Puberty (puberty). How to tell when puberty starts

Each newborn girl's body contains about 1–1.5 million follicles- possible futures. Most of them die off by the time the first menstruation appears, and some die off during the woman’s life.

Only a small number of them participate in and have the ability to. They can die not only natural reasons, but also under the influence of many negative factors. This nuance is one of the reasons development of female infertility. How and how many days does a woman mature? Interesting Facts that every expectant mother should know.

  • Maturation of a woman's egg

    IMPORTANT! The process of formation of NC in a female fetus is influenced by the period of pregnancy. If, while carrying a child, the mother abuses bad habits, is exposed to constant stress and depression, then most of the girl’s child may die before her birth or be defective.

    • if measured daily basal temperature for several months and record the data, you can determine the day by the increase in indicators (this technique may give inaccurate results, some diseases reproductive organs or infections of the reproductive system can change the basal temperature, and the symptoms do not cause discomfort);
    • The ovulatory process can be determined by characteristic symptoms(pulling in or, and increased sensitivity of the nipples);
    • more accurate data can be obtained using a special ovulation test(sold in pharmacies, you can buy it without a prescription);
    • using ultrasound.

    ON A NOTE! Not all women have an ideal cycle of 28 days. In most cases, menstruation begins with various errors in timing. Experts note that the ovulatory process in most women begins from the 12th to the 20th day of the cycle. If you increase sexual activity during this period, the chances of conception will increase.

    How many eggs mature in one cycle (per month)?

    In most cases, during one ovulation in a woman one matures, however, there are exceptions.

    Sometimes in female body may happen two ovulatory processes after a short period of time. There are cases when two follicles mature in one cycle.

    This is not a deviation from the norm. When several NCs mature, a woman’s chances increase multiple pregnancy.

    Nuances that are important for women to know:

    • if during one cycle one nuclear center matures, then one child will be conceived;
    • if the nuclear cycle splits and it happens, then the pregnancy will be identical twins;
    • if during

Is your son already 11 years old? The girls in his class most likely already sometimes begin to wear cosmetics, quickly grow in height, and in general no longer look like little girls, but like full-fledged girls. Boys, most likely, are still boys, playing “war games”, and so far they look at girls only from the point of view. What is the most convenient way to pull the pigtail? It’s okay, soon our little boys will enter puberty (usually for boys it begins one and a half to two years later than for girls).

Physical aspect and quantitative measurements

In boys puberty It usually begins at the age of 11-12, sometimes, however, it can linger up to 14-15 years.

The muscles and skeletal system noticeably increase, the voice breaks, the figure changes. The muscles of the shoulder girdle develop. The genitals also become enlarged. At seven years of age, the length of the testicles on average reaches 2.7 cm, and the length of the penis in a calm state is 3-3.5 cm; by the beginning of puberty, these figures increase slightly: 2.8-3 cm for the testicles and 3.8 cm for the penis .

During puberty, the dynamics of growth of the genital organs is much higher, because there is an intensive production of male sex hormones. At the age of 13, these important indicators will be 3.6-3.7 for the testicles and 6.3 cm for the penis, by 15 - 4 cm and 6.7 cm, respectively. Of course, these are average readings, and a step to the right or left does not count as an escape (unless, of course, it is a giant step).

Puberty is also marked by the appearance of hair, primarily on the pubic area. By the age of 14-15, hair appears under the arms and - hurray! - youthful fluff on upper lip and chin.

Simultaneously with the appearance of hair, the voice breaks and, unfortunately, your child’s face often becomes covered with acne. Some people have more acne, some lucky people have less or none at all. If acne bothers you a lot, you can contact a specialist. And, of course, keep an eye on in a healthy way life of your growing “baby”: sports, proper nutrition, keeping your skin clean can all significantly reduce the number of those pesky blackheads. Although, of course, by the age of 16-17 they will disappear on their own.

Around the same time (age 14), the first wet dreams may appear. This means that the sperm is already ready and your “baby” is quite physically capable of making you a grandparent. It's time to talk about "pistils and stamens" if you haven't already. And, naturally, about responsibility for the girl and (pah-pah) for possible child. And about contraception.

