Why the upper eyelid of the right or left eye twitches - reasons. Why the lower eyelid of the left eye twitches: causes and treatment

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The problem of involuntary trembling of the eyelids is probably familiar to everyone. to modern man, whose life cannot do without the benefits of civilization: a computer, TV, hard work in the office, etc. What explains this strange phenomenon?

Reasons why the upper or lower eyelid twitches

Why does the lower or upper eyelid twitch:

If you do not feel overworked, but your eyelid still twitches, then only a specialist (neurologist or ophthalmologist) can objectively determine the causes and treatment of tics.

What to do if the upper or lower eyelid twitches

Get rid of eyelid twitching in a few seconds

To eliminate a nervous tic from overwork: close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, do deep breath and exhale, and then slowly open your eyes

When the eye twitches due to severe mental or physical fatigue, you need to close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, take a deep breath and exhale, and then slowly open your eyes. In the vast majority of cases, this technique eliminates the nervous tic.

However, it will only bring temporary relief. It is important to analyze your daily routine and devote more time to sleep and rest.

Nervous tic due to mental or physical fatigue

First of all, you need to establish the cause of the eye twitching, because further actions directly depend on this.

It will be useful to take sedative (calming) drugs. You need to start with medications plant origin: novopassit, lemon balm, mint, valerian (in drops or tablets), glycised and many others. They have a gentle effect on the nervous system and allow you to quickly cope with eye twitching. For the right choice medications, you should consult your doctor.

Cold compresses for the eyes are great. It is enough to soak cotton swabs in cool water and place them on your eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

The following decoction has remarkable calming properties. Pour half a liter of boiling water over plantain (three tablespoons), anise seeds (a tablespoon) and fragrant rue herb (a tablespoon), add 200 grams of honey and leave for several hours. Take three tablespoons before meals.

Eye twitching due to magnesium deficiency

Very often the lower eyelid of the left eye (right) twitches due to magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is a microelement without which the nervous system cannot fully function. So it’s better to add foods containing this element to your diet:

If these methods do not help, you should consult a neurologist. There may be a serious neurological problem, which so far manifests itself only as a nervous tic.

Prevention of nervous tics

Preventing involuntary eyelid twitching is not that difficult. It is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Give up coffee, strong tea and spicy foods at least for a while.
  • If your work involves constantly sitting in front of a monitor, you need to take a break every 40 minutes and.
  • Strengthen your eye muscles with a special one.
  • Remember that an adult's sleep should last 7-8 hours a day.
  • A healthy lifestyle, 8 hours of sleep, exercise, lack of stress are standard, but effective methods prevention

    Try to avoid stress and nervous tension, and have less conflicts with colleagues and loved ones.

  • In clear weather, wear sunglasses.
  • Don't sit it all out free time front of the TV. Try to walk more in the fresh air.
  • Before going to bed, it is very useful to drink a glass of lemon balm or mint tea with honey. This is an excellent sedative.
  • Include foods with high content magnesium: peas, spinach, beans, nuts, etc. The lack of magnesium can be compensated for with drugs (magnerot, magne B6 and others).

Fatigue and stress, constant pressure and chronic insomnia have Negative influence on human health. The body soon begins to weaken and malfunction. This manifests itself differently in every woman. Some people's immunity drops, allowing viruses to enter the body; others develop tremors in their hands or twitching of their eyes.

Twitching of the eyes (more precisely, eyelids), lips, cheeks and other parts of the body (not just the face) indicates that you have a nervous tic. Of course, a nervous tic is not dangerous to our health. But still we don’t feel very comfortable. What kind of woman would like the fact that suddenly, out of the blue, during an important conversation or event, her upper eyelid twitched? This worsens your mood and lowers your self-esteem.

Why does the upper eyelid twitch?

Nervous tic in medicine refers to neuroses mild degree. Twitching of the upper eyelid is scientifically called hyperkinesis.

The stronger the stress, the longer the chronic insomnia, the more persistent the woman’s worries and experiences, the faster the rate of hyperkinesis increases. In the most serious cases this can lead to quite strong pain due to overstrain of the upper eyelid muscle. Therefore, something needs to be done to eliminate the nervous tic.

