Restore vision Zhdanov exercises for the eyes. Effective eye exercises according to Zhdanov

Decreased visual acuity is a problem that almost every person faces. For prevention, in the first stages of eye disease, doctors recommend performing a set of exercises. Some of them are used quite often. For example, gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov.

Zhdanov - who is this?

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a famous social activist who became famous for his energetic popularization of a healthy lifestyle. Zhdanov became the founder unconventional ways combating alcohol and nicotine addiction.

He became famous thanks to a technique that included exercises to restore the visual abilities of the eyes. It combines the information of two other scientists: Bates and Shichko. This is how Zhdanov’s eye exercises appeared.

The main advantage of gymnastics for correcting vision according to Zhdanov is A complex approach. It includes not only exercises, but also a complete transition to healthy image life. That means balanced diet, physical exercise, good dream.

The influence of Bates and Shichko’s methods on the composition of gymnastics

William Bates argued that the eyeball is able to change its length due to the work of the muscles that move it. This formed the basis of his technique for relaxing and training the visual organ.

Gennady Shichko studied the influence of psychological background on visual acuity. He developed steps, the passage of which will help restore the functioning of the eye apparatus.

Shichko’s methodology presents 6 steps, each of which has its own name: program, initiation, habit, need, attitude, grave. Movement from the first to the last stage is the path to human self-abasement. Zhdanov believed that without this staircase it was impossible to restore vision.

The essence of gymnastics according to Zhdanov

The goal of gymnastics to restore eye function according to Zhdanov is to restore balance in the mobility of the eye muscles. This means tension is relieved, weak muscles are strengthened.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov help to cope with the following diseases: strabismus, astigmatism, myopia and farsightedness. Each of them has its own set of exercises. However, Zhdanov also provided general rules.

General rules for performing eye exercises

Basic rules of gymnastics according to Zhdanov:

  1. Remove devices for correcting visual abilities (glasses, lenses).
  2. Perform exercises regularly, in accordance with the methodology;
  3. Maintain smoothness and regularity of every movement;
  4. Perform the complex 3 times a day. For deep disorders, the number is reduced - for myopia 2 approaches, for previous retinal detachment - 1 approach. Do at least 3 repetitions for each exercise.
  5. Do not involve the facial muscles in the work; all work is carried out only by the muscles of the eyeball.
  6. Visit an ophthalmologist before starting classes to approve the chosen eye exercises.
  7. Postpone the implementation of the complexes after the operation for at least 3 months.
  8. Relax before performing gymnastics, remain motionless.
  9. Eliminate bad habits, transfer yourself to proper nutrition, avoid stress.

What determines the effectiveness of eye gymnastics?

To successfully correct vision, V.G. Zhdanov recommends keeping a diary. In it, a person must take notes about desired result. According to the professor, this will help program yourself for success. At the same time, do not forget about regularly performing a set of exercises. What determines charging efficiency:

  • diagnosis - on early stages diseases, gymnastics can help if there are no changes in the structure of the eye;
  • suggestibility - helps with functional disorders, if a person is suggestible, then it is easy for him to cope with minor deviations in visual abilities;
  • desire, regularity of implementation - the greater the effort, the more successful the result.

Full recovery visual functions will happen only if a person desires to achieve this goal. Only then can a noticeable effect be achieved.

The timing of the first results varies. Some people notice improvements after 2-3 weeks, and some only after a month. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

Types of gymnastics exercises

Zhdanov included 6 main types of movements in his methodology: palming, complex, solarization, massage, pirate glasses, central fixation. Each exercise is recommended for eliminating different problems.


Palming is aimed at reducing eye fatigue. For example, it will be useful when working at a computer for a long time. Gymnastics instructions:

  1. Rub your palms to give them warmth.
  2. Close your eyelids and place your palms on top.
  3. Do not allow light to pass through your hands.
  4. Maintain this position for 4–5 minutes.

The result is that your eyes feel rested, just like after waking up. If desired, the duration of the exercise can be increased.


