Sulfur ointment: use for various skin diseases

Skin diseases are a sad reality that people face even in the 21st century. Several centuries ago, dermatological problems arose as a result of the irregularity and poor quality of hygiene procedures. In the digital age to listed factors environmental, allergic and cosmetic reasons were added. But there are not as many time-tested means of combating diseases of the skin as it seems at first glance.

Sulfuric ointment- a well-known and common drug in pharmacology. We are talking about universal drug, which not only relieves inflammation, but also heals, disinfects and heals the skin.

The use of sulfuric ointment is affordable, safe and effective method getting rid of various dermatological diseases. Paradoxically, few of our compatriots know how to use this effective means with one problem or another. It is to this topical issue that we will devote today's article.

For the formation general idea about the medication in question, it is important to determine what sulfuric ointment helps from, and what determines its effectiveness. This is about medicinal product with pronounced disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties. Liniment is indicated for the treatment of most dermatological ailments. Its effectiveness is due to the ability not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also the causes of the disease.

The first mention of the use of sulfuric ointment in medicinal purposes dated to the Middle Ages. In the 21st century, the 16th element of the periodic table has gained immense popularity not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. The mineral is found in many lotions, soaps and creams.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Sulfur ointment belongs to pharmacological group disinfectants and antiseptics. Liniment is active in relation to the majority pathogenic microorganisms, is not selective. Used locally, externally.

pharmachologic effect

The principle of pharmacological action:

  1. After application to the surface of the affected areas of the skin, the components of the drug react with organic matter, thus forming pentotenic acid, sulfide compounds.
  2. The elements listed above and related derivatives have a direct effect on pathogenic microflora, inhibiting its activity.
  3. The active substances in combination with sulfides activate the biochemical processes of epidermis regeneration.

The active components of the drug are not absorbed into the mainstream of the bloodstream. Therefore, liniment is considered absolutely safe for the human body. The only condition is to use the remedy only as prescribed by the doctor and in the recommended dosages.

Release form and composition

Ointment with sulfur is different light yellow, homogeneous creamy structure with small inclusions. Medium density consistency has a pronounced unpleasant odor. The concentration of the active mineral varies from 5 to 33%. The drug is supplied in glass jars of 15-70 g, as well as in aluminum tubes of 30 and 40 g.

The composition of the usual ointment:

  • ground sulfur - 0.333 g per 1 g of the finished product;
  • emulsifier type "T-2";
  • mineral extracts;
  • soft paraffin (white Vaseline).

The ratio of the precipitated emulsion to the main active substance does not exceed 2:1.

Terms and conditions of storage

Ordinary sulfuric ointment (thirty-three percent) is stored no longer than 24 months from the production date indicated on the package. To preserve the medicinal properties of the composition, it is important that the aluminum tube remains sealed and the original packaging is intact. Requirements for environmental conditions: temperature regime - up to +15 ° C, no direct contact with ultraviolet rays and a source of moisture.

Instructions for use: how to use sulfuric ointment

According to the instructions for use, sulfuric ointment is used locally on problem areas of the skin, and only externally. Remedy it is recommended to apply on a previously cleaned and dry epithelial layer. It is forbidden to treat large areas of the face, as well as the scalp. The duration of therapy and the frequency of use are determined individually for each patient.

It is initially important for patients to prepare for a long struggle, since dermatological ailments are characterized by a recurrent nature of manifestations.

For effective treatment diseases, it is important to enlist the support of a dermatologist. Only a doctor will determine a safe dosage based on the clinical condition of the patient, the severity of the pathology. Self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the disease process, allergic reactions and side effects.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of sulfuric ointment:

So varied skin ailments are treated quickly and effectively, subject to timely access to a specialist, the appointment of an adequate treatment regimen. In some cases it is recommended complex treatment based on multiple drugs.

Despite the fact that sulfur-based preparations are considered gentle, some patients do not want to use them. In particular, we are talking about patients with hypersensitivity of the body to the components of liniment or individual intolerance to sulfur. Before applying the composition to the problem area, it is necessary to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (wrist is suitable) in order to make sure that there is no allergy.

