Ear inflammation: how to treat it. Causes and symptoms of ear inflammation. Otitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, antibiotics

One of the most frequent complications colds - inflammation of the middle ear, otitis media. The middle ear begins behind the eardrum, deep inside, and is a small, pea-sized cavity in the thickness temporal bone. The middle ear communicates with external environment only through the Eustachian tube, which opens high in the nasopharynx. If there are a lot of microbes in the nasopharynx, then they directly enter the Eustachian tube, and then just into that tiny cavity called the middle ear. Against the background of general malaise, fever, and often a runny nose, a sharp, “shooting” pain in the ear suddenly occurs, which can intensify and cause many unpleasant minutes for the sick person. In advanced cases, purulent discharge may appear from ear canal. Under unfavorable conditions or if otitis media is not completely cured, it can become chronic. Hearing loss and hearing loss may be a consequence of otitis media. That's why it's so important to accept emergency measures self-help if this illness has made itself felt.

How to treat otitis?

1. It is important to understand that middle ear inflammation cannot be cured with drops alone. Previously, boric alcohol was used, but now it is not used, since boron is not a harmless element for the body, and its disinfectant effect is doubtful. In addition, alcohol irritates the eardrum and can increase inflammation.

The causative agent of ear inflammation is coccal flora. The infection penetrates from the nasopharynx through the auditory tube. There are external, middle and internal otitis media. Otitis externa is manifested by severe pain in the ear, which intensifies with pressure on the tragus. Children infancy When inflammation develops, they behave restlessly, often burp, and scream while sucking. Otoscopy with a diffuse process allows you to see purulent discharge and desquamation of the epithelium.

In chronic purulent otitis media, a decrease in the body's reactivity and periodic or constant suppuration from the ear are observed. During examination, a perforation is revealed in the eardrum; the mucous membrane of the middle ear is changed. When otoscopy color eardrum from dull gray to bright red. The purulent process is characterized by perforation of the eardrum and suppuration. Gradually affected auditory ossicles. Any part of the eardrum can be perforated. Otogenic intracranial complications are possible. Persistent perforation is the result of a sluggish infection of the mastoid process, unsanitized nasopharynx, as well as a consequence of scarlet fever or measles.

Drugs are now recommended for instillation, containing an antibiotic and a steroidal anti-inflammatory agent - sofradex, polydex, garazon and others. As for Sofradex, it is prescribed only after an ear examination by a doctor! If there is a perforation of the eardrum, Sofradex, having leaked into the inner ear, can have a toxic effect on the sensory cells of the cochlea due to the antibiotic neomycin included in its composition.

Pain relieving drops with lidocaine - otipax. Actually their general purpose- treatment of external otitis (inflammation of the external auditory canal), which is often observed in people with a cold. In this case, the effect is obvious: the antibiotic suppresses the activity of microbes, and the steroid reduces the activity of inflammation. In the case of inflammation of the middle ear, drops are not the only treatment. They play the role of a pain reliever, but not a pain reliever. Only some anti-inflammatory effect can be expected from the action of the steroid on the eardrum. In general, this treatment is ineffective and antibiotic therapy is required.

2. For otitis media, the doctor usually prescribes antibiotics. In mild cases, with a purely viral process, you can do without them. But still, do not refuse if your doctor decides to prescribe you antibiotics, since complications of otitis media are much more serious than side effects from antibiotics. Antibiotics act quite effectively on the microflora of the middle ear, preventing the development of the inflammatory process (ampicillin, amoxicillin, ampiox, oletethrin).

3. Place warm compress on the ear. A semi-alcohol compress on the ear improves blood supply to the middle ear area and tissue nutrition, promoting a speedy recovery. With a highly developed process, electromagnetic irradiation with ultra-high frequencies or more powerful microwaves can be used. The procedure is carried out in a clinic under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

4. Local treatment of a stuffy nose, which is often the case with otitis media definitely useful. It is necessary for adequate ventilation of the middle ear through the Eustachian tube and equalization of pressure on the eardrum, to reduce the production of exudate and its better suction into the nasal cavity.

Treatment of otitis media

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, treatment is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Antibacterial therapy is combined with local hormonal therapy. Conservative treatments include careful removal of pus, instillation of solutions of boric acid, furacillin, dioxidine or other disinfectants into the ear.

