Rash near a child's nose. Rash at the sides of the nose. Causes of relapses of the disease and possible complications of the disease

The skin around the mouth is much thinner and more delicate than most areas of the body. It also does not have a good moisturizing function. The rash can occur due to physical trauma, dryness and intense sunlight.

Sometimes the rash can spread to the surface of the lips, but there are certain types that only affect the skin and never affect the lips themselves.

For some people, the rash around the mouth is chronic, permanent state, for others it may occur by chance. Here are some of the most common causes of dryness skin rash around the mouth.

  • Contact dermatitis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Climate change, lip licking and certain medications

Common reasons

Let's discuss in more detail the causes of rashes that can occur in adults and children:

Contact dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis like a reaction to mango juice

This is a disease that is characterized by inflammation at the site of skin contact with an allergen or irritant. Therefore, contact dermatitis can be allergic, where the immune system reacts to a certain substance, or irritant, where the skin is exposed to a chemical. The first appears after a few hours, and the second much earlier.

Looks like red plaques that may be accompanied by itching and pain. Most often, this type of reaction occurs to certain cosmetic products, plants (poison ivy) or certain skin care products.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis around the mouth usually appears in the first 6 months. As he ages, his rash moves mainly to his arms and legs

They also say - atopic eczema. It is also a skin condition that causes irritation and inflammation around the mouth, and may also cause a rash on the legs, face, knees (usually with reverse side) and hands. The rash is characterized by itching, redness, swelling, thickening of the skin and the formation of scales.

There are several factors that cause this rash around the mouth, including extreme temperatures, stress and certain chemicals. But to the end the nature of appearance atopic dermatitis not known. It usually affects children, but can sometimes persist with age.



This skin condition is caused by an allergic reaction to food, medications, stress and some other factors. Angioedema (angioedema) is a condition very similar to urticaria, but much more dangerous, with a rash and swelling also appearing on the lips.

This disorder most often affects women and causes groups of small red bumps to appear around the mouth. May extend to upper lip, chin and cheeks, making these areas of skin very dry and flaky.

People with oily skin types, as well as those who use cosmetics containing strong chemicals, are slightly more susceptible to this type of dermatitis.

Associated symptoms

Externally, the rash looks like red bumps. Sometimes it can become scaly and spread to the area under the eyes, forehead and chin. The bumps may be filled with pus or other fluid, causing them to resemble acne.

You may also experience symptoms such as burning or itching, especially as the condition worsens.

Causes in children

Causes of rashes in babies include:

foot and mouth disease

This is a skin problem caused by a virus known as Coxsackie. With this disease, the rash is accompanied by fever.


This bacterial infection, which causes a rash consisting of raised red bumps and a light brown crust around the baby's mouth and nose.

Smearing food around the mouth

Children often get dirty with food while eating. If they are not washed in time, inflammation may appear, which opens the way for bacterial infection.


Because of the pacifier, the skin around the baby's mouth is constantly smeared with saliva, which is known to be an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria.


This problem mainly affects infants. Prolonged skin contact with saliva can cause a rash.

The main causes of rash around the mouth in children

Rash with burning

This condition of the skin around the mouth can be caused by:

Chemical burns

May occur when skin comes into contact with strong chemicals such as acids. Chemical burn may cause redness, pain, or blistering of the skin.



Although more often the rash with herpes appears on the lips (the so-called “cold on the lips”) or on the mucous membranes oral cavity(oral herpes), but it can also appear on the skin around the mouth. These are burning, fluid-filled small blisters that eventually burst and crust over.

Other burning rashes

  • Allergic reaction
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Angular cheilitis

Rash before menstruation

This is due to the rare skin disease called autoimmune progesterone dermatitis (APD), which appears cyclically, according to menstrual cycle. It is believed that this is a skin reaction to hormonal changes that occur just before menstruation.

When progesterone levels in the blood rise, an autoimmune response occurs in the form of a rash. As progesterone levels decrease, the rash goes away. This is repeated every cycle.