Dosage and administration

The use of sulfuric ointment for the treatment of skin diseases differs in each case, and depending on the characteristics of the pathology. Below are the recommended official instructions doses and frequency of treatment for different diseases.

It is important to adhere preventive measures during the main course of treatment. This will not only ensure a stable effect of therapy, but also eliminates the likelihood of a relapse of the disease.

Side effects and special instructions

Sulfur ointment in rare cases provokes the manifestation side effects in the form of allergic reactions. After applying the composition, the patient may experience headache, dizziness, itching, burning, urticaria or local swelling. These reactions do not require treatment and disappear after stopping the use of the drug.

Special instructions:

  1. The ointment is removed from the surface of the skin with the help of refined vegetable oil, previously boiled for a couple.
  2. Long-term treatment with ointments or creams containing sulfur is contraindicated. The element in question is actively accumulated in human organs and blood. Subsequently, the substance can cause associated complications.
  3. During therapy, it is necessary to abandon the use of spicy and fried foods.

Long-term treatment automatically provides for the saturation of the body with useful trace elements and vitamins.

Pregnancy and lactation

The issue of the safety of sulfuric ointment for women in position has not been studied, no one has conducted experimental studies. Doctors recommend that you first obtain an official appointment from the doctor, use the liniment according to his instructions. Confirmed information about negative impact there is no drug for the fetus in the womb.

Application in childhood

Sulfur ointment is contraindicated in children under the age of 3 years, due to its slight toxicity. Pediatricians recommend using pharmaceutical agent from 3 years after doctor's prescription. A fragile organism reacts negatively to the active substances of liniment, which is fraught with severe allergic reactions.

drug interaction

Dermatologists focus on the fact that the composition of the sulfuric ointment enters into an active reaction with potassium permanganate, as well as hydrogen peroxide. The simultaneous use of these external agents is strictly prohibited. Exists high danger receiving chemical burn or aggravation of the patient's condition.

At complex therapy additional medicines include only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Prices and terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Sulfur-based medicines, including the ointment in question, are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. This is one of the most affordable means to combat dermatological pathologies. Average cost of a tube zinc ointment(10%, 30 g) is 35 rubles. In the regions, the price of a pharmaceutical product is similar.


Analogues of sulfuric ointment are also available to a wide consumer circle. The most popular medicines include:

A substitute or analogue is prescribed only by the attending physician, based on the characteristics of the pathology and general condition patient. Self-medication can aggravate the disease process, provoke its transition to the chronic stage.

What does sulfur ointment treat? And how are they different various ointments with sulfur?

Composition of sulfuric ointment

Note: Purified or precipitated sulfur can be added to the composition of the ointment. Purified can be taken orally (as an anthelmintic and laxative). But the besieged - can only be used externally. Internal intake of precipitated sulfur leads to poisoning (it releases hydrogen sulfide, which causes nausea, vomiting).

Sulfur ointment is a safe remedy. It is prescribed for infants and newborns, pregnant and lactating women. The most adverse effect that external treatment with sulfur can cause is a slight dryness of the skin. Other defects are cosmetic in nature - bad smell, traces of ointment on the bed and clothes.

Indications of sulfuric ointment: infections and inflammation of the skin

  • with scabies
  • lichen
  • seborrhea
  • acne
  • psoriasis
Note: a mixture of garlic and sulfuric ointment folk recipes used to treat warts.

Sulfur ointment is the basis for several ointment formulations - simple ointment (only with gray), sulfur-tar(with birch tar), sulfur-zinc And sulfur-salicylic. They are used for a similar list of diseases.

Sulfur-tar ointment has an important advantage over modern synthetic preparations for scabies (Spregal, Benzyl benzoate). She happens to be natural remedy and does not cause an allergic reaction.

Sulfur-zinc ointment

Sulfur-zinc ointment contains sulfur and zinc in the form of oxide. Zinc is known for its wound healing properties. It is used for dermatitis and acne, as well as in cosmetology. Joint application sulfur and zinc as part of one ointment enhances its antiseptic properties and the ability to stimulate skin cell regeneration. Therefore, zinc-sulfur ointment is prescribed for the treatment of weeping dermatitis, wounds, weeping skin inflammations, as well as purulent eczema and bedsores.

