Eye care. Eye care: rules, professional care, folk recipes

The eyes are the most important bodies senses, because it is through vision that we receive most of the information about the world around us. Unfortunately, most people do not take proper care of their eyes, and by the age of thirty or forty, their vision begins to deteriorate. Eye care does not require much time or effort, but guarantees excellent vision and good health long years.

Eye care should begin with daily cleansing. For healthy eyes, it is enough to rinse clean water twice a day, before and after sleep. Eyes should also be washed after being outside in windy weather, when dust gets on the eyeball and can cause irritation.

It is very common to notice signs of eye irritation and inflammation. These include redness and itching, and tearing. In this case, hygiene should be supplemented by washing the eyes with a decoction or fresh infusion of black tea. These remedies can be found in any home; they very quickly relieve minor inflammations. Indian healers recommend washing sore eyes with Triphala decoction. This legendary Ayurvedic remedy fights bacteria and gently cleanses the eyes. Washing should be done every two to three hours until complete recovery. Soak a soft cotton pad in the warm broth and swipe it widely open eye from outer corner to inner corner.

A woman who wants to keep her eyes healthy should be more careful when choosing cosmetics. All products applied to the skin around the eyes must be tested and approved by ophthalmologists. IN hot weather you should avoid using mascara and eye shadow, as under the influence sun rays Cosmetics melt and then get into your eyes. Makeup removers should be mild and hypoallergenic.

To preserve your vision for many years, you should perform eye exercises daily. The set of exercises will take no more than five to six minutes. To begin, close your eyes tightly for a few seconds and then open them wide. Repeat this exercise three times. Concentrate your gaze on the tip of your nose, and then quickly move to the most distant point, for example, a tall building in the window. Look at the closest and farthest objects one by one. After this, look to the left without turning your head, and then to the right, perform several times. Next we perform rotation eyeballs left and right for a few minutes. If you are not used to it, you may feel discomfort and dizziness, but these sensations will disappear after a while. After completing the set of exercises, close your eyes, relax and sit quietly with eyes closed a minute or two.

To ensure that vision does not deteriorate over the years, it is necessary to observe a regime of work and rest for the eyes. Watching television, reading, at the end of the day, visual acuity decreases, a person may feel pain in the eyes. Of course, in modern life You cannot completely abandon the media, and many professions require a large amount of computer work. Try to give your eyes a rest every two hours of work. Switch to other activities that do not require eye strain. Do short exercises for your eyes; you can apply a compress with chamomile decoction for tired eyes.

Ophthalmologists are sounding the alarm regarding sharp deterioration vision in children and adolescents. This is associated with computer games, game consoles and unlimited viewing of cartoons and series on TV. Remember that children should spend no more than two hours a day in front of a screen, preferably with breaks. Read and execute homework the child should be in a well-lit place, parents need to make sure that the baby does not lean close to books and notebooks.

As you can see, preserving vision does not require much effort or a lot of time. All you need is a little time during the day and persistence to meet all the requirements regularly. Your eyes will definitely thank you!

Eyes reflect the inner world of a person. Not by chance folk wisdom says that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Beautiful eyes make a person beautiful. However, only healthy eyes can be beautiful.

Since women, paying tribute to fashion, began to heavily apply makeup on their eyes, this quickly affected their health. Allergic irritations, especially of the skin, have become a common occurrence. upper eyelid, on which the most dyes are applied. Therefore, you need to be very careful with any eye makeup.

The use of eye makeup, even mascara, requires, first of all, daily and thorough cleaning at night (without soap). Proper and systematic cleaning of the eye skin protects them from allergic reaction irritation, dryness and disease. Even if the eyelid skin is slightly irritated, you should avoid using decorative cosmetics: makeup can only be applied to healthy eyes.

Eyes require special care. For redness and irritation of the eyelids, the simplest remedy is a lotion of strong tea, lukewarm boric water or chamomile infusion, applied for 3-5 minutes (Fig. 46). There are also a number of therapeutically active agents that provide a beneficial effect, in particular 0.5% hydrocortisone ointment. Redness and mild inflammation may be due poor nutrition, lack of sleep or more serious reasons for which you should consult a doctor.

