Trimming the tortuous willow. Willows in landscape design. Pros of willow in a hedge

One of the most popular ornamental trees on the territory of Russia is the tortuous willow. This is a beautiful tree that is suitable for almost all landscapes and does not require special care. It looks great as a tapeworm and in group plantings, and is suitable for landscaping summer cottages and garden plots. Brings harmony and tranquility to any vacation spot.

Description of the twisting willow

A general description of the tortuous willow includes an important distinctive feature- a curved trunk, branches and twisted narrow leaves. The decorative shape of the branches contributes to the widespread use of the variety to create garden bonsai and original landscape compositions. Willow tolerates pruning well, which allows you to adjust the shape and density of the crown. Now we will look at the most common decorative varieties that are widely used in landscape design.

Matsudana tortuous willow is very popular among gardeners. This is a medium-sized tree or bush, growing up to 4 - 13 m in height and up to 7 m in width. Its crown can be shaped as it grows, and it responds well to pruning. The leaves are narrow, oblong, 5–10 cm long, green above, blue or white below, wrapped in incomplete spirals. The flowering period occurs in March-April. It tolerates almost all garden soils, but grows better in moderately moist, sandy-clay soils. Willow Matsudana requires mandatory corrective pruning, otherwise the crown becomes too thick.

The plant is very unpretentious, but for it good development requires a lot of moisture and light. It should not be planted in a draft; the cold north wind has a particularly negative effect on it.

The winter hardiness of the species is satisfactory: in severe frosts, areas that are not protected by snow cover may freeze. Many gardeners advise winter period additionally insulate this plant.

The Sverdlovsk sinuous willow of the Ural selection is better suited for our climate. The tree has a height of 2 - 4 m. The crown is oval or broadly oval, sometimes consisting of several thin trunks, of medium density, slightly weeping. Its spiral-shaped shoots of greenish-olive or red-brown color become glossy brown in the sun. The leaves are light green, slightly pubescent on top, and bluish below, moderately pubescent.

The Ural sinuous willow is relatively undemanding in terms of soil fertility. It loves light, so planting is recommended in open sunny areas with moist soil. The plant is highly frost-resistant and can easily withstand harsh winters. It is slightly affected by pests and fungal diseases and tolerates pruning well.

Willow tortuous in landscape design

No one will be left indifferent by the various photos of winding willows in the landscape design of garden plots. These trees look great all year round, even in winter, so they will be an excellent decoration for any garden.

The Matsudana willow has a thick, twisting trunk and thin, brittle branches. This is due to uneven thickening of the branches and trunk during growth. Young shoots are slightly pubescent and olive in color; over time they become bare and brown. The rich reddish-brown color of the branches is especially noticeable in winter, when the plant is dormant. The decorative nature of the Sverdlovsk willow lies in its wide oval crown, which consists of several thin trunks with twisting, slightly weeping shoots and curled leaves.

The tree looks great both alone and in a group. Used to create decorative permanent and seasonal compositions. The decorative winding willow looks great near the pond. The dense crown is a wonderful shelter from sun rays and an excellent background for decorating lawns.

Willow has a very well developed root system, so such trees are often used to strengthen sandy soil and the banks of artificial reservoirs.

Planting and caring for twisting willow

In order for a young seedling to grow into a spectacular tree, it must be properly cared for. Planting and caring for tortuous willow is not particularly difficult. The main requirement for the location of the willow is a place where there will be a lot of sunlight. Almost all types of willows need moisture, so it is better to plant them near bodies of water.

This plant is propagated by cuttings. Let's look at how to plant it correctly.

  1. First you need to cut the cuttings, dig them into the soil and keep it moist.
  2. The root system of willow forms very quickly. And after its formation, you can transplant the cutting to a permanent place.
  3. When starting planting, you need to dig a hole and fertilize the soil with compost, peat or manure. For heavy soil, it is advisable to add sand.
  4. The cuttings need to be planted to a depth of 10-15 cm. They will quickly develop adventitious roots in the ground.
  5. The plant should be watered thoroughly until it forms a full root system.