Medicinal plants and folk remedies

Collection (parts):

string, grass 4
yarrow, herb 2
calendula, flowers 4
plantain, leaves 4
eucalyptus, leaves 3
pine, buds 2
licorice, roots 2

Pour 1 teaspoon of the plant mixture into 1 glass of hot water, leave for 30 minutes and drink warm throughout the day. Course 24 weeks.

Heat the remaining meal from the above herbs after preparing the infusion to 40 ° C and make a compress on the area of ​​the sore ear (16-30 minutes daily, and so on for 5-7 days).

Inject a 0.1% alcohol solution of sanguiritrin into the sore ear, 6-8 drops 3 times a day (you can also use tincture of eucalyptus, mint, plantain, chamomile, sophora or calendula).

10% tincture of lemon balm leaves - 6-8 drops 2 times a day in the ear; 5% celandine tincture - take 5 drops, and so on for 5 days;

alcohol tincture of shag (1:10) 6 drops 2 times a day.

10% tincture of walnut (Manchurian) pericarp - take 5 drops 2 times a day.

This treatment does not exclude the use of chemotherapy.

How to apply a warm compress to the ear?

For a warming compress, prepare:

  • 60-70 ml of vodka or alcohol, half diluted with water;
  • a small gauze pad or clean cotton cloth measuring 6x6 cm;
  • polyethylene (or wax paper) 3 cm larger than a napkin;
  • cotton wool;
  • wide bandage;
  • wool or cotton scarf (in no case synthetic).

1. In a gauze napkin and polyethylene (waxed paper), make a cut in the middle of such a size that the auricle fits through it. Please note: what is needed is a cut, and not a hole in the form of an oval, circle, etc.

2. Lightly heat the vodka or aqueous alcohol solution (approximately 40°C). All other components of the compress should also be at hand.

3. Make the patient sit more comfortably, ask him to tilt his head with the affected ear up. Soak gauze in warm vodka, wring it out and quickly “thread” your ear through it. The first wet layer should lie close to the back of the ear.

4. Next, immediately apply (also by threading the ear through the incision) the second layer - polyethylene - so that it completely covers the first. The auricle itself and the ear canal remain open!

5. Place a thick layer of cotton wool on top of the polyethylene around the ear and bandage it.

6. You can place a small cotton swab soaked in warm alcohol and lightly squeezed into the ear canal. This will reduce pain if there is a “shooting” in the ear.

7. Tie the compress on top with a scarf.

Attention! Never place a warm compress on your ear overnight. until morning.

The compress lasts 1-2 hours, otherwise its tightness is broken and the wet napkin no longer becomes a source of even heat, but a cold lotion.

How often apply a compress? Once a day until the pain stops.

Treatment of otitis media with folk remedies

For the treatment of acute and chronic otitis in the presence of purulent discharge from the ear ethnoscience offers the following recipes:

  • Lemon. Chew 1/4 lemon with peel.
  • Peony (tincture). Take 20 drops 3 times a day.
  • Calendula (70% tincture of flowers, sold in pharmacies). Apply a compress to the behind-the-ear and parotid areas.
  • Onion (juice). Soak a swab in fresh onion juice, squeeze lightly and place in your ear. Tie a woolen scarf over the ear or apply an alcohol compress to the parotid area.
  • Horseradish (juice). For purulent inflammation, place 3-4 drops of horseradish juice into the ear.
  • Juniper (berries). Insert a cotton swab dipped in an alcoholic tincture of juniper berries into your ear.
  • Geranium fragrant (houseplant). Roll a fresh leaf into a tube and insert it into the ball! my ear (relieves inflammation and relieves “shooting” pain in the ears).
  • White elderberry (flowers), chamomile (flowers)- in equal parts. Mix the herbs, steam and use as a compress (relieves ear pain).
  • Ramson (plant). Place wild garlic juice in your ears.
  • Beetroot, honey. Peel, wash the beets, cut into slices and cook in honey. Place on the sore ear as compresses.
  • Bay leaf. Pour 5 bay leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, bring to a boil, heat in a water bath with the lid closed for 2 hours, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze. Drop 8-10 drops of the resulting decoction into the sore ear and drink 2-3 tablespoons of the warm solution. Do the procedure 3 times (for ear pain, suppuration).
  • Onion (juice), cumin. At the top of the onion, cut a small part in the form of a cube, place 1 teaspoon of crushed cumin seeds in the recess, cover with the cut out part, bake, squeeze the juice from the hot onion and place 2-3 drops in your ear 3 times a day.
  • Egg. Hard boil 2 chicken eggs. Run under cold water, then clean. Separate the white from the yolk. Wrap the warm white in a thick cotton cloth and squeeze it with all your might until liquid starts to drip. This liquid, slightly warmed, should be instilled into the ears.
  • Mumiyo. At night, place tampons soaked in a 2.5% mummy solution in your ears. For severe pain, change tampons several times a day. If there is discharge from the ear, bury the mummy in a mixture with furatsilin. After or during the procedure, the ears should be warmed up.
  • Propolis. For purulent inflammation of the middle ear, use a 30% alcohol extract of propolis - 5 drops into the external auditory canal 3 times a day. For advanced forms of the disease, insert gauze pads moistened with this extract into the external auditory canal for a day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days, depending on the degree of the disease. Propolis kills germs, relieves pain and eliminates unpleasant odor in purulent inflammation of the ears. Turundas should be changed daily.
  • Milk, hemp oil. At ear pain rinse your ear with hot milk, to which hemp oil has been added when boiled.
  • Sea buckthorn oil with honey. Place 1 drop in your ear sea ​​buckthorn oil and 1 drop of melted honey, then close the ear canal with cotton wool for 1 hour.

