Bed rest: does it really help? Why stay in bed?

Pregnancy is a very pleasant and responsible period in the life of every woman. But, unfortunately, things don’t always go smoothly. Some women have to be especially careful about their health and reduce their activity. In case of any threat to the health of the mother or child, the doctor may admit her to the hospital for safekeeping. It means strict bed rest, it can vary in duration and severity. It all depends on the detected pathology.

What is bed rest

If the doctor has discovered a very real threat of miscarriage or a complication has arisen that may subsequently affect the development and growth of the baby or adversely affect his health, then he suggests that the woman go to the maternity hospital for preservation. If the woman’s condition is relatively satisfactory, then the doctor may give her sick leave so that she can rest at home.

Many women, especially pregnant women, are frightened by the word “hospitalization.” Pregnant women are afraid that they will have to stay in the hospital before giving birth. There are cases when almost the entire pregnancy has to be preserved, but it is very rare. In most cases, rest and reduced activity are only needed for a while. As soon as the threat has passed, you can return to the normal rhythm of life, but you should not overexert yourself.

Reasons for hospitalization

The main reasons for referral to hospital may be the following threats of abortion:

1. Hypertonicity of the uterus, which is accompanied nagging pain belly.

2. Spotting or bleeding.

3. Isthmic - cervical insufficiency, in simple words we can say that this is cervical insufficiency.

4. Threat of placental abruption.

If you are admitted to the hospital with such symptoms, then most likely you will have to spend time there for a long time. As soon as the danger has passed, you will immediately be transferred to free mode.

Reasons for strict bed rest

It is also worth noting that bed rest during pregnancy (14–26 weeks) does not always mean being in bed all the time. Of course, you are allowed to get up and walk around. But there is also special cases, during which you can’t even get up to go to the toilet. Of course, you wouldn’t want to spend your entire pregnancy in a hospital room. Such cases are very rare and are caused by the following reasons: postoperative period, bleeding, placental abruption. This period can last from several hours to several weeks.

Bed rest options

Let's take a closer look at what the regimes are and the importance of following them.

1. Strict bed rest, during which a woman is prohibited from getting in and out of bed.

2. Extended bed rest. During this regime, you are allowed to sit several times a day for several minutes.

3. Ward bed rest. During this period, you can only spend half the day in bed. The rest of the time you can change positions - reclining or half-sitting, and also take short walks of 100 - 200 meters at a slow pace.

4. Free mode. This mode allows movement of up to 1 kilometer per day. You can walk up the stairs. It is important to take a break every 200 meters so as not to overwork yourself.

5. Gentle mode. It's the normal rhythm of life, but with plenty of rest. This type of bed rest is common even among quite healthy women pregnant. If a woman was involved in sports before pregnancy, then during a gentle regime, average physical activity is acceptable.

Now it has probably become clearer that hospitalization does not only involve strict bed rest. As soon as the condition of the expectant mother improves, the regimen expands. Prolonged bed rest is not only very tedious, but also not very beneficial for a pregnant woman. After all, with insufficient movement, muscle tone decreases. This is fraught with consequences such as atrophy, the development of osteoporosis, leaching of calcium from bones, and impaired joint mobility. Therefore, as soon as the threat to the baby’s health passes, you will definitely be allowed to get up and move.

Bed rest during pregnancy 14 - 28 weeks is not as easy to endure as in the first weeks, but also not as difficult as in the last. During this period, the uterus occupies a sufficient part, which sometimes causes discomfort. At this time, you can lie on your back, with the head end raised, as well as on your right or left side.

Tips that are important to use during bed rest

Only a doctor who monitors the progress of pregnancy can prescribe bed rest. He knows the real reason threats and what causes them. The reasons may be related to complications during pregnancy itself or to an exacerbation of chronic diseases which were caused by pregnancy. In order to avoid circulatory problems, you need to change position, turn over from one side to the other. If the baby is lying incorrectly in the womb, then special methods of positioning in bed are used.

Each disease is accompanied by the appearance in patients different symptoms, which can have different effects on general state, physical activity and self-care ability. At the same time, the features of care for each patient may differ, this applies to ensuring correct mode, appropriate nutrition, giving up certain habits, etc. A huge number of questions among patients raise the need to stay in bed. Let's talk on the about the role that bed rest plays in illness for a successful recovery.