Another very important indicator of puberty for a boy is height. Usually there are two leaps: the first comes at 10-11 years (the boy grows 10 centimeters). The next leap is 13 years, the boy gains another 7-8 centimeters.

Parents should know that all signs of puberty may well be delayed for a year or two, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to support your son if he is worried that he still does not have facial hair and is shorter than everyone else in his class.

But sometimes, to correct some disorders, the help of specialists is required. So if the signs of puberty are delayed, visit a urologist or andrologist, because, as you know, prevention is easier than treatment, and at the age of 12-13, if there are any problems, it is much easier to correct everything.

Personal hygiene rules are changing

Don’t forget to teach your son the basics of personal hygiene, because uncleanliness can lead to balanoposthitis and other diseases. Daily toilet, frequent change linen - mandatory item in the self-care program not only for girls, but also for boys. Don’t forget that a boy’s sex glands are more active and, naturally, an unpleasant odor appears. The boy himself may not notice this, but his classmates and friends (and, of course, girls) will definitely notice. Don’t forget to pay attention to this and - again - “long live scented soap” and neutral deodorants.

Psychology of a growing boy

So, the boy changes not only physically, although, of course, it is physical changes that entail psychological maturation. Your son becomes shy, gets upset over the slightest defect in appearance, exaggerating its significance. The boy’s movements are angular, because his body is growing so quickly that it takes time to adapt to it.

A teenager is easily offended, his mood often changes: now he feels like an adult, and after 5 minutes he is a baby again and wants to be close to mom and dad.

In addition, unclear sexual desires also create confusion. At this time, boys (and girls too) have idols: teachers, movie characters, etc. etc., at first usually of the same sex as the child. A little later, an idol of the opposite sex appears, while he is also a movie star, or a popular musician. And then it slowly turns out that the classmate is also quite okay, and can be an object of sympathy. True, open expression of emotions is still a long way off.

In addition, during puberty, a teenager fights for his freedom from parental care and insists on his rights and independence, but this does not mean that parents should “bend” to these demands. As a rule, a child fights for freedom, but at the same time is afraid of it: psychologists working with teenagers, they say that many teenagers admit that they would like their parents to be stricter and teach them what is good and what is bad.

If the parents' decision is reasonable, then the teenager accepts it, so do not forget to trust your child and discuss moral standards with him. As a rule, a healthy upbringing and confidence in the trust and attention of parents is exactly what a young man needs.


In America, where everyone is obsessed with sexual harassment, they have gone so far that in the state of Colorado, a six-year-old boy was expelled from school and charged with sexual harassment for kissing his classmate's hand!

Comment on the article "Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems"

Puberty of boys: worries and problems. Early puberty? What do you think? Puberty occurs in girls at 12.5 - 13 years, in boys - at 14 - 15 years. At this age, girls begin to menstruate and boys begin to have wet dreams.


I can't tell by height.
In terms of hair growth, at the age of 8, hair began to grow on our pubis and armpits, and the smell of sweat also became pungent. We went to an endocrinologist and a gynecologist, took hormones in their direction, and said that this is the norm, about 20% of children begin to mature normally like this.

But it’s better to go to an endocrinologist - there will definitely be no harm from donating blood for hormones.

I, bio - 158, my youngest is a year shorter than the accepted height. That is, by the age of 8, she finally approached a height of 122 cm (the norm for 7-year-olds; and this happened every year). Accordingly, by the age of 9, according to the forecast, she will have a height of 128 - just like yours.
Everything is within normal limits.

13 years old. School problems. Children's education. My son studies at a serious school with a technical focus. Switched from regular based on exam results. There are 25 boys in the class, all very different.


Montessori pedagogy takes these features into account. The traditional one is aimed at some abstract children.
Tutors know exactly and explain.
I don't know what to do. In family education, this issue is simply resolved. You can wait it out, you don’t have to put pressure, you can negotiate and it usually goes away more painlessly.

The boy is 13 years old. The diagnosis is auto-like syndrome. Becomes aggressive, obvious puberty. There is a normal younger sister, and accordingly there are concerns about her safety. What to push and how to push puberty? Which varech is doing this? Naturally nonsense...


I have a 15 year old girl. Autism + UO. There was no aggression as such, but puberty was in full bloom. We went to the local psychiatrist and prescribed an antipsychotic.
We have been drinking for 1.5 months, the flight is normal. Complaints from teachers have stopped.

