Types of ENT diseases in adults and children: diagnosis and treatment. Ten myths about childhood ENT diseases Children's ENT diseases

As summer ends and autumn and winter approach, people are exposed to respiratory diseases.

These diseases are called by the general term colds.

This the disease should not be ignored and Pavel Vladimirovich Kryukov will talk about it, who works as the head of the ENT department Medical center"XXI Century".

Risk factors for ENT diseases

- Tell me, which children are most susceptible to ENT diseases?

For the most part, children who attend school and preschool educational institutions are at risk. Here the situation is explained by the elementary presence of a large number of children in one room. Of course, children who are prone to this are to a significant extent affected; they often suffer from otitis media, rhinosinusitis, and the like.

- What are the root causes of diseases of the ENT organs?

Many consider hypothermia to be the cause, but this factor is only secondary, as it helps to reduce the protective abilities of the mucous membrane and the body as a whole. In fact, various pathogenic agents (often viruses) initially begin to act, which, let’s say, put the body into a state of illness. In this case, viruses can be in the body, as well as other pathogens, but strong body they can have virtually no impact.

Many people are guilty of antibiotics, which they give to their children endlessly. In such a situation, most often the body’s own immunity decreases, and the resistance of various microorganisms to drugs increases. If you have previously been frequently treated with antibiotics, and there are chronic diseases in particular respiratory system. These factors may additionally predispose to the onset of diseases of the ENT organs.

A cold (ARVI) begins with a sore throat and runny nose. These symptoms indicate an inflammatory process and most often it is the symptoms themselves that are treated, that is, they use special drops and tablets. Here you should be reasonable, since even basic drops for constricting blood vessels should be used as prescribed by a specialist, and antibiotics, especially, do not need to be prescribed independently.

- Tell us more about angina, what to do in such a situation?

You need to immediately contact an ENT specialist; the disease logically creates fears for adults and here, as they say, it’s better to be on the safe side. Complications of angina are dangerous, which can result in rheumatism of the joints and inflammation of the heart muscle and kidney disease. In general, not a particularly pleasant “bouquet” that you should beware of.

Therefore, you should not prescribe treatment for sore throat yourself at home and you should not stop treatment after the temperature subsides. After the onset of the disease, it is useful to isolate the child, since sore throat viruses are transmitted through the air. You need to stay in bed most of the time and wait for the temperature to drop. I repeat, the treatment does not end there, talk to a specialist and try in every possible way to avoid a recurrence of sore throat. This disease can lead to the development of other chronic diseases.

Video: "How the most common ENT diseases are treated"

The danger of ENT diseases for children

- Can you name other dangers of ENT diseases for children?

Otitis media are common and are determined, among other things, by the anatomical parameters of the child’s body. In children, the infection sometimes extends from the pharynx to the middle ear. If otitis media is not treated correctly and in a timely manner, then hospitalization and even possibly surgical intervention will be required in the future.

If acute respiratory viral infections are frequent, then the inflammatory process leads to the proliferation of adenoid tissue. Enlarged adenoids, in turn, contribute to the cessation of communication between the nose and throat. Inflammatory processes in the adenoids can cause other complications, from hearing loss to snoring and noisy breathing.

When it comes to very young children, you need to be especially careful. Even if you have completely cured ARVI, you should give the body a little more time (3-4 days) to fully recover and find the necessary resources. Otherwise, if you send the child directly to a nursery or kindergarten, he may get sick again. In conclusion, it should be said about the relevance of regular and competent hardening of the child and the choice of optimal clothing depending on the weather.

Video: "Otitis media: diagnosis"

Nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

The size of the nasal cavity in newborns and infants is relatively small. The nasal cavity is shorter, narrower and located lower, compared to other age groups, due to underdevelopment of the facial skeleton. The vertical size of the nasal cavity is significantly reduced due to the absence of a perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, which is formed only by 6 years of age. The lower wall of the nasal cavity is in close contact with the tooth germs in the body upper jaw, which is associated with the risk of developing osteomyelitis of the upper jaw with inflammation of the nasal cavity and ethmoid sinuses. Acceleration of growth occurs already in the first half of life and is associated with intensive development of the skull, mainly the maxillary region, and teething.

Along with the small size of the nasal cavity, a sharp narrowing of the nasal passages, closed by well-developed nasal conchas, is important. The inferior turbinates are located low and fit tightly to the bottom of the nasal cavity, as a result of which the lower nasal passages are impassable for air. The upper and middle nasal passages are practically not expressed; children are forced to breathe through a narrow common nasal passage. In this age group, severe difficulty in nasal breathing often occurs, especially when mucous secretions or crusts accumulate in the nasal cavity.