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Often women ask whether it is useful to wash their eyes. Yes, it's useful. Eye wash relieves fatigue, a feeling of pain, and eliminates other unpleasant phenomena. To wash your eyes, you can use clean water, preferably boiled, room temperature, with the addition of tea, boric acid(1 teaspoon boric acid per 1 glass of water). Alternately washing the eyes with warm and cool water and using a lotion from an infusion of herbs: linden blossom, elderberry, chamomile (1 tablespoon of flowers is brewed with 1 glass of boiling water, which is then cooled to room temperature) has a calming effect. A decoction of parsley or dill gives shine to the eyes, relieves irritation, and eliminates swelling under the eyes, as does chamomile lotions. In this case, a special bath is used.

It happens that healthy person After prolonged hard work, slight swelling appears under the eyes. In this case, self-massage in the eye area is not recommended for 1-3 days, but eye gymnastics should be performed 2-3 times a day; after gymnastics, it is advisable to apply a lotion of tea, warm chamomile infusion or parsley decoction for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening and give complete rest to the eyes.

If general fatigue of the body is added to eye fatigue, then unpleasant-looking elongated bags may form under the eyes. They can be eliminated relatively easily if they are not associated with any disease internal organs. Complete eye rest gives tangible results, good dream, temporary release from mental and physical work, moderate food and drink. Accelerates the removal of puffiness under the eyes raw grated potato masks, applied morning and evening. To do this, the potatoes should be thoroughly washed with a brush. boiled water, dry, grate on a fine grater, enamel or plastic, in the amount of 2 tablespoons and immediately apply it on pre-prepared pieces of gauze to the bottom of the eye (on the bags) so that the gauze remains on top of the potatoes. Keep for 10-15 minutes. After removing the potato mask, apply “Evening”, “Birch” cream or cream with vitamins A and E, barely touching the skin, in one direction from the inner incision of the eye (from the bridge of the nose) along lower eyelid to the temples. After 15-20 minutes, use a cotton swab moistened with cold tea to remove traces of the mask and cream with light pressure in the indicated direction.

Increased sensitivity of the eyes sometimes causes mild irritation, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and eye fatigue (after visiting the cinema, watching television, or reading for a long time). In such cases it is sufficient to apply following procedure: Prepare two bowls of salted water (1 glass of water, 1/2 teaspoon of salt) - one with cold, the other with hot. Then, wetting your hands alternately in cold and hot water, apply them to your closed eyes with the convex part of your palm and hold them slightly, but without putting pressure on your eyes.

At hypersensitivity You need to protect your eyes with dark glasses. It is recommended not to wear glasses all the time, but intermittently, only in strong headwinds, in bright sunshine or in cold weather. It is especially important to protect your eyes if sunlight is enhanced by reflection from large planes - from the sea, snowy plains, etc. Reading in poor lighting or lying down is harmful, as it tires the eyes as well as a heavy load.

Sometimes women are bothered by the appearance of dark circles under the eyes or blue coloration of the eyelids. Most often this is the result of disappearance subcutaneous fat in this area. The reason may also be profuse sweating or severe fatigue. U nervous people, blood vessels which easily narrow and expand, also forming shadows under the eyes. A similar phenomenon is observed in people with very thin skin around the eyes, through which blood vessels are visible.

Taking care of the health and beauty of the eyes, one should strive to improve the blood supply to the fatty and connective tissue this area. An excellent tool for this purpose, as well as to strengthen eye muscles and nerves is eye gymnastics These exercises do not pose any difficulty and can be performed at any time of the day and repeatedly.

1. In case of eye fatigue, a simple, but very effective exercise: at work and when walking, from time to time look carefully at some point in the distance (it is advisable to look at green color), then quickly move your gaze to an object nearby. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Close your eyes as tightly as possible, count to five, then immediately open your eyes wide and count to five again (Fig. 47a). Relax your muscles. In order not to wrinkle your forehead, you need to put index fingers on the brow ridges. Repeat 3-5-10 times.

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3. Slowly, without turning your head, squint your eyes all the way to the left, count to three - five, repeat the same to the right (Fig. 476). The eyes return to their original position, now close them for 1-2 seconds - pause. Repeat 3-4 times.

