Why did the fear of being buried alive haunt some prominent people? Taphephobia, or fear of being buried alive Fear of being buried alive


Buddhists say that every day is a separate life, and daily sleep- this is a little death. But for some people such speeches are devoid of metaphor. Every time they go to bed, they are afraid of waking up in a coffin.

Causes of taphophobia

It is difficult to talk about the reasons for such an exotic fear, but at the same time it is very common, especially among creative people. It is well known that E.A. suffered from this form of phobia. Poe, A. Schopenhauer, M. Tsvetaeva, N. Gogol. Edgar Allan Poe wrote a story on this topic, M. Tsvetaeva mentioned this in her suicide note. A. Schopenhauer asked to be buried only when it was obvious that he was dead. And now, from entertaining stories from the lives of “stars,” let’s move directly to thinking about the reasons.

  1. MASS MEDIA. One way or another, information is leaking onto the Internet and television that some people were mistakenly considered dead and were almost buried, but then they came to life. But in fact, they did not die at all. The doctors just made a mistake. And, unfortunately, it's not always funny. Sometimes living people are put into refrigeration chambers, where they freeze safely. True, not a single case of cremation was heard. That would be terrible. Probably everyone who was there would have turned grey. Fortunately, this was not the case. According to information from open sources, the last such “mistake” that occurred in Russia dates back to 2013. The man was not saved; he froze. Of course, when the average person hears all this news, he voluntarily or involuntarily thinks about such a terrible fate.
  2. Heredity. And again, you shouldn’t think that a tendency toward lethargy or bad luck is inherited, but there are people who retell such stories in their family. And they are at risk. Why? 'Cause courage and fear can do wonders to human body. Simply put, a person is capable of unconsciously programming himself for almost any scenario for the development of his life. There is one example, but from a different area. A person can unconsciously program himself for self-destruction. Let's say a person loses the meaning of life - his favorite job, wife, children, and he dies very quickly, because there is no reason to live. At least that's what he thinks.

It is difficult to say anything regarding the nature of the phenomenon itself. Nothing is known for certain about the reasons. But rich empirical material has been collected regarding the suddenly revived dead. But it’s impossible to say for sure whether these are stories or historical facts.

How to get rid of taphophobia?

You can protect yourself from being buried alive the way the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer did. Let us remember that he made a will. In it, the theorist of the World Will strictly ordered to bury him only when a distinct smell of decomposition emanates from the body.

By the way, this fear in no way prevented him from living a full-blooded life, having an excellent appetite and generally not denying himself anything. The only thing Schopenhauer did not do in his life was that he did not marry and tried to avoid the company of women. According to Irvin Yalom, Arthur Schopenhauer died at the age of 72 with a smile on his lips. All necessary instructions were fulfilled.

If a person, just like A. Schopenhauer, is afraid of being buried alive, then he should first turn to a psychologist. Let the latter find out where this fear came from; if everything goes well, the fear will pass. True, if it makes a person feel safer, let him still make a will. There will be no harm, but the benefits are enormous. The document will exclude all accidents.

And the point here is not even about prolonging life, but about the fact that a notarized document will allow you to avoid painful death in the agony of the airless space of the coffin.

The fear of coffins is called taphophobia. This fear is common to many people. They are frightened not only by the coffin itself, but also by all the paraphernalia associated with the funeral. To some extent, this fear is completely justified and is common to many, but for some people the sight of a funeral procession leads to wild fear or panic. Visiting cemeteries for such a person becomes a terrible experience.

Taphophobia - fear of coffins and funeral paraphernalia

In order not to experience fear of coffins, you can fight the causes of the phobia yourself or seek help from a specialist. Psychologists believe that it is difficult to live a full life if you are periodically haunted by experiences regarding an object that causes fear.

Reasons for the development of taphophobia

Taphophobia is characterized not just by the fear of the wooden product itself, but by a whole string of accompanying phobias. The cause of the development of taphophobia is most often thanatophobia (fear of death). This is inherent in almost every person, because everyone is afraid to die.

Fear of torment

In parallel with taphophobia, a person may suffer from nyctophobia (fear of the dark) and claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces). The causes of phobias most often lie in childhood fears. Observing the ceremonies and rituals associated with funerals, the child does not understand well the essence of what is happening, but the sight of crying relatives and the depressed atmosphere on a subconscious level instill in him the idea that everything that is happening is bad and scary.