The patient's bed rest primarily depends on how severe the disease is and how it progresses. In this case, this regimen is selected individually and prescribed by the attending physician. It is believed that organizing proper activity is one of the most important factors treatment and affects the speed of recovery, recovery and how it will proceed further rehabilitation.

In fact, not so long ago doctors believed that in order to successfully get rid of the disease, the patient needed to limit movements as much as possible - adhere to bed rest. However, now, thanks to the development of physiology and medicine, experts have come to the conclusion that life and health lie in movement. There are only some diseases that require complete bed rest or semi-bed rest. Let's look at the types of restrictions on physical activity in a little more detail.

Strict bed rest

This restriction implies maximum limitation of the patient’s movements. The patient is completely not allowed independent movements, including those necessary for self-care: food consumption, hygiene, physiological functions, etc. A special sippy cup made of porcelain is used to feed the patient. This device has a comfortable spout and a handle on the side. This design can make feeding easier. To make shipments, a ship or a duck is used. A similar regimen is prescribed in intensive care units, intensive care unit, after surgical interventions, traumatic injuries spine or skull, as well as for some other ailments.

Bed rest

As for bed rest, it is an order of magnitude wider. After all, the patient can perform a number of movements, including exercise therapy. Exercises can be performed in a sitting or lying position. The patient can eat himself, turn around, sit (with his legs off the bed), and also perform certain hygienic actions. When in bed, it is difficult for a patient to use ordinary eating utensils, so if physical activity is limited for a long time, you should think about buying special plates and other devices

Semi-bed rest

This restriction of physical activity implies that the patient is only in a separate room (in a hospital - in a ward). He can only go to the toilet on his own when necessary.

Semi-bed rest is indicated for all patients with infectious and viral diseases, serious inflammatory lesions and other similar disorders. This is the most common recommendation given to patients.

The need for bed and semi-bed rest

Long-term bed rest can cause a number of complications. Therefore, if there is no need, you should not stay in bed all the time. If the patient remains in a lying position for a long time without justification, blood clots may form inside the vessels of the legs; in addition, he may develop pneumonia, and kidney stones may appear. Prolonged stay in bed is fraught with the development of depression, and bones lose a lot of calcium during this regime.

Therefore, instead of bed rest, it is advisable to observe the so-called home regime. You should not lie down all the time unless you have severe weakness and high temperature. It is best to get sick at rest: refuse all kinds of physical activity, do not solve home and work problems, and do not go out.

Compliance with such a home regimen helps speed up recovery by an order of magnitude. After all, when you have a cold, it is advisable to avoid drafts, do inhalations, carry out systematic rinsing, rubbing, etc., and such treatment can only be provided at home.

You can also get a good night's sleep at home, which will also help speed up the healing process, avoid complications and ensure good rest nervous system.

What home regimen is needed for different diseases?

If the temperature is high, you should stay at home and take care of yourself for a couple of days, this will be quite enough in the absence of other clinical manifestations.

To treat acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza, you need to stay at home for seven to ten days. Sore throat requires restriction of physical activity for a period of ten to twelve days. But ordinary bronchitis needs treatment for twelve to fifteen days.

In fact, you need to stay in bed. Failure to comply with the physical activity regimen recommended by the doctor is fraught with the development of a number of complications. If you constantly try to endure the disease on your feet, keep in mind that such a practice can cause serious ailments of the blood vessels, kidneys, heart and other very important organs.

Bed rest is one of the significant aspects in the treatment of the most various diseases problems that children face. However, for many children and their parents, such a doctor’s prescription can become a real punishment. And this is understandable, because even for an adult it is very difficult to temporarily limit their own physical activity, let alone little restless ones.

To cope with such a problem, parents need to understand why bed rest is necessary for a sick child, as well as what can and should not be done during this period.

Why do you need bed rest?