Hyperkinesis can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Stress. This is one of the most common causes of many diseases, including the occurrence of nervous tics and hyperkinesis.
  • Overstrain, eye fatigue. There is a certain group of people who are especially susceptible to hyperkinesis. These are the people whose work involves concentrating visual attention. Naturally, after a long working day, their eyes become very tired. Such people (these include programmers, writers, operators, accountants, journalists, etc.) need gymnastics for the eyes, a special diet and rest regime.
  • Wearing glasses and/or contact lenses.
  • Any eye fatigue, not related to the professional sphere of life.
  • Bad habits. These include not only alcohol, excessive caffeine consumption, but also incorrect posture while reading books, insufficient lighting when working at a computer, writing handwritten texts, etc.

  • Allergic reactions. One of the common causes of nervous tics. But only a doctor who, after an examination, will prescribe the necessary medications will help you eliminate it.
  • Poor and insufficient nutrition. This is usually a disadvantage certain group vitamins and microelements.

If a nervous tic of the upper eyelid torments you regularly and often, then it is better to consult a doctor. He will help identify the reason that caused hyperkinesis in your case and tell you what to do next.

The upper eyelid twitches: what to do?

  • Treatment of nervous tics of the upper eyelid can be carried out without the help of a doctor. Sometimes, when hyperkinesis has just begun, it is enough to eliminate the cause, and everything will be fine, the tic will disappear by itself. Therefore, the first thing to do is find the reason! It needs to be eliminated, or if it’s impossible to do this (don’t quit your good job!), slightly rearrange your daily routine.
  • When under stress, prolonged nervous tension, anxiety, worry you need to quickly and truly calm down and come to your senses. However, stress can be so long-lasting and unnoticeable that there is no way to get rid of the nervous tic. In this case, take a vacation from work and travel somewhere for positive emotions, for example, at sea or to distant relatives. If you can’t take a vacation, take a couple of days off at your own expense before the weekend. Then you will at least rest for 5 days.

  • Go to a beauty salon, relaxing treatments (massage, aromatherapy, etc.), visit a sauna or bathhouse, meet with friends or family. In summer you can go hiking for a couple of days with a group of like-minded people, in winter you can go active species sports: ice skating, skiing, hiking in the forest or in the park.
  • If you know for sure that the upper eyelid is twitching due to visual fatigue, then close your eyes and relax. Massage your upper eyelids. To do this, run your fingertips over your closed upper eyelids. Do different movements in different sides: rubbing, tapping, stroking, pinching, etc. The massage of the upper eyelids should be completed with light touches and stroking. This method will help eliminate an attack of nervous tic of the upper eyelid. But in order to prevent it from happening again and again, follow a work-rest schedule at work and at home. Rest often when working at the computer. Do physical exercises, walks to the next room, toilet, etc. Remember your school days and build your work according to the principle: 40-45 min. I work, 10-15 min. Resting.
  • If hyperkinesis is caused allergic reactions , then you can’t handle this on your own, doctor's help needed. It is also possible that you have more serious eye conditions or facial or trigeminal nerve who pass there.
  • Under no circumstances should you leave things to chance if you have a long and constant tic in the upper eyelid! If rest or normalization of the work and rest schedule during work does not help, immediately seek help from a specialist!
  • Take care of your health. Bad habits, such as incorrect postures while reading books, insufficient lighting during stressful visual work, abuse of alcohol and products containing caffeine cannot go unnoticed by your eyesight. And the first thing that will remind you of this will be a nervous tic.

Surely some have encountered a rather unpleasant sensation when it starts twitch upper eyelid, usually the right one. As a result, a person becomes irritable, concentration is dissipated and fatigue increases.

If you do not pay due attention to this problem, further progression of the pathology, and even involuntary drooping of the eyelid in the future, is possible.

Therefore, it is important to understand what causes such a phenomenon as involuntary twitching of the eyelid of the right eye, and what methods and methods exist for treating such a pathology.

How to recognize a nervous tic: main symptoms

Involuntary movement caused by the contraction of a specific muscle group is called hyperkinesis, or nervous tic, which is often a disorder affecting facial muscles faces.

Nervous tic affects the facial muscles

It can be primary or secondary. Primary nervous tic develops and manifests itself even in children and may subsequently disappear on its own. Secondary hyperkinesis is associated with serious disorders occurring in the brain.