Fear of death

Intimidation and prejudices associated with burying the body of the deceased play a role, which are clearly highlighted in cinema; information and photos can be found on the Internet. All this has a huge impact on the fragile child’s psyche.

Taphophobia can also develop at a conscious age due to suspiciousness or impressionability. The reason may be a strong shock from the loss of a loved one.

Fear of being buried alive

Special attention should be paid to such a manifestation of taphophobia as the fear of being buried alive. This is a common form of phobia, which they tried to cope with back in ancient times: they made special coffins with a second entrance or tied a rope to the deceased’s finger, and its other end was attached to a bell.

Our ancestors were afraid of being buried alive, since medicine was poorly developed, and often a dead person could not be distinguished from a living one.

Symptoms of taphophobia

In the presence of any paraphernalia associated with a funeral, a person experiences fear and panic. Symptoms can vary greatly; only the somatic manifestations of phobia, which have different intensities, remain unchanged. Somatic symptoms:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • dizziness and darkening of the eyes;
  • nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness from suffocation;
  • hyperthermia of the skin;
  • tremor of the limbs.

There are also atypical symptoms: insomnia, nightmares, loss of appetite and depression. Each of them greatly depletes the human nervous system, thereby aggravating the current situation.

A person who is afraid of being buried alive leaves notes to his family and friends asking them to put a phone in the coffin.

A tachophobe attending a funeral may lose consciousness

Methods to combat taphophobia

To get results from therapy, you need to clearly set a goal for yourself and seek advice from a psychotherapist. This specialist will be able not only to plan a course of treatment, but also to find the cause of taphophobia.


The fear of being buried alive, as well as the fear of the coffins themselves, can be overcome with the help of improved techniques. The goal of the psychotherapist is to obtain maximum quantity information from the patient. All information is analyzed in detail to find the psychological “anchor” that cemented fear in the subconscious. The most successful methods are:

  1. Neurolinguistic programming is the unobtrusive suggestion to the patient of the necessary tactics to combat a phobia. Specific words that are selected by the doctor are introduced into normal conversation. The result is recorded with some kind of marker: clicking a pen, tapping your fingers, etc. Later, when a person begins to feel the approaching panic, it is enough for him to recreate this sound. This calms you down and gives you the opportunity to switch to something else.
  2. The cognitive method is the fight against fear by constantly confronting it. The patient is encouraged to watch videos on relevant topics, read stories, and visit cemeteries. This method is used only for adults with a mature psyche.

Simulators can be an effective way to combat the fear of being buried alive. The entertainment industry offers the bored public quests to escape from the coffin. In this trial with the patient it may be his close person. This should not be done if, in addition to the phobia, the person suffers from problems with the cardiovascular system.


With minor manifestations of taphophobia, you can cope with them yourself. This method of dealing with a phobia is less effective and gives short-lived results, but it is very relevant if there is no opportunity to contact a specialist.

You need to find a hobby that will distract you from anxious thoughts. An excellent solution is playing sports or some kind of creativity. Experts also recommend avoiding films and books with depressing content, choosing fun and life-affirming topics.

Patients with taphophobia should give up alcohol and drugs. These substances have a destructive effect on a person’s psychophysical state and can lead to prolonged depression, which will only increase fear.

The support of loved ones is important. The feeling that a person is not alone makes him calmer and significantly reduces risk panic attacks.


Fear of coffins and other funeral paraphernalia, like fear of death, does not apply to irrational phobias. The reasons are quite reasonable. It has been noticed that in countries where, for religious reasons, they believe in reincarnation, life after death, etc., the number of patients with thanatophobia and taphophobia is much smaller.

If a phobia affects the normal course of a person’s life, does not allow him to enjoy life and enjoy it, then it is warning sign. It indicates the need for treatment of anxiety-phobic disorder and its symptoms.

Since ancient times, everything related to death has always caused fear, anxiety and even panic in people. Fear of ritual objects sudden stop heart is incomparable to the horror that arises at the thought of the possibility of being buried alive. Stories about such cases only increase confusion, giving rise to taphephobia in people - the fear of being buried alive.