Itchy rash around the mouth

Perioral dermatitis is characterized by groups of itchy and tender small red papules. The disease is named so based on the area where the rash spreads. The reason for its appearance is unknown. It is described in more detail at the beginning of the article.

Perioral dermatitis is a characteristic scaly, papular rash around the mouth, nose, and eyes that occurs almost exclusively in women. The rash may start around the mouth, but can also affect areas around the nose and eyes. The disease is asymptomatic, sometimes itching is noted.

Patients sometimes try topical steroids, which provide temporary relief but may contribute to a torpid progression.

Perioral dermatitis typically affects young women and can occur in children. Isolation of a Fusobacterium culture suggests a bacterial etiology. Routine use of moisturizing cosmetics and fluoridated products can cause the disease.

Clinical picture of perioral dermatitis

Pinhead-sized papules and pustules with a red, scaly base are localized on the chin and nasolabial folds. The border zone around the lip border is not affected. Pustules on the cheeks in the area adjacent to the nostrils are typical. Sometimes the localization of perioral dermatitis is limited only to the perinasal area.

Pinhead pustules in the nostril area may be the first sign or the only manifestation of the disease.

Papules the size of a pinhead and similar pustules observed in the nostril area sometimes appear at the lateral corners of the eyes.

In children, lesions are often located in the perinasal and periocular areas.

Diagnosis of perioral dermatitis

Differential diagnosis of perioral dermatitis is carried out with the following diseases:

  • Acne.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Atopic (eczematous) dermatitis.
  • Impetigo.

Course and prognosis of perioral dermatitis

The degree of damage varies. Persistent rashes last for months. With systemic treatment of perioral dermatitis, most problems resolve within 2 weeks. Relapses are typical. Patients are also re-treated actively, sometimes requiring long-term maintenance treatment.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

Topical treatment of perioral dermatitis involves daily use of metronidazole, sodium sulfacetamide, clindamycin or erythromycin solution or gel, pimecrolimus cream, and tacrolimus ointments.

If a 4-6 week course local treatment does not bring success, systemic antibiotics are prescribed. Tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline or minocycline are prescribed for 2-4 weeks.

Long-term use of topical steroids on the face may worsen the disease. Stopping the use of topical steroids causes a flare of the disease, but it is necessary for treatment.


"Rash around the mouth, nose and eyes due to perioral dermatitis" and other articles from the section

For every parent, the most important thing is that the child grows up healthy. But sometimes they happen unpleasant moments, causing anxiety. This also happens when rashes appear under the nose. However, only a specialist can determine their nature.

Causes and mechanisms

The child's skin should be clean. If some kind of rash is visible on it, then first of all you need to determine its nature. In newborns, small transient pimples sometimes appear on the face, associated with hormonal changes in the body (the influence of estrogen received from the mother). These are the so-called milia or white millet-like nodules, which are a sign of a sexual crisis. But such a rash is physiological, goes away on its own and should not cause alarm.

In other cases, most likely, you need to look for some kind of disorder in the child’s body. They can be provoked by external or internal factors which one way or another require elimination. Among the causes of a rash under a child’s nose, the following should be noted:

  • Allergy to food products, cosmetics, animal hair, plant pollen, medicines, etc.
  • Heat rash due to overheating.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Insufficient hygiene.
  • Helminthic infestations.
  • Infectious diseases.

The last group is the most extensive, because it can include many diseases childhood. Scarlet fever, measles, rubella, chicken pox - all these diseases can be accompanied by rashes on the body, but in such cases they will be not only near the nose, but also in other areas (neck and head, torso and limbs).

In adults, the rash under the nose has a different origin. Very often, it hides herpes simplex, which infects most people. Long time it is in a latent state, but is activated under certain conditions:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Respiratory disease.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Hormonal changes (for example, in girls during menstruation).
  • Immunodeficiency.