For the first time in 13 years, have you wondered which doctors do this?

puberty of boys. Mommies, tell me at what age do boys begin to mature? My son is 8.5 years old and he already has quite noticeable hairs on his scrotum; if he plays sports, then he will have this Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems.


Nowadays this is very common after the age of 8, my friend’s daughter also has a cannon in her armpits. They say that children eat well, there are a lot of hormones in their food, so it all starts earlier. I’m really waiting for the apologies to begin, maybe our bronchitis will be easier, the body clearly doesn’t have enough hormones to overcome this.
Don't panic! Everything is going as usual.

Thank you very much girls for fixing my brain. I will act according to the situation :) Thanks again :)

Puberty of a boy: approximate dates. Today's parents understand that the genitals of boys and girls need to be addressed. Puberty of boys: anxieties and problems. Puberty of a girl 9.5 years old. Early maturation, porn, etc. - needed...


Sorry, maybe I missed it, but haven’t you talked to a psychologist about this topic?
You know, here, in my opinion, the moment of transition from natural to pathological interest is more important.
If he watches normal porn, without sadism or any kind of perversion, and his social life does not suffer, then there is no need to focus on this. If a teenager has an active social life, has interests and hobbies other than porn, then so be it... You see, if he is interested in this, then prohibitions will not protect him from interest. And one more thing... If you convince him that this is shameful or something else, that he needs to fight this, then he will have to fight, excuse me, with his libido. And here we get the birth of a neurotic. It is difficult to predict what will come of this.
All of the above is my personal opinion based on my own experience.
If this bothers you greatly (and, as I see, it does), I would recommend consulting with a good teenage psychologist or reading relevant books. Secretly from the boy, of course.

I don’t agree that he shouldn’t/too early.
Another thing is that “porn” is very far from reality; later in life you will look for women ONLY with silicone tits and only those who moan and “cum” from the first second you touch her.
I myself would have dug up a bunch of erotic films (there, unlike porn, the women are more real), some porn - something that is more or less real (if such a thing exists in nature, of course), magazines like "Playboy" used to publish rather soft erotica - now, I don’t know...
I would have a conversation on the topic “this is normal, it’s possible, everyone goes through it, masturbation is our everything” (and not a conversation “why not”)

Only for a boy) And vice versa: a year ago the temperature was 37.1-37.5 for several months, but this year from November until the end of December it could rise to 38.2. True, he is allergic - he had a cold, and I started taking his temperature every day - each one was 37.2 - I...


We have a very similar situation, we no longer know where to turn, have you solved this problem?

03/16/2019 11:46:46, Tatyana05

But he has a deviated nasal septum, hence all sorts of sinusitis and chronic tonsillitis. Washing plugs, etc. doesn't last long.
Going to the pool in winter is bad + all sorts of Olympics are superimposed, I even feel sorry for the money :), but I cry :)

With just liquid-transparent winter snot (which, IMHO, is a manifestation of a cold allergy) and normal health - it’s worth walking, I washed out my nasopharynx with chlorine - everything is easier for the body :) At least I kicked out mine half an hour ago.

In general, at about Katya’s age, Egor was helped by aflubin in the mornings. I give it about 3 weeks, I don’t give it a week. Of course, he is criticized for the stress on the liver, but, IMHO, antipyretics 5 times a winter put no less strain. Incomparably no less :(
Over the last couple of years we switched to influcid tablets, but only during the epidemic. + our boy's imudon goes well when problems with gnorr begin.

A severe, non-speaking autistic boy began puberty and stimulation of the genital organs and molestation began. I thought about castration: I ask everyone, and especially the parents of adult boys, to answer the question why it is not customary to castrate severe...


Sorry, but I remembered a joke - A patient complains to a therapist that he visited a surgeon and he recommended cutting off his ears so that they wouldn’t hurt. - These surgeons, just to pop something out, here are some pills for you, they will disappear on their own.
It’s the same story here - doctors know drugs that reduce the need + you need to distract with anything and explain where and how you can, but as I understand it, it’s problematic to do this here? ((Physical activity should also reduce the frequency.

Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with children adolescence: adolescence, problems at school But I also reached puberty a little later than average. First wet dream at 14 and a half. I didn't take any growth enhancing medications.