The composition of the ointment with salicyl contains significantly less sulfur than simple sulfuric ointment. It contains only 2 g \ 100 g of the base (2%). In addition to sulfur, the ointment also contains 2 g of salicylic acid. It significantly enhances antibacterial and antiseptic action. It also regulates the secretion of sebum, which provides a drying effect.

In addition, salicylic acid penetrates deep into the skin and causes increased blood circulation. What accelerates tissue regeneration.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment cleanses pores and dries inflammation. However, the composition with salicylic acid is irritating. Therefore it is used for oily skin and do not use for dry. For dry skin, a simple one-component ointment with sulfur is better.

Salicylic acid is often used to treat acne. It can cause a burn (if you put it in the form of a compress) or dry the skin too much (if you often wipe your face with acid or alcohol). Therefore, salicyl began to be used in a complex way, adding it to preparations along with other components.

The list of diseases in which sulfur-salicylic ointment is used - these are juvenile acne, ringworm, a tick under the skin and demodicosis.

Note: if you use salicylic acid over a long period of time, it may lose effectiveness. In this case, it is necessary to take a break in treatment, do not use the composition with salicyl for 2-3 weeks.

Now let's look at what sulfur ointment helps a person from.

Treatment of scabies with sulfuric ointment was popular fifty years ago. Until now, sulfur treatment is prescribed in the post-Soviet countries. European medicine uses other, more aggressive means.

In order to remove ticks with sulfuric ointment, in the evening before going to bed, it is applied to the entire surface of the body. In children, the ointment is rubbed even into the face and under the hair.

After sulfuric ointment, you can not wash during the day. After, if necessary, you can take a shower, dry the skin and apply the ointment again.

The choice of concentration of sulfuric ointment from scabies is determined by age. Recommended for children 10% composition, for adults - 20% sulfur ointment. The terms of treatment are at least 3 days - maximum - 7-8 days. A week later, the person is considered cured..

Sulfur ointment and demodicosis

Infection with a glandular gland was called demodicosis. The use of sulfuric ointment for demodicosis consists in applying it to the face twice a day (morning and evening). The terms of treatment are long, from one to three months.

Sulfur ointment for nail fungus

Fungal lesions of the skin and nails are also treated with sulfuric ointment.. It is applied to the nail plate and adjacent areas of the skin once a day (at night, after a bath, just before bedtime). The term of treatment of the fungus with sulfuric ointment is about a week.

Sulfur ointment is universal. Its composition acts against various fungal infections. However, it may not be effective enough. In this case, the sulfuric ointment is replaced with a more aggressive drug - sulfur salicylic ointment.

Sulfur ointment for the face

The use of sulfuric ointment for the face is explained by its keroplastic properties. Sulfur sulfide promotes exfoliation of old skin cells and the formation of new ones. This maintains skin elasticity and youthfulness of the face.

Note: due to its keroplastic properties, sulfuric ointment is added to peels - compositions for exfoliation and regeneration.

In addition, antiseptic properties allow the use of the ointment for various acne. Sulfur ointment for acne on the face helps to cure medium acne (pimples). Severely inflamed acne requires more aggressive treatments.

Using sulfuric acne ointment, we also regulate the work sebaceous glands. Sulfur normalizes the secretion of sebum, on which pathogenic bacteria multiply. This also affects the number and size of acne - they become smaller.

Note: to regulate the secretions of the sebaceous glands, sulfuric ointment is applied to the face 1 time per day for 3 days. After that, the result becomes noticeable - the oily sheen of the skin of the face disappears.

Sulfur ointment is a simple preparation that combines several cosmetic properties. It prevents the reproduction of bacteria (it is the products of their vital activity that clog the pores with “black dots”). It dries out the inflamed pores (in the accumulations of which the infection multiplies). It also exfoliates dead cells (which accumulate in the recesses).

Does sulfur ointment help with wrinkles? No, the sulfur composition has antiseptic properties and a slight keratolytic effect, but it is not able to remove even small mimic wrinkles.

Sulfur ointment for age spots

Increased skin pigmentation is often the result of hormonal changes. It is more common in women over 40 years of age. It can also appear during pregnancy and lactation.