Many parents, at an appointment with a pediatrician with a child who has contracted a cold, scarlet fever and other diseases, heard among the first recommendations about the need for bed rest. The meaning of its purpose is as follows:

  • limiting physical activity child during the period, you give his body the opportunity to accumulate as much energy as possible necessary for recovery;
  • Another one important aspect, which gives bed rest is discipline. It is easier for a disciplined child to give the necessary medicine, and it is also easier to monitor the dynamics of his condition;
  • Without physical activity during illness the load on cardiovascular system a child, especially if he suffers from viral attacks and hyperthermia;
  • if the child is at rest, you can assess his well-being more reliably, because, for example, after active games the temperature may rise, which will give false information about the baby’s condition.

Bed rest should be prescribed for all diseases accompanied by a rise in temperature: sore throat, pyelonephritis, etc. However, you should not take this phrase too literally and do not allow your child to get out of bed. It is necessary to lie down only in those moments when the temperature rises very high and there is a risk of complications.

However, bed rest is always a serious test, both for the baby himself and for his family, and here’s why:

  • active children are in constant state peace is not at all easy, and when they are forced to do this, crying and whims begin, the mood deteriorates;
  • During crying, the body spends the lion's share of its energy, which could be used for recovery. If you can’t calm your baby down, it’s better to let him play for a short time right in bed and on the rug nearby;
  • for older children it comes to the fore psychological aspect: awareness of your own illness and helplessness, the inability to see friends and do what you love can cause depression;
  • Prolonged lying down provokes a weakening of muscle tone.

How to help a child who is prescribed bed rest

To make sick days easier for a child, experts recommend that parents create the most comfortable conditions possible so that bed rest does not seem such a difficult ordeal:

  • the head edge of the child’s bed should be raised slightly, and good pillows are also needed;
  • you need to make sure that the baby is not too long time in the same position. It is necessary to turn him over from time to time or ask him to change body positions. Consultation with a doctor is necessary if there is a risk of developing bedsores. In such cases, experts advise purchasing special devices and mattresses;
  • if the child does not have and he feels relatively well, there is no need to prohibit him from reading books, watching cartoons or quiet games. You can engage in educational finger games with younger children;
  • the simplest little joys (candy, toy, etc.) will perfectly support the child’s morale.

What not to do

In an effort to help their child cope with the illness as quickly as possible, some parents overprotect the child, depriving them of many children's joys, which in principle are not prohibited. So, if a child is sick with a non-contagious infection, there is no need to prohibit friends and relatives from visiting him. If one of his classmates wants to visit a sick person, this will cheer him up and stimulate him to a speedy recovery.

Another common mistake is to adhere to too strict bed rest, when the child is literally forced to remain in a horizontal position in bed all day long. This is wrong, firstly, because staying in one position for a long time helps reduce muscle tone and numbness, and secondly, a half-sitting child will be much more comfortable reading or, for example, listening to fairy tales.

Strict bed rest is necessary only during periods of exacerbation and high fever. If the fever has passed, you should allow the child to get up and stretch at least a little. Long stay in a horizontal position can be dangerous, since respiratory tract sputum accumulates, which leads to the development of pneumonia.

Indications for bed rest include some complications of pregnancy. These include: the threat of termination of pregnancy at any stage; placenta previa (a condition in which the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus); leakage of amniotic fluid; such a serious complication of pregnancy as gestosis, and some other conditions and diseases. An elementary cold also requires that future mom stayed in bed, and did not walk around the house, and especially outside of it.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, bed rest allows you to avoid mechanical impact on the fertilized egg or on the fetus. The fact is that when walking, and even more so when running, and even when performing seemingly simple household chores, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall tense, intra-abdominal pressure constantly changes, which helps to increase the tone of the uterine muscles. In turn, this can lead to detachment of the ovum, the beginning labor activity. When the expectant mother lies in bed, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are relaxed, which also helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, and the fertilized egg is not affected by the vibration that occurs when performing any work.

Bed rest also protects against bleeding in case of placenta previa, because in this condition, the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus, it is not tightly attached to the wall of the uterus, but lies above the internal opening of the cervical canal. Even with small physical activity the placenta can detach from the walls of the uterus, which can lead to bleeding, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition of mother and baby.