As a result of the discrepancy between the significant volume of the nasal concha and the narrow respiratory area, acute rhinitis in newborns and infants is severe, with a predominance of common symptoms and frequent development of complications. Even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the narrow and small nasal cavity leads to the cessation of nasal breathing. The child’s breathing takes on a “volatile” character: children breathe frequently and shallowly, but the wings of the nose do not swell, as with pneumonia. Sucking is severely difficult or impossible, sleep is disturbed; the child is restless, body weight decreases, and dyspepsia and hyperthermia may develop. Breathing through the mouth leads to aerophagia with flatulence, which further complicates breathing and leads to impairment general condition child. When the nose is stuffy, the child tilts his head back to make it easier to breathe, and convulsions are possible. Due to the pronounced tendency to generalize any inflammatory processes in newborns and infants, acute rhinitis occurs as acute nasopharyngitis. At the same time, on soft palate you can see reddened tubercles protruding anteriorly - clogged mucous glands.

This age group is characterized by the so-called posterior runny nose, caused by the accumulation of infected mucus in the posterior parts of the nose, associated with difficulty in draining secretions into the nasopharynx due to the structural features of the choanae. On the back wall of the pharynx, stripes of viscous sputum descending from the nose, hyperemia of lymphoid granules are visible back wall pharynx; enlarged occipital and cervical The lymph nodes.

Nasal mucosa in children early age very tender, well vascularized. The folding of the mucous membrane of the nasal septum observed in newborns soon disappears. The ciliated epithelium directly passes into stratified epithelium vestibule of the nose. Important Feature nasal cavity in newborns and children in the first half of life - absence of cavernous (cavernous) tissue in the area of ​​the free edge of the lower and middle turbinate. In this regard, children of this age practically do not experience spontaneous nosebleeds, unlike older children. When bloody discharge from the nose, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination to exclude congenital hemangioma or foreign body nasal cavity. For the same reason, in newborns and children in the first six months of life, it is not advisable to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops, the action of which is designed to reflexively contract the cavernous tissue of the nasal turbinates. The rarity of spontaneous nosebleeds is also explained by the underdevelopment and deep location of the branches of the nasopalatine artery and its anastomoses in the anteroinferior part of the nasal septum (Kiesselbach's bleeding zone).

The paranasal sinuses in newborns are underdeveloped and are formed during the development of the facial skeleton and the growth of the child. At birth, there are two paranasal sinuses: a well-developed ethmoid sinus (anterior and middle cells of the ethmoid labyrinth) and a rudimentary maxillary sinus in the form of a narrow gap (diverticulum of the mucous membrane) at the inner corner of the orbit in the thickness of the bone of the upper jaw. The frontal, sphenoid sinuses and posterior cells of the ethmoid bone are in their infancy. In this regard, among diseases of the paranasal sinuses in newborns and infants, damage to the ethmoidal labyrinth (ethmoiditis) predominates, which is especially severe with orbital and septic complications.

Snot in a baby

Very often situations arise when a child has snot, but there are no signs of a cold. This type of runny nose is physiological in nature and can continue until the newborn is 2 months old. Factors causing the appearance snot in newborns:

  1. Infection. More often colds occur upon entry into the body viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. ARVI in infants progresses rapidly and manifests itself with pronounced symptoms.
  2. Allergy. Snot in children can also be allergic in nature. They occur when nasal inhalation of allergens such as dust, pollen of flowering plants, fluff, and wool. In such situations, the breathing process becomes more difficult, the baby begins to sneeze, and watery snot comes out of the nose. Vascular response to external stimuli. Very often, snot in newborns occurs when the nasopharyngeal vessels are highly sensitive to environmental factors. This process usually manifests itself with bouts of sneezing, alternating sinus congestion, and copious nasal discharge.
  3. Enlarged adenoids. A peculiarity of the physiology of the children's respiratory system is that at birth, adenoids begin to grow rapidly in children. They sometimes provoke the formation of snot, which has a greenish color. In such cases, it is necessary for the baby to drip a 1% solution of collargol into the nose.

Treatment of rhinitis in newborns is difficult, due to the narrow nasal passages. The course of rhinitis in newborns has its own characteristics, which is explained by physiological and anatomical features infant. The complexity of the course of the disease lies in the fact that infants cannot independently free their noses from accumulated mucus, and also do not know how to breathe through their mouths, which is especially dangerous during sleep and breastfeeding.

