Description of the Chihuahua breed. Chihuahuas are in heat: what is it and how to care for it? Chihuahua care

Chihuahua is the cutest, miniature creature that has won the hearts of many. What the Chihuahua breed is, how to care for it, how to choose the right puppy, keep it, train it will be discussed further.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Mexico
Lifespan 12-15 years
Price12-100 tr.
Male height15-23 cm.
Bitch height15-23 cm.
Male weight0.5-3.5 kg.
Bitch weight0.5-3.5 kg.

Brief description of the Chihuahua

The generally accepted version of the origin of the Chihuahua is associated with Mexico, when during the Middle Ages the mysterious and enigmatic Toltec people lived on its territory. The Chihuahua breed, or as the ancient Mexicans called it the Techichi, was kept as a pet wealthy leaders, nobility, priests of the tribe. According to another version, the Chihuahua comes from ancient monkeys that climbed trees, but eventually descended to the ground. What’s most interesting is that their toes are really well developed. But still many experienced dog handlers and history experts are of the opinion that the roots of this breed originate precisely from the ancient Mexican tribes.

The dog breed itself was named after the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, where there were especially many of them - on the mainland, more precisely on the southern part North America, dogs came with the first pioneers - the Spaniards, gradually spreading throughout Europe. At the end of the 19th century, the presented breed gained enormous popularity in America, and, starting from 1904, actively took part in world exhibitions as an independent breed. Today it is a universal favorite and quite popular breed that has conquered the world with its small size, unpretentiousness and amazing character.

Appearance of a Chihuahua

The Chihuahua breed is considered the smallest of all existing on earth. According to statistics, the breed standard provides for its weight to be up to 3.5 kg, the height of the animal at the withers is from 15 to 23 cm.

According to external data, the Chihuahua is a compact and harmoniously built animal, with characteristic shape The head is apple-shaped, with a pronounced transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The body structure of the animal is thin, has long legs and a tail. middle length, which is not trimmed. The eyes are round and large, but not protruding, the ears are long and wide, erect.

Chihuahua character

By their nature, these miniature pets are quite active creatures, charming, intelligent, devoted to their owners, although they choose from all family members one, the most beloved person. Besides the fact that dogs chihuahua breed They themselves give love to their owner, they are very demanding in the matter of its mutual manifestation - their inventive, genuinely inquisitive nature allows them to come up with a lot of ways to get maximum attention to their person.

Loyal and very brave, even with their small size, Chihuahuas can provoke more large breeds dogs for aggression - this feature of their character should be taken into account, showing maximum attention during a walk. TO to a stranger are also treated with a certain degree of mistrust. Many owners and experienced dog handlers claim that they have character traits inherent in terriers, such as vigilance and attentiveness, audacity, even recklessness. The Mexican temperament and the historical roots of these cute animals are reflected.

As for other pets, other representatives of their own breed will be excellent company for them. If there are small children in the family, it is better not to bring a Chihuahua into the house, since for the purpose of self-defense they can bite if the child squeezes or drags it by the paws or tail. But for people old age or disabled people - these are the most best companions, because due to their affection and love they can spend many hours in a row at the feet or in the arms of the owner.


The Chihuahua breed is highly trainable, and most importantly, there is no need to go through the entire training course. It is enough to learn a few commands, and the animal, due to its natural intelligence, will understand everything else without a word - just show a little patience and love. So one of the family members can train a dog, but all household members should be able to control the animal.

First of all, it is worth determining for yourself the purpose of training - one question if you and your pet will participate in exhibitions and a different program if you teach the animal simple, simple commands. All this determines not only the duration of the training, but also the set of commands that the dog must know.

The basis of training a puppy of this breed is the execution of basic commands. When conducting training, the main thing is not to forget to give your pet a treat for each correctly executed command. Once in a particular family, the puppy chooses his own leader, and it is his commands that he will carry out unquestioningly, therefore, it is best to entrust the role of the trainer to him. But even a teenager can cope with the task itself.

If you plan to show your Chihuahua at exhibitions, the training program is somewhat different. The dog must be able to carry out special show commands, have certain skills, for example, not show its natural aggression towards other breeds of dogs, or during the inspection procedure, the owners must teach it to show its bite and walk around the perimeter of the ring, and so on.