Skin pigmentation is not a pathological problem. This cosmetic defect. Sulfur and salicylic acid compounds help to even out skin tone..

When using sulfuric ointment from spots, it is applied to dark areas of the skin before going to bed.

Sulfur ointment for seborrhea

Seborrhea - cutaneous fungal disease, which is simply called . Cause of seborrhea (or seborrheic dermatitis) is a fungal infection of the skin in the scalp. It is manifested by itching and peeling, while small particles of skin (dandruff) appear on the hair.

Sulfur allows you to heal fungal infection. For this sulfuric ointment is applied to the skin between the hair once a day. Terms of treatment - 7-10 days.

Sulfur ointment for dermatitis

Dermatitis is an allergic skin reaction, inflammation of the skin as a result of contact with the allergen. Sulfur ointment for dermatitis does not treat the cause of inflammation (does not reduce the allergic reaction of the body). But it allows you to reduce painful irritation of the skin, and with weeping dermatitis - to dry the inflamed areas.

Sulfur ointment for psoriasis

With psoriasis, a person develops foci of chronic skin inflammation. They are patches of red, dry, flaky skin. Sometimes the so-called "psoriasis patches" covered with a crust, under which wounds and bleeding cracks form.

Sulfur ointment for psoriasis is used as an antiseptic. However, the drying effect of sulfur is not always suitable for psoriasis "dry" inflammation.

Sulfur ointment from depriving

Usually, the word lichen is understood as fungal skin lesions. This infection in medical terminology it is called microsporia or trichophytosis, and in the generally accepted version - ringworm. For its treatment, you can use an inexpensive salicylic-sulfur composition. However, there are other, more effective means.

The sulfur compound has retained its popularity in the treatment of lichen in animals. So veterinarians recommend using sulfuric ointment for cats with extensive areas of damage, we deprive, if necessary, the treatment of the whole body. It is also recommended to supplement the treatment internal reception antifungal drug.

Note: for a dog or cat, sulfuric ointment will be the best and safe means. It will not cause poisoning, as it can be when applying more strong means(fungin) on a large part of the body.

Methods of treatment with sulfuric ointment

There are two ways to apply the ointment:

  • Without bandage- in this case, the ointment is rubbed into the skin (with little effort, slightly).
  • under the bandage- in this case, the ointment is applied to the inflamed area without rubbing and covered with a clean bandage, gauze. Then fix with a plaster or elastic bandage.

The easiest way to apply sulfuric ointment is to lightly rub it into the skin.. It is used in the treatment of minor irritations. If the inflammation is severe, fluid (exudate) is released, then it is more effective to apply the ointment under the bandage.

And one more thing: in most cases, sulfuric ointment is applied locally, to the site of inflammation. And only with scabies it is necessary to use sulfuric ointment for the whole body.

How much to smear with sulfuric ointment is determined by the disease. Scabies, lichen and seborrhea are treated within a week. Demodex - within a month. And acne - periodically for six months.

Analogues of sulfuric ointment

Note: from the means of a folk first-aid kit antiseptic analogue sulfuric ointment may be garlic oil (an infusion of garlic in vegetable oil). Or natural vinegar(for the treatment of ringworm).

Fortunately, modern man It's hard enough to get these right now. unpleasant sores, like lice, scabies or other ailments of this type. However, even completely successful people may accidentally find themselves next to representatives of the lower strata of society and, under a confluence of circumstances, become infected with such diseases. Their treatment can be carried out with the help of a variety of medicines, but one of the most effective and at the same time budgetary drugs is an ointment composition based on sulfur. Today we will learn together about what kind of drug this is - sulfuric ointment, instructions for use, what it says about it, we will also discuss the specifics of its use and talk about consumer reviews about such treatment.

Sulfur ointment - release form

Sulfur ointment is available in several forms, namely ten percent and thirty-three percent. Depending on quantity active substance properties of this product depend. The auxiliary component is an emulsion of consistent water/Vaseline.

Sulfur ointment - what is the effect?