Many parents don’t know what to do when their newborn’s snot bothers their baby day and night. You can’t start on your own drug treatment rhinitis in a baby, therapy can only be prescribed by a specialist.

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn depends on the factors that caused this condition of the child’s nasal mucosa. Even before visiting a specialist’s office, parents can take steps to alleviate their baby’s condition. First of all, if there is severe runny nose in an infant, making it difficult nasal breathing, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of pathological secretions. Solutions based on sea ​​water or regular saline

Humidifying the air should be another action for parents who don't know what to do when their baby has a runny nose. A well-ventilated room with moist air contributes to more rapid recovery nasal mucosa. You can increase the humidity in a dry room by using a humidifier. The optimal air humidity in the room where the sick child is is 50% at a temperature of 20-21ºС.

Treatment of clear snot in a child should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, since such a symptom may indicate several diseases. Regardless of the cause of rhinitis, parents should regularly clean the baby’s nose, thereby improving nasal breathing. To do this, you can use a special device for suctioning mucus - a nasal aspirator. If in the nose transparent snot so thick that they are difficult to remove from the nasal cavity, the mucus must first be thinned. Solutions based on sea water, as well as decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, are well suited for this. You need to drop a few drops into each nasal passage of the child, and then use an aspirator. It is important to adhere to symptomatic treatment, but to carry out actions aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Parents should promptly contact specialists who will tell you how to treat clear snot in a child, having previously established an accurate diagnosis.


In children, near the median septum of the retropharyngeal cellular space there are lymph nodes into which they drain lymphatic vessels from the palatine tonsils, posterior sections of the nasal and oral cavity. With age, these nodes atrophy; in children they can fester, forming a retropharyngeal abscess.

Adenoids are common in children.


In newborns and persons young the larynx is located slightly higher than in adults (in adults top edge larynx at the border of the IV and V cervical vertebrae).

In children, the Adam's apple is soft and not palpable.

Outer ear

In a newborn and infant in the first 6 months of life, the entrance to the external auditory canal looks like a gap due to the fact that the upper wall is almost closely adjacent to the lower one.

In newborns, the temporal bone is not yet fully developed, so the bony part ear canal they do not have one, there is only a bone ring to which the eardrum is attached. The bony part of the auditory canal is formed by the age of 4, and up to 12-15 years the diameter of the lumen, shape and size of the external auditory canal change.


In children, the eardrum has almost round shape and significantly thicker than in adults (0.1 mm), due to the inner and outer layers. Therefore, with acute otitis media in children, perforation of the tympanic membrane may not be observed.

Middle ear

The auditory (Eustachian) tube in children is wider and shorter than in adults.


In a newborn, the mastoid part of the middle ear looks like a small elevation behind the superoposterior edge of the tympanic ring, containing only one cavity - the antrum. The formation of the mastoid process ends by the beginning of the 7th year of the child’s life.

Hearing loss

This is a disease characterized by hearing loss, even complete loss. The pathology occurs among people of different age categories; it can be a congenital or acquired problem. Hearing loss in newborns most often appears as a result of a woman suffering from any infectious or viral diseases during pregnancy.

The problem of hearing impairment in newborns is very relevant both socially and medical point vision. The thing is that hearing loss in a baby leads to abnormalities speech development, influences intelligence and personality formation.

Therefore, even before discharge in many modern maternity hospitals Each baby undergoes a newborn hearing loss test using special automated equipment. If the test is not passed, a referral to to a specialist for further examination and hearing testing.

Symptoms of congenital hearing loss

The main symptom of hearing loss in newborns is the absence of any response to sounds. Under normal conditions auditory development Babies as young as two weeks startle at sudden or loud noises.

Among the most probable causes Hearing loss in newborns includes:

  • influenza, toxoplasmosis, herpes and rubella acquired by the mother during pregnancy;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • prematurity of the baby, weight less than 1500 g;
  • bad heredity.

Also, the risk of hearing loss in newborns increases if the pregnant woman took toxic medications (streptomycin, furosemide, aspirin, gentamicin, etc.)