The complex includes 6 movements:

  • Snake - with your gaze, you draw an imaginary oblique line running from right to left and back. After doing this, blink;
  • Diagonal - the gaze is directed from the lower left side to the upper right corner. The movement is repeated in opposite directions;
  • Rectangle - mentally, leading your gaze, draw a rectangle. The movement starts in one direction, then moves in the opposite direction;
  • Circle - the principle is the same as in a rectangle, only the movement of the gaze is carried out in a circle;
  • Left-right - the eyeballs rotate as much as possible in each direction;
  • Up-down - the principle is the same as left-right, only the gaze is directed from the highest to the lowest point.

When combining the complex with palming, the effect will be greater. It is not recommended to do this after recent surgery or retinal detachment.

Perform gymnastics – 3 times a day, 3 approaches to each movement. To relax and rest your muscles, you need to blink before exercise, as well as between exercises.

Solarization is an exercise for relaxing the eye muscles according to Zhdanov.

It also helps restore visual acuity. All you need is the sun or a light source in the house.

Instructions for execution: direct your gaze to the light, close your eyelids, shake your head slowly from side to side. The created effect is alternation of light and shadow. After the exercise, it is recommended to do palming to eliminate sunbeams in the eyes.


The essence of the massage is light pressure on a certain point when closing the eyelids. The procedure is good for astigmatism, myopia, and for the prevention of cataracts and glaucoma. Main points and number of fingers for pressure:

  • upper eyelid – 2;
  • lower eyelid – 2;
  • inner corners of the eyes - 1 middle finger;
  • eyeball – 4;
  • astigmatic point - 1 index finger;
  • inside the bridge of the nose - 1 middle finger;
  • closing the eyes until narrow slits are left between the eyelids.

Each massage is performed 3 times, be sure to blink during the break. The massage is aimed at increasing blood circulation and relaxing the eye muscles.

Making pirate glasses - take a glasses frame without lenses and place a piece of black fabric in one opening. When worn, the eyes do not close; every half hour the fabric is transferred to another opening.

Wearing these glasses helps to train the eye muscles and improve visual abilities. The essence of this process is to constantly adjust the sharpness of vision.

Central fixation

Central fixation is a movement that requires looking through a window at distant objects. Execution steps:

  1. Look out the window, choose an object.
  2. Blink, catch focus until the object is clearly visible.
  3. Blink again, look at the window until focusing.


Eye exercises according to Zhdanov are necessarily accompanied by taking vitamins and minerals. The drugs are aimed at restoring visual acuity and strengthening the immune system.

Agents for strengthening blood vessels: calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid, Ascorutin. Vitamin supplements for the eyes: Blueberry Forte, Vitrum Vision, Strix, Focus Forte, Complivit Oftalmo. Drops used as external agents are: Reticulin, Zorro, Nihexin, Oftan katachrome. Before purchasing medications, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. The doctor will select medications taking into account the purpose and degree of development of the disorders.

What do patients say?

In general, reviews of gymnastics according to Zhdanov are positive; negative opinions are extremely rare. On the Internet there are both defenders of the technique and skeptical users.

Many patients note that doing the exercises helped them regain their vision and get rid of glasses. Among the advantages they also highlight: the speed of the result, its preservation in the future, the simplicity of gymnastics for the eyes.

Ophthalmologists are less welcoming to gymnastics, although they do not deny its effectiveness. Many doctors use the exercises presented in the methodology in practice. However, they recommend carefully studying the theory before trying out gymnastics.

It is possible to restore vision by performing eye exercises according to Zhdanov. The main thing is to follow the prescribed instructions. The technique is used for both treatment and prevention. The exercises are simple and easy to perform.

One hundred percent vision is one of the most valuable abilities that nature gives us. Despite our efforts to maintain visual acuity, it often happens that it begins to deteriorate, causing us a lot of inconvenience, sometimes making us vulnerable and helpless.

Any negative changes in vision are perceived acutely and painfully by a person, forcing them to turn to surgeons or use alternative methods for non-surgical vision restoration.

Often a person is ready to do a lot just to see the world clearly again without wearing glasses or contacts. And wearing glasses is not always convenient - especially in winter, there is a risk of breaking or losing them. But their main drawback, like lenses, is that they will not restore poor eyesight, they will only give you the opportunity to live with this problem a little more comfortably.