Rice. 47b.

4. Blink both eyes as quickly as possible (count to ten). On the last count, close your eyes tightly, pause for 2-3 seconds, then open your eyes (Fig. 47c). Repeat 4-5 times.

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5. Raise your eyes all the way up (index fingers on brow ridges), count to three. Then lower your eyes down - count to three (Fig. 47d). Close your eyes, pause 1-2 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.

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6. Make slow movements with your eyes. rotational movements: left to right 2 times, right to left 2 times. Pause. Repeat 2-3-4 times.

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Movements 3, 5, 6 can be replaced with the following exercises: hold a small round object at eye level, approximately at a distance of 25-30 cm, slowly moving it first to the left, then to the right; without turning your head, follow him with your eyes.

Repeating each movement in this way from 2 to 3 times with a short pause, we do all the above exercises in turn, changing the direction of movement of the object. Each time you do eye exercises it becomes easier and easier, as the eye muscles gradually become stronger.

7. During work the simplest way creating rest for the eyes - applying the convex parts of the palms of both hands to closed eyes, lightly, without pressure, with a count of up to 10-15 (Fig. 48); then remove your palms, open your eyes and repeat again 3-4 times. It's even better to do this with wet hands. cold water, then keep your eyes closed for 2-3 minutes.

Before the New Year's Eve

M. S. VASILYEVA, Candidate of Medical Sciences

A woman always wants to be beautiful and attractive, especially in holidays. IN New Year's Eve, perhaps you will go on a visit or receive guests. During the holidays, don't forget to devote at least an hour to your appearance.

Take a warm (4-5 minutes) then cool (1-2 minutes) shower. Rub well with a terry towel until you feel warm. Wash your face hot water I don’t recommend using soap: the skin will begin to secrete more oil and become shiny. It’s better to wash your face cool boiled water.

One of the most important makeup procedures, both daytime and evening, is applying makeup to the eyes. At the same time, we must remember that decorative cosmetics are only good when the face needs it. In most cases, it is not recommended for young girls to tint their eyes, since makeup often distorts young faces, destroying the softness of the lines and naturalness. We must not forget: everything has its time, and what is suitable adult woman, does not suit a young girl. For middle-aged women, skilful painting enlarges and beautifies the eyes.

Having decided to apply makeup to your eyes, you need to carefully check whether the chosen makeup is suitable for you. In these cases, both friendly advice and help from a specialist may be needed. Not always suitable for everyone fashionable colors makeup. Makeup is ideal only when it emphasizes in the most advantageous way characteristics faces. Eyes, let down without a sense of proportion and taste, can make even a pretty young face rude, vulgar and doll-like unnatural.

Eye makeup is done after applying powder to the entire face in the following sequence:

  • shade the shape of the eyes;
  • shade the eyelids;
  • tint eyelashes with mascara;
  • bend the eyelashes with curlers;
  • tint eyebrows;
  • You can add expressiveness to your eyes with a small dot applied with inside eyes (near the bridge of the nose) with a contour pencil or brush.

In order to shade the shape of the eyes, on upper eyelid At the very roots of the eyelashes, a thin and even strip of paint is applied, which starts from the inner corner of the eye and ends with a thin line towards the temple. If required, paint is also applied to the lower eyelid. The line under the lower eyelashes runs from the outer corner to about the middle of the eyelid and ends in a thin line that almost disappears towards the bridge of the nose, resembling a long comma. The paint is applied with a special thin brush or a well-sharpened soft pencil. First, touch the wet cotton wool with the tip of the pencil, which makes drawing a line on the eyelid much easier.

In modern decorative cosmetics, black color is almost never used (very rarely for eyelashes). The rough, harsh tone of black paint suits few people and in most cases completely destroys the femininity of the face. It is best to shade the shape of the eyes with brown or the very common brown-black color; dark gray, green or blue colors. IN Lately mascara and pencil of this color completely replaced the black color.

Eyelids are shaded special tint pencils, stones, thick pastes. Preference should be given to products with an admixture of pearlescent shine, which especially make the face look younger and beautify it, just like shiny lips, regardless of what time they are used - day or evening. When applying any tint cream, the eyelid should not be greasy, otherwise after 3-5 minutes the cream loses its smooth surface.