In men, a pustular rash in the mustache and beard area may turn out to be ostiofolliculitis or sycosis, which develop due to constant microtrauma during shaving and bacterial infection (staphylo- or streptococci, fungi). Endocrine and metabolic disorders may contribute to this. As we can see, the spectrum of possible pathology is quite wide, which makes differential diagnosis extremely important.

A rash near the nose in a child or adult has very diverse causes. And without the intervention of a doctor, it is impossible to determine the source of the violations.


Regardless of who suffered from the rash, the doctor’s tactics at the initial stage are the same: first find out complaints and medical history, and then conduct a physical examination. It is necessary to analyze the information received and determine the nature of skin manifestations:

  • Appearance (spots, nodules, blisters).
  • Localization (near the nose, on the cheeks, chin, scalp, in the area of ​​natural folds of the skin or on other parts of the body).
  • Abundance (single elements or extensive drainage foci).
  • Periodicity (appears occasionally or persists almost constantly).
  • Connection with certain factors (eating foods, taking medications, using cosmetics, etc.).

Every “little thing” can be useful, so the doctor pays attention to all manifestations, detailing each complaint and continuing the diagnostic search in various directions. Along with facial rashes, children may also have other symptoms:

  • Crusts on the scalp (gneiss).
  • Sneezing, sore throat, watery eyes, itching.
  • Bloating, rumbling, unsteady stool.
  • Fever and intoxication.

Having understood the symptoms, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. But it also requires further confirmation.

Additional diagnostics

You can accurately determine the condition that caused the rash under your baby’s nose based on the results additional research. After clinical examination The doctor will refer the patient for laboratory procedures:

  1. General blood and urine analysis.
  2. Blood biochemistry (hormonal spectrum, glucose).
  3. Serological tests (antibodies to infections and helminths).
  4. Allergy tests (skin tests, scarification tests, injection tests).
  5. A smear of rash elements, skin washes (cytology and culture).
  6. Coprogram and stool analysis for worm eggs.

If necessary, an ultrasound of the organs is also performed. abdominal cavity. results comprehensive examination will show what changes are observed in the body and where their source is hidden. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the diagnosis. And for parents who want to eliminate a rash under the child’s nose, it is important to rely on the doctor in everything and strictly follow his recommendations. rash under the child’s nose

Many people are under the impression that a rash around the mouth is nothing serious and will go away on its own. Only after several days it turns out that it did not disappear at all, but on the contrary took on a more intense character. Small dots developed into pustules and became very itchy. In place of small pimples, fully formed nodules are already observed. Such a rash around the mouth has nothing in common with a simple food allergy. Almost always its name perioral dermatitis. And it’s worth paying closer attention to.

Rash around the mouth in an adult

It would seem that for adults, whose riot of hormones has already calmed down, there should be no skin rashes. And then, unexpectedly, the rash around the adult’s mouth did not appear in just a few small specks, but became localized. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Food allergy - it manifests itself literally 3-5 hours after consuming a prohibited product.
  • Medicinal or alcohol intoxication– manifestation occurs after 2-3 days daily intake medications or alcohol. In this case, the liver simply cannot cope with the toxins “offered” to it. In fact, the rashes are single in nature and painful sensations occur when you touch them.
  • Perioral dermatitis occurs for a combination of reasons:
  • medications;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • humid hot climate;
  • hormonal changes;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • depression.

Almost always, it is perioral dermatitis that causes a rash around the mouth in an adult. Women are especially susceptible to it during puberty due to the instability of the hormonal system and frequent exposure to stress.

Rash around a child's mouth

Very often, babies are susceptible to various rashes. There may be several reasons why a rash appears around a child’s mouth.