A symptom of a nervous tic is often a sensation when the eyelid of the right eye twitches. Causes, The treatment of such a disease should be determined by a neurologist. And we will voice its main manifestations. So, p With a nervous tic the following may be observed:

  • Involuntary contraction of facial muscles;
  • Involuntary movements (clenching fists, snapping fingers, grinding teeth, spitting, wrinkling the nose, opening the mouth, etc.);
  • Shouting obscenities, coughing, or making peculiar sounds similar to a dog barking - the so-called vocal tic.

Note! If you try to suppress the tic, the tension may become more intense.

Why the eye twitches: identifying the reasons for elimination

Nervous tic is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of others, more serious pathologies. People facing this problem are interested in why the upper eyelid of the right eye twitches. Indeed, it is very important to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as to have an idea of ​​the upcoming treatment.

A similar sensation occurs when there are some deviations in the functioning of the brain centers that are responsible for the functioning of orbicularis muscles eyes.

Usually this unobtrusive movement is preceded by overexcitation of neurons, which send impulses to the brain. The upper eyelid is more susceptible to such manifestations. This is caused by a large number of nerve endings compared to the innervation of the lower eyelid.

Similar pathologies may be associated with emotional and nervous exhaustion which usually occurs due to strenuous work, chronic lack of sleep, frequently recurring stressful situations.

Besides, reasons may be:

When the upper eyelid of the right or left eye twitches, you need to try to analyze and identify possible reasons If you try to eliminate them, you should contact a specialist to prescribe qualified treatment.

Daily routine affects tic in the right eye

On one's own, Without consulting a doctor, the following can help cope with this problem:

  • Healthy lifestyle (no bad habits, physical education);
  • Optimistic attitude and minimizing stressful situations;
  • Ensuring proper rest;
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • Reducing time spent working at the computer;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Taking additional vitamin complexes.

Important to remember! When choosing vitamin-containing preparations, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Therapeutic drugs

It happens that all of the above methods and methods of getting rid of the disease have already been taken, but the eyelid of the right eye still twitches. The causes and treatment in this case should only be determined by a doctor. If necessary, he will refer you for additional examination to identify the cause of the pathology.

The doctor may prescribe drops

The most harmless treatment for the most common cause of eyelid twitching, neuroses, may consist of prescribing sedatives and restorative drugs.

With others, more serious illnesses neuralgic in nature, the doctor will prescribe comprehensive long-term treatment.

Means and methods of traditional medicine

In addition to medicinal medications, you can use the means traditional medicine. Tincture or decoction of herbs that have sedative actions: motherwort, valerian, peony, geranium.

Many people use chamomile tea before bed, which has a strengthening effect on immune system the body, helps to cope with chronic fatigue and restore lost strength during mental and physical stress.

Cold compresses applied to the eyelids, which need to be changed as they warm up, as well as honey lotions will help.

Relaxation and exercises for the eyes

Acupuncture or massage can help with such neuralgic syndrome.
You can use the following relaxation therapy: turn on quiet, melodic music, close your eyes, lie down, and imagine a pleasant landscape.

Massage that helps with nervous tics

Such relaxation will have positive action for partial elimination of the tic symptom, whatever its causes.

To prevent twitching of the upper eyelid of both the right and left eye, as well as to treat this pathology It is recommended to perform simple exercises:

  • Eye movements to the right - left;
  • Movements of the pupils up and down;
  • Circular movements alternately in one direction and the other, frequent

Correction of wakefulness and work patterns

To normalize work nervous system it is important to be able to manage time correctly, always leaving it for rest, during which It is useful to do sports - swimming, running, skating, skiing. You should also establish and follow a daily routine.

Note! Staying awake at night has a negative impact on mental health person.

Essential oils

Help cope with nervous tension, tic-inducing, plants that have a calming effect will help, as well as aromatherapy using essential oils.

Essential oil will help in dealing with the problem
  • Lavender, which helps with muscle spasms and relieves stress;
  • Orange, calming and relieving stress;
  • Ylang – ylang that helps to relax;
  • Geranium, which has a tonic and invigorating effect;
  • Bergamot, reducing anxiety and depression;
  • Mandarin, uplifting;
  • Mint, which acts like an antidepressant.

Features of eyelid twitching in pregnant women, children, and the elderly

In each individual case, an individual approach is required to eliminate the problem when the eyelid of the right eye twitches. The causes and treatment of this disease are determined taking into account the age and condition of the patient.