Almost all types of willows grow and take root well. But you need to take into account that two-year-old plants tolerate transplantation much worse. Therefore, it is advisable to replant only young seedlings.

Caring for tortuous willow is quite simple. As a rule, these trees are unpretentious, do not get sick and are not affected by pests.

The main rule is that willow needs moisture. This is especially true for recently transplanted plants, with an unformed full-fledged root system.

Pruning is the most interesting part of caring for twisting willows. Without it, the tree becomes very thick. Therefore, you definitely need at least a corrective haircut. With the help of pruning, you can easily adjust the shape and density of the crown to make a real masterpiece out of the twisting willow.

It should be taken into account that in frosty winters the Matsudana willow can freeze to the ground level, so in winter the tree should be covered. The Ural sinuous one withstands severe frosts much better, therefore it is more suitable for harsh climates.

Video about tortuous willow

Willow tortuous, or curly Sverdlovsk, is an original frost-resistant deciduous plant from the Willow family, which is the result of many years of breeding work under the guidance of the scientist-breeder Veniamin Ivanovich Shaburov.

This hybrid Ural variety has been grown for more than five decades in regions with severe frosty winters and prolonged cold weather.

The tortuous willow not only has a high decorative value throughout the year, but also has a large number useful properties, and also enjoys well-deserved respect among gardeners and landscape designers.

Features of the plant

Depending on the varieties and formative pruning, curly willow can grow as a full-fledged shrub or tree with a height of three and a half to twelve meters. At good care and content, as well as favorable climate In the first two years, a young tree grows by one to one and a half meters in height, and then by about forty to sixty centimeters every year. The distinctive features of the Ural willow are twisted light green leaves with slight pubescence, spiral-shaped thin shoots of a green or brown hue, hanging branches, a twisting trunk and a weeping oval crown shape.

The unusual curly willow is distinguished by its high vitality, endurance, and resistance to various diseases and pests, ease of care and reproduction, undemanding to the composition of the soil. Wood is very valuable from an environmental point of view, as it is able to cleanse the space around it, trapping dust and absorbing heavy metals. The healing properties of tortuous willow are used in folk medicine.

Decoctions, tinctures And teas from leaves, shoots And bark used to normalize body temperature, improve hair quality, and also as an anti-inflammatory and tonic.

Willows of the Ural selection vary in height, crown shape (weeping or pyramidal), and winter hardiness. Each variety has its own serial number. For example, they are distinguished by height:

  • low-growing - varieties No. 476, No. 576, No. 676 (from 1.8 to 3.5 meters);
  • medium height - No. 1, No. 3 (from 4 to 5 meters);
  • tall - No. 2 (up to 12 meters).

Features of the most popular varieties:

  1. High level of resistance to frost, unpretentiousness, highly decorative, shoots of a red-brown hue, moderately weeping crown, propagation method - cuttings, average height - 3.5-4 meters, easy care.
  2. The height of an adult tree is from 10 to 12 meters, the bark is dark green to brown, the leaf part is slightly pubescent, the crown is spreading pyramidal, high rooting of cuttings.
  3. Average height– 4-5 meters, light green bark with a waxy surface, sinuous leaves, good rooting in water and soil, disadvantage – drying out of the top of the crop.

Willow shapes:

  • 476 – dwarf form 1.5-1.8 meters high, oval crown, thin shoots of a red-brown hue, average winter hardiness, cuttings take root in 90% of cases.
  • 576 – height up to three meters, weeping crown shape, shoots of a red-brown hue.
  • 676 – low-growing form with a height of up to 2.5 meters, crown shape – weeping, high winter hardiness,

Growing in open ground

In order for the Ural beauty to show all its decorative qualities, it is necessary to follow the rules of planting and caring for it. It doesn't require a lot of experience, hard work or a lot of time. Sunlight, moisture and fertilizing will turn a young seedling into a spectacular tree.

Landing dates

For seedlings with an open root system, optimal time for planting - a period of rest. In spring it is March or early April, and in autumn it is the end of October, after the leaves fall. If a seedling is transferred to an open area along with earthen lump, then you can choose any planting time - from mid-April to the end of October.