The most popular methods of vision restoration and correction now are

  • various medications– tablets, vitamins, drops. They are designed to improve eye function, make them less susceptible to infections and increase resistance pathological changes, strengthen the eye muscles.
  • surgical intervention - this method is recommended to be used in extreme cases when other means of treatment are powerless. So, cataracts can only be gotten rid of through surgery, at least for now.
  • vision correction using high-precision equipment - laser.

At the same time, some ophthalmologists suggest using so-called alternative methods to improve vision, the effectiveness of which often exceeds all of the listed methods, despite the fact that traditional medicine does not strongly support this alternative direction.

One of the representatives of non-traditional ophthalmology is Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, who offers his own technique for restoring visual acuity. It is based on special gymnastics for the eyes, based on methods of vision restoration from Gennady Shichko and William Bates. By combining their works together, supplementing them with special vitamin complex(propolis extract, blueberries), Zhdanov managed to develop his own unique program that allows him to correct vision without surgical intervention.

Who is Zhdanov?

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a physicist and psychologist, professor, heads the Union for the Struggle for Sobriety, vice-president of the International Academy of Sobriety, actively opposes all bad habits, president of the International Association of Psychoanalysts. Thanks to his work, thousands of people returned to a full life.

By the way, wearing glasses, according to Zhdanov, is also bad habit, he repeatedly emphasized their ineffectiveness in the process of normalizing vision. His observations and experiments confirmed this.

If you wear glasses for too long, the eye muscles relax, ceasing to function normally, making it almost impossible to restore vision to “lazy” eyes.

Zhdanov is also known for his fascinating lectures promoting a healthy lifestyle in Moscow and beyond. He is a regular guest on programs and forums.

But his method is most popular full recovery vision, based on the timely implementation of a special warm-up complex for the eyes.

It is based on a multi-level complex set of exercises that effectively restore vision without significant financial and time costs. The main thing here is to understand and realize the need to follow the developed algorithm of actions. Only this will restore your vision. This is what Zhdanov’s technique is based on.

Now we will look key points his methods, and the complete complex, disassembled step by step, can be carefully watched in the video.

  1. Palming. It is used as a basis in many non-traditional methods for restoring vision. The Zhdanov complex is no exception, because this exercise was created in the course of multiple experiments by William Bates.

Palming is understood as a specific exercise aimed at relieving tension from eyeballs.

To complete this you must accept correct position– It’s best to sit down at the table. Although the possibility of palming and lying down is not excluded. Now you need to put your elbows on the table and cover your eyes with your palms. It is important to cover your eyes from light, but not to press your eyeballs.

This position will give your eyes rest and peace, relieve tension, thereby improving blood flow to the eyes.

  1. Morning exercises for the eyes.

You need to warm up not only your body, but also your eye muscles in the morning. To do this, you should regularly perform the following exercises:

  • Let's learn proper breathing, because it is the basis of our health. By regularly inhaling air, we fill the cells with oxygen, which helps the process of blood circulation and oxygen distribution. Without getting out of bed, do deep breath, and then stretch as much as possible, stretching your toes forward and your arms up. Stretch and then roll from side to side.
  • At the same time, open your mouth and eyes as much as possible. Repeat 3 times.
  • We squeeze our eyes tightly (close our eyes), and then open them until maximum limit. And so 6 times.
  • Blink 12 times quickly.
  • Write several numbers or letters in the air with your nose. Thanks to this, the neck relaxes, blood flow to the eyes and their nutrition improves.
  • We move our fingers over the eyes randomly, as if rolling balls. Repeat 10 times.

It is advisable to begin and end each of these exercises with palming.

All this will take you about 15 minutes.

It’s convenient that these exercises can be done by both adults and children. It’s good to do them before work and school, during a break or in nature. Without overloading the eyes, this gymnastics effectively relieves tension and fatigue.

As a result, the Zhdanov technique will improve vision, strengthen the eye muscles, help maintain visual acuity in healthy eyes, teach you to relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes, helping you work, read or watch TV without the risk of worsening your vision.

In addition, Zhdanov developed special comprehensive classes for people with various ophthalmological diseases. To choose the technique you need, we recommend contacting an ophthalmologist - many of them have now begun to be used unconventional method Zhdanova.