There are three degrees of hearing loss in newborns:

  • The first degree of the disease is considered the mildest, in which a person can perceive whispers at a distance of 1 to 3 meters, and spoken speech of average volume from 4 meters. Difficulties in auditory perception are observed when the interlocutor’s speech is distorted, as well as in the presence of extraneous noise.
  • If there is a second degree of hearing loss, the child has difficulty recognizing a whisper at a distance of more than a meter. At the same time, conversational speech is best perceived when the interlocutor is no more than 3.5-4.0 meters away. However, even with such a removal, some words may be perceived as illegible.
  • The most severe is the third degree of hearing loss. With such a hearing impairment, whispers are practically indistinguishable even at very close range, and spoken language can only be perceived at a distance of no more than 2 meters.

Acute otitis media

Diagnostic feature

Clinical diagnosis
. The sequence of development of acute otitis media is the same as in children of other age groups: catarrhal stage of inflammation, formation of exudate, perforation of the eardrum and suppuration from the ear, development of complications or favorable resolution of the process. Most important symptom diseases - ear pain - in newborns and infants are detected by changes in the child’s behavior. Acute pain occurs suddenly and is usually so severe that the child holds his breath. Children in the second half of life stop playing and grab their ear with their hand. When sneezing, swallowing, coughing, accompanied by an increase in air pressure in tympanic cavity, pain intensifies; sometimes the pain subsides. The child is inhibited, pliable, and sleepy. At certain intervals, the painful attack is repeated with the same or greater intensity. Sometimes the child’s restless behavior is replaced by seeming calm, the child sleeps a lot, falls asleep during feeding, is lethargic, which indicates depression nervous system. Body temperature rises; children sleep poorly, often wake up screaming and do not calm down for a long time, shudder, moan. The facial expression is pained, a fixed gaze, painful grimaces. Changing the child's position does not have a calming effect.

A child under 4-5 months cannot localize the pain, only helplessly turns his head. Erratic and obsessive movements are observed: a pendulum-like movement of the head and a “symptom of chewing the tongue.” The reason for these movements is the child’s desire to find an optimal position in which the ear would hurt less. At the height of pain, hand cramps (kapellmeister's position) or false opisthotonus are possible. As intoxication increases, convulsive contractions of the eye muscles may occur. Children in the second half of life reach out with their hands to the sore ear, rubbing it back side brushes, try to stick a finger into the ear canal. Infants refuse to eat; They are more willing to suckle on the breast opposite the side of the sore ear. Pain when pressing on the tragus is characteristic (Vash's symptom), since pressure is directly transmitted through the non-ossified part of the ear canal to the inflamed eardrum (after a year of life, pain when pressing on the tragus indicates only damage to the external auditory canal).

Diagnosis of ENT diseases in infants

Examination and treatment of children differs markedly from working with adult patients. A young patient cannot always clearly explain what is bothering him; he does not know how to properly dissolve pills or gargle. The ability and skills of a good pediatric ENT doctor to find an approach to a sick child and establish psychological contact with him are no less valuable than the professional skills of an otolaryngologist. Physiological and anatomical features of the body small child determine the specificity of the implementation medical procedures, examination of ENT organs, anesthesia (if necessary).

Modern methods for diagnosing ENT pathology include: clarification of parents’ complaints, questions of the diagnostic and treatment complex, etc., objective examination, lab tests, endoscopic and computer studies of the nose, throat, and ear, ultrasound.

Treatment of ENT diseases in infants

The most important task in the treatment of otolaryngological diseases is to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. Therapeutic (drug, physiotherapeutic) methods are used in the treatment of ENT pathology. IN last years minimally invasive laser and endoscopic methods for the treatment of otolaryngological pathology.

Prevention of diseases of the nasopharynx, larynx and hearing organs in children must be applied from a very early age. Qualified specialist pediatric ENT will help you develop a plan preventive measures, thanks to which your baby will avoid chronic colds and infectious diseases, as well as the risk of various complications.

Remember that, regardless of age and general condition of the body, a child requires constant attention. Children's doctor An ENT specialist will always help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, establish its causes, and also prescribe appropriate treatment and prevent possible complications.

Name of serviceCost, rub.