To enhance shine and strengthen the shade, the skin of the eyelid should be lightly dusted with talc (but not powder), which helps to apply the paint more evenly. If tinted paint is not used on the eyelids, then in the morning the skin of the eyelids should be lightly lubricated with a rich cream. It should be taken into account that with normal skin in at a young age the eyelid has its own natural lubrication, and therefore shine.

Tinted cream or paint pressed in stone is applied with a special stick, flat brush or finger, mainly distributed on the lower part of the upper eyelid and fades away under the eyebrow, towards the temple. The most thick color tint paint should be at the roots of the eyelashes.

The upper eyelids can be shaded to match the color of your eyes or clothing. Brown or grey eyes tinted green, grayish-blue or purple. Grayish blue (silver) color suits any eyes.

For deep-set eyes, the tint should be light. It is applied with a pencil to the very bottom of the eyelid or mainly to the outer part of the upper eyelid, extending beyond the eye line. Before this, the edge of the eyelid is smeared with makeup. white to enhance the color effect.

For bulging eyes, a darker color should be applied to the entire convex part of the eyelid.

Some makeup lovers smear tinted paint on the skin around the eyes, including the lower eyelid. This kind of makeup is not beneficial for the face; it dries out the most delicate area of ​​the skin, where wrinkles begin to appear.

Eyelash coloring. Eyelashes not only decorate the face, but also perform important function natural protection for the eyes, protecting them from adverse influences external environment. The lifespan of eyelashes is 150-200 days. They constantly fall out and new ones grow in their place. With prolonged irritation of the eyelids, eyelashes become thinner and fall out. Therefore, even with slight redness and irritation of the skin of the eyelids, you should immediately take measures to prevent this process.

Applying water-soluble mascara in an eyelash stone. Mascara in stone lengthens, thickens and moderately shades the eyelashes, and also makes the eyes attractive, especially when it is done carefully and skillfully: it seems as if the eyelash stands out more, at the same time the layer of mascara on it is not noticeable. In order to achieve this, after the mascara has dried, you need to comb your eyelashes and use a special round brush or comb to separate them from one another.

First of all, you should color the colorless ends of the eyelashes - this immediately makes them longer; then, if it suits your face, you can increase the length by running the brush from the base of the eyelashes to the tips and to the sides to the outer corner of the eye (towards the temple). It is necessary to color the outer hairs more deeply - this seems to increase the thickness of the eyelashes, and also emphasizes and lengthens the shape of the eyes.

Coloring eyelashes with mascara in stone is quite common. It is more harmless compared to paste or liquid, quickly drying mascara. However, you should clean your eyelashes every night before going to bed.

Use of water-insoluble, quick-drying paste and liquid mascara. Touching up eyelashes and eyelids with quickly drying paste and liquid mascara is far from harmless. From them frequent use eyelashes begin to dry, thin and break off.

Therefore, you should not abuse decorative cosmetics, especially in youth. They can be used no more than once every 8-10 days.

Every evening before cleansing your face, you must carefully and carefully remove the color from your eyelids and eyelashes. To do this, you must first lightly lubricate them with vegetable oil or cream and then remove the paint with a cotton wool slightly moistened in tea or water and wrung out, grabbing the eyelashes with the cotton wool. After cleaning with your fingertips, apply the cream with light movements so that the skin on the eyelids does not move (movements from the bridge of the nose in a circle). During any procedure with the eyes, care must be taken so that no makeup, oil, or cream gets into them, as this can cause irritation, and the paint can even cause inflammation.

For those who use mascara daily, it is recommended to take a break for at least 2-3 days a week, and in the evening lubricate eyelashes and eyebrows with a brush castor oil. This will keep them from drying out and may enhance their growth.

Coloring eyelashes with mascara, especially the lower ones, as well as tinting eyebrows, is not for everyone. Often it deprives a person of individuality and attractiveness. If the line of painting is rough and noticeable, the face appears to be heavily made up, which reduces the effect of makeup in general. Mascara applied thickly to powdered eyelashes also gives the face a rough look. Women with taste know well what they can afford and what will spoil them.