Ear inflammation can have serious consequences for a person. An irresponsible attitude towards your health and this sensitive organ can lead to hearing loss and other complications. Otitis media in adults is a disease that needs to be taken seriously and you need to know its symptoms, consequences and treatment. In this article the reader will get everything necessary information, learns medications and traditional methods treatment, preventive measures.

Characteristics of the disease

The human ear has a complex structure and consists of an outer, middle and inner part. Depending on this, otitis media can be localized in different tissues of the ear.

The outer ear is the auditory canal itself in the form of the auricle.

The following inflammations of the outer ear are distinguished.

  • perichondritis – infection of the cartilage followed by an inflammatory process;
  • skin diseases (,) provoke otitis media;
  • diffuse otitis occurs if there is a skin injury with infection;
  • mycosis - the development of fungus on the skin of the ear;
  • when the sebaceous glands become inflamed. Inflammation occurs due to the entry of pathogenic microbes into the roots of miniature hairs;
  • otohematoma – hemorrhage in an organ, accompanied by the development of pathogens and inflammation.

The middle ear is formed by the tympanic cavity, which includes the membrane, and the auditory tube, which balances within the organ.

May cause the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the tympanic cavity and, as a result, the membrane;
  • inflammatory process in the auditory tube;
  • infection of the skull bone as the next stage in the development of otitis media.

Infections of this part of the ear with otitis media are divided into acute and chronic.

Acute otitis media is characterized by inflammation of the middle ear mucosa and discharge of pus. Purulent otitis in adults is provoked by the penetration of infection through the connecting channels (through the auditory, eustachian tube) from the nasopharynx; this often occurs during the development of ARVI, but can be caused by more specific reasons:

  • severe pressure changes when rinsing or blowing your nose;
  • development of various infections: typhus, . The disease is transmitted through blood;
  • reduced, including, or.

Chronic otitis also affects the mucous membrane and forms purulent inflammation.

Otitis occurs due to:

  • untreated acute otitis media in the presence of other infectious diseases;
  • disturbances of normal nasal breathing (in case of allergies or nasal injuries);
  • suppressed immune system;
  • use of drugs that inhibit the body’s protective function.

The inner ear consists of a labyrinth of organs.

An infection can get into this part of the ear due to chronic otitis media, as well as in the case of:

  • occurrence of severe injury;
  • development (inflammation of the brain);
  • progression of syphilis.

Symptoms and consequences

Attention! Signs of otitis in adults differ depending on the location of the inflammation and the nature of its course.

When otitis externa occurs in the auricle, the symptoms can be seen with your own eyes:

  • perichondritis is characterized by swelling in the form of tuberosity and pain in the auricle itself;
  • at infectious lesions the skin develops redness, crusting, and weeping of the skin;
  • diffuse otitis media causes intense itching and pus from the ear, painful sensations if you touch or pull the ear;
  • with the progression of mycosis appear characteristic features: feeling of congestion and noise, deterioration of hearing ability, itching, unpleasant odor;
  • Furunculosis is characterized by severe pain in the ear, which radiates to the face, neck and teeth. A lump with yellowish pus appears on the ear, painful when pressed. Pain interferes with talking and chewing food;
  • with otohematoma, a tumor-like formation occurs bright color(blue and purple), does not cause pain.