Primary consultation with an otolaryngologist 1500
Repeated consultation with an otolaryngologist 1200
Adrenalization of the nasal mucosa and inspiration medicines 500
Application of the drug to the pharyngeal mucosa 390
Application of medications to the nasal mucosa 390
Block of the palatine tonsil 900
Blockage of the nasal turbinates 1250
Vacuum aspiration of the palatine tonsils using the Tonsillor apparatus 1500
Introduction of turunda with medication into the ear canal 320
Insufflation medicinal substance into the external auditory canal 500
Infusion into the larynx from a syringe 1000
Diagnosis of the vestibular apparatus 1800
Hearing examination (audiometry) 1950
Contact phonophoresis of the posterior pharyngeal wall 500
Laser therapy using the Lasmik device (1 session) 500
Treatment of the pharynx and palatine tonsils using the Tonsillor device 700
Treatment using the Audioton device 700
Treatment with the Audioton device (course) 500
Treatment with the Tonsillor device 500
Treatment of the outer and middle ear using the Tonsillor device 600
Massage eardrums 800
Treatment of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils 500
Irrigation of the tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall using an ENT combine 250
Irrigation of the nasal cavity using an ENT combine 250
Examination of pregnant women (without prescribing treatment) 900
Otoscopy 460
Cauterization (medicinal) of the nasal mucosa, Kisselbach area 1500
Blowing of the auditory tubes according to Politzer 800
Rinsing the tonsils with a syringe 900
Rinsing the paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, “cuckoo” 1100
Washing sulfur plugs through a syringe on one side 1100
Rinsing the ear with medicinal solutions 800
Separating the edges of the wound after opening the peritonsillar abscess 1000
Tympanometry (Eustachian tube test) 1200
Toilet nose 500
Toilet the ear with the introduction of turunda 800
Removal of a foreign body from the nose, pharynx, ear 1700
Ultrasound paranasal sinuses nose (Sinuscan) 1250
Ultrasonic disintegration of turbinates (1 side) 3000
Ultrasound irrigation of the posterior pharyngeal wall and palatine tonsils using the Tonsillor apparatus 800
Ultrasound irrigation of the outer and middle ear using the Tonsillor device 800
Ultrasonic irrigation of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx using the Tonsillor device 800
Ultraphonophoresis of regional lymph nodes (anterior, posterior cervical and submandibular) 800
Phonophoresis 600

In fact, the difference is big. Children have a number of features in the structure of the ENT organs. Moreover, they are individual for each age category. Therefore, those diseases that occur in newborn babies are no longer scary for schoolchildren. We talk about ENT diseases in children of different ages, their specificity and danger.

Newborns and early childhood

If an adult blows into his ear, he will “get off” with otitis media, but in a newborn everything will immediately become inflamed! Why do you think? Weak immunity kids? Not only. It's also a matter of anatomical structure. Eustachian tube of a child - how open window, it allows the infection to pass through the ears unhindered and spread to neighboring areas: sinuses, throat. This route of infection is called tubar.

The structural features also explain the fact that young children (under 3 years old) have their own specific diseases.


Inflammation of the ear extending to the mastoid process. In children under 2 years of age, these structures located in temporal bone, are not isolated from each other. The transition of inflammation to the mastoid process is dangerous because from here the process can go further - into cranium. Therefore, if there is inflammation of the area behind the ear, fever, pus from the ear, indigestion, or tearfulness of the baby, immediately call a doctor.

Congenital stridor

A disease that is associated with abnormalities of the trachea or larynx. It manifests itself as noisy, heavy breathing in a child, especially when crying or having a cold. Associated with the structural features of the hammer, incus, and labyrinth of the ear.

As these structures mature, the disease disappears (usually by 3 years). But throughout this period, ENT supervision is necessary. Sometimes the disease requires surgery.

Preschool and school period

If in young children certain structures of the ear (labyrinth, malleus, incus) are partially composed of them cartilage tissue, then by the age of 3 their ossification already occurs. The process of isolating the ear, nose and throat is in full swing, so inflammatory processes are no longer so fatal. However, another problem arises - a clash of immunity with various infections, when baby is coming to kindergarten or school.

Frequent illnesses weaken the immune system, and this is fertile ground for the development of ENT diseases. What diseases do preschoolers and primary schoolchildren “love”? Surely you yourself know many of them.


This is an inflammation of the tonsils of the pharynx, tongue or palate caused by streptococci. Normally, the tonsils should protect against viruses. But against the background of immunodeficiency, the body often cannot cope. Swelling occurs in the pharynx area, which is often accompanied by purulent ulcers. A complication is chronic tonsillitis when the tonsils are constantly inflamed and fester.


This is the process of proliferation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil (not inflammatory). Adenoids are formations similar in structure to coffee beans. Complications include difficulty breathing. May occur oxygen starvation brain, which leads to developmental delays. On late stages asymmetry of the face and chest occurs.