A little history

The fear of accidental burial was first noted in ancient times, as soon as people began to bury their loved ones. Even then, everything was done so that people could eradicate this fear. In the 18th century, a mandatory three-day delay for funerals was introduced. The existence of the fact of death was verified by several specialists and with the help different methods. However, taphephobia became widespread in the early 19th century. They suffered from it famous people: N. Gogol, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Nobel, W. Collins.

At the beginning of the 20th century, safety coffins began to be produced, which were equipped with means of communication with outside world. With their help, the buried person could get out on his own.

Causes and mechanism of fear

Impressionable adults and children are susceptible to taphephobia. They are united by experience and strong outside influence. Each of them suffered tragedy in early childhood: they lost loved ones and attended their funerals. The reluctance to accept their death and ignorance of what happens to a person’s body after burial triggered the fantasy.

Trying to deny the obvious, the child’s psyche built defense mechanisms. He was inventing various options, and thoughts came into his head that the man had not died, but was just fast asleep. Seeing that the coffin was covered with a thick layer of earth, the baby understood that the buried were trapped and were unlikely to be able to get out without outside help.

It is not only the experience of attending a funeral that leads to the obsessive fear of being buried alive. Children could have seen similar stories in horror films or read many stories on the Internet. Growing up, they learn about lethargic sleep, coma, medical negligence, the difficulty of establishing the fact of death at home, sudden revival, and their fear only intensifies.

High emotionality leads to the fact that a person is so imbued with stories that he begins to try on the role of someone buried alive. He models various situations, mentally plays them out, which further develops the sick imagination. Nervousness, anxiety, and constant thoughts appear that the person is no longer able to get rid of. Weak nervous system, great vulnerability and impressionability contribute to the fact that fear turns into behavioral disorder, which psychiatrists diagnose as taphephobia.

Symptoms of a phobia

All cultures have invented various rituals of farewell to deceased loved ones so that their relatives or friends can survive the pain of loss and cope with stress. Besides calming down this process also brings a persistent rejection of everything connected with burial. People understand that sooner or later all this will affect them. However, only a few percent of people worldwide have taphephobia. They easily stand out among others due to their characteristic behavior:

  • People prone to the manifestation of this disease do not always keep their fear inside themselves. They are actively interested in theories regarding the determination of the fact of death of a person, and discuss the topic of burial.
  • Those suffering from taphephobia doubt the reliability of all methods and means of determining death. Although these are complex and technologically advanced procedures, they do not believe that death can be reliably determined.
  • People are so scared that they are afraid to go to the funerals of well-known and very close people. They understand that their behavior can be regarded as a sign of disrespect for the deceased, but they cannot do anything. Coming up with various excuses and stories, they try by all means to avoid being at the funeral.
  • Those with taphephobic disorder often experience panic attacks. This is due to the fact that the burial process gives rise to thoughts that the deceased can come to life. Constant irrational fear intensifies and turns into horror. Hysteria begins, accompanied by screams and attempts to pull the deceased out of the coffin or dig him up.
  • At the physiological level, various changes occur in the body of a taphephobe: sudden general fatigue, dizziness, increased or decreased blood pressure, increased sweating, impaired heartbeat. Such symptoms can lead to fainting. A person’s condition changes due to the fact that he begins to imagine himself in the place of the buried person, who finds himself in a dark, cramped and stuffy space, where oxygen will run out after a certain time.
  • A person suffering from taphephobia is constantly afraid of falling into a lethargic sleep and being buried alive. A person will visit doctors for a long time to diagnose the possibility of falling into a lethargic coma. Sleep disturbance in patients manifests itself in insomnia, nightmares, and inability to relax muscles. This is due to the fact that soft bed and darkness are associated with the space inside the coffin.
  • Taphephobes sleep in unnatural positions in order to avoid looking like a dead person as much as possible.
  • Those who are subject to a constant fear of being buried alive are actively interested in who will bury them in the event of sudden death. On this occasion, they leave wills, where they indicate a long period of delay for the funeral.

If all or several symptoms are present, a person should consult a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. This must be done immediately, since staying in constant fear destroys the psyche and leads to serious problems with health.

Treatment methods

In the Middle Ages, the fear of being buried alive was so widespread that scientists from technical disciplines became involved in its treatment. They came up with various devices to determine the fact of death. It was a lever with a bell. It was attached to the deceased's hand with tape.