Eyelashes are dyed with a special indelible paint for healthy eyes no more than once every 15-20 days, winter period up to once a month. It is not recommended to keep the dye on the eyelashes for more than 5-6 minutes: with longer use, the skin is also stained, and washing with plenty of water after dyeing and rubbing the skin of the eyelids with soapy alcohol dries and stretches the delicate and thin skin around the eyes, which is most prone to the formation of wrinkles. In the summer, painting eyelashes and eyebrows with permanent paint is much more practical than painting with mascara.

Eyelash Curling done with special tongs after applying mascara, until it dries completely, carefully and not very strong movements. In this case, the pins must be thoroughly cleaned after previous use. Curled eyelashes suit most women. But there is a peculiar type of face with straight eyelashes that should not be touched, as they have their own charm and give the face its own style.

Artificial eyelashes good only for the evening. Before gluing them, you need to try on whether their length suits the shape of the eyes, i.e., the upper eyelid, or whether they need to be shortened. The ends of the eyelashes at the outer edge of the eye (towards the temples) must be trimmed more often than those at the bridge of the nose, and they must be slightly rounded; Otherwise, when you blink, the eyelashes may fall off. For the most part, this happens with deep-set eyes or with a small opening. Since artificial eyelashes are used only in evening light, they should be dark and black in color (if the hairs are very thin).

Artificial eyelashes should be removed at night and the eyelids should be thoroughly cleaned afterwards. The strip that glues the eyelashes should be cleaned almost every time with acetone or dipped in aviation gasoline for 2-3 minutes. Tinting artificial eyelashes is not practiced, as this increases eye fatigue. In addition, tinted artificial eyelashes give the face a rough look.

Today I want to talk about eye care. After all, the eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also a reflection of our health and mood. And in order for our eyes to remain beautiful and healthy, we need to take care of them regularly.

Nowadays, the strain on the eyes is increasing every day. The volume of information, digital media, sitting in the office all day - all this, sooner or later, can negatively affect our eyes. And we hardly want this. Therefore, eye care is becoming increasingly important. So we need to gradually, step by step, begin to take care of our eyes so that our eyes remain beautiful and healthy.

Eye care first- this is hygiene. Every evening, no matter how tired you are and no matter what time you get home (even if it’s late at night), be sure to remove your eye makeup. Makeup can be removed with special products, or you can remove it with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. vegetable oil. By the way, this remedy is much better. After all, unlike cosmetics, here you know for sure that you are removing makeup with oil, which also nourishes your delicate skin around the eyes.

Second. If your eyes are red, an excellent eye care remedy is chamomile infusion or linden color. The infusion is very simple to prepare: pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, and after 10-15 minutes strain, cool to a comfortable temperature and rinse your eyes with this infusion for several days in a row. (store in the refrigerator, and before rinsing your eyes, pour out as much as necessary and warm up the infusion a little)

If your eyes turn red from strong wind, then it is useful to make a warm compress from chamomile infusion. Make a compress for 15 minutes, periodically changing the cooled napkins to warm ones.

After the compress, gently massaging the lower eyelid, rub the cream into it from the nose to the temples.

Third. If you have dark circles under your eyes, a cottage cheese compress will help you.

For a cottage cheese compress, take two thin handkerchiefs or gauze, wrap a spoonful of cottage cheese in them and place it on your eyes. Hold for 10 – 15 minutes.

Fourth. If you spend a lot of time indoors, try to ventilate the room as often as possible. This will both humidify the air and help get rid of dry skin. It is also very useful to have an open container of water in the room (if it is not possible to purchase a special humidifier).

Do not forget that not only for eye care, but also for the whole body as a whole, you need to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters clean water in a day.

Eye fatigue can be relieved by looking into the distance or into the sky. You can also rub your palms together, then apply them with pads to your closed eyes and hold for a few seconds.

Also, if you stay in a dark room for 10-15 minutes, your eyes will feel better.

Eye care includes not only compresses, but also gymnastics. Gymnastics is necessary so that your eyes do not get tired. After all, eye exercises relieve fatigue and strengthen the eye muscles. It is very useful for the prevention of myopia and is necessary for those whose vision is no longer one hundred percent.