Allergic rhinitis

One of the most common allergic diseases in children. Expressed by nasal congestion, runny nose. Its sources usually need to be looked for at home. These are dust, household chemicals, pets, feathers, food, etc. If the source is not identified and this phenomenon is ignored, it will become chronic.

Otitis and sinusitis

Ear inflammation in preschool children and school age is fraught with hearing loss and mastoiditis (affects the mastoid process).

Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) in children develops against the background of viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract(nasopharynx, oropharynx).

Both diseases can become chronic. But their main danger in the development of meningitis is inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord.

False croup

An infectious disease characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea. Recognize false croup possible by barking cough, noisy breathing, hoarse voice. Occurs in children 1–5 years old. In case of complications, all of the above diseases can be associated with croup. In addition, the infection can “go down” from the upper respiratory tract to the lungs.

ENT diseases in adolescents

The ENT organs of adolescents are already formed, and the immune system has become resistant to various infections. It would seem that parents can breathe out calmly. But you still need to visit a specialist for preventive purposes. This is especially true for boys, because they have such a disease as...

Juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx

Develops during puberty. Essentially this is benign tumor. But its insidiousness is that it can grow, affecting nearby tissues and blood vessels. And this affects vision, hearing, smell, and breathing. Manifested by bleeding, headache, facial asymmetry. The disease can only be treated surgically.

Urgently see an ENT specialist: alarming symptoms

It is important to carry out treatment of childhood ENT diseases in a timely manner. Children are characterized by a rapid increase in symptoms and rapid progression of complications. Therefore, if you notice painful symptoms in your child, do not delay visiting a doctor. Which ones are the most dangerous?

  • a sharp increase in temperature and pain in the throat, ear, nose;
  • noisy breathing, hearing loss;
  • constant nasal congestion and thin, watery snot;
  • viscous yellow-green nasal discharge;
  • ear congestion, lumbago, ringing in the ear;
  • behind-the-ear inflammation, purulent discharge from the ears;
  • ulceration of the oral cavity;
  • swelling and severe redness oropharynx;
  • in newborns - moodiness, digestive disorders, bad dream, ear tearing.

Treatment of ENT diseases

In the vast majority of cases, ENT diseases in children are bacterial or infectious in nature.


They use antibiotics, antiviral, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic drugs of local (drops, ointments) or general (inside) action.

At the same time, immunostrengthening drugs and vitamins are prescribed.

Inhalations and physiotherapy

Methods of introducing drugs into the body through inhalation or using physical influence (current, laser, magnet, radio waves, or a combination thereof). Effectively stimulate the body's defenses to fight the disease.

Surgical intervention

When conservative methods ineffective, surgery is prescribed. Tonsils, adenoids, and juvenile angiofibroma are removed. You should get rid of these formations on the advice of a doctor. Delay can lead to the growth of structures, and then getting rid of them 100% is already problematic - there will be relapses.

Treat children's ENT diseases promptly with our specialists. Remember that delaying a visit to the doctor is fraught with complications on the child’s brain and the disease becoming chronic. A chronic diseases Ear, nose and throat is problematic to treat. Noticed the symptoms? Make an appointment with an otolaryngologist at Best Clinic or call a specialist at home. Our doctors will come to the rescue any day of the week!

Pediatric patients make up the majority in the general structure of otorhinolaryngological practice. Moreover, the main percentage of ENT diseases among them is inflammatory pathology, affecting the anatomical structures of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. This is primarily due to the development of the immune system in children - the child regularly has to deal with a variety of pathogenic microbes.

At the same time, the work of his immunity is not yet perfect enough - the defenses are not always able to cope with the infection that penetrates the body in a timely manner. Therefore, the answer comes late - microorganisms have time to “settle” in an environment convenient for them. Hence, immune system you have to fight them on the spot, which ultimately manifests itself as an inflammatory reaction.

Although infectious ENT diseases occupy a major place in pediatric practice; pathologies of other origins are also not uncommon. But in children, its course is often masked by frequent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity or nasopharynx. Therefore, for a better understanding of the issue, diseases of different origins should be placed in a convenient classification.