Thank you very much to everyone for your support and information, you know how sometimes mothers worry about the health of their children. But it's better to be safe than sorry. We found a specialist who explained the situation to us in detail and calmed us down a little.

Calm down. At 14 and a half I was 147 cm tall. 11 centimeters shorter than your son!
Grew up like this:
14.5 - 15.5 +12 cm
15.5 - 16.5 +8 cm
16.5 - 17.5 +3 cm
17.5 - 18.5 +3 cm
18.5 - 19.5 +2 cm
Now 175. Stopped growing at 20.
In a parallel class there was a boy who, at 15 years old, was a head shorter than me. In my second year he was a head taller than me.
But I also reached puberty a little later than average. First wet dream at 14 and a half.
I didn't take any growth enhancing medications. Even vitamins and microelements. This didn't exist then.
Otherwise it could be at least 180.
And your son will easily grow to 185, but where more?

09.28.2007 01:28:04, Growing up from 14

Puberty is the period of a person’s life during which his body reaches biological sexual maturity. This period is called puberty and is characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics (see), the final formation of the genital organs and gonads. The time of onset of puberty depends on many factors - nationality, climatic conditions, nutrition, living conditions, gender, etc. On average, in boys it begins at the age of 15-16, in girls at the age of 13-14 and ends at the age of 20 and 18, respectively. It should be emphasized that there are significant individual deviations in the timing of the onset of puberty. Physiologically, this period is characterized by the maturation and onset of functioning of the gonads. In the adrenal cortex, androgens begin to be intensively produced (see), the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins increases (see Gonadotropic hormones), which accelerates the development of the gonads. In girls, with increased function of the ovaries, which produce, the mammary glands, external and internal genital organs: uterus, labia begin. At the age of 14-15 years, sometimes earlier, the formation of menstrual cycle(cm.). An objective criterion for the maturity of the gonads is menstruation in girls and (see) in boys. The most common sequence of appearance of sexual characteristics is presented in the table.

The sequence of appearance of signs of puberty
Age in years Signs of puberty
girls boys
8 The pelvis becomes wider, the hips become rounded
9 Increased secretion of sebaceous glands
10-11 Beginning of mammary gland development Beginning of growth and testicles
12 Appearance of hair on the genitals, enlargement of the genitals Growth of the larynx
13 The alkaline reaction of the vaginal secretion becomes sharply acidic Enlargement of testicles and penis. Slight appearance of hair on the genitals. The beginning of formation according to the male type
14 The appearance of menstruation and the appearance of hair in the axillary depressions Voice change (breaking), slight increase (swelling) mammary glands
15 Pronounced changes in the size of the pelvis and its proportions according to female type scrotum, the appearance of a mustache and the appearance of hair in the axillary cavities. Significant enlargement of the testicles
16-17 Menstruation occurs regularly, with ovulation (see). Increased hair growth on the face and body; male type pubic hair. The appearance of wet dreams
18-19 Skeletal growth stops Slower skeletal growth

Often normal puberty occurs in a slightly different sequence. In these cases, it is sometimes very difficult to find a clear boundary between normality and pathology. One of the reasons for such deviations is disorders of hormonal systems; in other cases, the constitutional characteristics of a teenager during puberty, as well as psychogenic factors that can cause pronounced endocrine disorders, acquire a certain significance. It is extremely important to take these cases into account, since irrational use hormonal drugs when treated, it can lead to significant damage to many systems. During puberty, small temporary deviations are sometimes observed, that is, variations in the normal development process. They are regarded as physiological phenomena. Girls may experience significant growth of the mammary glands (macromastia), and precocious puberty does not occur. Physiological variations of puberty also include juvenile uterine bleeding, amenorrhea (see). Often observed painful menstruation accompanied by headaches, vomiting, and weakness. These disorders are usually observed in girls with unstable nervous system. Boys may have slight enlargement of the mammary glands (pubertal gynecomastia), which goes away completely.

