A lump on the right wrist on a bone. What to do if a lump appears on your hand. Common Therapies

A lump under the skin on the wrist is a common occurrence. This may indicate pathological process in a joint, oncology or benign formation. As a rule, the cause of this phenomenon is hygroma of the hand.

What is hand hygroma?

A lump on the hand under the skin on the wrist (hygroma of the hand) is benign cystic formation , consisting of connective tissue forming the wall of a cavity, which is filled with viscous contents.

The viscous substance (filling the hygroma cavity) consists of mucus and fibrin. Externally, the contents of the cystic formation can be compared to loose gelatin jelly.

The pathology responds well to therapy, but there is a high chance of the anomaly developing again

Since hygroma of the hand is associated with a joint or synovial sheath, it is located close to them.

Depending on the location of the formation, it may have a different structure:

  • soft and elastic;
  • dense, similar to a bone formation to the touch.

In 50% of cases, a lump on the hand under the skin (on the wrist) forms in females under the age of 35. The pathology responds well to therapy, but unlike other benign neoplasms, there is a high chance of re-development of the anomaly.

In half of the cases, women under the age of 35 develop a hygroma

The main causes of cysts

There are no exact reasons for the appearance of lumps on the hand under the skin on the wrist. Doctors have identified only a few factors that can lead to the disease.

The main ones are:

  1. Systematic hand tension. Excessive stress on the hands is the main cause of the development of the disease. In most cases, the disease occurs in people who regularly play musical instruments, or working at a computer.
  2. Heredity. Genetic predisposition to inflammatory processes or general weakness skeletal system may be a factor provoking the development of benign formations of the hand.
  3. Inflammatory process articular and connective tissues.
  4. Damage to hands and joints. Hygroma can develop after sprains, fractures and other injuries in the hand area.
  5. Postoperative complication. In rare cases, cystic formation occurs as a consequence surgical intervention in another area of ​​the human body.

After the formation of a hygroma its size may increase if appropriate measures are not taken. If the cyst is formed under the influence of heavy loads, then to prevent tumor growth it is necessary to reduce the load.

If no measures are taken, surgical intervention will be required to eliminate the problem.

Interesting fact! When decreasing physical activity the tumor can resolve on its own. But when the previous regimen is resumed, the disease returns again.

If a lump appears on the hand under the skin on the wrist, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will accurately determine the sequence of therapeutic actions.

Types of hygroma

A lump on the hand under the skin on the wrist (hygroma) looks like a ball placed under the skin. In most cases, the diameter of the formation is 3 centimeters, but in advanced forms of hygroma it can be larger.

Hygroma looks like a ball

Hygroma is a painless formation that does not cause inconvenience when moving. Discomfort may occur in case of increased physical activity brushes

There are several types of formations on the wrist:

  • Hygroma of the wrist joint (a lump is formed from back side brushes);
  • Hygroma of the surface of the palm (the formation is located on the side of the palm or on it);
  • Hygroma of the finger.

Cystic formations can affect various parts of the body, but it has been noted that, as a rule, neoplasms appear on the hands. The most common formations are on the back of the hand, in more rare cases, formations occur on the fingers and on the palm side.

Symptoms of hygroma of the wrist

A neoplasm on the wrist is easily identified, as it has a characteristic appearance. Small formations do not cause symptomatic manifestations and do not reduce the mobility of the hand. Volumetric cysts, in turn, bring physical discomfort.

This occurs due to the fact that the neoplasm comes into contact with nerve endings and compresses blood vessels.

Main manifestations cystic neoplasm:

  • pronounced outlines of the cyst;
  • elastic tumor structure;
  • tight fixation to internal tissues;
  • there are no painful sensations (pain occurs if nerve endings are involved in the process);
  • discomfort when moving (if the tumor is large in size);
  • poor circulation of the hand and pallor of the skin (if the cyst puts pressure on the blood vessels).

Once a neoplasm appears, its growth is observed. The rate at which the cyst increases in size can vary from fast to slow.

What is the danger of a cystic neoplasm of the hand?

Note! If you find a lump on your hand under the skin on your wrist, you should urgently visit a specialist, especially in cases where the lump is growing rapidly.

Left unattended the neoplasm can develop into purulent tenosynovitis. This pathology may cause dysfunction of the hand joint.