If the deceased suddenly came to life, then all he had to do was pull the ribbon, and a ringing sound would be heard above the ground. The cemetery attendant should have heard the sound and rushed to help. Today medicine can offer electroencephalography, ultrasound and radiographic examination of cerebral blood flow. Knowledge of similar methods accurate diagnosis gives patients peace of mind.

Still without help medical specialist there is no way around this situation. Effective treatment begins in the office of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. An ordinary psychologist will not help here, since fear consists of other fears: claustrophobia, aerophobia, acrophobia, taphophobia. A doctor has many techniques in his arsenal to help reduce the manifestations of taphephobia or get rid of it.

First of all, specialists start with hypnosis and cognitive therapy. In more serious cases medications are prescribed. In treatment, specialists actively use not only individual techniques, but also group methods. The patient is included in support groups and undergoes special training, where he can free himself from his worries by discussing problems and sharing his impressions with others.

The psychotherapist uses the following techniques:

  • correction of anxiety through conversations, art therapy, autogenic training;
  • disensitization and free association method;
  • neurolinguistic programming.

To prevent a relapse, doctors advise impressionable people not to watch films on similar topics, especially at night.

Help yourself

In the treatment of taphephobia important role play self-education and independent work to strengthen mental health. High efficiency is achieved if the patient actively performs exercises and organizes simple activities:

  • reads books and articles with life-affirming information every day;
  • listens to calm and melodic music;
  • watches informative films;
  • playing sports;
  • spends a lot of time outdoors;
  • organizes his vacation as an active activity;
  • looks at your fears objectively and analyzes them;
  • studies the literature on phobic disorder;
  • reevaluates and comprehends his life;
  • reconsiders priorities in daily activities, highlighting creative activities;
  • tries to minimize situations in which his fear manifests itself;
  • excludes staying in closed, dark, stuffy rooms;
  • avoids loneliness;
  • talks with people who have similar problems;
  • provides help and support to those who suffer from taphephobia.

When contacting a doctor, it is important for a patient to remember that only timely and complex treatment will help you quickly get rid of the problem of behavior disorder.

Taphophobia: treatment of fear of funerals with hypnosis

Taphophobia is the fear of funerals and everything connected with them, as well as the fear of being buried alive. Taphophobia is often associated with thanatophobia - the fear of death, nyctophobia - the fear of the dark, and claustrophobia - the fear of closed spaces. This fear has no basis in reality and refers to mental disorders.

Most often, it affects people with a rich imagination, who constantly experience stress, but do not know how to cope with it. According to statistics, the likelihood of developing this phobia in men is much higher than in women. Childhood trauma of a psychological nature, as well as fear of loneliness, also play an important role in the emergence of fear of a funeral.

Taphophobia manifests itself individually in everyone. First of all, under the influence of obsessive fears, a person’s behavior changes greatly. He becomes withdrawn, irritable, and unusually focused only on his problem. Sleep disturbances are also typical: insomnia, nightmares, light and shallow sleep, inability to completely relax during the night.

This condition tends to progress quickly and therefore requires quality treatment. How to determine the onset of taphophobia and how to get rid of it in order to regain normal full life If pathological fear already exists, you can find out below.

Main signs of taphophobia

Phobias are irrational fears, and their subject can be anything. In the case of the fear of funerals, it takes this form. People suffering from this disorder are afraid of being alone in the dark. They associate a soft bed and a horizontal position of the body with being in a nailed-up coffin. In order to somehow calm themselves down, they begin to sleep in unnatural positions - sitting, reclining, across the bed, with their legs raised up, but not in a strictly horizontal position.

During sleep, people with taphophobia may be haunted by annoying fears. They may be afraid of falling asleep and never waking up. This provokes feelings of loneliness. Taphophobes are afraid to fall asleep alone in a room. To do this, they need someone's presence. Therefore, they need someone else to be with them. They hope that if they fall asleep and do not wake up, the person nearby will wake them up or immediately call the doctors who will bring him to his senses. But the presence of loved ones nearby only relieves the feeling of anxiety for a while, but does not relieve other manifestations of taphophobia.