How to choose a puppy

The most best age, where you can buy a Chihuahua puppy – 3-4 months. If taken at a younger age, the animal has not yet formed as a personality and a change in the situation and environment can provoke a mental disorder. What you should pay attention to when choosing an animal:

  • Appearance – the animal must be healthy appearance, clean skin and the nose and eyes should not be watery, not have purulent discharge, moderately active.
  • Exterior – the shape of the head and the length of the muzzle, which will directly indicate to an experienced dog breeder the purity of the breed. So the head should not be flat, and the muzzle should not be elongated and narrow or overly massive. The back is straight, the tail is without kinks and is slightly bent, but not curled up like a husky’s.
  • Legs - the front ones should be straight, and the hind legs - with a pronounced angle, which in itself excludes weak muscles and ligaments.
  • Number of teeth – 6 incisors on the upper and lower jaw and definitely correct bite, When upper incisors will tightly overlap the lower ones, and the lower fangs will be located between upper canine and the outermost incisor.

Chihuahuas are quite unpretentious in their care and maintenance - the main thing is to know a few basic rules. At the very beginning, it is worth remembering that you must pick up a Chihuahua dog with both hands, holding it by the chest and under the seat. Never grab by the paws, under the chest or under the stomach - that’s the only way. If the breed is short-haired, then they practically do not shed, but if they are long-haired, they shed twice a season. They are combed out every other day, special cases, for example, during the shedding period or before a show - every day with a rubber brush for short-haired breeds, and for long-haired breeds - with a comb.

They bathe them 3-4 times a year and in case of unplanned contamination or before a show with special shampoos for dogs - the main thing during the bathing process is to make sure that water does not get into the ears. The nails are cut with a special nail clipper as they grow, and the eyes and ears are examined every day for uncharacteristic discharge, if necessary, by wiping with a clean, soft cloth soaked in clean water.

When taking a puppy into your home, determine its resting place in advance. Optimally, if it is a quiet corner, certainly not in a draft - it is best to buy chihuahua house or a special bed. A cat litter box is quite suitable as a home toilet. The main thing is to monitor its cleanliness, since the animal simply will not go into an untidy and full one.

The basis of the diet is protein, but many professionals say that creating a menu for a Chihuahua on your own from products is problematic and therefore it is best to opt for professional, high-quality ready-made food. In terms of volumes of feed consumed - 80 grams per kilogram of animal weight.

Health and illness

The Chihuahua may come across as a gentle creature, but this is quite a misconception. The breed itself is quite ancient and strong - with proper care And balanced diet doesn't have serious problems with health.

But with all this, a dog is always a living creature, susceptible to many diseases, the most common of which are

  • hypoglycemia;
  • dysplasia;
  • striking mitral valve heart muscle;
  • demodicosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • undescended testicles in males.

Also often this breed Dogs are also affected by rheumatism of the bones and problems with childbirth, as well as with teeth and gums.

If the animal does not eat for several days, its body temperature is elevated, the dog is inactive and loses weight, starts sneezing and coughing for no apparent reason - show it to the doctor. Also, you should not ignore such negative signs as diarrhea and bouts of vomiting, constant thirst, and itching.

Chihuahua photo

To summarize, we can say that the Chihuahua is a little protector, with a lion’s heart and great love for its owners. With proper care, full care, due attention proper diet nutritionally, your pet will delight you for many years, giving you its love.

How big will my Chihuahua puppy grow? When will my Chihuahua stop growing? These are the questions every chi owner wants to know!

The growth of this breed can be somewhat gradual. Therefore, sometimes the most little puppy in a litter may outgrow its peers by the time they all reach the age of 1 year.

Most The best way To determine the future size of a Chihuahua is to study its pedigree. Size and other physical characteristics are hereditary. Genes passed on from the mother usually determine the size of the puppy. Although, looking back 2 or 3 generations will give you an even more accurate idea of ​​its likely size.