Selecting a location

Winding willows, and especially the weeping species, prefer to grow in a well-lit sunny area without cold gusts of wind near a pond or in an area with close groundwater. A periodically flooded area is also perfect for the culture. The sun should heat and illuminate the tree from all sides, so it is not recommended to plant willow near buildings, tall trees or fences with great height. The soil should be light or medium loamy.

Preparing the soil and planting seedlings

First you need to prepare planting holes measuring fifty centimeters in diameter and about thirty-five to forty centimeters in depth. On heavy soils, it is recommended to place a drainage layer about fifteen centimeters thick at the bottom of the hole. A mixture of broken bricks with river sand or expanded clay is suitable for drainage. Then a soil mixture of coarse sand, rotted manure and mineral fertilizer is poured. The seedling is placed in a hole to a depth of about ten to fifteen centimeters and immediately after planting it is watered abundantly.

Basic rules of care

Fertilizer application

It is recommended to apply mineral and organic fertilizers two or four times throughout the season. A minimal amount of them is enough for a culture. Additional nutrition containing nitrogen only needs to be applied until the end of July. In the last month of summer, the willow is preparing to go into a dormant state, and nitrogen will prevent this.

Frequency and volumes of irrigation

After planting Sverdlovsk willow seedlings, daily abundant watering will be required for seven days, which will facilitate rapid establishment of the plant in a new location and the formation of new roots. Then watering is gradually reduced and carried out once or twice a week, and in the future two or three times a month will be enough. The average volume of irrigation water per week per tree is twenty-five liters.

The amount and frequency of watering also depend on weather conditions and the planting location. In an open, sunny area, it is recommended to use sprinkling, and in the shade, you only need to water the tree at the root. If groundwater or reservoirs are close, the volumes of irrigation water will be significantly smaller, since the willow itself will be able to provide itself with moisture from the soil.


The decorative appearance of the Ural willow, as well as its full growth and development, depends on regular formative and sanitary pruning. Corrective pruning promotes the formation of new shoots and also improves appearance tree by removing dry and damaged branches. The crop will be able to maintain its natural and well-groomed crown shape even with one pruning per year in the spring. It grows new branches very quickly and therefore this annual procedure simply cannot be done without. The tools you will need are pruning shears and garden shears.

This decorative Ural species of willow is perfect for pruning and topiary. Topiary masters can transform a willow crown with geometric figure, animal or any other object. Such natural sculptures will become a real decoration on garden plot or in places of public recreation.

Shelter and mulching

Winter insulation is especially necessary only for planted young trees that have not yet fully adapted to the environment. open ground. The best covering would be spruce branches, which lie loosely and do not allow the bark to dry out.

This structure is located on the site from November to early March. Mature frost-resistant crops will survive the winter without shelter.

Mulching is also recommended for young trees. Mulch made from straw, chopped bark or sawdust is applied to tree trunk circles in early spring. This layer will protect crops that have not yet matured from weeds and will maintain moisture in the soil.

Pest Control

The tortuous willow is rarely affected by diseases and pests. The main pests are aphids, leaf beetles, caterpillars, spider mites, and rodents. The main disease is fungal spotting. It appears due to excess moisture in the form of numerous black dots on the leaves. Control measures - spraying special drugs with copper content.

Reproduction methods

One of the simplest and most reliable methods of propagating Ural curly willow is cuttings. Rooting occurs easily and quickly both in water and in soil. As cuttings, you can use willow twigs that remain after pruning or cut new shoots. Each cutting is placed in moist soil to a depth of ten to fifteen centimeters and regularly moistened until the root system is formed. After the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place, previously fertilized with manure or compost. You can also place the cuttings in a container with water, where they will also quickly take root and be ready for transplanting into open ground.

Twisty willow can also reproduce by seeds, but this time-consuming and troublesome method is used only in breeding work.