Damage to the middle ear carries a greater risk to human health.

Advice! To minimize the consequences it is recommended early diagnosis And timely treatment otitis media.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pronounced congestion and noise;
  • a clear echo (resonance) from your own voice in the inflamed ear;
  • shooting pain with abscess of the tympanic cavity. The development of infection leads to membrane rupture and hearing loss;
  • in some cases, there is an increase in body temperature (not higher than 40 degrees Celsius);
  • general weakness in the body;
  • throbbing pain;

When otitis media passes into the chronic stage, there is a constant discharge of pus, hearing deteriorates, and may be accompanied by regular pain in the head and ear.

Internal otitis affects the vestibular apparatus of the patient and manifests itself:

  • severe dizziness, loss of coordination;
  • vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pale skin;
  • significant hearing loss.

Failure to take the symptoms of otitis seriously and insufficient treatment can cause complications. Progressive ear inflammation can cause:

  1. Epitympanitis is inflammation of the temporal bone.
  2. Facial nerve paralysis.
  3. Skull hernias.
  4. Brain abscess.
  5. Meningitis.
  6. Complete hearing loss.

Attention! These consequences require urgent medical, including surgical, intervention!

Diagnosis and treatment

Before you start treating otitis media, you should visit a doctor for an examination. An ENT specialist makes a diagnosis based on a survey and signs identified during an ear examination (otoscopy). The doctor also checks hearing acuity and analyzes the results of a bacteriological blood test. If necessary, X-rays and tomography of the skull are performed.

Treatment of otitis in adults depends on the characteristics of the disease. The patient uses drops and takes medications, but in severe cases it is used surgical intervention in stationary conditions.

Attention! If timely measures are taken, all treatment can be carried out at home.

Treatment for otitis externa includes:

  • use of antibacterial, restorative ointments;
  • cold and compresses;
  • extraction of fluid, surgical opening of ulcers;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • lubricating the bumps and boils with iodine, moistening tampons with boric alcohol and placing them in the ears;

To improve general well-being and reduce temperature, paracetamol is prescribed. Physiotherapy may be prescribed in the clinic: UHF and ultraviolet radiation, especially for chronic otitis media.

Acute otitis media must be treated promptly, because the risk of complications in this case is high.

  • A catheter is inserted into the auditory tube to administer antibacterial substances that eliminate inflammation. This must be done daily to eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  • The eardrum is massaged using a narrowly directed air flow.
  • The use of imuprofen and paracetam is indicated.
  • Drops are used for otitis media.
  • Warm compresses are made daily: cotton wool soaked in Vaseline and soaked in alcohol with glycerin is inserted into the ear canal. This compress relieves swelling and warms well.

In some cases (with severe pus), the surgeon punctures the eardrum. Hormones and antibiotics for otitis in adults in this case are administered through a catheter.

Attention! After puncture, drops for otitis media are contraindicated.

If there is no improvement in this case, trepanation of the mastoid process of the middle ear is performed.

Chronic otitis media is treated with a slightly different program, since the factor of efficiency is secondary here. In this case, therapy with antibacterial drugs, rinsing and infusion of drugs, as well as physiotherapeutic measures are indicated:

  • rinse the sore ear with warm solutions of boric acid, furacillin, hydrogen peroxide;
  • rinse with antibiotics (with added hormones);
  • antibiotics and furacillin (along with other medications: quinozol, dimexide, etc.) are poured into the ear canal;
  • UFO and UHF.

If a complication occurs, treatment takes a serious turn and involves the use of surgical means.

Inflammation of internal otitis is eliminated with the help of enhanced antibiotic and vitamin therapy. In this case, surgical treatment is required (to avoid hearing loss): in the second week of taking the medication, a cleansing operation is performed.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of otitis media

Over many centuries and millennia, people have developed natural ways to eliminate inflammation in the ear. Treatment of otitis at home involves the use of the following recipes.

For external otitis in adults, two-hour compresses from a warm alcohol solution are used (ratio of water and alcohol: one to one).

A decoction of bay leaves is also effective: put 5 medium leaves in a glass of water, bring to a boil and let it brew. Take 2 tbsp 3 times a day, and also instill 10 drops of decoction into the sore ear.