  • Increased salivation. A rash around a child’s mouth appears due to excessive secretion of glands during the period of growth and teething. In order to prevent the appearance of rashes, it is necessary to regularly and thoroughly clean the skin around the mouth with napkins and sprinkle with powder.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Due to his small age, a child learns everything through his mouth. Therefore, various objects that are around the baby are constantly in his mouth. No matter how hard the mother tries to prevent contact with the baby’s skin, this is extremely rare.
  • Enterovirus infection. The rash around the child’s mouth manifests itself in small ulcers located approximately 0.5 cm from each other. Against the background of rashes in children, the heat, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting are present.
  • Allergic reaction to food. It is typical for children in the first year of life, during the period of introducing complementary foods. In addition, a rash around the mouth of a breastfed baby may appear due to improper nutrition of the nursing mother.
  • Allergy to latex pacifier. It needs to be replaced or completely abandoned.
  • Allergy to vaccination or vaccination. In this case, it may be observed elevated temperature and vomiting. You should immediately contact your pediatrician.
    Whatever the reason for the rash around the child’s mouth, it needs to be given due attention and consulted with a pediatrician on this issue.

Rash around the mouth: causes

In order for the rashes to go away, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance. Almost always, no one notices that by changing at least something in its usual life, the body begins to resist it and demonstrates this not only with rashes, but also with other physical changes.

A rash around the mouth has the following causes:

  • Allergic reactions to various irritants.
  • Psychological: a period of depression and severe stress.
  • Medication.
  • Intoxicating.
  • Viral.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Immune suppression.

It must be remembered that only a therapist, a dermatologist, and maybe even a neurologist can establish the main reason why a rash appeared around the mouth.

Small rash around the mouth

Even small rash around the mouth may be one of the symptoms serious illness. Although, most often it manifests itself due to allergic reactions to various irritants:

  • Food.
  • Chemical.
  • Medication.
  • Alcoholic.

Whatever the reasons, it is necessary to take not only sorbents, but also arrange several fasting days.

Red rash around mouth

Almost always, a red rash around the mouth is of an allergic nature. To eliminate it, it is necessary not only to revise the diet, but also to reduce the amount taken medicines and completely give up alcohol.

Rash around the nose, mouth and eyes

It must be remembered that perioral dermatitis is characterized by rashes not only in the oral cavity. Once it begins to appear, the rash around the nose, mouth and eyes may get worse over the course of several days. She doesn't need to be treated cosmetics, an integrated approach is required.

Treatment of rash around the mouth

No matter how normal the rash may seem, it will take a fair amount of time. Treatment of a rash around the mouth involves several components at once.

  • Gentle nutrition. Refusal of fatty, flour, sweet, carbonated, smoked and alcohol.
  • Drug therapy based on: antibiotics, vitamins and imidazole.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures: darsonval, cryomassage, electrolysis.
  • Refusal from usual creams and toothpastes containing hormones, fluoride and other irritating components.

The rash around the mouth seems completely harmless at first glance. And only after realizing how much work will be required to get rid of it, you begin to understand that you need to act immediately. Complex treatment rash around the mouth allows you not only to solve a cosmetic problem, but also to get rid of many toxins accumulated in the body.

Skin is a mirror image internal state the whole body. Rash around the mouth in an adult - not only cosmetic defect, but also an internal problem. May lead to rash food allergy, incorrectly selected cosmetics, depression, taking medications, disruption of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract etc. Treatment is always aimed at the source, which helps get rid of the symptom.

What kind of rash happens?

Rashes are of primary and secondary nature. Primary - bubbles, blisters, spots, nodules in the mouth. They appear in a changed area skin. Secondary - ulcerative lesions, scales, erosions, develop as a result of the evolution of the primary ones.

The rash is classified according to clinical manifestations:

  • Bubbles are localized in the epidermis or under it, filled with light contents. Often accompanied by chickenpox, herpes and pemphigus;
  • Pustules vary depending on their location in the skin - deep and superficial. The cavity is filled with cloudy liquid;
  • Blisters are characterized by the absence of a cavity. Occurs for a short time. The main reasons are insect bites and allergies. Almost always accompanied by severe itching;
  • Spots are discolored skin. There are inflammatory and non-inflammatory, pigmented;
  • The nodules are localized under the epidermis. Only in some pathologies is their growth and fusion observed, for example, candidiasis;
  • Ulcer – evolution of vesicles, ulcers. Detected in severe form chickenpox, purulent infections skin, lupus erythematosus;
  • Scales appear as strong or weak peeling.