Chihuahua puppy weight table by month

Age/Weight at birth, grams 71 78 85 99 113 120 128 142 156
1 Week 106 113 142 156 184 198 227 255 269
2 weeks 142 156 184 198 255 284 312 354 383
3 weeks 170 198 227 255 312 369 397 454 496
4 weeks (1 month) 198 227 269 312 369 452 482 539 595
5 weeks 227 255 312 369 425 482 553 624 680
6 weeks 255 312 354 425 496 567 624 680 765
7 weeks 284 340 411 482 553 624 695 765 851
8 weeks (2 months) 312 369 454 539 610 680 765 822 936
9 weeks 340 425 496 567 652 737 822 907 992
10 weeks 369 454 539 624 709 794 879 964 1077
11 weeks 397 482 595 680 795 879 964 1049 1191
12 weeks (3 months) 425 539 624 737 851 936 1049 1162 1276
13 weeks 454 567 680 794 907 1021 1134 1247 1389
14 weeks 482 624 737 851 964 1106 1219 1332 1474
15 weeks 539 652 794 907 1049 1162 1304 1446 1588
16 weeks (4 months) 567 709 851 964 1106 1247 1389 1531 1673
17 weeks 595 737 879 1021 1162 1304 1446 1616 1758
18 weeks 624 794 936 1049 1219 1361 1531 1701 1843
19 weeks 652 822 964 1106 1247 1418 1588 1758 1899
20 weeks (5 months) 680 851 992 1162 1304 1474 1644 1814 1985
21 weeks 709 879 1021 1191 1361 1531 1701 1871 2041
22 weeks 709 907 1049 1219 1389 1588 1758 1928 2098
23 weeks 737 936 1077 1247 1418 1616 1814 1985 2155
24 weeks 737 936 1106 1276 1446 1644 1843 2013 2211
25 weeks (6 months) 765 946 1134 1332 1503 1701 1899 2070 2269
18 months 908 1135 1362 1589 1816 2043 2270 2497 2724

Growth rate

Newborn Chihuahuas usually weigh only about 100 grams (maximum range from 75 to 200 grams). Chihuahua puppies experience their fastest growth during the first month after birth, doubling their size in just a few days.

Chihuahuas reach their full adult size in about one year. However, during this time they may have several periods rapid growth and weight gain. If your Chihuahua does not grow in height or weight within 4 weeks, it should be taken to a veterinarian for a checkup. Based on this, the most appropriate frequency for weighing chi is once a month, or once every 4 weeks.

Although a one-year-old Chihuahua is already considered an adult, it is completely developed dog may become a little later, between 12 and 18 months of age. Over the past months, the Chihuahua's rib cage and muscles develop. The weight of the breed according to the standard is from 1.5 to 3 kg, height - from 15 to 23 cm.

Probable weight of an adult Chihuahua based on weight at 8 weeks:

Changing body shape

You will notice that Chihuahua puppies are quite round and plump. They have additional body fat on the body, which they need to provide warmth and reserves nutrients. No need to worry about what the puppy has excess weight. Puppies are full of energy and rarely have problems with thyroid gland and other disorders that can be caused by being overweight.

During the puppies' first year of life and up to 6 months thereafter, the chi's physique will become more slender. As they mature, adolescent puppies, like adults, will become more coordinated and elegant.

While adolescent and adult Chihuahuas rarely suffer from overweight, health problems that prevent your dog from being active can cause him to gain unhealthy weight. This is especially true for aging Chihuahuas. If quantity physical exercise decreases but calorie intake remains the same, the dog will have weight problems. When adult chi becomes too heavy, the excess weight most often forms in the abdominal area.

Factors affecting size

The size, weight and height of an adult Chihuahua will depend on several main factors:

  • Both parents' sizes
  • Proper diet
  • Dog's activity level
  • The presence of inherited genes in a dog that appear after one or more generations, in other words, the size can depend on the puppy's grandparents up to 5 generations ago.

Video - development of a Chihuahua puppy from 1 to 6 months

Typically, a Chihuahua's ears stand up by the age of three months. But if your pet is already six to seven months old and his ears are still not standing, then this can become a problem. It occurs quite often in Chihuahuas. According to the standard of this breed, semi-erect ears are considered a defect, and a dog can be disqualified for hanging ears. From this article you will learn why your dog’s ears don’t stand up, as well as when and how you can put them on.

When selecting many dog ​​breeders, they do not always pay attention to very important detail— the ears of potential parents should be strong. To do this, it is necessary to check the quality of the ear cartilage.

As a result of such negligence, puppies with weak ear cartilage. When the time comes, the ears do not stand up or remain half-dropping.

This problem can also occur if the lactating Chihuahua was not fed correctly.

Most often, such complications can be found in Chihuahuas with long coats. Long hair make the animal's ears heavier. When this happens, you need to cut the hair in time, giving your ears freedom.