Video on this topic

Over time everything more people suffer from certain visual impairments. This may be ordinary fatigue, getting used to working at a monitor, myopia developing against this background, as well as astigmatism, farsightedness and other visual impairments. Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov will help solve these problems and minimize any changes - this is a whole set of exercises created by the eminent professor.

The method is based on the theory of physicist and physiologist Hermann Helmholtz about the structure and functioning of the eye, about its disorders, or rather, its refutation. In studies from 180 years ago, any visual impairment was associated with the work and tone of the internal muscles:

● myopia - tension of the ciliary muscle with the subsequent inability to relax, while the lens becomes convex;

● farsightedness - the muscle works poorly, the lens is flat.

Because of such findings, many years ago, to compensate for the “defect” of the lens, they began to prescribe glasses and wear lenses that matched the dioptres. According to Zhdanov’s method, wearing glasses is harmful - it worsens vision even more. Fortunately, back in the 19th century, ophthalmologist William Bates, while conducting his practice, noticed that glasses actually worsened vision. Those of his patients who lost their glasses or broke them when leaving for the summer in the countryside or in the mountains, walked without “crutches for the eyes” for 2-3 months - glasses were very expensive then - when tested, they showed improvement. The absence of glasses helps restore vision. Helmholtz's theory was refuted. The functioning of the eyelids and human vision are affected by 6 oculomotor muscles.

Bates's research proved that farsightedness occurs due to muscle atrophy, and myopia appears in people from visual, mental, physical stress, overexertion and injury. The ophthalmologist saw the solution to the problem in minimizing the wearing of glasses and relaxation.

Gymnastics for the eyes, which Zhdanov advocates, solves these problems by forcing the muscles to work in the right way - training them and relaxing them. In this way, you can easily get rid of not only myopia, farsightedness, but also strabismus and astigmatism.

Indications for using the technique

Indications for using the technique are any visual impairment: deviation in myopia or farsightedness, severe stress during work, strabismus and astigmatism. Eye exercises according to Zhdanov should be performed, if only because you can save a lot of money by stopping buying glasses or contacts.

An important part of doing the exercises is to reduce the presence of glasses or lenses in a person’s life - they prevent the eyes from naturally strain your muscles.

The second thing that will definitely come in handy is palming. This is the main technique for relaxing the eye muscles.

Exercises according to the method of Professor Zhdanov

IN Lately Increasingly, a doctor may recommend practicing according to Zhdanov’s method for restoring vision. This prescription can be obtained additionally for the treatment of strabismus and astigmatism. The full course will include not only exercises, but also medical supplies- It is difficult for doctors to control whether the patient follows the instructions, whatever they may be, so they try to treat everyone at once.

A set of exercises for the eyes Zhdanova tested, its effectiveness has been proven by many people. So don't hesitate if you want to start. But to achieve results you need perseverance, willpower and discipline.

Rules for doing eye exercises

The exercises are performed smoothly; before starting, it is recommended to blink your eyes to relax your eyelids. The number of times should be gradually increased to three times for each. You need to do three approaches a day - complete the complex three times.

Appointments cannot be performed if surgery was performed less than six months ago or if there is a detachment of the retina.

Eye exercises

Up down
You need to raise your eyes up as much as possible and smoothly lower them down as much as possible.

Right left

Move your eyes to the right as much as possible, then to the left in the same way.

The eyes must be raised to the right and up and down to the left, then to the left and up and to the right and down. The movement should be made as far as possible.

It is necessary to move your eyes clockwise, drawing the largest possible rectangle. Then you need to draw a large rectangle counterclockwise.

The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one: you need to draw a circle of the largest possible size with your eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

You need to move your eyes to the side, and then draw them with a “snake” movement - a sine wave - up-down, up-down, up-down. Then in the other direction.

After each exercise, it is advisable to blink your eyes.