Listing the entire list of diseases is pointless - it can only confuse a person who is not familiar with medicine. Therefore, a more rational option would be to give a general description of the processes leading to damage to the nasal cavity in children. Thus, we can distinguish five groups of diseases of different origins:

  1. Varied congenital anomalies development lead to persistent and progressive disruption of the structure and function of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The most common pathologies from this group are a deviated nasal septum and an abnormal structure of the choanae - the openings connecting the nasal passages to the nasopharynx.
  2. Nonspecific inflammatory diseases nose in children accounts for almost 85% of the frequency of occurrence. They need to be considered in more detail, so they have a separate section below.
  3. Specific inflammatory diseases are now rarely observed, due to the introduction of an effective prevention system. These include lesions of the nasal cavity caused by pathogens of tuberculosis, chlamydia or syphilis.
  4. Injuries, unfortunately, also occupy a decent percentage of the overall structure. Children usually receive them as a result of unfortunate falls or traffic accidents. In this case, fractures of the nasal bones, as well as the walls of the paranasal sinuses, are mainly observed.
  5. Quite rarely, but tumors are still observed - most often they are benign. Therefore, they are characterized by a relatively asymptomatic course.

The leading feature of diseases of the ENT organs in children is the high probability of developing complications, which is due to the imperfection of protective processes at this age.

Most Frequent

It is worth talking a little more about nonspecific inflammatory lesions, which occupy a leading place in pediatric practice. Thanks to improvement medical care, we have now managed to minimize the likelihood of developing complications of these diseases:

  • The most common problem is rhinitis (runny nose) - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It can have either an acute course, characterized by a clear clinical picture and short duration, or a chronic course. It may be based on either an inflammatory process in response to the action of viruses or bacteria, or allergic reactions.
  • The consequence of acute or chronic infectious rhinitis can be sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. In this case, the lesion can be either isolated in one anatomical formation (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis), or spread to several structures at once - polysinusitis.

  • Quite often in children it is observed microbial eczema vestibule of the nose - peeling, redness and abundant crusts in the nostril area. A similar complication is often observed when hygiene is not observed with an existing runny nose.
  • Also a consequence of regular mechanical impact(rubbing, scratching) may cause a boil in the nose. This disease is considered life-threatening, as it can cause severe complications(thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, purulent meningitis).

Please note that the main problem in children is the advanced course of ordinary rhinitis. Therefore, timely and rational treatment of a runny nose is the prevention of possible complications.

Throat diseases in children

In pediatric patients, the peculiarity of ENT pathology is often of a combined nature. If, for example, the nasal cavity is affected, the inflammatory process can actively spread to the nasopharynx and middle ear. Therefore, throat diseases are considered in close connection with these structures. The principle of dividing the pathology of the nasopharynx into groups is of a similar nature - it is based causative factor:

  1. The main group, again, is considered to include nonspecific inflammatory lesions. Their occurrence is due to the combined effects of viruses and opportunistic bacteria, which ultimately leads to the development of a typical clinic.
  2. Specific inflammatory diseases are quite rare - usually in children from families with low social status. They may experience damage to the tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa due to the action of pathogens such as tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia. An exception to this group is diphtheria of the pharynx - it can occur in children who have not been previously vaccinated.
  3. Throat injuries in children are also observed quite often. They are usually observed in children from the younger age group, and are the result of attempts to swallow foreign objects that have sharp edges or edges.
  4. Also a common problem are burns of the pharyngeal mucosa caused by the action of hot liquids, or chemical substances(acids or alkalis).

Nonspecific inflammation of the throat in most cases has secondary character, being a symptom of a viral infection.

Most Frequent

In children, the main place in the overall morbidity structure is occupied by inflammatory lesions of the pharynx, as well as the tonsil system - palatine and pharyngeal. Diseases are distinguished according to the same principle - according to the localization of the pathological process:

  • Most common pathology is pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the pharynx. It is extremely rare in isolated form– typically its combination with rhinitis. This combination is typical for the onset of most viral infections.
  • Another typical and common childhood illness is acute tonsillitis(angina) - inflammation of the tonsils. In children, it often occurs with severe fever and a rise in temperature, which leads to sharp deterioration condition.
  • Chronic tonsillitis is also not uncommon nowadays - with the palatine tonsils representing a focus of dormant infection. With any weakening immune defense The disease makes itself known by exacerbation.
  • Another childhood problem is considered to be adenoids - excessive enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil, which is also a source of chronic infection. At the same time, it also worsens nasal breathing, creating the risk of developing other inflammatory lesions.

The basic principle effective assistance for throat diseases is timeliness. This helps the body effectively get rid of acute process, preventing it from becoming chronic.