You may also encounter a situation where the dog’s ears stand up, but after some time they fall back. In this case, you don't have to worry too much, it's natural process, associated with the Chihuahua. This can usually be observed at three to four months.

There are several other reasons why this phenomenon occurs:

  • severe stress;
  • lack of calcium;
  • lack of phosphorus;
  • large ear size;
  • underdeveloped ear muscles;
  • – because of it, the ears can fall, but then they should stand up.

Solutions to the problem

It doesn't matter what exactly caused your Chihuahua's ears to fall off. There are several ways you can get them into position.

The puppy must be given glucosamine, chondroitin, calcium gluconate in tablets, capsules fish oil. It is not advisable to give everything together - the dog may overdose medicines. Contact your veterinarian, who will explain when and in what doses your pet should be given medications.

Add food gelatin to your puppy's food once a day. The powder solution is made at a rate of about five grams per two hundred milliliters of warm water.

During your dog's teeth change, you can purchase specially selected food supplements containing calcium and phosphorus from your veterinary pharmacy. Always carefully read the instructions written on the box or jar of supplements. You need exactly those supplements that were developed for dwarf breeds.

Until your pet's ears stand up, there is no need to stroke his head. At such moments, the puppy begins to put them back, which has a bad effect on development.

Ask the breeder at what age your pet's parents' ears grew. It is possible that everything will happen for him at exactly the same time.

Massage your puppy's ear cartilage five to six times a day. To do this, put your forefinger inside auricle, and leave the big one outside. Then slowly, in a circular motion, begin to stretch the ear from the head to its tip. This way, you can straighten any creases, if any, by increasing the blood supply to the ear.

Don't forget about natural sunbathing fresh air. Such walks help proper development ear cartilage.

Let's start gluing

If your puppy's ears cannot stand up on their own, there is a good way, the timing of which can greatly help. If after three months the dog’s ears still haven’t stood up, start gluing them.

Required Items

Before the gluing procedure, you need to prepare the following things:

  • medical plaster. Its width should be two to two and a half centimeters.
  • scissors;
  • tire. It should be thin and light so as not to weigh down the dog's ear. A little long smaller ear. For example, a match with the head removed.

Under no circumstances should you use electrical tape, adhesive tape or other household adhesive materials to glue your puppy’s ears. Air does not pass through them at all, which means that the skin of the ears will rot. This can lead to serious skin irritation. In addition, they can cause an allergic reaction in your pet.

First way

If you tighten the skin too much with the patch, it can lead to disruption of blood circulation in the ear. It is because of this that you need to periodically remove the patch to give it a rest. skin. Also alternate between resting and removing the glue between your puppy's ears. These procedures must be repeated every five to seven days.

When you remove the patch, lubricate it first vegetable oil or Vaseline. This way it will come off easily without causing any pain to the dog.

After a month of such manipulations, remove the splint and continue simply gluing the bandage. This is done so that the ear cartilage begins to develop independently.

If your pet is already eight months old and his ears are still not standing up, unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen. Don't despair that your show career didn't work out. This will make your baby never stop loving you.

Have your puppy's ears stood up? At what age did this happen?

They got their name from the name of a state in Northern Mexico, because... it is believed that this is where this small dog breed. There is no clear opinion about where the homeland of the Chihuahua is located. Some argue that this small breed dog was brought from China, others believe that the homeland chihuahua- this is Africa. They even call Turkey, America and Europe their homeland chihuahua. And no one knows the exact answer. The fact is that chihuahua- This small dog breed one of the oldest in the world. Even the ancient Aztecs idolized chihuahua and sacrificed them to their gods, and then ate them. Small breed dog The Chihuahua appeared not a hundred or two hundred, but several thousand years ago. Therefore, it is stupid to look for documentary evidence of the place and time of the origin of the breed. The only one reliable fact known today is that one of the progenitors chihuahua was a breed of small dogs Techichi, dogs of the Toltecs, where Mexico is located today. The Toltecs at one time were replaced by the Aztecs, who inherited the legacy of the lost empire, including the Techichi breed, the modern chihuahua. Legends testify to this American Indians, passed down from generation to generation and detailing the sacred animal, small breed dog. One of the legends says that after the death of the owner, chihuahua will take upon himself the sins of the owner and help him pass on to another world with pure soul. In the settlement of Tula, images of this small breed dogs, which were often used to decorate local architectural monuments.