Otitis media can be cured with garlic, onions and birch bud infusion:

  • infuse crushed garlic with vegetable oil within 10 days. Keep in the sun. Add glycerin to the resulting solution and instill a few drops into the ear. Before this, the solution should be warmed;
  • After cutting off the top of the onion, make a depression in it and add cumin into it. Cover with the top and bake in the oven for half an hour. Then squeeze out; instill the resulting juice before bedtime for a week, 3 drops in the ear;
  • 10% tincture of birch buds relieves inflammation and restores hearing. After moistening a cotton swab, insert it into the ear for 10-15 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

cure internal otitis Poppy seeds and herbal decoctions will help:

  • Boil 7 heads of unripe poppy seeds in 150 ml of milk for 30 minutes. Rinse the sore ear with the resulting decoction;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water with 1 tbsp mixed in equal parts of eucalyptus, yarrow, calendula and string. After steeping for half an hour, drink the infusion throughout the day.

The above recipes act as additional ones and do not replace drug treatment.

Prevention and restoration of hearing after otitis media

How can the occurrence of infection be minimized? Prevention of otitis in adults involves following simple rules.

  1. Refrain from swimming in polluted waters.
  2. After any contact with water, thoroughly clean your ears.
  3. Regularly clean your ears from dirt and wax and maintain hygiene. But it is better to leave a minimum of sulfur, since it protects the ear canal from pathogenic microbes.
  4. It is responsible to treat any ear and nose disease.

Advice! It is recommended to swim in rivers and open water using earplugs.

People often treat otitis unduly frivolously, not realizing that complications from this infection can lead to the most tragic consequences. The information in this article will help you sensibly assess the dangers and risks of the disease, learn how to avoid it, and, if necessary, cure it.

The inflammatory process observed in the ear has a name otitis. Depending on the location, it is customary to distinguish three main types of disease: internal, middle, external. Before determining the method of treating otitis at home, it is necessary to clearly define what type of otitis has overtaken your body. Of course, the final word here always belongs to the doctor, since only he is able to make a qualified diagnosis after conducting the appropriate diagnostics. How to treat otitis, while at home, and what are the main signs of the appearance of this disease, we will try to understand in this material.

Key symptoms of the disease

The manifestation of otitis is characterized by the occurrence of acute, shooting pain in the ears, and a general feverish state of the body.

Some cases of the onset of the disease pass without an increase in temperature, and the person considers the pain to be quite acceptable.

If there is an active infection, purulent discharge appears in the ear.

Over time, the eardrum may become damaged, which can provoke an increase in the inflammatory process.

Young children are most susceptible to otitis media with purulent manifestations.

If the temperature persists for a long time, the child is in a state of unreasonable crying, reacts painfully to touching the ears, spits out the pacifier when trying to feed - all this clearly indicates that there is a need to immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

The next obvious sign of otitis is worsening auditory functions person.

At the same time, there is a constant feeling of their complete congestion. This situation can last 3-4 weeks. If you do not pay due attention to the problem that has arisen, quite serious complications can arise, which often entails surgery doctors. Repeatedly appearing otitis leads to a condition where a person practically does not perceive any sound information by ear, and almost does not hear the speech of other people.

Treatment of otitis at home

Otitis may be different types. For each type, a different course of treatment is prescribed. Medium – extremely dangerous due to its consequences. There is a high probability of partial hearing loss and brain damage. Characteristic symptoms: high temperature, discharge of pus, piercing, shooting pain, and just a “trifle” in comparison, tinnitus.

Most probable cause The occurrence of external otitis can be called mechanical damage to the auricle, trauma. As for the internal one, this is the result of neglected otitis media.

During the onset of the disease, there is often no opportunity to seek help from a doctor. Therefore, you need to try to help yourself. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to drop alcohol into the ears, and you cannot use warming compresses. If you have boric alcohol, then make a small flagellum from cotton wool, dip it in the medicine and place it in the ear hole. This procedure will weaken the inflammatory process. However, this method should not be used by children, as it can cause irritation to children's skin in the ear area.

If the pain has stopped and you need to take water treatments, you can use cotton wool with Vaseline to plug your ears.

I would like to reiterate that if ear pain does not go away after three days, seeing a doctor is absolutely necessary.

provoke disease Otitis is possible in almost all seasons. In winter and autumn, this disease can be caught by being outside for a long time without a hat, and in the summer - by swimming or diving. If the water that gets into the ears is not removed in time, then the ear canals are likely to become the site of inflammatory processes.