Bed rest is of particular importance for gestosis. Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy in which the functioning of many systems and organs of a woman is disrupted due to the fact that the vessels in them narrow and blood circulation is disrupted; the fetus also suffers. This complication is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of edema and protein in the urine. It is believed that when a woman is in bed, in a horizontal position, when the woman is warm and comfortable, blood circulation in the kidneys improves, and a decrease occurs. blood pressure.

Thus, bed rest is an important factor in the treatment of gestosis.

Another condition in which bed rest would be helpful is varicose veins of the lower extremities. In this disease, the venous valves, which normally prevent blood from flowing back through the veins, are weakened. The venous wall experiences increased stress, especially in vertical position- when walking for a long time or standing for a long time. In a horizontal position, blood flows more easily through the veins. But with varicose veins, bed rest should not be permanent - it is recommended to take horizontal position if possible, several times a day for 10-15 minutes. In this case, the legs should be higher than the level of the body - on the armrest or on a pillow, this promotes the outflow of blood from lower limbs. Such episodes of bed rest are recommended for any manifestations of varicose veins (tired legs after walking, standing, the presence of spider veins, “snakes” of varicose veins).

At colds During pregnancy, especially in the acute phase, it is also necessary to stay in bed. This recommendation is good to follow outside of pregnancy. By observing bed rest in such conditions, you save your energy, because all the energy expenditure of the body is aimed at fighting the infection. It is especially important to help the body during pregnancy, as natural protective forces(immunity) during this period are somewhat reduced.

Is it possible to get up?

As already mentioned, staying in bed during varicose veins veins are episodic in nature, otherwise the woman leads a normal life. For other conditions, the rules of bed rest are stricter.

Bed rest should be extremely strict if there is a threat of premature birth, when there is a small hole in the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid leaks through this hole in small portions. This condition is called leakage of amniotic fluid. If at the same time the woman gets up even for a short time, there is a possibility that the water will be under own pressure will begin to pour out of the hole, which will become larger and larger. And in case of loss large quantity amniotic fluid, it is impossible to maintain pregnancy. I would also like to mention that when amniotic fluid leaks, due to the violation of the integrity of the amniotic membranes, the likelihood of infection of the fetus increases. Considering the above, if amniotic fluid leaks, a woman must strictly observe bed rest: food, hygiene procedures, bowel movements - all in bed. In this case, it is necessary to change bed and underwear daily to reduce the likelihood of infection of the fetus.

Bed rest should also be quite strict in cases where there is slight bleeding during placenta previa, because such discharge is caused by detachment of the fertilized egg or placenta from the uterine wall, and with the slightest physical stress, more and more chorionic villi can peel off.

In other pathological conditions, a woman is allowed to go to the toilet and eat while sitting, with her legs lowered from the bed.

As you can see, in any case, maintaining bed rest requires that the woman have assistants who serve her ready-made food, perform medical purposes. Of course, compliance with such a regimen at home is unlikely, therefore, even if there is a threat of miscarriage in the first trimester, when taking pills predominates among the prescriptions, hospitalization is recommended. Yet, in a hospital setting, a woman is completely free from everyday household duties.

Bed rest is usually recommended until all symptoms of the complication disappear or the condition improves significantly. For example, if there is bloody discharge the criterion for expanding physical activity will be the disappearance of discharge, in case of leakage of amniotic fluid - a dry pad for several days, in case of gestosis - normalization of blood pressure, laboratory parameters, etc.

How to lie “correctly”?

It would seem a strange question, but yet it requires some clarification.

In the first trimester of pregnancy - up to 12 weeks, when the uterus does not yet emerge from the symphysis pubis and its size is small - you can afford any position in bed.

Then, until approximately 28 weeks of pregnancy, you can lie on your back or side. And when the size of the uterus is already large, you can only lie on your side. Lying on your back is not recommended, as in this case the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, limiting blood flow to the heart. As a result, blood flow in the kidneys, uterus and placenta is disrupted, blood pressure may decrease, dizziness and loss of consciousness may develop, and blood supply to the fetus may deteriorate.