When the Aztecs were replaced by the Mexicans, they began to speculate on unusual dogs, selling them to tourists. This was already at the end of the 19th century, and it was then that the spread began chihuahua throughout America, and then into Europe. In 1903, the USA small dog breed was officially recognized in the States, and four years later in the UK. After this, widespread distribution began miniature dogs and popularization chihuahua. In 1952 breed of small dogs divided into long-haired and smooth-haired, the breeding of new species continued chihuahua.

Description of the Chihuahua breed

Chihuahua- This is the smallest dog in the world. The petite body structure of this small breed dog makes it compact and attractive. Torso chihuahua square shape, and its length is slightly greater than the height of the dog including the head. Head chihuahua, or rather her skull, is shaped like an apple. A healthy purebred dog carries a curled or half-loop tail high, with the tip pointing toward the loin. Spout chihuahua slightly upturned, which gives him a mocking expression. The muzzle tapers towards the nose. Forehead chihuahua rounded, it smoothly but distinctly passes to the base of the muzzle. Undoubtedly, the most expressive part of the face of this small breed dog is the eyes. Eyes chihuahua large, round, but not convex. The eye color is dark, which indicates the purity of the breed. Light eyes at chihuahua acceptable, but not desirable. Exactly expressive dark eyes chihuahua are able to penetrate the soul of any person, even if he is not an animal lover. Another distinctive and pronounced feature of this small breed dogs- large wide ears. Ears chihuahua always wide open, especially wide at the base, gradually tapering to rounded tips. When the dog is alert, the ears stand up, the rest of the time they just hang at the sides.

Torso chihuahua very muscular, the chest is well pumped, the ribs are clearly visible, the tummy is well tucked. The tail of a small breed dog indicates general condition animal. Tail chihuahua of medium length and, as mentioned above, usually rounded towards the body. During movement, this position (with the tail rounded up and towards the body) helps chihuahua keep your balance and run fast. When the dog is calm, the tail is lowered and slightly bent. Legs chihuahua muscular and pumped up, paws round and small. Toes, with rounded claws, well spaced. Usually dewclaws chihuahua are deleted. The paw pad springs well and promotes rapid movement. Chihuahua He can run fast, actively rearranges his paws, and springs well with his whole body. While driving small breed dog maintains grace and attractiveness, moves easily and freely. At times she seems tireless.

Caring for the Chihuahua breed

Chihuahua breed will not require special care efforts from you. Standard grooming procedures include treatment of the face, ears, claws and, of course, fur chihuahua dogs.

Regularly inspect the ears that you are so proud of. chihuahua dog breed. If necessary, they should be cleaned using cotton swabs and swabs and special means for ear care. Chihuahua dogs will appreciate your efforts.

Also check your claws regularly. chihuahua dogs. In approximately two weeks chihuahua breed grows rather long claws, which only a wire cutter or nail clipper can handle. It is necessary to strictly determine the distance to which the claw can be trimmed. Chihuahua dog breeds. To do this, look at the light; if the claw is light, a pink tint will be noticeable at the base - you cannot cut there! You will have to retreat about one and a half millimeters. If the claw chihuahua breed black and difficult to determine the distance, better use a nail file, otherwise you risk damaging your finger.

Chihuahua dog breed Often exposed to tartar, which can lead to further inflammation and even tooth loss. Therefore, dental care chihuahua dogs becomes vital. It's difficult to prevent this. Can be given as a preventative measure Chihuahua breed chew special cleansing biscuits or bovine skin bones. If you still find chihuahua dogs Tartar, immediately contact a specialist; you will not be able to remove the stone yourself.

Bathe chihuahua dog breed should be done regularly every two to three months. This must be done using a special shampoo for dogs. Wrap up after your bath chihuahua dog into a terry towel and dry the coat well with a hair dryer and comb. To brush your short-haired Chihuahua, use a comb with long, wide teeth. For long-haired Chihuahuas, use a medium-hard brush.

FCI-Standard FCI Standard No. 218(23.06.2004)

Country of origin. Mexico.