Zhdanov's eye exercises for myopia and farsightedness

With myopia and farsightedness, visual impairment appears according to various reasons, therefore it is absurd and illogical to treat at the root various diseases One medicine will not help. Myopia occurs due to tension in the muscles that control the eyeballs, farsightedness - on the contrary, due to atrophy. Therefore, in the first case, the muscles need to be relaxed, and in the second, they need to be toned. Therefore, to improve vision, there are separate exercises to force the right muscles to behave in the right way.

Proper exercise for myopic people

Correct charging - relaxation.

This will help improve vision in myopia.

1. Squint as hard as possible so that your eyes tense to the point of trembling. You can look at individual objects. Relax your eyes - the trembling should disappear, but the squinting should remain. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Look at the wall, imagine that there are 2 black dots on it, one above the other at a distance of 0.5 m. Look at the top point, then slowly move your gaze in a straight line to the bottom.

Rub your palms to warm them up. Inner side put them on closed eyes. The fingers are on the forehead, the light does not penetrate, the nose breathes freely. The exercise is performed for 3-5 minutes. Then, without lifting your palm, you need to blink and only then remove your hands from your face.

Vision training for farsightedness

Thumb exercise

1. Extend your hand forward, make a fist, raise it up thumb.

2. Look into the distance, look at your thumb.

3. Bring your thumb closer to your face - at a distance of at least 15 cm.

4. Just as slowly, you need to move your hand away from your face.

Index finger exercise

1. You need to clench your hand into a fist and raise forefinger.

2. The hand must be brought to the face - an extended finger opposite the eyelids.

3. Look into the distance until the end of the workout.

4. Move your arm 20 cm to the left, then smoothly return it to the position in front of you.

5. Then move your hand to the right 20 cm and return it in front of you again.

The effectiveness of the method for cataracts

There are people who have achieved results with cataracts by practicing according to Zhdanov’s method. The professor did not expect that the exercises would help with this. The method is designed to cure more common disorders. Cloudiness of the lens is not included in them - the complex can help, but muscle tone and their elasticity can slow down the changes, but not reverse them completely.

Eye exercises for cataracts have not been studied.

How to restore vision with astigmatism


1. Stand facing the sun or a burning candle with your eyelids closed. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. There is no tension in the body.

2. The body and head turn to the right, scrolling right leg. The sun is located on the left.

3. Similarly, you need to turn to the left. The sun will be on the right side. The eyelids remain closed.

When executed, the effect of sunbeams appears. The exercise must be performed 20-25 times.

Nutrition and its combination with Zhdanov’s exercises

It is advisable to do exercises between meals. It is recommended not to abuse harmful and unhealthy foods, smoking and alcohol during the period of vision restoration. It would be ideal to increase the amount of vitamin A consumed in food, which is responsible for vision, by eating more foods containing it.

The fact is that modern man I constantly face problems with my vision, I have only myself to blame. There are many temptations to damage your eyesight: watching television, computers, various gadgets...

In youth, people don’t think about preserving their vision, but by the age of 30, many have to deal with acquired myopia, astigmatism, eye fatigue syndrome, glaucoma...

Many doctors and doctors offer methods for restoring vision. traditional healers– Avetisov, Norbekov, Professor Zhdanov... Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov believes that glasses are needed only in case serious problems with the eyes, in other cases a person is able to help himself, with the help of gymnastics and mobilization of fortitude.

When developing his methodology, the professor was based on the research of psychophysiologists Bates and Shichko.

Zhdanov’s eye gymnastics is performed along with other recommendations:

  • complete cessation of bad habits;
  • separate meals;
  • limiting fat;
  • extended drinking regime.

Professor Zhdanov believes that first a person’s psychological stability should be restored, his spiritual world should be revived, and all this together will help normalize the health and function of all organic systems.

  • A set of eye exercises according to Zhdanov

    You need to turn your face to the sun - your eyes are closed. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, relaxed.

    Exercise: turn the chest and head in one direction, turn the opposite side of the leg accordingly, turn the heel up. That is, turn to the right, the heel of the left foot turns upward - the sun with right side. Turn in the opposite direction - heel up of the left foot, sun on the left side. You should repeat to yourself: the sun is on the right - the sun is on the left. After 10-12 repetitions, a sensation of flashes appears before the eyes. In total you need to make 25-27 turns.

    The sun's rays that penetrate the eyelid accelerate the blood supply to the retina and activate its functionality.