Nightmares and difficult dreams are also one of the typical manifestations of taphophobia. People who are susceptible to it often have terrible dreams in which they feel themselves in a tight closed coffin, hear lumps of earth falling on its lid, feel a lack of air and understand that no one will come to their aid in this situation. After waking up, taphophobes cannot come to their senses for a long time, they feel severe depression, melancholy and anxiety, they have a fever. arterial pressure, the heart beats strongly, and attacks of suffocation occur.

Symptoms of taphophobia:

  • heartbeat;
  • heavy sweating;
  • aggression;
  • eating disorders;
  • forgetfulness,absent-mindedness;
  • dizziness, fainting
  • blood pressure surges;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea,vomit;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain and muscle cramps.

Those suffering from taphophobia, under the influence of a pervasive fear of being buried alive, can leave a lot of information to those people who will carry out the funeral in the event of their sudden death. These can be testaments and recommendations to their family members and friends in the form of notes and video messages that they leave every time before going to bed. In them they describe in detail what needs to be done in the event of their “death”. For example, it states that in mandatory you should verify their death with the help of several doctors, under no circumstances do an autopsy, and do not bury them for several days, or even weeks.

Taphophobia is also expressed in the fact that people susceptible to it often unnecessarily visit doctors, especially a somnologist, and constantly monitor their health in order to exclude any possibility of falling asleep in a lethargic sleep. They thoroughly study information about a topic that concerns them, read stories about real cases people buried alive. But in this way they only increase their anxiety, giving food to their sick imagination.

In similar unique ways, those suffering from taphophobia try to achieve a sense of security. But these rituals, repeated every day, only increase anxiety and cause inconvenience to both taphophobes themselves and the people around them.

Causes of taphophobia

The reasons for the development of taphophobia are in mental sphere person. Like any other phobic disorder, fear of funerals develops most often in people with a rich, vivid, vivid imagination, suspicious and overly sensitive people. For them, this disorder may first arise after severe psychological trauma associated with the death of a loved one or significant person and his funeral, after suffering severe stress or a period of prolonged nervous tension.

In overly impressionable people, taphophobia can occur even after watching an impressive film, reading a certain type of book, or overhearing a conversation on the topic of a funeral. The situation is aggravated by the fact that such people themselves often bring themselves to nervous exhaustion with your heavy thoughts.

There is a theory that the cause of taphophobia is a very early age there may be negative “intrauterine” experiences of a child who felt unwanted and came into the world with a feeling of rejection and uselessness. In this case, negative emotions are stored deep in the subconscious and accompany the child throughout his life.

Treatment of taphophobia

Mild funeral anxiety can be dealt with with help. Hard work on yourself, supported by the desire to get rid of obsessive fears that interfere with life, will help here. Can be used:

  • meditation;
  • auto-training;
  • reading and watching life-affirming literature and films;
  • hobbies, exciting travels;
  • communication with interesting people;
  • camping.

All this will help you rethink your attitude towards life and death. Get rid of painful thoughts and pathological actions. But, if the disorder has gone too far, the most reliable and proven way to correct taphophobia is psychotherapy. To correct the condition, psychotherapists use:

  • free association technique;
  • NLP;
  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
  • desensitization.

Which of these psychotechniques will be chosen depends on the patient’s personality and the level of neglect of the disease.

Another effective way to get rid of the fear of funerals today is hypnosis. Since taphophobia is psychological problem and its origins lie in the subconscious of the individuals suffering from it, then first of all it is necessary to detect them there and eliminate them. This is what a hypnotherapist does during a therapeutic hypnosis session. First, he puts patients into a hypnotic trance. In this state, the subconscious becomes accessible to therapeutic effects. Hypnotherapist inspires patients with the groundlessness and groundlessness of their fears, helps patients learn to react correctly to everything related to death and funerals, control emotions, let go of fears and anxieties. The attitudes obtained during hypnosis sessions are retained for a long time and completely eliminate all manifestations of the disease. A person gets rid of his fear of funerals forever.

Taphophobia is mental disorder associated with the fear of being buried alive. According to Buddhists, all people face death every day. When going to bed, a person experiences a small death. However, some people are very afraid that while they are sleeping they will be buried alive.

This phobia is a rather exotic condition, but, nevertheless, it occurs frequently. It is known that they suffered greatly famous personalities, for example, Schopenhauer, Gogol and many others.