Origin and general appearance. The Chihuahua is one of the smallest representatives of the canine world, whose ancestor, the Techichi, was bred by the Toltecs, an Indian tribe that inhabited the Mexican state of the same name in the 9th century and lived until the 12th century in the city of Chichen Itza, located near Tula and Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City) . The Huechotsing monastery, founded by Franciscan monks around 1530 and also located near Mexico City, preserves slabs of destroyed Toltec pyramids with Techichi images used in the construction. Similar stone carvings were found on stones removed from the pyramids on the Yucatan Peninsula. The surviving Toltec Aztecs continued to breed Techichi, as evidenced by the skeletons of dogs found in 1850 at the site of the palace of Emperor Moctezuma I (1466-1520) destroyed by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés (1458-1547). The Aztecs probably bred the Techichi with local long-haired Chihuahuainos, short-haired Maltese, long-haired Chinese and hairless Asian dogs, resulting in the Chihuahua. True, in one of his letters to King Carlos I of Spain (Charles V - 1500-1558), Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506) claimed that he saw in Cuba, where the Aztecs had never set foot, similar dogs, which may indicate a different origin of the breed, more precisely, the importation of dogs from Asia through the Bering Strait and their spread by the Alaskan Eskimos. But be that as it may, the Aztecs worshiped Chihuahua, using it in religious rites, sacrificing to the deities and when moving souls to the kingdom of the dead, Mictlan, burning along with the deceased owners, so that they would take their sinful souls, lead them through the pitch darkness to liberation from worldly worries, and the gods would send them their blessing for this.
The modern Chiu is a harmoniously built, elegant, strong dog, with characteristically large ears, a playful expression and light jumping movements, differing from its ancestors in color, varying from snow-white to anthracite-black. She adores children, is extremely sociable and peaceful, gets along well with people and her fellow tribesmen.

Sexual type. Well expressed. Males are more muscular, stronger and more courageous than more feminine and lighter females.
Flaws. Minor deviations from the sexual type.
Vices. Males in bitch type and vice versa.

Constitution type. Dry-strong, with somewhat light bones, thin but developed muscles and tight-fitting thin skin.
Flaws. Some roughness of build, lightness of bones and muscles.
Vices. The same deviations, but in a more pronounced form.

Features of behavior and character. Dogs with a balanced temperament, affectionate, gentle, energetic, extremely active and sensitive. The character is calm, good-natured and cheerful. Chiu are smart, obedient and well trained.
Flaws. Lethargy, nervousness.
Vices. Cowardice, malice.

Weight. The height at the withers should correspond to the weight, which should be 500-3000 g. Ideal weight - 1-2 kg.

Format. Approaching square. The oblique length of the body is slightly more height dogs at the withers. It is desirable for males to be more compact, but females can be slightly elongated.
Flaws. Minor deviations from the specified format.
Vices. Short or moderately stretched format; stockiness or high-leggedness.


Shorthaired Chihuahua
The coat is short, close-lying, straight, shiny, thick, soft to the touch. If there is undercoat, it is slightly longer than it. It is less dense on the throat and belly, slightly longer on the neck and tail, and extremely short on the muzzle and ears.
Vices. Sparse hair on the belly, long, harsh, wavy hair.

Longhaired Chihuahua
The coat is soft, silky, thick, close-lying, straight or slightly wavy, with developed decorative hair on the neck - a collar, ears - fringe, limbs - feathers and trousers, paws - slippers and a feather on the tail. The undercoat is not too dense.
Flaws. Harsh, wavy, short coat, sparse undercoat.
Vices. Short, hard, curly coat; lack of undercoat.

Color. Any, including all shades and color combinations.

Head. Round, like a ball, proportional to the body. The skull is apple-shaped, voluminous, of the same height and width. The parietal fontanelle often persists even in adult dogs. Facial area under the eyes, cheekbones and cheeks do not protrude. The transition from the forehead hanging over the muzzle to the back of the nose is sharply defined, deep and wide. The muzzle is short, dry, deep, tapering to a pigmented (in tone with the main color) nose. The nose is slightly tapered towards the end. The lips are dry, tightly fitting, pigmented to match the base color. Jaws of equal length.
Vices. Flat, shallow head, narrow skull, slightly convex forehead, smoothed transition from forehead to muzzle, cheekbones, cheekiness, pronounced brow ridges or occipital protuberance, long or shallow, weak, poorly filled muzzle under the eyes, deformation of the jaws.

Ears. Large, erect, set high and wide, with a wide base, triangular shape, with slightly rounded ends. When excited, the ends are directed and slightly tilted forward, and at rest they are slightly apart (at an angle of 45° to the axis of the skull, open outward).
Flaws. Weak ear cartilage.
Vices. Low, close-set, pointed, vertical ears.