A more concentrated composition (33.3%) leads to loosening upper layers epidermis and effectively eliminates excess particles of the epidermis, thereby providing a keratolic effect. This property can be useful for ailments that are accompanied by active keratinization, for example, to eliminate seborrhea. In addition, the medicine is effective for acne and acne.

An ointment with a content of 33% leads to irritation of sensitive receptors, which increases the blood supply to the epidermis, and also accelerates metabolism inside the epidermal cells.

This allows you to achieve the complete elimination of even fairly deep scars, which often spoil the mood of those who suffer from acne, as well as getting rid of psoriatic plaques.

It is worth considering that the remedy can have a somewhat drying effect, so the patient is strongly advised to adhere to the prescribed dosage to prevent peeling and feeling of tightness.

Sulfur ointment - application

The medicine is applied once a day shortly before bedtime. The use of sulfuric ointment can be carried out exclusively on the surface clean skin, respectively, before lubricating the affected areas, you need to take a shower.

You need to use only the concentration of ointment that your doctor prescribed for you. So for the treatment of scabies, it is required to lubricate rather large areas; accordingly, the use of 33% ointment is not practiced due to the increased likelihood of overdose.

Sulfur ointment - contraindications

Allergy is considered to be the only contraindication to the use of this ointment composition. Before application medicinal product on all affected areas, make the so-called allergy test - use it on a small limited area, it is best to choose the bend of the elbow for this. After two to three hours, the effect should be evaluated. If itching, burning, redness and rashes appear, the product is not recommended.

The drug can be used during childbearing, as well as during breastfeeding. However, before treatment in such situations, you should consult a doctor.

Sulfur ointment is suitable for the treatment of children older than three years of age. At a younger age, the drug can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, from about two months of age.

Sulfur ointment - reviews

Users respond positively to the use of sulfuric ointment. So in the treatment of demodicosis, the drug helps to reduce skin lesions, accelerates healing. However, some patients say that this effect disappears after a couple of months, proving to be temporary.

In the treatment of acne, the medicine often helps, but in most cases it is combined with other methods of exposure. Sometimes treatment with sulfuric ointment does not lead to a positive result.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
It is necessary to consult a doctor, and also read the instructions before use.

Sulfur ointment: instructions for use


Each tube (25 g) contains: active substance: sulfur for external use - 8.325 g; Excipients: soft white paraffin, purified water, emulsifier T-2.


Ointment yellow or light yellow.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat scabies, seborrhea, and also as a mild keratolytic agent.


Hypersensitivity to the drug, childhood up to 3 years old.

Dosage and administration

Outwardly. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day for 5 days. In the treatment of scabies: externally, applied to the skin 1 time per day, in the evening, for 7-10 days. After the end of treatment, take a bath, change underwear and bed sheets.

Side effect

In rare cases it is possible allergic reactions.


The phenomena of overdose with the use of sulfuric ointment have not yet been described.

Interaction with other drugs

At simultaneous application with drugs for external use, new compounds with unpredictable effects can be created.

The interaction of the ointment with oxidizing agents (hydrogen peroxide solution, potassium permanganate, etc.) can lead to a chemical burn.

Application features

Pregnancy and lactation. It is possible to use the drug as prescribed by the doctor.

Children aged 3 to 5 years. It is possible to use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor.

In pursuit of health, we often look for expensive overseas miracle remedies, and often fall into the trap of unscrupulous manufacturers, buying ineffective drugs. While in almost every pharmacy chain there are simple and available funds, which under an hour cope with the problem much more effectively than advertised and expensive drugs.

Sulfur ointment is a well-known medical remedy, which, despite its low cost, effectively helps to cure many diseases.

What is sulfur ointment

The chemical element called "sulphur" was discovered back in 1789. This element was discovered by the chemist Lavoisier. Such biological substance present in human hair and skin.

Sulfur research great attention given in the ancient Middle Ages. Her medicinal properties studied by ancient healers such as Avicenna and Paracelsus.

Sulfur ointment is available in the form of 5%, 10%, and 33% medical device. Used for moderate skin pathologies 10% ointment, for severe - 33% remedy.

In modern official medicine sulfuric ointment is recommended for use as an anti-scabies agent. But in fact, its use is much wider.