Also dangerous is the violation of the integrity of the neoplasm, as this can lead to the penetration of serous discharge into adjacent tissues.

This pathology can cause dysfunction of the hand joint.

Note! If the hygroma cavity is opened under the influence of external factors or its walls will regenerate on their own, but this will lead to the re-formation of cysts; in some cases, several cystic neoplasms will form.

Diagnosis of hygroma on the wrist

It is not difficult for specialists to diagnose the disease, since it has its own distinctive features.

But in order to exclude malignant tumors, in addition to an external examination, additional examinations are necessary, which include:

  • ultrasonography;
  • x-ray of the wrist;
  • tumor puncture for histology and cytology;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan.

The listed examination methods will allow us to identify cancerous tumors or complications of the disease in the early stages of their development.

Treatment methods for cysts

Exists a large number of methods of treating formations on the hand. Not all of them are correct and safe, but they are used even despite dissatisfaction medical personnel.

You definitely need to visit a specialist

Most considered a competent method complex therapy, which includes physiotherapy and medication. But it is not suitable in all cases. To determine the exact treatment approach, an individual approach from a doctor is required.

There are the following methods of treating hygroma:

  1. Surgical intervention. The essence of the intervention involves complete excision of the tumor. There are no relapses after this method of therapy.
  2. Laser therapy. The cyst is exposed to laser radiation, which leads to its destruction. Damage to surrounding tissues does not occur as a result post-operative recovery proceeds faster.
  3. Violation of the integrity of the tumor. The tumor has a strong impact, leading to damage to the wall of the hygroma. The procedure is very painful. The contents of the cystic cavity are distributed to nearby tissues. The tumor shell remains in place, which leads to relapse of the disease.
  4. Puncturing. The contents are removed from the tumor cavity using a syringe, after which it is injected into the cavity medical supplies to eliminate the residual shell. After the procedure, relapse of the pathology is possible.
  5. Unconventional methods of treatment. The basis of this method is the use of safe and natural ingredients. This method of therapy may not have a beneficial effect, but it will not harm.

Each method of therapy carries risks and requires an additional course of procedures and medications. It is necessary to discuss the treatment method with your doctor.

Drug treatment of wrist hygroma

Drug therapy for benign tumors is not effective. Medicines are used only in combination with other treatment methods, for example, after surgical removal of a cyst and during the operation itself.

The puncturing procedure requires the use of medications that allow the residual membrane of the formation to dissolve. The quantity and type of medication is determined by a specialist, this procedure prohibited at home.

Medicines are also used during surgical operations to excise tumors. Medicines used for local or general anesthesia. The type of anesthesia depends on the location and volume of the benign tumor, as well as on the condition and age of the patient.

In case of surgical intervention on the palm side, in addition to standard anesthesia, medications can be used to stop bleeding, since there are a large number of blood vessels in this area.

Surgical treatment of formation

To excise a lump on the arm under the skin, an incision is made on the wrist in the area of ​​the formation large sizes . After this, the cyst is separated from nearby tissues and removed.

After the manipulation, sutures are placed on the incision, and a sterile bandage is applied to the intervention site.

The duration of wearing the bandage is one week. The stitches are removed only after 10 days.

In order to ensure that after surgical procedures an invisible scar remains at the incision site; the procedure is carried out using an endoscope. This method allows you to eliminate the cyst through an incision of a few millimeters.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hygroma

Folk remedies are often used for therapy. Their effectiveness has not been officially confirmed, but they do not cause harm. The exception is an infected formation. If an inflammatory process has begun in the hygroma cavity, it is necessary urgent treatment traditional methods.

If an inflammatory process has begun in the hygroma cavity, urgent treatment with traditional methods is necessary.

Most common following methods treatment:


In order to prevent the occurrence of benign formations on the hand, the following measures should be taken:

  • avoid damage to the joints of the hand;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • uniform load distribution;
  • compliance with the load and rest regime.

Unfortunately, even full compliance with all of the above measures does not provide a complete guarantee that the disease will not occur. For what reasons can the skin on your hands peel off?

For prevention, it is necessary to avoid damage to the joints of the hand.

At timely treatment the cyst responds well to treatment and does not entail any complications. Even if the formation is small in size, you should not delay it and visit a specialist, since in the case of extensive growth, the hygroma can disrupt the motor activity of the hand.