Otitis externa can be a consequence of colds (), diseases of the nasal cavity, inflammation of the tonsils. This situation is aggravated by inflammation of the skin of the ears, and an abscess may appear. In this case, it is good to apply clean, well-crushed plantain leaves and baked onions to the sore spot. After the abscess breaks, it is recommended to do the following procedure.

Take a kettle of freshly boiled water, dissolve a little soda, and cover yourself with a flannel blanket. Sit so that the steam coming out of the spout is directed towards the auricle, while the kettle should be no closer than 0.5 meters. The duration of the procedure is about three minutes. After this, you need to cool your face with a damp cloth. It is recommended to warm up in this way ten times in total. The result of such activities is that painful sensations in problem areas they “retreat”.

Remarkably proven in the treatment of otitis media Bay leaf. Brew 5 leaves for two minutes with a glass of water and let it brew. Place five drops into the ear canals and drink one tablespoon four times a day.

An advanced state of otitis media externally leads to inflammation ear in the middle part. This process accompanied by elevated temperature, a feeling of weakness, the appearance of ear noises and sharp pain. Young children are most often exposed to such suffering.

If you do not pay due attention to the treatment of this disease, there is a danger of a rupture of the eardrum with further release of pus.

When the vector of direction of the treatment process is chosen incorrectly, otitis media risks turning into a chronic disease.

The acute phase is characterized by purulent discharge, which can break into inner part ear, and the inflammatory process migrates to the cranial cavity.

It should be clearly understood that otitis media, like many other diseases, can seriously undermine and present the body with very unpleasant surprises. Please note that even if you prefer treatment with the help of folk remedies, then still without the help of doctors positive result treatment is difficult to achieve. The treatment process can last two weeks. These deadlines will be relevant, provided that the visit to the otolaryngologist is not delayed.

1. Warming up with warm compressor gauze is possible. The gauze is folded in four layers. Cut out a piece slightly larger than the size of your ear and soak it in an alcohol solution (the ratio of alcohol to water is 1 to 3). Next, after a little heating, place this compress on the ear, covering the top with polyethylene. On top of everything you need to wear a warm hat made of wool or other material. The compression pad should be kept in place as long as it retains heat. In cases where purulent discharge comes from the ears, treatment with heating and heat compresses cannot be used, since inflammation of the affected areas of the ear canals may increase. Drops containing alcohol are also not appropriate for this situation, since they can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the ear canal. To avoid injury, do not use matches. It is quite acceptable to use cotton wool flagella, pre-moistened in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

2.Otitis, mainly develops due to a runny nose. During its presence, it is not recommended to blow your nose forcefully, because nasal secretions can penetrate into tympanic cavity and cause the appearance of otitis media. In addition, influenza and scarlet fever can trigger the onset of this disease. To relieve swelling of the nasal cavity, drop-shaped treatment should be used. It is necessary to carry out the following actions. Lying on your right side, instill drops into your right nostril. After this, maintain this position for 5-10 minutes. Next, repeat similar actions while lying on your left side. At the end of the instillation procedure, you need to lie down with the sore ear up and drip medicinal drops. Apply pressure with your finger on the cartilage protruding in front of the ear opening, so that it closes the auditory opening. If performed correctly, you will soon feel that the medicine has gone down your throat. This technique, when using drops that do not contain alcohol, helps to quickly clear the ear of purulent discharge.

3. In the acute stage of otitis, instilling drops of tincture prepared from mint leaves helps well. Two tablespoons of chopped herbs are combined with half a bottle of vodka. give the opportunity to brew for ten days. Apply 4 drops every three hours. However, it is worth noting that the global craze for self-medication in acute otitis media is fraught with serious trouble. It is recommended to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary antibiotics.

4. During chronic stage, external applications to the ear can bring significant relief. Flour is mixed with an aqueous solution (one to two) camphor alcohol. To the resulting mass add one beaten egg and a tablespoon of linseed oil. The sore spot is covered with the resulting mass, covered with cellophane, and wrapped with a warm cloth on top. Such procedures must be done until the ear pain disappears.