  • Sources on the Internet and media. Articles appear on the Internet that people have fallen into Sopor and were buried alive. And this happened through the fault of the doctors. There are also cases where people who fell into a lethargic sleep were actually buried and froze. The feeling even for an ordinary person is actually creepy.
  • Heredity. No, people do not inherit the tendency to fall into lethargy. However, there are families who have had similar cases. If such stories are passed on from one generation to another, then a hereditary factor can also be identified.

In addition, there is generally a category of people who are afraid of everything. Toward perspective own death most treat them with fear, and this is quite natural state. Thus, taphophobia is the fear of being buried alive; people begin to experience attacks of real panic attacks at the sight of someone else's procession. They are afraid of cemeteries and funeral agencies.

Very close to this condition are claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces) and nyctophobia (fear of the dark). Their nature is similar. Doctors say that according to statistics, approximately 60% of women and 40% of men see their deceased relatives and friends in their dreams. However, it is not uncommon for them to have the idea that these people were buried by mistake.

If a common person, experiences unpleasant thoughts about the inevitable end of human life, then the phobe cannot relate to this in the same way. Of course modern medicine has every opportunity to determine the fact of death, for this there are special procedures and devices, however, there are no absolute methods for diagnosing this fact. All these procedures are not used if death confirmation at home is required.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some people regard the fact of death as a mistake. And they begin to fantasize about this topic.

Where does this fear come from?

According to psychologists, many phobias are a consequence of fear experienced in childhood. Moreover, this fear is associated specifically with death. On the other hand, many, unfortunately, have to experience the passing of their relatives and friends. Therefore, when a child is immersed in an atmosphere of sorrow, grief, he has a fantasy that a person can wake up in a coffin after being buried.

What happens if the deceased wakes up? As he grows up, he finds out that there is such a disease as lethargy. An impressionable and emotional child begins to try on his own fantasy. Gradually, the fear of funerals begins to acquire new details. As a result, even his own thoughts scare him, and he cannot get rid of them.

Gradually, taphophobia acquires irrationality and persistence, which gradually takes on the form obsessive-compulsive disorder. The taphophobe turns out to be so frightened by his own imagination that he can no longer attend ritual processes, for example, the funeral of close relatives. Adulthood requires showing respect for death, but the phobe is afraid of such events; he is not able to cope with a panic attack, which in this case is inevitable. It is easier for a taphophobe to look impolite than to show everyone his inadequacy during a panic attack.

Another cause of phobia is often horror films, which many enjoy watching. The plot is especially common when main character finds himself buried while alive, and unable to escape, dies due to tragic circumstances. Therefore, doctors recommend that people with morbid imaginations not watch such pictures, especially before going to bed.

How the disorder manifests itself

As with many phobias, the symptoms are similar. However, this disorder has several distinctive features:

  • Chronic insomnia. As a rule, a sick person has nightmares in which he is buried alive. This may be due to an uncomfortable position or other sleep disorders.

Let's look at them in more detail. Most often, an attack of phobia occurs in the evening, when it is time to go to bed. Because in bed you need to take horizontal position, then the person has the feeling that he is being placed in a coffin. Therefore, he tries to fall asleep in a deliberately uncomfortable positions, for example, fall asleep exclusively in a sitting position, in a standing position, raise your legs high while sleeping. Thus, it creates psychological barriers between the phobe himself and the deceased person.

In addition, the phobe has thoughts that he may not wake up. Most often such thoughts appear in the evening. Therefore, there is a desire to surround himself with people who could wake him up or stir him up so that he cannot fall asleep deep sleep. This makes the phobe feel calmer. However, he cannot completely get rid of the manifestations of the disorder.

Most often, in a dream, visions appear that he is being buried alive, while he may experience attacks of suffocation, and the feeling that boards and earth lie under him pours onto the coffin lid. After suffering a nightmare in his sleep, it is difficult for him to return to normal. The horror is felt even after waking up.

  • Obsessive states

As a rule, Taphophobes leave a variety of notes, record video, audio, and often keep records in the form of diaries. Often a person leaves notes to loved ones, and does this every time before going to bed. The note gives instructions that his body should not be touched until the doctors are sure of this, and in addition he does not consent to the autopsy. Such people are regular patients of somnologists, which is very typical for a phobe.