Late(pubertas tarda) is considered puberty, observed in girls at 18-20 years old, in boys at 20-22 years old. With this pathology therapeutic measures should be aimed at improving living conditions, nutrition and the introduction of male and female sex hormones and drugs containing pituitary gonadotropic hormones. Delayed sexual development and stunted growth are observed with infantilism (see). Underdevelopment of the reproductive apparatus and the absence of sexual characteristics of a given sex - hypogenitalisl (see) - are caused by dysfunction of the endocrine glands and, above all, the pituitary gland.

Early(pubertas praecox) is considered to be puberty, which occurs in girls under 8 years of age and in boys under 10 years of age and is characterized by the premature appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, rapid development of the genital organs and accelerated growth. In boys, this manifests itself in accelerated growth, and then an early cessation of growth (which subsequently leads to short stature), rapid growth of the genital organs and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics (hair growth, low timbre of voice, pronounced skeletal muscles). Wet dreams are also possible. In girls, growth accelerates, and then growth stops early, becomes wide, and the size of the uterus and ovaries increases. There are cases of menstruation in preschool age.

Early puberty combined with accelerated growth, but a sharp disproportion of the skeleton, short stature and mental retardation defined as macrogenitosomia praesox.

The question is closely related to the problem of puberty. This is a system of medical and pedagogical influences on adolescents with the aim of instilling in them certain norms of behavior in sexual life. The goal of sex education is to create physically healthy generation, whose sexual life must be subject to the moral norms of our society. Joint education and upbringing of boys and girls, their early involvement in social life, combination of training with production labor, widespread development among young people create the basis for reasonable generic education.

Puberty (lat. pubertas) is the process of growth and differentiation of the gonads, genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Puberty occurs with complex changes in the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and other systems of the body, as well as in physical development, and ends with the onset of puberty.

The hypothalamic region, which is in an inextricable functional relationship with the pituitary gland, plays a major role in puberty. During puberty, the activity of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland noticeably increases, and the content of androgens and estrogens in the blood and urine increases. Estrogens synthesized by the ovaries cause enlargement of the uterus, vagina, labia minora, mammary glands and keratinization of the vaginal epithelium. Androgens cause sexual hair growth, growth of the penis and scrotum in boys, and the clitoris and labia majora in girls. Sex hormones, especially androgens, stimulate growth and differentiation bone tissue, contribute to the closure of growth zones, enhance muscle development. In these processes, the protein-anabolic effect of sex hormones is manifested. The relationship between the various systems regulating puberty is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Scheme of relationships between various systems that regulate growth and sexual development(from Gyllensvärd, according to Wilkins).

Puberty begins earlier in girls than in boys. During this period, urinary excretion of estrogens and gonadotropins increases noticeably in girls, and androgens in boys. IN Lately in all countries, the timing of the onset of puberty has shifted to more early period. Thus, according to the observations of V.S. Gruzdev dating back to 1894, menstruation began at 15 years 8 months; Currently (1965) they usually begin at 13-14 years of age. In boys, the date of puberty is determined by the first ejaculations. The onset and duration of puberty depend on family (constitutional) characteristics, body structure and conditions external environment(food, climate, living conditions, etc.). Puberty begins in girls from 8-11 and usually lasts until 17 years, in boys - from 10-13 and up to 19 years.

During puberty, a hypertensive reaction and a hypotonic state, pulse lability, acrocyanosis, Trousseau spots, orthostatic albuminuria, spontaneous hypoglycemia, and sometimes mental disorders. The degree of puberty is judged by secondary sexual characteristics - hair growth on the pubis (11-13 years) and in the axillary region (12-15 years), in girls, in addition, by the timing of the onset of menstruation and the development of the mammary glands (10-15 years) , as well as using radiographs of the hand and distal ends of the forearm bones. The onset of puberty corresponds to ossification of the sesamoid bone, then synostosis appears in the first metacarpal bone and terminal phalanges; at the end of puberty, complete synostosis of the radial and radial epiphyses occurs ulna. It is necessary to be careful when assessing the degree of puberty in boys based on the size of the external genitalia, since their growth is often somewhat delayed.

Precocious puberty(pubertas praecox) can be true or false. When true, there is a relationship between the hypothalamic-pituitary region, the gonads and the adrenal glands. There are constitutional (essential) and cerebral forms of true puberty.