N.A. tells how to cure a hygroma on the wrist in this video. Karpinsky - orthopedist-traumatologist:

You can learn how to remove a hygroma on the wrist from this video:

What is hygroma and what methods of its treatment can be found here:

People whose activities involve regular small movements of their hands often find a lump (hygroma) on their wrist. This pathology is a benign tumor filled with fluid. The problem with the lump is not only that it is unattractive, but also that the hygroma is accompanied by extremely severe pain.

What is wrist hygroma

A ball formed on the arm under the skin is called a hygroma. This benign tumor-like lump is a capsule (cyst) with serous contents. The fluid contains fibrin strands (high molecular weight protein) and mucus. The disease can be single-chamber or multi-chamber, depending on the number of capsules in the middle of the wrist. The second option, as a rule, is diagnosed in advanced cases. On average, a lump on the wrist can reach 2-5 centimeters. At first the tumor does not cause pain, but as it grows it puts pressure on the nerves, causing pain syndrome.

Causes of synovial cysts

Often a cyst in the wrist forms just behind the crease. The appearance of a lump is caused by regular irritation of the tendons that run across the joint. The main reasons for which hygroma occurs on the hand:

  • repetitive movements of the wrist over a wide range when a person constantly swings an object (tennis players, seamstresses, musicians);
  • inflammation of synovial cavities;
  • injuries, mechanical damage hands

How hand hygroma manifests itself - the first signs and symptoms

The disease begins with mild swelling of the wrist. The first symptoms of hygroma can easily be confused with inflammation from a bruise or insect bite. When does a lump on the wrist become round shape, then fluid is palpable in it, so establishing a diagnosis during this period is no longer difficult. Hygroma of the wrist joint can remain small for many years, but at one point it begins to grow very quickly, and cause a lot of pain to the person. discomfort. Subsequently, due to such a new growth on the skin, it becomes difficult to move the arm. Main symptoms of the disease:

  • dense formation near the wrist joint;
  • Blunt pain and impaired sensitivity near the cyst;
  • change in skin tone under the tumor;
  • If the seal bursts, the liquid flows out, the wound oozes and hurts.

Diagnostic methods

A lump on the hand under the skin on the wrist is easily diagnosed - even a visual examination of the growth filled with fluid is enough for the doctor. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient may be sent for an x-ray. This study will help the specialist differentiate hygroma from lipoma and other types of cysts and tumors. Sometimes MRI and ultrasound of the wrist joint are prescribed for diagnosis.

How to treat hygroma

There are several ways to remove a lump on your wrist. If hygroma is diagnosed at the initial stage, then physiotherapeutic procedures will help to cope with it: mud therapy, electrophoresis, paraffin baths. More advanced forms of hand hernia are treated conservative therapy along with the application folk remedies. If the tumor cannot be removed by other methods, the patient will be scheduled for surgery.

Conservative treatment of hygroma on the wrist

The lump is removed from the outer or inside wrists for medical or cosmetic reasons. When the hygroma protrudes and does not look aesthetically pleasing, but there are no symptoms, physiotherapy is prescribed. If the lump under the skin on the wrist is symptomatic, that is, the movements of the joint are limited and pain appears, then the following conservative methods are used:

  1. Puncture. Under local anesthesia, a syringe is used to puncture the skin at the top of the lump. The accumulation of synovial fluid is pumped out, and antiseptics are injected inside.
  2. Sclerotherapy. The procedure is similar to the previous method, only after the contents have been evacuated, sclerotic substances are introduced to shrink the capsule.
  3. Blockade. Indicated only for small bumps on the wrist - no more than 1 cm in diameter. A glucocorticoid is injected inside the capsule. Afterwards, the patient wears an immobilization bandage for 3 to 5 weeks. During this period, the cavity fills up and the capsule sticks together.
  4. Crushing. Nowadays it is almost never used in medicine, since the method is very painful. However, sometimes the patient may accidentally crush the hygroma against a hard object. In this case, the capsule ruptures and the contents spread between the tissues. Often this treatment leads to tissue infection and purulent lesions.

Surgical intervention

Most radical method getting rid of wrist hernia - surgical removal. If it is not possible to cure the lump with conservative therapy, then the problem area is removed in one of three ways: laser, endoscopic instruments, or simple excision.