Eyes. Large, round, expressive, dark, erect and widely spaced, the whites of the eyes are not visible. When viewed from the front, the eyes and nose appear as three identical dark spots located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The expression is good-natured, slightly mischievous. The eyelids are dry, tightly fitting, with a border pigmented to match the main color.
Vices. Boggle-eyed, small, sunken, expressionless eyes.

Teeth. White, strong, with a linear arrangement of incisors. The fangs are large. Scissor bite or straight bite.
Flaws. The presence of broken teeth, if this does not interfere with the determination of the bite, the initial symptoms of caries; straight bite.
Vices. Caries, misalignment of the lower jaw, overshot, undershot, missing teeth, double set of teeth (retention of baby teeth).

Neck. Medium length, narrow, dry, with a slightly convex nape, set high, denser in males.
Flaws. Short neck or medium set.
Vices. Short, loaded, raw or low-set neck; suspension

Withers. Moderately expressed, goes into a straight topline. The shoulder blades are flat, covered with thin muscles, set obliquely and tightly pressed to the body.
Vices. Narrow, loaded withers; Loose, steep or sharp shoulder blades.

Back. Short, strong, straight, moderately wide.
Flaws. Short or long, soft or slightly convex back.
Vices. A long, narrow, weak, sagging or hunched back (lordosis or kyphosis).

Small of the back. Short, moderately wide, muscular, slightly arched.
Flaws. Weak, elongated loin.
Vices. Long, narrow, weak, arched or sagging lower back.

Croup Wide, strong, moderately sloping.
Flaws. Somewhat narrow, straight or sloping croup.
Vices. The croup is too long, narrow, sharply sloping or horizontal.

Tail. Of medium length, set high, thick at the base and tapering to a point that can be bent into a light hook. In a calm state, the tail is lowered down, and when excited it is held almost vertically in the form of a saber, sickle or in a semi-ring, with the end towards the lower back.
Vices. Sparsely bushed, low set, short, turned to one side, tail pressed to the back.

Breast. Compact, wide and deep (reaches up to elbow joints). The ribs are convex.
Flaws. Narrow, smallish, flat chest.
Vices. Narrow, short, shallow, barrel or flat chest.

Stomach. Slightly tucked up.
Flaws. Straight belly or toned belly.
Vices. Sagging or lean belly.

Forelegs. Straight, parallel to each other and vertically set. The shoulders are set obliquely. Elbows point back and pressed to the chest. The forearms are straight and strong, vertical. Pasterns short, strong, slightly sloping (10°).
Flaws. Straight shoulders, slightly loose elbows, rather weak pasterns.
Vices. Wide, barrel-shaped or close set of limbs, short legs, loose elbows, crooked forearms, vertical or weak, sloping pasterns, kozinets.

Hind limbs. Straight and parallel to each other, muscular, lightly boned. The angulations of the joints are well defined, balanced with the angulations of the forelimbs. The lower legs are short, with a strong Achilles tendon, the hocks are low, directed back and parallel to each other, the metatarsals are short and vertical.
Flaws. Slightly close together or everted hock joints, slightly wide or narrow set of limbs.
Vices. High legs, any deviation from parallel alignment of the limbs, long, weak, sloping metatarsals, luxation of the patella.

Paws. Very small, oval, with long, tightly connected and tenacious fingers, in a ball. The pads are well developed and very elastic. The claws are strong, curved, of medium length, matching the main color. Dewclaws should be removed.
Vices. Cat's, hare's, "paper" paw, markings, clubfoot.

Movements. Light, free, elastic, energetic, graceful, straightforward, with good thrust from the forequarters and strong drive from the hindquarters. As the speed of movement increases, the limbs are directed under the body towards the center of gravity, becoming single-line (track to track, or a tightrope walker's step). At the same time, the back line remains straight and the head is raised high.
Flaws. Deviations from rectilinear movements, several related movements.
Vices. Associated movements.

Disqualifying faults. Cryptorchidism unilateral or bilateral, underdevelopment of the testes; a dog that looks like a fawn; signs of infantilism or dwarfism, delicate or light build; weight more than 3 kg, stretched format; hair that is too long and fluffy, like a Maltese, in long-haired Chihuahuas, or alopecia in short-haired Chihuahuas; floppy or short ears; bobtail.