies, who often put various objects in their noses, after which they forget about it or hide it from adults. In this case, pus and an unpleasant odor may appear along with the blood.

4. Various benign and malignant tumors nasal cavity (in children, benign formations are more common).

5. Curvature of the nasal septum, where, together with periodic bleeding, in most cases there will be difficulty in nasal breathing.

6. Anomalies in the development of the vascular system of the nose - expansion of arteries and veins.

7. Changes in the structure of the mucous membrane with various infections(tuberculosis, syphilis, diphtheria), as well as chronic rhinitis.

8. Nosebleeds in children can occur due to the fact that the air in the room is dry. The parched mucous membrane of the nasal septum shrinks with the wall of the blood vessel and they lose their elasticity and strength. As a result, when sneezing, blowing your nose, etc., this parched mucous membrane cracks and breaks a blood vessel that has dried with it.


Blood diseases

Increased vascular permeability during inflammation, which occurs when severe infections such as measles, influenza, etc.; with a lack of vitamin C;

Chronic liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

Ascent states blood pressure(renal hypertension - increased blood pressure in kidney disease, exercise, sunstroke, overheating).


Nosebleeds can start suddenly, often during sleep. Bleeding is unilateral or immediately from both halves of the nose. Bleeding is of varying intensity and duration. In some cases, the blood flows out slowly and spontaneously stops, in others the blood is poured out in a stream, the bleeding can continue for a long time and does not stop spontaneously.

In any case, expert advice is needed! Start your examination with a visit pediatric ENT doctor who will examine the nasal cavity, prescribe an x-ray paranasal sinuses nose. If the causes of nosebleeds are local, and in particular superficially located vessels in the nasal septum, a specialist can cauterize them different ways: electricity, laser (electric or laser coagulation) or liquid nitrogen(cryotherapy).

If found in the nose foreign body or polyps, they will be removed.

The doctor may prescribe various examinations, for example, blood tests, as well as additional consultations of other specialists: a hematologist (a doctor who treats blood diseases), a pediatrician.


Chronic bleeding is the cause of slowly increasing depletion of the body, the formation of anemia. With anemia, immunity suffers - resistance to pathogens and constantly changing environmental conditions decreases. Anemia leads to chronic oxygen starvation, loss of blood in a large volume leads to grave consequences for the body.


Reassure your child, as the stress of seeing blood leads to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, which increases blood loss. It is necessary to convince the child and others that nothing terrible is happening, there is no danger to life, and the bleeding will soon stop.

Stop the blood! It is necessary to give the child vertical position(to sit down, raise the back of the bed as much as possible) and slightly tilt your head forward so that blood flows out of the nostrils! In addition, tilting the head forward will allow you to determine from which half of the nose is bleeding. The smallest must be picked up, supporting the head.

IMPORTANT!!! Throwing your head back is totally unacceptable. Since the imaginary cessation of bleeding leads to blood flowing into the throat. Unfortunately, this is the most common first aid mistake.

OXYGEN Unbutton your clothes, supply the flow fresh air. In this case, it is desirable that the child takes a breath through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

COLD Cold should be applied to the nose area (a handkerchief dipped in cold water, or a piece of ice in a plastic bag). ATTENTION! Feet should be warm. This helps to reduce blood circulation in the nose and weaken, and sometimes stop bleeding.

OPTION It is often enough to press the wing of the nose against the septum on the side of the bleeding with your hand for 5-10 minutes to form a blood clot. If this measure does not help, it is necessary to install a swab made of sterile cotton wool 2.5-3 cm long and 0.5 cm thick moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or any other vasoconstrictor drops in the nose (NAPHTHIZIN, SANORIN, GALAZOLIN, OTRIVIN, TIZIN)


If the bleeding is caused by a foreign body, do not try to remove it yourself: it can move and get into the airways, causing suffocation. The foreign body must be removed by a specialist.

When providing assistance, it is necessary to control general state child, degree of consciousness, pulse, blood pressure.


1. After you have managed to stop the bleeding, do not let the child blow his nose and limit physical activity for at least a day, so as not to provoke re-bleeding.

2. When the bleeding stops, you need to carefully lubricate both halves of the nose vaseline oil with a cotton swab: this will protect the nasal mucosa from drying out.

3. If the air in the room where the baby sleeps is too dry, it is necessary to increase the humidity (for example, using a humidifier or a wet sheet on the radiator). In the nasal passages of the child, so that their mucous membrane does not dry out, it is good to instill preparations made on the basis of sea water.


If bleeding does not stop within 20 minutes - if bleeding resumes,

If the blood flows out in a stream, without clots,

If the general condition of the child worsens.