  1. Removal using a laser beam occurs by burning, which is performed after opening the skin with a scalpel.
  2. Endoscopic removal– more modern technique. With it, the incision is made not from above, but in the area of ​​flexion of the wrist, and its dimensions do not exceed a couple of millimeters. As a result, the patient’s rehabilitation period is reduced and there is no scar after surgery.
  3. Open surgery is prescribed when the hernia has come out in an inconvenient place or has formed too deep. For example, if a lump pops up on the right or left palm, then others surgical methods very risky because there are many blood vessels and nerve fibers in this place. During the operation, an incision is made according to the size of the cyst, then it is excised, the wound is sutured, and the arm is immobilized with a cast for one week.

Folk remedies

Recipes traditional medicine They cannot completely rid a person of hygroma, but in combination with the main therapeutic program they can remove problematic symptoms. Compresses and ointments to help treat a lump at home:

  1. Mix one spoon at a time sea ​​salt, red clay and water. The result will be a thick ointment. Place it on gauze and tape it to the hygroma overnight. Carry out the procedure for 2-3 weeks.
  2. Chop several fresh wormwood stalks, then place the pulp on the pine cone, wrap it with a bandage on top, and leave for 6 hours. Do the compress for three weeks.
  3. Mash the cabbage leaf until soft. Lubricate with honey inner surface and apply to the tumor. Lock cabbage compress bandage, keep for up to 10 hours. Carry out the procedure for 10 days.

How dangerous is the disease?

The tumor-like formation on the wrist does not develop into malignant tumor, but can cause the owner a lot of unpleasant sensations. The lump is calling sharp pain when you move your hand, the skin above it becomes rough, red, and peels. On late stage hygroma of the hand leads to a decrease in sensitivity or complete numbness of the skin in the area of ​​​​its formation; motor function wrist joint.

Video: what to do if a lump appears on your wrist

There are different types of hand hygromas:

Mucous cysts– hygromas occur against the background of deforming arthrosis of the joints. Most often they form at the distal interphalangeal joint - in this case, hygroma occurs in the area of ​​the nail phalanx, at the base of the nail. Hygroma on the finger develops when osteophytes, present in deforming arthrosis, begin to irritate the skin, underlying tissues and capsular ligamentous apparatus. Because of this, a hygroma occurs - a formation that is hollow inside, in a transparent capsule, with transparent, jelly-like contents.

When a hygroma appears on the nail phalanx, it begins to put pressure on the growth zone of the nail and deform it.

Treatment of hand hygroma

Treatment boils down to excision of the cyst. Due to the fact that with mucosal cysts the skin over the lump on the hand becomes weak, the formation is excised along with the changed skin. After the operation, plastic surgery is performed - both with free skin grafts and with complex skin reconstructions.

Tendon ganglia is a cyst that is formed from the tendon membranes and the walls of the tendon sheaths. Such hygroma of the hand can cause not only pain, but also limitation of motor functions.

Treatment of a tendon ganglion involves removing the formation - this does not pose any technical difficulty. After operations there are practically no relapses or side effects.

Synovial cysts in the area of ​​the wrist joint (hand hygroma) are the most common type of hygroma.

Hygroma of the wrist joint

Most often, wrist hygroma occurs on the dorsum of the joint and looks like an ordinary lump on the hand - round and tumor-like. Hygroma is inactive, painless, dense, elastic consistency, with unchanged skin. According to statistics, almost 70% of hygromas are formed on the back of the wrist.

If the hygroma occurs on the dorsum of the hand, then it is clearly visible when the joint is flexed.

Much less commonly, wrist hygroma develops on the palmar surface of the wrist joint, in the area of ​​the radial artery (in the place where the pulse is usually checked). This arrangement makes the surgical procedure very difficult.

Treatment of hygroma on the wrist

Treatment of such a hygroma is very difficult, since you have to very carefully isolate the cyst in the area of ​​the radial artery, trying not to damage it. Carelessness during surgery can result in serious injury to the artery, which can disrupt the blood supply to the hand. Hygroma on the wrist requires the most professional and careful treatment, so only an experienced surgeon can perform a correct and effective operation.