The question often arises: on which side is it better for a pregnant woman to lie? It is clear that you cannot lie only on your right or only your left side and remain in this position the whole day: this is tiring, leads to irritation, and can worsen the patient’s condition. However, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations: in general, during pregnancy, especially in the second half, it is better to lie predominantly on the left side, in such conditions the fetus is well supplied with blood. And for those whose fetus is in a transverse position (the fetal head is on one side, and the pelvic end is on the other, the tummy or back is facing the exit from the uterus), in order to change the position of the fetus, it is recommended to lie on the side where it is located. fetal head (this circumstance can be clarified by the doctor).

If, having assimilated the above information, you decided that you need to lie down throughout your pregnancy, because bed rest is very good in itself, then I would like to remind you once again that this recommendation has therapeutic value and you should not prescribe bed rest for nothing. After all, with prolonged lying down, negative effects are also possible.

Firstly, while you are in bed you do minimal physical work, while during childbirth - the final and important stage of pregnancy - physical fitness is quite important for the mother. Therefore, as soon as the doctor allows minimal physical activity, do not neglect this permission.

Secondly, prolonged bed rest, especially along with non-compliance with recommendations for a balanced diet, can lead to significant weight gain in both the mother and, in some cases, the baby; the result will be the birth of a fetus with a high birth weight. It must be said that childbirth with a large fetus is fraught with trauma for both mother and baby.

I hope you understand that bed rest is an important medical procedure that the doctor prescribes along with pills and injections, but you will not abuse this prescription, since pregnancy itself, especially if it occurs without complications, is in no way an indication for permanent staying in bed.

Bed rest during childbirth

Currently, in the vast majority of maternity hospitals, a woman is allowed to walk, stand, or sit on a special ball during childbirth. It's easier to bear this way discomfort that accompany contractions. However, there are cases when the doctor prescribes bed rest during childbirth.

The side decubitus position is often used at the end of the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​almost fully dilated; but it is impossible to force the course of labor, for example, when the fetus is small, premature, or there is intrauterine growth retardation.

Bed rest for a seriously ill patient.

Daily care for a bedridden patient at home is divided into special and general.
General care is regularly performed manipulations that are performed for any disease. Special includes additional procedures and measures prescribed by the doctor, which are selected individually, depending on the physical condition of the patient and the nature of his illness. There is also specific care required for infectious patients, elderly people, and children.

Characteristics of bed rest.

Most people associate the phrase “bed rest” with the image of a sick person forced to lie on his back in bed during the day. In fact, there are many types of body position, the choice of which depends on the nature of the existing disease, the severity of its course, and also individual characteristics sick.
In the active position, a person assigned to bed rest can stand up, sit down, turn around, and walk around the room.
The passive position is usually associated with paralysis - the patient is unable to move his limbs, lift his head from the pillow, or change his body position.
Forced is the body position that the patient takes on his own, trying to at least slightly alleviate the physical suffering he experiences (for example, when severe pain in the abdomen, a person most often assumes the fetal position; if he has shortness of breath, he cannot lie horizontally).
The motor mode also has several varieties. The appointment of one or another of them is the responsibility of the attending physician.
There is a particularly strict bed rest, in which the patient is prohibited from any active actions, up to turning the body in bed; strict bed rest, allowing the body to move from side to side, but prohibiting sitting up in bed; bed rest, limiting the patient’s activity within the confines of his bed; half-bed, in which you are allowed to go to the restroom or bathroom several times a day; general, without restrictions on movement and movement in space.
As the patient recovers, the doctor changes his prescriptions, allowing the patient to gradually increase physical activity. Unfortunately, most incurable illnesses require particularly strict and strict bed rest, otherwise the patient's condition will deteriorate sharply. In a state of rest, the body's reserves are spent sparingly - the strength necessary for recovery is not spent on work skeletal muscles. Of course, a forced passive position negatively affects mental condition sick.
You must remember that prolonged bed rest leads to the development of various somatic complications: natural muscle tone decreases, some reflexes fade, blood circulation slows down, the blood becomes thick, which leads to the threat of blood clots. Pressure on the skin and muscles caused by the weight of the body can cause bedsores.

The special science of orthodontics deals with correcting bites and straightening teeth. The doctor who corrects teeth is called an orthodontist. Nowadays, orthodontics uses new technologies to correct bites that will satisfy the most demanding patient.

Further -