Application in landscape design

Willow shoots of unusual shape are often used in their work by florists and ikebana creators. In flower arrangements, this pliable and highly bendable material is an indispensable element. Due to their peculiarity, flexible shoots are also used in weaving. Masters of their craft skillfully transform ordinary willow twigs into vases, stands, dishes, boxes and other wicker interior items.

Most of all, this exotic plant is in demand and popular in landscape design. Summer cottages, gardens near the house, recreation areas where weeping willow or other decorative forms of Sverdlovsk winding willow are planted have a more harmonious and complete image, creating the impression of complete unity between man and nature. This Ural decorative look looks great near an artificial reservoir. Willow, with the help of its roots, will not only strengthen the shore of the pond, but will also create a romantic resting place where you can hide in the shade and relax on a bench under the hanging curly shoots.

Weeping willow in landscape design is also used as a material for the construction of gazebos, living arches and hedges, tunnels and other architectural “structures”. Willow branches planted near various structures are periodically tied to them as they grow, and after some time a natural structure and an ideal resting place are formed. This ornamental plant looks great in a single planting and in a garden composition.

Buy willow “Sverdlovskaya Ivilistaya I” in Voronezh with delivery throughout Russia wholesale and retail at the Florini nursery.

Willow “Sverdlovskaya Twisty I”

Tree, 4 meters high.

The crown is spherical, medium density, moderate weeping. The color of the shoots is olive or reddish-brown, the shoots are slightly pubescent.

It is distinguished by a combination of weeping and tortuosity of shoots and leaves. The tortuosity of the leaves is greater than that of Babylonian willow, which is one of the parents for this variety.

The leaves are light green and slightly pubescent on top, and glaucous and moderately pubescent below. Male clone.

Willow planting

1. For seedlings with a closed root system, purchased in containers or simply with a ball of earth, there are no strict time limits for planting. They can be planted in any season, regardless of weather conditions, the main thing is the ability to dig holes.
2. It is advisable to plant seedlings with bare roots immediately after purchase. You should buy bare-root plants before buds open or after leaf fall. If you need to postpone this event for a while, you can temporarily bury them in some shaded place, or wrap the root system in damp textiles, or place the roots in a plastic bag.
The hole for planting should be twice as large as the root ball. Loosen the soil properly to promote root growth. Carefully remove the seedling from the container. The plant may remain in the container for too long, causing its roots to become entangled. This is not a bad thing, but the roots need to be untwisted before planting and several vertical cuts need to be made across the ball to encourage new root growth to be properly oriented. Then we put the plant in the hole and fill it with either dug up soil or using additives.
Deciduous shrubs are best planted deeper. In this case, they form additional roots on the branches, which stimulates germination large quantity fresh shoots.
After planting, pat down the soil around the plant so the roots have direct contact with the soil. Then you need to water the plant well.

Willow propagation

Wild willows reproduce by seeds; in cultivation, the plant is most often propagated by cuttings or layering. A plant grown from a cutting retains all the varietal characteristics of the parent species.

Growing and care

In order for willows to develop quickly and look attractive, you should know the individual needs of these plants and the features of caring for them. Growing willow requires the most attention during the first time after planting.


Weeping willow is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs frequent watering and spraying. Young plants grow very quickly, especially in the first years of life; some varieties are capable of growing up to 3 meters per year. Seedlings are watered once a week, at the rate of 2-5 buckets of water per plant. Watering is done early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. When watering, water is poured not only under the root, but also onto the crown of the plant.


At the beginning of the growing season, the soil under the willow is loosened and mulched with peat. The plant is fed with complex fertilizers. In total, 2-3 such feedings are carried out per season, the last feeding is carried out in July. In the second half of August, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are applied under the willows.

Do not leave fallen willow leaves under the tree, as they contain tannins, which will have a detrimental effect on the development of the plant.


For the first 2-3 years, the willow grows uncontrollably and does not need to be pruned. Then the tree or shrub rises and it becomes necessary to shape it. Best time for formative pruning of willow - spring, after the end of flowering. The exception is dry branches frozen over the winter or broken, which are cut off in early spring.