The structure of the wrist joint

The wrist joint is very complex in its structure and this is largely due to its versatility. In order for us to make various movements with the wrist, the joint is “collected” different kinds bones (radius, ulna, metacarpal bones, carpal bones, cartilaginous articular disc), connected by ligaments designed to ensure the strength of the joint. It is the ligaments that allow the wrist and hand to move, rotate and rotate in all directions. All these elements, merging in one place, form the capsule of the wrist joint, in the cavity of which there is synovial fluid.

Hygroma "growing" in wrist joint, gradually increases in volume, “pushes apart” the surrounding tissues and ligaments and, ultimately, protrudes from the back or palmar side of the wrist, resembling a moving ball in appearance.

Hygroma of the wrist joint

Sometimes the hygroma is located on the palmar surface of the hand, in the area of ​​the radial artery. This arrangement makes the surgical procedure very difficult. Treatment of this pathology is very difficult, since you have to very carefully isolate the synovial cyst in the area of ​​the radial artery, trying not to damage it. Carelessness during surgery can result in serious injury to the artery, which can disrupt the blood supply to the hand.

Causes of hygroma of the wrist joint

Hygroma is formed when “ weakness", which happens when it becomes thinner due to damage or changes in it.

The main reasons that can lead to this condition:

  • Joint injury;
  • Consequences of surgery;
  • Persistent minor injuries to the hand (and joint) that occur as a result of repetitive activities, such as playing tennis;
  • Inadequate physical activity on the arms and especially the hand.

Wrist hygromas: symptoms

Basically, wrist hygroma develops over a long period of time without any obvious symptoms. A synovial cyst does not cause any problems at first, but as it grows it increases in size and begins to cause pain. It is not the hygroma itself that gives such painful sensations, it is a kind of “response” of the surrounding tissues.

At traumatic injuries A wrist hygroma can develop in a fairly short time.

Hygroma of the finger

The appearance of a finger hygroma is a tumor-like formation (similar to a lump) localized on the finger, in the area of ​​one of the joints (in some cases, multiple). Often the formation reaches 2-3 centimeters in a few days.

Often, hygroma of the finger looks like an ordinary wart, and only a doctor can accurately determine the pathology during examination.

A hygroma on a finger (a photo of which can be found on the Internet) can spontaneously open and, at first glance, disappear from the finger. But, as a rule, after some time the tumor appears again, since the capsule of the formation itself does not disappear anywhere, but continues to produce fluid and be filled with it. In addition, this can provoke the appearance of one more or even several hygromas on the finger (photo).

Of course, hygroma is not life-threatening, but painful and unpleasant sensations can affect the quality of life for the worse.

Hygroma: diagnosis

Diagnosis of wrist hygroma does not cause any difficulties - an examination by a doctor is enough to make a diagnosis. As a rule, this is an orthopedic traumatologist or, which is more correct in this situation, a hand surgeon.

The appearance of a hard lump on the wrist on the hand indicates development benign education- hygromas. By its nature and appearance, it is similar to a cyst and necessarily requires treatment and regular monitoring by a doctor.

Characteristics of formations on the hand

A lump on the hand under the skin on the wrist is a kind of bubble filled with liquid, the consistency of which resembles a mixture of mucus and water, and fibrin protein threads. Hygromas are usually immobile, on initial stages don't cause any painful sensations, are only noticeable visually. Over time, the disease may develop and exhibit additional symptoms.

Such neoplasms arise near the joints of the hand that regularly receive stress: those that are involved during frequent physical labor, those that rub and are compressed during work and human life.

WITH medical point There are two types of hygromas: single and multi-chamber. They are distinguished by the number of capsules in one cone. Single-chamber – more easy stage pathology, it responds better to treatment.

The diameter of one capsule ranges from 1.5 to 5 cm.

A lump may form on the wrist on the inside or outside; the neoplasm looks very characteristic.

Although visually recognizing the pathology is quite simple, it is not recommended to independently diagnose the disease and begin treatment. If the slightest irregularities form in the area of ​​the wrist joints, you should undergo an examination to detect cancerous formations.