First. Close your eyes tightly and count slowly to 5. Then open your eyes, lift them up and count to five and close again.

Second. Slowly look to the left and count to five. Then slowly look to the right, count to five and return to the starting position. Close your eyes for a few seconds and repeat the exercise again.

Third. Raise your eyes up, count to three, then slowly lower your eyes down and count to three. Close your eyes for a few seconds.

Fourth. Rotate your eyes from right to left, then from left to right. Rotate slowly and close your eyes for a few seconds between sets.

Fifth. Very good exercise for the eyes, this is when you look into the distance at some object, and then move your gaze to a close object. Repeat several times.

If your eyes are tired, a little eye massage will be an excellent treatment for tired eyes. To do this, sit on a chair with your back to the light source. The back, neck and head should be on the same line. Take a small breath, and as you exhale, from the outer edge of the eye to the bridge of the nose, lightly press the bottom of your palms onto your eyes with rolling movements. By the way, this is one of my favorite eye care exercises.

I also like to rinse my eyes with slightly warm boiled water several times a day. Fatigue disappears as if by hand. You can add a little tea leaves to the water.

And in conclusion, I would like to give a few seemingly obvious, but for some reason not everyone followed recommendations for eye care:

- do not read in public transport or when the light is dim.

— try to rub your palms together at least several times during the day and apply them to your eyes. Hold for about a minute.

- avoid too much tension in the eye muscles, take a break from work, at least sometimes just raise your eyes from the monitor and look into the distance, at the ceiling, or at the next wall.

Yellow, green and blue colors have a very positive effect on the eyes, and on the general mood. Surround yourself with rainbow colors.

Take care of your eyes, give them due attention, and they will delight you with health, beauty and inner radiance all your life.

Beauty and health to you! Alena Morskaya.

Many women spend an incredible amount of effort and energy to combat the signs of aging. Money. We try to remove cellulite, deep wrinkles around the mouth and neck, forgetting that caring for the skin around the eyes should be the most thorough.

Many women spend an incredible amount of effort and money to combat the signs of aging. We try to remove cellulite, deep wrinkles around the mouth and neck, forgetting that caring for the skin around the eyes should be the most thorough. Today we will introduce you to several Ayurvedic tips for caring for the eyes and skin around the eyes.

Skin care around and behind the eyes

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, dryness and eye fatigue


Aggravating factors: old age, stress, anxiety, insomnia, alcohol abuse, dehydration, strabismus.

Treatment: Avoid chemicals for removing makeup and thick heavy eye creams. Remove makeup with a cotton swab dipped in simple vegetable oil.

Wear sunglasses in bright daylight and try not to read in the dark. Never look directly at the sun.

Twice a day, pinch the skin above the eyebrows, starting from the bridge of the nose and moving towards the temples. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Blink, cover your eyes with your hands, perform eye massage and eye baths as described on page 160.

Dark circles under the eyes

Brownish circles are Vata, gray-green circles are Pitta.

Aggravating factors: anemia, poor health, lack of sleep, circulatory disorders, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, disorders menstrual cycle; abuse of fried, frozen and canned foods, beans, peanuts, salad.

Treatment: From time to time, lie down on an inclined surface and lie for 5-10 minutes with your legs elevated.

Soak two cotton balls in cold milk, rose water, fig juice or mint leaf juice. Place the tampons on your eyelids and lie there for 5-10 minutes.

Apply crushed mint leaves to the skin around the eyes and lie there for 5.10 minutes.

Before going to bed, gently massage the skin around your eyes with saffron or almond oil. Perform the exercises described on pages 160-161 (blinking, covering your eyes with your palms) every day.

Nutritional supplements: Before lunch and dinner, take 2-4 g of ginseng in tablets or powder.

Swelling of the eyelids

Dosha out of balance: Kapha.

Aggravating factors: high blood pressure, liver and kidney problems, problems with waste elimination, weak digestive fire, fluid retention, lack of sleep, hormonal changes.

Treatment: Place black tea bags soaked in warm water, cotton swabs soaked in an infusion of dry hazel leaves or celery juice, or gauze bags with raw potatoes(1 teaspoon of grated potatoes per bag). Lie down with your eyes closed for 20 minutes.