5. In the chronic stage, you can use the following popular recommendation. Take pre-dried, crushed rhizome of the raspberry bush. Of course, you must first rinse it thoroughly. Four tablespoons of this root mass should be brewed in one liter of water, then left for ten hours. Drink two-thirds of a glass twice a day, for one month.

6. A tincture of birch buds can have a good anti-inflammatory effect. You need to insist on vodka (ratio 1 to 10), 14 days. It is used in this way: it is heated, cotton wool is soaked in it, which is then placed in the ears. This procedure significantly reduces the effect of inflammation, helps stop the secretion of pus, and improves hearing.

Prevention of otitis

To prevent the disease from reaching the “borders of your body,” you need to reliably strengthen your immunity, which will inevitably fight off colds, infectious diseases, and with them otitis media. But if you fail to protect yourself, then the first thing you need to do is to ensure that the mucus in your nose does not thicken. Until its fluid properties are weakened, it independently fights viruses and bacteria. Drink more fluids (within reason, of course). It is necessary to achieve room humidity of no more than 50%. Such conditions are most optimal for the body to fight the disease. - one of the causes of the disease, so it is recommended to take care of your ears during it. The bathing process should be carried out with the ears covered with cotton swabs.

The nose blowing procedure must be performed correctly. For a speedy recovery, you must try to adhere to bed rest, consume more fish and milk products, since the microelements abundantly present in them are extremely useful for maintaining hearing in good condition.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all the recipes written above can bring relief on a temporary basis. In order to avoid complications, you should absolutely not delay a visit to the otolaryngologist, since only he can give you a comprehensive answer to your question how to treat otitis media and protect the body from this dangerous disease.

Ear inflammation is called in medicine. Every person experiences this disease at least once. It causes a lot of trouble and discomfort, and in case of untimely and improper treatment can lead to serious illness.

Otitis - features of the development of the disease

Otitis media can occur due to several factors. Firstly, due to internal inflammation in the body. Any infections can “walk” throughout the body, affecting all organs. Diseases are especially dangerous in this regard respiratory tract, since the infection is eustachian tube can reach and cause inflammation.

If your ears become cold, you can get inflamed. Insufficient hygiene can also contribute to it: the infection can penetrate through dirty hands, or if water does not get into the middle ear, it can also develop, and in this case it is very often purulent.


  • The first sign that otitis media has begun is pain in the ear. It can be aching, sharp, or sometimes shoot through.
  • Sometimes the ear itself can become inflamed and red, skin peel and itch.
  • Hearing deteriorates, noise and humming are heard, and purulent discharge may appear from the ear.
  • Inflammation may be accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure.
  • If otitis media becomes chronic, the pain becomes weaker and appears less frequently, but there is more purulent discharge and the person feels constant headache and nausea.

Young children cannot tell their mothers what is hurting them, so recognizing otitis media can be difficult, although there are some characteristic signs that can help in diagnosis. The baby refuses to breastfeed because it becomes very painful for him to suck. If you put the child with the sore ear to the chest, he can eat, as the painful sensations decrease. In the crib, he will try to lay his head on the sore ear. Babies sleep poorly, become anxious, and cry constantly. Older children constantly shake their heads as if they have something stuck in their ears. They can constantly touch themselves by the ear, rub it against various objects.

Effective treatment at home

The main principle when treating at home is to do no harm. This disease is relatively easy to treat in the initial stages if you approach the matter competently.

  • The basis of treatment should be and. Interestingly, nasal drops, for example, Galazolin, Sanorin, have a good effect.
  • Anti-inflammatory ear drops include Otinum, Garazon, Otirelax. It is necessary to instill a few drops into both ears 2 times a day, not only into the patient, as the process can develop and move to the other side.
  • If necessary, you can use painkillers, such as paracetamol, Ibuprofen and others. The ears must be kept warm; dry heating and alcohol compresses can be used.

Remember, in advanced stages, treating otitis media on your own is dangerous. If you have purulent discharge, you should immediately go to the doctor so that a specialist can select a comprehensive effective therapy. They are usually prescribed in combination with cleaning the ear canal, which cannot be done at home. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe hormonal medications for flushing.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers know several effective remedies that can cope with otitis media. It is important to remember: you can only treat the initial stages yourself. can help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but only special medications can completely cure the disease.

You can make your own ear drops at home. We will need:

  • Mumiyo (solution) – 10 ml
  • Essential rose oil – 2 drops
  • Mix the ingredients and instill 2-3 drops into each ear canal twice a day.