Reasons for the development of hygroma

Factors that contribute to the appearance of a capsule on top or bottom of the arm include the following:

  • Daily execution self made . People in professions where most of the physical activity is done on their hands are most susceptible to developing hygroma. There is a high risk of developing pathology among athletes (in particular, in those sports where activities are conducted with bats, clubs or rackets), musicians, garment industry workers, knitters and embroiderers, typists and related professions.
  • Genetic predisposition. One of the development factors oncological diseases, which is difficult to influence, is the presence of similar pathologies in the family and the transmission by inheritance along with the genetic material of a predisposition to them.
  • Long-standing or incompletely treated injuries. Hygroma of the wrist can occur at the site of a violation of the position and integrity of the joints, especially if the injury was received in the distant past. A lump can form due to a fracture, sprain, severe bruise hands. Falling on a limb also places excessive stress on the joints and increases the risk of hygroma.
  • Symptoms that occur during the development of hygroma

    Quite often, you can independently diagnose this benign formation in the early stages only visually: in addition to the formation of the hardest lump on the wrist with outside and internal, no tangible changes occur in the body. Due to the fact that the pathology does not cause unpleasant sensations or discomfort, a person ignores its occurrence and delays a visit to the doctor. This approach leads to further development disease, transformation of single-chamber hygromas into multi-chamber ones, which as a result complicates and reduces the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.

    At a later stage of development, a lump on the arm is accompanied by pain and muscle weakness.

    Most frequent symptoms hygromas:

    • The formations themselves are quite dense and elastic when pressed. Large cones can be examined in detail in bright light (point a source of spotlight at the tumor with the general light turned off). With this, it will look like an almost transparent bubble, densely filled with liquid.
    • If the formations appear on the fingers, they are visually similar to warts. In the places where they appear, the condition of the skin changes: it darkens, becomes thinner, and more transparent.
    • Over time, hygromas can create moderate to severe pain when bending and extending the joint on which they are located.
    • By individual characteristics For some people, such bumps can negatively affect nearby nerve endings or blood vessels. Increasing in size, benign tumor can put pressure on veins, pinch a nerve, which can lead to a feeling of numbness in the entire palm, some part of it, or certain fingers.

    How to diagnose pathology on the wrist

    It helps to make a preliminary diagnosis in the early stages of the formation of a lump on the wrist on the hand from above or below visual diagnostics and palpation carried out by a specialist during examination.

    At home, you can examine a suspicious tumor on your arm using a light transmission test through the cyst.

    The specificity of oncological pathologies is their transparency when examined under a bright light source.

    However, only a complete picture of the pathology can be seen, a final diagnosis can be established and the most appropriate treatment can be prescribed. clinical examination, consisting of a series laboratory tests, and ultrasound examination wrist or MRI procedure.

    Medicinal and surgical methods for treating hygroma on the wrist

    TO traditional ways Treatment of the disease includes the following groups of therapies:

    • physiotherapy;
    • punctures;
    • surgical intervention.
    Type of treatment When effective Description of the method Peculiarities
    Physiotherapeutic measures Used for patients with initial stage development of the disease. The method is especially successful for the formation of hygromas on the wrist joint. The therapy methodology is quite extensive and consists of:
    mud wraps;
    paraffin therapy;
    various types of heating of the affected areas of the bone and joint.
    Similar treatment It is prohibited in the presence of inflammatory processes, especially when the hygroma has ruptured and the fluid contained in it has spilled into nearby tissues.
    Puncture Also suitable only for unadvanced and mild cases. The method consists of using a special syringe with a long needle to suck out all the liquid from the capsule of a benign formation. The method is not used so often, since after suctioning out the contents of the hygroma, the membrane itself remains under the skin. While there long time, it can provoke re-development disease, in a more complex form. To avoid the reappearance of hygromas, it is recommended to wrap the affected areas after the puncture. elastic bandages, bandage.
    Surgery They resort in cases where it is not possible to cure the lump using the two above methods or due to various reasons initially not possible. There are two ways to carry out such operations:
    The capsule is excised over its entire area, and in its place, to the subcutaneous fat layers, a healthy area of ​​skin is sewn. A tight bandage is applied to the operated area, which promotes rapid recovery and in the future prevents the appearance of new hygromas. The entire removal procedure lasts about half an hour, the stitches can be removed after a week or a week and a half.
    The entire tumor is burned out with a laser. The surface of the skin is not damaged. The tumor is completely removed using a specially adjusted laser beam. The recovery process in such cases is faster than after excision.
    Most effective way therapy. The percentage of recurrent hygromas is minimal.