    In cloudy weather, the sun is replaced with a table lamp or a burning candle. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can simply turn your head, leaving your legs motionless.

    • Palming.

    Contraindications to palming:

    • retinal detachment;
    • period after ophthalmic surgery - the exercise can be done no earlier than 6-8 months after the end of the rehabilitation period.

    The exercise is named after "palm"- palm in English. Helps restore eye function after increased visual stress.

    Palming. You need to sit down and straighten your back. You should first rub your palms to feel the warmth. Next, the palms are folded crosswise, at right angles, forming a cage. Hands are brought to the face so that the nose is in the corner formed by the little fingers, and "cell" in the center of the forehead. The eyes are covered with palmar dimples. You need to press it so tightly that not a single ray of light penetrates your eyes. Elbows rest on the table.

    Under the palms of your hands, you need to turn your eyes to the side, close, open - that is, do voluntary movements while repeating the mantra: “I love my eyes, they allow me to see all the beauty of the world around me. My vision is improving every day, I see better and better.”.

    You need to breathe calmly, emotions are only positive, unpleasant moments should be cut off completely. Unpleasant memories - and there will be no benefit from the exercise.

    Exit from palming. Inhale and exhale, blink quickly.

    This exercise quickly restores visual acuity after prolonged eye strain. The entire lesson will take about 5 minutes.

    1. If the cause of eye fatigue is increased ultraviolet radiation or blurred vision after Solaris, then palming is carried out according to the following algorithm: the eyelids are closed:

    However, you should not sit down; the exercise is performed while standing. Once the flashes have disappeared, you need to blink.

    Exit from palming is carried out according to the method already described - rapid blinking. Next, relax your arms, bending them several times and straightening them at the elbows.

    • The near-distance exercise is designed to train the longitudinal and transverse eye muscles.

    During the lesson, you need to look at objects that are at different distances. That is, they focus their gaze on the bridge of their nose - then turn their gaze to an object approximately 5 meters from themselves, to the tip of the nose - 7-10 m from themselves, upper lip- ceiling.

    It is useful to perform while working at the computer, or after watching TV - it helps to quickly improve the quality of vision.

    • Alternating movements of the eyeballs. The exercise is performed once every 2 days.

    While practicing, draw figures with your eyes:

    • eyes in a circle - blinking;
    • diagonals – left and right – blinking;
    • rectangle clockwise – right/left;
    • bow - blinking;
    • snake - blinking;
    • examine the watch dial - gradually expanding circles - blinking;

    All movements help improve vision, they help speed up metabolism - normalize blood supply and improve the supply of nutrients.

    The spiral is untwisted from the tip of the nose to the walls of the room in which they are located, the globe is rotated through the equator, the eye exercise is combined with blinking and movements of the facial muscles - tension and relaxation.

    • Gymnastics to strengthen the oculomotor muscles - morning complex.

    To fully conduct a lesson, 15 minutes is enough.

    You need to take a comfortable position - lie on your back, even out your breathing. Arms and legs are spread freely. Next, you should perform the movements as comfortable as possible - roll over from side to side, turn your head, open and close your mouth and eyes, blink frequently. At the same time, various figures are outlined with the nose and gaze.

    These actions normalize blood supply in cervical spine spine, which helps improve vision.

    It is advisable to supplement the training with movements of the fingers - they are squeezed and unclenched. Each movement is performed 4-6 times. Calm breathing helps you recover.

    • Zhdanov's eye exercises for farsightedness.

    The goal of the workout is to activate the eye muscles. However, not only they are involved, but also the hands.

    Extend your arm in front of you with your hand bent thumb"Class!". Then the finger is moved closer to the organ of vision - at a distance of 15 cm, then the finger is moved away, moved to a distance of 5 cm. 15 approaches.

    Now the index finger helps restore vision. They lift it to the distance of an outstretched arm, move it from side to side, move the hand to the right and left, deviating from the axis by 20 cm, the finger constantly performs oscillatory movements, you should concentrate on it - that is, the gaze is constantly directed at the fingers

    Gymnastics to restore vision with astigmatism is the already described palming. It should be performed immediately when, while reading or working, you feel that the image begins to blur.