The constitutional form is almost always observed in girls and is apparently due to family predisposition. Secondary sexual characteristics appear early, even from birth, but more often at 7-8 years, and menstruation - at 8-10 years. Menstruation is ovulatory. In boys, secondary sexual characteristics can appear as early as 9-11 years of age, less often earlier. There is macrogenitosomia (premature enlargement of the external genitalia). At 12-13 years of age, puberty ends.

Initially, children with precocious puberty are ahead of their peers in physical development. However, in the future, due to the closure of growth zones, some of them develop short stature and disproportion - lower limbs relatively short in relation to the body (Fig. 2). The mental development of such children is often consistent with their age, and if it lags behind, then by approximately 2 years. In girls, urinary excretion of follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen reaches puberty levels. The content of 17-ketosteropds in daily urine exceeds the age norm. With tumors of the adrenal gland and gonads, the level of hormone excretion is significantly higher. A vaginal smear confirms a normal menstrual cycle.

The prognosis for the constitutional form of premature puberty is favorable. There is no treatment.

In the cerebral form of true puberty, there are lesions in the hypothalamic region (tumors, hemorrhages, congenital brain defects, encephalitis) or a tumor of the pineal gland. Currently, most researchers believe that even with tumors of the pineal gland, premature sexual development is caused by secondary changes in the hypothalamus due to internal hydrocephalus. Children experience early and rapid development of genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Mature Graafian follicles appear in the ovaries, corpus luteum. Interstitial cells form in the testes and spermatogenesis occurs. The content of gonadotropins, estrogens, and 17-ketosteroids in the urine corresponds to the pubertal period.

Precocious puberty is also observed with multiple fibrous dysplasia, in which there are changes in the skeletal system, skin pigmentation and increased activity thyroid gland.

False puberty (pseudopubertas praecox) occurs when pathological changes in the adrenal glands, ovaries or testes. Ovulation and spermatogenesis are absent. After removal of the tumor, the development of secondary sexual characteristics is possible.

Delayed puberty(pubertas tarda) is characterized by late development of the genital organs and glands, as well as the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. In boys it is diagnosed at 20-22 years old, in girls at 18-20 years old. Most often occurs under the influence of a constitutional (family) factor, less often due to insufficient hygienic conditions And nutritional reasons. Delayed puberty is sometimes observed up to 15-16 years of age. At the same time, the physical and often mental development. Differentiation skeletal system also lags behind, usually by 2-4 years. In the coming years, most children will reach the same age level as their peers in sexual development.

Assessment of puberty must be carried out on the basis of a number of signs and especially radiological data on the differentiation of the skeletal system. Correspondence of ossification processes to actual age, as a rule, excludes delays in puberty.

Variations in Puberty. Premature development of the mammary glands (premature thelarche) in girls may be the only sign of deviation. The absence of secondary sexual characteristics, estrogenic changes in the vaginal smear and enlargement of the internal and external genitalia makes it possible to distinguish this process from true puberty. It is believed that premature telarche is based on increased reaction mammary tissue for estrogens. In the future, this reaction may disappear. No treatment required.

Boys often experience pubertal gynecomastia (see), expressed more often on the left and disappearing without treatment. Treatment with male sex hormones is contraindicated.

Premature secondary hair growth (premature pubarche) develops on the pubis, in armpits without other signs of virilization and is more often observed in girls. Only from 10-12 years of age is it combined with enlargement of the mammary glands, external and internal genital organs. Later, children develop normally. Urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids corresponds to age norm or slightly exceeds it. Children with precocious puberty require medical supervision and should be examined periodically.

During puberty, there is sometimes an enlargement of the thyroid gland of degree II and III without dysfunction. In this case, no treatment is carried out. Often, especially in boys, acromegaloid phenomena (also physiological) develop. Possible male predominance or feminine. The prognosis is favorable. During the same period, the so-called pseudo-Freulich type of obesity is sometimes noted, somewhat similar in appearance to obesity in adipose-genital dystrophy (see). At the same time, the distribution of fat is uniform with some predominance in the chest, abdomen and thighs. Arms and legs are often shortened. Body length and bone differentiation correspond to actual age. Hypogenitalism is absent or slightly expressed. The excretion of 17-ketosteroids and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in urine is normal. The basal metabolism is reduced or normal. Puberty occurs at normal times or is somewhat delayed. Drug treatment not required.