Don’t be afraid to cut willow branches; it won’t cause any harm to the plant. Twigs decorative species cut by 10-20 cm, then lateral shoots form from the remaining upper buds, and the plant acquires an attractive dense crown. Mature trees are pruned annually by cutting off their long branches hanging to the ground at a height of 2 m from the ground. By pruning, one achieves both a spherical or umbrella-shaped appearance of shrubs and trees, and the correct rectangular shape when planting willows as a hedge.

Diseases and pests of willow

Among the fungal diseases found on willow are: powdery mildew, rust, different kinds spots, scab. The appearance and development of fungal diseases is facilitated by increased humidity resulting from long-term rainy weather. To combat such diseases, ornamental varieties of willows are treated with fungicides for prevention twice a season - in spring and autumn, as well as during the season when the first signs of the disease are detected. Tall tree varieties are pruned so that their branches do not touch the ground. Fungal spores overwinter in fallen leaves and infect plants again in the spring. Without timely control, fungal colonies grow and the willow may die.

The plant could only be found in parks, on the banks of lakes and rivers. Nowadays, many landscape designers recommend willows, especially in those garden plots where there are artificial ponds, manicured lawns, and decorative bridges.

Agree, the dwarf globular willow is a beautiful sight, and what can we say about the twisting one?

Various types of willows are known in nature:

  • weeping;
  • dwarf;
  • tall;
  • tortuous;
  • bush.

Let us pay attention to one of the decorative varieties of these trees - the winding willow.

Sinuous willow: planting and care

The twisting willow is known to domestic gardeners as the Matsuda form and the Ural form. Matsuda is endowed with spiral-shaped shoots, whose foliage curls slightly. This tree is difficult to care for.

She is especially annoyed by frosts. For this reason, Matsuda's twisting willow should be planted in windless areas and covered for the winter. This tree loves good lighting. If Matsuda is not covered for the winter, she may freeze to the level of the snow cover. While creating good conditions it can reach 3.5 meters in height.

The Ural twisted willow is more adapted to the local climate. Her beauty is no less than Matsuda's. The height of the tree does not exceed 3.5 meters. It retains its properties throughout the year.

The shoots of the tree are spiral-shaped, in the shade the color is gray-greenish, and in sunlight they acquire a brown color and gloss. The Ural curly willow tolerates pruning of branches well. Since pruning can be done painlessly at any time of the year, this tree is suitable for organizing hedges.

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Sea buckthorn planting and care

Using willow as a garden decoration

A low-growing bush willow, not exceeding 1.5 m in height, is more suitable for garden decoration. A weeping willow or one with a spherical shape gives no less of a decorative effect. It will be useful to know that bush forms of willows tolerate frosts better, unlike other varieties.

Since ancient times, willow twigs have been a natural material for creating decorative elements in a garden or personal plot.

Wicker furniture, household utensils or hedges can add personality to the landscape, but a special effect can be achieved by using willow cuttings. By growing them and gradually adjusting them and setting the direction, you can create:

  • hedges;
  • figures;
  • entire ensembles;
  • gazebos;
  • arches;
  • pyramids.

Pruning the climbing willow is a desirable procedure.

If a tortuous willow seedling has found a place in your garden plot, then you should familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for it and methods of propagation.

Care and reproduction

The first thing to take into account is that willow trees and shrubs love moisture. For this reason, they are planted near water bodies and in well-lit places. All of their species are not picky tall-growing plants. By choosing the right place, you can avoid being too distracted by care.

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Most of them are actively growing and taking root without problems. But for propagation it is better to select young branches.

Reproduction and full development of the twisting willow is possible in moist soil. In the summer, the curly willow will amaze with its foliage and curved shoots, and in the winter with its twisting branches under the snow covers.

Willow twigs remaining after formative pruning may be quite suitable for propagating twisted willow. Such cuttings can be immersed in water and wait for roots to appear, or they can be immediately immersed in the ground. An important condition rooting is the moist state of the soil.

There is also no need to rush to feed the twisting willow. The tree should be allowed to gain strength.

Pests do not bother this type of tree too much. But, having provided the shoot with traditional care, it should be protected from severe frosts. Sometimes the branches freeze slightly at low temperatures, but after some time the crown is successfully restored.