You can also use the following as drops:

  • Warm liquid honey
  • Tincture
  • Walnut leaf juice
  • Juniper berry tincture

More information about the treatment of otitis media can be found in the video.

To reduce inflammation and warm the ear, you can use the following remedies:

  • Alcohol and glycerin in a 1:1 ratio
  • Mumiyo diluted with water in a ratio of 1:50
  • Boric alcohol

A cotton swab is soaked with these compounds and inserted into the ear canal for several hours until it dries completely.

Safe treatment for children

Self-treatment in children is not recommended, since children's body suffers all diseases more severely due to weak immunity. Therefore, if a child has an ear infection, you should immediately visit a doctor. But you can reduce unpleasant symptoms and relieve inflammation on your own.

You can start using ear or nasal drops, such as Galazolin, right away. They do not cause side effects and are safe to use.

At the initial stage, these measures may be enough to completely get rid of the disease. In more severe cases, when purulent discharge appears, the doctor prescribes outpatient procedures; sometimes the baby requires a hospital stay.

Treatment during pregnancy

Otitis media during pregnancy - safe treatment

The most important thing for a pregnant woman is not to harm the child and to keep her body in such a state that it can normally provide living conditions for itself and the fetus.

If a pregnant woman develops otitis media, self-medication is dangerous! Contact your doctor immediately. The only thing that can be done is to use vasoconstrictor drops to reduce the pain. Under no circumstances should you apply heat to a sore ear, as this will cause the formation of pus. When going to the doctor, be sure to protect your sore ear with a hat or scarf, even in the warm season, since any gusts of wind can aggravate the situation.

Possible complications of the disease

If treatment is not started in time, it can lead to very serious consequences. A person with a strong immune system usually tolerates otitis easily, but those who often suffer from colds should take the problem of ear inflammation more seriously.

Complications include:

  • Mastoiditis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mastoid process in the temporal bone. It used to occur quite often, but with its appearance it has become easier to treat. However, this disease causes a lot of trouble, and you may not notice how otitis media has turned into mastoiditis, since it is characterized by the same symptoms, but it takes much longer to treat.
  • Intracranial abscess - occurs when pus penetrates into the medulla. It is very serious, since brain damage can be irreversible. It can only be treated in a hospital setting with the help of serious medications, and surgical intervention is often required.
  • Paralysis occurs when inflammation reaches it. In this case, the person feels weakness in one part of the face, the smile is distorted, and it is difficult to open and close the eyes.
  • Meningitis is another dangerous disease that affects the lining of the brain. Requires immediate medical attention self-treatment contraindicated.
  • Hearing impairment - it usually goes away after recovery, but it can remain permanently, especially in children.
  • Perforation – occurs when too much accumulation occurs. a large number of pus that breaks through it. Further, the infection will only spread deeper into the body, which can provoke other complications.
  • Cholesteatoma is the formation of pathological tissue in the middle ear, which leads to clogging of the ear canal.

As you can see, banal otitis media can lead to very serious consequences, so you should not self-medicate, especially if the symptoms do not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor for qualified assistance.

There are people who are predisposed to developing ear diseases. Those at risk include those who:

  • Weakened immunity, including children.
  • There are congenital or acquired structural features of the ear.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements, especially vitamin A.
  • Respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma and chronic
  • Chronic nasal diseases, or previous viral and infectious diseases caused by streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, viruses and others.
  • Also, the likelihood of developing ear inflammation increases during epidemics, as well as with frequent stress and hypothermia.

Preventative measures to prevent inflammation:

  1. First of all, you need to strengthen your immune system. The easiest way is regular hardening. They should be approached wisely; precautions are especially necessary for children. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables more often; citrus fruits help improve immunity better than any immunomodulators.
  2. At colds it is necessary to start immediately, and it is better to always consult a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right one complex therapy, which will prevent the development concomitant diseases And .
  3. It is important for parents to ensure that their child uses nasal breathing. Therefore, it can also lead to ear inflammation in the baby.
  4. Avoid injuries to the nose and ear; any pathological changes in the physiological structure contribute to the development of diseases.
  5. Maintain good hygiene and do not allow your child to put dirty hands in their ears.

Otitis media is easier to prevent than to cure, but if the disease does catch up with you, take any measures immediately. You can get rid of the symptoms of the disease on your own, but only a qualified specialist can help prevent it from developing further.