In pregnant women, such a manifestation may be caused by a change hormonal levels body, characteristic of such a period, as well as some necessary adjustments to the usual lifestyle.

IN childhood this can happen when the body is weakened, poor nutrition And stressful situations, due to the immaturity of the immune and nervous systems.

IN last years Cases of eyelid twitching in children associated with eye strain have become more frequent.

For older people, the phenomenon of eye twitching can be a consequence of ophthalmological problems due to dry eye, as well as serious age-related changes nervous system, for example Parkinson's disease.

What foods can calm the body and relieve nervous tics?

To eliminate eyelid twitching caused by nervous tics, it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamins, micro and macroelements. It is especially necessary that the products contained elements such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

You should include foods with magnesium in your diet

It is better to completely exclude alcoholic drinks, strong black tea and coffee from your menu..

Thus, following simple recommendations, adhering to proper nutrition And healthy image life, as well as giving your body time for rest and relaxation, you can minimize the problem of eyelid twitching in your right eye.

Learn about the causes of nervous tics from this video:

The following video will tell you why the eyelid twitches and how to deal with it:

The following video will tell you what tests should be done to find out the cause of the tic in the right eye:

Everyone, at least once in their life, has encountered a situation where the muscle of the eyelid began to contract for no reason. In folklore, there are even signs that are ready to predict if the left eye twitches, what this means for a person. For women - successful purchases and pleasant meetings, and men should be careful with financial transactions. In this article you will find a description modern reasons and reasons why the left eye twitches. Pay attention to cases when it is advisable to see a doctor if you have a symptom of involuntary twitching of the eyelid.

Why does the left eyelid twitch?

There are many reasons why a nervous tic of the left or right eyelid occurs. It may seem to you that such a sharp twitching of the eyelid is noticeable to everyone around you. But these are only your feelings due to the non-standard nature of the case. Constant overwork, personal problems, and sleep disturbances can provoke a nervous tic in the eyelid.

If you yourself do not see the reasons for periodic twitching of the eyelid, you should consult a neurologist. Doctor's consultation and treatment are important when the tic does not go away for a long time. You should be wary:

  • if the muscle under the eye twitches, and this extends to the cheek, upper eyelid;
  • if the eye closes during contraction;
  • when it hurts facial nerve,
  • in the case when signs of conjunctivitis appear - redness, suppuration.


When the lower eyelid twitches continuously for a long time, it is worth contacting a specialist, since inaction leads to decreased vision or hemispasm of the face. If this phenomenon is not constant, you can do a little gymnastics for the eyes, blinking frequently for 1-2 minutes to eliminate the unpleasant sensation for the whole day. If this does not help, then try to give yourself a little rest - give up coffee and other stimulants, close your eyes if possible and relax for a while.


When it comes to upper eyelid, then try not to rub it with your hands, because you can cause an infection and provoke conjunctivitis. Avoid conflict situations that provoke stress and strain on the nervous system. Stick to it optimal mode day and be sure to rest your eyes when working at the computer. By following these simple rules, you will avoid the causes of discomfort when the upper eyelid begins to twitch.

Causes of tics in the left eye

Why does my left eye twitch periodically? Involuntary contraction of the eyelid muscles often occurs for reasons such as:

  • nervous tension and fatigue;
  • frequent stress;
  • irregular and insufficient sleep;
  • alcohol abuse, tobacco products affecting the activity of the nervous system;
  • consequences of brain injuries (concussion, stroke).

When an expectant mother's eye twitches during pregnancy, this indicates a lack of magnesium and calcium in the body. Get rid of discomfort A balanced daily routine will help the right amount sleep and rest. A way to prevent nervous tics is to consume foods rich in magnesium - these are:

These options are not the only reasons why the muscle itself twitches under the eye. Unfortunately, this may be symptoms of neurosis, osteochondrosis cervical spine. In such situations, doctors are able to cure tics using drug treatment in the form of various sedatives. Acupuncture and hypnosis are used as a supplement.

Video: what to do if your eye twitches

What to do if eyelid twitching begins? Don't panic, calm down, regardless of whether your eyelid is left or right. Find out what the doctor recommends in the provided video. A nervous tic in itself is not separate disease, but signals failures, overstrain or diseases of the nervous system. The calm lifestyle discussed in the video will help avoid eyelid twitching.