Having provided the twisting willow with two main conditions for successful development - the crown in the sun and the roots in moisture, you can practically stop caring for it.

Diseases and pests

Although this type trees are not very attractive, some weeping willow diseases and pests need to be identified.

Curly willow, better known as sinuous willow, is a very original type of well-known willow that will decorate your site not only in summer, but also in winter. Distinctive feature all varieties of curly willows - absolutely everything wriggles in them: the trunk, branches and shoots of all orders and leaves. Moreover, this curliness does not need to be created artificially; it is inherent in the plant at the genetic level: its wood simply grows unevenly with different sides shoots, forming characteristic growths and swellings.

Curly willow can grow in different forms, from a tall bush or small tree to a full-fledged tree up to 12m tall. It depends on the variety and how the owner forms it.

Willow grows quite quickly, with favorable conditions gaining up to 1m in height annually in at a young age and 30–60 cm per year in more mature ones, depending on the variety.

Areas of application

The first, most obvious and widespread use of this plant is in landscape design. In summer, the crown of this willow looks very delicate and delicate, and in winter, the winding shoots covered with frost or snow create an absolutely fabulous, magical landscape. In addition, the shoots of some varieties of this willow are colored in red-brown tones, while others are in rich yellow-olive, which makes the tree decorative during the dormant period, with fallen leaves.

This tree very effectively purifies the air, absorbing heavy metals and retaining up to 40 kg of dust per season with its crown. This makes it an excellent plant for creating a hedge or just a resting place on the site.

The original twisting, but at the same time quite flexible and pliable branches of the curly willow are used to create interior items - wicker crafts, dry bouquets, floral arrangements and more.

There are popular beliefs according to which the willow tree drives out evil spirits and will not allow people with evil thoughts into your home.

The bark of the twisted willow has medicinal properties, decoctions and tinctures are made from it.

Types and varieties

The two most commonly grown species are the Matsudana tortuous willow (or Matsuda willow) and the Sverdlovskaya (Ural) tortuous willow.

Matsudana is, so to speak, an original. It was bred by Japanese breeders much earlier than the Ural variety, and became widespread throughout the world.

The most common matsudana variety is tortuosa. It grows into a small tree or tall bush up to 3.5 m high (occasionally up to 8 m). The trunk of this tree does not twist much. The skeletal branches are directed upward and more curved, and young thin shoots twist strongly and hang down, creating a moderately weeping crown. The leaves are twisted into curls or spirals. The bark is gray, with a pistachio tint. Among the disadvantages of this variety, it should be noted that it has rather low frost resistance: in winter, a significant part of the plant above the level of snow cover can freeze out, and in spring, young leaves can be severely damaged by May frosts.

Erythroflexuosa is another variety of Matsudana tortuous willow, seedlings of which can occasionally be found in domestic nurseries and garden centers. However, it is less popular because it tolerates even worse low temperatures and frost.

Winding willows of the Ural (Sverdlovsk) selection are much more frost-resistant, while not inferior in beauty to Matsudana. There are several varieties of them (without names, under numbers), varying in size, shape and other characteristics. The most common are the following:

  • No. 1 is a hardy tree about 4 m tall with a moderately weeping crown. It is distinguished by the reddish-brown color of its shoots, which look very impressive on a dormant tree without foliage. Has high frost resistance.
  • No. 2 is a tall variety, reaches 12 m, with very twisting shoots. The bark color ranges from olive to brown, and the foliage is slightly hairy.
  • No. 3 – up to 5m high. Interesting is the light olive bark, covered with a waxy coating that peels off a little. Less hardy than previous varieties, the top often dries out.
  • No. 576 – low-growing variety, 2 – 3 m tall. Young shoots are red-brown, and adults are olive with a waxy coating, the crown is weeping.

Growing conditions and care

Selecting a location:

  • Willow is one of the few plants that will only benefit from proximity to groundwater. Therefore, if you have a pond or periodically flooded place on your site, feel free to place a willow there.
  • Lighting should be plentiful, the willow should not be shaded by buildings or tall plants. In addition, proximity to a building or fence can cause uneven crown development.
  • It is desirable to have protection from cold northern and northeastern winds, especially for non-frost-resistant varieties (Matsudan).