During puberty, girls with symptoms of basophilism (the basophilic cells of the pituitary gland function intensely) experience female-type obesity, and stripes appear on the hips, buttocks, and breasts. Arterial pressure often elevated. However, sexual development is not impaired or even accelerated. Menstruation occurs on time, and the cycle is preserved. The prognosis, as with the types of obesity described above, is favorable.

Pubertal exhaustion is observed mainly in girls. The first symptoms: lack of appetite, abdominal pain, belching and vomiting, often repeated. The skin is dry, wrinkled. Bradycardia, muffled heart sounds, arterial hypotension, amenorrhea. Unlike pituitary cachexia, there is no atrophy of the mammary glands and hair loss. The basal metabolism is reduced. The function of the thyroid gland is not impaired. The content of 17-ketosteroids in the urine is reduced, and after the administration of ACTH it reaches normal levels. Follicle-stimulating hormone in urine is often absent or reduced. The prognosis is usually favorable. Treatment requires careful care, aminazine, protein-anabolic steroids. Methandrostenolone (or Nerobol) 5 mg per day, Nerobolil intramuscularly 25-50 mg once a week (4-6 injections).

Diagnosis, prescription of medications, especially hormones, as well as prognosis of diseases and conditions during puberty must be approached with caution.

Rice. 2. Girl 2.5 years old: early puberty and physical development(height 110 cm).

Both teenagers and their parents are interested in nutrition issues during puberty. Most often, this is explained by the desire of the former to get rid of figure problems that may arise during this period, and the desire of the latter to sincerely help their children get through it painlessly.

What is puberty

Puberty, or puberty- this is a natural process as a result of which changes occur in the body of a teenager that make him an adult capable of procreation. It is launched using signals that come from brain to the gonads. In response to them, they produce certain hormones that stimulate the growth and development of the brain, skin, bones, muscles, hair, breasts, and reproductive organs.

For girls puberty usually occurs between the ages of 9 and 14 and is controlled primarily by hormones such as estrogen and estradiol, in boys– at the age of 10 – 17 years. Accordingly, testosterone and androgen take the “reins of power” for them.

All these changes are often visible to others with the naked eye. And it’s not even about enhanced growth and development individual organs and systems. And in mood swings, irritability, and sometimes aggressiveness that are associated with puberty. During this same period, many teenagers experience low self-esteem, self-doubt and dissatisfaction with themselves.

Recently, scientists have started talking about premature puberty, which can begin in girls at an earlier age. Various factors can provoke it, as well as delay it:

  1. 1 Genes– in 2013, scientists from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, together with their Boston colleagues, published a sensational article in the New England Journal of Medicine. As a result of research, they discovered a new gene - MKRN3, which in some cases provokes the development of premature puberty. In addition, it is a well-known fact that 46% of girls begin puberty at the same age as their mothers.
  2. 2 Environment– there is an opinion that phthalates are chemical substances which are used in the production of toys, plastic products or cosmetics, as well as waste from pharmaceutical companies specializing in the production of sex steroids, undergoing incomplete processing, end up in environment. And even in low concentrations they can provoke the onset of early puberty (at 7 years of age and earlier).
  3. 3 Racial or national differences: the beginning of menstruation in girls different nations varies between 12 – 18 years. Representatives of the Negroid race experience menarche earlier than others, while representatives of the Asian race who live in mountainous regions experience menarche later than others.
  4. 4 Diseases- some of them can provoke hormonal surge and, as a consequence, the onset of early sexual development.
  5. 5 Nutrition.

The influence of food on puberty

Diet has a tremendous impact on the process of sexual development, especially in girls. Excessively fatty and high-calorie foods, which bring additional energy that is not used by the body, subsequently accumulate in it in the form subcutaneous fat. And, as you know, it is responsible for bearing and feeding offspring and, at some point, signals that its quantity is already sufficient and the body is ready for procreation. This is confirmed by the results of research conducted at the University of Michigan and published in 2007 in the journal " Pediatrics».

All types of fish - they contain protein, healthy fats, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, which are responsible for brain function, as well as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Apples are a source of iron and boron, which strengthens bones. In addition, they improve digestion, effectively cleanse the body and prevent excess weight.

Peaches – they enrich the body with potassium, iron and phosphorus. They also improve the functioning of the brain and heart, relieve nervous and emotional tension.

Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost immunity and help the body fight stress.

Carrots – they contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, K. Regular consumption of carrots improves vision and work of cardio-vascular system, prevents the appearance of depression and excess weight.

Puberty is new period in a girl's life, but it can be difficult. Your body develops and you become more mature. It is often quite difficult to understand when the transition period will begin and what to expect from it. For many girls, the body begins to prepare for restructuring at the age of 8 years, but the age at which changes begin varies from person to person. Knowing the physical and psychological signs of puberty can help you determine when it will begin for you.


Waiting for puberty

    Know what puberty is. Many girls believe that puberty occurs with the onset of menstruation, but this is not true. The process of puberty begins long before menstruation and can last for several years. Typically, puberty is manifested by the appearance of body hair and changes in:

    • figure;
    • breast size;
    • psyche.
  1. Pay attention to signs of puberty. Typically, puberty begins at age 9, when the body begins to produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This signals the body to prepare for the transition period, but the first physical and psychological signs may not appear immediately.

    • Know that puberty most often begins between ages 8 and 13 and ends by age 14. Once the body begins to produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone, girls develop breast enlargement and then body hair. Menstruation usually begins within two years of breast growth.
    • Know that there is nothing wrong with monitoring your body. This observation will allow you to prepare for future changes.
  2. Consider your individual characteristics. Puberty may begin at at different ages. Every girl is different, and a number of factors influence when puberty begins. If you keep these factors in mind, it will be easier for you to understand when you will go through each phase of puberty. Here are a few such factors:

    Talk to your doctor. If you are concerned about your body's development, make an appointment with your doctor. The doctor will examine you and decide whether you are developing correctly. He will then tell you when you should expect puberty to begin.

    • Ask your doctor questions about the stages of puberty and your body's development. Don't be afraid or shy about your questions.

    Physiological signs

    1. Observe breast development. Most often, the first sign of puberty is breast enlargement, or thelarche. As a rule, this process begins at the age of 9–10 years. You may notice small lumps in your breasts.

      Pay attention to the hair on your body. The second sign of puberty is the appearance of hair on the labia majora, which surrounds the vagina. Sometimes hair begins to grow faster than breasts, but both are a sure sign of the onset of puberty.

      Notice the changes in the figure. Transition period is the period when your body becomes a woman's body and your figure will change. This will happen simultaneously with breast growth. Pay attention to the following body parts. As a rule, they become more rounded and increase in size:

      Look for hair in your armpits. Within about two years of pubic hair appearing, you will notice hair starting to grow in your armpits as well. The hair may be the same as pubic hair - sparse and soft, but gradually it will become thicker, darker and coarser.

    2. Pay attention to vaginal discharge. Within two years of your breasts starting to grow, you will have your first period, or menarche. However, already six months before this you may notice transparent discharge from the vagina.

      • Look for traces of discharge on your underwear. Discharge is completely normal unless it is accompanied by itching or unpleasant smell(this is a reason to see a doctor).
    3. Deal with your first period. For many girls, their first menstruation is a critical developmental milestone. As a rule, it occurs between the ages of 9 and 16 years. Most often this happens within six months after the appearance of colorless discharge.

      • Remember that for the first few years after your period starts, your periods may be irregular. Put dates on your calendar to make it easier for you to keep track of your cycle.
      • Buy necessary funds hygiene. You may need pads, tampons, or regular panty liners.
      • Be aware that you may experience cramping, back pain and headache before and during menstruation. Bloating is also possible due to hormonal changes. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
    4. Examine your skin. Many teenagers and soon-to-be teenagers have pimples or even acne. This is a consequence of excessive sebum production, characteristic of the transition period.

      • To get rid of excess sebum and reduce acne, wash your face with a special mild product.
      • If your acne is severe, ask your doctor to prescribe special means and drugs. Acne often happens in adolescence, however, at the same time the teenager feels especially vulnerable, so a severe rash can negatively affect the emotional state.
    5. Get ready for a sharp jump in growth. During puberty it is possible fast growth, which sometimes lasts 2–3 years. During this period, you can grow up to 8–10 centimeters per year.

      • Weight may increase. Your body may also become more feminine (your hips will become wider, for example).