  • Physiology of the disorder

Manifestations depend entirely on the personality of the person, as well as on his reaction to stressful situation and strength of nerves. From a physiological point of view, it manifests itself:

  • Sweating;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Tendency to overeat;
  • Inability to control your thoughts;
  • Attacks of aggression;
  • Hypertensive and hypotensive attacks;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Fainting;
  • Lack of air;
  • Attacks of dizziness;
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • Attacks of nausea and often vomiting;
  • Tendency to constipation or, conversely, loose stools;
  • Painful sensations in the back area;
  • Cramps in the legs and arms;
  • Attack of dry mouth;
  • Memory impairment.

Therapy tactics

Taphophobia can seriously complicate a patient’s life, so it needs to be gotten rid of. One of the options for disposal may be a will drawn up by a notary. Perhaps this will help the person calm down. The document will not cause any harm, but certified by a notary, it will help a person gain peace of mind.

In order to cope with attacks of fear, it is worth signing up for sessions with a psychotherapist. The doctor will select techniques that are determined by the specialist’s field of activity. These can be methods of free association, desensitization and NLP. There are many options for approaching the situation. They have to varying degrees effectiveness, but can relieve the disorder.

To get rid of it yourself acute condition you can do the following:

  • Try to get rid of unpleasant thoughts by reading books, watching movies, listening to pleasant music, going on a trip or on vacation;
  • Try to find information about your condition. Information can be useful not only to understand it, but also help you rethink the situation and your life;
  • Strive to reduce situations that cause discomfort to a minimum. This will help get rid of acute attacks.
  • Start visiting groups with the same patients, for example, websites, support groups.

As we have already said, a psychotherapist can be of great help in getting rid of the disorder. Trying to figure out the problem yourself is good, but it’s also professional help will also come in handy. As a rule, to treat the disease, sessions are prescribed that use methods of cognitive psychology.

If this is necessary, the doctor will select medications that can relieve the main symptoms. They will be especially effective in case of exacerbation of the condition, have a calming effect, and allow the doctor to correct the condition.

However, psychological correction can help if taphophobia occurs in mild form. At the same time, the state can go into chronic form, that is, he loses the ability to sleep, live a normal life and turns the existence of his family into a nightmare.

In this case, you need to seek help from a psychiatrist. In this case, a course of therapy is selected, which includes therapy with a psychologist and schemes are selected medications. If treatment is started on time, doctors give a favorable prognosis. A person has every chance of returning to normal life and learn to control your condition.

Drug therapy includes drugs such as antidepressants and tranquilizers that relieve panic attacks. Typically, these drugs are selective inhibitors. TO side effects may include attacks of headaches, disturbances in normal sexual life, attacks of nausea, and insomnia.

Other drugs can also be prescribed to treat phobias, which often lead to even more serious side effects. In addition, some medications can cause addiction in patients. Especially if the patient independently increases the dosage, there may be memory impairment and much more. Therefore, you should not bring the situation to a chronic state, which often ends in severe neurosis.

Hypnosis and other methods

Since the causes of the disease are usually located in the subconscious, getting rid of them can be quite difficult. As a rule, a person tends to push his problems into the farthest corner of his soul. Therefore, it can be difficult for a psychologist to get to the bottom of things. Hypnosis helps bring the problem to the surface.

This technique is very popular among many doctors, and gives quite good results. Moreover, the doctor can freely look into the patient’s subconscious and make changes. In this way, a person can be instilled with the necessary attitudes that will save him from panic attacks. Or at least neutralize their consequences.

In addition, the doctor will give the patient precise instructions on how to act correctly in unexpected situations. It is very important to instill in the patient a desire to be treated and overcome their fears. Exist effective exercises, which allow you to adjust human behavior. Therefore, in the course of treatment for this disorder, a variety of approaches can be used, which together can help get rid of the problem.

How to learn to live with pathology

If the patient does not want to be treated and does not admit the existence of a problem, then neither effective medicines and the help of a psychologist will be ineffective. Therefore, first of all, a taphophobe needs to admit that he has this disorder. In addition, you need to stop discussing the manifestations of the disease with relatives and not seek help from friends. You need to take responsibility for your condition and force yourself to believe that you can handle the problem yourself. You need to believe in yourself.