In principle, any soil will do - willow is unpretentious in this matter. But still, it will develop better on light or medium loamy soils.

Fertilizing is carried out 2 - 4 times a year, with complex mineral or organic fertilizers. It is extremely undesirable to apply nitrogen fertilizers after the beginning of August - this prevents the tree from entering a dormant state, which has an extremely negative effect on frost resistance.

Watering is necessary for young, recently planted plants, in the amount of 2 - 5 buckets per 1 tree, 2 - 4 times a month, depending on the size of the plant and the weather. The drought resistance of an adult tree depends on the area: if there is a pond nearby or the groundwater is shallow, the willow will obtain water on its own even in the driest periods, because its root system is quite deep and extensive. Otherwise, in clear hot summers, watering is necessary.

A haircut - the most important moment in caring for curly willow. This tree lends itself well to crown formation, easily recovers and grows new shoots. But keep in mind that if you cut at least a couple of branches at least once in the life of this tree, you will have to trim it annually. Otherwise, instead of a delicate and delicate one, you will get a very dense, dense crown, the shoots will not have enough light and nutrition, the top of the tree may dry out, and in advanced cases the entire plant dies.

  • Absolutely all willows need sanitary pruning. Even if you do not want to change the shape of the crown and stimulate shoot formation, be sure to remove dry, broken and frost-damaged branches. Otherwise, they will not only spoil the appearance of the tree, but can also cause disease or drying out of living shoots.
  • Corrective pruning involves removing only those shoots that thicken the crown too much, are directed towards its center or are located lower along the trunk than the desired height of the beginning of the crown. It is carried out annually, in the spring, and helps your willow look neat and well-groomed with its natural crown shape
  • Formative pruning. Thanks to the abundant shoot formation and high growth rates, it is quite easy to form various shapes - topiary - from the crown of the winding willow. The most natural forms for a willow crown are ball, ovoid, cone-shaped and pyramidal (both on a trunk and without it), but you can create from this tree arches, arbors, hedges, as well as various complex figures - garden bonsai.
  • Sometimes, to improve frost resistance and other characteristics, the tortuous willow is grafted onto another, more hardy species. If your tree was obtained in this way, do not forget to remove the basal shoots every year - it will not produce twisting branches.
  • High growth rates help protect the willow from frost in a radical way– annually cutting it down, leaving only a stump no higher than the level of the snow cover. With this cultivation, you will only get a bush form, although quite tall, but absolutely not susceptible to freezing. You should not cut down trees so radically that have not reached at least 5–6 cm in trunk diameter.

Young plants should be insulated for the winter. But it is better to use spruce spruce branches for this purpose rather than lutrasil - it will protect better from frost by accumulating snow, and will not provoke disputes during the thaw. The shelter is built in October - November and removed in March - April.

The tortuous willow is best propagated by cuttings. The survival rate of shoots about 1.5 cm in diameter and up to 1 m in length is 70 - 100%, depending on the variety. Moreover, they can be rooted either in a container with water or directly in the soil - just make sure that the soil does not dry out at all. To improve the survivability characteristics of a tree, grafting onto more hardy species is used. Reproduction by root suckers is impossible, since the twisting willow does not produce them, and seed propagation used only for breeding, because they will not retain all the varietal characteristics of the parent tree.

Willow transplantation from a container or within the site while preserving the earthen ball can be carried out throughout the season, from April to October. Saplings with an open root system are planted only during the dormant period: in March - April, before the buds open, or in October, after the leaves have fallen.

In general, tortuous willow is quite resistant to pests and diseases. However, sometimes it can suffer from poplar and aspen beetles - leaf beetles, caterpillars of some butterflies, elephants, aphids, flies, willow weed, spider mites, as well as from mice and other rodents. If rainy weather persists for a long time, the leaves may be affected by fungal spotting, which copper oxychloride will help defeat.