Principles of treatment

Despite the differences in the mechanisms of development and course individual diseases, therapy in most cases is similar. Therefore, there is no point in considering many different medicines- understand better general principles their applications:

  1. The first line of help is always aimed at suppressing it as quickly as possible pathological processes. In this case, treatment is necessarily aimed at the cause itself, as well as accompanying mechanisms that indirectly develop in the body. For this purpose they are used antibacterial agents and antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. The second link of assistance provides stimulation of one’s own protective forces the child’s body, providing them with more effective work. IN childhood The basis of such treatment is routine measures - good sleep, avoiding hypothermia, proper nutrition and drinking plenty of fluids. Additionally, vitamins in the form of multivitamin complexes can be used.

The peculiarity of the use of drugs in pediatric practice is the predominant use local funds. Systemic prescription of drugs (especially antibiotics) should be carried out only according to strict indications, which are determined only by the attending physician.

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According to statistics, among general visits to a children's clinic, about 60% are visits to an ENT doctor. Children are more susceptible to nose and throat diseases than adults.

What to do?

We must remember that a child is still not a “miniature adult,” as many people believe. U child's body their individual characteristics. And only a specialized doctor understands the anatomical structure of the nasopharynx and hearing organs, which has its own specifics in a child.

Many people independently diagnose their child, buying the medications they used to treat themselves, only reducing the dose. This is strictly forbidden; such self-medication can further aggravate the situation and lead to chronic forms diseases that the child will then suffer for the rest of his life.

In children, “popular” acute inflammatory processes such as frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media have their own specific development: rapid onset, high degree intoxication, rapid development of complications (intraocular and intracranial complications are not excluded).

Osteopathy treats children's ENT diseases without antibiotics or other medications.

The Restorative Medicine clinic treats ENT diseases in children without the use of medications, only with mild but effective therapeutic agents.

Physiotherapy, manual treatment can help a child cope with complex shapes diseases of the ear, nose and throat, without the harmful effects of antibiotics.

Sinusitis in children: causes of formation

Sinusitis, or inflammation of the lining of the paranasal sinuses, is about 30% of all diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children after 7 years of age. The well-known sinusitis and sinusitis are types of sinusitis.

With sinusitis, the nasal mucosa swells, the outflow of mucus is disrupted, which gradually accumulates and turns into pus.

Sinusitis in children has the following symptoms:

  • alternating congestion of the nasal passages;
  • prolonged discharge of mucus or pus from the nose;
  • runny nose does not go away for more than 10 days;
  • the child complains of a headache, constantly “talks through his nose”, coughs;
  • cheeks or eyelids may swell;
  • most of the face is painful;
  • body temperature is stable at 37-37.5 degrees.

Causes of sinusitis in children:

Call our number and feel free to make an appointment if you suspect your child has sinusitis. After all, its untimely treatment can lead to complications, and the inflammation will spread to other areas of the head. This means that then it will take even more time and effort for treatment.

Sinusitis in children. Treatment without drugs

The prospect of feeding your child antibiotics does not make any sane parent happy. As a rule, doctors do not talk about alternative methods, simply because they do not have them.

Clinic "Vosstmed" conducts effective treatment sinusitis using craniosacral osteopathy using physiotherapy. We see from practice that physiotherapy is an excellent method of treating sinusitis and other ENT diseases in children.

Physiotherapy methods are very gentle, harmless, as natural as possible, your child will not cry when he sees a scary syringe or pipette with medicine.

What exactly do we treat when talking about physiotherapy:

  • electromagnetic waves (UHF, microwaves);
  • pulse currents;
  • magnetic fields;
  • ultrasound.

How do our methods work on the child’s body?

Otitis in a child

Otitis (ear inflammation) in a child is accompanied by such symptoms as strong pain in the ear (the child often holds the ear, rubs it, wakes up at night), a sharp decline hearing, fever, yellow or greenish mucus or pus is discharged from the ear.

It is important to understand the causes of otitis media in children:

  • viruses, fungi, infection;
  • pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • some anatomical and physiological features of ENT organs;

At the first symptoms of otitis in your child, immediately make an appointment with a doctor. After all, complications are fraught with hearing loss, ruptured eardrums, and the spread of infection to the meninges.

Otitis, acute otitis: treatment in children at the VosstMed clinic

Craniosacral osteopathy gives positive results treatment of otitis in the world and our personal practice. It is acceptable for children from 6 months. Craniosacral therapy corrects the physical processes that underlie inflammation and infection in the middle ear. The method is especially important if otitis media is caused by certain congenital anatomical features or injuries.