Using your ring finger, carefully massage the area under the eyes, pressing one point at a time and gradually moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer when massaging the upper eyelid and vice versa when massaging the lower.

This massage promotes the drainage of lymphatic fluids.

Nutritional supplements: Take 1000 mg of vitamin C daily and eat black raisins and figs.

Early wrinkles

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta.

Aggravating factors: dryness (lack of fat), dehydration (lack of water), stress; exposure to sun, wind, heat or cold, too hot or too cold water; excessive exercise stress, too frequent travel; abuse of alcohol, coffee, tobacco, sweets or spicy food; sudden loss weight; reception hormonal drugs; diabetes; lack of purpose in life, lack of love in personal relationships; hereditary factors. Treatment:

Treatment: Make a special mask twice a week. Mix and make a paste with a tablespoon of sandalwood powder, 1 drop of natural camphor oil, 3-4 drops of lotus oil and 2 teaspoons of water.

To form a protective layer on the skin under your eyes, gently rub a few drops of facial oil made with sandalwood or rose oil into these areas of the skin.Then apply the prepared paste to the rest of your face.

Close your eyes, place damp cotton swabs soaked in rose water on your eyelids and lie there for 10-15 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of dry geranium and a cup of water. Regularly lubricate your face with this decoction using a cotton swab.

Nutritional supplements: take vitamin E and primrose oil Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.published

Based on the book by Raichur Pratima “Absolute Beauty. Radiant skin and inner harmony: the ancient secrets of Ayurveda »

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A beautiful appearance is, of course, the cherished dream of every lady. Since ancient times, poets have sung feminine charm and, but the beauty of the eyes was always extolled first. In modern times, little has changed and men are still captivated by the depth of a woman’s gaze. That is why it is worth paying attention to such an issue as eye care, because this is the key to unfading attractiveness.

Relevance of eye care

The main reasons that have a negative impact on the eyes are: the modern rhythm of life, prolonged sitting at the computer and a polluted atmosphere. Over time, these reasons lead to the appearance of edema; to dark circles under the eyes and facial wrinkles.

At a young age, sweet beauties have no need to worry about their condition skin in the eye area. Only with age do we begin to worry about the condition of the eyelids (read how to tighten the upper eyelid), facial wrinkles around the eyes and other age-related changes.

But the modern rhythm of life, prolonged sitting at the computer and a polluted atmosphere do not have the best effect on the beauty of women’s eyes, and by the age of 25, many ladies note the presence of such problems as:
● ;
● ;
● facial wrinkles;
● feeling of skin tightness in the eye area.

Unfortunately, the above problems become companions for almost every woman as she ages. Sometimes it is quite difficult to deal with their manifestations. Therefore, eye care for women should become a lifeline that will prevent the occurrence of such troubles.

Basic rules for eye care

Eye care rules: management the right image life; protection of the skin around the eyes; proper use cosmetics and daily eye cleansing; application natural remedies skin care around the eyes

To maintain the health and beauty of the eyes, representatives of the fair half should know a number of rules that will significantly help in this difficult matter.

It is also necessary to remember that the key to successfully caring for your appearance is regularity.

Only if this principle is observed will all actions taken be effective.
1.Right way of life– it is important to comply optimal mode sleep and wakefulness, avoid stressful situations, stick to the basics of a healthy diet.
2.Protecting the skin around the eyes– the delicate skin around the eyes is in dire need of protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, so do not neglect sunglasses in sunny weather.
3.Proper use of cosmetics– It is necessary to apply high-quality decorative cosmetics to the eyelids and eyelashes. You can read how to choose a cream for the skin around the eyes.
4.Proper removal of eye makeup– eyes should be cleaned of decorative cosmetics only with mild action, such as foam or special milk.
5.Using natural eye care products– you definitely need to pamper the area around the eyes with homemade compresses and lotions to saturate the cells nutrients and improvements.

Professional skin care around the eyes

However, if for some reason you neglected to take care of your eyes from an early age, by the age of 30 gaps in care are reflected in the condition of your appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a qualified specialist who will prescribe a specific course of restorative procedures. Often, in beauty salons, women can be offered both non-surgical methods and more radical ones that require surgical intervention.