    Professor Zhdanov's eye gymnastics undoubtedly helps eliminate fatigue of the eye muscles after overwork and restore visual acuity.

    The complex includes exercises developed by the author and those that are traditionally used in classes with adults and children.

    It is hardly possible to cure serious ophthalmic disease even with regular exercises, but it is quite possible to restore visual acuity to those who have just begun to lose it due to the inability to plan their own time - to establish a balanced regime of work and rest.

    Before you start doing eye exercises, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

  • V.G. Zhdanov created his own method of correcting and increasing visual acuity based on a number of works by other scientists. His gymnastics combines the methods of ophthalmologist Bates and psychoanalyst Shichko. His system also included the works of Porfiry Ivanov, Paul Bragg and Christian commandments, which were revised specifically in relation to vision treatment.


    The basic principles of work according to Zhdanov are:

    • Regular dosed exercises– it is better to perform the complex three times a day for 10 minutes than once, but for 30 minutes.
    • Each lesson should be carried out with a gradual increase in intensity, that is, you need to start with 6 exercises and add 1-2 movements every day.
    • All manipulations are carried out harmoniously, but smoothly. There should be no sudden movements or overexertion during exercises.
    • When performing exercises, it is especially important to have a positive attitude toward the result.. To do this, try to think about pleasant things, imagine the positive moments in life that you have experienced.
    • The Shichko method also helps to have a positive attitude, which involves writing before bedtime life-affirming postulates like “from tomorrow my vision is getting better and better, I’ll stop wearing glasses, I don’t need them, because I see well.”

    Set of exercises

    The set of exercises is presented in several sections. They allow you to get some effects, such as relaxation or muscle training. Therefore, each section should be considered separately and, based on the data obtained, develop your own complex with a gradual increase in intensity.


    Solarization is carried out if there is natural source light, which can be both the sun and a candle. This is done as follows:

    To perform the exercise with a candle, you first need to turn off the lights in the room and curtain the windows. You should sit a meter away from the candle and turn your head without keeping your gaze on the flame.

    But this will help you understand what an exercise using the Bates method of restoring vision looks like:


    When performing this exercise, you need to involve your palms in the work. You need to perform the exercise to relax immediately after solarization.

    While palming, it is very important to have a positive attitude and relax. The best position is considered to be sitting, with your elbows on the table. It is also important to create a positive image by imagining how the eyes acquire normal shape and health, becoming more beautiful.

    As you peer into the darkness, also imagine beautiful landscape or what brings you pleasure, happiness, peace. Continue the exercise until you feel the eyes relax and the light flashes after solarization pass.

    Exercises "near-far"

    The exercise involves visualization. You can do it as follows:

    Each path must end at the specified location. Then you should blink and repeat six more times. All three points are performed in one session, and not as a separate exercise.

    Central fixation

    Central fixation is based on viewing objects. You can do it at home, or in any other setting. For example, if you are at home, go to a window and select a distant object, such as a tree. Start looking at it more closely. Then select a specific thread and start looking at it. Gradually move on to examining a single leaf and its individual particles.

    Central fixation according to Zhdanov

    When concentrating on smaller details, surrounding objects are seen worse - this normal operation eyes. The exercise must be performed without glasses.

    But you can find out how to use it and which drops are the best from the article at the link.

    The second type of exercise is outdoors. For example, a crowd at a bus stop on the opposite side of the street. You look at her. Then you select a specific person. You look at his sweater, shirt, jacket or jacket. Next, highlight a specific detail on the outerwear and examine it. Another way: a page in a book, then text on it, then a separate line and finally a word and a letter.

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    Directly gymnastics with exercises for the eyes. The previous methods are more of a warm-up, which forces you to relax the muscles, and then make them work in the correct mode.

    Gymnastics itself will begin to train the muscles responsible for motor ability:

    After each exercise, you need to blink quickly and then change direction. Practiced together with other sections such as solarization and palming. On the first day, classes are based on 6 selected exercises. Add a couple of new moves every day. Finish your workout with palming.

    Here's how recovery happens laser correction vision, and how effective this procedure is, this will help to understand