    Traditional medicine for dealing with bumps on the wrist

    One of the alternatives, but quite effective methods therapy for dealing with bumps on the wrists folk ways. Treatment of bumps on the wrist with herbs, infusions and rubs cannot be considered as the only method of treatment.

    However, with simultaneous treatment in a clinical setting and the application of skills alternative medicine achieves a quick and complete recovery. Among the commonly used methods– compresses from alcohol tinctures, fruits of physalis, cabbage leaf or red clay, as well as rubbing with infusion of pine needles.

A lump on the hand is a pathological neoplasm, inside of which a mucous exudate with fibrin threads (a specific protein) is localized. Such a lump does not pose a particular danger to human health, since it is benign in nature and has no tendency to degenerate into a malignant process. At first, a person may not even notice that education has appeared and is beginning to develop. Later it becomes noticeable not only due to its size and appearance, but also due to the symptoms that appear.

The lump forms on the arm joint gradually. Such a neoplasm can occur in absolutely any person - restrictions regarding gender or age category no pathology. In any case, if a lump appears on the crook of your arm, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. Only he will be able to identify the cause of the pathology, its type, and, if necessary, perform a puncture of the formation to clarify the nature of the exudate. Only after this will the correct treatment of the pathology be prescribed.

Such a neoplasm on the wrist joint in medical literature also called . The formation can have one capsule containing pathological exudate, or several at once. In this case, doctors talk about the formation of a multi-chamber hygroma.

Etiological factors

Today, clinicians cannot reliably say exactly what provokes the appearance of a lump on the hand. But the main predisposing factors to this have been identified. Thus, the formation of a tumor-like formation can be provoked by:

  • Availability inflammatory process in nearby localized tissues, as well as in the joint itself;
  • degenerative pathologies of the articular joint;
  • systematic and uniform loads on the hand;
  • consequences after trauma to the hand of any nature. Often, hygroma on the wrist joint is formed after a dislocation, improperly healed fracture, sprain or even rupture of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • hereditary factor. It was found that if hygroma periodically occurs in one of the parents, then there is a high probability that it will also occur in their offspring.

Hygroma is often called an occupational disease, since a lump on the hand is formed in people whose professional activity forces them to make the same type of hand movements every day. For example, a lump develops in musicians, workers who sit at the computer all day, and those who do handicrafts.


Once the lump has formed, it usually does not make itself felt in any bright way. severe symptoms. The only thing that can bother a person is the aesthetic side of the problem. As the tumor grows, certain symptoms gradually begin to appear:

  • the formation in the area of ​​the hand takes on a rounded shape. On palpation it is soft-elastic;
  • a change is noted at the location of the formation skin. It becomes denser and a little rougher;
  • The patient notes that when palpating the hygroma it hurts. The hand also hurts if the patient tries to make active movements with it;
  • hyperemia may be observed (in the acute stage);
  • when the hygroma increases in size sufficiently, it begins to put pressure on nerve fibers and blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of strong pain even at rest, as well as to numbness of the skin.

It is noteworthy that the formation of a lump is observed on the working hand. This means that if a person is right-handed, then the hygroma is formed on right hand, if left-handed - on the left.


Usually a person seeks help already at a time when the hygroma hurts. But here it is important to understand that the sooner such a pathology is identified, the easier it will be for doctors to cure it. If a tumor appears, you should immediately go to medical institution for a full diagnosis. The doctor will need to find out the type of tumor and why it appeared. For this purpose, the following instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound and, if necessary, MRI;
  • if the doctor doubts the type of tumor, then they may prescribe a biopsy of the formation.

Therapeutic measures

Today, a lump on the hand is removed using several methods - the choice is made by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the pathology and general condition the patient's body. The following are considered the most effective:

  • physiotherapeutic treatment. This method of therapy is used only if the tumor on the hand has just formed - otherwise (if the process is advanced), there will be no effect from the treatment. The duration of the course is one month. The procedures are painless for the patient;
  • puncture. A frequently used manipulation. The formed hygroma on the hand is pierced with a special syringe, and the pathological exudate is pumped out of it. After this, the arm is fixed with a bandage so that the cavity that remains is gradually completely overgrown;
  • surgical intervention. This method is used only in the most difficult clinical situations (with large hygroma), or in case of ineffectiveness of previously carried out therapy. The lump is simply removed through an incision on the hand.