Let's look at the most popular of them.
1.Photorejuvenation– using a special device that delivers light pulses that a specialist directs to the skin around the eyes, wrinkles are smoothed out and the production of collagen fibers is stimulated for greater elasticity of the skin, which leads to.
2. – in this case, a cocktail of substances that contain minerals is injected under the skin in the eye area to significantly smooth out wrinkles and improve skin color.
3.Contour plastic– injection of a drug such as silicone under the skin, which helps restore skin turgor.

After carrying out any of the presented procedures, the cosmetologist will prescribe special eye care that will consolidate the results.

Eye care: four steps to health

Remember that you should always remove your eye makeup before going to bed. To do this you need to use special means: tonic, milk.

Eyes are not only a mirror of our soul, but also reflect our mood and health. Therefore, in order for our eyes to be healthy for as long as possible, we will describe 4 basic care steps:
1. Hygiene. Remove eye makeup every day before bed. To do this you need to use special tools. If you don’t have them on hand, you can use a sponge dipped in any. This option will be even more beneficial for the delicate skin around the eyes.
2. If the eyes are DC voltage or working at the computer for a long time, you become red, an infusion of. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the flowers, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. You should rinse your eyes 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days. It is better to store the tincture in the refrigerator; before the procedure, the required amount of the mixture must be heated. If your eyes become red from a strong wind, you can make a warm compress of chamomile. Prepare the composition in the same way, but apply it warm. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes.
3. Do you have dark circles under your eyes? You can make a compress from cottage cheese. For this you will need two handkerchiefs. Take a handkerchief and put 1 tsp in it. cottage cheese, roll it up and put it on the eye, do the same for the other eye. Keep the compress for 20 minutes. Read how to choose a cream for bruises around the eyes.
4. If you long time If you are indoors, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible. This will help moisturize and purify the air, and also prevent drying of the skin.

By following these rules, you will soon notice that eye care is not a burden.

Home Remedies for Eye Care

Products for the preparation of which exclusively natural ingredients were used are a great help in the responsible task of caring for the beauty of the eyes.

Traditional medicine contains an abundance of recipes for such remedies, which are not difficult to prepare at home. After all, almost all the components can be found in your kitchen or purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

Linden compress
2 tsp Pour a glass of boiling water over dried linden flowers, leave for a quarter of an hour, then strain the resulting liquid, moisten gauze pads and apply them briefly to your eyelids, then rinse your eyes with warm water. This recipe will perfectly help cope with swelling or redness of the eyelids.

Honey drops
This drug will help prevent the occurrence of eye diseases and maintain visual acuity. To prepare the drops, you need to dilute 0.5 tsp. liquid honey in 1 tbsp. clean water. The resulting composition should be instilled 1-2 drops into each eye, 3 times a day. The solution should be stored refrigerated, but no more than 3 days.

In the photo: tea lotion. Cool the freshly brewed tea, soak the sponges in it and place it on your eyes, pressing lightly to release some of the liquid. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Tea lotions
Cool the freshly brewed tea, soak the sponges in it and place it on your eyes, pressing lightly to release some of the liquid. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The lotion should be applied when severe fatigue eye.

Peel 1 small potato tuber, grate on a coarse grater, mix with 2 tsp. flour and the same amount of milk, mix the ingredients until thick, spread in a thin layer on the area around the eyes, after 10 minutes remove the remaining wet soft cloth. The use of such a mask will significantly reduce inflammation and nourish the skin with beneficial substances.

As you can see, eye care for women at home can be quite simple, but at the same time extremely effective. You can do this at home to relieve fatigue and prevent vision loss.

The main thing is not to be lazy and take care of your appearance, and then you can easily captivate men with the beauty of your own eyes.

You must always remember that any treatment methods require a serious approach, because... The importance of vision for a person cannot be underestimated, therefore, before carrying out serious treatment, you should consult with an ophthalmologist.


Antonina, 23 years old:
- Hello, I really like using homemade masks. Can you tell me how long unused products can be stored in the refrigerator?