Send your questions to pediatrician Valery Sonnov at

A runny nose with blood in a baby is an unambiguous reason to show a child to a pediatrician. Usually, this symptom observed in older children in response to strong nose blowing and finger picking in the nose. Since infants do not know how to do all this, their blood in the snot can be a sign of serious illness.

The causes of blood in the mucus with a runny nose are:

  1. Rupture of one or more capillaries in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx;
  2. The appearance of wounds, ulcers and cracks in the mucosa.

But these reasons are already secondary. What causes destruction blood vessels or to the appearance of wounds in the nose, the doctor should already find out.

What does a runny nose with blood in a baby mean?

Most dangerous diseases, in which the baby can constantly experience this symptom - various violations blood clotting, including hemophilia. And although it is known that with this disease, hemorrhages most often occur inside the body, it is the blood streaks in the mucus from the nose of the baby that can be one of the first signs of the disease.

In addition, this symptom may be caused by an increase intracranial pressure. If so, what formerly doctor will establish such a connection, the more effective will be further treatment in order to normalize this pressure.

A large amount of spotting in the snot is a sign of serious damage to the mucosa.

Rhinitis provokes vascular damage. Blood in small quantities and infrequently (once a day) may be present in snot with severe rhinitis of a viral or bacterial nature. Treatment is needed to relieve symptoms infectious disease. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Sometimes the cause of bloody discharge in the snot in the baby can be the wrong home treatment viral or bacterial cold. For example:

  1. With frequent and long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops (even those specially adapted for infants), the nasal mucosa dries up, drug-induced rhinitis will develop in parallel, which will lead to cracking of dry mucus and the appearance of bleeding wounds;
  2. When a child is instilled into the nose of onion juice, garlic, some hormonal drops, extensive ulcers of the mucous membrane develop.

Avitaminosis, namely the lack of vitamin C in the diet, can also be the cause of fragility of the capillaries in the nose and, as a result, bloody discharge from the nose.

On a note

It is necessary to be able to distinguish a runny nose with blood from nosebleeds. In the first case, the symptom manifests itself only with the release of snot, and in the second case, there is no dependence on mucus production and sneezing.

Blood without snot is a sign mechanical damage nasal mucosa or capillary fragility.

Useful video: causes of nosebleeds

Blood in the snot from the nose: when you do not need to call a doctor

It is not always necessary to call a doctor in this situation. This is not required if:

  1. Blood appeared in the snot one or more times in very small quantities - literally in the form of one or two veins. These are only accidental injuries that can be caused by crying or manipulating the aspirator. However, if these vascular injuries are permanent or they are large, then this is already a reason to show the baby to the doctor;
  2. The symptom appeared after the mucus in the child's nose dried up. The initial fault for this lies with the parents, who did not provide adequate moisture to the nasal mucosa of the infant, as well as the air in the room. Dry crusts in the nose baby crack easily and form bleeding wounds. However, this does not last long - at most 15-20 minutes, until the wound heals. In this case, parents need to constantly drip saline into the child’s nose to moisturize the nasal mucosa, and lubricate the crusts in the nose at night simple oils- vaseline, olive, peach.

With the formation of crusts in the nose of a child and the risk of wounds and cracks, the mucous membrane must be constantly moistened.

Once again, we note that you can not go to the doctor if bloody issues rarely appears in nasal mucus and there are few of them.

“We have a whole misfortune. The whole first year of life, whatever a runny nose, so the blood in the snot. We took Sasha to the doctor, took tests, nothing suspicious. ENT suspects just fragility of blood vessels, prescribed complexes with ascorbic acid. But somewhere in the year and a half, all this passed. Maybe the ascorbic acid worked, maybe just the nose got stronger.

Olga, Essentuki

What to do if a baby has a runny nose with bloody discharge

If the baby has this symptom, then you should consult a doctor. If the child does not have an obvious SARS or bacterial rhinitis, and the symptoms appear constantly, especially every day or with every blowing of the nose, the reason for this must be found out.

Modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of tools that will help even a child with hematopoiesis to feel normal.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe means to strengthen the nasal mucosa and systemic drugs. It is impossible to try to give a child decoctions of herbs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, or even more so to smear his nose with ointments. Once again, we note that without knowing the reasons, it is impossible to carry out treatment, since there is a risk of complications.

Remember: infant- this is not an object for experiments and testing the advice of grandmothers and unknown authors on the forums. Only a doctor can evaluate all clinical picture, find out the cause and prescribe an adequate treatment. Correspondence treatment is unacceptable here!

Nosebleeds in a child