What helps sulfuric ointment

The tool helps mainly with various dermatitis. Dermatitis refers to various inflammatory processes of the epidermis. They can be different localization, varying degrees severity and as a result of both physical and chemical stimuli. Dermatitis can also be caused hormonal disorders, pathology gastrointestinal tract, failure in metabolic processes organism.

Sulfur ointment is also effective in the treatment of fungal skin diseases, as well as seborrheic dermatitis, which mainly affects the scalp and oily areas of human skin.

The tool, thanks to its antiseptic capabilities, eliminates itching, peeling and irritation of the skin, destroys the fungus.

Skin conditions called acne are also treated with sulfur ointment. The term "acne" refers to various kinds of pimples and acne on the skin. main reason such inflammatory processes are bacteria that clog skin pores.

The antiseptic capabilities of sulfur allow you to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce the viscosity of sebum and eliminate the cause of inflammation.

To eliminate acne, you can use both directly sulfuric ointment, and complex preparations that contain sulfur.

A lot of inconvenience and trouble for a person is caused by lichen, which is also eliminated with the help of sulfuric ointment. Its use can effectively eliminate itching and flaking.

As mentioned above, scabies is also eliminated with sulfuric ointment.

Pediculosis is also characterized by a lesion skin, which are eliminated quite quickly with the help of sulfuric ointment.

Features of the use of sulfuric ointment

From what sulfuric ointment helps, we have already figured out, now we will find out how to use the remedy, what to extract maximum benefit From him.

Features of the use of the remedy completely depend on the nature of the skin lesions.

Regardless of the pathology of the skin, there are general rules use of sulfuric ointment:

1. It is applied to clean and dried skin.

2. Before reapplying, the skin is cleaned and dried again.

3. After the last use, the skin is washed thoroughly and dried.

4. The only diagnosis, in which the skin is not washed regularly before each application of the ointment, is a fungus. It is usually treated within 5 days, all this time it is necessary to regularly apply the ointment, without first washing off its remnants.

The course of treatment with sulfuric ointment is usually from 3 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the pathology and its variety. Use inexpensive and effective remedy both adults and children can.

For various dermatitis, sulfuric ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin twice a day for at least 5 days. Before each application, the skin areas are washed and dried (the exception is the fungus, as mentioned above).

For acne, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected skin. Do this once a day at night. In the morning, the remaining product is washed off with micellar water. It will take at least 10 days to treat acne with sulfuric ointment.

Lichen is treated with sulfuric ointment for at least 5 days. The duration of such treatment varies depending on the degree of its severity. If the doctor has established the diagnosis: pink lichen, then before applying sulfuric ointment, the skin is treated with iodine. Depending on the severity and type of lichen, it may be necessary to use antibiotics along with sulfuric ointment. The decision to take them is made solely by the doctor.

Scabies is eliminated with the help of such a remedy for 3 days. To do this, you should smear the whole body with ointment at night.

For the treatment of skin integuments affected by pediculosis, the agent is applied twice a day and lightly rubbed. Treatment usually takes 5 days.

What concentration of sulfuric ointment should be used for various diseases

In solving such issues, everything depends on the degree of localization and severity of the pathology.

For treatment skin lesions with pediculosis, 5% ointment is sufficient. Dermatitis in mild degree treated with 10% remedy, medium degree severity - 33% ointment.

Lichen and acne are usually eliminated with an ointment with a concentration of 33%.


What helps sulfuric ointment, and how to use it, we have already figured out. Now it remains for us to find out in which cases it is better to refrain from such treatment with such a remedy.

As mentioned above, sulfuric ointment is a biological substance. sulfur like chemical element produced in human body, so it is not something foreign and aggressive for humans.

There are practically no contraindications to its use, with the exception of cases of individual intolerance, which are extremely rare.

From relative shortcomings of such a remedy, only its pronounced unpleasant aroma and greasy traces on linen can be noted.

Sulfuric ointment is an effective and affordable universal remedy for many skin diseases for all categories of the population. It can be used alone or in combination with other medicines. The tool has no side effects, and it is easy and affordable to use. It was widely used in antiquity, both in traditional and in traditional medicine. The popularity of such an ointment today is associated with its effectiveness and safety.