Please note that rashes around the mouth are caused by for various reasons. Some of them are harmless - an allergic reaction to food or cosmetics, while others are life-threatening - cancer.

Etiology of rash around the mouth in adults

The medical name for a rash in the mouth area is perioral dermatitis. This pathology refers to dermatological diseases, accompanied by rashes and the presence of pimples. They appear not only around the mouth, but also under the nose, in the mouth, and on the palate.

Depending on the specific clinical manifestations, the disease can be infectious or non-infectious.

Causes of infectious dermatitis

Herpes is a viral disease that begins with the appearance of one pimple in the lip area; the pathological element is filled with transparent contents. After a short time, skin numbness and itching are observed. Lack of therapy leads to the formation of wounds with a dry surface.

Impetigo develops due to damage to the body by staphylococci. Neoplasms around the mouth are characterized by large sizes. Initially they white, the edges are distinct, and then open, which leads to the formation of ulcers.

Causes of non-infectious dermatitis

There is an opinion that pimples around the mouth are the prerogative of people with oily skin. But in reality this is not true. Dry skin is more susceptible mechanical impact, so a pathogen can penetrate even the smallest damage.

Types of dermatitis that lead to the formation of rashes around the mouth:

  1. Hormonal type. Evolving in the background hormonal imbalance in organism. In most cases in puberty, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Sometimes it signals disorders of the reproductive system.
  2. Atopic appearance. It is quite rare in adults. As a rule, it is transmitted from mother to child. For a long time, inflammation remains in a latent state, but is activated under the influence of negative factors.
  3. Allergic type is the most common. Rashes affect the area around the mouth due to the harmful effects of irritants. The reason is low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics, environmental conditions, and food products.
  4. Seborrheic appearance; characterized by malfunction sebaceous glands. The etiology is based on frequent stress, depression, neuroses, nervous experiences, and emotional instability.

Important: symptomatic treatment will not eradicate the problem, but will worsen it clinical picture, leading to even greater cosmetic defects.

Stomatitis as a cause of mouth rash

The disease affects inner surface lips It is a viral pathology leading to inflammation with purulent manifestations. The rash is extremely painful and spreads quickly in the mouth.

IN medical practice There are cases when stomatitis is brought out. In most paintings this happens when the form is neglected. In turn, stomatitis causes diseases:

Most often, a rash around the mouth is caused by a combination of several negative factors that enhance harmful influence each other.

Allergic rash on the face in adults

The main cause of allergies is the negative impact of an irritant. Unlike food allergic reaction, clinical manifestations in and around the mouth due to many factors:

  1. Use of medications – corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, hormonal ointments, creams and gels.
  2. Contact with chemicals, which are contained in lipstick, toothpaste, etc.
  3. Allergic symptoms can be caused by fillings or objects that come into contact with the lips, for example, a musical instrument.
  4. Endocrine disorders in the body lead to changes hormonal levels, which manifests itself as rashes on the face.

The very first sign of an allergy is a slight swelling in the lip area. Only then does a rash, pimples and redness appear. According to the clinical manifestations, the symptoms are similar to herpes rashes.

Important: blue lips, difficulty breathing are warning signs anaphylactic shock requiring emergency medical care.

Symptoms accompanying the rash

Depending on the pathological processes, occurring in the body, other clinical manifestations are observed. Their presence makes it easier to search for the nature of the pathology and allows you to quickly establish an accurate diagnosis.

Associated symptoms:

  • A high temperature indicates an infection. The patient experiences lethargy, weakness, headaches, decreased performance;
  • Allergic reactions almost always occur against the background severe itching and burning;
  • Pain, swelling, hyperemia of the oral mucosa are direct symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • Loss of body weight in combination with enlarged lymph nodes is a sign of an oncological neoplasm, usually of a malignant nature;
  • Increase lymph nodes in combination with fever – infection or inflammation.

By external signs one or another disease may be suspected.